q.*$h*- b_i- 8a,(k{dw t"{o.attt dtcfrcee Edition to!r',i 4 zooo Best Practices in e-administration ff I.J.J june 30, 2000

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1 b_i- UTPgDI*"rt 8a,(k{dw t"{o.attt dtcfrcee q.*$h*- Edition to!r',i 4 zooo june 30, 2000 BAtiment jean Monnet Luxembourg / Kirchberg (o.o =x ff I.J.J o d[ Commission Europ6enne / DG Personnelet Administration / Direction lnformatique I Unitd Conseil et Evaluation Technique Editeur: F, ROSSA JMO C2 / 113 t6l: fax DOCUMENT INTERNE


3 CONTENTS Welcome and lntroduction Mr. Fernando de ESTEBAN (Director of the lnformatics Directorate, European Commission) Opening Speech Mr. Joseph SCHAACK (State Secretary for Civil Servants and Administrative Reform, Luxembourg Government) Opening Speech Mr. ErkkiLI KANEN (Commissioner for enterprises and information society) Experiences in the private sector e-crm in private enterprises Mr. Giulio KOCH (lbm) Strategic reflections of Aerospatiale on e-business Mr Max nerunuo (Aerospatiale Matra)...27 Experiences in the public sector Electronic government services in the United States Mr. David TEMOSHOK(US GeneralservicesAdministration) lnformation resources and processes in e-administration Mr. Olavi KONGAS (Ministry of Finance, Finland)...47 e-business and e-administration tools: prospects Project "SIMAP / e-procurement" Mrs. ParaskeviMlCHOU (lnternalmarket DG, European Commission) e-business and e-administration at EUR-OP Mr. Philippe LEBAUBE (Office for Official Publications of the European Communities) e-commerce: The need for public-private partnership Mr. Arie van BELLEN (Electronic Commerce Platform, Netherlands) Conclusions lnteresting web sites coe, [rr tl*


5 Welcome and introduction by Mr. Fernando de ESTEBAN Director of the lnformatics Directorate, European Commission Monsieur le Secr6taire d'etat, Mesdames, Messieurs, Je suis fort heureux de vous recevoir d Luxembourg pour ce 3dme Symposium organis6 par la Direction informatique. Comme chaque ann6e ce Symposium a pour objectif d'analyser les 6volutions qui nous semblent les plus importantes dans l'actualit6 informatique. Les symposiums des ann6es prec6dentes ont traite respectivement de I'impact de I'introduction de l'euro, du passage d I'an 2000 et des debuts du commerce 6lectronique. Cette ann6e nous allons nous pencher avec vous sur ce qu'il est convenu d'appeler <e-administration>. Je vous remercie d'avoir 6te si nombreux d r6pondre i notre appel. L'6volution actuelle vers une <e-administration> me semble extromement importante, elle jouera un r6le principal pour l'avenir de la civilisation occidentale dans le contexte de la globalisation en cours. Je voudrais tout d'abord vous demander de bien vouloir excuser le Vicepresident de la Commission, M. KINNOCK, qui n'a pas pu 6tre des n6tres aujourd'hui. ll attache 6norm6ment d'importance d l'6volution de I'administration europ6enne vers une <e-administration>. ll considdre que cette 6volution constitue un des piliers sur lesquels s'appuiera!a r6forme de la Commission europ6enne. Je suis certain que les autres institutions de l'union pourront 6galement s'inspirer des id6es que vous allez 6mettre aujourd'hui, afin que nous puissions tous nous aligner avec les progrds que la technologie nous offre. Je voudrais 6galement remercier trds sincdrement M. SCHAACK et le Gouvernement luxembourgeois pour I'aide pr6cieuse qu'ils nous ont apport6e tant du point de vue intellectuel que du point de vue mat6riel, en participant au financement de cet 6v6nement. Je voudrais enfin adresser des remerciements sincdres d tous ceux qui ont trds activement particip6 d I'organisation de cette rencontre, en particulier les rapporteurs qui aujourd'hui sont parmi nous mais 6galement la DG March6 int6rieur, la DG Soci6t6 de I'information, la DG Budget, la DG Personnel et administration et naturellement la DG Entreprises. Monsieur LIIKANEN, responsable de deux de ces Directions g6n6rales, Entreprises et Soci6t6 de I'information, nous rejoint i I'instant, je lui adresse tous mes remerciements pour avoir bien voulu accepter de venir nous parler aujourd'hui. Je suis certain que nous pouvons compter sur son appui pour le d6ploiement de cette nouvelle forme d'administration si importante pour I'avenir.

