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1 AFRICA COMMUNICATIONS LEADERSHIP REPORT COMMUNICATIONS EXPERTS The role of communications in Africa s development Le rôle de la communication dans le développement de l Afrique



4 The first edition of Africa Communications Week of the AU. Among these five key priorities, he un- to agreed action plans. Communication also helps Feasibility studies are being carried out for in- has taken place at a time when the continent was derscored the primary importance of Connect- to share experiences from different parts of the frastructure and energy projects. By the end of celebrating the 54 th anniversary of the formation ing the African Union to its citizens 3. The above continent, thereby helping to avoid wastage of 2016, the geothermal risk facility had awarded of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) on statements highlight that communication is seen, time and other scarce resources on re-inventing 62 million dollars to 15 projects from five East the 25 th of May On this day, Africa cele- at the highest leadership level in Africa, to be at wheels. One of the quick ways to achieve this African countries African peacekeepers brates the major achievements of the OAU, that the heart of Africa s development. is to ensure that Africans tell their own stories are committed to AU and UN missions. A guilty is, liberation from colonial rule and the apartheid system in South Africa. Its successor, the African Union (AU) established in 2001, has the task of achieving an integrated, prosperous and peaceful Africa, driven by its own citizens and representing a dynamic force in the global arena. The Africa Communications Week therefore gives an opportunity to reflect on the role of communication in achieving the continental vision and the strategic priorities of Africa s framework for socio-economic and structural transformation, Agenda CONTINENTAL POLICY FRAMEWORKS Ensuring popular participation is amongst the central objectives of the AU, and one of its principles is the participation of African peoples in the activities of the Union. 1 Furthermore, Agenda 2063 states that The key success factors required for the implementation of Agenda 2063 amongst others, include. communication for citizens/ stakeholder involvement and ownership, NEED FOR A NEW NARRATIVE The infamous cover of the May 2000 edition of The Economist magazine carried the title, The hopeless continent, below which was a map of Africa. Embedded in it was a man carrying a weapon. That cover spoke volumes about the stereotypes about the African continent. It portrayed Africa as a hopeless continent ridden with strife and hardship. The image and the article caused outrage, even at heads of state level. A decade later, when The Economist led with Africa Rising, it once again occupied a lot of space in the public discourse. Unfortunately, that reckless stereotype has not gone away. On the other hand, the African paradox too, remains a reality; that is, a continent that is potentially rich but whose people remain among the poorest in the world. However, Africa is making a lot of unacknowledged strides. We need a new narrative for the continent, and one that works for Africa. while we work on addressing unbalanced global media structures where Africans do not own global media outlets. The patterns and processes of ownership have indeed affected the range of discourse and narratives about Africa to conform to western stereotypes about the continent. The 2016 end of year report of the Chairperson of the AU Commission highlights a new narrative in a number of key areas. Among them is that democratic elections are becoming the norm in Africa. In 2016 alone, the AU observed 18 elections which followed basic norms of democratic elections. In terms of free movement of people, in 2016, Ghana, Benin, Togo and Namibia started offering either visa free access or visas on arrival, joining Seychelles, Mozambique, Rwanda, Comoros, Uganda and Madagascar. Some, like Rwanda have started realising an increase in the numbers of African tourists 4. Africa is home to seven of the fastest growing economies in the world. Integration of the continent is taking shape, starting from within the regional economic communities verdict was delivered on May 30, 2016 in the trial of former Chadian president Mr Hissen Habré by the extraordinary chamber established by the AU and the government of Senegal, to prosecute persons most responsible for international crimes committed in Chad between 1982 and The chamber has since upheld the life imprisonment sentence passed on Mr.Habré. The AU, in consultation with the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and the United Nations successfully resolved the impasse in The Gambia in African health workers were sent into Ebola affected countries by the AU, highlighting the concept of African solidarity. Indeed the deployment of these health experts stemmed the tide of the epidemic. The human capital base is being expanded through scholarships offered by the AU at the existing 4 institutes of its Pan African University. The list goes on. OPPORTUNITIES IN AFRICA Beyond the positives, there is a lot to be said about the opportunities for Africa. For example, (and) provision of guidance to stakeholders. 2. President Paul Kagame, of Rwanda, in his report to the AU Heads of State and Government during the January 2017 summit reiterated the fundamental importance of communication when he made recommendations for institutional reform 1 Constitutive UN Economic Commission for Africa report entitled Socio Economic Impacts of Ebola on Africa Act of the African Union 2 Agenda 2063 First Ten Year Implementation Plan GOOD STORIES TO TELL In the sea of negativity, one way to promote a new narrative is to deliberately focus on the positives that are currently going unheralded. Good news instils hope and gives inspiration. It makes people feel that they matter, and reinforces commitment 3 Report by President Kagame titled The Imperative of Strengthening our Union: Proposed Recommendations for the Institutional Reforms of the African Union (RECs). The Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS), the Southern African Development Community (SADC) and the East African Community (EAC) have created single area mobile phone networks across several countries to reduce roaming costs. 4 Annual report of the Chairperson of the African Union Commission; January -December 2016 Africa can harness the demographic dividend through investing in its young people. Communication can help reframe economic activities such as agriculture and make it attractive to the youth. There are also opportunities in mining, where Africa is sitting on 30% of the world s mineral resources. The blue economy too, holds a lot of potential. Communications can bring all this and 6 7

