Professeur, Université de Toulon ; Cours à Sciences Po Aix Directeur du Master: «Commerce International Equitable et Développement»

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1 Nicolas PÉRIDY Né le 26 septembre 1965 Marié, 3 enfants Nationalité: française Adresse: Université de Toulon LEAD UFR Sciences économiques et gestion 70 avenue Roger Devoucoux Toulon Courriel: SITUATION ACTUELLE Professeur, Université de Toulon ; Cours à Sciences Po Aix Directeur du Master: «Commerce International Equitable et Développement» PARCOURS ACADEMIQUE 2007 : Concours d agrégation des Universités (rang: 1) 2000 : 1991 : 1988 : Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches Université Paris 1, Panthéon- Sorbonne, France Ph.D (Economics), European University Institute, Florence (Italie); superviseur: G.N. Yannopoulos (University of Reading, U.K.) MSc (Economics), College of Europe, Bruges (Belgique). PARCOURS PROFESSIONNEL Depuis septembre 2013 : Cours à Sciences Po Aix Depuis avril 2009 : Professeur à l Université de Toulon Septembre 2007-mars 2009 : Professeur à l Université de La Rochelle Septembre Août 2007 : Maître de Conférences à l Université de Nantes Septembre 1992-Août 1993 : PAST à l Université de Nantes Juillet 1990-Août 1993 : Chargé de Recherche à la CCI de Nantes DOMAINES DE RECHERCHE -1-

2 Commerce international : Intégration régionale, en particulier dans la zone euro-méditerranéenne Barrières aux échanges Modèles de commerce en concurrence imparfaite Commerce et migrations Commerce et environnement Commerce, inégalités et convergence RESPONSABILITES ACTUELLES OU RECENTES LIEES A LA RECHERCHE Directeur du Laboratoire Léad de juillet 2011 à mars 2015 Expert pour diverses organisations internationales : Banque Mondiale, Commission Européenne, Nations Unies (voir programmes internationaux de recherche ci-après) Titulaire de la PEDR depuis 2003 Membre du comité de rédaction de la Revue Economique Membre du Comité scientifique de la revue Région et Développement. Membre de la commission nationale d attribution des PES (2012) Mise en place d un LIA (laboratoire International Associé CNRS) entre le Léad, le Centre Jacques Berque de Rabat, l Université Mohamed V de Rabat et l Université internationale de Rabat (avec Maurice Catin et Said Hanchane) Membre élu du CA de l UFR sciences économiques (depuis 2012) Membre du conseil scientifique de l ED 509 Membre du Conseil scientifique du collège des études doctorales (depuis 2013) Expert ANR 2011 Participation au programme Européen PCRD 7 (2010) Membre du comité scientifique du Centre Scientifique de Monaco Membre du comité de pilotage de l AAP Idex du PRES Paris Sorbonne Cité (2013) Membre du comité scientifique du colloque international GDRI DREEM Florence 2013 Membre du comité Scientifique du Colloque international OMC-Nations unies-léad (depuis 2013) Représentant du réseau FEMISE pour l Université de Toulon Organisation des Journées scientifiques 2013 de l USTV pour le Léad : littoral urbain et espace maritime méditerranéen. Membre des comités de sélection : Université de Toulon, Université Paris 1 (2013), Université de Pau (2012), Université Paris-Dauphine (2012) ENSEIGNEMENTS ET RESPONSABILITES PEDAGOGIQUES -2-

3 Enseignements Université de Toulon: Commerce international avancé (Master 1) Fair Trade and new international trade patterns (Master 2) International Trade and Development (Master 2) The economics of the Euro-Mediterranean area (Master 2) Fair Trade and development (Master 1) Enseignement Sciences Po Aix: Development Economics (Master 1) Enseignements précédents: microéconomie (L2), macroéconomie (L2) Responsabilités pédagogiques: - Création et direction depuis 2009 du Master Commerce International Equitable et Développement : o Mise en place de partenariats internationaux (OMC, UNECA, PNUD, FAO, AFD, Max Havelaar, Malongo, Handicap International, Ecocert, Alteréco, Ethicable, ) - Création de parcours internationaux dans les Masters avec enseignements en anglais (2013) - Création d un semestre international pour étudiants étrangers avec cours entièrement en anglais (2013) - Membre du comité de suivi et du comité de perfectionnement des Masters (2013) PUBLICATIONS Articles publiés dans des revues à comité de lecture référencées Econlit/AERES : [39] (2015) Direct and Indirect Effects of Climate on Agriculture: An Application of a Spatial Panel Data Analysis to Tunisia (with Oussama Zouabi), Climatic Change, forthcoming. [38] (2015) Proximity, trade and ethnic networks of migrants: Case study for France and Egypt (with A. Artal and A.Ghoneim), International Journal of Manpower, 36(4), forthcoming. -3-