6 Comme je vous le disais, il y a quelques instants, I'objectif des symposiums pr6c6dents 6tait de faire le point sur I'impact de I'introduction de l'euro, l'impact du passage a I'an 2000 et sur les debuts du commerce 6lectronique. Aujourd'hui, nous consacrerons nos travaux A I'administration 6lectronique, I'administration sans papier. Cette nouvelle approche permettra non seulement a la Commission mais 6galement d tous les intervenants de la societ6 europ6enne mieux communiquer avec les citoyens, les entreprises et les autres administrations. Elle s'inscrit dans la tendance actuelle extr mement forte vers une am6lioration de la transparence dans les relations entre les administr6s et l'administration en les rendant beaucoup plus rapides et beaucoup plus efficaces. Ce debat sur I'am6lioration de I'administration, par le recours aux nouvelles technologies de communication et d'information, n'est pas nouveau pour la Commission. Depuis plusieurs ann6es d6jd, les services de la Commission recouvrent de fagon systematique au progrds technologique. Je n'en prendrai que deux exemples:. Le courrier 6lectronique ; au d6but de l'utilisation g6n6ralis6e d I'int6rieur de la Commission de ce moyen d'6change d'information, en 1997, environ messages 6taient 6chang6s par mois; aujourd'hui de messages sont 6chang6s chaque mois. Cette croissance remarquable de I'utilisation du courrier 6lectronique d I'int6rieur de la Commission s'est accompagn6e d'une 6volution similaire des 6changes avec le monde ext6rieur.. Le d6veloppement du serveur Europa. Pour la m6me p6riode , le nombre d'accds est pass6 d'environ par mois a prds de Le progrds technologique touche donc de trds prds la Commission et continuera de le faire d l'avenir grice, entre autres, d la politique qui se d6veloppe au sein de I'Union europ6enne dans la foul6e des conclusions du sommet de Lisbonne. Je suis convaincu, et nous avons eu hier une r6union entre les diff6rentes institutions qui le confirme, que tous mes colldgues des autres institutions poursuivent le m6me objectif d'appliquer d l'organisation et i I'administration le d6veloppement extraordinaire de l'6lectronique tant du point de vue interne que dans les contacts avec le monde ext6rieur. Monsieur le Secr6taire d'etat, Monsieur le Commissaire, Mesdames, Messieurs, il est temps que je cl6ture cette introduction pour donner la parole aux autres intervenants et, tout d'abord, d M. Joseph SCHAACK, qui doit nous quitter rapidement en fonction des obligations qui incombent i tout Secr6taire g6n6ral d'un gouvernement.

