Nourriture. Au restaurant

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1 La Nourriture. Au restaurant 1. Une boulangerie 2. Une patisserie 3. Un cafe I un fastfood 4. J ai faim. 5. Tu as faim. 6. Il I elle a faim. 7. Je I tu veux I1 I elle veut Quest-ce que Je I tu voudrais Il I elle voudrait Donne-moi... ldonnez-moi 13. Apportez-moi 14. Sil te plait! I Sil vous plait Bon appetit! 16. La nourriture (f.) 17. Un croissant 18. Un sandwich 19. Un steak-frites 20. Un hamburger 21. Un hot dog 22. Une salade 23. Une pizza 24. Une omelette 25. Un ceuf (des ceufs) 26. Une crepe 27. Une glace --Manger-- Je mange nous mangeons Le vocabulaire supplt!mentaire: Tu manges vous mangez 28. Ala vanille II mange ils mangent l Elle mange elles mangent 29. Au chocolat (m.) 30. Aujambon (m.) 31. Au fromage (m.) 32. Au saucisson (m.) 33. Aux anchois (m. pl.) 34. Aux olives (f. pl.) 35. Un eclair 36. Une tarte 37. Un gateau 38. Une salade verte 39. Une salade de tomates 40. Un oignon 41. Un champignon 42. Un concombre 43. Des epinards 44. Une laitue 45. Une pomme de terre 46. Un brocoli I

2 La Nourriture. Au restaurant 47. Jai soif 48. Tu as soif I elle a soif 50. (Qu est-ce que )Vous desirez...? !. Sil vous plait. 52. Les boissons (f) 53. un soda 54. unjus dorange 55. un jus de pomme 56. unjus de tomate 57. unjus de pamplemousse 58. un jus de raisin 59. unjus dananas 60. une limonade 61. un cafe 62.unthe 63. un chocolat (chaud) 64. de leau (minerale) (f.) 65. du sucre (m.) 66. de la creme 67. un biscuit 68. du lait 69. un verre 70. une tasse 71. un citron presse 72. un cafe creme 73. Les rep as : a) Le petit-dejeuner b) Le dejeuner c) Le gouter d) Le diner Exemples de soda: Un Pepsi, un Coca Cola, un Coca Lite, un Schweppes, un Orangina, un NesTea Exemples de limonade: un Gini, un Sprite. Exemples deau minerale: une Evian, une Perrier, A VOIR- to have PRENDRE - to take Jai Tu as Illelle/on a Nous avons Vous avez Ils/Elles ont Je prends Tu prends lllelle/on prend Nous prenons Vous prenez Ils/Elles prennent BOIRE - to drink Je bois Tu bois Illelle/on boit nous buvons vous buvez ils boivent

3 La Nourriture. Au restaurant QUESTIONS: Cest combien?. Cest... Combien coute...? Il I elle coute... Ca fait combien Ca fait.... Prete-moi.... Tu as de la monnaie? Jai Quel est ton plat favori? Je prefere Quelle est ta cuisine preferee? Je prefere Quest-ce que tu manges (au dejeuner)? Je mange... Quest-ce que tu bois? Je bois... Quest-ce que tu prends (au petit-dejeuner)? Je prends... Quest-ce que tu vas prendre? J e vais prendre... Quest-ce quil te faut pour faire une quiche? De quoi as-tu besoin? Il me faut... Jai besoin de... Comment est-ce que tu aimes le cafe? J aime le cafe avec du lait.... Quest-ce que tu choisis? Je choisis... Quest-ce que vous voulez manger/boire? Comme boisson, j e voudrais.... Comme entree, je voudrais.... Vocabulaire supplementaire : L addition Laisser un pourboire Un serveur/ une serveuse Les converts : Un verre Une assiette Un couteau Une fourchette Une cuillere Une tasse Une serviette V erbes : mettre le couvert debarrasser la table

