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1 BULLETIN BULLETIN Printemps 2006 Spring 2006 Bill Rancic page 3 Jeux du commerce page 4 MBA Games page 5 Agréments Accreditations AACSB AMBA Université d Ottawa University of Ottawa

2 Message du doyen Dean s Message Le Centre des carrières joue un rôle de plus en plus essentiel à l École de gestion L hiver dernier, j ai décrit dans mon message le fonctionnement du Centre des carrières de l École de gestion, ce qu il offre aux étudiants et les avantages qu il procure aux employeurs. J aimerais maintenant vous faire part du succès qu a connu le Centre récemment et des derniers commentaires reçus d employeurs à son sujet. Je suis ravi d annoncer que le Centre des carrières occupe une place de plus en plus importante à l École de gestion en tant qu intermédiaire entre de nombreuses sociétés canadiennes renommées et la prochaine génération de dirigeants d entreprise du pays.par exemple, Shell Oil Canada a embauché deux étudiants de l École de gestion à la suite d une séance d information coordonnée par le Centre des carrières, tandis que L Oréal en a recruté quatre après la tenue du salon des carrières annuel de l École. Les initiatives du Centre des carrières ont également permis de renforcer les liens institutionnels entre les employeurs et l École de gestion. Kraft Canada a intégré plusieurs activités de recrutement du Centre des carrières à sa campagne annuelle de recrutement. Edward Jones, géant des services financiers, a participé à l activité de réseautage professionnel du MBA de l École de gestion et entend accroître sa visibilité sur le campus au cours de la prochaine année. La Banque Royale du Canada a inscrit l École de gestion sur la liste des établissements d enseignement qu elle privilégie lorsqu elle recrute des étudiants. Enfin, la division du marché de détail de la Banque CIBC a fait de l École de gestion sa principale source pour la dotation en personnel dans l Est de l Ontario. Quant aux commentaires reçus d employeurs, ceux provenant des meilleures sociétés financières au pays sont fort élogieux. En fait, les responsables du recrutement dans ces entreprises estiment que non seulement le salon des carrières de l École de gestion est l un des mieux préparés auxquels ils aient assisté, mais également que les étudiants qu ils y ont rencontrés avaient manifestement fait des recherches sur les entreprises participantes. À la lumière de ces succès retentissants et de ces excellentes réactions, j aimerais féliciter le personnel du Centre des carrières pour son travail remarquable et remercier les étudiants de s être ralliés aux objectifs louables du Centre. Ensemble, vous avez fait de celui-ci un élément crucial de l École de gestion et du cheminement de carrière, une composante essentielle de toute bonne formation en affaires. Micheál J. Kelly Career Centre Plays Increasingly Vital Role at the School of Management In my message to you last winter, I spoke about how the School of Management Career Centre functions, what it offers students, and how employers can benefit from its initiatives. As a follow up, I would like to share with you some of the Career Centre s recent successes and the latest feedback we have received from employers. I am delighted to report that the Career Centre is playing an increasingly vital role at the School of Management by helping many prestigious corporations connect with this country s next generation of business leaders. For instance, Shell Oil Canada hired two students as a direct result of an information session coordinated by the Career Centre, and L Oreal ended up taking on four students following the annual Career Convention. Career Centre initiatives have also strengthened institutional ties between employers and the School. Kraft Canada has added several Career Centre activities to its annual recruitment drive. Brokerage giant Edward Jones participated in the School s MBA Career Network and intends to enhance its corporate presence on campus this year. Royal Bank of Canada has placed the School on an exclusive list of universities from which it recruits students. And the retail markets division of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce has made us the leading source of new employees in Eastern Ontario. In terms of the latest feedback from employers, we have received overwhelmingly positive comments from some of the top financial firms in Canada. In fact, recruiting officials of these organizations have hailed our most recent Career Convention as one of the most well prepared conventions they have ever attended, pointing out that it is clearly evident our students had done their homework on the companies in attendance. In light of these obvious successes and glowing responses, I would like to salute the staff of the Career Centre for their outstanding work and thank students for embracing the worthy objectives of the Career Centre.Together, you have established the Career Centre as a vital part of the School of Management and made career development an essential component of a successful business education. 2 École de gestion School of Management