4 [37] (2014) Trade Effects of Regional Integration in Imperfect Competition: Evidence from the Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA) (with J. Abedini), International Economic Journal, 28(2): [36] (2013) Middle East and North African Integration through the lens of Non-Tariff Measures (with Ahmed Ghoneim), Journal of Economic Integration, 28(4): [35] (2013) Trade effects of climate change: An application to MENA countries (with Marc Brunetto), Economics Bulletin, 33(4): [34] (2013) Some new Insights into Real Convergence in MENA countries regional areas: A Spatial Econometric Analysis (with M. Hazem and M. Brunetto), Economics and Business Letters, 2(4): pp [33] (2012) An Analysis of Real Convergence and its Determinants: Evidence from MENA countries (with C. Bagoulla), Journal of Economic Integration, 27(1): [32] (2012) "Why are the Trade Gains from the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership so Small?" (with Nathalie Roux), Journal of World Trade, 46(3): [31] (2012) Some new insights into trade potential between the EU and its Mediterranean Partners, Economics Research International, Volume 2012 (2012), Article ID [30] (2011) Market Access and the other determinants of North-South Manufacturing Location Choice: An application to the Euro-Mediterranean Area (with Corinne Bagoulla), Economic Systems, 35: [29] (2010) Some New Insights into the Effects of the EU-South Korea Free Trade Area: The Role of Non Tariff Barriers (with Y.Decreux and C.Milner), Journal of Economic Integration, 25(4): [28] (2010) Innovation, Growth and Convergence in the Euro-Mediterranean Area: Implications for MENA Countries, Economics Bulletin, 30(4), pp

5 [27] (2010) Some New Insights into FDI Determinants in MENA countries: An Application of a Spatial Panel Data Model (with N. Uttama), International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies, vol.3(4), pp [26] (2010) Un Modèle Généralisé des Déterminants des Migrations Internationales: Application aux Migrations des Pays Méditerranéens vers l UE, Revue Economique, 61(6), [25] (2010) Foreign Direct Investment and Productivity Spillovers: The Experience of ASEAN countries (with N. Uttama), Journal of Economic Integration, 25(2): [24] (2009) The Emergence of Iran in the World Car Industry: An Estimation of its Export Potential (with Javad Abedini), World Economy, 32(5), [23] (2009) The Impact of Regional Integration and Third-Country Effects on FDI: Evidence from ASEAN (with N. Uttama), ASEAN Economic Bulletin, 26(3): [22] (2009) Regional Integration, Imperfect Competition and Welfare: The Experience of the Greater Arab Free Trade Area (with A. Ghoneim), Economie Appliquée, 52(4): [21] (2008) The Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA): An Estimation of Trade Effects (with Javad Abedini), Journal of Economic Integration, 23(4): [20] (2008) The Growing Influence of Emerging Countries in the World Car Industry: An Estimation of Export Potentials in a World Trade Model (with Javad Abedini), Global Economy Journal, 8(3): 1-29 [19] (2006) Pollution effects of free trade areas: A general equilibrium analysis International Economic Journal, 20(1):

6 [18] (2006) The European Union and its new neighbours: an estimation of migration potentials, Economics Bulletin, 6(2): [17] (2006) Welfare Magnets, Border Effects or Policy Regulation: What Determinants Drive Migration Flows into the EU?, Global Economy Journal, 6(4): [16] (2006) La nouvelle politique de voisinage de l Union Européenne: Une estimation des Potentiels de Commerce, Revue Economique, 57(4) : [15] (2006) Migration from MENA countries to the EU: A Quantitative assessment of recent patterns, policies and prospects, Mediterranean Journal of Economics, 4(4), 4:14. [14] (2005) Towards a new trade policy between the USA and Middle-East countries : Estimating trade resistance and export potential, The World Economy, 28(4): [13] (2005) Assessing the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership : What are the lessons for ASEAN countries?, Journal of Asian Economics, 16(1): [12] (2005) Trade Prospects of the new EU neighbourhood policy : evidence from Hausman and Taylors models, Global Economy Journal, 5(1), pp.1-25 [11] (2005) Towards a Pan-Arab free trade area: Assessing Trade Potential Effects of the Agadir Agreement, The Developing Economies, 43(3): [10] (2004) Trade effects of scale economies : Evidence from four EU countries, Economics Letters, 83(3) : [9] (2004) L'impact de la politique commerciale euro-méditerranéenne ( ) : Application d'un indicateur de performance à l'exportation, Région et Développement, 19(1) :