4 ON _ Bon appetit! A Tu as faim? Pierre, Philippe, and Nathalie are on their way home from school. They stop by a street vendor who sells sandwiches and pizza. Today it is Pierres turn to treat his friends.! 1 I. I. I SCENE 1 Pierre et Nathalie Pierre: Tu as faim? Nathalie: Oui, jai faim. Pierre: Tu veux un sandwich ou une pizza? Nathalie: Donne-mol une pizza, sil te plait. Pierre: voila. Nathalie: Merci. SCENE 2 Pierre et Philippe Pierre: Et toi, Philippe, tu as faim? Philippe: Oh Ia Ia, oui, jai faim. Pierre: Quest-ce que tu veux? Un sandwich ou une pizza? Philipp: Je voudrais un er.. et donne-moi aussi une pizza. Pierre: Cest vrail Tu as vraiment faiml really Invitation au Jram;ais

5 Fjj9!;ftqqyjhat you are hun_gry: Jaifaim. TUasfaim? rm hungry. Are you hungry? TU veux..? Quest-ce que tu veux? Do you want...? What do you want? Tu veux un sandwich? Quest-ce que tu veux? Un sandwich ou une pizza? Je voudrais... Donne-moi. Sil te plait.. /would like... Give me... Please... Je voudrais un sandwich. Donne-moi une pizza. Sil te plait Franc;ois, donne-moi une pizza. Les nourritures (Foods) un croissant un sandwich unsteak un steak-frites un hamburger un hot dog,,.., -< E unesalade une pizza une omelette unecrepe uneglace....,,.. Les jeunes et Ia nourriture In general, French teenagers eat their main meals at home with their families. On weekends or after school, however, when they are with friends, they often stop at a fast-food restaurant or a cafe for something to eat. At fast-food restaurants, French teenagers order pretty much the same types of foods as Americans: hamburgers, hot dogs, and pizza. At a cafe, teenagers may order a croissant, a sandwich, or a dish of ice cream. Some favorite sandwiches are ham (un sandwich au jam bon), Swiss cheese (un sandwich au fromage), or salami (un sandwich au saucisson). And, of course, they are made with French bread, which has a crunchy crust. Another traditional quick cafe meal is a small steak with French fries (un steak-frites). Invitation au franais

6 ... Nom Classe ,--- Date c. Questions et reponses lrentlt, B L E U Je vo ud ra is un sandwich. 4. I 5. I Section 2. Intonation D. Ecoutez et repetez. Ecoutez: Repetez: ""... """"---- Voici un steak... et une salade..,., Je voudrais une pizza. Je voudrais une pizza et un sandwich " Je voudrais une pizza, un sandwich et un hamburger. _ Voici un steak.,...,... -, Voici un steak et une salade..",,..,......_ Voici un steak, une salade et une glace. Section 3. Dictee E. Ecoutez et ecrivez. -Oh la la! Jai Quest-ce que tu -----? Un steak ou pizza? -moi un steak, sil plait. Unite 2, Lec;on 3 Workbook Discovering French, Nouveau! Bleu

7 Nom Disco!Ji Classe Date WRITING ACTIVITIES 1. Un ou une? Complete the names ofthe following foods Withun or une, as appropriate. l FRF1 B L E U 1. sandwich 5. steak-frites 2. pizza salade 3. steak 7. croissant crepe 8. omelette 2. Conversations Complete the conversations with expressions from the box Tu as faim? -Oui, faim. 2. -Quest-ce que? -Je une glace. 3. -Sil te plait, un sandwich. -Voila un sandwich. me rei tu veux jai voudrais donne-moi FLASH culturel Camembert, Brie, and Roquefort are all products of French origin. What are they? 0 tries 0 cheeses 0 perfumes 0 crackers!+page 32 ====================================== fli.:mwt<ina Ft<ettck. Nouveau! Bleu Unite 2, Leon 3 Workbook 7 ;;,