7 Opening Speech by Mr. Joseph SCHMCK State Secretary for Civil Servants and Administrative Reform, Luxembourg Govemment Monsieur le Commissaire, Monsieur le Directeur, Mesdames et Messieurs, Chers participants d ce symposium, Vous 6tes tous venus participer au symposium d'aujourd'hui qui, sous le nom de <Best practices in e-administration>, Se propose d'analyser un peu plus en profondeur les relations existantes et futures entre les administrations, les citoyens et les entreprises du secteur priv6. Nous savons tous que nous sommes engag6s dans une r6volution technologique jamais v6cue jusqu'i pr6sent, nous sommes certes pr6sents au rendez-vous, mais nous ignorons encore tout des nouvelles dimensions qui timidement commencent a se montrer d I'horizon de I'an La particularit6 du symposium d'aujourd'hui est d chercher plut6t dans les changements technologiques que l'administration a d d6fier, alors que nous savons que nos amis du monde des affaires y sont engag6s depuis longtemps d6ja. Cette approche me semble bien choisie ; elle permettra - je le suppose et je I'espdre - de voir en quel sens l'administration pourra apprendre des exp6riences v6cues par d'autres dans ce domaine. Mais je suis de m6me convaincu que les repr6sentants du secteur priv6 aujourd'hui parmi nous auront 6galement une oreille attentive d ce qui est en train de changer dans!e secteur public. Mesdames et Messieurs, vous savez que le Gouvernement luxembourgeois a voulu organiser le symposium d'aujourd'hui ensemble avec les services responsables de la Commission Europ6enne. En tant que Secr6taire d'etat responsable pour la Fonction Publique et la R6forme Administrative, vous comprendrez que je tiens A souligner d'embl6e l'int6r6t que le Gouvernement luxembourgeois attache d ce symposium et au sujet retenu, en particulier en relation avec son programme d'action en matidre de r6forme administrative. Vous comprendrez dds lors aussi que je me r6jouis tout particulidrement de l'int6r6t que, par votre pr6sence, vous manifestez i l'6change des meilleures pratiques en matidre d'utilisation des technologies de I'information et de la communication, qu'elles proviennent du secteur priv6 ou qu'elles soient issues du secteur public. Vous me permettez de r6it6rer, en le pr6cisant davantage encore, l'int6r6t que nous devrions porter tous aux nouvelles technologies de l'information et de la

8 communication comme 6tant LE facteur d6terminant dans une r6volution technologique sans pr6c6dent par sa rapidit6 et son ampleur. ll est certes vrai que ces technologies ne d6terminent rien par elles-mdmes et ne constituent nullement un objectif en soi, mais je reste persuad6 que les nouveaux usages dont elles font et feront encore I'objet possddent le potentiel de changer de manidre fondamentale bon nombre de nos pratiques sociales, 6conomiques et culturelles. Le service public - qui ne peut de toute 6vidence pas 6chapper ou rester immuable face i l'6volution qui se dessine - se trouve confront6 dds lors d des d6fis qu'il convient de relever et qui d6passent le simple cadre d'une discussion sur I'opportunit6 de la mise a disposition (en ligne> d'informations administratives ou encore de la cr6ation de teleprocedures susceptibles d'ouvrir un nouveau chemin d'accds pour l'usager. Tout en insistant sur I'importance de telles initiatives, en raison de leur impact sur la qualit6 du service rendu, j'estime que I'administration se verra oblig6e de proc6der d une remise en question plus fondamentale tant du point de vue de son fonctionnement interne que du point de vue de son r6le d jouer dans une soci6t6 de I'information interconnect6e et d6veloppant ses propres exigences. En effet, I'Administration, contest6e d'une part sur le plan d'un fonctionnement interne, pergue comme mal adapt6e aux exigences nouvelles sur le plan de la communication de I'information ou sur le plan des processus de prise de d6cision, se trouve simultan6ment sollicit6e dans d'autres domaines. Qu'il me soit permis de citer dans ce contexte le seul aspect de la dimension sociale d laquelle le Gouvernement luxembourgeois est particulidrement attach6 et oit il y a lieu d'6viter d tout prix le risque d'une <fracture num6rique>> entre ceux qui sont connect6s et les autres, combin6 au souci d'assurer l'egalite d'accds de tous aux technologies de l'information surtout en termes d'6ducation. Vous avez compris ce que je veux dire: une administration i deux vitesses, la premidre pour ceux qui sont technologiquement mieux nantis, la deuxidme, plus traditionnelle, pour les autres, serait tout simplement la mort de l'administration. Mesdames et Messieurs, je pense que sur le plan du mode de fonctionnement interne, les technologies de I'information et de la communication peuvent constituer un puissant levier en matidre de r6forme administrative. Je me limite A vous renvoyer aux multiples possibilit6s en matidre de d6cloisonnement des services, domaine dont nous nous pr6occupons plus particulidrement dans le cadre du projet RACE, R6forme administrative par la coop6ration 6lectronique entres autres. Sans vouloir exposer le contenu d'un projet particulier sur le plan national, il m'importe d'insister dans ce contexte 6galement sur I'aspect de la n6cessit6 d'assurer I'adh6sion des fonctionnaires et employ6s aux projets de r6forme.

