A Public Sector Newsletter...a professional public service committed to excellence

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1 Republic of Mauritius Update A Public Sector Newsletter...a professional public service committed to excellence A publication of the Ministry of Civil Service and Administrative Reforms Issue No.1 August 2012 Mauritius Ratifies African Charter on Values and Principles of Public Service and Administration Public Service Excellence Award 2011 Interview: Sutyadeo Moutia «La Fonction publique avance à grands pas». Building a Culture of Integrity in the Public Service

2 Droopnath Ramphul State College Public Service Excellence Award Grand Winner 2011 From left to right: 1.Mrs Meenakshi Devi RAMDANY 2. Mrs Firdaus JEEAWOODY CHOYCHOO 3. Mrs Neelda DOMAH 4. Miss Bindiya Devi MUNRAKHAN 5. Mrs Dahmiantee BEEHARRY PANRAY 6. Mr Balmick FAWDAR 7. Miss Roukaiyah COOWAR 8. Hon. Sutyadeo MOUTIA 9. Mr Sateeaved SEEBALUCK 10. Mr Ravin DAJEE

3 Table of Contents 2-3 Civil Service Reforms Strategy 4-6 Interview du ministre de le Fonction Publique et des Réformes Administratives : La fonction publique avance à grands pas Quality Service delivery Editorial 1. Mrs I.M. Oree, Permanent Secretary 2. Mr A.K. Hoolass, Permanent Secretary 3. Mr G. Gukhool, Principal Assistant Secretary 4. Mr K. Samlall, Principal Assistant Secretary 5. Mrs P. Beeharry, Director, Human Resource Management 6. Mr S.D. Jannoo, Human Resource Management Officer 7. Mr N. Lobind, Assistant Secretary 8. Mrs O. Vinktaremdoo, Assistant Secretary 9. Mr S. Buton, Assistant Secretary 10. Mr S. Coolen, Head, Safety and Health Unit 11. Mr S. Seeburn, Adviser on Civil Service Matters 12. Mrs B. Boyjoo, Adviser on Information Matters 13. Mr D. Mooloo, Executive Officer The Editorial Team would like to place on record the valuable advice and support from Mr Subash Gobine, Director of Communications, Prime Minister s Office and Mr Pradeep Goburdhone, Ag Principal Information Officer, Government Information Service, Prime Minister s Office. The Editorial Team would also like to thank Mr S. Green and his team of the Government Printing Office for help and support extended in the publication of this Magazine. This Newsletter will be published on a terannual basis. Articles appearing in this Newsletter reflect the views of the authors and not necessarily those of Ministry of Civil Service and Administrative Reforms. 6 Help desk 7 African Charter on the Values and Principles of Public Services and Administration 8 Africa Public Service Day (APSD) and United Nations Public Service Day (UNPSD) 9 Enhancing Counter Services/ Customer Care 10 Promoting the delivery of Quality Customer Services 10 Gérer les risques de corruption dans la fonction publique Questions à Sadhna Panchoo ISO Certification Scheme 16 Promoting Harmonious Employment Relations Through Dialogue Public Service Excellence Award 42 Regional and International Public Sector Awards Building an Ethical Culture Code of Ethics for Public Officers 41 Building a Culture of Integrity in the Public Service Welfare Public Officers Welfare Council Human Resource Development 30 Office Care Attendants 31 Synergy in Prosecuting Offenders Manning and Reinforcing the Administrative Cadre La Civil Service Library Human Resource and Health and Safety Performance Management System in the Civil Service The Occupational Safety and Health Unit 43 Promoting Trade Unions Rights Through the Reinforcement of Social Dialogue People Portrait: (i) Shailen Dursun Appointments (ii) Yasdev Kistomohun

4 Civil Service Reforms Strategy Civil Service Civil Service Reforms Reforms Strategy Strategy Workshop on report of the World Bank The Ministry of Civil Service and Administrative Reforms in collaboration with the World Bank organised a Workshop on 4 and 5 April 2012 at Labourdonnais Waterfront Hotel, Caudan - Port Louis with a view to set the basis for a Civil Service Reforms Strategy in line with the Maurice Ile Durable concept. The workshop is a follow up of a Draft Technical Overview Note submitted, in August last year, by the World Bank, under the First Public Sector Performance Development Policy Loan to assist Government to move ahead with reforms by providing support in social protection and public sector efficiency, including the productivity of human resources in the civil service and competitiveness. The workshop was attended by Supervising Officers of all Ministries, stakeholders from the Private Sector and Trade Unions, NGO and Consumer Protection Organisations. In his keynote address at the opening ceremony, the Minister for Civil Service and Administrative Reforms, 2

