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1 Présentations / Sessions Exploring the European Language Portfolio in New Brunswick High School Language Classes Karla Culligan University of New Brunswick Chantal Lafargue University of New Brunswick The European Language Portfolio (ELP) functions as a pedagogical, reporting, and assessment tool. Using can-do language based on the Common European Framework of References (CEFR), the ELP allows language learners to set goals and self-assess, and enables teachers to plan lessons accordingly (Council of Europe, 2001, 2006). In this presentation, we will discuss an ongoing action-research project at a New Brunswick high school where second language teachers chose to implement the ELP in their classes. We will share qualitative data, collected via teacher and student interviews, that describe the participants experiences with the ongoing implementation process. The presentation will conclude with a discussion of implications and future directions. Council of Europe. (2001). Common European framework of reference for languages: Learning, teaching, assessment. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Council of Europe. (2006). European language portfolio: Key reference documents. Strasbourg: Council of Europe. Teacher Talk: The Politics of Power in the Classroom Betsy Jardine Acadia University The Construction of Classroom Politics The construction of classroom politics is a factor of teacher language well within our autonomy as teachers to control. The habits of age old scripts may limit our purpose of creating collaborative communities of learners more than any other aspect of our classroom practice. By reflecting our teacher talk we have may one of the most powerful tools for transformative change available in helping our students to take agentive action in their lives. Peter Johnson s Choice Words gives us a way that we can examine our language components to see ways in which they are constitutive and relational. Mandated Literacy Curriculum: Impact on Teaching T Practices and Student Reading Actions David Costello University of South Australia This presentation reports on a study concerned with the implementation of mandated literacy curriculum in primary classrooms, and is motivated by a desire to better understand how the mandate impacted teaching practices and student reading actions. Mandated literacy curriculum is examined both in its foundational practice as well as its implementation in a primary classroom. Teacher research methodology and the analytical lenses of reading theory and discourse are described in relation to the study. Data analysis illustrates how mandated literacy curriculum discourse permeated teaching practices and impacted student reading actions related to reading levels, running records and guided reading. Effet d une intervention basée sur la TCD sur les acquis développementaux de jeunes de 9e et 10e années : résultats d un essai randomisé Jimmy Bourque Université de Moncton Liette Mainville Santé publique NB Ann Beaton Université de Moncton La santé mentale des jeunes constitue une préoccupation croissante au Nouveau-Brunswick comme dans le reste du Canada. Devant ce constat, les gouvernements canadien et néo-brunswickois désirent impliquer davantage les écoles dans les efforts de prévention et de dépistage. Pour ce faire, les écoles auraient notamment un rôle à jouer dans le développement de facteurs de protection favorisant la résilience. Le cadre des acquis développementaux du Search Institute donne prise aux interventions en suggérant un inventaire de ressources internes et externes que les jeunes devraient pouvoir déployer devant l adversité. La thérapie comportementale dialectique (TCD) constitue une forme d intervention visant le développement des capacités des individus à faire face à l adversité. Cet article présente les résultats d un essai randomisé étudiant l effet d une intervention basée sur la TCD sur la progression des acquis développementaux. L intervention consistait en six séances hebdomadaires de 70 minutes durant lesquelles des formations aux compétences sociales et émotionnelles étaient offertes à des groupes de 25 à 30 élèves. Les participants à l étude sont 146 jeunes de 9e et 10e années de deux écoles secondaires francophones du

2 Nouveau-Brunswick. Ces jeunes ont été répartis aléatoirement en trois groupes (expérimental, placebo et contrôle) et ont complété la version française du Developmental Assets Profile avant et un mois après l intervention. Les résultats suggèrent un effet positif de l intervention sur trois types d acquis (prise en charge, encadrement et attentes et engagement envers l apprentissage) et ce, surtout pour les jeunes ayant démontré les niveaux les plus faibles d acquis au pré-test. Les retombées pratiques et les limites de l étude sont discutées. Fostering students hope and self efficacy efficacy in regards to environmental action Jackie Kerry Université de Moncton Diane Pruneau Université de Moncton Maryse Cousineau Université de Moncton Joanne Langis Université de Moncton Youth sometimes demonstrate unfavourable feelings towards their engagement in environmental action, which could be described as low self-efficacy. In our project, strategies were used to develop hope and self-efficacy towards environmental action in students: accomplishing a local action as part of an NGO s project; the reading of short success stories; a presentation by a local environmental group; the viewing of a relevant documentary; short presentations on environmental actions and; the accomplishment of such an action. Quantitative and qualitative