9 Cette adh6sion devra passer d'une part par la generalisation des formations en matidre de technologies de l'information, et d'autre part par le d6veloppement de la capacit6 de transfert d'exp6riences r6ussies i l'6chelon national et international. Dans une telle situation ofi les choix d prendre restent encore ouverts, mais peuvent se r6v6ler lourds en cons6quences, il est primordial d'6largir son champ de vision et de s'informer en profondeur sur les 6volutions qui s'engagent. Assurer la compr6hension et par Ia suite une 6ventuelle g6n6ralisation des exp6riences r6ussies tant du secteur public que du secteur priv6 me semble une approche particulidrement adapt6e i ce stade et explique pour beaucoup notre engagement dans I'organisation d'6v6nements te! que le symposium d'aujourd'hui. Mesdames et Messieurs, permettez-moi i la fin de remercier la Commission Europ6enne, et plus particulidrement Monsieur Fernando de ESTEBAN, le directeur de la Direction lnformatique, pour avoir eu I'id6e d'organiser, et finalement avoir rendu possible!e symposium d'aujourd'hui. J'ose exprimer le souhait que cette premidre exp6rience pourra bient6t 6tre suivie par d'autres, et il serait dans tous les cas int6ressant de d6velopper dans ce domaine une collaboration 169ulidre entre le Gouvernement luxembourgeois et!a Commission europ6enne. Mes remerciements s'adressent bien sor - et je voudrais en terminer par ld - aussi d vous tous ici pr6sents, orateurs et participants, en vous souhaitant des d6bats fructueux et un agr6able s6jour d Luxembourg. Je vous remercie de votre attention.

10 10

11 Opening Speech by Mr. Erkki LIIKANEN (Commissioner for enterprises and information society) Lisbon Summit put e-europe to the European agenda. Two weeks ago the European Summit of Feira agreed on an action plan with concrete targets. The stakes for public administrations are high. They must lead by example and improve the quality of their services.!n the move to e-government, public administrations act as providers and customers. They have a key position because of their procurement power. e-procurement has become one of the priorities in e-government initiative (you will hear about the "SIMAP" project of the Commission this afternoon). The administrations have an important role to play in the promotion and development of e-commerce. lnteraction with administration and use of the services provided by the public sector are part and parcel of the area. However governments cannot dictate which direction the e-revolution will take. This will be determined by the electronic commerce community. As said, the best way for public administrations to stimulate the use of ICT is actually to use it. Currently the government is the largest buyer in many European countries with public procurement representing a large part of the EU economy (about 12o/o of EU GDP). The Member States themselves have confirmed their commitment to ICT by legislating for its promotion and introduction at various levels of public government. However the public sector is constrained by financial and budget limitations and by the sheer scale of the adaptation to the changing needs of enterprises and citizens. Therefore the public sector must redefine its role and ways of operating, public administrations must become more flexible, more efficient and less costly. A transition period is necessary where costs of the paper-based procedures, processes and structures will continue to inflate public service costs; the potential savings from ICT will not be made overnight. The first change will be towards 'customer centricity'. The citizen is of primary importance. However, the first generation of products and services in administrations have mostly been in the service of the public bodies themselves. 11