8 0,:181 Tu as faim? ,\ j j PARLER You have invited French friends to your home. Ask if they are hungry and,. "", :.:. : te:- ::::llowing :ods. -Oui, jai faim. / -Tuveuxun ; hamburger? l -Oui, merci. 0 Qu est-ce que tu veux? ,\ PARLER Say which foods you would like to i have in the following circumstances. : You are very hungry. < --...,..,. " !! 1 2 : 5, _ \....,...,, /:, 1. You are at an Italian restaurant 2. You are on a diet.! 3. You are a vegetarian. i 4. You are having breakfast!,.. 5. You would like a dessert :: 6. You want to eat something light, for supper. ).\....,.... o %11( A u dtoix (Yourchoice) ! PARLER Offer your classmates a l choice between the following items.! They will decide which one they would like..,_ une pizza ou un sandwich? 1. un hamburger ou un steak? 2. un hot dog ou un sandwich? 3. une salade ou une omelette? 4. un steak-frites ou une pizza? 5. une crepe ou un crotssan. t?. 6. une glace a la vanille ou une glace au chocolat? \..., Q Au cafe PARLER You are m a French cafe.""""-""""".,., ".,.,..,..,, " s Ask for the following dishes.., \ l l :...! l : : Je voudrais un croissant " / ln.vitation au Jraru;ais

9 Nom : Mods Date : Encerclez tes preferences (Circle your preferences) 1. le fromage 2. le hamburger 3. Ia carotte beau coup 4. Ia pizza 5. le popcorn 6. le riz 7. le pain 8. le brocoli 9. Ia glace 9

10 beau coup 10. le sucre 11. I asperge 12. les <Eufs 13. Ia pcisteque 14. Ia pomme 15. le petit pain if --.-) ;-"- 16. Ia soupe 17. le croque-monsieur 18. lananas 19. le beignet

11 B Au cafe This afternoon Trinh and Celine went shopping. They are now tired and thirsty. Trinh invites Celine to a cafe. ScENE 1 Trinh, Celine Trinh: Tu as soif? Celine: Oui, jai soif. Trinh: on va dans un cafe? Je tinvite. Celine: Daccord! Shall we go to a caf!!? Im treating (inviting). Okay/ ScENE 2 le garc;:on, Celine, Trinh Le gan;on: Vous desirez, mademoiselle? Celine: Un jus dorange, sil vous plait. Le garc;:on: Et pour vous, monsieur? Trinh: Donnez-moi une limonade, * sil vous plait. jar SCENE 3 Le gan;on, Celine, Trinh Le gan;:on: (a Celine) La limonade, cest pour vous, mademoiselle? Trinh: Non, cest pour moi. le gar<;:on: Ah, excusez-moi. Voici le jus dorange, mademoiselle. Celine: Merci. Oh, excuse me. *Une limonade is a popular inexpensive soft drink wilh a slight lemon flavor. Invitation au fran{ais II

12 Jai soif. Tu assoif? rm thirsty. Are you thirsty? BiWi :ii!fie!ji:fiilfitl - _. vous desirez? Je voudrais... EHruftgJr:gfiaFqwettng :..., May I help you?!would like... -Vous desirez? -Je voudrais un jus dorange. from a friend: from an adult: Sil te plait, donne-moi... Sil vous plait, donnez-moi... Please, give me... -? Note that French people have two ways of saying please. They use sil te plait with friends, and sil vous plait with adults. As we will see later, young people address their friends as tu and adults that they do not know very well as vous. Les boissons (Beverages) I,. un soda un jus dorange & \j unjusde porn me I & \j unjusde unjusde tomate raisin" une limonade uncafe unthe un chocolat Le cafe The cafe is a favorite gathering place for French young people. They go there not only when they are hungry or thirsty but also to meet their friends They can sit at a table and talk for hour s over a cup of coffee or a glass of juice. French young people also enjoy mineral water and soft drinks. In a French cafe, a 15% service charge is included in the check. However, most people also leave some small change as an added tip. Jus de raisin is a go/den-colored juice made from grapes. IZ