data demonstrated a change in the conception of environmental action and the importance of adult assistance as well as fluctuations in feelings of hope and self-efficacy. SPARKPLUS: Self and Peer Assessment Resource Kit Bryan Taylor Crandall University Coming Viewing family/friend caregivers of older persons as learners: implications for program intervention design Mary Leslie University of New Brunswick Family and friend caregivers provide critical support to older loved ones, often at great personal sacrifice. Canadian caregiver resources generally serve to directly alleviate specific extreme stresses without a comprehensive understanding of caregiver needs. This study, a literature review, considers the caregiving role as one that is learned and may be guided by interventions supportive to learning and the multiple dimensions of caregiving. The study examines the caregiver journey through the continuum of care, analyzing its patterns in terms of adult learning theory. The review proposes a preliminary caregiver learning needs framework, with factors affecting caregiver learning across several dimensions. The findings have significant potential implications for caregiver program design. The Analytic and the Arbitrary in Education Research Emery Hyslop-Margison University of New Brunswick James Rowinski University of New Brunswick When collectively and historically situated education research has seemingly generated little practical return on a significant financial investment from a wide range of public and private stakeholders. Many scholars (Egan, 2002; Hyslop Margison & Naseem, 2007; McClintock, 2007) suggest this lack of practical return follows from a mismatch between education as a field of study and the applied research methods. This proposed analysis of education research, then, is based on a critique initially developed by Louch (1966), and later supported by Smedslund (1979) and Egan (2002). This critique offers a plausible explanation on why the pedagogical imperatives advanced by education research are either often contradictory or afford little new knowledge to teachers. The presentation will address one central question: To what extent do the research claims on best practice within education fall into the analytic and arbitrary categories identified by Louch, Smedslund and Egan? Feeling our way in the dark: Exploring educational directions for students from refugee backgrounds Joanne MacNevin University of Prince Edward Island This study explored teaching and learning for youth from refugee backgrounds in Prince Edward Island (PEI) schools. Policies and guidelines pertaining to both immigrant and refugee youth were analyzed to determine what teaching practices and policies exist across Canada. Seven PEI teachers who taught refugee youth were interviewed to learn about their teaching triumphs and challenges. Observations were conducted in two grade nine classes in order to further explore teaching strategies for students from refugee backgrounds. The study also included student journals by seven youth from refugee backgrounds attending intermediate and high schools in PEI. The data reveal that both students and teachers agree that a main challenge faced by refugee youth is language proficiency. However, the findings also confirm that the challenges go beyond language acquisition. Since students from refugee backgrounds

3 may have experienced trauma and interruptions in education, it was found there needs to be improvements in services available to these students such as counseling, one-on-one support, teacher training, and school inclusion practices. Marginalization and exclusion exist in the schools these youth attended. Teachers also expressed the need for better preparation at the University level and more ongoing professional development related to areas such as teaching basic reading and working with students who have experienced trauma. Practical implications are discussed in relation to current research literature. Also discussed are specific recommendations in policy and practice for teaching youth from refugee backgrounds. Exploring the possibilities of ipod touches in a kindergarten francization program Marianne Cormier Université de Moncton Anik Dupuis Université de Moncton Many families, in the French minority context, are having difficulties, for different reasons, to transmit the French language to their children. Those students are sometimes registered in French school kindergarten with little or no ability to speak the language. Teachers struggle to find innovative and engaging ways to involve these students in learning French. We decided to explore how ipod touches could come into play in language learning. We placed 10 ipod touches with a francization teacher for 3 weeks. Although we knew this teacher to be quite creative, she had no formal preparation for the arrival of the technology. The only thing we asked of the teacher was: "have fun, explore and see how these ipods can be used". In this communication, we will present how she and her students made use of this mobile technology. Administration scolaire et techniques statistiques de gestion Jean Labelle Université de Moncton À la fin des années 90, plusieurs provinces canadiennes réforment leur système d éducation. Dans cette foulée, on souligne l incapacité du modèle bureaucratique à répondre aux nouveaux impératifs éducationnels. On propose alors d appliquer le management de la qualité en éducation. Mais qu'est-ce au juste que ce modèle de gestion? Quelles techniques substitue-t-il aux politiques, normes et règlements de la bureaucratie? Comment peut-il améliorer