Design & Edition Magdalena Pyszkowska Ana Maria Tartacuta

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2 Brochure of Innotech : part of Central Engineering Department of Bouygues Bâtiment International Design & Edition Magdalena Pyszkowska Ana Maria Tartacuta Editorial Board Christophe Moreau Trino Beltran Art Editor Creads, Agence de Communication Participative Publication October 2011 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical photocopy, audio or video recording or otherwise without prior permission of the copyright owners. At the end of these articles you will find links to the full versions of all our articles, in English, French, and Spanish. And you can find fuller information and multimedia content on the Innotech website: Retrouvez à la fin des articles un tag vous permettant d accéder à la version intégrale de tous nos articles, disponibles en anglais, en français et en espagnol. Vous trouverez plus d informations et de contenus multimédia, en vous rendant sur le site web Innotech :

3 Edito EDITO by Olivier-Marie RACINE Chief Executive Officer by Christophe MOREAU Technical Director Competitiveness and Conviviality Innotech within the company Ideas that led to the creation of Innotech With Innotech it was decided to devote key members of company staff exclusively to thinking on the issues of innovation by removing them from their daily work pressures. Their competence and their curious and creative minds are recognised within the company as qualities that lend themselves ideally to exploring the ways of the future, bringing new proposals on board, and carrying development forward for the benefit of us all. Our rivals are constantly hot on our heels. We therefore have to provide our customers with innovative technologies and approaches that our competitors are not yet capable of offering. Innotech must constantly generate a cutting-edge advantage. The topics already developed (virtual representation of objects, digital 3D model) demonstrate that Bouygues Bâtiment International can keep a step ahead of the field in both form and substance. With tools such as these we perform much better both in presenting our proposals and in carrying out our projects The subjects developed by Innotech must also help create a more comfortable working environment for the workforce and thereby reinforce our appeal. Innotech must also contribute to sustainable construction: the issues involved are globally understood by all in our company and technical communication at this stage continues to play a vital role. But everything still remains to be created and invented. That is yet one more objective for the Innotech team. Meeting Bouygues Bâtiment International s operational requirements Today, the Bouygues Bâtiment International engineering staff are highly decentralised: more than 380 people in LTD local technical departments and around 100 at Central Engineering. The assignments of Central Engineering are not just restricted to work on projects, they also involve ensuring effective sharing of knowledge with all members of staff. This means circulating technical information throughout the company and organising debates on technical matters. While we carried out a certain amount of work along these lines previously, since the creation of Innotech we have multiplied the ways of putting the message across to our personnel, with newsletters, a website, and technical meetings. At Bouygues Bâtiment International, R&D is carried out by a very small number of people. Innotech has succeeded in boosting our involvement in this field. Benefiting from some previous R&D experience, we now want to get more people at Bouygues Bâtiment International involved and establish links between research topics and the company s business. Our added value will be helping identify people with promising pioneering ideas in all countries and supporting them to develop R&D projects that will serve the company s operational requirements. More... French version of edito: 3

4 Table OF CONTENTS Innotech objectives General presentation of Innotech 5 Presentation of R&D activity 6 Callisto-SARI film Activities overview Barwa Financial District Doha, Qatar Callisto - SARI project 7 Digital model 8 Technical Communication 9 Innotech website & editorial line 10 Capitalisation and sharing of experience 11 Activities examples Terminal Cruise Hong Kong Innotech Events 12 Sustainable Construction Monitor 14 Alexandra form 16 Technology intelligence & Prospective 17 Research & Development 18 4