5 highlighted that there should be a series of bold changes in the public sector to match the changing socio-economic landscape together with political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal contributions. We need to move towards a responsive civil service that would support Government s vision of a modern and economically strong nation while sustaining our commitments. There should be increased levels of accountability, costefficiency and responsiveness to meet the expectations of the citizens which certainly require a real cultural change said the Minister. Mr Osman Mahomed, Executive Chairman, Maurice Ile durable Commission made a presentation on Maurice Ile Durable with a view to ensuring that the discussions are directed towards Government s Strategy. Mr R.P Ramlugun, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Education & Human Resources spoke on Education and the Human Resource Strategy- The Process which is a home grown strategy and accepted by the World Bank. After the plenary discussion the participants broke out in four groups each assigned with a specific theme namely Modernising Service Delivery, Human Resources, Citizens Engagement, and Capacity Building & Skills Development. In light of the discussions and proposals made, the World Bank will come up with a revised Technical Overview Note which will be the basis to the development of a Civil Service Reforms Strategy. Pending the elaboration of a comprehensive and integrated Civil Service Strategy, the Ministry of Civil Service and Administrative Reforms has identified the following quickwins that can be driven by streamlining and simplifying certain processes: l simplifying procedures for the prescription of schemes of service; l use of ICT; l enhancement of the work environment to improve staff morale; and l Public Service Excellence Award 3

6 Interview Le ministre Sutyadeo Moutia, explique l objectif d Update, parle de ses réalisations et des projets mis en œuvre afin d offrir un service de qualité au public. L amélioration du cadre de travail de l employé, la formation et les réformes enclenchées sont des sujets qui lui tiennent également à cœur. Pour lui la fonction publique est loin d être statique. Quel but souhaitez-vous à atteindre en publiant Update, la nouvelle newsletter du ministère de la Fonction Publique et des Reformes Administratives? Update vient combler un vide. Il sera un outil de communication important pour les fonctionnaires et nos partenaires. Malgré le fait qu il existe un portail informant les visiteurs des activités du ministère, il s avère que certains fonctionnaires n ont pas accès à un ordinateur ou l Internet sur leur lieu de travail. C est pourquoi nous avons décidé de lancer une newsletter. Cette publication permettra ainsi une présence récurrente et régulière du ministère dans la vie des fonctionnaires tout en les informant des sujets importants. Update vient également équilibrer les choses par rapport aux médias en présentant les nombreuses réalisations de la fonction publique. Bref, nous voulons être un secteur qui s exprime sur son métier, son environnement, sa politique et ses engagements sociétaux. Vous avez pris vos fonctions en aout Quelles sont les réalisations dont vous êtes le plus fier? Il y en a plusieurs. Ce qui m a frappé en arrivant ici c est le nombre de problèmes que rencontraient les fonctionnaires au niveau professionnel mais surtout le temps que les officiers prenaient et cela pour différentes raisons- à trouver une solution. Nous avons essayé de voir comment être a l écoute des fonctionnaires et nous avons crée un Help Desk en mars de cette année au ministère de la Fonction Publique et des Réformes Administratives. Cet espace est dédié à tous les employés du secteur public qui font face à des soucis d ordre professionnel. Ils peuvent être rassurés que ce service considère en toute confidentialité les requêtes des employés qui nécessitent des clarifications ou une assistance sur des questions spécifiques relatives à leurs conditions de service. La personne attachée à ce service joue le rôle de conseil auprès de ceux qui font appel à elle. Cette dernière assure le suivi des dossiers tout en me faisant un rapport hebdomadaire. A ce jour nous avons traité une soixantaine de plaintes. Ou en êtes- vous avec le projet de Civil Service College? Je me suis investit personnellement dans le projet d un collège pour la fonction Sutyadeo Moutia, ministre de publique. Nous sommes arrivés à un stade où la concrétisation du projet ne sera qu une question de semaines. Nous sommes sur la bonne voie. Une des priorités du gouvernement est la formation des fonctionnaires. Dites-nous en plus. Nous avons soutenu le programme de formation des fonctionnaires de tous les niveaux. Avec le seul centre de formation situé au Fooks House, nous avons pu toucher 3000 fonctionnaires y compris ceux de Rodrigues en une année. Les cours offerts sont variés et couvrent un large éventail de sujets comme le Supervisory Skills, le Human Resource, le Project et Financial Management, l Interpersonal Communications Skill et même le Tea making pour les Office Care Attendants. Nous avons également réalisé des formations en partenariat avec l université de Technologie ainsi que la branche mauricienne du Middlesex University. De nombreuses études ont démontré qu un bon environnement de travail influe sur la productivité des employés. Que fait le ministère pour améliorer le cadre de travail des fonctionnaires? C est un sujet qui me tient très à cœur. Le gouvernement à travers mon ministère a «La fonc 4