les organisations scolaires? Dans le cadre de cette proposition, nous définirons le management de la qualité, nous présenterons les techniques statistiques avancées par ce modèle et nous mettrons en évidence ces forces et ses faiblesses. What do you want to do when you grow up: Market implications Scott MacPhail Mount Saint Vincent University A question often asked of children is, "what do you want to do when you grow up"? Putting this question through the lens of critical theory I will expose the hidden meaning of this question as being, what exploitable abilities are you going to bring to the market? More and more our education systems are becoming both marketized and vocationalized allowing the capitalist marketplace to have greater influence in educational discourses changing the nature of education. "what do you want to do when you grow up is indicative of how much sway the market has in our education discourse. Literacy Narratives: An Archetypical Journey Wendy D. Bokhorst-Heng Crandall University Joan Flagg-Williams Crandall University Nancy MacIntosh Crandall University Stewart West Crandall University In this paper, we examine four literacy narratives written by pre-service teachers. Literacy narratives are powerful in how they manifest the social embeddedness of literacy. As argued by Street (2003), literacy is much more than a technical and neutral skill; rather it is itself a social practice, embedded in socially constructed epistemological principles (p. 77). Literacy is a complex set of behaviours nested inside powerful belief systems. What this means is that literacy varies from one context to another. It is thus paramount for literacy educators not only to understand the technical aspects of teaching literacy, but to also be aware of the diverse meanings of literacy their students bring to the classrooms. Our study is framed by narrative theory and practice, in particular, archetypical analysis. That is, using the tools of Narrative Analysis, we develop the notion of the archetypical journey of literacy, and use it to analyse the literacy stories of our participants. The paper concludes with a discussion about the implications of this journey s diversity for literacy education. Sources: Street, B. (2003). What s new in New Literacy Studies? Critical approaches to literacy in theory and practice. Current Issues in Comparative Education, 5(2),

4 The first language in science class: A quasi-experimental study in late French immersion Miles Turnbull University of Prince Edward Island Marianne Cormier université de Moncton Jimmy Bourque Université de Moncton This presentation reports on a quasi-experimental study conducted in two Canadian late French immersion science classes. We examine if, how and when first language (L1) is used when students in the first years of their second language (L2) learning talk about complex science concept. We compare differences in groups following a two month intervention. Specifically, we study differences in complexity of oral utterances, and differences in use of L1 in oral utterances after participating in an intervention using a literacy based approach, or the typical, district prescribed approach. Furthermore, we assess whether increased use of L1 in complex content statements is positively associated with gains in French and science knowledge. Meeting the challenge of diversity in our classrooms using data-differentitated differentitated instruction: key issues and challenges Erin A Schryer University of New Brunswick Elizabeth Sloat University of New Brunswick Meeting the challenge of diversity in our classrooms requires the delivery of a differentiated curriculum to meet the needs of an often wide range of learners; however, this process is complex and poses a number of challenges for teachers. This research discusses what issues, barriers, and challenges prevent teachers and schools from adopting the instructional model now advocated for so heavily in the education research and policy literatures that is, to rely on an early intervention decision-making model of targeting children s instructional needs early based on progress monitoring data results. Champions de l'adaptation: Des agriculteurs démontrent des compétences exceptionnelles d'ajustement de leurs pratiques aux changements climatiques Diane Pruneau Université de Moncton Jackie Kerry Université de Moncton Marie- Andrée Mallet Université de Moncton Viktor Freiman Université de Moncton Les compétences démontrées par des agriculteurs ont été observées alors qu ils tentaient d'améliorer leur sol pour augmenter la résilience de celui-ci aux changements climatiques. Durant leur processus d adaptation, les agriculteurs ont fait preuve d une connaissance approfondie de leur domaine et de leurs terres; d une pensée critique; d une pensée prospective et rétrospective; d une capacité d identification et de contrôle des variables affectant les récoltes; d une ouverture à la nouveauté; d auto-efficacité et d optimisme. La recherche, qui a permis l'identification de compétences propices à l adaptation, résulte en la recommandation de stratégies pédagogiques aptes à renforcer les compétences d'adaptation chez les citoyens. Which came first, the pedagogy or the subject matter Nicole Lirette-Pitre Université de Moncton Robert Baudouin Université de Moncton Coming Theorizing a Feminist Politics of Voice for Teacher Education Michelle Forrest Mount Saint Vincent University This presentation draws upon and builds upon the case I made recently (Author 2011): that a feminist politics of voice, as theorized by the Italian feminist philosopher, Adriana Cavarero (2005), offers a fit justification in action for a democratic/inclusive ethic and ethos in education. Cavarero claims that our only purchase on identity (concepts of self ) is through the seat of our uniqueness: the sonorous voice. She argues, using an in-depth analysis of the mythical figure of the Siren, that the sonorous voice has been sidelined in the longstanding focus in Western metaphysics on the semantic voice. We tend to focus on what sense (semantike) our sounds make rather than on what kinds and arrangements of sounds (phone) we are making. In this presentation I attempt to untangle the trap that a focus on sonorous voice appears to entail; namely, the reliance on a kind of biological determinacy or version of essentialism to ground the argument for uniqueness. I ask if it is possible to ground one s politics of voice on the uniqueness of the sonorous voice and still avoid the trap of essentialism? The question What is essentialism? is explicated using Martins (1994) insight that we engage in a strange contradiction by eschewing all forms of essentialism while insisting upon one specific reading of the concept essentialism. This is a performative contradiction. This inquiry demonstrates how philosophical analysis of a political problem in the history of feminist

5 ideas the argument regarding essentialism can clarify the possible interpretations that come into play in the articulation of educational ideals. Can understanding how to sort out this problem and ones of its type help us retain the integrity between means and ends in designing ethical educational institutions? If so, philosophy of education will have proved its usefulness. My Folk in your Tale': Using folktales from different regions to enhance integration i and provide a rich multicultural classroom environment. Anoop Saxena Mount Saint Vincent University Folklore is typically an expression of the traditions and cultural heritage of a society, presented in the form of a story. The story presented is often interwoven with myth, humour, morals and customs, sometimes along with a glimpse of everyday life in a region. In an effort to enhance the integration of the multi-cultural ideology, this study looks at the possible inclusion of folklore from various regions of the world into the classroom environment. The presentation discusses potential advantages of such an arrangement, since the benefits can be considerable both to an immigrant child as well as the entire classroom. A narrative inquiry into rural teachers experiences in professional learning communities Essie Lom University of New Brunswick As a teacher, professional growth (PG) was essential. My move to rural New Brunswick and interest in professional development (PD) influenced this narrative inquiry. Conversations with rural colleagues left me wondering about how PG was being addressed. New Brunswick policymakers have focused PD on professional learning communities (PLCs). My study focuses on rural New Brunswick teachers experiences to reveal how the PLC model was adopted and whether its implementation had an effect their practice. Three teachers stories reveal their PLCs offer limited PG, turning to other sources of PD and provide feedback to enhance the implementation of the PLC model. Humanitarian Education: Exploring Humanitarian Law Catherine Baillie Abidi Canadian Red Cross Mary Jane Harkins Mount Saint Vincent University Exploring Humanitarian Law (EHL) was designed as a tool to help youth internalize the principles of humanity and learn the basics of International Humanitarian Law. Developed by the International Committee of the Red Cross in association with the Educational Development Center, EHL is a resource to support existing curriculum outcomes in a variety of academic areas focusing on concepts such as human dignity; limits to armed conflict; human rights; IHL; justice and the consequences of war. Humanity based education is an important foundation in the development of children and youth as active citizens. This study explores the experiences and perceptions of teachers using EHL in their classrooms as a tool to enhance their students level of global awareness and citizenship. Perceptions des élèves ayant participé à un programme d'accélération en mathématiques 8e/9e année Yves Doucet Université de Moncton Les besoins des élèves doués sont criants, et le système scolaire tente d y répondre. Des élèves de 8e année ont suivi un programme d accélération académique leur permettant de compléter simultanément leurs cours de mathématiques 8e et 9e années. La présente étude porte sur leurs perceptions de ce programme, de leurs aptitudes et des cours de mathématiques qui ont suivi leur accélération. L intention est de mieux comprendre le vécu des élèves et d ouvrir les portes à d éventuelles recherches empiriques portant sur la mise en œuvre de tels programmes. CRYSTAL Atlantique: Informal Learning Across Science, Mathematics, and Technology Karen Sullenger University of New Brunswick Viktor Freiman Université de Moncton Diane Pruneau Université de Moncton Nicole Lirette-Pitre Université de Moncton Essie Lom University of New Brunswick CRYSTAL Atlantique research focuses on teaching and learning in informal settings. In this session, some of the researchers involved in CRYSTAL research studies will share what they have learned from these studies over the past five years in the areas of science, mathematics, and technology. We also hope that others interested in studying informal learning contexts will begin a conversation about the potential and challenges of learning in informal contexts, especially, in Atlantic Canada.