5 by Trino BELTRAN General presentation of Innotech Innotech OBJECTIVES Présentation générale d'innotech Innotech is the name given to the department in charge of R&D, innovation, and knowledge sharing in the Central Engineering division of Bouygues Bâtiment International. Innotech is about knowledge sharing, then. It is a monthly newsletter addressing multiple topics under headings such as Sustainable Construction Monitor, Project Feedback, and Technology Intelligence; it is 10 lectures every year the Innotech Meetings ; it is a website it is Polybrain, with its Alexandria and Alexandra datasheets; it is the Alexandra summaries, the Innovation Morning Sessions, and the innovation forum which are held after every Bouygues Bâtiment International convention, in October. The Innotech Meetings organised at Challenger have become something everyone looks forward to. They are recorded on video, translated, and put up on our website for all to see. And they are Bouygues Bâtiment International events with which we are pleased to associate other Bouygues Construction entities (Concessions unit, ETDE, C2S). Although we now live in a fully digital world, getting this information out to people can be a real problem. In addition to electronic transmission, therefore, we send DVD ROM copies of the lectures, articles, and documents we produce to anyone who has trouble connecting. Magdalena, Ana-Maria, Evelyne, and Edyta are in charge of all these initiatives and will describe them in greater detail in the articles in the following pages. In R&D, the first prototype of our virtual-reality immersion program, Callisto- SARI, will be released early in As ever, we are very active in projects concerning energy, carbon footprinting, and dynamic thermal simulation, an issue Christian de Nacquard and the Mechanical team of Central Engineering team are working on assiduously. But Innotech is also the deployment of BIM (Building Information Modelling) within Bouygues Bâtiment International. It is the generalisation and standardisation of the initiatives involved in this new way of working, and it is about imagining the work stations of the future, in offices as well as on job sites, and bringing about changes. Two networks have been created by Innotech: one for Bâtiment International innovators, and one for BIM users. The objectives of the former network are to identify and encourage imaginative staff members, to help their ideas flourish, and provide them with greater resources. As for the BIM network, it is a matter of identifying and spreading good practices and helping sites which throw themselves into building information modelling. Karim, Ariane, and I are the main protagonists behind these issues, and we will tell you more about them later. Last but not least, Innotech is also about making everyone aware of the creativeness of Bouygues Bâtiment International through publications, articles in journals such as Le Moniteur, CAD Magazine, and Arts et Métiers Magazine, and through public lectures such as Autodesk BIM Days in Paris or CTBUH* 2011 in Korea, and the Innovation contest with international universities or in schools of engineering and architecture. Innotech est le nom donné au département en charge de la R&D, L innovation et le Partage des Connaissances au seins de l Ingénierie Centrale de Bouygues Bâtiment International. Innotech c est tout d abord du partage des connaissances. C est une newsletter mensuelle et multithématique observatoire de la construction durable, retour d expérience chantier, veille technologique, c est 10 conférences par an «les rencontres Innotech», c est un site internet - -, c est Polybrain avec les fiches Alexandrie et Alexandra, ce sont les synthèses Alexandra, ce sont les «matinées de l innovation» et le «forum innovation» qui ont lieux après chaque convention de BBI en Octobre. Les «Rencontres Innotech» sont devenues des événements attendus par tous. Organisées à Challenger elles sont enregistrées en vidéo, traduites et mises à disposition de tous sur notre site internet. Ces rencontres sont des événements BYBI auxquels nous associons aussi d autres entités de Bouygues Construction (Pôle Concession, ETDE, C2S). Bien que nous soyons à l ère du tout numérique, la diffusion de ces informations reste un véritable problème. En plus de la diffusion électronique, nous envoyons, à ceux qui ont des difficultés à se connecter, des copies sur DVD-Rom des conférences et de tous les articles et documents que nous produisons. Magdalena, Ana-Maria, Evelyne et Edyta sont en charge de ces diverses démarches et vous les décriront plus en détails dans les articles ci-après. En R&D, le premier prototype de notre outil d immersion en réalité virtuelle «Callisto- SARI» sera disponible début Nous continuons à être très actifs dans les projets liés à l énergie, au bilan carbone, et à la simulation thermique dynamique auxquels participent Christian de Nacquard et l équipe Mechanical de l Ingénierie Centrale. Mais Innotech, c est aussi le déploiement à BBI de la maquette numérique. C est la généralisation et la normalisation des démarches liées à cette nouvelle façon de travailler, c est aussi imaginer et faire évoluer les postes de travail, au bureau, mais aussi sur les chantiers Deux réseaux ont été mis en place par Innotech: les innovateurs BYBI et les utilisateurs BIM. Les objectifs pour le premier de ces réseaux sont de repérer et d encourager les collaborateurs imaginatifs, de les aider à s épanouir et de leur donner davantage de moyens. Pour ce qui est du réseau BIM, cela consiste à identifier et diffuser les bonnes pratiques et à aider les chantiers qui se lancent dans la maquette numérique. Karim, Ariane et moi-même sommes les porteurs principaux de ces démarches et vous les détaillons ci-après. Pour terminer, Innotech c est aussi de faire découvrir à tous la force de créativité BYBI, au travers de publications, articles dans : Le Moniteur, CAD Magazine, Arts et Métiers Magazine, ou de conférences publiques : «Autodesk BIM Days» à Paris, «CTBUH 2011» en Corée, «Innovation contest» avec les universités internationales, ou dans les écoles d ingénieurs et d architectes. Innotech, vous aide à préparer demain Innotech, Be ready for tomorrow Innotech, Prepárate a mañana 5

6 by Trino BELTRAN Presentation of R&D activity Innotech OBJECTIVES Présentation de l'activité "R&D" R&D and innovation are the very core of what Innotech does. First of all, we have strived to formalise the procedure through major projects, by improving our participation in Bouygues Construction projects, by addressing new means of financing these projects, and by working directly with scientists. The second phase of the Actitudes initiative has reorganised R&D and innovation at Bouygues Construction. Following the proposals of working groups that examined the group s sustainable-construction strategy, a new structure has been created: RDI (Bouygues Construction R&D and Innovation), led by Christian Griffault, is charged with bringing the Group s R&D alive, uniting the efforts of different entities, creating greater synergy between Bouygues Construction members, better integrating sustainable-construction initiatives into all aspects of the work done, and setting up structures similar to Innotech in the various structures that already exist. R&D and technical innovation are now managed by the Bouygues Construction RDI Committee made up of the various technical managers and RDI heads of the various entities. As Manager of Bouygues Bâtiment International s own RDI unit, I will be representing you in this new structure whose work will be based on three pillars: First pillar: establishing collaboration agreements with industrial partners aimed at working in common on R&D projects, each partner in its own speciality, to create synergies and to pool results. Today this includes our special relations with Autodesk, Dassault Systèmes, Lafarge, St Gobain, Philips, and Samsung. Second pillar : relations and collaboration with research laboratories, publicsector research institutes and universities. This kind of joint effort is taking place already through shared projects such as Callisto-SARI, SIMBIO, and the Sustainable Construction teaching and research chair. But it also involves presentations/conferences or lectures that members of Bouygues Bâtiment International give in CEA, CSTB, CNRS and in engineering schools and universities, including École Centrale Paris, Ponts et Chaussées Paris Tech, Arts et Métiers Paris Tech, Université de Technologie de Compiègne, ESTP, HEC, and Supélec. Third pillar : development and effective implementation of the R&D and innovations implemented on jobsites and by specialist units. This aspect is both the most important and the most difficult to carry out. A feature of Bouygues Bâtiment International is that instead of organising innovation contests every year or every other year, together with General Management of Bouygues Bâtiment International we have set up a budget to help finance your innovation ideas throughout the year. All you have to do is submit your ideas to Innotech by filling in a project datasheet outlining your objectives, the preparation time, the estimated cost of the work required, external costs, and the technical backup you might require. Once your project has been validated, together we will find a trial zone and allocate you the resources. At the same time, and depending on the type of project you propose, I transfer the information to the Bouygues Construction RDI committee to get additional support. All in all, this more professional RDI approach is bound to very rapidly gain in efficiency and change our business on a daily basis. La R&D et l innovation sont au cœur même de l activité d Innotech. Nous nous sommes, tout d abord, attachés à formaliser la démarche au travers de grands projets, en améliorant notre participation aux projets de BYCN, en nous attaquant à de nouveaux modes de financement de ces projets et en travaillant directement avec des chercheurs. La seconde phase de la démarche «Actitudes» a permis de réorganiser la R&D et l innovation à BYCN. Suite aux propositions des groupes de travail qui se sont penchés sur la Stratégie Construction Durable du groupe, une nouvelle structure a été créée : la RDI (R&D et Innovation) de BYCN avec Christian GRIFFAULT à sa tête. Cette structure a pour mission de faire vivre la R&D du groupe, fédérer les démarches des différentes entités, créer encore plus de synergie entre les membres de BYCN, mieux intégrer les démarches de construction durable dans nos différents métiers, ainsi que de mettre en place des structures similaires à Innotech dans les différentes structures existantes. La R&D et l innovation technique sont dorénavant piloté par le comité RDI de BYCN regroupant les Directeurs Techniques et les responsables des RDI des différentes entités. C est en qualité de Directeur RDI de BI que je représenterai dans cette structure dont les actions s articulent autour de 3 axes: Premier axe : les collaborations avec des partenaires industriels. Travailler en commun sur des projets de R&D, chacun dans nos spécialités nous permettra de créer des synergies et de mutualiser nos efforts. Par exemple nos relations particulières avec Autodesk, Dassault Systèmes, Lafarge, St. Gobain, Philips, Samsung. Deuxième axe : les relations et collaborations avec des laboratoires de recherche, des organismes publics de recherche et les universitaires. Ces relations se font déjà au travers des projets que nous avons en commun avec eux : «Callisto-SARI», «SIMBIO», «Chaire Construction Durable». Et cela est réalisé, par le biais de conférences ou de cours, par des membres du BI dans des écoles et universités : le CEA, CSTB, CNRS, Ecole Centrale Paris, les Ponts et Chaussés Paris Tech, Arts et Métiers Paris Tech, Université de Technologie de Compiègne, l ESTP, HEC et Supélec. Troisième axe : le développement et la valorisation de la R&D et des innovations qui se font sur les chantiers et dans les cellules techniques. C est à la fois le plus important et le plus difficile à mettre en œuvre. Particularité de BI, au lieu d organiser des concours innovations tous les ans ou tous les deux ans, nous avons mis en place avec le DG de BI un budget permettant de vous aider à financer tout au long de l année vos idées d innovations. Il vous suffit d envoyer vos idées à Innotech, en remplissant une fiche projet, en décrivant vos objectifs, le temps de préparation, le coût estimé du travail à réaliser, les coûts externes, les appuis techniques qui vous manquent. Dès que votre projet est validé, nous trouvons ensemble un lieu d expérimentation et les moyens que nous vous donnons. En parallèle et suivant le type de projet proposé, je fais remonter l information au niveau du comité RDI de BYCN en vue d obtenir des compléments d aide. En résumé, une démarche «RDI» qui se professionnalise et qui ne peut que rapidement gagner en efficacité et faire évoluer notre quotidien. 6