7 Interview Interview la Fonction Publique et des Réformes Administratives : tion publique avance à grands pas». amélioré le cadre de travail dans plusieurs ministères. A ce jour nous avons dépensé Rs 17,5 millions du budget de Rs 30 millions alloué à cet item. 177 projets ont été mis sur pied incluant le contrôle des animaux nuisibles, la mise sur place de systèmes de ventilation, le remplacement des installations électriques et la fourniture de First Aid kit, entre autres. Nous procédons également à la mise en œuvre, sur une base pilote, d un Occupational Safety and Health Management System dans certains ministères et départements pour que la fonction publique devienne conforme aux normes de Safety and Health. Au début de l année nous avons aussi rencontré les représentants du Staff Welfare Association pour nous enquérir des souhaits des fonctionnaires en ce qui concerne les loisirs. Cela fait six mois que certains fonctionnaires travaillent le samedi. Quel est votre constat? Le gouvernement est guidé par le principe de Putting People First. La philosophie derrière cette idée est de permettre au public d entamer certaines démarches, d obtenir des informations auprès des 35 Citizens Advice Bureau ou encore d effectuer des paiements à certaines caisses de l Etat le samedi. Il est vrai qu au départ il y a eu certaines réticences. Mais je peux vous assurer, qu après six mois d opération, l expérience est positive. Nous avons commencé ce projet sur une base pilote et nous allons bientôt effectuer une évaluation. La fonction publique ne jouit pas d une bonne image auprès du public. Elle est perçue comme négative et archaïque. Que fait votre ministère pour assainir la situation? Il est malheureux que souvent la fonction publique souffre d une image négative en raison de mauvaises pratiques d une poignée de fonctionnaires. Je dois dire que la majorité des fonctionnaires sont des professionnels capables qui font leur travail comme il faut. Concrètement nous avons notre Code d éthique pour les fonctionnaires qui appelle à épouser les valeurs fondamentales de la fonction publique telle l intégrité, l objectivité, l impartialité et l honnêteté. De plus mon ministère a ratifié l African Charter on Values and Principles of Public Service and Administration. Bientôt nous ferons un rapport sur le progrès de l implémentation à l Union Africaine. continued on page 6 5

8 Help Desk Le public doit également savoir que la fonction publique bouge avec son temps, se modernise et s informatise. L e-government facilite la vie du public surtout en ce qu il s agit des formulaires que l on peut remplir en ligne. Lorsque le broadband internet access sera une réalité, ces services seront encore plus accessibles. De plus nous avons initié des actions pour mettre en place le Human Resource Management Information System (HRMIS). C est un outil technologique novateur qui aidera à la gestion des ressources humaines. Le HRMIS offrira des informations actualisées non seulement pour aider la prise de décision mais simplifiera aussi les fonctions des ressources humaines entre autres. Je vous assure que la fonction publique, surtout au vu de la qualité du personnel qui est hautement qualifié, avance à grands pas. Bindu BOYJOO Help Desk - Call Assistance to civil servants A Help Desk has been set up in March 2012 by the Ministry of Civil Service and Administrative Reforms to listen to problems faced by public officers in their workplace and which are connected to their conditions of service. In line with the mission statement of the Ministry, the objectives of the Help Desk are to provide a medium to public officers to voice out their problems in connection with their conditions of service which cannot otherwise be addressed at the level of their respective Ministries/Departments; to make inquiries into the problems brought by public officers to the Help Desk; and to come up with solutions/arrangements so that workplace problems do not spillover and become breeding ground for frustration with all its possible impact on the productivity and life of public officers. Public officers may personally call at the 7th Floor of the New Government Centre or send their to: helpdesk-mcsar@mail.gov.mu or telephone on number: The Help Desk does not function in isolation but through a network of experienced public officers whose advice is sought to address the problems of those requesting the service of the Help Desk. The whole exercise is carried out under strict confidentiality. 6