7 [8] (2004) The new U.S. trans-ocean free trade initiatives: Estimating export and FDI potentials from dynamic panel data models, Economics Bulletin, 6(9) : [7] (2003) Exchange rate volatility, sectoral trade and the aggregation bias, Review of World Economics, 139 (3) : [6] (2000) The impact of prices on seafood trade : a panel data analysis of the French seafood market with P. Guillotreau and P. Bernard, Marine Resource Economics, 15(1) : [5] (2000) Trade barriers and European imports of seafood products : a quantitative assessment with P. Guillotreau, Marine Policy, 24 : [4] (1998) Commerce international et structures de marchés : Les apports de la nouvelle économie internationale" with L. Fontagné and M. Freudenberg, Économie et prévision, 135 (4) : [3] (1997) "L'impact de l'intégration de l'espagne à la CEE sur les spécialisations espagnoles : une analyse économétrique en données de panel", Revue d'économie Régionale et Urbaine, 2 : [2] (1996) "L'internationalisation des produits de la mer : le cas français des années 90", en collaboration with P. Bernard et Y. Perraudeau, Économie et Gestion Agroalimentaire, 38(1), pp [1] (1995) Uruguay Round et PVD : le cas de l Afrique du Nord, with L. Fontagné, Revue Economique, 46(3) : Articles récents, soumis ou en révision [6] An Application of Probabilistic Model to Regional Integration in the Euro- Mediterranean Area (with Javad Abedini) -7-

8 [5] Municipal Solid Waste and Development: The EKC Evidence for Mediterranean Countries (with Amandine Gnonlonfin and Yusuf Kocoglu) [4] Export diversification and sophistication as a lever for the structural transformation of North African economies (with Nassim Oulmane and Nizar Jouini) [3] Climate change and real income in MENA countries: A Micro-Spatial Quantitative Assessment, with M. Brunetto and M. Hazem [2] Exploring Regional Convergence in Maghreb Countries : An Application of a Non- Parametric Approach based on Markov Chains, with M. Brunetto and M.Hazem [1] L Impact des Coûts à l Echange sur le Commerce des Pays MENA: Le Rôle du Transport Maritime (with Gabriel Figueiredo) Autres publications [20] (2015) Bilan de 50 ans de partenariat commercial euro-méditerranéen et perspectives des ALECA, Annuaire IEMED 2015, Institut Européen de la Méditerranée, forthcoming. [19] (2015) [18] (2015) Taking Into Account Sustainable Development for MENA Countries Topics in Middle Eastern and North African Economies, 17,(2) (with N.Himli, A. Safa and B.Zemouri) [18] (2015) Sustainable Tourism in Some MENA Countries Topics in Middle Eastern and North African Economies, 17,(1) (with N.Himli, A. Safa and B. Teissereinc) [17] (2014), Euro-Mediterranean Trade: Shallow vs. Deep Integration (with A.Ghoneim, J. Lopez Gonzalez & M. Mendez Parra), in: R. Ayadi, M. Dabrowski and L. De Wulf (Eds), Economic and Social Development of the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Countries, Springer, ch

9 [16] (2014) The Trade creation effect of immigrants: characterising socioeconomic opportunities arising from linkages between people and goods flows inside the MENA region (with A. Artal-Tur and A. Ghoneim), FEMISE Network Policy Brief, MedBrief No [15] (2013) The Economic Costs of Climate Change in MENA countries: A Micro- Spatial Quantitative Assessment and a Survey of Policies, FEMISE Network Policy Brief, MedBrief No [14] (2012) Commerce international, innovation et convergence: une application aux pays méditerranéens», in : L. Abdelmalki et al. (eds) Développements récents en économie et finances internationales, Paris : Armand Colin, p [13] (2012) Shallow vs. Deep Integration between Mediterranean Countries and the EU and within the Mediterranean Region, MEDPRO, Mediterranean Prospects: Thinking Ahead for the Mediterranean, WP5: European Integration, trade, Investment and sectoral analysis, Technical Report No. 13/March 2012, European Commission: European Research Area, 7 th Framework Programme. with Ahmed Ghoneim, Cairo University, Egypt, Javier Lopez Gonzalez, Sussex University, UK and Maxililiano Mendez Parra, Sussex University, UK); also available in: CASE Network Reports, 96/2011. [12] (2012) EU migration policy and the Euromed process, in: J. Costa-Font (ed), Europe and the Mediterranean Economy, London: Routledge, Chapter 11, pp [11] (2012) Shallow versus deep integration scenarios in the Euro-Mediterranean area: a quantitative assessment, in: J. Costa-Font (ed), Europe and the Mediterranean Economy, London: Routledge, Chapter 3, pp [10] (2011) Anticiper l évolution des marchés, Le Marin, Enjeux Maritimes, Special Issue, M 08388, with P. Cariou and Y. Perraudeau. -9-