7 Activity OVERVIEW by Ariane GENTY Callisto-SARI project Le projet Callisto-SARI What exactly do you do with Innotech? I m the R&D project manager in charge of coordinating the Callisto-SARI realistic immersive architectural simulation project, a three-year multidisciplinary R&D project involving 8 private-sector and institutional partners for which Bouygues Bâtiment International is the lead firm. Bouygues Bâtiment International is the project leader within Bouygues Construction. What does the Callisto-SARI project involve? Callisto-SARI involves building a virtual-reality room, developing appropriate software, and specifying a mobile system for simulating walkthrough inside a building, at full scale, in real time, and with physical, acoustical, and luminous rendering. During visits it will be possible to interact with the building, i.e. change building components and see the immediate consequences. Users of Callisto-SARI will be able to immerse themselves visually and acoustically in the model of a construction project, get a sense of distance and space, and grasp life-size appreciation of sustainable-development issues. What are the main issues? This project is an opportunity to bring about new awareness and changes in the design process of buildings. By being able to see and interact with a project at the design stage, decision making will be facilitated, and it will no longer be necessary to wait for a mock-up to be built. Also, by putting the issues involved in the use of digital building models in the eye of manufacturers and the general public, the project will develop synergies around the evolution of 3D digital simulation and display techniques for the profession. Quelle est votre activité au sein d Innotech? Je suis chef de projet R&D, et je coordonne le projet Callisto-SARI (Simulation Architecturale Réaliste et Immersive). Il s agit d un projet de R&D pluridisciplinaire sur trois ans regroupant 8 partenaires privés et institutionnels dont Bouygues Construction est le chef de file. Au sein de BYCN, BI est le pilote du projet. En quoi consiste le projet Callisto-SARI? Callisto-SARI consiste à construire une salle de réalité virtuelle, développer les outils logiciels adaptés et spécifier un système mobile pour simuler la visite de l intérieur d un bâtiment : à l échelle 1/1, en temps réel, en rendus physiques acoustiques et lumineux. Au cours de cette visite, il sera possible d interagir avec le bâtiment, changer les éléments constituant l ouvrage et en voir les conséquences immédiates. Les utilisateurs de Callisto-SARI pourront s immerger dans une maquette de projet de construction du point de vue visuel et acoustique, ressentir les espaces et les distances, appréhender à l échelle 1 les enjeux liés au développement durable. Quels sont les principaux enjeux? Ce projet est l occasion de sensibiliser et de faire évoluer les processus de conception d ouvrages. Permettre la visualisation et l interaction avec un projet en cours d étude facilite la prise de décision sans avoir besoin d attendre la construction d un témoin. Par ailleurs, en rendant visible aux industriels et au grand public les enjeux liés à l usage des maquettes numériques de bâtiment, ce projet permet aussi de créer une synergie autour de l évolution des techniques numériques 3D de simulation et visualisation pour le métier. Kickoff date : 12 July, 2010 Duration : 3 years Budget : 5.2M (including a 2.5M subsidy from France s Fond Unique Interministériel (FUI Single Interministerial Fund). R&D work : 3 theses, 4 post-doctoral studies, 2 engineers, 2 technicians, 1 project manager, several interns, and ongoing work by professionals from different companies. Project recognised by various business clusters such as Cap Digital, Advancity, System@tic. Partners : Bouygues Construction; public corporations: Cité des sciences et de l Industrie un lieu Universcience, CSTB ; small businesses: Immersion, AGP; research laboratories : Arts & Métiers ParisTech, École Centrale Paris, Lutin (CNRS). Date de lancement : 12 juillet 2010 Durée : trois ans Budget : 5,2M (dont 2,5 M de subvention FUI Fond Unique Interministériel). Efforts R&D : 3 thèses, 4 post-doc, 2 ingénieurs, 2 techniciens, 1 chef de projet, plusieurs stagiaires et interventions continues des professionnels de différentes entreprises. Projet labellisé par les pôles de compétitivité : Cap Digital, Advancity, System@ tic. Partenaires : Bouygues Construction ; EPIC : Cité des sciences et de l Industrie un lieu Universcience, CSTB ; PME: Immersion, AGP ; Laboratoires de recherche : Arts & Métiers ParisTech, Ecole Centrale Paris, Lutin (CNRS). 7