9 African Charter African Charter on the Values and Principles of Public Service and Administration Mauritius second country to ratify the Charter The African Charter on the Values and Principles of Public Service and Administration is intended mainly to:- (i) be a useful instrument for modernisation and professionalisation of the systems of public management; and (ii) contribute to a common language related to the public service in Africa that fully takes into account the characteristics, cultures, history and traditions in each country. Mauritius is the second country after Kenya to have ratified the African Charter on the Values and Principles of Public Service and Administration. The instruments of Ratification were deposited on 23 January 2012 by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration and International Trade at the Commission of the African Union during the 18th African Union Summit held in Addis Ababa. The Charter was officially signed by the Hon. Sutyadeo Moutia, Minister of the Civil Service and Administrative Reforms at the opening ceremony of a Consultative Meeting on the African Charter on the Values and Principles of Public Service and Administration held from 15 to 16 September 2011 at La Plantation, Balaclava. The African Charter on the Values and Principles of Public Service and Administration was established at the second Pan African Conference of Ministers of Civil Service held in Rabat (Morocco) from 13 to 15 December The Charter was formally adopted at the third PAN African Conference of Ministers of Public Service held in Windhoek, Namibia on 5 and 6 February After several reviews during Experts Meeting, the draft Charter was finalised at the Meeting held in Algiers in December The Charter was finally adopted at the 16th Ordinary Session of the African Union Assembly in January Objectives The objectives of the Charter are, inter-alia, to:- (i) encourage citizens and users to participate in the process of providing public service, particularly through communication, consultation and active contribution to the formulation of administrative procedures; (ii) promote the moral values inherent in the duties of public service employees in order to ensure transparency in the provision of public services; (iii) contribute to improving working conditions of public service employees and protecting their rights; (iv) encourage States Parties to harmonise their policies and procedures with a view to fostering regional and continental integration; and (v) stimulate the exchange of experiences and good practices with a view to building a community of knowledge among States Parties. 7

10 APSD & UNPSD Africa Public Service Day (APSD) and United Nations Public Service Day (UNPSD) Hon. Sutyadeo Moutia: We need a public service manned by officers who are creative and talented In an era of increasingly complex challenges, from climate change to food insecurity and the financial and economic crisis Mauritius needs a public service manned by officers who are creative and talented than ever and ready to face yet unknown challenges. This statement was made by the Hon. Sutyadeo Moutia, Minister of Civil Service and Administrative Reforms in his message to civil servants on the occasion of the Africa Public Service Day (APSD) and the United Nations Public Service Day (UNPSD) celebrated each year on the 23rd June. According to the Minister the ability of a society to maintain safety and essential public services, protect human rights, maintain an efficient framework for market activities and to hold free and fair elections draw on the skills and sense of purpose of public officers working as a team. Without an effective public service, democracy and prosperity are virtually unattainable, he said. In Mauritius, added the Minister, Public officers at all levels of the hierarchy are doing a marvelous job, both in the forefront as well as discretely behind the curtains. Through the work it does, the Public Service provides for infrastructure, housing, education, health services, law and order, poverty alleviation and creates the right environment for our people to earn a good living, raise a family and lead a fulfilling life. He concluded by acknowledging the critical role the public service plays in the advancement of our democratic processes and the socioeconomic development of our country. APSD and UNPSD The Africa Public Service Day (APSD) and the United Nations Public Service Day (UNPSD) are celebrated each year on the 23rd June. The APSD serves as a platform for the public service to showcase best practices and innovations, recognize and reward good initiatives in the public sector and to promote values such as professionalism, accountability and integrity in service delivery. Different strategies have been initiated and implemented in Africa in order to enhance the delivery of public services and good governance. In the spirit of African Unity, a number of networks, summits and conferences for African leaders have been created, including the Pan-African Conference of Ministers responsible for Public Service, Public Sector Management and Civil Service Administration. The Ministers held their first Conference in Tangiers, Algeria in They declared that each year June 23 should be commemorated and celebrated in African countries as Africa Public Service Day (APSD). The theme for the 2012 APSD celebration is Capacity Development for implementation of the African Charter on Values and Principles of Public Service and Administration towards Capable Development States. 8

11 Enhancing Counter Services/Customer Care Enhancing Counter Services/ Customer Care 80 projects implemented In line with the vision of Government of Putting People First, the Ministry of Civil Service and Administrative Reforms is actively promoting a scheme to enhance the level of Counter/ Customer Services, particularly at the level of Ministries/ Departments that deal directly and extensively with members of the public. Over the past 5 years, 80 projects have been implemented across the civil service for the modernization of Counter/ Customer Services. Some examples are the setting up of an integrated Customer Service Centre at the Fire Services Department and the setting up of an Online Applications Counter and an Electronic Search Room at the Companies Division and Registrar General Division. To support the implementation of this scheme, user friendly guidelines on Providing Quality Counter/Customer Services have been published in June 2008 and widely distributed to public officers serving at counters in Ministries / Departments. These guidelines are also posted on the website of the Ministry for easy access. Ministries/Departments have been invited to adopt a customer centric approach and implement simple measures to enhance delivery of Counter/ Customer Services. These measures relate, inter-alia, to: the provision of uninterrupted service during lunch time; the setting up of appropriate waiting areas; affixing of clear directional signs; and adopting the right attitude when dealing with customers. Under this scheme, funds are allocated to Ministries/ Departments for the upgrading/ modernization of their counter services, for example through the provision of electronic ticketing machines, directional signs, and comfortable waiting chairs for members of the public. The Ministry also ensures that improvements in the physical setting of counters are accompanied by firstly, streamlining and reviewing of procedures and processes, including those of back office so that members of the public are provided with timely and expedient service; and secondly, attitudinal changes on the part of counter officers, which are supported by training and sensitization programmes in customer care. 9