10 [9] (2011) Regional integration and North-South industrial location: An application to the Euro-Mediterranean area (avec C.Bagoulla), WTO Discussion forum: World Trade Report 2011, forthcoming. [8] (2010) The Non Tariff Measure Inventory Exercise for Lebanon; An Overview, Trade and Development Newsletter. Issue 4, WTO Unit, Lebanese Ministry of Economy and Trade. Beirut: September (with Patricia Augier). [7] (2009) «Ouverture économique, intégration régionale et investissements directs étrangers», Région et Développement, n , coordination and introduction. [6] (2009) Trade and Welfare Effects of South-South Regional Integration : Evidence from the Greater Arab Free Trade Area, in : P. Gilles and S. Mouley (eds), Financement de la Croissance en Tunisie: Nouveaux Enjeux, Nouveaux Débats, Tunis : Publications de l Imprimerie Nationale Officielle. [5] (2006) The effects of North-South regional trade policies: A comparison of Mediterranean countries with ASEAN, in: Plummer, Michael G. and Erik Jones (eds.), International Economic Integration and Asia, Advanced Research in Asian Economic Studies, Vol.3, London: World Scientific, Chapter 8, pp [4] (2006) Policy Coherence for Development: Morocco Case Study (with Lionel Fontagné), Country report for the OECD Development Centre, Paris: OECD. [3] (2006) Le commerce extérieur de la France, Ecoflash, INSEE, 215. [2] (1997) The EU and the Maghreb, with L. Fontagné, OECD, OECD Development Centre, OECD Development Centre studies. [1] (1997) "Les échanges extérieurs de la France", Ecoflash (INSEE), n 115, février. Programmes de recherche internationaux -10-

11 [14] (2013) Diversification et sophistication comme levier de la transformation structurelle des économies nord africaines», Rapport pour les Nations Unies, Commission économique pour l Afrique, programme CEA-AN/EGM ½ [13] (2011) The Trade Creation Effects of Immigrants: A new Look at the Linkages between People s and Good s Flows inside the MENA Region European Commission (FEMISE network, programme n ), with Andres Artal (Valencia, Spain), Jordi Baccaria (Barcelona, Spain), Mondher Cherif (Sfax, Tunisia) and Ahmed Ghoneim (Cairo, Egypt). [12] (2011) The impact of Non Tariff Measures (NTMs): The Experience of MENA Countries, Economic Research Forum (ERF, Cairo, Egypt), with Ahmed Ghoneim (Cairo University, Egypt) and Patricia Augier (Université de la Méditerranée, France) [11] (2011) The Economic Costs of Climate Change in MENA countries: A Micro- Spatial Quantitative Assessment and a Survey of Adaptation Policies, European Commission (FEMISE network, programme n ), with Ahmed Ghoneim, Cairo University). [10] (2010) «Evaluation de l impact du partenariat euro-méditerranéen 15 ans après Barcelone : Quels enseignements? Quelles actions?» in : A. Gallal and J.L.Reiffers (ed) Rapport du FEMISE sur le Partenariat Euro-méditerranéen: Le Partenariat Méditerranéen à la croisée des chemins, pp [9] (2010) Integration with the EU and within the Region: Shallow versus Deep Integration Scenarios, MEDPRO-WP5C Research Project Prospective Analysis for the Mediterranean Region for the Commission of the European Communities, 7 th Framework Program (with Ahmed Ghoneim, Cairo University, Egypt, and Javier Lopez Gonzalez, Sussex University, UK). [8] (2010) Inventory and Assessment of Non-Tariff Measures in MENA Region, Report for the World Bank (with Patricia Augier), the World Bank, Washington. -11-

12 [7] (2010) The Economic Impact of the EU-Korea Free Trade Area, Report for the European Commission, DG Trade, with CEPII/ATLASS consortium (Paris) and GEP (Nottingham). [6] (2009) Regional Integration, Firms Location and Convergence: An Application to the Euro-Mediterranean Area, European Commission (FEMISE network, programme n with Corinne Bagoulla, University of Nantes and Ahmed Ghoneim, Cairo University,) [5] (2008) The Greater Arab Free Trade Area: An ex-post appraisal within an imperfect competition framework, European Commission (FEMISE network, programme n with Cairo University, Professor Ahmed Ghoneim) [4] (2007) Recent migration patterns from MENA countries to the EU: a quantitative assessment and policy implications, European Commission (FEMISE programme n with the Leonard Davis Institute of International Relations, The Hebrew University, University of Jerusalem, Israel (Prof. Alfred Tovias) and the University of Rabat, Morocco (Prof Mohammed Kachani). [3] (1998) Foreign Trade and Seafood Prices : implications for the CFP, Final Report for the European Commission, FAIR Programme n CT (LEN- CORRAIL, CFE, CEMARE, DEA). [2] (1997) "The development of intra versus inter-industry trade flows inside the EU due to the internal market programme" with L. Fontagné, M. Freudenberg and C. Martin, CEPII Report for the European Commission, XV/94/63/A in : European Commission (Ed), Trade patterns inside the Single Market, The Single Market Review, subseries IV : impact on trade and investment, vol.2 : [1] (1996) "Impact Économique d'une Libéralisation des Échanges entre l'union Européenne et le Chili", Report for the European Commission with E. Bourcelet, M.C. Monfort et A. La Rosa (Gressard). -12-