13 yi PARLER You are in a French cafe. Decide ,,) : what beverage you are going to order in each 1. It is very cold outside. l " :::,.i,., 2. You o n_ot_ want to spend much money. l 3.Y JUICe but are allergic to citrus - """" :::!..,. You are very thirsty. Sil vous plait, une limonade (un jus 4. It is breakfast time. : de pomme)... 5 Yi ou h ave a sore throat.!: _...,/:...,....,\ :! l i PARLER You are in a French cafe. Get the attention of the waiter (Monsieur) or the waitress (Mademoiselle) and place your order. Act out the dialogue with a classmate. \-- l 1 i I \, A \I In vitation au jranais /I

14 DiscofJi9, Nom FRE1\ Classe Date _ 3. t:l] Communication: En franais! B L E U. - A. You have invited your French friend Philippe to your home. 1. Ask Philippe if he is hungry. 2. Ask hi.m if he wants a sandwich. 3, Ask him if he wants an ice cream cone. B. You are in a French restaurant with a friend. L Tell your friend that you are hungry. 2. Tell her what type of food you would like to have. France produces over 400 v:qri,!3._ti.etol he?..x, s1 m9,ng which Camembert, Brie, and Roquefort are the best known. In a traditional French meal, cheese is served as a separate.;;ovrse, after the sa lad ond before the dessert. It is eaten w ith bread, and occasinally with butter. -o <i - g c :!;., { f c Unite 2, Leon 3 Workbook Discovering French,.Nouveau! Bleu /If

15 Nom D.. sc Classe Date. o.vfej!. rin.., FRE1\ B L E U Section 3. Je voudrais 0 c. Questions et reponses.,._- Vous desirez? - Je voudrais un the, sil vous plait. 1 2 "-m:.,. 3 4 Section 4. Conversations D. Comprehension orale 1. How does the boy feel? a. tired b. thirsty c. hungry 2. What would the girl like? a. asoda b. a glass of orange juice c. a glass of grape juice 3. Where does the scene take place? a. in a cafe b. at a picnic c. athome 4. Where does the scene take place? a. in a cafe b. in a French restaurant c. at a picnic Section 5. Dictee E. Ecoutez et ecrivez. - Vous,mademoiselle? - JQ un chocolat. -Et VOU::i, monsieur? -moiun _, sil plait. : :.:.;!""-,., -. l _,.. Unite 2, Le«;on 3 Workbook Discovering French, Nouveau! 131eu /r

16 Nom Classe Date 3. t::l] Communication: En franais! A. Your French friend Marc has dropped by your house. 1. Ask him if he is thirsty. Disco!!. ;.., FREI\ B L E U f 2. Ask him if he wants a soda or a glass of orange juice. B. You are in a French cafe with a friend. 1. Tell yourfriend that you are thirsty. 2. Tell the waiter- (or waitress) to bring you a beverage of your choice. The French drink a lot of mineral water: In fact, they have the highest consumption of mineral water in the world: about 60 liters per person per year. These mineral waters, some plain and some carbonated, come from natural springs in various parts of the country and are widely exported. Unite 2, Leyon 3 Workbook Discovering 1-rench, Nouveau! Sleu /

17 nnr E French people of all ages love to eat out, and French rest aurants have t he reput at ion of offering t he best cuisine in the world. Of course, there are all kinds of restaurants for all kinds of budgets, ranging f rom t he simple cou ntry inn (!auberge de campagne) with it s hearty regi onal foqd t o the elegant t hree-star restaurant (restaurant trois etoiles ) with its exqu isite-and expensive-menu. 5 euros Sil te plait, prete-moi cinq euros euros euros euros 2. 3 euros euros euros euros euros euros \,..,.., 0 1 tjj Decision , \ PARLER Before ordering at a cafe, Charlotte and Fatima are checking the prices. Act out the dialogues. le chocolat 1. le the 2. le jus dorange.. L.,..,,,, 3. la salade de tomates. I! 11 cotlte deux euros cinquante. i 4. la glace a la vanille i.. 5. le cafe J 6. 1e :steak frite:s, 7. le hot dog. : 8. 1 omelette :! 9. la salade mixte : l, 10. le jus de raisin )..._ LE ll,i; [ f CAFE RESTAURANT BOISSONS cafe chocolat the limonade jus dorange jus de raisin GLACES glace au chocolat glace a Ia vanille SANDWICHS sandwich au jambon sandwich au fromage ETAUSSI... steak-frites ffi salade mixte t7 salade de tomate;, ome Ie tt e n!.r; - - hot dog croissant pizza Invitation au jram;ais 11