6 Special Education, the Courts, and Discretionary Decision-Making David C. Young St. Francis Xavier University Matthew J. Meyer St. Francis Xavier University Since 1982, one area in which there have been numerous legal challenges is the issue of accommodating the educational needs of children with exceptionalities. Recently, much of the focus of this litigation has been centered on the provision of Intensive Behavior Intervention (IBI) and Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapies to children with autism. Through two high profile court cases Auton (Guardian ad litem of) v. British Columbia Attorney General and Wynberg v. Ontario the courts have concluded that there is no legal or constitutional guarantees for ABA/IBI, with the decision as to whether such therapies will be provided left to the discretion of individual governments. Certainly, for parents at least, this failure to provide what they believe to be necessary service for their children is troubling. The central dilemma is, at its very base, an issue of equity versus equality. Building on the dilemma, this paper will offer a rationale as to how the equity and equality divide can be addressed, and what the implications of this are in an era of ever-increasing accountability. At the same time, specific attention will be devoted to the impact that these cases have for administrators in terms of their use of discretion in decision-making in light of Charter interpretations by the courts. Is objectivity possible? Issues with writing assessment and rubrics Allan Roy University of New Brunswick Josée Le Bouthillier University of New Brunswick Joseph Dicks University of New Brunswick In this case study, two writing evaluators analyzed the process of correcting a series of 34 texts written by English as a second language learners in a sheltered classroom. They were concerned about the objectivity of the process of correcting and explored the following research questions: (1) What is the process of correcting texts using a six-trait rubric? (2) Can objectivity in scoring be ensured? They concluded that even the criterion-referenced rubric used (Education Northwest, 2009) could not eliminate the subjective nature of written texts assessment and that the criteria did not always reflect the actual performance of the students. The results of this study suggest that rubrics should be used as assessment for learning and not assessment of learning (Black & Wiliam, 1998). Using Learning Contracts in University Biology Courses Penny Humby Crandall University Stacie Reck Crandall University Classically, science education at the university level has relied on traditional teaching and assessment methods. However, current education theory suggests that 21st century learners demonstrate greater engagement and success when non-traditional approaches are employed. Contemporary professors recognize the need to address this disconnect. Although, adapting pedagogy is often met with difficulties and challenges, due to time constraints as well as lack of available guidance and training assist instructors in developing alternative pedagogical approaches, this paper outlines differentiating assessment in university science courses through the use of learning contracts and demonstrates adaptation of traditional syllabi to this format style. Formation des professeurs en enseignement postsecondaire aux étudiants présentant un handicap ou un trouble d'apprentissage Josée Nadeau Université de Moncton L'arrivée d'un nombre toujours croissant d'étudiants en situation d'un handicap ou présentant un trouble d'apprentissage à l'université de Moncton a nécessité le développement de meilleurs services d'encadrement pour cette population étudiante ainsi que la conception d'une formation pédagogique pour les membres du corps professoral. La communication exposera la démarche suivie par des professeurs experts pour concevoir cette formation qui comporte un atelier en face à face et des modules auto-portants sur les différents handicaps et troubles d'apprentissage. Ces modules sont disponibles en tout temps grâce aux technologies de l'information. CCPA accreditation: is it worth the trouble? Beth Robinson Acadia University Deborah Day Acadia University Robert Baudouin Université de Moncton Coming