3 BILL RANCIC EVENT PASSES THE BOARDROOM TEST B ill Rancic, winner of the first season of hit reality TV show The Apprentice, was in Ottawa on Thursday, March 2, to give a presentation to 400 School of Management business students, staff, faculty and local professionals. The sold out event was organized by two School of Management undergraduate student clubs, the MIS Association and the Finance Society. The room was filled with laughter as Mr. Rancic spoke candidly of his childhood entrepreneurial endeavors, and then conveyed the story of his journey through his experience with Donald Trump and The Apprentice. It was an enjoyable and relaxed evening for all and Mr. Rancic was extremely accommodating while dealing with special requests from members of the audience for photographs and signatures. After graciously taking time to answer several questions from the attendees he was presented with traditional Canadian gifts consisting of a personalized GG s hockey jersey and a Tim Horton s Gift Pack! We salute the MIS Association and the Finance Society for all their hard work on this event. Proceeds from the silent auction totaled over $2,000 and will go directly to the Easter Seals Society. Profil d un ancien : Frédéric Michel, MBA 2004 par Françoise Trudeau-Reeves Frédéric Michel est venu étudier, travailler et s établir au Canada en Souhaitant réorienter sa carrière au tournant de l an 2000, cet ingénieur chimiste né à Lyon, la capitale industrielle de la France, s est intéressé aux États-Unis avant de porter son choix sur le Canada et l Université d'ottawa, en raison de son bilinguisme. À la rentrée 2002, Frédéric s inscrit à la maîtrise en administration des affaires (MBA) de l École de gestion. Il s investit à fond dans l Association des étudiants du MBA, sans négliger ses études, puisqu il décroche à la fois le Prix du leadership étudiant de l U d O et la Bourse commémorative Michel-Cloutier en L année suivante, diplôme en poche, il s investit dans les Jeux MBA, le Forum des Dirigeants de Montréal et la Fondation qui organise le Forum pour Jeunes Canadiens, où il est maintenant membre du comité exécutif du conseil d administration. En mai 2004, Frédéric Michel est engagé comme vérificateur interne chez Bombardier Inc., au siège social à Montréal. Il observe des différences dans les pratiques d affaires au Canada et en Europe (il a travaillé en France, au Luxembourg et en Allemagne) : «Au Canada, les entreprises adoptent un mode de gestion davantage orienté sur les résultats financiers, dit-il. J ai aussi remarqué que les concepts de gestion des risques des organisations sont plus utilisés ici qu en Europe.» Il apprécie énormément la facilité d accès aux personnes influentes, assurée par la culture du réseautage, «une notion moins formelle en Europe», dit-il. Entré en mars au bureau montréalais de KPMG en tant que Directeur, Services-conseils, Gestion des risques et Amélioration des opérations, Frédéric entrevoit sereinement son avenir au Canada, entre son travail, sa petite famille et sa participation à de nombreuses associations professionnelles. Pauline Rochefort, Micheál J. Kelly, Carl Grenier ALUMNI BREAKFAST SPEAKER SERIES On February 9, 2006, the School of Management Alumni Breakfast Speaker Series was pleased to welcome our two speakers: Pauline Rochefort, President of the Canadian Wood Council and Carl Grenier, Executive Vice-President and General Manager of the Free Trade Lumber Council. The topic for this event was: Canada s Softwood Dispute: How Canada s Wood Industry is Competing and Winning! Bulletin Info Info Bulletin 3

4 L École de gestion s illustre aux Jeux du commerce par Françoise Trudeau-Reeves C est une équipe fort aguerrie de 80 personnes que l École de gestion de l Université d Ottawa a déléguée aux Jeux du commerce, en janvier dernier à Québec. Certains, comme Guillaume Parent, finissant du baccalauréat en sciences commerciales et membre du comité organisateur de l École, en étaient à leur deuxième participation et l expérience préalable d une telle compétition vaut de l or. Pour leur part, les participants néophytes ont suivi un cours (crédité) qui les amenait à préparer et à livrer une douzaine de présentations semblables aux études de cas des Jeux. La stratégie a porté fruit, puisque l École de gestion a remporté sept trophées, dont quatre deuxièmes