5 more to Africans, facilitate dialogue and excite new entrants and investors. REINFORCING AFRICAN PRIDE AND IDENTITY Knowing our histories and identifying with our own heroes will help cultivate a sense of pride across the continent. In this regard, an encyclopaedia of Africa is envisaged in Agenda 2063 and, happily, work on it has already begun. PARTICIPATORY PLANNING AND EXPERIENCE SHARING Communication enables participatory planning and inclusive development. Coverage of public planning and reporting forums across the numerous available platforms takes the message far beyond the venue participants. It sets benchmarks for other communities. Agenda 2063, which has been adopted by African heads of state and government as the continental development framework, is unique in the participatory nature of its development, adoption, implementation and proposed evaluation. Wide consultations were held with all sectors during its development. Previous national and continental development plans were reviewed. As a result, the continent has a document that identifies the aspirations of African people over a 50 year trajectory, whose implementation is divided into five 10-year plans, a document that allocates roles and responsibilities to each stakeholder, has a funding and monitoring and evaluation framework and whose spirit and letter is easy to understand. As the UN rolls out its Agenda 2030, it recognizes Agenda 2063 as the document for Africa s development. CHALLENGES Africa, like other continents, has many challenges to overcome. These include governance, accountability, equitable development, exploitation of natural resources, corruption, irregular migration, intolerance, conflicts, terrorism and mainstreaming of women and youths. In interrogating this very important side of the continent s story, communications is pivotal. Equally, when new and confusing terms such as radical economic transformation enter the development jargon, communicators should be able to unpack them so that citizens understand what they mean. COMMUNICATION AND THE ECONOMY To further appreciate the role of communication, consider the economic cost of incorrect messaging. Between 2014 and 2016, parts of Africa were affected by the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD). I was lead communicator for the AU on the outbreak. But, before responders went into the affected countries, the world was treated to what has been described as alarmist reporting. As a result barriers went up, in the form of stigma and a closure of borders in some cases, thereby stifling economies. To give a specific example, the UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) found that, In August 2014, the IMF revised down GDP growth for Guinea from 4.5% to 3.5%. In October, Ebola led to a downward revision by the IMF to 2.4% and the World Bank s GDP forecast from 4.5% to 2.4%. 5 In a strong nod to the role of communications, the report stated that the more the subject is discussed, the more the fear factor disappears. People are less alarmed when they know what the disease is about, how it spreads, how to avoid it and that it can be controlled. This was borne out in fact. As messaging became clearer, the tide of stigma began to ebb. Gradually, borders opened again as countries set up screening checks at points of entry. In conclusion, communication is indispensable to development. After all, we spend almost 70 percent of our time communicating on any given day. Communications professionals should be change agents, creating a new narrative for the continent through objective communication on the good, the bad and the opportunities, as well as the threats, thus helping to rally our continent towards the Africa we 5 UN Economic Commission for Africa report entitled Socio Economic Impacts of Ebola on Africa COMMUNICATION ALSO HELPS TO SHARE EXPERIENCES FROM DIFFERENT PARTS OF THE CONTINENT, THEREBY HELPING TO AVOID WASTAGE OF TIME AND OTHER SCARCE RESOURCES ON RE-INVENTING WHEELS. ONE OF THE QUICK WAYS TO ACHIEVE THIS IS TO ENSURE THAT AFRICANS TELL THEIR OWN STORIES WHILE WE WORK ON ADDRESSING UNBALANCED GLOBAL MEDIA STRUCTURES WHERE AFRICANS DO NOT OWN GLOBAL MEDIA OUTLETS. 8 9