7 Group learning using hypermedia in technologically- limited school environments Folklore is typically an expression of the traditions and cultural heritage of a society, presented in the form of a story. The story presented is often interwoven with myth, humour, morals and customs, sometimes along with a glimpse of everyday life in a region. In an effort to enhance the integration of the multi-cultural ideology, this study looks at the possible inclusion of folklore from various regions of the world into the classroom environment. The presentation discusses potential advantages of such an arrangement, since the benefits can be considerable both to an immigrant child as well as the entire classroom. Anoop Saxena Mount Saint Vincent University Folklore is typically an expression of the traditions and cultural heritage of a society, presented in the form of a story. The story presented is often interwoven with myth, humour, morals and customs, sometimes along with a glimpse of everyday life in a region. In an effort to enhance the integration of the multi-cultural ideology, this study looks at the possible inclusion of folklore from various regions of the world into the classroom environment. The presentation discusses potential advantages of such an arrangement, since the benefits can be considerable both to an immigrant child as well as the entire classroom. Exploratory Study of Mathematical Creativity in Solutions Submitted to Problems Posted on the CASMI Virtual Community Dominic Manuel Université de Moncton Although researchers in mathematics education recommend rich problem solving and the development of creativity inside mathematics classrooms, such changes are still expected. The purpose of this communication is to present the results of an exploratory research conducted on mathematical creativity in problem solving using the CASMI virtual community (CASMI for Communauté d apprentissages scientifiques et mathématiques interactifs). Our research goals are to verify: if the problems posted on the CASMI Website are rich; how creative the solutions submitted to the problems on the CASMI Website are; and if there really is a link between the 2 variables. So Now What Do We Do? How Disability Studies in Education Can Help Us to Think Differently About Disability Cynthia Bruce Acadia University Traditional approaches to disability in education have been dominated by discourses that construct disability as defisciency, inability, illness, and tragedy. Disability Studies in Education (DSE) is an academic discipline that provides the foundation on which we can begin to recast disability as a category of social difference within a human rights framework. Within research paradigms that privilege the voices of persons with disabilities, DSE holds great promise to address issues of inequality and marginalization in both public and post-secondary educational settings. This discussion will highlight the central concepts of DSE and how it can provide grounds on which we can challenge the more traditional construction of disability in education. Transitioning into French Immersion at Grade 3: Students experiences with first- and second-language reading Renee Bourgoin University of New Brunswick In 2008, New Brunswick made significant changes to its early French immersion program by pushing back the grade 1 entry-point to grade 3. This presentation will discuss the preliminary findings of a two-year ethnographic case study involving 60 students who went through the K-2 English program and who are now in the new grade 3 immersion program. Students first- and second-language reading development will be examined with particular attention given to at-risk and multilingual students. Students knowledge and use of reading strategies in both their first- and secondlanguage will be discussed as well as the extent to which these cross languages. Issues of identity in education: Bridging theory and practice Verne Lorway University of Prince Edward Island Zain Esseghaier University of Prince Edward Island Bonnie Stewart University of Prince Edward Island This presentation will describe theoretical ideas behind the construction of identity or self in three diverse educational contexts. Through an examination of subjectivity in art-based, web-based, and professional learning communities, the panel outlines possibilities for enhanced personal expression and voice in traditional and non-traditional educational settings. Active agents co-construct knowledge in their particular glocals, interweaving a deeper self-knowing within a more complex web of social relations. The presentation will explore how issues of identity have resonated with and complexified each of our research journeys in three seemingly disparate areas of education.