12 The lnterchange of Data between Administrations is high on the priority list of the Commission. The IDA programme facilitates the exchange of information between Member States at trans-european level, with administrations, citizens and enterprises as beneficiaries. IDA provides a range of lt solutions and guidelines that Member States can use to work together electronically. ln addition, IDA has defined and established a minimal European telematic infrastructure. Member States can easily connect their own systems, be they at national, regional or even local levels. This way, they can communicate with each other and with the European lnstitutions. The provision of customer-oriented services is now key for the Member States. Through lda, we work closely with the Member States to identify where services are being introduced and what additional functionality is required to 'add value' at trans-european level. IDA will support eeurope's Government Online priority area with a series of actions at European level: First, Portals to Europe-level lnformation We all know the problem of first classifying information and then making it available, in an easily intelligible form. IDA already has active projects in the areas of employment, environment, and technical regulations. IDA will capitalise on this work and will provide portals to this information aggregated at European level. This will include links to equivalent information collections in themember States. Secondly, Benchmarking and Spread of Best Practice The experiences of implementing interactive services in the Member States vary. However, there are many common features. Benchmarking, to learn from each other and to encourage the spread of best practice and the exchange of experiences are essential. IDA will contribute to the establishment of reference benchmarks for the provision of services. ln addition, it will promote the spread of best practice examples that meet these benchmarks among the Member States. New technologies are fundamentally changing our work environment, the way we interact amongst ourselves and with the outside world. You remember, only a few years ago, it was a very difficult to get information and documentation about what was going on in the Commission within a reasonable time. Now, thanks to EUROPAp/us, a wealth of information is not only at the fingertips of 12

13 every official, but, every citizen can access information about the Union via the EUROPA server. OnJine access to public data has been a priority for the Lisbon and the Feira summits, with the target date of end Already in January 1999, the Commission published a Green Paper on public sector information in the lnformation Society. The main message of the Green Paper was that the use of public sector information in Europe for the sake of citizens and enterprises had to be improved. On-line access to public information can decrease the gap between citizens and administrations and support the democratic process. Better exploitation possibilities of public sector information will increase the competitiveness of European firms active in the content industries, in particular SMEs. At the same time, access to high quality government information can help to improve the competitiveness of European companies in general. Between 15 % and 25 % of all data requirements in e-commerce trading are sourced from public sector information.! will soon propose to the Commission a communication on the follow-up to the Green Paper. Actions at EU levelwill cover at lest the following areas:. stimulating the exchange of best practices (benchmarking). supporting projects through programmes such as European digital content on the global networks (recently adopted by the Commission), and. addressing specific sector initiatives (libraries and geographic information) The preparation of the internal reform process in the Commission demonstrates in another way how the use of ICT already influences today's decision-making. Never before has such a widespread consultation process taken place within the Commission. This was made possible because of electronic dissemination of documents and an intensive electronic discussion by personnel. We can see its most immediate impact at our desktop, with having become a dominant means of communication. The ease and directness of e- mail has resulted in faster and more extensive information flows, in accelerated consultation processes and improved access. lts informal character has Best Practices in e-administratton 13

14 softened hierarchy layers and enabled co-operation across organisational separations. Thus the technology as such is already engineering organisational change. lf we talk about electronic Administration, we also have to talk about standards. Public Administrations should be accessible to the Citizen, independently of the software he is using. He should not be forced to buy a specific commercial software to be able to have electronic exchanges with his Administration.!n the context, and in the framework of the IDA programme, the Commission is launching a study - together with Member States - on open source software. We also have to put ourselves the question whether public procurement and tendering should continue to specify commercial products rather than be based on open standards. Open source software is also important for security reasons. Security by obscurity in a black box is an obsolete concept. With open source software we have a new chance to tackle security issues. As most organisations, the Commission is presently equipped with PCs operating under a single supplier system who also provides the bulk of the application software. Over the last years, the Commission - and namely the inhouse computer services, the Dl - has been very successful in creating a homogenous and functioning informatics environment. For its future development, the Commission, however, has to take into account other options, given the increasing importance of free software and open standards. Open source software can open new opportunities. While software interoperability inside the Commission has to be ensured, all staff do not necessarily always need the same tools. Choice suiting professional needs could improve our performance. Of course we need to analyse this question carefully. We have agreed with Vice-President KINNOCK that our respective services will together examine the costs and benefits of moving towards the use of open source software systems by comparison with the offthe-shelf systems currently in use. The use of ICT had carried with it an idea of a paperless office. The reality is, however, that each day when we come to the office, we are confronted with a lot of paper documents. While this might be justified in some areas, in others we have to move fonryard and replace paper-based procedures. This has already been successfully done in areas like inter-service consultations. Greffe 2000 is an example of an e-working procedure involving all DGs and other institutions in the legislative domain. And wagonloads of "signataires" should quickly disappear as well. This means in the first place mail that travels through hierarchy. We have an obligation to use technology to speed up processes. 14