13 Communications [63] (2015) The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Special international conference in the honour of Prof. Alfred Tovias (invited conference) The relevance of regional integration in the Euro-Mediterranean area: an application of a probabilistic approach based on median voter models (with J. Abedini), Jerusalem (Israel, 21 January 2015) [62] (2015) American Economic Association/ ASSA, 35 th annual meeting, Sustainable tourism in some MENA countries session hold by Middle East Economic Association (with N.Himli, A. Safa and B. Teisserenc) Boston (USA), 3-6 January, [61] (2014) CNRS-DREEM 5 th Conference on Economic development after the Arab Uprisings, Regional Integration, Imperfect competition and the role if the State in MENA countries (with Javad Abedini), Paris, December [60] (2014) 3 rd international conference on Environment and Natural Resources Management in Developing and Transition Economies 2014 Municipal Solid Waste and Development: The EKC Evidence for Mediterranean Countries (with A.Gnonlonfin and Y.Kocoglu), CERDI, Clermont-Ferrand (France), 8-10 october. [59] (2014) 13th International conference of Middle East Economic Association An indicator of sustainable development for the MENA region avec N.Hilmi, A.Safa et Messaoud Zemouri ), Tlemcen (Algeria), 31 May-1 June [58] (2014) 13 th International Workshop Spatial Econometrics and Statistics, Journées Scientifiques, Université de Toulon, The impact of climate change on agriculture: A spatial panel data analysis for Tunisia (with Oussama Zouabi), Toulon (France): April -13-

14 [57] (2014) XXXth Association Tiers-Monde (ATM) Conference, Un indicateur de développement durable pour la région MENA : l IDH corrigé de la Pollution», (avec N.Hilmi, A.Safa et Messaoud Zemouri ), Marrakech (Morocco), May. [56] (2013) WTO-UNECA 7 th annual conference, Real convergence and regional territories: An application to a Markov chain analysis to North Africa (with M.Brunetto and M.Hazem), Rabat (Morocco); November [55] (2013) WTO-UNECA 7 th annual conference, Industrial structural changes in North Africa: the impact of export diversification and sophistication (with N.Oulmane and N.Jouini), Rabat (Morocco); November [54] (2013) GDRI DREEM (invited conference), «Trade effects of climate change: An application to MENA countries» (with Marc Brunetto), Florence, Italy, September [53] (2013) GDRI DREEM (invited conference), «Cultural distance, assimilation and the pro-trade effects of migrants: lessons from the French-Egyptian cases» (with Andres Artal and Ahmed Ghoneim), Florence, Italy, September [52] (2013) GDRI DREEM (invited conference), «Some new insights into real convergence in MENA countries regional areas : A spatial econometric analysis» (with Marc Brunetto and Mohamed Hazem, Florence, Italy, September [51] (2013) United Nations (UNECA), conférence inaugurale invitée de la 28 réunion du comité intergouvernemental d experts, Diversification et sophistication comme levier de la transformation structurelle des économies nord africaines, Rabat (Morocco), 26 february-1 March [50] (2012) United Nations (UNECA), OMC and GATE (invited conference as keynote speaker), 6 th annual conference, Trade effects of Non Tariff Measures (NTMs): Some new insights into MENA countries (Rabat, 8-10 November) -14-

15 [49] (2012) Cremed-LSE-IeMed, III Conference on "Economics of the Mediterranean and the Euromediterranean Process (invited conference), The Economic Costs of Climate Change in MENA Countries: A Micro-Spatial Analysis (Barcelona, June). [48] (2011) FEMISE Annual Conference (Invited conference): Arab Awakening and the Role of the EU-Med Partnership; The Economic Costs of Climate Change in MENA Countries: A Micro-Spatial Analysis (Marseille, December) [47] (2011) FEMISE Annual Conference (Invited conference): Arab Awakening and the Role of the EU-Med Partnership; Reconsidering trade potential between the EU and its Mediterranean partners: The impact of governance (Marseille, December) [46] (2011) World Bank (CMI) workshop: Knowledge Economy, Job Creation, and Government Policies in MENA: Towards New Development Strategies, Shallow versus Deep Integration Scenarios in Mediterranean Countries (Invited Conference, Marseille, November) [45] (2011) MEDPRO Conference, 7 th Framework Program of the European Communities (Invited Conference), Scenarios on Shallow versus Deep Integration in Mediterranean Countries (Brussels, September). [44] (2011) World Bank (CMI), Second informal dialogue among leading economists, The role of NTBs and logistics costs in the Euro-Mediterranean trade, (Invited Conference, Marseille, 10 October) [43] (2011) Cremed-LSE-IeMed, II Conference on "Economics of the Mediterranean and the Euromediterranean Process (invited conference), The Euro-Mediterranean Partnership: Simulating the Effects of Shallow versus Deep Integration (Barcelona, June). -15-