6 CHANGING THE AFRICA NARRATIVE: WHO SHOULD BE IN CHARGE? REBRANDING 54.5% 13.6% 18.2% 13.6% Government (state, local, federal, international) Corporate Organizations (multinationals, SMEs) Development Organizations (NGOs & Civil Society) Citizens 10 11

7 REGIS HOUNKPE (BÉNIN) Directeur exécutif - Inter Globe Conseils Béninois, né à Bordeaux, Régis HOUNKPE est originaire d Abomey-Calavi, première ville universitaire et la plus peuplée du Bénin. Après un parcours en diplomatie et relations internationales à Paris, il a eu des expériences professionnelles en France, au Maroc, en Afrique de l Ouest et Centrale. Ancien assistant parlementaire à Paris, il a dirigé les relations institutionnelles et internationales d un réseau français et international d élus en France. En Afrique, il a été consultant pour des sociétés de conseils et s est spécialisé dans les questions de prévention et résolution des crises et conflits. Fondateur et directeur exécutif d InterGlobe Conseils, un cabinet-conseil en affaires publiques, communication politique et expertise géopolitique, dont l essentiel des activités est dirigé par et pour l Afrique, dans une perspective internationale et universelle. Distingué dans le TOP 69 des Jeunes Leaders Africains en 2015 dans le cadre de la campagne sur l émergence de l Afrique propulsée par Africa Diligence, il préside la Commission Géopolitique et compétitivité internationale du Centre Africain de Veille et d Intelligence Economique