12 Enhancing Counter Services/Customer Care Promoting the delivery of quality customer services 48 Customer/Citizens Charters published In line with the objective of the Ministry of Civil Service and Administrative Reforms to promote the delivery of quality customer services, to date most Ministries and major Departments have published their Customer/Citizens Charters. An improved waiting area The public service operates in an era where development must be people-centered. Satisfying citizens needs and fulfilling their expectations will enable the Mauritian Civil Service to evolve positively in a competitive environment. The Customer/Citizens Charter is an ideal tool to cut down on red tapism as all parameters and requirements needed by the public to qualify for and benefit from a particular service are clearly spelt out, along with the time frame within which the service will be delivered. Ministries/Departments have been requested to publish their respective Customer/Citizen s Charter so as to clearly define their operating standards. Gérer les risques de corruption dans la fonction publique CRM: Une approche proactive Dans le cadre de la mise en place d un système de gestion de risques dans les corps publics, le Corruption Risk Management (CRM) prévoit une approche proactive pour déterminer et analyser les risques de corruption aussi bien que pour développer la méthodologie pour minimiser et gérer ces risques. Cette mesure est partie intégrante de la bonne gouvernance et aide à rendre le système moins vulnérable à ces risques de corruption. Une approche, étape par étape, est préconisée dans le cadre de la mise en place du CRM : Identification des risques, Analyse, évaluation et classification des risques en ordre prioritaire, Gérer, traiter et éliminer les risques, et Suivi et analyse critique. L application du CRM permet d identifier les faiblesses structurelles de l organisation qui sont vulnérables à la corruption, et permet aussi au personnel de faire partie de ce processus à travers une approche systématique. Ce processus permet d identifier les risques et ses fréquences afin d apporter des mesures correctives pour éliminer ou réduire ces risques. 10

13 Question a Sadhna Panchoo Questions à... Sadhna Panchoo, Assistant Manager Human Resource, du ministère des Technologies de l Information et de la Communication : «Le HRMIS va certainement contribuer à l autonomisation des fonctionnaires» Où en est le projet du Human Resource Management Information System (HRMIS)? Il faut comprendre que ce système devrait faciliter la gestion et la planification stratégique des ressources humaines ( strategic human ressource planning and management) mais aussi simplifier les activités et transactions liées à la gestion des ressources humaines (human ressource functions). Un comité de haut niveau présidé par le Senior Chief Executive du ministère de la Fonction Publique et des Réformes Administratives M. Sateeaved Seebaluck a été institué. Ce comité est composé de différents partenaires et organismes tels le ministère des Finances, des Technologies de l Information et de la Communication, de l Accountant General et de la Public Service Commission. Un sous-comité a été mis sur place pour considérer les aspects techniques et opérationnels du projet. Trois groupes de travail ont été crées pour mener une étude critique sur les aspects opérationnels des ressources humaines ainsi que les volets techniques et financières. Leurs recommandations seront soumises en juillet de cette année. Quel est le but d un HRMIS au niveau de la fonction publique? L objectif est de créer une base de données commune pour la fonction publique et de permettre aux différents ministères et départements d utiliser cet outil pour leur propre gestion et planification des ressources humaines. Le but est également d éviter la duplication entre chaque département et ministères. Le HRMIS simplifiera aussi les activités et les transactions liées à la gestion des ressources 11

