Unité 2 Notre Appart! Français 3 3PIB

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1 Unité 2 Notre Appart! Français 3 3PIB

2 Leçon 2: Les travaux domestiques

3 Learning Target I will be able to understand different chores in French, as evidenced by telling which ones I will do at home using the near future in my speaking and writing.

4 W-S-Q Reflection: What do you know about the topic of this lesson. Continue to take notes, pause the video whenever necessary.

5 nettoyer faire le lit faire le ménage faire le ménage à fond faire le ménage en grand faire la lessive ranger les vêtements épousseter enlever la poussière astiquer les meubles polir l argenterie to clean to make the bed to clean up spring-cleaning spring-cleaning to do the laundry put away the clothes to dust to dust to polish the furniture to polish the silverware

6 le travail les travaux domestiques ranger nettoyer vider débarrasser couper laver préparer le dîner work household chores to put away to clean to empty to clear to cut to wash to fix dinner

7 couper le pain laver les légumes éplucher les carottes faire la vaisselle ranger la vaisselle essuyer les verres essuyer la table balayer le sol vider les ordures sortir la poubelle cut the bread wash the vegetables peel the carrot do the dishes put away the dishes dry the glasses wipe the table sweep the floor take out the garbage take out the garbage

8 éplucher essuyer balayer sortir repasser arroser tondre tailler s occuper donner à manger à remplir to peel to wipe, dry to sweep to take out to iron to water to mow, to cut very short to prune to take care of to feed to fill

9 Dans la chambre et la salle de bains, je dois faire le ménage house chores faire le lit do the bed ranger les vêtements put away the clothes nettoyer le lavabo clean the sink nettoyer la salle de bain clean the bathroom ranger la chambre to clean (pick up, arrange) the room

10 Dans le salon, je dois ranger les magazines straighten up the magazines passer l aspirateur vacuum nettoyer les vitres clean the windows vider la corbeille empty the garbage laver les fenêtres to wash the window balayer le plancher to sweep the floor

11 Dans la salle à manger, je dois mettre la table set the table mettre le couvert set out the utensils débarrasser la table clear the table

12 Dans la cuisine, je dois Charger le lave-vaisselle to load the dishwasher Donner un coup de torchon to have a quick dust-round

13 Dans la lingerie, je dois laver le linge do the laundry répasser les chemises iron the shirts répasser les vêtements iron the clothes

14 Dehors, dans le jardin, je dois laver la voiture wash the car arroser les plantes water the plants arroser les fleurs water the flowers couper l herbe cut the grass tondre la pelouse cut the grass tondre le gazon to mow the lawn tailler les arbustes trim the bushes

15 Les animaux domestiques un cochon d Inde un hamster un perroquet un poisson rouge un serin une souris blanche un chien un chat une perruche guinea pig hamster parrot goldfish canary mouse dog cat parakeet

16 Je dois aussi m occuper des animaux. Je dois promener le chien walk the dog laver le chien wash the dog donner à manger au chat feed the cat donner à manger au chien feed the dog donner à manger au lapin feed the rabbit vider l aquarium empty the aquarium remplir l aquarium fill the aquarium nettoyer la cage de l oiseau clean the bird cage nettoyer la cage de la perruche - clean the parakeet cage

17 Grammaire: Le future proche Aller + infinitive Used to talk or write about things that will happen in the near future. The verb aller is conjugated, and the second verb stays in its original infinitive form. Je vais danser. Nous allons étudier. Ils vont faire des achats.

18 W-S-Q Reflection: What did you learn about the topic? Summarize the lesson in your own words with examples.

19 W-S-Q Reflection: What did you learn about the topic? Summarize the lesson in your own words with examples.

20 W-S-Q Reflection: What did you learn about the topic? Summarize the lesson in your own words with examples.

21 Activity Exercise 2 p. 76 complete for each family Exercise 4 p. 77 complete for all things needed

22 Les devoirs: Études vocabulaire Choose 30 vocabulary words (each set must have different words) for this assignment. Your assignment can be typed, neatly handwritten; your picture should be on a small scale (either drawn or clip arts). 10 words Write ten sentences 10 words Write ten definitions in French 10 words Draw/use clip art for ten pictures

Le passé composé. C'est le passé! Tout ça c'est du passé! That's the past! All that's in the past!

Le passé composé. C'est le passé! Tout ça c'est du passé! That's the past! All that's in the past! > Le passé composé le passé composé C'est le passé! Tout ça c'est du passé! That's the past! All that's in the past! «Je suis vieux maintenant, et ma femme est vieille aussi. Nous n'avons pas eu d'enfants.

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Don't put socks on the Hippopotamus. Bill BELT Emmanuel DE RYCKEL Don't put socks on the Hippopotamus Bill BELT Emmanuel DE RYCKEL BEECHFIELD ASSOCIATES 2009 or you will screw up your Supply Chain. BEECHFIELD ASSOCIATES 2009 HIPPO ATTITUDE - inappropriate behavior -

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Using a Walker. 2. Move your injured or weak leg toward the walker first. If you have had surgery on both legs, use either leg to begin walking.

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Revision time. 1. I m cooking. 4. You re babysitting. 2. She s swimming. 5. They re working. 3. We re practising.

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