Info. Economic strengthening to alleviate poverty Renforcement économique pour réduire la pauvreté Fortalecimento econômico para aliviar a pobreza

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1 Info e-magazine Number : Numéro : Número 17 March : Mars : Março 2014 South Africa Afrique du Sud África do Sul Economic strengthening to alleviate poverty Renforcement économique pour réduire la pauvreté Fortalecimento econômico para aliviar a pobreza Burundi Deadly floods Inondations meurtrières Inundações mortais Angola Desperately excavating for water Excavation désespérée pour de l'eau Desesperadamente extraíam água Caritas Africa Info: page/página 1

2 Cover picture 1. The high unemployment rate in South Africa is resulting in more poverty. The Siyabhabha Trust Caritas South Africa has engaged in an economic strengthening project to alleviate poverty. 2. Torrential rains in Bujumbura in February 2014 resulted in heavy losses. Caritas Burundi responded to the emergency situation. 3. Angola is facing a severe drought. Caritas Angola, with the support of CI, is responding to the disaster. Page Contents - Sommaire - Conteúdo S acquitter de notre mission / Fulfilling our mission / Cumprindo a nossa missão - Jacques DINAN Siyabhabha Trust: Economic strengthening as a way to alleviate poverty / Renforcement économique pour lutter contre la pauvreté / Fortalecimento econômico para o combate à pobreza - Dineo MATSEEMBI Caritas Rwanda - Rôle clé dans le développement du Bugesera : Des pauvres devenus agriculteurs professionnels / Development in Bugesera / Caritas Ruanda : Desenvolvimento em Bugesera - Aloys MUNDERE Politics & Governance in Nigeria: The Role of the Church / Politique et Gouvernance au Nigeria : Le rôle de l Eglise / Política e governança na Nigéria: o papel da igreja - Cecilia AGRINYA République Démocratique du Congo : Assurer la sécurité alimentaire de ménages victimes d un conflit interethnique / DRC: Ensuring food security for households victims of interethnic conflict / RDC: Garantir a segurança alimentar para famílias vítimas do conflito interétnico - Guy-Marin KAMANDJI OCDI-Caritas Togo : Campagne de fonçage de puits / OCDI-Caritas Togo: Shaft sinking campaign / OCDI-Caritas Togo: Shaft afundando campanha - Jean PIONTEK Ghana: Diocesan Caritas organizations responding to changing times / Les organisations Caritas Diocésaines s adaptant à l'évolution des temps / Gana: Organizações da Cáritas Diocesana de adaptação aos novos tempos - Samuel Zan AKOLOGO Photo de couverture 1. Le fort taux de chômage en Afrique du Sud est une cause additionnelle de pauvreté. Le Siyabhabha Trust Caritas Afrique du Sud s est engagée dans un projet de renforcement économique avec pour objectif de réduire la pauvreté. 2. Les pluies torrentielles à Bujumbura en février 2014 ont résulté en des pertes importantes. Caritas Burundi a pu répondre à la situation d urgence. 3. L Angola fait face à une grande sécheresse. Caritas Angola, avec le soutien de CI, répond à l urgence. Foto da capa 1. A elevada taxa de desemprego na África do Sul está resultando em mais pobreza. A Siyabhabha Trust África do Sul está envolvido em um projeto de fortalecimento econômico para aliviar a pobreza. 2. torrenciais chuvas em Bujumbura em fevereiro-ário 2014 resultaram em grandes perdas. Caritas Burundi respondeu à situação de emergência. 3. Angola está enfrentando uma seca severa. Caritas Angola, com o apoio da CI, está respondendo ao desastre Burundi : Les pluies dévastatrices de Bujumbura / Torrential rains in Bujumbura / Burundi :Chuvas torrenciais em Bujumbura - Tharcisse NTAHONKIRIYE Caritas Lesotho: The new SILC model: A potential panacea to the informal micro-finance sector in Lesotho / Le nouveau modèle SILC / Caritas Lesoto: O novo modelo SILC Caritas de Angola: Solidariedade e emergência / Caritas Angola: Solidarity and emergency / Caritas Angola : Solidarité et urgence The Gambia Catholic Church's Contribution to Malaria Prevention / Contribution de l Eglise Catholique de Gambie à la prévention du paludisme / Contribuição da Igreja Católica da Gâmbia para a prevenção da malária - Bernadette FEFEGULA Burundi: Les mutuelles de solidarité dans le Diocèse de Bururi - Quand la solidarité engendre la charité / Solidarity credit unions in the Diocese of Bururi / Cooperativas de crédito solidariedade na Diocese de Bururi - Zénon NZEYIMANA Among our tasks as witnesses to the love of Christ is that of giving a voice to the cry of the poor, so that they are not abandoned to the laws of an economy that seems at times to treat people as mere consumers. (Pope Francis) Caritas Africa Info: page/página 2

3 Forthcoming meetings Prochaines rencontres Próximas reuniões May / / maio de Holy Land / / Terra Santa CI Representative Council pilgrimage / Pèlerinage de Conseil représentatif de CI / Peregrinação de CI representante Conselho May / / maio de Amman, Jordan / / Jordânia CI Representative Council meeting / Rencontre du Conseil représentatif de CI / Reunião do Conselho de representante do CI 2-6 June / / junho de Uganda / / Uganda Caritas Africa Emergency Management and Response Team meeting / Rencontre de l Equipe de Caritas Africa pour la Gestion des Urgences et des Réponses à y apporter / Reunião Caritas África gestão de emergência e equipe de resposta June / / junho de CI General Secretariat, Vatican / / Secretaria-Geral da CI, Vaticano Confederation Secretariats Management meeting / Rencontre de l Equipe de Caritas Africa pour la Gestion des Urgences et des Réponses à y apporter / Reunião Caritas África gestão de emergência e equipe de resposta September / septembre / setembro de Bujumbura, Burundi Caritas Africa Regional Commission meeting / Rencontre de la Commission régionale de Caritas Africa / Reunião da Comissão Regional de Caritas África 3-5 Dec. / dezembro de Cape Verde / / Cabo Verde CI Sahel Working Group / Groupe de Travail de CI sur le Sahel / Grupo de trabalho da CI no Sahel 17 February / février / fevereiro de Accra, Ghana / Gana Caritas Internationalis & Caritas Africa: workshop on Risk Management / Atelier sur la gestion des risques / Workshop sobre a gestão de risco February / février / fevereiro de Accra, Ghana / Gana Caritas Africa Regional Conference / Conférence régionale de Caritas Africa / Conferência Regional de Caritas África May / mai / maio de Rome, Italy / / Itália Caritas Internationalis General Assembly / Assemblée générale / Assembléia Geral Editorial S acquitter de notre mission Caritas Africa a publié, au début de mars 2014, le Rapport 2013 de Caritas Africa, qui, d'une manière très condensée, donne un aperçu de ce que Caritas est, de ce fait Caritas et, surtout, de ce qu est la mission de Caritas en Afrique sub-saharienne. Ce document, à lire absolument, doit être partagé avec les personnes en général afin d aider les uns et les autres à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur de l organisation, à mieux (Suite à la page 4.) Editorial Fulfilling our mission Caritas Africa published, early in March 2014, the 2013 Caritas Africa Report, which, in a very condensed manner, provides an overview of what Caritas is, of what Caritas does and, above all, what is Caritas mission in sub-saharan Africa. This is a must-read document to be shared with people at large to help one (Continued on page 4. Editorial Cumprindo a nossa missão Jacques Dinan Secrétaire exécutif Executive Secretrary Secretária Executiva Caritas Africa ACaritas África publicou, no início do mês de Março de 2014, o Rela-tório de 2013 da Caritas África, que, de uma forma muito condensada, fornece uma visão geral do que a Cáritas é, do que a Caritas faz e, acima de tudo, qual é a missão da Caritas na África Subsaariana. Este é um documento de leitura obrigatória para ser compartilhado com as pessoas em geral para ajudar um ao outro (Continua na página 4.) Caritas Africa Info e-magazine Number : : Número 17 March : : Março 2014 Published by/publié par/publicado por Caritas Africa Secretariat /Secrétariat de Caritas Africa / Secretariado Caritas África 735 Bd des Armées, SECAF Tokoin Séminaire, Togo, Lomé Tel.: (228) Internet : Caritas Africa Info: page/página 3