places aux épreuves académiques. L'École de gestion a également remporté le trophée du meilleur comité organisateur. «On n imagine pas tout ce qu un tel événement demande comme organisation, explique Guillaume Parent. L un des défis est de créer une synergie entre les participants de sorte que lors d une épreuve, chacun connaisse précisément la tâche à accomplir dans le délai imparti.» L autre grand défi organisationnel d une participation aux Jeux du commerce, c est de trouver des commanditaires. L équipe de est fière d avoir amassé dollars de commandites pour elle-même ainsi que des fonds pour Centraide. Trophées remportés : 1 re place Meilleur comité organisateur (Sonia Beauchamp, Liane Brière, Jason Chartrand,Stéphan Forget,Valérie Fortin,Nicolas Gagnon,Sarah Larocque,Richard Martel, Guillaume Parent,Valérie Samson) 2 e place Cas de stratégie d affaires (Alina Kotov, Christine Morin, Guillaume Parent) 2 e place Cas de finance (Jordan Calonego, Bart Pietrusiewicz, Sasha Stoudenikina) 2 e place Cas de gestion internationale (Vibha Bahl, Nicolas Gagnon, Florian Bizindavyi) 2 e place Débat oratoire (Danijel Bunjevac, Roberta Caverly, Matt Lloyd, Caroline Montminy) 2 e place Ultimate Frisbee (Liane Brière, Chris Castonguay,Adam Cross, Judith Elzer, Martin Gaudet, Jonathan Hupka, Erik L abbé, Ryan Steels,Ariel Untiveros, Kristina Vranjkovic) 3 e place Volet communautaire Eye on the EMBA Janet de Kergommeaux is an Assistant Director with Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), where she currently manages a staff of employees and a $13 million dollar budget. Never would she have thought she would have gained such responsibility when she began her career with the federal government. After traveling with her husband, Janet came back home to Ottawa, where she began her career working in Internal Audit with Revenue Canada. Working closely with senior headquarters, regional and operational managers, Janet quickly understood that good management is about good relationships. To seize the opportunities, she explained, I needed to develop new expertise. The University of Ottawa Executive MBA provided her the solution. I needed to improve my education to enhance my ability to lead, Janet explained, I wanted a program that provided insight across private and public sectors more than just government. I wanted to broaden my perspective on how different types of organizations were managed.after looking at various programs, I decided that the University of Ottawa Executive MBA Program had what I was looking for. The Program delivers a curriculum that incorporates diverse perspectives and a class composition of senior executives from many different industries. Fang Chen, a Business Analyst with XC Consulting Inc., describes Janet as energetic and enthusiastic learner. As a fellow team member and EMBA graduate, she added, Janet put a tremendous effort into all of our projects and challenges. She produced results. There is no better example than their International Consulting Project and Trip to Sydney, Australia. Prior to their departure, the team completed 6 months of preliminary research working closely with a local high tech company who wanted to access the Asian market with operations in Australia. In Sydney, Janet was instrumental to the success of five intense days of meetings that supported their final recommendation to their client. Today, Janet maintains a work life balance by practicing yoga and maximizing time with her family. In the future, Janet intends to keep her mind continuously active by engaging in further academic and literary pursuits. Janet de Kergommeaux, Class of École de gestion School of Management

5 Dons récents à l École de gestion Recent Donations to the School of Management The School of Management greatly appreciates the philanthropic support of its alumni and the community as a whole.your gifts have an enormous impact on the learning environment because they help the School maintain the standards of excellence to which you subscribe. Our special thanks to: Monique Archambault et Guy Dupuis, anciens, pour le financement de nouvelles bourses. Logan Katz LLP, pour la création d une bourse de recherche en comptabilité et pour la création de nouvelles bourses en comptabilité. Guy Dupuis et Monique Archambault The MHA Alumni Association organized a phone-a-thon that raised over $30,000 for the Jack Kitts/MHAAA Admission Scholarship. Nearly 80 MHA alumni participated financially to the fund. A special thank you to BCE and Gamma Dynacare, our corporate matching sponsors. Total funds raised were matched by the Government of Ontario through its OTSS program. LE PROJET D AIDE HUMANITAIRE Le Niger C est Notre Affaire SE CONTINUERA AU PRINTEMPS Le professeur