15 enables us to quickly show the citizens that we are there for them. lf Amazon.com can confirm your order in real time, if UPS makes it possible for you to follow the transport of your books on screen, public service should also develop its specific e-based service culture. Also, in processes of a more legal nature, where authentification and verification is required, we need to go electronic. The Commission has managed to lead the way towards legislation on the electronic signature. Now it should also introduce it in practice. Promotion of the electronic signature in national administrations and the European institutions is one of the requests of the Feira European Council.!n the IST research programme for which! am responsible, electronic submission is already possible by means of an electronic sealwhich includes the digital signature. And we have to continue to follow developments in the market in order to see best practice. To respond to increasingly better informed public there might be a need to re-engineer around an agreed joint customer profile, to centralise customer information management and to 'tailor-make' services for small groups or for individuals. There might also be a necessity for a development towards the concept of 'Third-Party Service Provider' in electronic public service provision. This could be driven by the fact that the large software vendors are now introducing products that combine e-commerce and customer/client handling capabilities. These products will carry the capability to link e-commerce transactions to public administrations back-office systems. We might also have to address the needs of the front office personnel in public offices. They have been left out of the first wave of web application development but developers are now realising the power of technology in serving their needs. One can foresee a rise in decision support software development both to increase the quality of service and to capture the professional experience of personnel. There is a tremendous wave of cultural changes that must accompany the introduction of lct. The rate of acceptance of change will determine the pace of change, not the availability of technology. Businesses throughout the world have to change both their organisations and their way of working. The old hierarchical divisions are being eliminated. Business processes are being re-designed. Administrations have to follow suit. Re-engineering of processes means that for the internal working practices, integrated work flows and sharing data-knowledge should not only be a key word for the research programme. We need an electronic memory for the institution. We want to make e-administration a priority in the fields under my responsibility. And this does not only concern policies or programmes like the 15

16 specific research programme or lda. lt concerns the practical implementation of e-thinking into our daily routine. Some practical examples: DG INFSO is running a pilot for Telework. Telework does not only mean working from home, but also during a mission or in different Commission locations. lt can therefore create accessibility wherever you are and at whatever time of the day. 90 officials are presently participating in the pilot, of whom 9 work here in Luxembourg. lt is interesting to know that this includes both C-staff and staff at senior management level (A2). What is the profile of the average teleworker:. The average teleworker in DG INFSO is male (80 %), A-grade (68 %) and project officer (29 Yo). o His ambition is to telework from home (69 %) for 34 % of the normal working time. r The secretariat knows where he is (90 %), and he checks his 3 times a day (100 %). It is clear that through our pilots we still have to learn how to best integrate telework into the functioning of the Commission. This includes technology, processes and especially attitudes of both teleworkers and non-teleworkers. Another practical example concerns knowledge management, genuine internal communication and knowledge sharing among the departments. Transparency and coherence, both inside and between the Commission services, is a vital requisite for a meaningful openness towards the citizens in the EU. With this in mind, the Information Society DG has recently concluded seven months of structured interviews collecting the views of 180 officials throughout most of the directorate generals. The main objectives of this internal survey were:. to understand and elaborate a comprehensive state of the art of the Commission's mandates and activities concerning lnformation Society;. to discuss the creation of a co-operation space using intranet and knowledge management methods in order to increase internal coherence and efficiency. The consultation has shown that more than 100 units in the Commission work on matters connected to the "lnformation Society", "Knowledge Society" or "Communication Society" (for example, nearly 40 units work on e-commerce Best Practrces rn e-administration 15