4 (Suite de la page 3.) Editorial S acquitter de notre mission comprendre la raison d'être de la Caritas en Afrique et dans le monde. Le rapport insiste, tout d'abord, sur l'identité de Caritas et cite l'encyclique Deus Caritas Est, n. 25a : «Pour l'eglise, la charité n'est pas une sorte d'activité d'assistance sociale qu'on pourrait aussi laisser à d'autres, mais fait partie de sa nature, une expression indispensable de son être.» En 2012 et 2013, Caritas Africa a réuni les évêques et les directeurs/secrétaires généraux des Caritas nationales de l ensemble de la région afin de promouvoir l'identité ecclésiale de Caritas. Comprendre l'identité et la mission de Caritas ne doit pas être limitée aux Évêques et aux gestionnaires des Caritas nationales. Il est de notre responsabilité de faire en sorte que les valeurs de Caritas, que l'esprit et l'attitude appropriés soient connues et respectées par tout le monde au sein des organisations Caritas. Le Pape émérite Benoît XVI explique en outre, dans Deus Caritas Est, qu en plus de la formation professionnelle nécessaire, les personnes qui œuvrent dans les institutions caritatives de l Église ont besoin et «avant tout une formation du cœur» (n. 31). «Les soins techniquement corrects» ne suffisent pas (n. 31). Ces travailleurs de a Charité doivent être enracinés dans «la rencontre avec Dieu dans le Christ, qui suscite en eux l'amour et qui ouvre leur esprit à autrui» (n. 31). Le Pape François, s adressant au Conseil Représentatif de CI, a déclaré: «Caritas institutionnalise l'amour dans l'eglise. Caritas n'est pas seulement pour les situations d'urgence comme une organisation offrant les premier secours. (...) Dans la situation de guerre ou en temps de crise, il est nécessaire de s'occuper des blessés, pour aider les malades (...) mais il est également nécessaire de les soutenir, de prendre soin de leur développement.» En tant que travailleurs sociaux, nous sommes tous certainement dans le service des pauvres, des marginalisés et des plus vulnérables de la société. Cependant, comme travailleurs sociaux de Caritas, nous avons des responsabilités supplémentaires qui nous sont confiés et clairement définies par l'enseignement Social de l Eglise. Nous soucions-nous d'assumer ces responsabilités? Nous soucions-nous de partager ces valeurs et ces principes avec nos collègues, les fidèles et la communauté en général. Sommes-nous en train de remplir notre mission en tant que personnes qui travaillent ou sommes bénévoles au sein de Caritas. (Continued from page 3.) Editorial Fulfilling our mission another within and outside the organisation, understand better the raison d être of Caritas in Africa and in the world. The Report insists, first and foremost, on the identity of Caritas and quotes the Encyclical Deus Caritas Est, n. 25a: For the Church, charity is not a kind of welfare activity which could equally well be left to others, but is a part of her nature, an indispensable expression of her very being. In both 2012 and 2013, Caritas Africa has brought together Bishops and National Caritas Directors/Secretaries General from all over the region to foster the Church identity of Caritas. Understanding the identity and mission of Caritas must not be limited to Bishops and Chief Executives of National Caritas organisations. It is our responsibility to make sure that the Caritas values, mind-set, and attitude be known and adhered to by everyone within Caritas organisations. Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI explains further, in Deus Caritas Est, that, in addition to the necessary professional training, Christian charity workers require also and before all else a formation of the heart (n. 31). Technically proper care is not enough (n. 31). Charitable workers need to be rooted in that encounter with God in Christ which awakens their love and opens their spirits to others (n. 31). Pope Francis, in his address to CI Representative Council, stated: Caritas institutionalizes Love in the Church. Caritas is not just for emergency situations as a first aid agency. (...) In the situation of war or during a crisis, there is a need to look after the wounded, to help the ill (...) but there is also a need to support them, to care for their development. As social workers, we are all certainly in the service of the poor, marginalized and most vulnerable members of society. However, as Caritas social workers, we have additional responsibilities entrusted to us and clearly defined by Catholic Social Teaching. Do we care to assume such responsibilities? Do we care to share these values and principles with our colleagues, the faithful and the community in general. Are we fulfilling our mission as individuals working or volunteering within Caritas. Caritas Africa Info: page/página 4 (Continuação da página 3.) Editorial Cumprindo a nossa missão dentro e fora da organização, entender melhor a razão de ser da Caritas em África e no mundo. O relatório insiste, em primeiro lugar, sobre a identidade da Caritas e cita a Encíclica Deus Caritas Est, n. 25a: "Para a Igreja, a caridade não é uma espécie de actividade de assistência social que se poderia mesmo deixar para outros, mas pertence à sua natureza, é uma expressão irrenunciável da sua própria essência" Em ambos anos 2012 e 2013, a Caritas África juntou os Bispos e Directores Nacionais das Caritas / Secretários Generais de toda a região para promover a identidade da Caritas na Igreja. A compreensão a identidade e a missão da Caritas não deve ser limitada aos Bispos e aos Chefes Executivos das organizações Nacional da Caritas. É nossa responsabilidade garantir que os valores da Caritas, mentalidade e atitude sejam conhecidos e aceites por todos dentro das organizações das Caritas. O Papa Eméritos Bento XVI explica adiante, na Deus Caritas Est, que, além da formação profissional necessária, os trabalhadores da caridade Cristã precisam também e "antes de tudo uma formação do coração (n. 31)." Cuidados tecnicamente correctos" não são suficientes (n. 31). Os trabalhadores de caridade precisam ser enraizados "naquele encontro com Deus em Cristo que suscita neles o amor e abre o seu espírito para com os outro" (n. 31). Papa Francisco, em seu discurso aos representantes do Conselho da CI, declarou: " Caritas Institucionaliza o Amor na Igreja. A Caritas não está apenas para situações de emergência como uma agência primitiva de socorros. (...) Em situação de guerra ou durante uma crise, há uma necessidade de cuidar dos feridos, para ajudar o doente (...), mas há também uma necessidade de apoiálos, cuidar do seu desenvolvimento. " Como trabalhadores sociais, todos nós estamos certamente ao serviço dos pobres, marginalizados e os membros mais vulneráveis da sociedade. No entanto, como trabalhadores sociais da Caritas, temos responsabilidades adicionais que nos foram confiadas e claramente definidas pela Doutrina Social da Igreja.. Nos importa assumirmos tais responsabilidades? Será que nos importa partilhar estes valores e princípios com os nossos colegas, com os fiéis e com a comunidade em geral. Será que estamos cumprindo a nossa missão como individuais trabalhadores ou voluntariado dentro Caritas.

5 Economic strengthening as a way to alleviate poverty Xhosa Beaded Necklace by previously unemployed woman from Mthatha Diocese, South Africa. According to the Gender Stats in South Africa 2011 Report, 25% of South African population are unemployed. This is rated still high by the Global standard. Of this percentage 12,5% are women. Moreover, poverty remains the problem among rural and peri-urban communities. It is imperative that women are bread winners in many households and are expected to feed their family. Without economic growth and proper nutrition, this remains a challenge. Women find themselves not able to acquire the basic needs on a day to day basis. By enabling women to sustain their lives and providing for their basic needs, Siyabhabha Trust Caritas SA initiated an Economic Strengthening project which promotes sustainable livelihoods through arts and crafts. The sustainable livelihoods approach places vulnerable people at the centre of their development by promoting their access to skills, resources and technical expertise. The promotes access to opportunity, integrating skills development, access to markets, business development support, financial solutions, technical support and basic organisation development processes. The project also focuses on fostering the target groups existing capacities in craft and bead making. Since April 2013 to March 2014, the project has reached a total of 73 women in five craft projects from, 3 Peri-urban and 2 rural communities, in five Dioceses (Diocese of Mthatha, Eshowe, Pretoria and Bethlehem) i.e. 5 Provinces (Kwazulu Natal, North West, Eastern Cape, Free State and Gauteng). Telephone wire beading made by Eshowe Diocese Group. Caritas Africa Info: page/página 5 South Africa is a vibrant and expressive nation, filled with creative citizens. The transition between the (Continued on page 6.)

