Séance d information Appel ERA-NET SMART GRIDS +

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1 Séance d information Appel ERA-NET SMART GRIDS + Gilles Tihon Julie Marlier, Attachés Direction de la Promotion de l énergie durable DGO4 Direction des Programmes fédéraux et internationaux DG06 Beez 06 Novembre 2014

2 ERA-Net Cofund Smart Grids Plus Exemples de projets de recherche européens European Electricity Grid Initiative (EEGI) Topics de l ERA-Net cofund Smart Grids Plus 2

3 ERA-Net Cofund Smart Grids Plus Exemples de projets de recherche européens European Electricity Grid Initiative (EEGI) Topics de l ERA-Net cofund Smart Grids Plus 3

4 ERA-Net Smart Grids : quelques exemples Les Etats membres et les Régions préparant l appel ERA-Net cofund en réseaux électriques intelligents ont présenté chacun UN projet qui leur semblait significatif des travaux en cours chez eux. Cette sélection se trouve ici : 4

5 ERA-Net Smart Grids : quelques exemples 1. SMART GRIDS MODEL REGION SALZBURG INTEGRATION DES ENERGIES RENOUVELABLES UTLISATION DES VEHICULES ELECTRIQUES pour aider la gestion du réseau ACCEPTABILITE PAR LES CONSOMMATEURS Nécessite une bonne infrastructure ICT, de manière sûre, en respectant la vie privée; Nécessite des développements technologiques, de nouveaux modèles de marché 5

6 ERA-Net Smart Grids : quelques exemples 2. THE FLEXLAST PROJECT COOPERATION ENTRE LE TSO SUISSE, IBM ET MIGROS SUR L UTILISATION DE GRANDS ENTREPÔTS FRIGORIFIQUES POUR AIDER AU BALANCING TERMINE EN 2013 CONCLUSIONS ET RECOMMANDATIONS : Coordonner les charges industrielles pour participer au balancing coûte moins cher que construire un nouvelle centrale (!), mais il semblerait que les pools de plus de 50MW ont plus de chance de participer au marché du balancing. 6

7 ERA-Net Smart Grids : quelques exemples 3. SWISS2GRID Projet pilote d une vingtaine de résidences productrices Des mesures locales de la tension par circuits électroniques simples permet à des algorithmes de décision décentralisés d aider à la gestion du réseau ~de manière décentralisée travail en cours pour accéder à l évaluation des impacts sur le réseau, à un niveau de réseau plus élevé, au développement de systèmes tarifaires adéquats 7

8 ERA-Net Smart Grids : quelques exemples 4. E-ENERGY, SMART GRIDS MADE IN GERMANY 6 REGIONS, avec zones urbaines et rurales et des SER Création d un marché local spécifique pour chacune Il faut de la flexibilité Possibilité de déplacer 10% du pic load Il faut changer les lois allemandes Difficilement viable économiquement les ICT testés, les markets designs ont le potentiel d être implémentés; puisqu il y a du potentiel, les partenaires veulent continuer 8

9 ERA-Net Smart Grids : quelques exemples 5. PROJETS VENTEEA et SMART GRID VENDEE - ; 12/ /2015 ; 01/ /2017 Les deux projets visent à optimiser la gestion d un réseau qui ont tous deux des fermes éoliennes, et plus de panneaux PV pour le deuxième 9

10 ERA-Net Smart Grids : quelques exemples 6. LINEAR LOCAL INTELLIGENT NETWORKS AND ENERGY ACTIVE REGIONS 05/ /2014 «The vision of the project is to test and prove the commercial viability of products, solutions and models for residential demand response» Intégration d outils de contrôle de résidences, concepts de stockage, modèles économiques et incitants financiers à définir. 10

11 ERA-Net Smart Grids : quelques exemples 7. DREAM :DYNAMIC REAL-TIME CONTROL OF ENERGY STREAMS IN BUILDINGS Gestion de l énergie de bâtiments connectés au réseau pour : - réduire l empreinte écologique des bâtiments sans nuire au confort - intégrer les micro-générations renouvelables RESULTATS : «The project is to result in cheaper MV/LV instrumentation, so the use of Smart Grids becomes attractive and grid operators want to invest in it» 11

12 ERA-Net Smart Grids : quelques exemples D autres projets en living labs et en îlotages D autres projets wallons : GREDOR FLEXIPAC PREMASOL Discutez-en avec les acteurs 12

13 ERA-Net Cofund Smart Grids Plus Exemples de projets de recherche européens European Electricity Grid Initiative (EEGI) Topics de l ERA-Net cofund Smart Grids Plus 13