8 Activity OVERVIEW by Karim MECHRI Digital Model Maquette numérique What exactly do you do with Innotech? Amongst other things, I m in charge of deploying BIM (Building Information Modelling) and the associated technologies within BYBI. BIM integrates additional information on a building and its components such as materials, acoustics, thermal considerations, etc. into the digital 3D model of a building. I m involved in this project as an expert, helping set up BIM on Bouygues Bâtiment International jobsites, for which I work closely with other Group specialists within the BIMBY taskforce (the Bouygues Construction BIM unit). Within the BIMBY group, therefore, I m in charge of projects relating to man machine interfaces (MMI) such as the digital touch table, i-pad, and RA (mobile augmented reality), with a view to improving and modernising the work stations of colleagues in design and on jobsites. In addition, since to get the most out of any professional exchange you need to better understand or even predict the requirements of the specialists in the field, I m also developing APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), software allowing commercially available programs to be adapted to our specific professional requirements. How has BIM been received within BYBI? Quelles sont vos activités au sein d Innotech? Je suis entre autres en charge du déploiement du BIM (Building Information Modelling) et de ses technologies associées au sein du BYBI. Le BIM permet d intégrer des informations supplémentaires concernant le bâtiment et ses composantes à sa représentation en 3D : les matériaux, l acoustique, la thermique, etc. J interviens en tant qu expert, afin d aider à la mise en place de BIM au sein des chantiers de BYBI et travaille en collaboration avec les acteurs spécialistes du groupe, au sein de BIMBY (pôle de compétence BIM de BYCN). A ce sujet, au sein de BIMBY, je pilote les projets relatifs aux Interfaces Homme-Machine (IHM) tels que la table à dessin tactile, i-pad, RA (Réalité Augmentée mobile), en vue de l amélioration et de l évolution du poste de travail de nos collaborateurs études et chantiers. De plus, l amélioration des échanges passant par une meilleure compréhension voire une anticipation des besoins des hommes métier, je fais également développer des API (Application Programmable Interface) qui sont des outils informatiques permettant d adopter à nos besoins métier les outils du commerce. Quel a été l accueil réservé au BIM par BYBI? Setting up BIM means managing change. Once people overcame their initial reserves something that is perfectly natural with respect to a new procedure, and after the first tests, BIM was very quickly adopted in a variety of BYBI projects. Canada was a strong driving force, benefiting from the knowhow of local partners, and Singapore was close behind, especially BYME which became the example in terms of digital 3D modelling of Bouygues Bâtiment International projects. Other entities then followed suit, and more are showing an interest in the subject: Qatar, Cuba, UK, Thailand. BIM Canada Presentation Mettre en place le BIM c est faire le management du changement. Une fois la réserve, somme toute naturelle vis-à-vis d un nouveau procédé, dépassée et les premiers tests effectués, le BIM a très vite été adopté dans divers projets BYBI. Le Canada fut très moteur sur le sujet, s appuyant ainsi sur les connaissances des partenaires locaux, suivi très vite par Singapour et plus particulièrement BYME qui est devenu l exemple en termes de modélisation en maquette numérique des projets BYBI. Depuis, d autres structures ont suivi et d autres montrent leur intérêt pour le sujet : Qatar, Cuba, Angleterre, Thaïlande. How has the deployment of digital modelling been organised within Bouygues Bâtiment International? The boost given by positive experience on jobsites incited others to come to us in order to follow the example and get involved in BIM. Our central position in Bouygues Bâtiment International has been a great advantage, allowing us to be in the loop regarding the experiments carried out and therefore to pool the information acquired. A document summarising the issue (BIM Handbook) has been drawn up and distributed throughout Bouygues Bâtiment International. Today, our ambition is to have all the group s jobsites and local technical departments (LTDs) move on to digital modelling and to help those that are already using it to graduate to the next step: 3D planning, simulation, realtime rendering, virtual reality, etc. We re therefore acting as consultants (less the cost) responding to requests from jobsites and LTDs for support in moving forward. This is also done with the cooperation of the main publishers of BIM software in the field (Autodesk, Dassault Systèmes, Bentley, Rhino, etc.) whom we are trying to direct towards development of software more consistent with our work. Are you doing any other work with Bouygues? I represent Bouygues Bâtiment International on different bodies such as the EXPERT think tank which is working on an IFC (Industry Foundation Classes) standardised format for exchanging 3D files, and I take part in meetings about innovation and man machine interfacing like the Callisto-SARI project. Comment s organise donc le déploiement de la maquette numérique au sein de BYBI? L essor donné par les expériences positives des chantiers a incité les autres à se rapprocher de nous pour suivre leurs exemples et se lancer dans le BIM. En effet notre position centrale au sein de BYBI nous a permis d être au courant des diverses expériences menées et ainsi de mutualiser les informations acquises. Un document de synthèse a par ailleurs été rédigé et diffusé à tout BYBI (BIM Handbook). Aujourd hui, notre ambition est de faire passer ce cap de la maquette numérique à tous les chantiers et CTD du groupe, ainsi que de faire évoluer ceux qui ont déjà pris ce chemin vers «l après BIM» : Plannings 3D, simulations, rendus temps réel, réalité virtuelle, réalité augmentée, etc. Nous agissons donc comme des consultants (avec le coût en moins) à la demande des chantiers et CTD pour les accompagner dans ces démarches. Ce travail se fait également en collaboration avec les principaux éditeurs de logiciels BIM du secteur que nous essayons d orienter vers un développement de logiciels plus proches de nos métiers (Autodesk, Dassault Systèmes, Bentley, Rhino, etc.). Avez-vous d autres activités au sein de Bouygues? Je représente BYBI dans divers organismes, tell que le groupe de réflexion EXPERT qui travaille sur la mise en place d un format normalisé (IFC) pour l échange de fichiers 3D et participe à des réunions de travail sur les sujets d innovations et d Interfaces Homme Machines comme le projet Callisto-SARI. 8