8 favoriser la connaissance de soi et le développement personnel chez des étudiantes et des étudiants en formation initiale en enseignement: la description d'un dispositif de formation et de ses effets André Doyon Université de Moncton Un des objectifs de la formation initiale en enseignement à la Faculté des sciences de l'éducation de l'université de Moncton consiste à favoriser chez les étudiantes et les étudiants la connaissance de soi comme personne, la capacité d'auto-critique et le développement personnel. (Mission de la faculté des sciences de l'éducation, Juin 1999). Dans cette présentation, il sera question d'un dispositif de formation utilisé dans un cours de premier cycle afin de favorisé l'atteinte de cet objectif. Ce dispositif est fondé sur une vision de la personne et des techniques utilisées en psychosynthèse, un approche psychologique developpée par Assagioli (1983). Set My Spirit Free: Transforming Classrooms into Spiritual Spaces for Learners of African Descent Kesa Munroe-Anderson Mount Saint Vincent University This presentation offers suggestions on healing the disconnect between the hearts of learners of African descent and Western practices of education. It looks at how the spirit the heart and soul of these learners - can be set free. Such a freedom occurs when educators encourage their students to have an intimacy with their lived experiences and to express this spirituality - the connection of the self to the world and others in the classroom. This type of education is necessary for transformation to take place and results in self-awareness, self-knowledge, and wholeness for African peoples. Art-form workshop for immigrant parents and their teenage children Sylvia Calatayud Independent My poster is based on a art-based workshop, that I implemented in 2008 for new Canadians parents and their teenage children. The workshop meant to help them find new ways of communication with each other by creating artwork in a safe and non judgmental environment. The art-form workshop's objective was to open participants creative potential, which could lead to finding of new ways of communication and problem solving. Through the process of creating art, participants can have a deeper understanding of their life challenges and fears and comprehend their family members struggles. With artistic expression the participants speak their own language and culture, and reaffirm their own identity. The Reggio Emilia Approach to Early Childhood on Prince Edward Island Anna Baldacchino University of Prince Edward Island This research consists in a qualitative case study of three childcare centres in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island (PEI), which are inspired by the Reggio Emilia (RE) approach to early childhood education. It investigates how these centres came about to be inspired by the Reggio principles and what benefits and/or challenges they have encountered in the process. Was it worth all the effort to change their former way of teaching? Would the benefits to the children outweigh the challenges involved in implementing the Reggio approach? Could this pedagogy be localized to PEI; and with what results? Findings indicate that, although the process was bumpy at times, the three centres seem to be implementing the Reggio principles according to the needs of their children and adapted to their own cultural context. As a result of this research, the study also offers some suggestions and recommendations to all stakeholders involved, including policy makers. Dueling Clocks: How Women Balance Academe with Childcare Erin J. Careless Mount Saint Vincent University Although there is an increased number of women represented in academe, both as students and faculty, there remains an absence of women who hold high-ranking academic positions. Based on an MA thesis looking at the experience of women who combine university careers with family life, this research highlights the barriers facing participants, as well as identified supports which would support role balancing. While the study focused mainly on the experiences of faculty members, some participants had children while students in graduate programs. Traditional, patriarchal structures in universities do not allow for interrupted career paths, and must be challenged in order to support women's growth and contributions in the academic sphere. Mapping the Landscape of Teacher Education in Canada: The First Steps Alan Sears University of New Brunswick Elizabeth Sloat University of New Brunswick Mark Hirschkorn University of New Brunswick Ann Sherman University of New Brunswick Collaborators from the Universities of New Brunswick and Saskatchewan have received SSHRC Funding to build a

9 website database designed to lay the groundwork for a larger research project focused on mapping the landscape of teacher education in Canada. This session is designed to offer delegates an early look at the web-based instruments designed to collect and share the baseline data from/with teacher education programs across the country, and for them to offer us feedback in response. It will consist of a brief introduction to the project as a whole, an opportunity to try the web-based tools, and a discussion of the questions/fields contained in the instrument. L expérience de lecteurs désengagés dans un cercle de lecture au sein d une équipe de hockey de garçons francophones de 9 et 10 ans du Nouveau-Brunswick. Manon Jolicoeur Université de Moncton Nous présenterons les résultats d une recherche portant sur l expérience d un cercle de lecture au sein d une équipe de hockey de garçons francophones de 9 