Guy Laflamme a chargé sa classe de stratégie de marketing de 4 e année d une mission : poursuivre l exécution d un projet dont le but est de contribuer au développement à long terme du Niger et d atténuer les effets de la crise alimentaire de l été dernier. Ces futurs entrepreneurs reprendront le travail commencé l automne dernier par les 150 étudiants qui ont donné vie à l initiative dans leurs cours de marketing. Les différents projets qu ils ont mis sur pied ont permis de récolter plus de $ en argent comptant et de l équipement médical d une valeur de $. Argent et équipement seront remis à la population nigérienne avec l aide d Oxfam-Québec. Les fonds recueillis serviront à creuser des puits et à aménager des latrines pour des écoles à Tahoua, à fournir de l équipement médical à l hôpital de Niamey et à former un partenariat avec l Université de Niamey. En juin, six étudiants et leur professeur se rendront au Niger pour une dizaine de jours. SPIRIT SHINES THROUGH AT MBA GAMES IN WINDSOR by Tim Lougheed The University of Ottawa might have fielded one of the smaller teams that took part in this year s National MBA Games, but they nevertheless took home a prize for winning a key event. MBA students Ruhia Jokhio, Ines Quandel, Marc Poitras, Philippe Lavallée, and Dharshini Tarcisius won the Strategic Case Competition in this year s games, which were held at the University of Windsor. They were among more than 500 of their counterparts from 15 other MBA programs across Canada who joined them at Windsor s Odette School of Business on the weekend of January 7 and 8. They did a fine job, says Vinh Tuong, who headed up the University of Ottawa s organizing committee for the games, although he admits he was caught off guard by just how dynamic, high-spirited, and downright loud the gathering turned out to be. Besides academic exercises like formal presentations to professors and local business representatives on specific cases, there were also sundry other competitions with a less scholarly flavor including a Lego bridge-building challenge and the singing of an original MBA anthem. Ye t re g ard l e ss of t he specific event, he explains, the calibre of teamwork remained the predominant theme. University of Ottawa participants got to know one another very well, and they had a chance to meet other MBA students f rom across Canada. When it comes right down to it, the MBA program is all about networking, says Tuong. Networking in terms of meeting new people that you might work with in the future, have as clients, hire or whatever. When you work and play together, you get to learn things that you wouldn t find out if you hadn t had that opportunity and build some long-term relationships. That s the important thing to take home. Bulletin Info Info Bulletin 5

6 Félicitations aux gourous du marketing! Le 31 mars dernier, lors d une soirée de gala à l'hôtel Marriott Ottawa, les trois équipes finalistes de la compétition de marketing Michel-Cloutier ont présenté le plan de marketing qu'elles avaient préparé pour Postes Canada dans le cadre de la 21 e édition de la compétition. Le jury était constitué de représentants des médias, du secteur des affaires, des commanditaires et des partenaires de la compétition. L École de gestion félicite l'équipe gagnante et remercie tout spécialement Postes Canada, le partenaire officiel de la compétition. Management Students & CASCO raise over $20,000 for CHEO MANAGEMENT STUDENTS COMBINE BUSINESS, CREATIVITY, PASSION, AND SOME CANADIAN IDOL SPICE TO RAISE OVER $20,000 FOR CHEO Félicitations à l équipe gagnante: (De gauche à droite) : Talia Smith, Clémence Picard, Lane Quelch and Stephanie Nicolaou. Valérie Normand a remporté le prix pour la meilleure présentation. Ce prix a été présenté par Marc Roy de la Fondation Marc Roy. APPOINTMENT Dean Micheál J. Kelly is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Denis Caro as Director, MHA program, for a period of two years, from January 1, 2006 to December 31, University of Ottawa School of Management students are proud to announce a donation of more than $20,000 to the Children s Hospital of Eastern Ontario Foundation (CHEO) from their Annual Smiles and Styles Charity Show, held on November 28, The dinner and Broadway-type show entitled A Casco Carol,was organized and performed by the School s Commerce and Administration Students Charity William Pellerin, Frank O Dea, Micheál J. Kelly, Lauren Jewitt Organization (CASCO). The evening also featured performances from Canadian Idol finalist Emily Vinette and an appearance from Canadian Idol judge Zack Werner. It took place at the Crowne Plaza Hotel and inspired a sold-out crowd of 600 people representing students, academia, business professionals and the general community. A Toast to Success Business Dinner: Frank O Dea The School of Management s Entrepreneurs Club was pleased to welcome guest speaker Frank O Dea, founder of The Second Cup, at the 15th Annual Toast to Success Business Dinner on February 2, This event provided a platform for both students and professionals to network and celebrate the journey to success of entrepreneurs. 6 École de gestion School of Management