14 European Electricity Grid Initiative (EEGI) Initiative Industrielle Européenne créée dans le cadre du SETPLAN Rassemble des représentants de la CE, des Etats Membres et des Industriels Oriente les axes de recherche, de développement et d innovations technologiques Les autres initiatives industrielles sont la bioénergie, le CCS, le nucléaire, le solaire, l éolien, les fuel cells et l hydrogène initiatives/initiatives_en.htm 14

15 European Electricity Grid Initiative (EEGI) Il travaille avec les TSO et les DSO, les acteurs industriels, l IEA, ISGAN, le DOE, les représentants des Etats Membres et la CE. Il identifie les actions et les investissements nécessaires pour obtenir les réseaux électriques performants du futur. Notamment, ENTSO-E et EDSO publient tous les deux ans un «roadmap» sur les forces et les faiblesses des réseaux électriques, et les points sur lesquels il faut concentrer les efforts. 15

16 ERA-Net Cofund Smart Grids Plus Exemples de projets de recherche européens European Electricity Grid Initiative (EEGI) Topics de l ERA-Net cofund Smart Grids Plus 16

17 ERA-Net Cofund Smart Grids Plus Les thèmes de recherche ont été choisis en fonction : de l EEGI Research and Innovation Roadmap GI%20Roadmap% _to%20print.pdf des nécessités des États ou Régions qui participent à l ERA-Net. 17

18 ERA-Net Cofund Smart Grids Plus TROIS AXES L adoption par les «stakeholders» Les échanges commerciaux ou le business: «Marketplace» La Technologie APPROCHE INTEGREE Les projets liant plusieurs axes sont obligatoires Pourquoi pas des liaisons avec e-mobility et smart Cities? 18

19 ERA-Net Cofund Smart Grids Plus Niveau de TRL (Technology Readiness Level) recherché : 4 (5) à 7 Utilisation de démos déjà existants si possible «The initiative is aiming to actively and substantially involve industry and grid operators in the transnational projects and activities» 19

20 ERA-Net Cofund Smart Grids Plus L appel se focalise sur la recherche appliquée conduisant au pilote ou à la démonstration, incluant les aspects socio-économiques, et l implication du consommateur (résidentiel, commercial ou industriel) «The inclusion of knowledge sharing is mandatory» 63 sujets mentionnés dans les discussions, répartis en 23 sujets potentiels de coopération (area of coopération) avec 10 sujets qui ont été les plus mentionnés 20

21 Les 23 domaines d intérêts ne sont pas limitatifs. Ils sont repris dans la liste après la présentation. Les 10 sujets les plus mentionnés par les pays/régions sont les suivants : 21

22 Area of cooperation Research area Technology Goods and Services Stakeholders /Adoption Demand Side Management Wide area monitoring and dynamic control Market tools Industrial processes, micro production ICT Interfaces Data models, reference architecture Standardization and operability, market models, (autonomous) Grid Management Real-time monitoring/analysis, state estimation, distributed control systems, self-healing systems Communication and security 22 Smart meter data processing, reliable communication structures, cyber security, mathematical models highlighting potential threats Regulatory framework (ownership of data etc ) Privacy concerns

23 Area of cooperation Research area Technology Goods and Services Stakeholders /Adoption Smart Market Data models Business models, market design, regulatory framework Integration of RES/DER Integration of RES/DER including Voltage- and reactive power control, DSOtools for LV and MV grids Combined RES New market places for integrated infrastructures Integration with other infrastructures. Consumer involvement 23

24 Area of cooperation Pan-European Network Management of RES Smart Grids and E-Mobility Research area Technology RES management and optimization rural vs urban, predominant wind vs solar generation. Grid infrastructures to host EV, PHEV Goods and Services Compatibility Issues, capacity markets, Local/national flexibility vs pan-european commodity market Stakeholders /Adoption New planning approaches, 24

25 2 nd ERA-Net Smart Grids Plus matchmaking event 14 November 2014, ETH Zürich, Switzerland Registration: and-zurich There are 100 companies from 24 countries already registered with their cooperation profiles on the matchmaking platform b2match. Upload your own profile and be part of the community! From now on the booking of bilateral meetings for the matchmaking event in Zürich is open. Once being present on the platform with your profile, you can make appointments with interesting partners and meet them physically at the event in Zürich. The meetings are scheduled for 20 min. You can meet up to 10 people at the event. Sign in and tick Switzerland, Zürich ( November 2014) as your favourable event Search for interesting profiles (notice most promising ones) Click the button "Book Meeting" Bookings are assigned after the "First Come - First 25 Served" principle. Deadline for booking is the 12 November 2014!