6 Economic strengthening as a way to alleviate poverty (Continued from page 5.) market and selling strategies. Siyabhabha Trust Caritas SA continues to capacitate and develop unemployed women. Through an Income generation approach the Rosaries made by Oukasie-Brits Life's Beads Group. Western Beaded Jewellery by Pretoria Life's Beads Group. social co-creation of our culture and the technical production of objects that symbolize and express cultural values is animated by a value chain of transactions and exchanges. Studies show the potential of the craft sector to contribute to the dynamism of our culture, generate employment and point to vast opportunities available for market absorption of craft products (Cape Craft Design Institute Report). After the Training, the groups of women are moving towards marketing and sales of the products made. They have been trained on how to identify their potential women have already started benefitting and are able to afford some of their families basic needs. Dineo Matseembi Project Co-ordinator and Office Support Siyabhabha Trust Caritas SA Siyabhabha Trust Caritas Afrique du Sud Renforcement économique pour lutter contre la pauvreté Le taux de chômage en Afrique du Sud est de 25%. En plus, la pauvreté demeure un énorme problème au niveau des communautés rurales et périurbaines. Le taux de chômage parmi les femmes est aussi très élevé alors qu elles sont les soutiens de famille dans de nombreux cas. Sans croissance économique et une bonne nutrition, cela reste un défi. Les femmes ne sont pas en mesure d'acquérir les principaux besoins sur une base quotidienne. Siyabhabha Trust Caritas SA a lancé un projet de renforcement économique qui fait la promotion de moyens de subsistance durables par le biais de l'artisanat. L'approche des moyens d'existence durables met les personnes vulnérables au centre de leur développement en favorisant leur accès aux compétences et le développement de ces compétences, l'accès aux marchés, le soutien au développement, des solutions financières et du soutien technique. D avril 2013 à mars 2014, le projet a atteint un total de 73 femmes engagées dans cinq projets d artisanat. L Afrique du sud est une nation dynamique et expressive, remplie de citoyens créatifs. Des études montrent le potentiel de l'artisanat à contribuer au dynamisme la culture sud-africaine et à créer des emplois. De plus, il y a de vastes possibilités d'absorption des produits artisanaux sur le marché. Siyabhabha Trust Caritas África do Sul Fortalecimento econômico para o combate à pobreza A taxa de desemprego na África do Sul é de 25%. Além disso, a pobreza continua sendo um problema enorme nas comunidades rurais e peri-urbanas. A taxa de desemprego entre as mulheres também é muito alta, mesmo que eles são os chefes de família em muitos casos. Sem crescimento económico e uma boa nutrição, esta continua a ser um desafio. As mulheres não são capazes de adquirir as necessidades básicas em uma base diária. Siyabhabha Trust Caritas SA lançou um projeto de construção económica que fez a promoção de modos de vida sustentáveis através de ofícios. A abordagem da subsistência sustentável coloca as pessoas vulneráveis no centro do seu desenvolvimento, facilitando o seu acesso para o conhecimento e o desenvolvimento dessas habilidades, acesso aos mercados, apoio ao desenvolvimento, soluções de apoio financeiro e técnico. Abril de 2013, de março de 2014, o projeto alcançou um total de 73 mulheres envolvidos em cinco projetos de artesanato. África do Sul é um país dinâmico e expressivo, cheio de cidadãos criativos. Estudos mostram o potencial do artesanato para contribuir para uma dinâmica cultura sul-africana e para criar postos de trabalho. Além disso, há amplas possibilidades de absorção de produtos artesanais no mercado. Caritas Africa Info: page/página 6

7 Caritas Rwanda Rôle clé dans le développement du Bugesera Des pauvres devenus agriculteurs professionnels Lors de la dernière assemblée générale de la Caritas Rwanda réunie du 27 au 29 janvier 2014, un participant dubitatif a fait cette observation fort remarquée : «Qu est-ce qui témoigne sur le terrain que les conditions des pauvres bénéficiaires des projets de la Caritas ont changé, par exemple au Bugesera?» A cette question, l homme reçut cette réponse du Président de l Assemblée Générale et bon connaisseur du milieu, Mgr Thaddée Ntihinyurwa, archevêque de Kigali : «Si tu savais comment était le Bugesera au début de l année 2000, lorsque le projet PASAB (Projet d Appui à la Sécurité Alimentaire au Bugesera) n était pas encore opérationnel, tu n aurais pas posé cette question. La région se vidait de sa population, car elle était vouée à une désertification inexorable. Si, aujourd hui, le Bugesera est verdoyant, le projet y est pour une bonne part.» Jalons d un développement durable Les interventions de la Caritas Rwanda dans le développement agricole du district de Bugesera datent en effet d août A cette époque, suite à une sécheresse dévastatrice, la Caritas a mis en place des actions de réhabilitation agricole dans le but de permettre aux plus vulnérables des ménages touchés par la sécheresse ( ménages ciblés) de reprendre les activités de production vivrière grâce à un appui en intrants agricoles (semences). Par la suite, la Caritas s est investie dans le développement agricole et la sécurité alimentaire de cette région à travers des projets de sécurité alimentaire appuyés par le royaume de Belgique et la Caritas International Belgique et exécutés en 3 phases pour une durée de 11 ans. Par toutes ces interventions, la Caritas Rwanda entendait contribuer de façon Culture moderne du manioc et du bananier. Les agriculteurs encadrés par Caritas Rwanda à l exposition-vente de Bugesera.. globale à l amélioration des conditions socio-économiques de la population du palpables de ce projet dont les activités se réalisent dans les domaines de la promotion district de Bugesera et, d une façon spécifique, de la culture du manioc, la contribuer à l amélioration de la sécurité alimentaire de sa population. promotion de la culture du maïs, la promotion de la culture d ananas, la promotion de l élevage, la promotion de l horticulture, la valorisation de la production agricole par le stockage, la transformation et la commercialisation, et le renforcement des capacités des coopératives et des producteurs à la base. En septembre prochain, le projet PASAB II prendra fin. Aura-t-il laissé derrière lui un développement durable? Le 21 février dernier, nous nous sommes rendus sur terrain pour constater les résultats palpables du projet et voir si ces derniers pourront se pérenniser. Des résultats palpables Le PASAB II visait un développement socio-économique de la population du Bugesera par une démarche de renforcement des coopératives de production, de stockage et de commercialisation et par le biais des paysans-relais ménages dont représentés par des femmes (49,37%), 39 coopératives et 4 unions des coopéra-tives (maïs, manioc, ananas, stockage) tota-lisant membres dont sont des femmes (46%), représentent les résultats Caritas Africa Info: page/página 7 Parallèlement, le PASAB a mené, comme activité transversale autour de la culture du manioc, une activité de promotion de l agro-foresterie pour lutter contre la désertification qui s était introduite dans cette région du Bugesera. Comme effet direct, on constate les changements positifs et l amélioration du climat dont les résultats visibles sont les arbres qui s observent sur l ensemble de la zone d intervention et la régénération progressive du lac Cyohoha Nord qui s était asséché dans les années Témoignages parlants Lors de notre reportage sur terrain, nous avons découvert quelques témoignages (Suite en page 8.)

8 Caritas Rwanda Rôle clé dans le développement du Bugesera Des pauvres devenus agriculteurs professionnels (Suite de la page 7.) parlants. Tous nos interlocuteurs nous ont affirmé être sortis de la pauvreté par la seule option d appliquer les méthodes agricoles que leur enseignait le projet PASAB et que maintenant ils avaient déjà atteint leur vitesse de croisière si bien que la fin du projet ne leur occasionnera aucune perte ni aucun recul: ils sont lancés pour de bon. Félix Sibomana (46 ans) et son épouse du secteur Mwogo vivait dans la misère. Le couple n avait que 6 ares de terres en leur possession. En 2009, le PASAB a découvert Félix et lui a fourni boutures de manioc pour multi-plication dans un champ qu'il avait loué. Ce qui lui permit d avoir la chance d être visité et de recevoir des conseils tant sociaux qu économiques de l animateur de développement communautaire (ADC). Félix Sibomana participa pleinement au projet et fut choisi pour être paysan de contact de son groupe avec la possibilité d être formé en DELTA (Development, Education, and Leadership Teams in Action) et en élaboration des projets générateurs de revenus. «Ce sont surtout ces formations qui ont opéré un grand changement chez moi,» dit-il. Il est aujourd hui propriétaire de 1,5 ha et, l année prochaine, il se construira une maison Félix Sibomana et sa famille. moderne. Pour lui, la pauvreté est du passée et le ménage vit en parfaite harmonie, avec deux enfants et un compte bancaire régulièrement approvisionné. Cha-que semaine, le couple tient un conseil de ménage sur l autocritique, l évaluation des activités réalisées et la planification des activités de la semaine qui suit. Paysanne-relais encadrée par le projet PASAB, Mme Marie Nyirangirinshuti (39 ans), du secteur Mareba, est active dans une coopérative de production de maïs et une coopérative de stockage de vivres. Son encadrement par le PASAB a commencé par l octroi d une citerne d eau pour l arrosage de son mini-champ de légumes dans la cour de sa maison. C est en vendant sa production de légumes qu elle a progressivement appris à pratiquer la culture intensive et a pu acheter une parcelle pour l intensification de la culture du manioc et la production du fourrage pour le bétail. Multipliant les initiatives, Mme Marie Nyirangirinshuti est aujourd hui en train de se construire une maison commerciale au centre dit «Mareba Town» sur une parcelle acquise en vendant ses trois chèvres et sa production d ignames. Marie Nyirangirinshuti et sa famille. Paysan-relais encadré par le PASAB depuis 2009, Onésime Nsengimana, du secteur Ngeruka, qui ne cache sa fierté d être aujourd hui devenu un paysan entrepreneur, n avait qu une petite parcelle de 30 ares quand il a accepté d être encadré par le projet. En valorisant les acquis de la formation DELTA dispensée par le PASAB, il s est progressivement engagé comme agriculteur modèle pour sa région. Aujourd hui, il est propriétaire de 3 ha sur lesquels il applique les techniques moderne de la culture du manioc et du bananier. Grâce au système de crédit dit «warrantage», il a pu s acheter une moto et se construire une maison d habitation dont la cuisine est dotée d une installation de biogaz. Qui d autre, comme Onésime Nsengimana pourrait en si peu de temps passer de la pauvreté criante à l entre-prenariat agricole et devenir un modèle pour toute sa région? Tout récemment, le 28 février 2014, Onésime Nsengimana a exposé un régime de banane pesant 172 kg à l occasion de la journée porte ouverte (Open day) du district de Bugesera. Aloys MUNDERE Onésime Nsengimana. Caritas Rwanda Development in Bugesera Caritas Rwanda has played a key role in the development of the District of Bugesera in Rwanda. It all started in August 2000, in the aftermath of a devastating drought. Caritas then implemented agricultural reha-bilitation activities with the objective of supporting some households, who had been severely affected by the drought. Caritas Rwanda has since invested in the agricultural development of this region with the setting up of food security projects with the support of Caritas International Belgium. These projects have lasted 11 years and consisted of three phases. The results are very positive: households are engaged including women. There are 39 cooperatives and four cooperative unions (maize, cassava, pineapple and storage) totalling members, including women. Caritas Ruanda Desenvolvimento em Bugesera Caritas Ruanda tem desempenhado um papel fundamental no desenvolvimento do distrito de Bugesera, em Ruanda. Tudo começou em agosto de 2000, na sequência de uma seca devastadora. Caritas então implementadas actividades de reabilitação agrícola com o objetivo de apoiar a cerca de famílias, que tinha sido gravemente afectado pela seca. Caritas Ruanda desde então tem investido no desenvolvimento agrícola da região com a criação de projetos de segurança alimentar com o apoio da Caritas Internacional Bélgica. Estes projectos têm durou 11 anos e consistiu em três fases. Os resultados são muito positivos: famílias estão envolvidas, incluindo mulheres. Existem 39 cooperativas e uniões de cooperativas quatro (milho, mandioca, abacaxi e armazenamento) totalizando membros, incluindo o mulheres. Caritas Africa Info: page/página 8