7 Truth Comes First School of Management professor helps Canadian entrepreneurs and business managers understand Chinese corporate culture According to Dr. Mike Miles, North American entrepreneurs rely primarily on financial data and information to decide whether or not to forge business partnerships. Their Chinese counterparts, on the other hand, focus on establishing strong personal relationships with potential commercial partners before serious business discussions begin. Creating relationships based on trust is the key to doing business in China and other Asian countries, he says. Dr. Miles, a tenured professor at the University of Ottawa School of Management, comes by this insight honestly. For more than 35 years, he has identified and examined factors that ensure successful business ventures and joint projects between Thai, Chinese, and North American companies. I ve found that any productive relationship between companies in these three countries is based first and foremost on a clear understanding of their often different values and approaches to business, he says. Fluent in Thai and building on his Mandarin, Dr. Miles furthers this understanding by conducting regular surveys of the evolving attitudes of Thai, Chinese and North American business managers. For instance, a recent survey of Chinese business managers revealed reference to personal and organizational values as an integral element in the management of change in Chinese organizations. To conduct positive, ongoing business conversations, Canadian entrepreneurs and business managers must first understand the influences that drive their Chinese and Asian partners, says Dr. Miles. Values discussions of what is important is a critical element in the overall relationship. For his part, Dr. Miles has spent his entire professional life practicing what he preaches. Since 1969, he has travelled extensively throughout Asia and lived, taught and worked for many years in Thailand and China. To gain acceptance as a businessperson in these countries, especially China, banquet frequently to build relatonships and speak frankly, says Dr. Miles. Experience has taught me that frankness in the context of a nurtured relationship is a potent business force. In the fall of 2005, Dr. Miles had the opportunity to share his insightful research findings and extensive experiences with 168 MBA students when he taught organizational behaviour at the prestigious China Europe International Business School. In the year to come, he will examine corporate governance practices and change management processes in China to help Canadian entrepreneurs accelerate acceptance and implementation of projects in China and throughout the continent. I love my work, he says. It s a real privilege to research and teach in the dynamic context of the Chinese economic boom and the broader Asian environment, I hope I can make a difference in providing Canadian businesspeople with the insights they need to conduct meaningful and fruitful business relationships in China and Asia more generally. Nora Villarreal et Peter D. Thompson Bulletin Info Info Bulletin 7 Un emploi d été bien mérité Durant tout le mois de mars, les organisateurs des Jeux du commerce ont présenté la deuxième édition de la compétition «The Intern», inspirée par l émission de télévision de Donald Trump. Après une série d épreuves de plus en plus difficiles, une étudiant de première année, Nora Villarreal a obtenu un stage d été à la Banque Nationale du Canada, où elle assumera diverses fonctions, sous la supervision de Peter D. Thompson, le vice-président régional des services aux entreprises. La première des épreuves, étalées sur cinq semaines, consistait à concevoir la stratégie de vente de friandises la plus efficace afin d amasser des fonds pour la recherche dans le domaine de la fibrose kystique. Les 11 équipes participantes ont recueilli plus de $ dans le cadre de cette activité. Entre autre, les étudiants ont aussi participé à une activité de réseautage, une simulation boursière et la conception d un plan marketing. Les quatre finalistes ont ensuite passé une entrevue finale avec M. Thompson devant 50 personnes le 30 mars dernier à l hôtel Marriott Ottawa. Avec l aide de ses juges invités, M. Thompson a déclaré Nora Villarreal gagnante du concours 2006.