9 What is your role within Innotech? by Magdalena PYSZKOWSKA Technical Communication I m the Technical Communication manager. I collect, filter, and distribute data on new approaches and pioneering products in the building world, on the knowhow and experience of the workcrews on our jobsites, and on sustainableconstruction projects in France and internationally. This is based chiefly on the notion of exchange and sharing with all personnel. For that reason we have set up a website and a newsletter addressing multiple topics. Through these two media we re able to regularly publish any kind of information: technical articles, information on the Innotech Events and trade fairs, along with reports on visits, etc. I m also in charge of the design and content of our brochures, such as the one this interview will be in. You mentioned the Innotech Events. What are they exactly? I regularly organise technical meetings at Challenger (10 per year) where speakers tell us about innovations, new technologies, and new projects in the construction sector. We ve already had several companies make presentations, including Schindler, Siemens, Traxon, Canevaflor, SPS, Taylor Devices, along with speakers from within Bouygues Construction such as the Stade de France consortium, PIM, C2S (see pages 12 and 13 for more information). Through these conferences all our personnel can find out about the techniques of tomorrow, and they are an opportunity to make contact with potential new partners. All the Innotech Events can be seen on our website, so you can watch them again and download what was said (videos and presentations). Can you tell us more about your other activities? To ensure continuity with the Innotech Events I ve set up an Innovation Forum, organised with the speakers at the meetings of the previous year and our partners on R&D and innovation projects. The one-day forum is organised the day after the Bouygues Bâtiment International convention, which means high-tech and construction products and services can be presented to a very large audience (Bouygues Bâtiment International and Bouygues Construction personnel working at Challenger and expats invited for the occasion). Both these events Innotech Events and the Innovation forum are intended to become places where information on sustainable-construction techniques can be exchanged by all of us here at Bouygues Bâtiment International and, more generally, at Bouygues Construction. Communication Technique Quel rôle occupez-vous au sein d Innotech? Je suis Responsable de la Communication Technique. Mon rôle est de recueillir, filtrer et diffuser des informations sur les nouvelles démarches et produits innovants utilisés dans le monde du bâtiment, le savoir-faire et l expérience des équipes de travaux de nos chantiers, ainsi que les projets de type construction durable en France et à l international. Ce travail repose essentiellement sur la notion d échange et de partage avec des collaborateurs. Pour cela nous avons mis en place un site internet et une newsletter multithématique. Ces deux outils nous permettent de publier régulièrement tout type d informations : articles techniques, informations sur des rencontres Innotech et sur des salons professionnels, ainsi que des comptes rendus de visites. Je pilote également le contenu et la conception de nos brochures, dont celle que vous lisez en ce moment. Vous avez mentionné les rencontres Innotech. De quoi s agit-il? J organise régulièrement des rencontres techniques (10 par an) à Challenger durant lesquelles nos invités traitent des innovations, des nouvelles technologies et des nouveaux projets dans le domaine de la construction. Nous avons déjà accueilli plusieurs sociétés : Schindler, Siemens, Traxon, Canevaflor, SPS, Taylor Devices services, ainsi que des intervenants venant du BYCN : Consortium stade de France, PIM, C2S. (plus d information sur les pages 12 et 13). Ces rencontres permettent aux collaborateurs de découvrir les techniques de demain et d établir des liens avec de nouveaux partenaires potentiels. Toutes les rencontres Innotech sont disponibles sur notre site vous avez la possibilité de les revoir et de récupérer leurs contenus (vidéos et présentations). Pouvez-vous nous parler de vos autres activités? Activity OVERVIEW En effet pour assurer une continuité dans les démarches des rencontres Innotech, j ai mis en place un forum Innovation avec la participation des intervenants des rencontres de l année passée et nos partenaires sur les projets R&D et d innovation. Ce forum d une journée est organisé le lendemain de la convention de BYBI, ce qui permet de présenter des produits et des services dans le domaine de la construction et high-tech à un grand public (collaborateurs BYBI et BYCN résidants à Challenger et expatriés invités à cette occasion). Les deux types d événements : rencontres Innotech et forum Innovation ont pour but de devenir un lieu d échanges sur les techniques de la construction durable pour nous tous au sein du BYBI et même BYCN. 9