9 Politics & Governance in Nigeria: The Role of the Church Over the years, the Catholic Secretariat of Nigeria has been organizing interactive sessions to bring stakeholders together in order to chart ways for peace and progress of Nigeria. Caritas Nigeria/ JDPC, on 13 February, 2014 organized the Catholic Secretariat of Nigeria Forum to discuss issues hindering development in the country. (Credit: Abel Amodu, Carit. Nigeria.) This year s forum tiled: Succession challenges in Nigeria, was centered on how politicians are more interested in sustaining themselves in office rather than actually focusing on the growth and development of the country. In his opening remarks, the CEO of Caritas Nigeria, Fr. Bassey revealed that the forum was designed to be a contribution to political discourse. The Secretary General Fr. Ralph Madu in his remarks said that the church should always be a catalyst for change. The Deputy Senate President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Senator Ike Ekwere- Beyond intercessions and prayers, the Church should take practical steps in finding solutions to our political challenges and standout as the watchdog and conscience of the society. Senator Ike Ekweremadu madu. who was Guest Speaker highlighted elites power tussle as one of the factors responsible for political succession challenges in Nigeria. He stated : Nigeria democracy has always been truncated as a result of succession crisis that have arisen at different times. It is indeed a good sign (Credit: Abel Amodu, Carit. Nigeria.) Politique et Gouvernance au Nigeria : Le rôle de l Eglise Le Secrétariat Catholique du Nigeria organise régulièrement un forum pour discuter des questions qui empèchent le développement du Nigeria. Le dernier forum, en février dernier, avait pour objectif d attirer l attention sur les politiciens qui oeuvrent pour se maintenir en poste plutôt que de se concentrer sur la croissance et le développement du pays. Le sénateur Ike Ekweremadu, viceprésident du Sénat de la République Fédérale du Nigeria fit cette remarque: «Au-delà de supplications et les prières, l'eglise doit prendre des mesures concrètes pour trouver des solutions à nos problèmes politiques, agir comme le chien de garde et être la conscience de la société.» Participants at the Catholic Secretariat of Nigeria Forum.. Política e governança na Nigéria: o papel da igreja A Secretaria Católica da Nigéria regularmente organiza um fórum para discutir as questões que impedem o desenvolvimento da Nigéria. O último fórum, em fevereiro, foi projetado para chamar a atenção para os políticos que trabalham para manter-se no post, ao invés de focar o crescimento e o desenvolvimento do país. Senador Ike Ekweremadu, vicepresidente do Senado da República Federal da Nigéria fez esta observação: "além de súplicas e orações, a Igreja deve tomar medidas concretas para encontrar soluções para nossos problemas políticos, agir como um cão de guarda e ser a consciência da sociedade." Caritas Africa Info: page/página 9 that the Church is bracing up for its role in ensuring political stability of the nation. Senator Ike described the Catholic Secretariat of Nigeria as the hub and engine of not just the Catholic Church but the entire Christendom, who have always been at the forefront of ensuring that the good of the common person and society is always taken into account by government. He suggested that the best way of curbing the succession trend was a single tenure of six years for those seeking office in the executive branch of government. A lively discussion followed the presentation. At the end of the program, the CEO of Caritas Nigeria expressed the hope that such platforms as the Catholic Secre-tariat Forum, would contribute to shaping the political structure and improving governance in Nigeria. Cecilia Agrinya

10 République Démocratique du Congo Assurer la sécurité alimentaire de ménages victimes d un conflit interethnique Un différend sur le contrôle des étangs piscicoles entre deux communautés a déclenché un sanglant conflit interethnique entre Enyele et Monzaya en juillet 2009, dans le Territoire de Kungu, en Province de l Equateur, au Nord-Ouest de la RD Congo. Il a repris en octobre 2009, avant de s étendre jusqu en avril 2010 à une bonne partie de la Province. Ces affrontements avaient provoqué au moins 270 morts, selon les autorités, et entraîné l exode d environ réfugiés vers la République du Congo ainsi que la République Centrafricaine voisines et déplacés internes. des denrées alimentaires et d intrants agricoles, tout en améliorant l accessibilité de la Zone par la réhabilitation d un tronçon routier. En phase d exécution, l appui en accompagnement technique se poursuit, y compris la réhabilitation du tronçon routier Bozene-Kungu-Songo-Lumba, long de 70 km. Ce projet se clôture le 30 juin M. l Abbé-Coordonnateur de la Caritas- Développement Budjala, Jean-Baptiste MAGBIA Zabusu, a apprécié positivement ce projet : «La Caritas Budjala s est vue d une part être en lien étroit et renforcé avec la Caritas Molegbe. En fait, notre Caritas est intervenue au-delà de ses frontières et a vu ses liens être renforcés avec Caritas Molegbe. D autre part, la Caritas Budjala, par ce projet, s est retrouvée plus proche des paysans, surtout les Des bénéficiaires dans leur jardin. Des ménages ayant reçu leurs kits au site de Bobito. Le Haut Commissariat pour les Réfugiés (HCR) avait commencé le rapatriement progressif des réfugiés en mai Entre temps, les efforts de pacification interne ont également permis le retour dans leurs villages de plusieurs milliers de déplacés. Toutes personnes sont rentrées plus démunies qu avant, ayant perdu leurs principaux moyens de subsistance. C est en faveur de certains de ces retournés que Caritas Congo Asbl et ses structures diocésaines de Budjala et Molegbe, poursuivent l exécution du «Projet d appui à la sécurité alimentaire des populations déplacées-retournées suite aux affrontements de 2010». Celui-ci a ciblé ménages, soit du Diocèse de Molegbe et de Budjala. Il est financé par le Gouvernement belge, via la Caritas International Belgique (C.I.Be.). Son objectif principal est d assurer la réintégration socioéconomique des familles déplacées et/ou retournées, victimes de la crise interethnique de Dongo à Budjala et Molegbe. De manière spécifique, il est question de contribuer à l amélioration de leur sécurité alimentaire par la distribution Voilà pourquoi chaque ménage a reçu 20 kg de riz, 10 kg de haricot, 3 litres de l huile végétale et 2 kg de sel de cuisine. Par ailleurs, à chaque famille, il a été remis 2 houes, 1 râteau, 1 pelle, 2 machettes, 10 kg de semences d arachides, 5 kgs de celles de riz ainsi que 0,03 kg de semences maraichères (Gombo, Amarantes, ou Morelle). Deux sachets et un sac vide avec logo du Gouvernement belge, de C.I.Be et de Caritas Congo Asbl ont servi respectivement pour emballage des semences et du kit complet. DRC Ensuring food security for households victims of interethnic conflict Caritas Congo Asbl and its diocesan structures of Budjala and Molegbe are supporting some households who were displaced in 2010 following interethnic conflicts and have now returned. The project aiming at ensuring the food security of these returnees is financed by the Belgium Government, via Caritas International Belgium (C.I.Be.). The main objective is to facilitate the socio-economic retintegration of these households. They have received food and agricultural inputs. Roads have been rehabilitated as well to improve access to the zone. Caritas Africa Info: page/página 10 retournés. Elle a, par ce projet, su déployer sa générosité et vivre la charité comme sa tâche primordiale vis-à-vis des vulnérables». Guy-Marin Kamandji RDC Garantir a segurança alimentar para famílias vítimas do conflito interétnico Caritas Congo asbl e suas estruturas diocesanas de Budjala e Molegbe estão apoiando algumas famílias que foram deslocadas em 2010 Após os conflitos interétnicos e já voltaram. O projeto com o objetivo de garantir a segurança alimentar dos repatriados Estes são financiados pelo Governo na Bélgica, através da Caritas Internacional Bélgica (CIBe.). O principal objetivo é facilitar o desenvolvimento sócio-econômico retinte-gração destas famí-lias. Eles receberam alimentos e insu-mos agrícolas. As estradas não foram reabilitados, bem como para melhorar o acesso às áreas.