8 Pour une communication stratégique et in- La place des communicateurs intervient dans ce ront pas leur propre logiciel de pensée. Les com- pondre sans délai aux basculements éco- clusive au service de l Afrique nouveau paradigme, celui de proposer et de pro- municateurs doivent s approprier, avec tous les nomiques, environnementaux, politiques Le siècle que nous traversons est bel et bien celui de la communication ; il l est d autant plus qu il opère autour de lui-même les mécanismes de sa propre connaissance mais également de sa recon- pulser l image d un continent aux ressources illimitées, à la jeunesse triomphante, aux nouvelles générations d acteurs et actrices politiques, d une société civile trépidante. outils traditionnels et nouveaux, cette mission de valorisation d un continent longtemps «grillé» sur l estrade internationale faute de combattants de poids. et géopolitiques La paix mais aussi les anticipations aux crises écologiques et économiques, conflits et guerres doivent être intégrés naissance. De fait, la communication apparaît au- Au-delà de l image non d Epinal, mais tropicale Ils sont les lobbyistes attitrés du continent et les dans tous les dispositifs de communica- jourd hui comme une jauge qui permet non seu- ou méditerranéenne, du continent, ses nouveaux soldats de la promotion de l image et des inté- tion pour et par l Afrique. lement de transcender son propre horizon, mais également de percer à jour d autres possibilités. Communiquer, c est connaître de soi et envisager l avenir dans son infinie perspective. L Afrique n échappe pas à ce tournis fait à la fois d imaginaire ancestral, de réalités culturelles, et communicateurs ont pour rôle de valoriser en toute objectivité de valoriser les atouts et de donner à voir les réussites économiques et les avancées démocratiques dans tel pays ou région. Le communicateur, drapé de sa cape de super-héros 3.0, est celle ou celui crédibilise l avènement rêts politiques et économiques des pays africains. Ce sont les voix multiples et riches qui, dans un concerto cadencé, doivent vanter en rythmes conquérants les opportunités culturelles et touristiques des pays africains et la richesse humaine du continent. Loin de sacraliser la place du communicateur dans le développement de l Afrique, et parce que- rappelons-le, la mission est complexe et stimulante, son rôle est essentiel en matière de diplomatie d influence. Le communicateur participe de la conquête de terres inexplo- de dynamiques socio-politiques. À l aube de l ex- de la Nouvelle Afrique, celle qui enregistre une En tant que pratiquant de la communication po- rées et longtemps inatteignables : faire jouer plosion des nouvelles formes de communication croissance flatteuse et qui abrite des dirigeants litique, défenseur intrépide de l intégration afri- à l Afrique le rôle légitime qui est le sien, ce- moderne et alternative, des réseaux sociaux et (es) progressistes et démocrates. caine et au panafricanisme, il me semble impor- lui d acteur incontournable de la scène in- de la révolution numérique, communiquer sur l Afrique est une tâche complexe mais ô combien enthousiasmante. Communiquer sur l Afrique, c est admettre que «Les Afriques» sont diverses et variées et que celles-ci répondent de l Afrique Centrale à l Afrique du Nord, de l Afrique de l Est à l Afrique Ce dont l Afrique a besoin aujourd hui ce sont des agents assermentés à son développement économique et son émergence dans un monde difficilement multipolaire, soumis aux diktats des puissances qui dictent la règle économique, politique et géopolitique et veillent qu elles soient assimilées par tous. tant que le rôle des communicateurs africains ou intéressés au continent, au-delà de la diplomatie d influence nécessaire à une meilleure connaissance de l Afrique, devraient s attacher à quelques missions plus que vitales : La communication pour l Afrique pour les Africains doit être inclusive et concerner ternationale. Ainsi, le continent des savoirs premiers, de la tradition orale et des hiéroglyphes entrerait à armes égales, à cet effet, dans l arène mondiale du Australe en n occultant pas l Afrique de l Ouest et l Océan Indien à une multitude de logiques évidemment différenciées. Il y a plusieurs Afriques mais une seule aspire à son développement intégral. Plusieurs acteurs y travaillent, convictions chevillées au corps, avec passion, souvent par compassion, quelques fois par mission mais toujours avec l idée qu une autre Afrique est possible, loin du tableau apocalyptique de la misère ambiante, des dictatures et ploutocraties, des crises et conflits, des épidémies et autres sombres calamités. Les communicateurs doivent endosser cette responsabilité et proposer une vision alternative et adossée aux réalités du continent. La mission qui est la leur est celle d agir et de réagir promptement aux aléas politiques, aux bouleversements économiques, aux instabilités géopolitiques et de définir une norme propre aux pays africains et à l Afrique. La vision du monde ne changera pas et sera systématiquement celle des puissants tant que les pays du Sud et les nations émergentes ne défini- tous les Africains. Communiquer pour les autres, c est bien. Pour soi et par soi, c est encore mieux. Communiquer dans nos langues locales et toucher nos villages les plus reculés ou même en zones urbaines, c est partager la connaissance au plus grand nombre et accélérer la reconnaissance de toutes et tous. La communication moderne doit être celle de la maitrise des enjeux modernes de compétition internationale et ré- COMMUNIQUER SUR L AFRIQUE, C EST ADMETTRE QUE «LES AFRIQUES» SONT DIVERSES ET VARIÉES 14 15