14 Question a Sadhna Panchoo Every job is a self-portrait of the person who did it. Autograph your work with excellence. humaines et créera une synergie entre la section des finances et le département des ressources humaines de chaque ministère. Quel sera son impact sur les «opérations» au niveau des différents départements de la fonction publique? Ce procédé permettra de gagner du temps et de réduire la durée de procédure. Cela permettra également une meilleure utilisation des ressources humaines, ce qui amènera plus de productivité et d efficience. Autre avantage: la possibilité d avoir accès à des informations actualisées grâce a des applications self-service. Le fonctionnaire sera amené à actualiser luimême ses données comme un changement d adresse, une nouvelle qualification, un mariage. L employé pourra aussi avoir accès à des informations concernant ses congés annuels, ses passage benefits, entre autres. Ainsi, il n aura pas à s absenter du travail pour s en enquérir. Cela va alléger le travail du département des ressources humaines qui pourra alors davantage se concentrer sur les questions stratégiques. De plus l HRMIS facilitera le paiement des salaires et des allocations ainsi que le budgeting process (en relation aux ressources humaines) de la fonction publique. Dans une certaine mesure cette application va aussi contribuer à améliorer la vie des fonctionnaires. Qu en-est-il exactement? Le HRMIS va certainement contribuer à l autonomisation des fonctionnaires. Ces derniers sont au service du public et on oublie souvent que les fonctionnaires sont nos internal customers. Le souhait du département des ressources humaines c est d offrir un service de qualité aux employés de la fonction publique. Je voudrai ajouter que souvent quand un nouvel officier est embauché, les ressources humaines ne sont pas forcément au courant de ses compétences annexes. Il y a par exemple, des fonctionnaires qui possèdent un savoir-faire au niveau du marketing, du tourisme, de la technologie informatique, des finances ou encore de l administration. En ayant toutes ces données en main, on saura où poster ces employés d après leurs compétences ; c est a dire en ayant la bonne personne à la bonne place. Ce sera un plus pour l organisation ainsi que pour l individu qui aura l opportunité d utiliser ses competences. Bindu BOYJOO Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives. 12

15 ISO Certification Scheme ISO Certification Scheme 33 orginisations have obtained ISO 9001:2008 Since the implementation of the MS ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System in the Civil Service, in the year 2000, with the aim of developing a customeroriented culture, 33 organisations have obtained the certification. The application of ISO principles in Ministries/Departments fits into the government objective to improve quality at all levels in the Civil Service. The ISO principles help revisit and reengineer existing practices by streamlining the procedures, continuously improving the processes and guaranteeing consistency and transparency in all transactions taking place within the organisations. What is a Quality Management System? Any organisation interested in providing quality products and services must have a Quality Management System (QMS). A QMS defines and establishes an organisation s quality policy and objectives and allows the organisation to document and implement the procedures needed to attain its predetermined goals. A properly implemented QMS ensures that procedures are carried out consistently, that problems can be identified and resolved, and that the organisation can continuously review and improve its procedures, products and services. It is a mechanism for maintaining and improving the quality of products or services so that they consistently meet or exceed the customer s implied or stated needs and fulfill their quality objectives. The best known system that provides a world class QMS as well as quality standards is known as the ISO 9000 series. ISO 9000 series standards The ISO 9000 series is one of the best known families of standards, in existence for two decades. It is a set of individual but related international standards on quality management. These standards are generic, not specific to any particular product and can be used by manufacturing as well as service industries. These standards were developed to effectively document the quality system elements to be implemented in order to maintain an efficient quality system in an organisation. Globally, organisations in the private and public sectors have built and continue to build their quality systems around these 13

16 ISO Certification Scheme Standards. Both large and small organisations with international businesses perceive the ISO 9000 series as a route to open markets and improved competitiveness. Why adopt ISO 9001:2008 Standards? been especially trained to form part of the pool of Facilitators. Moreover, every year around 40 Public Officers are provided with training in Preparing for MS ISO 9001:2008 Assessment and Internal Auditing Techniques which is carried out by the Mauritius Standards Bureau. This training is meant for sustaining this ISO initiative. ISO 9001:2008 is a core member of the ISO 9000 family, specifying key requirements of an efficient and adaptable QMS. Adopting the Standards in the Public Service can result in the following benefits:- change the mindset of employees and institutionalize a culture of excellence; improve accountability across the board; strengthen service provider/ customer confidence and relationship; ISO/QMS Projects List of ongoing projects 2012 SN Organisations 1 Home Affairs Division, Prime Minister s Office 2 Data Protection Office, Prime Minister s Office 3 Employment Division, Ministry of Labour, Industrial Relations and Employment 4 National Coast Guard (4 units) 5 Prisons Dept (2 units) 6 Competent Authority-Seafood save costs; provide a documented and consistent QMS throughout the organisation; ensure continued use of the QMS; improve documentation processes; and provide a firm foundation and discipline for continual improvement. Pool of Facilitators for ISO Projects The services of Facilitators are provided by the Ministry of Civil Service and Administrative Reforms to assist and guide government organisations in achieving ISO Certification. Public Officers from different Ministries/Departments have Handing over of ISO 9001:2008 Certificate to the Fisheries Training and Extension Centre 14