11 OCDI-Caritas Togo Campagne de fonçage de puits Au Togo, nous vivons actuellement la saison sèche. L OCDI-Caritas Togo en profite pour creuser des puits et faire des forages. L expérience de l OCDI dans le domaine d hydraulique villageoise date depuis plusieurs années et avec l appui des partenaires, elle s est doté progressivement du matériel performant en mettant en place des équipes des puisatiers. Pour ce qui concerne les forages, elle loue les services des entreprises spécialisées et équipées. L objectif global du programme d hydraulique villageoise est de libérer les femmes des communautés bénéficiaires des contraintes liées à la difficulté d'accès à l'eau potable et de permettre à au moins 60% des femmes de la zone du programme, de se choisir ou de diversifier leurs activités économiques leur assurant plus d autonomie financière. Elles arrivent de cette façon à pren- Le fonçage d un puits. Les bénéficiaires, femmes heureuses, parce que libérées des longues distances à la recherche d eau. dre des responsabilités et à participer aux décisions au niveau du ménage, de la communauté et du village. Les puits, étant en nombre suffisant, permettent aussi de mener des activités du maraîchage. L animation des communautés bénéficiaires produit aussi d autres résultats, comme l organisation de la communauté villageoise. Cet acquis servira à gérer d autres problèmes d intérêts communs à l avenir. Aussi, la difficulté d accès à l eau potable est-elle désormais perçue comme un problème dont la solution incombe aussi bien aux femmes qu aux hommes. Outre ces résultats immédiats, la création de ces nouveaux points d eau réduit sensiblement les maladies liées à l eau souillée (diarrhées, choléra, fièvre typhoïde ). Jean Piontek OCDI-Caritas Togo Shaft sinking campaign Togo is presently experiencing the dry season and the OCDI Caritas Togo takes the opportunity to dig wells. The experience of OCDI in the area of hydraulic supplies in villages dates back several years and with the support of partners, it has gradually equipped itself of performing equipment and has set up efficient teams of diggers. Regarding drilling, it hires the services of specialized and equipped companies. The overall objective of rural water supply program is to liberate women of beneficiary communities from the constraints and difficulties of accessing drinking water and allow at least 60% of women in the program area, to choose or diversify their economic activities providing them greater financial autonomy. They thus manage to take up their responsibility and participate in decisions at the household, within the community and in the village. The wells, being in sufficient numbers, also allow for gardening activities. OCDI-Caritas Togo Shaft afundando campanha Togo está atualmente experimentando a estação seca ea OCDI Caritas Togo aproveita a oportunidade para cavar poços. A experiência de OCDI na área de suprimentos hidráulicos em aldeias remonta há vários anos e com o apoio de parceiros, tem gradualmente se equipou de equipamentos realizando e criou equipes eficientes de escavadores. Em relação a perfuração, que contrata os serviços de empresas especializadas e equipadas. O objectivo geral do programa de abastecimento de água rural é libertar as mulheres das comunidades beneficiárias dos constrangimentos e dificuldades de acesso a água potável e permitir que pelo menos 60% das mulheres na área do programa, escolher ou diversificar suas atividades econômicas proporcionando-lhes maior autonomia financeira. Eles, assim, conseguem assumir a sua responsabilidade e participar das decisões no lar, na comunidade e na aldeia. Os poços, sendo em número suficiente, também permitem actividades de jardinagem. Caritas Africa Info: page/página 11

12 Ghana Diocesan Caritas organizations responding to changing times In November 2012, the Department of Human Development of the Ghana Catholic Bishops Conference (Caritas-Ghana) completed an Internal Capacity Assessment of 20 Two Bishops, namely Most Revs. Gabriel A. Mante and Paul Bemile; Chairman and Member respectively of the Episcopal Committee of the Department of Human Development, Common Code of Ethics and Minimum Operational Standards generated much interest and consideration on how our Catholic Development Structures in Ghana could introduce reforms Participants at the Change Management Training session. Diocesan Development Offices (DDOs). The DDOs are the Caritas Organizations at the Diocesan level. The exercise revealed the enormous development potential of these quasi sub-units of Caritas-Ghana which is represented by the Department of Human Development. On the flip-side were also the capacity gaps and weaknesses that inhibit the full realization of their potential. The outcome document of the Internal Capacity Assessment exercise thus became the basis for tailor-made institutional capacity development support for the DDOs (Diocesan Caritas Organizations). The Department of Human Development s intervening entry-point was to facilitate a training session on Change Management for selected leaders of all the 20 Dioceses. The participants were mainly Vicars General, Senior Staff of DDOs, Secretaries to Bishops and Chairpersons of Diocesan Development Committees. graced the training session with their presence. Only three Dioceses, namely Goaso, Obuasi and Sekondi-Takoradi, could not attend. Changing Times The opening presentation by the Executive Secretary on Changing Times helped the participants to appreciate the reforms being undertaken as a result of the Ghana Catholic Bishops Conference restructuring of their National Catholic Secretariat (NCS), Caritas Internationalis new Code of Ethics and Minimum Operational Standards, and Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI s Apostolic Letter Motu Proprio on the Service of Charity. We emphasized that change is not about altering our IDENTITY; but seeking NEW ways, methods, approaches and structures to maximize our effectiveness. Insights about the ongoing processes by Caritas Internationalis to develop Caritas Africa Info: page/página 12 that will facilitate our compliance and alignment with the universal Caritas Model. We will further discuss these issues with our national Episcopal Conference and Local Ordinaries to consider adopting and formalizing the name Caritas for all the Catholic Development Structures at the national, diocesan and parish levels. Change Management for DDOs The training on Change Management was facilitated by a distinguished Catholic Layman Sir Knight Edward Aloysius Prah whose GH. Consulting Company Ltd. ran similar training sessions for large Corporate Sector Executives. The training was focused on heightening awareness and desire to introduce reforms that will contribute to the overall impact of the Catholic Church in Ghana in the promotion of the common good. The methodology was (Continued on page 13.)

13 Ghana Diocesan Caritas organizations responding to changing times (Continued from page 12.) interactive and experiential. Theories and concepts of organizational change, change dynamics and implications for development constituted key content of the training. The approach and content of the training inspired a collective reflection on the present thinking, the way things are done, the present role of the DDOs in the Church s development interventions and consequences on performance. The main outcome was that each Diocesan team developed a unique step-change plan to actualize three key objectives for their Diocesan Development Office. These plans will become the basis of follow-up mentoring support for each DDO by the Department of Human Development for the period MISEREOR has committed to providing funding support to the Department to facilitate the process of each DDO s response to the changing times. Harnessing Collective Response The meeting of all the 20 Dioceses in Ghana on organizational change agenda was also a great opportunity to harness our collective response to human development. The last Plenary Assembly of the Ghana Catholic Bishops Conference, in November 2013, had approved the establishment of a Solidarity Fund to respond timely and effectively to emergencies and support its human development efforts. Most Rev. Gabriel A. Mante who is Chair of the Episcopal Committee of the Department of Human Development/ Caritas-Ghana and Bishop of Jasikan Participants holding the Solidarity Fund flyer. Diocese, jointly launched the Solidarity Fund with the host Bishop of Wa Diocese, Most Rev. Paul Bemile, on 26 February, 2014 at the opening session of the Change Management training. This has paved the way for the Fund to be implemented by all Dioceses in Ghana during the 2014 Lenten Season. Samuel Zan Akologo Executive Secretary (Department of Human Development) Ghana Les organisations Caritas Diocésaines s adaptant à l'évolution des temps Le département de Développement humain a organisé une session de formation sur la gestion du changement pour les des leaders des 20 diocèses du pays. Les participants étaient principalement des vicaires généraux, des cadres supérieurs des Bureaux de Développement Diocésains (BDD), des secrétaires d évêques et des présidents de comités de développement diocésains. Deux évêques ont honoré la session de formation de leur présence. L'approche et le contenu de la formation ont inspiré une réflexion collective sur ce qui se fait présentement, sur le rôle actuel des BDD par rapport aux interventions de l'église dans le domaine du développement. Le principal résultat est que chaque équipe diocésaine a élaboré un plan de changement afin de réaliser trois objectifs clés pour leur bureau de développement diocésain. Ces plans seront à la base du suivi de mentorat pour chaque BDD par le Département de Développement humain pour la période Misereor s'est engagé à fournir un financement pour soutenir le département afin de faciliter le processus d adaptation de chaque BDD à l'évolution du temps. Gana Organizações da Cáritas Diocesana de adaptação aos novos tempos O departamento de desenvolvimento humano realizada uma sessão de formação sobre gestão de mudança para os líderes das 20 dioceses do país. Os participantes foram principalmente os vigários-gerais, executivos sênior do Escritório Diocesano de Desenvolvimento (EDD), os secretários dos Bispos e presidentes de comissões diocesanas de desenvolvimento. Dois bispos enfeitaram sua sessão de treinamento de presença. A abordagem eo conteúdo do treinamento inspirou uma reflexão coletiva sobre o que está atualmente sobre o papel atual do DDD em comparação com as intervenções da Igreja em matéria de desenvolvimento. O principal resultado é que cada equipe diocesana desenvolveu um plano para mudar para atingir três objectivos-chave para o escritório de desenvolvimento diocesana. Estes planos serão a base para o monitoramento de tutoria para cada DDD pelo Departamento de Desenvolvimento Humano para o período Misereor está empenhada em fornecer financiamento para apoiar o departamento, a fim de facilitar o processo de adaptação às mudanças DDD de cada vez. Caritas Africa Info: page/página 13