9 RONKE LAWAL (UK) Public Relations and Communications Consultant Ariatu PR founder Ronke Lawal was born in Hackney, East London of Nigerian parentage. Having graduated with honours from Lancaster University and the University of Richmond Virginia (USA) with a degree in International Business, she started her own business, Ariatu PR, in In 2011 Ronke Lawal was honoured to receive a Precious Award for Inspirational Leadership. In January 2010, Ronke became the Chief Executive of the Islington Chamber of Commerce where she remained until the end of 2012 and became a non-executive director of The Hoxton Apprentice in She joined the board of Trustees of Voluntary Action Islington in 2012 where she is also a Director of The Voluntary Action Academy and is currently on The Employers Panel for the National Employment Savings Trust. She is a Mentor for The Cherie Blair Foundation and for The Elevation Networks Start Ups Initiative. In 2015 she launched the RONKE LAWAL MEANS BUSINESS YouTube Channel which provides PR and marketing advice as well as small business tips for start ups and entrepreneurs. She became a #TropicsVoice Ambassador in January 2016 to raise the visibility of members of the African Diaspora across the world. Ariatu PR specialises in Luxury PR with a particular focus on entrepreneurs from the African Caribbean Diaspora, with clients in industries including the entertainment, fashion, lifestyle & beauty, food and luxury goods sectors

10 Africa is rising. ( Communicators have access to contacts and Africa is corrupt. there-so-few-women-in-africas.html) and leaders of African nations are falling short on leading by whilst it does take time it is paramount that we push forward in encouraging development and Africa needs help. Africa is at war. Africa is starving. Africa is rich. Read each of the statements and think about what they signify, how do they make you feel? What do you want to do when you read each of these statements and more about the continent of Africa. As a British-Nigerian PR and communications specialist based in the UK you can imagine how often I see the narrative of Africa at need spun out across media channels. African development has been a lucrative business, making charities millions of pounds by spinning the Africa needs help narrative. Yet on the other hand members of the diaspora are desperately seeking to change perceptions, hosting countless conferences and seminars about the Africa Rising, encouraging us to look beyond the negative and see the potential that the continent has. It often feels like these narratives are at war, battling to stay relevant and to remain visible. Who is winning? One would dare to say that the diaspora is gaining ground but the negative brand impact of Africa is starving still persists and has become deeply ingrained in Brand Africa and on Africa s development as a whole. Communications specialists across the continent and in the diaspora make a difference however, we are shaping messages and moving against the grain to change perceptions but there is still a lot of work to be done. There are still too few women in boardrooms across Africa example ( africa-needs-new-generation-of.html). Communications and PR specialists as a whole need to be afforded the opportunities to work with influential and powerful leaders across the continent and must continue to counteract the negative press spin that the west persists on circulating. One of the most frustrating aspects of my role has been to have to educate members of the diaspora on what PR is. Whilst individuals begrudge how the media represents Africans in the West many do not understand the strategic communications funnel that goes into creating narratives. I urge African entrepreneurs and thought-leaders to use PR to empower and engage their communities and the press to enhance Africa s development. They need to work with communicators to aid in shifting perceptions but more importantly encouraging tangible development across the continent. We need to encourage transparency, accuracy and authenticity which means holding up communications integrity and calling things out even when it can be difficult to admit the truth. I stand by the value of being able to speak the truth in instances where the truth serves a purpose in development, for instance, there are clearly still poverty issues, drought issues, political corruption issues across the continent. We do need to work on sharing these stories in a way that will assert actual change across Africa for the continent s development. We also need to provide clear and balanced results perspectives on outcomes of initiatives and communications strategies that work and don t work across the continent to ensure continual development. active engagement. This has to go beyond how the western world views Africa as a continent but must least to results across all avenues. This means improved governmental communication, better corporate activity and enhanced platforms for individuals from disenfranchised communities. We have the power as communications specialists to really make an impact, now is the time to ensure that people take notice and that Africa develops beyond the Western COMMUNICATIONS SPECIALISTS ACROSS THE CONTINENT AND IN THE DIASPORA MAKE A DIFFERENCE HOWEVER, WE ARE SHAPING MESSAGES AND MOVING AGAINST THE GRAIN TO CHANGE PERCEPTIONS BUT THERE IS STILL A LOT OF WORK TO BE DONE