10 by Ana Maria TARTACUTA Innotech website & editoriale line Site Web Innotech et ligne éditoriale Activity OVERVIEW What exactly do you do with Innotech? I m in charge of three main aspects: the editorial line of the newsletter, construction technology intelligence, and management of the contents of the Innotech website. What is the role of the editor of the Innotech newsletters? The editorial line of the technical communication issued by Innotech is essentially based on four newsletters: Sustainable Construction Monitor, R&D, Technology Intelligence, and Knowledge Sharing. All four chiefly concern topics linked to sustainable design and international environmental certification, research on 3D programs used in design, innovative technical procedures, and technical feedback from our projects. As the leader of the editorial team, my main role is to choose the subjects to be addressed, and the specialists to be interviewed. I m therefore responsible for all content and for the coherence of the various articles in our publications. Can you tell us about the Innotech website and technology intelligence? The purpose of the technology intelligence activity regarding innovative products and technologies for use in buildings is to enrich our knowledge, improve our performance, and keep a step ahead of our competitors. Through specialist international trade fairs and sustainable construction web sites I track the emergence on the market of new environmentally friendly products, new techniques in construction, and the evolution of international regulations regarding construction. Once this information has been put together so that it can be capitalised on, it is published and keeps our website alive. On the website readers will also find suggestions from specialists in all building activities, a timetable of upcoming specialist international trade shows, feedback from people who have been to previous shows, and reports on supplier meetings organised at Challenger. Quelles sont vos activités au sein d Innotech? Je me charge, pour ma part, de trois activités principales que sont: la ligne éditoriale de la Newsletter, la veille active sur la technique du bâtiment, ainsi que la gestion du contenu du site web Innotech. Quel est le rôle du rédacteur des Newsletters Innotech? La ligne éditoriale de la communication technique promue par Innotech repose sur quatre thèmes : Observatoire de la Construction Durable, R&D, Veille Technologique et Partage des Connaissances. Ces catégories touchent principalement aux sujets liés à la conception durable et aux certifications environnementales internationales, à la recherche sur les outils 3D utilisés dans la conception, aux procédés techniques innovants et aux retours d expériences techniques de nos chantiers. Pilote de la rédaction, mon rôle essentiel est de déterminer les sujets à traiter, les spécialistes à interviewer. Je suis donc responsable de l ensemble des contenus et de la cohérence des différents articles de nos publications. Pouvez-vous nous parler du site web Innotech et de la veille active? La veille active sur les produits et les technologies innovantes à intégrer dans le bâtiment a pour but d enrichir nos savoirs, d augmenter nos performances et de garder une longueur d avance sur nos concurrents. A travers les visites des salons spécialisés, ainsi qu à la veille sur les sites web techniques du bâtiment, je suis de près l arrivée sur le marché de nouveaux produits respectueux de l environnement, les nouvelles techniques employées dans la construction, l évolution des réglementations internationales dans le domaine du bâtiment. Une fois ces informations récupérées pour capitalisation, elles sont publiées et font vivre au quotidien notre site internet : Nos lecteurs peuvent aussi y retrouver les suggestions des spécialistes de tous corps d état, un agenda des salons internationaux spécialisés et les retours d information suite aux visites, ainsi que les comptes rendus des rencontres fournisseurs organisées à Challenger. 10

11 by Edyta MACHROUH Capitalisation and sharing of experience Capitalisation et partage d'expérience Activity OVERVIEW What does your work for Innotech involve? I m in charge of capitalisation on experience. This involves gathering, storing, and sharing the knowledge and knowhow of company staff, which constitutes part of the company s capital. To do this I gather information from project leaders, in the form of Alexandra datasheets addressing a range of issues (construction methods, new materials or equipment, innovative solutions, etc.) which are often identified by project managers or quality managers. I m in charge of following up and issuing the datasheets, as well as publishing them in the form of a newsletter or theme-based summaries. I also gather information on projects through the Polybrain network of staff contributors. This serves to update the Polybrain datasheets (Alexandria datasheets) containing technical information on projects, site locations, budgets, persons involved, etc. I also gather and manage project follow-up documents known as TOPs (Transfert Objectif Point). What is the value-added of this information, as you see it? Any construction contractor can design and build a project. But this information, our own accumulation of knowledge and knowhow, gives the company its vitality in terms of innovative capability. Can you tell us about your other work? Another aspect of my work involves creating and administering a library of documents our business-development people need to draw up prequalification files. The library is in Vega (the name given to the electronic document management system Bouygues Construction is currently deploying) and can be accessed by business-development staff and project managers. I also work on improving the content of technical and sales proposals so that clients get a well-built, solidly researched offer. I ve also seen that you work on a geolocation project. What is that about? The project is called GEOBI. It involves locating Bouygues Bâtiment International projects and the main references of Bouygues Construction on GoogleEarth. The aim is to give a global view of the company s experience in construction, with information on the projects and their progress, contact details, photos, and so on. GEOBI can be accessed from the Innotech website. Quelle est votre mission au sein d Innotech? Je suis en charge de la capitalisation et le partage de l expérience. Cette mission consiste à recueillir, sauvegarder et communiquer les savoir-faire et les connaissances des collaborateurs qui constituent une part du capital de l entreprise. Cette démarche se traduit par une collecte des fiches de retours d expérience chantier (fiche Alexandra) auprès des directeurs de projet. Ces fiches traitent de différents sujets (modes opératoires, nouveaux matériaux ou équipements, solutions innovantes, etc.) souvent identifiés par les Responsables Projet ou bien les Responsables Qualité. Je veille au suivi et à la relance des transmissions de ces fiches ainsi que de leurs publications sous format de Newsletter ou bien Synthèse thématique. Egalement, je collecte des informations sur les projets grâce à un réseau de correspondants Polybrain. Cela permet de mettre à jour les fiches chantier dans Polybrain (fiches Alexandrie) qui contiennent des informations techniques sur les projets, la localisation du chantier, le budget, les intervenants, etc.. Je me charge également de la collecte et de la gestion des documents de «suivi de chantier» appelés TOP (Transfert Objectif Point). En quoi ces informations constituent une «plus-value» selon vous? Élaborer et construire un bâtiment est à la portée de toute entreprise de construction mais nos connaissances et notre savoir-faire nous sont propres. Ils représentent la vitalité de l entreprise en terme de capacité d innovation. Pouvez-vous nous parler de vos autres activités? Un autre volet de ma mission consiste à établir et à administrer une bibliothèque des documents qui sont nécessaires à nos Commerciaux pour préparer les dossiers de pré-qualification. Cette bibliothèque se trouve dans Vega (nom de l outil de Gestion Electronique de Documentation actuellement en cours de déploiement dans BYCN) et est accessible aux commerciaux et chargés d affaires à partir de l intranet de BBI. Je travaille également à l amélioration de la présentation du contenu des offres technico-commerciales afin d offrir aux clients une proposition construite et travaillée. J ai vu également que vous travailliez sur un projet de Géolocalisation? En quoi consiste-t-il? Le projet s appelle GEOBI et consiste à localiser sur Google Earth les chantiers de Bouygues Bâtiment International ainsi que les références majeures de Bouygues Construction. L objectif est d avoir une vision globale de l expérience de l entreprise dans la construction, de trouver des informations sur les chantiers et leur déroulement, de se procurer les coordonnées de contacts, de voir les photos des projets. GEOBI est accessible à partir du site d Innotech. 11