et 10 ans du Nouveau-Brunswick. Nous nous pencherons sur le vécu des lecteurs désengagés à travers ce projet en présentant trois cas de figure. L analyse qualitative des données recueillies par entrevues, questionnaires et observations démontre que leur dynamique motivationnelle a évolué vers l engagement. Finalement, nous conclurons avec des recommandations pour d éventuels dispositifs visant l apprentissage des élèves vivant en milieu linguistique minoritaire avec une attention particulière pour les garçons. Issues in Counseling Education in Atlantic Canada Deborah Day Acadia University Robert Baudouin Université de Moncton Beth Robinson Acadia University Coming Teacher Beliefs about Science Education: Crucial to inform professional development initiatives Danny Marmen School District 8 Science teaching practice is influenced by a teacher s beliefs about what students should learn and by other implicit beliefs related to teaching and learning science. Through this two-phased qualitative study, an understanding was sought about what middle school science teachers believe the purpose of science education and students understanding of science should be that is, their prescriptive beliefs about science education. The goal was to gain an understanding of these beliefs and see how that could help design more effective professional development initiatives. Research as Critical Praxis: Graduate Student Research at UNB Linda Eyre University of New Brunswick Stacey Pineau University of New Brunswick James Rowinsky University of New Brunswick Kristina Simons University of New Brunswick This panel illustrates some of the current graduate student research in progress in the Critical Studies in Education program at UNB. Collectively, the research shows the complexities of social relations, the effects of dominant ideologies and discourses on students and teachers everyday lives, and what might be done differently to work toward social change. Labels are for Soup Cans: Youth Leadership in Bullying Prevention Stacy Coy Canadian Red Cross Every day in Canada children face cruel treatment by their peers. This bullying behaviour is often dismissed as harmless and a "normal" part of childhood. But for everyone involved, it isn't "normal" and it needs to stop. Peer facilitation is the model the Red Cross uses to educate students about the issues related to bullying. Students know how to reach other students with the right message and have creative solutions to bullying prevention in schoolsincluding the rise in cyberbullying. This presentation will provide an overview of tools available through the Red Cross RespectED: Violence and Abuse Prevention Program with a particular emphasis on the bullying prevention education training available for schools in Atlantic Canada. The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: Cultural Diversity in Pre-service Teacher Education Zhanna Barchuk Mount Saint Vincent University Mary Jane Harkins Mount Saint Vincent University As the diversity of students within the school population of Atlantic Canada continues to grow, so does the need for teachers to provide a culturally sensitive curriculum. As educators, we share the responsibility of developing inclusive

10 teaching practices where students diverse in culture, religion and language can celebrate their identity while becoming globally educated people. This session presents the findings of a study that examined pre-service Social Studies teachers perceptions of their preparedness to teach in multicultural classroom. The importance of teacher education as a central force in raising awareness of the necessity for the integrative multiculturalism cannot be denied. LabradorLife: Virtual Worlds as Educational Spaces Evie Plaice University of New Brunswick Will McGrath University of New Brunswick Computer generated virtual worlds are growing in popularity as recreational spaces. As such, they present potential new environments for education. Our project involves the construction of a virtual world portal to link students with current research generated by "Understanding the Past to Build the Future," a Community-University Research Alliance between the Labrador Metis Nation (Nunatukavut), Memorial University, the University of New Brunswick, and Parks Canada. Our presentation will explore some of the strengths and limitations we have encountered in our early experiments with virtual worlds as educational spaces. Les doués enrichissent la communauté : une collaboration entre l école et l université pour actualiser les talents en mathématiques Viktor Freiman Université de Moncton Dominic Manuel Université de Moncton Bernice McGraw-LeBlanc District scolaire 1, N.-B., Manon Kenny École Le Carrefour de l Acadie En mathématiques, l impossibilité de répondre aux besoins des élèves doués et talentueux préoccupe plusieurs chercheurs et praticiens. Même si ces élèves obtiennent des bons résultats académiques, leurs besoins d'apprentissage sont-ils pleinement comblés? Le but de notre proposition est de partager les résultats d une recherche réalisée dans le cadre d un projet FIA (Fonds d innovation en apprentissage) élaboré par le ministère de l Éducation du Nouveau-Brunswick. Le projet présente une initiative qui met en place une collaboration entre l université et l école pour appuyer l innovation dans le milieu scolaire. Le projet a été bâti sur l expertise développée par l équipe CASMI (Freiman, Manuel, Lirette-Pitre, 2007).

Integrated Music Education: Challenges for Teaching and Teacher Training Presentation of a Book Project

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