16 [42] (2011) World Bank-ERF Workshop on Research on Non-Tariff Barriers to Trade in the Arab World (Invited Conference) Future Perspectives for Policy Relevant Research in the area of NTBs (Cairo, 23 January) [41] (2010) GDRI DREEM (2 nd International Conference) Innovation, Growth and Convergence in the Euro-Mediterranean Area: Implications for MENA countries (Cairo, December) [40] (2010) European Trade Study Group (12h Annual Conference) Regional integration and the other determinants of North-South industrial location: An application to the euro-mediterranean area (Lausanne, 9-11 September). [39] (2010) London School of Economics and Cremed (invited Conference), A generalized model of international migration determinants: A Theoretical Approach and an Empirical Application to MENA countries, International workshop on Economics of the Mediterranean and the Euromediterranian Process July, Barcelona. [38] (2010) World Bank (invited conference) Workshop on Non Tariff Measures in MENA countries, Istanbul, Turkey, 3-7 May [37] (2009) FEMISE Annual Conference, Regional Integration, Firms Location and Convergence: An Application to the Euro-Mediterranean Area, Brussels, November (With A. Ghoneim and C. Bagoulla) [36] (2009) United Nations (UNECA), OMC and GATE, 3 rd annual conference on Opening up and Emergence in the Mediterranean, The Determinants of North-South Industrial Location and the Impact of Regional Integration (with C. Bagoulla and A. Ghoneim), Rabat (Morocco), October [35] (2009) European Commission (EC delegation in Lebanon), (invited conference), Growth and Convergence in Lebanon: The Role of the European Neighbourhood Policy, Beyrouth (Lebanon), 8-9 October -16-

17 [34] (2009) Doctoriades euro-méditerranéennes, Université du Sud Toulon-Var, Un Modèle Généralisé des Déterminants des Migrations : Une Application à la Zone Euro- Méditerranéenne», Toulon, 1-2 October [33] (2009) World Bank (invited conference), Research Capacity Building Program on Regional Integration and Agricultural Trade Policy, Research Methodology Workshop, Applications of Gravity model to agriculture: the impact of trade costs, World Bank Institute, Vienna, 6-9 April [32] (2009), GDRI DREEM CNRS, Inequalities and Development in Mediterranean Countries, Real convergence in the Euro- mediterranean Area: An application of new convergence indicators, Galatasarai University, Istanbul, May [31] (2009) Premières Rencontres Economiques Internationales de Tunis (conférence invitée), Attractivité, Compétitivité et Financement de la Croissance en Tunisie: Nouveaux Enjeux, Nouveaux Débats, «The Greater Arab Free Trade Area : An Estimation of Trade Effects», Tunis, March [30] (2009) Middle East Economic Association, 8 th Conference, Trade Effects of Regional Integration in Imperfect Competition: Evidence from the Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA), Nice and Monaco (France), March. [29] (2008) European Science Foundation, Estimation and Projection of International Migrations, (invited conference), «A generalized model of international migration determinants: an application to European immigration from Southern Mediterranean countries», University of Southampton, UK, septembre. [28] (2008) United Nations (UNECA), OMC and GATE, 2 nd annual conference on Opening up and Emergence in the Mediterranean, Welfare effects of free trade areas: A generalized imperfect competition model applied to the Greater Arab Free Trade Area, Rabat, October. -17-

18 [27] (2008) FEMISE conference (Istanbul, Turkey, December), «The Greater Arab Free Trade Area: An ex-post appraisal within an imperfect competition framework [26] (2008) Université du Sud Toulon-Var, 3 Journées scientifiques euroméditerranéennes : Les perspectives économiques de l Union méditerranéenne : entre intégration régional et réformes institutionnelles, Regional integration, imperfect competition and trade :Evidence from GAFTA», Toulon, November. [25] (2008) GDR CNRS 2989 Economie du Développement et de la Transition, Assessing the Effects of EU Migration Policies: The Experience of Southern Mediterranean Countries, avec A. Tovias et M. Khachani, Université d Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand, 3-4 Juillet [24] (2008) The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel) (Invited conference, 12 Juin) Imperfect Competition and Free Trade Areas: An Assessment of the Greater Arab Free Trade Area, Leornard Davis Institute of International Relations [23] (2008) International Trade and Finance Association (18 th Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, Mai), The Growing Influence of Emerging Countries in the World Car Industry: An Estimation of Export Potentials in a World Trade Model. [22] (2007) FEMISE Conference (Marseille, France, November) «Recent Migration patterns from MENA countries to the EU : A quantitative assessment and policy implications» [21] (2007) United Nations, Economic Commission for Africa and GATE, University of Lyon 2 (Rabat, Morocco, October) The new developments in the gravity equation: an application to regional economic integration in the Arab world, with Javad Abedini. [20] (2007) Canadian Economic Association (Halifax, Canada, 1-3 June) The Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA): an estimation of its trade effects", with Javad Abedini. -18-