14 Burundi Les pluies dévastatrices de Bujumbura ABujumbura, pendant la nuit du 9 au 10 février 2014, à l intérieur des habitations les personnes commencent à s endormir alors qu une pluie tombe sans relâche sur toute la ville et ses alentours durant des heures. Elle s acharne davantage sur Kinama et Kamenga : quartiers nord de la ville. Certaines personnes sont réveillées pendant la nuit et se retrouvent impuissantes face aux dégâts que les torrents causent. Le lendemain matin, l ampleur des dégâts est énorme! Des personnes sont mortes. Des milliers de maisons se sont écroulées. Du matériel de maison ou de cuisine est emporté ou imbibé d eau. Partout c est la désolation. Vers midi, le 10 février, des femmes cherchent encore leurs enfants disparus ou emportés par les Les pluies ont fait de nmbreux sans-abris. Des maisons détruites. eaux en furie. Les camions de la police ramènent à la morgue des cadavres retrouvés sous les ruines des maisons ou dans les caniveaux. Le soir venu, des centaines de familles n ont plus de toit pour s abriter de la nuit. Elles se dirigent alors vers les locaux des paroisses de Kinama et Kamenge. Des femmes, des enfants et des personnes âgées se retrouvent dans une situation dangereuse et désespérée. Des secours doivent s organiser au plus vite. La Croix-Rouge du Burundi est (Suite en page 15.) Burundi Torrential rains in Bujumbura There were torrential rains in Bujumbura, during the night from 9 to 10 February The most affected areas were Kinama and Wako: in the northern part of the city. At day break the next morning, there was desolation everywhere: people had been killed, thousands of houses had collapsed, house or kitchen equipments had been washed away or soaked in water. Around noon, on 10 February, women were still looking for their children missing or washed away in a fury. Police trucks were bringing to the morgue bodies found beneath the ruins of the houses or in the gutters. In the evening, hundreds of families had no roof or shelter for the night. They moved to the premises of Kinama and Kamenge parishes. Relief was rapidly organized. The Red Cross of Burundi took care of the sick and wounded. Caritas Burundi arranged to send disaster emergency first aid. A team of doctors from Caritas provided first aid to the needy. But faced with the needs of the population in distress the Caritas resources were limited. Catholic Relief Services (CRS) Burundi and the United States Embassy came to the rescue and gave a boost to the Caritas response. Non-food items kits were distributed and a team provided porridge and a hot meal to children. The State developed a platform to channel the different interventions. Further support came from UNICEF, the Red Cross, with 200 tents and latrines; Sports-sans-frontières, Terre-des-Hommes commissioning six psychosocial assistants, the World Food Programme routing food to all sites and other stakeholders joining in the emergency response. Caritas Africa Info: page/página 14

15 Burundi Les pluies dévastatrices de Bujumbura (Suite de la page 14.) auprès des malades et des blessés. Dès l après midi du lundi 10 février, la Caritas Burundi s organise pour faire parvenir aux sinistrés les premiers aides d urgence. Une équipe de médecins de la Caritas prodigue les premiers soins aux nécessiteux. Mais, face aux besoins de la population en détresse les moyens de la Caritas sont limités. Catholic Relief Services (CRS) Burundi et l Ambassade des Etats-Unis viennent à la rescousse et donnent un coup de pouce à la Caritas. Des kits de nonvivres sont alors distribués et une équipe se met à préparer de la bouillie et un repas chaud pour nourrir les enfants. L Etat met en place une plateforme pour canaliser les différentes interventions et d autres organisations volent au secours des sinistrés. Nous pouvons citer les provinces qui collectent des vivres et des non-vivres; l UNICEF qui donne de l argent ; la Croix-Rouge qui installe 200 tentes et des latrines ; Sports-sans-frontières qui met 25 animateurs sur les sites d accueil; Terre-des-Hommes qui commissionne six assistants psychosociaux ; le PAM qui achemine des vivres à tous les sites et il y a encore d autres intervenants car les aides continuent à arriver. Distribution de non-vivres par Caritas. Des équipes de Caritas Burundi sont toujours à pied d œuvre pour la distribution de non-vivre à Kamenge car, tant que des familles entières restent hébergées sous des tentes, il n y aura pas de répit pour Caritas Burundi. NTAHONKIRIYE Tharcisse Chargé de communication Burundi Chuvas torrenciais em Bujumbura Houve chuvas torrenciais em Bujumbura, durante a noite, das 9 às 10 fevereiro de As áreas mais afetadas foram Kinama e Wako : na parte norte da cidade. No dia quebrar a manhã seguinte, houve desolação por toda parte: pessoas foram mortas, milhares de casas desabaram, casas ou equipamentos de cozinha tinham sido lavados ou embebido em água. Por volta de meio-dia, em 10 de fevereiro, as mulheres eram ainda à procura de seus filhos desaparecidos ou lavado em uma fúria. Caminhões da polícia estavam trazendo para os corpos do necrotério encontrados sob as ruínas das casas ou nas sarjetas. À noite, centenas de famílias não tinha teto ou abrigo para a noite. Eles se mudaram para as instalações da Kinama e Kamenge paróquias. Socorro foi rapidamente organizada. A Cruz Vermelha do Burundi cuidou dos doentes e feridos. Caritas Burundi dispostos a enviar os primeiros socorros de emergência desastre. Uma equipe de médicos da Caritas, desde os primeiros socorros aos necessitados. Mas, confrontado com as necessidades da população em perigo os recursos da Caritas foram limitados. Catholic Relief Services (CRS) e Burundi Embaixada dos Estados Unidos veio para o resgate e deu um impulso para a resposta Caritas. Itens não-alimentícios kits foram distribuídos e uma equipe desde mingau e uma refeição quente para as crianças. O Estado desenvolveu uma plataforma para canalizar as diferentes intervenções. Um apoio adicional veio da UNICEF, a Cruz Vermelha, com 200 tendas e latrinas ; Sports- sans- frontières, Terre -des- Hommes comissionamento seis assistentes psicossociais, o Programa Alimentar Mundial alimentar de roteamento para todos os sites e outras partes interessadas que se juntam na resposta de emergência. Caritas Africa Info: page/página 15