26 CONVENTION GREDOR Les réseaux électriques avant

27 CONVENTION GREDOR Les réseaux électriques après m/2011/02/real-life-escherperpetual-waterfall.html

28 28 Bon travail!

29 # Area of interest Description of area of interest Active Demand Side Management Standardised and open ICT interfaces Autonomous grid management Reliable and cyber secure communication Active Demand Side Management (including industrial processes, large appliances), and micro production, balancing of variable production, real time dispatch (with storage), (market) tools for the integration of active demand in the electrical system operations, ancillary services, wide area monitoring and dynamic control. ICT interfaces for integration of renewable integration, including European standardisation and interoperability, standardised object models and functions towards open source use of standards, implementation of market models, data models, and reference architecture. Self-healing, resilient smart grids and grid management (real time monitoring/analysis, state estimation, central/distributed control), autonomous, distributed control systems, autonomous self-controlling and healing grids (dynamic topology, power re-routing) concerning both LV and MV grids. Information and communication needs for smart grids, including smart metering, data processing, reliable communications structures (e.g. for the dispatching of distributed generation from wind and photovoltaic power plants), security (including cyber security) of critical infrastructure, development of mathematical models (simulation) for pilot applications (e.g. for highlighting threats that may occur in the implementation of more information and communication into smart grids systems). 29

30 5 6 Smart retail market Secure integration of RES/DER End user markets for smart grid related services (including implementation of market models, data models, reference architecture, smart energy market instruments and structures. Integration of RES/DER and storage (including voltage, reactive control, infeedmanagement, network management) and DSO tools for LV and MV grids. 7 Load density driven management of RES Renewable energy management and optimisation in rural environments with predominant solar or wind generation and in urban environments. This includes smart grids aspects for different regional types of smart grids (rural vs. urban; levels of penetration of renewable. 8 Multiple energycarrier driven management of RES Active demand (smart city, smart building, smart transport, storage etc.) for innovative integration with other infrastructures and energy carriers, including integrated energy hubs (for electricity, gas, heat, cold, etc.), ancillary services by combined energy renewable energy power plants, overall energy efficiency gains from integration with smart homes. 30

31 9 Pan-European network and market Innovative tools and approaches for pan-european network reliability assessment, new planning approaches (towards an integrated grid+generation+storageminimum cost, maximum security of supply system), compatibility issues between pan-european and national markets and stakeholders, local/national flexibility and capacity markets versus a pan-european commodity market, grid state monitoring and innovative tools for pan-european network observability, for coordinated operations with stability margin evaluation, and for pan-european network reliability assessment. 10 Next level of smart grid implementation Next steps in implementation of smart grids (learning from existing demo and R&D initiatives in the regions/countries), next generation of smart metering applications. 11 Forecasting techniques for handling of volatility and flexibility Advanced forecasting techniques for sustainable operations and power supply, probabilistic techniques for distributed generation. 12 Smart grids and e- mobility Grid and smart grids infrastructures to host electric vehicles (EV) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV) 31

32 13 14 Capacity allocation and congestion management Whole system long-term development of transmission and distribution grids Advanced tools for transmission and distribution grid capacity allocation and congestion management, including the integration of demand side management at DSO level into TSO operations. Transmission system integration of large scale RES, interaction transmission & distribution system (hybrid AC-DC system, DC-grid etc.), e.g. North Sea grid as an extension to pan- European transmission. 15 From grids to smart grids Aggregate/customise/adapt the existing transport & distribution systems to smart grids requirements, including the operative structure for transport and distribution dispatcher and distributed renewable generation (operational, balancing market). 16 Materials and technologies 17 Smart buildings Technology to increase network flexibility and operation means (FACTS, superconducting components etc.). User behaviour: smart buildings, households with active consumer involvement, social acceptance of DSM. 18 Interactions and responsibilities of DSOs Interactions and responsibilities between DSOs and other stakeholders. 32

33 19 Training and education tools and methods Tools and methods for smart grids training and education; new tools, simulators, methods and training facilities for operators of smart grids. 20 Leveraging information flows Leveraging smart grid enabled information flows. 21 Capacity limit handling Technical solutions to dynamically changing the transport thermal limit on critical overhead line to allow a maximum production from wind power plants generation capacities (OHL sensors, acquisition/communications systems and associated algorithms to obtain optimal maximum set point in order to reduce in safety operation conditions the production limitation for the power productions from e.g. a wind power plant). 22 Smart meter benefits Smart meter rollout strategies, including cost/benefit analyses. 23 Open grids/networks Open grid/networks and customer driven products. 33

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