19 [19] (2006) FEMISE Conference (Marseille, France, 29 September) «Recent Migration patterns from MENA countries to the EU : A quantitative assessment and policy implications» [18] (2006) European Trade Study Group (8 th Conference, Vienna, Austria, 7-9 September) The EU and its new Eastern and Southern neighbors: an estimation of migration potentials [17] (2006) University of Nottingham (UK), Global Economic Policy Research Centre (GEP) (invited conference, 20 January) Welfare Magnets, Border Effects or Policy Regulation: What Determinants Drive Migration Flows into the EU? [16] (2005) United Nations, Economic Commission for Europe (invited conference, Geneva, Switzerland, 2 December ),. Reconsidering the Welfare Magnet Theory: Some new Theoretical and Empirical Evidence [15] (2005) CEFI Research Center, (invited conference, Marseille, France, 10 May) The New U.S. Trans-Ocean Free Trade Initiatives: Estimating Export and FDI Potentials from Dynamic Panel Data Models [14] (2005) CEPII, CEFI, CDC and Revue Economique (5th International Conference, Marrakech, Morocco, March) Trade Prospects of the new EU Neighborhood Policy: an Empirical Assessment [13] (2005) CEPII Research Center, (invited conference, Paris, France, 20 January), European Integration, Scale Economies and the Volume of Trade: An empirical assessment. [12] (2004) European Trade Study Group (6 th Conference, Nottingham, UK, 9-11 September) The New U.S. Trans-Ocean Free Trade Initiatives: Estimating export and FDI Potentials from Dynamic Panel Data Models -19-

20 [11] (2004) International Trade and Finance Association (14 th Conference, San Antonio, USA, May), The New Trade Policy between the USA and MENA Countries : A Quantitative Assessment. [10] (2003) FEMISE Conference (3 rd Conference, Marseille, France, 6 December), The Environmental Impact of a North-South Free Trade Area : A Model for the Euro- Mediterranean Agreement [9] (2003) European Trade Study Group (5 th Conference, Madrid, Spain, September), Pollution Effects of Preferential Trading Arrangements : A General Equilibrium Analysis [8] (2003) Journées de l Association Française de Sciences Economiques (Lille, France, May), European integration, scale economies and the volume of trade, Croissance, convergences et intégration européenne, Lille, mai. [7] (2002) European Trade Study Group (4 th Conference, Kiel, Germany, septembre), Exchange rate volatility, industry-specific factors and sectoral trade : evidence from G-7 countries, [6] (2000) Colloque de l Université de Nantes et de l AEE sur l Histoire de la Construction Européenne 50 ans après la déclaration Schuman (Nantes, France, May), Les effets du Marché Unique sur les Echanges intra-européens. [5] (1998) IIFET Conference (Tromso, Norway, July), The impact of prices and trade barriers on the European trade of seafood products : a panel data model with P. Guillotreau et P. Bernard. [4] (1998) CEPR workshop (Bonn, Germany, January), Intra-industry trade and the Single Market : Quality matters, with L. Fontagné et M. Freudenberg, [3] (1997) European Economic Association Conference (Toulouse, France, May), "Inter versus intra-industry trade and the Single Market: an empirical assessment based on trade types" with L. Fontagné et M. Freudenberg. -20-

21 [2] (1996) Journées de l Association Française de Sciences Economiques (Nantes, France, June), Intégration européenne et échanges de biens intermédiaires with L. Fontagné, M. Freudenberg, D. Unal-Kesenci. [1] (1995) GDR EMMA, The Trade Impact of EC Trade Policies: an Application of Generalized Gravity Models to Mediterranean Countries, Palma de Majorque, Spain, May. Sélection de Working Papers internationaux (2006) GEP Research Papers Series «Welfare Magnets, Border Effects or Policy Regulations: What Determinants Drive Migration Flows into the EU? (School of Economics, University of Nottingham), 2006/06. (1999) CEPR Discussion Paper, Intra-industry trade and the Single Market : quality matters en collaboration avec L. Fontagné et M. Freudenberg,, (1997) CEPII Working Paper, Trade Patterns inside the Single Market, Rapporteur pour les revues suivantes: Review of World Economics Journal of Macroeconomics The World Economy Climatic Change International Review of Economics and Finance Global Economy Journal Review of Middle East Economics and Finance International Journal of Trade and Global Markets Economic Change and Restructuring European Journal of Development Research Journal of International Development Journal of African Economies Defence and Peace Economics -21-