16 Caritas Lesotho The new SILC model: A potential panacea to the informal micro-finance sector in Lesotho Savings and Internal Lending Communities (SILC) is a micro-finance initiative meant to actualize the financial potential of the rural poor populations and also encourage the culture of saving among the rural communities. SILCs are guided by the principle of Individual Self Screening to acquire membership. Such groups, upon formation, pool money from their own pockets as savings and then lend members with interest in order to make profit that is shared based on the proportion of individual savings at the end of a financial cycle. Caritas Lesotho has been in partnership with the Catholic Relief Services to implement the Families Unite for Livelihoods in Lesotho Project (FULL) which has the SILC component as one of the strategic objectives. The PSP-SILC methodology calls for the recruitment and certification of community-based SILC Field Agents (FAs) as Private Service Providers (PSPs). The PSP model is a business model created to turn the FAs into full-time SILC practitioners who consequently make sure that the SILC model is entrenched in the roots of the society. PSP is thus viewed in two perspectives: as a business model to enhance the financial capacity of the PSPs (as SILC Caritas Lesotho Le nouveau modèle SILC The newly graduated Private Service Providers. agents) themselves and to cushion the SILCs against the uncertainty which usually results in the phasing out of the intervention in communities. PSP as a model provides sustainability which most programming approaches lack. PSP makes sure that the SILCs will stay La mise en oeuvre des Communautés d'épargne et de prêts internes (SILC) est une initiative de micro-finance en vue d actualiser le potentiel financier de la population pauvre des régions rurales, et aussi encourager la culture de l'épargne au sein des communautés rurales. Les SILC sont guidés par le principe de l autoévaluation individuel avant l adhédion comme membre. Lors de la formation de ces groupes, les membres investissent leur propre épargne, puis font des prêts aux membres avec intérêt. Les profits sont partagés parmi les membres selon la proportion de l'épargne individuelle à la fin du cycle financier. Caritas Lesotho, en partenariat avec Catholic Relief Services, a mis en oeuvre le projet FULL «Les Familles s unissent pour les moyens de subsistance» dont un des objectifs stratégiques est la mise en eouvre des SILC. La méthodologie PSP-SILC requiert le recrutement et la certification des agents communautaires SILC sur le terrain afin qu ils deviennent des Fournisseurs de Service Privés (PSP). Le modèle PSP, aujourd'hui, est un modèle d'affaires créé pour s'adapter à la fois aux praticiens SILC à plein temps afin de s'assurer que le modèle SILC est bien ancrée au sein de la société. Le PSP peut être considéré selon les deux perspectives, comme un modèle d'affaires pour renforcer la capacité financière de la PSP (comme agents SILC) eux-mêmes ou encore pour amortir les SILCs contre l'incertitude qui se traduit généralement par l'abandon progressif de l'intervention dans les collectivités. En octobre 2013, Caritas Lesotho Caritas, en collaboration avec CRS, a offert la possibilité à des PSP de se qualifier dans les 5 domaines liés au projet FULL. Caritas Africa Info: page/página 16 operational even post the project life span because the PSPs themselves will keep forming, training and monitoring groups due to the financial incentive that the groups provide by paying for the services of the PSPs. This is in sharp contrast to the FA model because in the FA model, Caritas Lesotho pays the FA a stipend and when Caritas Lesotho ceases to pay such a stipend upon completion of a project, then the SILC groups are in danger of extinction. This is evident in prior project which had a SILC component where the groups died with the phasing out of the project. In October 2013, Caritas Lesotho in collaboration with CRS held PSP graduations in the 5 areas that the Families Unite for Livelihoods in Lesotho (FULL) was operational. These PSPs were former FAs who had gone through an intensive training on the SILC model and assessed to determine their level of competence on the subject matter. The PSP assessment was conducted prior to the graduation and included, among others; the oral FA interview and the Focus Group Discussions (FGD). A total of 13 FAs graduated into PSPs. The FAs were responsible for over 100 SILC groups in the 5 areas with membership of (Continued on page 17.)

17 Caritas Lesotho The new SILC model: A potential panacea to the informal micro-finance sector in Lesotho (Continued from page 16.) over people. The membership increased in the cycles that commenced in January and is expected to rise even further in January This projected trend is attributed to the increasing interest in the SILC methodology from the community. The graduates were each presented with a certificate. The graduation ceremonies were honoured by the presence of management of the organisations as well as central and local government authorities. Poems, songs, speeches were all part of the graduation ceremony to entertain the on looking crowd who came in large numbers. An estimated attendance per area was put at around 300. The SILC groups and interested community individuals presented the PSPs with gifts such as blankets, dresses, trousers, t-shirts and cash and affirmed their support for the PSPs to continue forming, training, and monitoring new SILCs. Since the graduation, the PSPs have continued to give technical support by monitoring the SILC groups. What is most important is that groups (albeit not all of them) have started paying the services of the PSPs. It is worth noting that PSPs are now getting at least 3 times what Caritas Lesotho was paying them while they were FAs. The SILC model has increased household purchasing power and overall cash flow in Celebrations during the graduation ceremony. the community; these are apparent judging from the increased savings in various SILCs and increasing Loan Funds. Caritas Lesoto O novo modelo SILC A implementação de comunidades de poupança e empréstimo interno (SILC) é uma iniciativa de microfinanças para realizar o potencial financeiro da população pobre nas áreas rurais e também para incentivar a cultura de poupança nas comunidades rurais. O SILC são guiados pelo princípio da auto-avaliação individual antes do adhedion como um membro. Durante a formação desses grupos, membros investem suas próprias economias e, em seguida, fazem empréstimos para membros com interesse. Os lucros são compartilhados entre os membros em proporção a poupança individual no final do ciclo financeiro. Caritas Lesoto, em parceria com a Catholic Relief Services, implementou o projeto completo «Famílias unem-se para os meios de subsistência» qual dos objectivos estratégicos é a implementação do SILC. A metodologia de PSP-SILC requer o recrutamento e a certificação dos agentes comunitários SILC no chão para que eles se tornam os provedores de serviço privado (PSP). O modelo de PSP, hoje, é um modelo de negócio criado para adaptar tanto para praticantes SILC em tempo integral para garantir que o modelo SILC está enraizado na sociedade. O PSP pode ser considerada a partir de duas perspectivas, um modelo de negócio para se fortalecer a capacidade financeira da PSP (como agente SILC) ou mesmo para amortecer as SILCs contra a incerteza, geralmente reflectida a eliminação gradual da intervenção em comunidades. Em outubro de 2013, Caritas Caritas de Lesoto, em colaboração com o CRS, ofereceu a possibilidade de PSP para qualificar-se em cinco áreas relacionadas com o projeto completo. Vivre la charité signifie ne pas chercher son propre intérêt, mais porter les fardeaux des plus faibles et des plus pauvres. Caritas Africa Info: page/página 17 (Pape François)

18 Caritas de Angola Solidariedade e emergência Formação O programa de redução de risco e desastres, consiste em fortalecer as capacidades dos membros das Caritas diocesanas e parceiros em implementação e coordenação de planos de redução de riscos (DRR). Em Abril de 2013, a situação da seca no Sul de Angola, despertou a Igreja de Angola, depois de um diálogo com líderes comunitários da província do Cunene (durante a formação Animal morto devido a seca no Sul de Angola. Caritas Angola Solidarity and emergency In April 2013, the drought situation in southern Angola aroused the attention of the Church of Angola following a meeting with community leaders of the Province of Cunene. As a follow-up, a disaster risk reduction training program has been developed. Its objective is to strengthen the capacity of members of diocesan Caritas and partners in the implementation and coordination of plans for Disaster Risk Reduction ( DRR ). Caritas Angola has also taken the initiative to launch a solidarity campaign with the institutional support of the Episcopal Conference of Angola and Sao Tome (CEAST). This campaign at national level and at diocesan level, the bishops being the Presidents of the diocesan Caritas, has had full institutional support, including the involvement of Diocesan Caritas Directors, catechists, group leaders and apostolic movements, among others. During the solidarity campaign, 500 tons of various goods have been collected and USD have been donated by Catholic Relief Services (CRS). All goods collected at the level of parishes were referred to the diocesan Caritas organizations and these in turn have sent the goods to the affected areas or to the Directorate General of Caritas in Luanda, where a group of people have streamlined the delivery to the affected areas. The Directorate General of Caritas Angola played the role of facilitator and liaison with public and private institutions as well as with the media, to disseminate and update the process of collecting and distributing goods. In the field of transport, there has been the remarkable unconditional participation of the Angolan Armed Forces, the Military Department of the Presidency of the Republic as well as entrepreneurs who have readily helped with transportation. About people have benefited from goods collected during the solidarity campaign. Public and private institutions, organizations, nonprofit organization, schools, universities, churches and people of goodwill, all participated in the solidarity campaign. The Director General of Caritas Angola, in cooperation with Caritas Internationalis, is preparing/organizing an international Emergency Appeal to support the victims of the drought in southern Angola. sobre intervenções de emergências/ Calamidades e mitigação de desastre). A Sua Excelência Dom Pio Hiipunhaty, Bispo de Ondjiva, lançou através dos meios de comunicação social o grito de socorro seguido das autoridades Governamentais. Campanha O lançamento da Campanha de solidariedade é uma iniciativa da Caritas de Angola, e tem o apoio institucional da CEAST (conferencia Episcopal de Angola e São Tome), a nivel nacional e a nivel das dioceses os bispos locais na qualidade de presidentes das Caritas, incentivaram esta nobre iniciativa dando todo apoio institucional, a realização dinamizada pelos directores das Caritas, os parocos catequistas, lideres de grupo e movimentos apostolicos. Ao longo da camapanha de solidariedade foram arrecadadas 500 toneladas de bens diversos e USD doado pela Catholic Relief Services (CRS). Todos os bens recolhidos a nivel das paroquias foram encaminhados para (Continua na página 19.) Caritas Africa Info: page/página 18