12 Activity EXAMPLE Innotech Events by Magdalena PYSZKOWSKA 20 events already Déjà 20 rencontres organisées Once a month Innotech organises meetings to discuss a technical topic. These events enable our personnel to find out about the technologies of tomorrow and to meet potential new partners such as manufacturers of construction products, consultants, or architects. Guest speakers are invited to talk about innovation, new technologies, or new projects. Things like the elevators of tomorrow, external insulation, smart buildings, and so on. This year we have opened Innotech Events to experts from within the BYCN so that they can share their knowhow about things like timber construction, concrete disorders, and so on. The Innotech Events are held at Challenger, but all staff can watch them at any time on video, in part to check up on particular points, or in their totality. The videos of the meetings are available in two languages and are complemented with the biographies of the speakers and other presentations that can be downloaded. All the videos are distributed throughout the BYBI by means of the Innotech newsletter and the website, Contact us if you would like to receive them on a digital support (DVD, USB key). Une fois par mois, Innotech organise des rencontres autour d un thème technique. Ces conférences permettent aux collaborateurs de découvrir les technologies de demain et de rencontrer de nouveaux partenaires potentiels : fabricants de produits de la construction, des consultants ou des architectes. Les invités sont conviés pour nous parler d innovation, de nouvelles technologies ou de nouveaux projets : ascenseurs de demain, isolation par l extérieur, bâtiments intelligents. En 2011 nous avons ouvert les Rencontres Innotech aux experts du BYCN afin de partager leur savoir faire : construction en bois, pathologies du béton. Les Rencontres Innotech se déroulent à Challenger, mais les collaborateurs peuvent revivre l événement grâce aux vidéos. Ces vidéos sont disponibles en Français et Anglais et permettent de revoir tous les points particuliers ou la totalité de la conférence. Elles sont complétées avec les biographies des orateurs et des présentations à télécharger. Toutes les vidéos sont redistribuées au sein de BYBI via notre newsletter Innotech et sur notre site Contactez-nous si vous souhaitez les recevoir sur un support numérique (DVD, clé USB). 12

13 16/09/2010 Midex : monocoque solution for waterproofing, green roof Midex : solution monocoque pour étanchéité et toitures vertes 08/10/2010 The tribe of Innovators La tribu des innovateurs 25/11/2010 The elevators of the future: in high technology, VDM, the vertical transport of futur Les ascenseurs de demain : les ascenseurs à hautes technologies, les MRL, le transport vertical du futur 15/12/2010 Timber construction: moving towards taller buildings La construction en bois : vers des bâtiments plus grands 20/01/2011 Laminam: an innovative concept of ceramic tile Laminam : un concept innovant d une dalle en céramique 24/02/2011 Activity EXAMPLE Active facades: vegetated walls with thermal, acoustic and cleaning «Façades actives» : les murs végétalisés aux propriétés thermiques, acoustiques et dépolluantes 17/03/2011 Building at the time of new information technologies Bâtiment à l heure des nouvelles technologies de l information 28/04/2011 How to design a stadium or a venue type ARENA Comment concevoir un stade ou un lieu d accueil événementiel type Arena? 26/05/2011 The external thermal Insulation L Isolation Thermique par l Extérieur (ITE) 23/06/2011 The pathologies of concrete: how to avoid them Les pathologies du béton : comment les éviter? 13

14 Activity EXAMPLE Sustainable Construction Monitor by Ana Maria TARTACUTA Kai Tak Cruise Terminal à Hong Kong Rethinking the site of the old Kai Tak airport in Hong Kong by building one of the world s largest cruise-liner terminals there... That is the target of this project which will serve as both a gangplank to the city and a place of recreation and relaxation for passengers and local residents alike. Dragages Hong Kong s assignment is to design and build the terminal-together with its support facilities-which will be capable of receiving the largest cruise liners, whether they are based in Hong Kong or just passing through. The project is sited at the southern end of the old runway, and has a breathtaking view of Victoria Harbour from the eastern entrance to Hong Kong Harbour. The terminal occupies an 800-m-long rectangular footprint. Its three levels are provided with four atria allowing plenty of natural light into the building. The general site, which is open to pedestrians, is made up of a large park with recreational areas where a variety of events can be organised. Consequently the building will have capacity for 8,400 passengers and 1,200 crew. Its spacious interior-up to 70 metres wide-will offer the flexibility required for serving as a venue for a wide range of events such as concerts, sports competitions, or exhibitions of all kinds. Sustainable design Sustainable-design features of the building include the steps taken to save water and energy, together with the use of materials having a low energy footprint and innovative design. These measures are recognised by the highest BEAM Plus environmental certification (Platinum level) which has never previously been awarded by the Hong Kong Green Building Council. Renewable electricity will be generated by photovoltaic panels on the roof of the building. Thermal solar panels will produce hot water for routine requirements. Gardens will be watered mostly with recovered rainwater. Light shafts from the roof, together with atria, will allow natural light to flood the entire building. The building façades-a critical feature of the building design-were designed to minimise heat loss while maximising natural light. Similarly, the gardens on the roof will appreciably improve the thermal insulation of the building while at the same time providing an attractive landscape element that will help the building merge into its surroundings. 14

15 Activity EXAMPLE Building services will be incorporated into the structure, inside technical cores around columns and inside the primary structural beams, for the combined benefit of aesthetics (limited exposure of services), space saving (reduced floorspace for plant rooms), and ease of maintenance (by placing all services in a single easy-toaccess space). The ultimate objective of the Kai Tak Cruise Terminal is to become a cruise hub in Asia and to make the city of Hong Kong more attractive as a tourist and cultural centre. For more information: Polybrain project datasheet Bouygues Construction Documentation Centre datasheet Full version of article: Contact your specialist: Henri Paoli Dragages Hong Kong / Directeur Projet Cruise Terminal Building More... French version of this article : (Kai Tak Cruise Terminal à Hong Kong) 15