22 Middle East Development Journal Revue Economique Economie et Prévision Revue d Economie du Développement Economie Internationale Cahiers Economiques de Bruxelles Région et Développement Economie rurale Direction de thèses Thèses soutenues : [8] Laila Mkimmer (2013) «La modélisation des Barrières Non Tarifaires et leur impact sur les échanges internationaux : Une application aux pays méditerranéens», Université de Toulon, 18 décembre [7] Marc Brunetto (2013) «L impact du climat sur l économie réelle : une application aux pays partenaires méditerranéens»., Université de Toulon, 27 novembre [6] Gabriel Figueidero (2011) Efficience portuaire, coûts de transport et commerce international: les déterminants du coût de transport maritime et leur impact sur les échanges, Université de Nantes, 29 Novembre [5] Léo Le Mener (2011) Biens intermédiaires et commerce international avec firmes hétérogènes : développements théoriques et application au secteur agroalimentaire français, Université de Nantes, 25 Novembre => 1 publication dans Journal of International Economics (2013) [4] Mahmoud Sabra (2011) The strategic choice of the multinational firms and the relationship between exports and FDI: Application of a bivariate probit model and a dynamic gravity model in the Mediterranean area, Université de Toulon, 6 juillet [3] Uttama Nathapornpan (2008): ASEAN economic integration and foreign direct investment (Université de Nantes) [2] Javad Abedini (2007): North-South Free trade areas : an assessment with new development of gravity models (Université de Nantes) [1] Corinne Bagoulla (2006): Trade liberalization, comparative advantages and location : the case of Mediterranean countries (Université de Nantes) Thèses en cours : [9] Albert Milogo (2011-) : «Commerce international et migrations» [10] Oussama Zouabi (2012-) : L impact des changements climatiques sur la production agricole : une approche spatiale appliquée à la Tunisie. [11] Amandine Gnonlonfin (2012-) : «Problématiques liés à la gestion des déchets municipaux dans les pays MENA» [12] Myriam Ben Saad (2013-) : «Diversification et sophistication des exportations : une application aux pays méditerranéens» [13] Sopheak Srun (2013-) : «Les effets de l intégration régionale dans la zone ASEAN» -22-

23 [14] Nesrine El Eissawi (2013-) : «les effets des mesures anti-dumping dans les MENA : le cas de l Egypte» Participation aux jurys de thèse et d HDR depuis 2008: [14] Mamadou Camara (Université de Toulon) «Atouts et limites de la filière coton au Mali», suffragant, 9 juin 2015 [13] Maryse Louis (HDR) (Aix-Marseille Université) «La relation migrationdéveloppement» (rapporteur), 12 décembre [12] Hong Hiep Hoang (Université d Auvergne) L investissement direct étranger au Vietnam: déterminants et répartition spatiale (rapporteur), 14 octobre 2013 [11] Walliya Premchit (Université de Strasbourg) The Economic Effects of ASEAN Integration : Three empirical contributions from the perspective of the new economic geography) (rapporteur), 20 septembre [10] Karine Latouche (HDR) (LERECO, INRA Nantes), soutenance HDR du 25 mars 2013 «Agroalimentaire et sécurité sanitaire : de la demande des consommateurs aux conséquences pour les filières alimentaires internationales.» (rapporteur) [9] Charles Doukouré FE (Université Paris 1) Accords commerciaux régionaux: dynamiques de l intégration, des échanges et du développement dans l UEMOA», rapporteur, 18 février 2013 [8] Thi Thuy Nga DUONG (Université Lyon 2) «Inflation Targeting and Monetary Policy in Vietnam», rapporteur, 30 novembre [7] Nisrine Idir (université Paris 13) «Que peut-on attendre de la libéralisation des échanges agricoles entre le Maroc et l Union Européenne?, rapporteur, janvier [6] Octavio Excobar Gamboa (Université Paris Dauphine) «IDE entrants, exportations et productivité manufacturière : les différentes performances des régions mexicaines», suffragant, décembre 2009 [5] Hayett Meddah (Université Lyon 2 et University of New Wark) On the choice of exchange rate regimes :The case of primary commodity exporting countries, rapporteur, décembre 2009 [4] Constantin Tsakas (Université de la Méditerranée) «Le renouvellement des débats sur l ouverture des services : problèmes de mesures et interdépendance des services avec le commerce des biens», suffragant, président de jury, novembre 2009 [3] Ali Ari (Université du Sud Toulon-Var) «Les récentes crises financières dans les marchés financiers émergents : le cas des crises turques», septembre 2009 [2] Rime Mamou (Université du Sud Toulon-Var) «Les Investissements Directs Etrangers dans les Pays Arabes», rapporteur, président de jury, Avril 2009 [1] N gouhro Ibrahim (Université du Sud Toulon-Var)) «Les investissements directs étrangers en Afrique Centrale : attractivité et effets économiques», rapporteur, 2008» -23-

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