17 ISO Certification Scheme List of ISO Certified Organisations SN Organisation 1 Office of Public Sector Governance 2 Cabinet Secretariat 3 Passport & Immigration Office 4 Civil Service Family Protection Scheme Board 5 Employment Service 6 National Environmental Laboratory 7 Human Resource Development Division 8 Central Information Systems Division 9 National Library 10 Trust Fund for Specialized Medical Care - Cardiac Centre 11 Legal Metrology Services 12 Shipping Office 13 Administrative Reforms Division 14 Companies Division 15 Pay Research Bureau 16 Commerce Division 17 Bon Accueil Government School 18 Sodnac State Secondary School 19 Energy Services Division 20 Directorate Zone 3, Ministry of Education and Human Resources 21 Cooperatives Division 22 Elke Kux Pre Primary School, Early Childhood Care and Education Authority 23 Meteorological Services 24 Entomology Division 25 Willoughby Pre-Primary Government School 26 Rose Belle North Government School 27 Fisheries Training and Extension Centre (FiTEC) 28 Willoughby Primary Government School 29 National Blood Transfusion Service 30 Flight Clearance Office 31 Fire Prevention Section, Fire Services Department 32 Agricultural Information Division, Ministry of Agro-Industry and Food Security 33 Human Resource Management Division 15

18 Employment Relations and Uniforms Unit Promoting Harmonious Employment Relations Through Regular Dialogue Commission for Conciliation and Mediation, Employment Relations Tribunal); and formulate policies relating to Employment Relations pertaining to the Civil Service. The Unit also processes requests for the grant of uniform allowance and protective equipment for consideration and approval by the Standing Committee on Uniforms. Taking into consideration the increase in the Consumer Price Index, the Unit is responsible in assisting in the formulation of policies for the review of the quantum of uniform allowance, approved by the Standing Committee on Uniforms, on a yearly basis. Conciliation Service 24 cases received Conciliation Meeting with Government Services Employees Association and Fire Services Department The Employment Relations and Uniforms Unit is an integral part of Human Resource Division of the Ministry of Civil Service and Administrative Reforms catering for matters relating to Employment Relations in the Civil Service. The mission of the Unit is to maintain and promote good and harmonious employment relations within the civil service through the process of regular dialogues, negotiations, consultations and conciliation. To fulfill its mission, the Unit is committed to attain the following objectives: ensure that representations from unions/individual officers are dealt with in a fair and timely manner; regular meetings are held with the three recognised Federations (i.e. Federation of Civil Service and Other Unions, State and other Employees Federation & Federation of Public Sector and Other Unions) and the three recognised Unions (i.e. Government General Services Union, Government Office Attendant Union & Union of Public Personnel Officers); ensure that relevant and precise information with regard to court cases/ labour disputes are submitted to the concerned authorities (i.e. State Law Office, The Conciliation Service of the Ministry of Civil Service and Administrative Reforms has received a total of 24 cases since its coming into operation in October 2009, out of which 14 have been settled and 6 reached a deadlock. The Conciliation Service, headed by Mr. D. Ramful, Barrister-at-Law has been set up with a view to conciliating the parties to a dispute not yet reported to the President of the Commission for Conciliation and Mediation. This process is meant to ease the process for settling disputes/apprehended disputes in a spirit of dialogue and mutual consent. Unions as well as individual officers of the Civil Service may report disputes/apprehended disputes to the Conciliation Service. The Employment Relations & Uniforms Unit is located on the 5th floor of the Atom House, Royal Road, Port-Louis. 16

19 Public Service Excellence Award Public Service Excellence Award 2011 Droopnath Ramphul State College is the Grand Winner Droopnath Ramphul State College bagged the Public Service Excellence Award (PSEA) Out of the thirty-three public service bodies which participated in the fifth edition of the competition, the Droopnath Ramphul State College which is situated at Calebasses has excelled in all criteria. At the Awards ceremony held on 6 July 2012 at Le Meridien, Pointe aux Piments the Minister of Civil Service and Administrative Reforms, Hon. Sutyadeo Moutia, handed over a trophy and a cash prize of Rs to the winning team. In his address at the Awards ceremony Minister Moutia stated that the Public Service Excellence Award is a motivational tool which, while recognizing excellence and innovation in government organisations, also acts as a catalyst of good practices and efficiency in Public Service delivery. The theme retained for the 2011 edition of the Public Service Excellence Award is Achieving Excellence through Modernisation. The award exercise, said the minister, provides an opportunity to Ministries and Departments which have taken the challenge to embark on eco-friendly and novel initiatives and allow independent scrutiny. We have to continue to work at creating an environment for innovation and learning; to build organisational capabilities and individual competencies to tackle new challenges, he added. The minister also enumerated the on-going projects to render the Civil service more efficient namely, the shift to a technology-enabled Human Resource Management System that would provide support for effective human resource planning and a judicious use of human resources and the forthcoming Civil Service College that will sustain the human resource development needs of the whole public sector. For his part, Mr Ravin Dajee, Chairperson of the Panel of Jury, while recognizing this bold initiative of the Ministry to introduce the award in 2005 and for sustaining it over the years said that the Public Service has for too long been victim of a trust deficit and a lack of exposure. According to him the whole problem lies with a lack of coverage and he appealed to the media to help restore the confidence in public institutions by giving ample and due coverage to the good work and achievements made in various departments of our public sector. There are a number of dedicated civil servants, he added, who are relentlessly striving for excellence day in and day out, despite all the constraints and challenges, and those unsung heroes deserve to be celebrated and recognised. Their example will serve as a catalyst for others to emulate. A cash prize of Rs each and a trophy were awarded to winners in the four 17