18 is. Nom _ D. c. o}!, FRE1 Classe Date Video-scene C. a fait combien? LISTENING ACTIVITIES Section 1. Leuro A. Ecoutez et repetez. B L E U un euro deux euros trois euros quatre euros cinq euros six euros sept euros huit euros neufeuros dix euros Section 2. C est com bien? B. Comprehension orale Modele ). c. Questions et reponses ;;;: Cofe des Gpod? Sandwich 3 oo n; ra Soda 2 oo ,.a OirovP-t<iHa Flettch, Nouveau! Bleu Unite 2, Leon 3 Workbook,,

19 Nom Classe Date Section 3. Conversations D. Comprehension orale Listeni ng comprehension 1. What does the boy do? a. He orders a pizza. b. He asks the price of a pizza. c. He asks where the pizzeria is. 2. What does the woman want to do? a. pay the bill b. order food c. go to a cafe 3. What does the boy want to do? a. pay the bill b. borrow money c. leave a tip for the server Section 4. Diche. E. Ecoutez et ecrivez coute!omelette? _ coute trois euros cinquante. - Et la glace? -Deux euros cinquante. - Qa six euros au total. Dis, Melanie, -rnoi six euros, sil te plait. P-f, B L E U f. t f."4.. Unite 2, Le((on 3 Workbook Discovering French, Nouveau! Bleu I I

20 )_f Nom Classe Date ,----- WRITING ACTIVITIES 1 C est com bien? Identify the items pictured and give their prices. D iscoji, FRE1 B L E U Voici un sandwich. II coote deux euros [ FLASH culturel The backs of the euro bills are illustrated with pictures of brides. Which bill has the most mode.rn bridge? euro note 0 50 euro note euro note e uro note ====================================== 4 40 Discovet<i»g Ft<ench, Nouveau! Bleu Unite 2, Legon 3 Workbook

21 Nom Classe Date _ 2. rn Communication: En franaisl Imagine tl1at you are at Lc Rallye with two French friends, Olivier and Valerie. Use the menu to write out the following conversation (in French, of course!). Boissons Cafe The Chocolat Soda Limonade Jus dorange Eau minerale Glaces Glace au cafe Glace a Ia vanille Le Rallye D. sc,!! ri".! FREI\ B L E U Sandwkhs Sandwich au jambon 3 50 Sandwich au fromage 3 50 Et aussi: Croissant 2 Pizza 8 Sa lade 3 50 Omelette 4 50 Hamburger 4 Steak 7 Steak-Frites 8 50 t LE GAR(,:ON: May I help you? TOI: I would like [a food and a beverage} r VALERIE: OLIVIER: TO!: LE GARCON: Please give me [a food and a beverage}. I would like a [a food and a beverage], please. How much does that com e to? That comes to [the price of what was ordered]. TOI: Hey, Olivier; loan me ten euros, please. flash culturel The bills are sequen.ced so that the styles of bridges go from the oldest (5 euro note) to the most modern (500 euro note). Unite 2, Leon 3 Workbook Discovering French, Nouveau! Bleu ll

22 Les couverts,.,\, \ /,,, "-,...,... """",""- Une fourchette U ne assiette Une cuillere Un couteau Une serviette Un verre a eau c=::> :if* ** Un bol **! Un verre a vin blanc I a vin rouge Une carafe Une nappe Une tasse Une cuillere a cafe Particularites: une fourchette du plat une fourchette de I entree un couteau du plat un couteau de!entree

23 Comment dresser I mettre Ia table r 1 It " I f... i I I I I I :1 I... ],.,.. /. - c.

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