16 Alexandra form by Edyta MACHROUH with Meng Kim CHUA & Allan TAN Unique and Dynamic-Wavy Line Aluminium Profile Security Screen Activity EXAMPLE Project : The Scotts High Park is a high class condominium developed by Capitaland Residential on a narrow strip of land of 4294m² on the upper part of Scotts Road, Singapore, between the Goldbell Tower and Sheraton Hotel. The project consisted of design development and construction of one residential tower comprising 2 subblocks of 27/19 storeys containing a total of 73 units with swimming pool and ancillary facilities plus the retention of 1 level of existing basement carpark after modification. Presentation : The site was a narrow plot along Scotts Road, near to the vibrant district of Orchard Road. However, this site had its drawbacks: a vehicle-laden frontage and proximity to neighboring towers. Considering the site constraint, a part of the Client and Authority requirements consisted of installing of security screen facing. Difficulties : At design stage, Architect only provided us some simple information on the aluminum screen without any specific design concept. In order to proceed the work and complete in time, we discuss internally with our specialist and come out with a solution of aluminum screen with its technical aspect (i.e. verticality, gaps between panel joints, aluminum strips rattle, connection detail, interfacing, installation method due to site constraint). Solution : The solution of Dynamic- Wavy Line Aluminum profile Security screen was chosen. To construct and to install the security screen, it was decided that the screen comes in panels and will be assembled on the site. The whole security screen is supported by steel structure and it is installed a 1 meter from the building façade, taking into account of installation of a gondola for the future maintenance. Concerning the unit corner view of security screen situated on the bath area side, in design stage, the natural air ventilation was considered. In order to comply with fresh air circulation requirement as well as the proper life span of the condenser unit, the angle of the Aluminum strips is wider comparing to the other corner view. For more information: Read the Polybrain project datasheet Alexandra datasheet Contact your specialists: Meng Kim CHUA Dragages Singapore Pte Ltd - Production +65 (6884) 5818 Allan TAN Dragages Singapore Pte Ltd Project Director +65 (6345) 6679 More... French version of this article : (Ecran dynamique) 16

17 Technology Intelligence & Prospective by Hervé DUBUC Activity EXAMPLE Sound-masking system A sound-masking system creates a neutral background noise similar to that of soft airflow. This background noise reduces the intrusion of other, intermittent noise, effectively masking invasive speech and reducing the contrast between a quiet office atmosphere and any extraneous sound. A sound-masking system emits a neutral background noise by means of speakers mounted in the ceiling. The noise spectrum (range of frequencies emitted) and the sound level are controlled so as to effectively mask most speech noise, without itself becoming a distraction. Composition of a system Systems generally consist of: A - A digital control unit comprising the functions necessary for automatic calibration, emission, and active adjustment of the masking noise; B - Loudspeakers; C - Noise level sensors. Speakers Installation : in false-ceilling plenum (cf photo), beneath the false ceilling, beneath a raised floor. To be fully effective the sound masking system must operate at a level of no more than 47 db(a). In general a sound level of 45 db(a) has proven to be the most broadly acceptable level. Beyond 50 db(a) the sound level becomes a disturbance for occupants, which is contrary to the purpose of the system. Since the spectrum emitted contains no particular information, it is quickly overlooked by the brain which pays no further attention to it. This is exactly what one experiences when one is close to a fountain or the noise of the sea. Studies have generally shown there is a beneficial effect on the health of persons exposed to sound masking. Characteristics The characteristics of a system vary, depending on the installation, to take account of the acoustic constraints (equipment in false ceiling such as air-conditioning ducts or lighting fittings which create reverberation, for example). Superior equipment adjusts the masking volume to the ambient noise. Some suppliers also offer the possibility of transmitting music or messages through the masking speakers. For more information: Système LogiSon - Environment Acoustics Système SmartSMS Soft db Contact your specialist: Hervé DUBUC Bouygues Bâtiment International Directeur Adjoint - Service Electrical More... French version of this article : (Masquage sonore) 17

18 Research & Development by Ariane GENTY Activity EXAMPLE 3D colour Virtual imagery has invaded our daily lives. It is being used increasingly in architecture and construction. It can be highly realistic and can suggest materials and light effects on architectural shapes. Rendering engine The colour of a pixel in a virtual image is computed by a rendering engine, software that determines the three main components for computing the colour of an object: the observer (or the camera), the lighting (generally light sources), and the material (transparent/opaque, rough/smooth, brilliant/mat, etc.). In a complex scene, it is the rendering engine that computes all the necessary interactions between these three factors in order to obtain realistic visual effects and to code the result in the form of a pixel table rasterisation (each pixel with red-green-blue values: this is what today s screens are able to display and what can be interpreted by the human eye which chiefly comprises cones sensitive to these three wavelengths). - Achieving the fastest-computed images possible : in real time, as in game engines (i.e. with a display rate of 30 to 60 frames per second (FPS)). Examples of game engines: Unreal Engine, CryEngine (Crytek), Unity 3D; free: Delta3D, Irrlicht. A physical approach, assisted by the growing capacity of computers, has come stagefront recently: it is based on physical and optical analysis of light phenomena, on a study of light matter interaction, and a study of human perception to develop new calculation algorithms. These algorithms calculate spectral data (light is considered as an electromagnetic wave defined by a spectrum of frequencies ranging from infrared to ultraviolet). The calculations are performed for a wide range of data (e.g. 81 wavelengths sampled in the visible spectrum between 360 and 780 nanometres) before being converted back into red-gree. Two approaches A historical approach which takes observation and artistic appreciation to build up a maximum number of visual effects, using the fastest and most resource-efficient algorithms possible (resources being CPU, memory, graphics card/gpu). There are two objectives: - Achieving the most realistic precomputed images possible (calculated between several hours and a few minutes previously) for illustrations or films, using raytracing rendering engines (which trace a ray leaving a source in the picture and arriving at the observer, and which determine the colour by analysing all the bounces between objects in the scene) and/or global illumination. Example of unbiased algorithm: Metropolis Light Transport, Radiosity; example of biased algorithm: Photon mapping). Verres -> Raytracing, (source : wikipedia) Sphères avec carrelage-> Global Illumination (source : 3dsmax) Jour / Nuit : Rendering day/night (source : indigo renderer) More... French version of this article : (couleur en 3D) 18



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