20 Public Service Excellence Award sub-categories: Lady Sushil Ramgoolam Mediclinic for being customer focused, the Companies Division for its effectiveness and efficiency, the Mauritius Prisons Service for leadership and team spirit and the Planning and Reform Unit of the Police Department for innovation and improvement. The Nuclear Medicine Department, the National Coast Guard, and the Energy Services Division received special mention awards with regard to delivering timely, cost- effective and quality service to the public. The special jury prize went to the Police Planning and Reform Unit. The theme for the 2011 edition was: Achieving Excellence through Modernisation. This concept is considered critical to public service officers who view modernisation as a challenge to drive their teams to achieve set objectives while generating innovative practices to deliver efficiently. The PSEA has now become an annual feature serving as a motivational tool contributing towards improving the level of public service delivery by encouraging organisations to adopt a customer-focused approach, a result-centered strategy which operates within an overall total quality management framework. The introduction of the Public Service Excellence Award (PSEA) in 2005 was announced by the Hon Dr. N. Ramgoolam GCSK, FRCP.Launched in 2006, the Public Service Excellence Award (PSEA) aims to recognize excellence and innovation and promote a performance-oriented culture in the Public Service. Panel of Jury The Panel of Jury for PSEA 2011 comprise Mr Ravin Dajee, Managing Director of Barclays PLC, Ms Amrita Maulloo, former Senior Chief Executive, Mrs Nirmala Boodhoo, OSK, former Senior Chief Executive, Mr Devapragassen Armoogum, KPMG Advisory Services Ltd, Mr Azad Jeetun, Director, Mauritius Employers Federation, Mr Axel Pellegrin, Secretary General, Insurers Association of Mauritius and Mr T.Benydin, President, Federation of Civil Service and Other Unions. The Award The Public Service Excellence Award trophy and cash prize of Rs.100,000 is conferred to the organisation that has excelled in all of the following judging criteria: Strategic Planning and Objectives, Leadership and Team Spirit, Effectiveness and Efficiency, Customer Focus, and Innovation and Improvement Four sub-category awards are also attributed to organisation which scores highest in each of the criteria above namely: Leadership and Team Spirit, Effectiveness and Efficiency, Customer Focus, Innovation and Improvement and carry a cash prize of Rs 50,000 each. The PSEA has been successfully run 4 times and has become a competition to which Ministries and Departments look forward to participate. The different themes of the PSEA were Putting People First in 2006, In the pursuit of Excellence: Enhancing Trust in the Public Service in 2007, Visionary and Ethical Leadership: Key to Organisational Excellence in 2008 and Sustainable Development through Organisational Excellence in Note: Organisations participating in the Public Service Excellence Award are encouraged to go beyond the national context and compete in regional and international awards. (see page 42) 18


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How to Login to Career Page

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INDIVIDUALS AND LEGAL ENTITIES: If the dividends have not been paid yet, you may be eligible for the simplified procedure.

INDIVIDUALS AND LEGAL ENTITIES: If the dividends have not been paid yet, you may be eligible for the simplified procedure. Recipient s name 5001-EN For use by the foreign tax authority CALCULATION OF WITHHOLDING TAX ON DIVIDENDS Attachment to Form 5000 12816*01 INDIVIDUALS AND LEGAL ENTITIES: If the dividends have not been

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PRESENTATION. CRM Paris - 19/21 rue Hélène Boucher - ZA Chartres Est - Jardins d'entreprises - 28 630 GELLAINVILLE

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Sustainability Monitoring and Reporting: Tracking Your Community s Sustainability Performance

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AMENDMENT TO BILL 32 AMENDEMENT AU PROJET DE LOI 32 THAT the proposed clause 6(1), as set out in Clause 6(1) of the Bill, be replaced with the following: Trustee to respond promptly 6(1) A trustee shall respond to a request as promptly as required in the

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de stabilisation financière

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ETABLISSEMENT D ENSEIGNEMENT OU ORGANISME DE FORMATION / UNIVERSITY OR COLLEGE: 8. Tripartite internship agreement La présente convention a pour objet de définir les conditions dans lesquelles le stagiaire ci-après nommé sera accueilli dans l entreprise. This contract defines the

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