17 related matters and more than 20 contribute to the e-europe initiative preparation). The report concludes that there is a wealth of intellectual capital, expertise and internal and external networks in the various lnformation Society related domains. This could offer a huge potential for building a community of practice, for forming a base for a public service value chain. On the basis of the answers to this consultation, the report proposes a shared project applying knowledge management methods and web techniques. The purpose is to improve inter-service co-operation and internal communication on lnformation Society matters across the Commission. This can lead to "spin-otfs" for the external projection of the Commission. One could envisage knowledge management pilots supported by an lntranet inter-service portal. lnitial emphasis should be on selected thematic areas as, for instance e-commerce, follow-up of e-europe and benchmarking. Let me take the process of the preparation of e-europe as an example of how new flexible working structures/methods constellations can develop bottom up. Some of the areas in the e-europe plan are driven forward by clusters of people that combined knowledge of and enthusiasm for the subjects. And those concerned are not necessarily just the people with formal responsibility. They come from across the directorates and even across the Directorate General. They are examples of result-oriented, self-organising Cross Management. They require, however, an open attitude by management. After bottom up top down, I have asked myself: we are talking constantly about the virtua! enterprise in the New Economy. What about this concept in public administration? We have taken this thought a step further. I asked the directorates that deal with e-commerce in the two DGs for which I am responsible to form a "Virtual Directorate". They have started their work by exchanging information and identifying tasks which they will tackle together. I will tell you about their progress at your next conference. e-administration, e-government does not only mean using technology, but also changing the way we work together. lt means that we must apply all new opportunities offered by technology to become a real public service. Service for the public must become the driving force of change in organisation attitudes and technology, both in our Organisation - the Commission - and in Member States. We have started our way to the e-commission based on the road map of the White Paper on "Reforming the Commission". The e-europe initiative has given our aim an additional push. Today's seminar demonstrates that we are taking the task seriously and that we want to learn from each other. 17

18 18

19 Experiences in the private sector E-CRM in private enterprises by Mr. Giulio KOCH e-buslness IBM's Customer Relationshi p Management Transformation Giulio Koch IBM EMEA Director of CRM Luxembourg June 30,

20 @" -buglnes Dlscussion topics ' What is Customer Relationship Management (CRM)?, lnitial CRM transformation Key CRM rssues -How IBM addressed the tssues -Busrness results and lessons leamed, crm Our maket alltance wrth Srebel and the Stebel CRM sutte deqston I - mpl ementatr on, archttecture, and m anage me nt, Conclusion a-business jr1lrj')r;'i Customer Relationship M anagement tcrm l encompasses all the actions an organization takes to identiff, select, acquire, develop, and retain customers Key CRM focus areas -lmproved sales, marketrng, and servrces executron -Cross-enterpnse rntegratton of teams and capabtltttes -Better front offtce executton and rntegratron -Drscrplrned appltcahon of customer rnformalon to burld profitable custom er relatro nshtps, Contnually refine tnstghts tnto customer needs, behavtors, and ec0n0mlcs. Develop targeted and tatlored value ' proposiions based on those rnputs Strategrcally f ocus bustness resources on acttvtbes that butld long term customer and economtc va lue, Key CRM results - lmproved customer sahsfactton -lmproved revenue growth - lncreased compehtive advantage, drfferenttahon, and profttabtltty through longterm customer retentton ' Srngle long-runntng dtalogue across all busness fundtons and custoner access potnts, Real-trrne customzation / personalzatron of products and services based on a detatled knowledge of custonrer wants / needs / buyer behauor ' Consstent user expenence across all contad pornts, lntegrated appruach across unlts that enables enterprtse mgmt of custome r relattonshtp s Source Mercer Management Consultants, Feb

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Le passé composé. C'est le passé! Tout ça c'est du passé! That's the past! All that's in the past!

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