19 Caritas de Angola Solidariedade e emergência sentido de divulgar e actualizar o processo de recolha e distribuição de bens. (Continuação da página 18.) as Direcções diocesanas e estas por sua vez, fizeram chegar às zonas afectadas ou à Direcção Geral da Caritas- em luanda que tem um grupo de pessoa que dinamizaram o envio para as zonas afectadas. A Direcção Geral da Caritas de Angola desempenhou o papel de dinamizador e elo de ligação com as instituções publicas e privadas, meios de comunicação social, no A escassez de água leva a grandes escavações no Sul de Angola. Caritas Angola Solidarité et urgence En aril 2013, la situation de sécheresse dans le sud de l'angola a suscité l'attention de l'eglise de l'angola, après une réunion avec les dirigeants communautaires de la province de Cunene. En guise de suivi, un programme de formation sur la réduction des risques en cas de catastrophe a été élaboré. Son objectif est de renforcer la capacité des membres des Caritas diocésaines et les partenaires dans la mise en œuvre et la coordination des plans de réduction des risques en cas de catastrophe. Caritas Angola a également pris l'initiative de lancer une campagne de solidarité avec le soutien institutionnel de la Conférence épiscopale d'angola et Sao Tomé (CEAST). Cette campagne au niveau national et au niveau diocésain, les évêques étant les présidents des Caritas diocésaines, a eu l'appui institutionnel complet, y compris la participation des directeurs diocésains de Caritas, des catéchistes, des animateurs et des mouvements apostoliques, entre autres. Au cours de la campagne de solidarité, 500 tonnes de marchandises diverses ont été collectées et dollar US ont été donnés par Catholic Relief Services (CRS). Toutes les marchandises collectées au niveau des paroisses ont été transmises aux organisations Caritas diocésaines et à leur tour, elles ont envoyé ces marchandises dans les zones touchées ou à la Direction générale de Caritas à Luanda, où un groupe de personnes ont assuré la livraison dans les zones touchées. La Direction générale de Caritas Angola a joué le rôle de facilitateur et de liaison avec les institutions publiques et privées ainsi que les médias, afin de diffuser et mettre à jour le processus de collecte et de distribution des biens. Dans le domaine des transports, il ya eu la participation inconditionnelle remarquable des Forces armées angolaises, le Département militaire de la Présidence de la République ainsi que les entrepreneurs qui ont grandement facilité le transport des marchandises. Environ personnes ont bénéficié des marchandises collectées au cours de la campagne de solidarité. No dominio do transporte foi notavel a participação incondicional das forças Armadas Angolanas, da Casa Militar da Presidencia da República bem de como de empresários que colocaram a disposição transporte para ajudar. Cerca de pessoas que beneficiaram-se dos bens arrecadadas durante a campanha de solidariedade. Participaram da camapnha de solidariedade, instituições publicas e privadas, organizações, sem fim lucrativos, escolas, universidades, Igrejas Irmãs e pessoas de boa vontade. A direcção geral da caritas em cooperação com a Caritas Internationalis de Roma estão a preparar /organizar um apelo internacional de apoio as vitimas da seca no sul de Angola. Les institutions publiques et privées, les organisations, les organisations sans but lucratif, les écoles, les universités, les églises et les personnes de bonne volonté, tous ont participé à la campagne de solidarité. Le Directeur général de Caritas Angola, en collaboration avec Caritas Internationalis, prépare/organise un appel d'urgence internationale pour soutenir les victimes de la sécheresse dans le sud de l'angola. Caritas Africa Info: page/página 19

20 The Gambia Catholic Church's Contribution to Malaria Prevention As the development wing of the Roman Catholic Church in the Gambia, the Catholic Development Office (CaDO) is charged with the responsibility to coordinate all economic, social and relief activities that aim at attaining a more humane and just society, irrespective of creed, colour, race or ideology. These activities include HIV/ AIDS Care and Support, Malaria Prevention/Control, Primary Health Care, Water and Sanitation, Agriculture/ Horticulture and Fisheries projects with support from various donors for parishes and communities particularly from the rural areas in the Gambia. (CaDO) entered into agreement with CRS Gambia as sub recipient to implement the Malaria Insecticide Treated Nets (ITN) Project funded by The Global Fund. To fulfill its mandate CaDO ITN Malaria Project continues to carry out the following activities: LLINs (Long Lasting Insecticide Nets) Distri-bution: Dedicated Volunteers closely supervised by Field coordinators, distribute LLINs to children under one year and pregnant women. BCC (Behavioral Change Communication): Sensitization is done Participants in a training session. Fight malaria by sleeping under LLIN all year round! through home visits and discussing with family members the proper use and management of LLINs, the need and importance of seeking early appropriate medical treatment for malaria, the importance of pregnant women to uptake of IPT and encouraging families to accept the use of IRS. TRAINING: Nurses selected from different health facilities have received training on LLINs Distribution Guidelines and Procedures and Step-down trainings for Kabilo Representatives and Positive Deviance Individuals (PDIs) on Malaria Prevention and Control Strategies. MONITORING and SUPERVISION: Field Coordinators supervise KR and PDI activities whilst the Project Manager, M&E Officer (Monitoring & Evaluation) and Regional Coordinators carry out periodic monitoring visits to collect data for accountability and reporting. CaDO, on behalf of the Catholic Church, is grateful to Global Fund, CRS and other stakeholders, as well as the coordinated efforts of staff, central, regional and community level partners. Bernadette Fefegula Contribution de l Eglise Catholique de Gambie à la prévention du paludisme L'aile de développement de l'eglise Catholique en Gambie, le Bureau de Développement Catholique (CaDO), a la responsabilité de coordonner toutes les activités économiques, sociales et de secours d urgence visant à parvenir à une société plus juste et plus humaine, sans distinction de croyance, de couleur, de race ou d'idéologie. Ces activités comprennent le traitement du VIH/SIDA, la prévention/lutte contre le paludisme, les soins de santé primaires, l'eau et l'assainissement, l'agriculture/ horticulture et la pêche avec le soutien de différents bailleurs de fonds pour les paroisses et les communautés, en particulier des zones rurales en Gambie. Contribuição da Igreja Católica da Gâmbia para a prevenção da malária A ala desenvolvimento da Igreja Católica na Gâmbia, o Escritório de Desenvolvimento Católica (Cado), tem a responsabilidade de coordenar todas, atividades sociais e econômicas de emergência destinadas a alcançar uma sociedade mais justa e humana sem distinção de credo, cor, raça ou ideologia. Essas atividades incluem o tratamento de prevenção do HIV / AIDS / luta contra a malária, os cuidados primários de saúde, água e saneamento, agricultura / horticultura e pesca com o apoio de vários doadores para paróquias e comunidades, especialmente nas áreas rurais, em Gâmbia. Caritas Africa Info: page/página 20

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Frequently Asked Questions GS1 Canada-1WorldSync Partnership Frequently Asked Questions 1. What is the nature of the GS1 Canada-1WorldSync partnership? GS1 Canada has entered into a partnership agreement with 1WorldSync for the

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AUDIT COMMITTEE: TERMS OF REFERENCE AUDIT COMMITTEE: TERMS OF REFERENCE PURPOSE The Audit Committee (the Committee), assists the Board of Trustees to fulfill its oversight responsibilities to the Crown, as shareholder, for the following

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that the child(ren) was/were in need of protection under Part III of the Child and Family Services Act, and the court made an order on

that the child(ren) was/were in need of protection under Part III of the Child and Family Services Act, and the court made an order on ONTARIO Court File Number at (Name of court) Court office address Applicant(s) (In most cases, the applicant will be a children s aid society.) Full legal name & address for service street & number, municipality,

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Projet de réorganisation des activités de T-Systems France

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Improving the breakdown of the Central Credit Register data by category of enterprises

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The new consumables catalogue from Medisoft is now updated. Please discover this full overview of all our consumables available to you.

The new consumables catalogue from Medisoft is now updated. Please discover this full overview of all our consumables available to you. General information 120426_CCD_EN_FR Dear Partner, The new consumables catalogue from Medisoft is now updated. Please discover this full overview of all our consumables available to you. To assist navigation

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Préconisations pour une gouvernance efficace de la Manche. Pathways for effective governance of the English Channel

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APPENDIX 6 BONUS RING FORMAT #4 EN FRANÇAIS CI-DESSOUS Preamble and Justification This motion is being presented to the membership as an alternative format for clubs to use to encourage increased entries, both in areas where the exhibitor

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Nouveautés printemps 2013

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BNP Paribas Personal Finance

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Discours de Eric Lemieux Sommet Aéro Financement Palais des congrès, 4 décembre 2013

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CONVENTION DE STAGE TYPE STANDART TRAINING CONTRACT CONVENTION DE STAGE TYPE STANDART TRAINING CONTRACT La présente convention a pour objet de définir les conditions dans lesquelles le stagiaire ci-après nommé sera accueilli dans l entreprise. This contract

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AMENDMENT TO BILL 32 AMENDEMENT AU PROJET DE LOI 32 THAT the proposed clause 6(1), as set out in Clause 6(1) of the Bill, be replaced with the following: Trustee to respond promptly 6(1) A trustee shall respond to a request as promptly as required in the

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Small Businesses support Senator Ringuette s bill to limit credit card acceptance fees

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Working Group on Implementation of UNGCP Meeting

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Editing and managing Systems engineering processes at Snecma

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If the corporation is or intends to become a registered charity as defined in the Income Tax Act, a copy of these documents must be sent to:

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