8 Réception des diplômés De gauche à droite : Rob Ashe, Jodie Harrison, présidente de l Association des anciens de l École de gestion, Micheál J. Kelly, doyen. L Association des anciens de l École de gestion a eu le plaisir d accueillir le PDG de Cognos, Rob Ashe (B.Com. 1982), en tant que conférencier invité lors de la réception des diplômés le 22 mars dernier. M. Ashe a partagé son expérience du monde des affaires avec les diplômés 2006 et des anciens de l École de gestion. Rob Ashe, un vétéran chez Cognos, a entamé sa carrière au sein de l entreprise en Nommé président-directeur général en juin 2004, il est responsable de la vision stratégique, de l orientation et de la direction quotidienne de l entreprise. Bulletin Info des anciens de l École de gestion School of Management Alumni Info Bulletin Printemps Spring 2006 Vol. 7, no. 2 Gestionnaire de projet Project Manager : Christian Coulombe Texte / Text : Sara Bélanger-Lithwick, Roxanne Chénier, Tim Lougheed, Susan Redmond, Françoise Trudeau-Reeves Réalisation graphique / Graphic Design : Accurate Imprimeur / Printer : Dollco Printing Correspondance / Address correspondence to : École de gestion School of Management Université d Ottawa University of Ottawa 136 Jean-Jacques Lussier, Ottawa ON K1N 6N5 Tél. / Tel. : (613) Télécopieur / Fax : (613) info@gestion.uottawa.ca / info@management.uottawa.ca / Call for nominations: School of Management Alumni Awards The School of Management Alumni Association is accepting nominations for its alumni awards, the Trudeau Medal and the Young Achiever s award. The Trudeau Medal is given to alumni in recognition of their outstanding contributions to the world of business, their communities and their alma mater. The Trudeau Medal is the highest honour given by the School of Management to its alumni. The Young Achiever s Award honours young School of Management alumni (under the age of 40) who have been able to achieve greatness in their lives within an exceptional period of time. To nominate an alumni for this year s Trudeau Medal or for the Young Achiever s Award, please send a supporting letter and the candidate s resume to coulombe@management.uottawa.ca by June 1, These recognitions will be awarded at the September 16, 2006 Gala of Excellence, hosted during Homecoming Calendrier d activités 2006 Retrouvailles 2006 RSVP : (613) poste 2396 ou anciens@gestion.uottawa.ca 15 septembre 12 e Tournoi de golf pour les bourses d études de l École de gestion 16 septembre Journée portes ouvertes de l École de gestion 16 septembre Gala d excellence de l École de gestion Remise des Médailles Trudeau, du Prix Jeune Phénix et du Prix Philos du Doyen Calendar of Activities 2006 Homecoming RSVP: (613) ext or alumni@management.uottawa.ca September th Annual School of Management Scholarship Golf Tournament September 16 School of Management Open House September 16 School of Management Gala of Excellence The Trudeau Medals,Young Achievers Award and the Dean s Philos Award will be presented. Poste Publication/Publication Mail Return undeliverable Canadian Address to: Adresse de retour : École de gestion/school of Management Université d Ottawa/University of Ottawa 136 rue Jean-Jacques Lussier St. Ottawa ON K1N 6N5

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