11 THIERRY HOT (BELGIQUE) CEO - Rebranding Africa Forum Journaliste de formation, rompu aux arcanes de la géopolitique africaine, Thierry HOT a fait les beaux jours du service Afrique de la BBC avant de diriger en 2009 la direction de l information de la chaîne de télévision Africa24. Au croisement de sa carrière, il crée à Bruxelles en juillet 2010, Notre Afrik, le premier magazine de Belgique spécialisé dans le traitement de l actualité du continent Africain. Dans le prolongement du Magazine, il porte sur les fonts baptismaux en 2014, le Rebranding Africa Forum qui s impose dès la 1ère édition comme un cadre exceptionnel de réflexion et d échanges de haut niveau consacré à l Afrique. Depuis 2016, Thierry officie comme Conseiller Spécial auprès du Président du Burkina Faso

12 «Les communicateurs du continent doivent jouer un rôle de premier plan dans le repositionnement de l'image de l'afrique. En créant le Rebranding Africa Forum, nous avons voulu créer un lieu d'influence pour matérialiser notre volonté commune d'amener le continent, par la force de propositions pertinentes et de stratégies mieux pensées sur les chemins de sa renaissance. Nous avons l'ambition et le devoir d'accompagner les politiques publiques de nos jeunes États pour voir se transformer cette terre d'opportunités que représente le continent africain en un espace prospérité NOUS AVONS L AMBITION ET LE DEVOIR D ACCOMPAGNER LES POLITIQUES PUBLIQUES DE NOS JEUNES ÉTATS POUR VOIR SE TRANSFORMER CETTE TERRE D OPPORTUNITÉS QUE REPRÉSENTE LE CONTINENT AFRICAIN EN UN ESPACE PROSPÉRITÉ PARTAGÉE

13 BENJAMIN MAMPUYA (FRANCE) Directeur-associé - Compagnie Générale de Communication Benjamin Mampuya est directeur associé de la Compagnie Générale de Communication (CGC). Avant de fonder le groupe CGC avec ses deux associés en janvier 2017, Benjamin Mampuya, dirigeait le pôle Afrique au sein de l agence de communication d influence Rumeur Publique. Il a également été l un des co-fondateurs du Club de l Information Africaine, association qui regroupe les professionnels de l information sur l Afrique en France

14 La communication a un rôle essentiel dans le développement politique, économique et social de l Afrique. Tout d abord, elle permet de changer le regard envers le continent. En valorisant à travers la communication les initiatives positives et les succès de ses personnalités, entreprises ou institutions, on améliore l image de l Afrique. C est proposer une vision positive, loin des thématiques négatives liées aux conflits politiques et usuels dans les médias. Sur le plan économique, c est également un pilier du développement pour de nombreuses entreprises. Le fait de mettre en avant le potentiel du continent en termes de ressources humaines et de créativité ne peut qu attirer le regard des futurs investisseurs. Communiquer, c est mettre en lumière les hommes et les femmes qui font l Afrique, c est créer des modèles pour les générations d aujourd hui. Mais c est aussi susciter des vocations pour les générations futures. Et pour le reste du monde c est déclencher l envie de découvrir, rencontrer et travailler avec des COMMUNIQUER, C EST METTRE EN LUMIÈRE LES HOMMES ET LES FEMMES QUI FONT L AFRIQUE, C EST CRÉER DES MODÈLES POUR LES GÉNÉRATIONS D AUJOURD HUI. MAIS C EST AUSSI SUSCITER DES VOCATIONS POUR LES GÉNÉRATIONS FUTURES. ET POUR LE RESTE DU MONDE C EST DÉCLENCHER L ENVIE DE DÉCOUVRIR, RENCONTRER ET TRAVAILLER AVEC DES AFRICAINS

15 MARIE-ALIX DE PUTTER (FRANCE) Head of Brand & Communication, OCP Africa A Public and Corporate Affairs professional, Marie-Alix de Putter has more than 10 years track record in Public and Private sector (Europe & Africa). A creative and strategic advisor with extensive experience in PA/PR, she had the privilege of working with talented people as a Global Communications Director, as well as an International Relations Lecturer. Marie-Alix started her career as a Political Analyst, then as the Head of an International Program for an NGO, before joining the private sector where she specialised in Public and Corporate Affairs. Thanks to her dual corporate and NGO background, Marie-Alix strongly believes that both worlds can have a positive impact on individuals and communities. Marie-Alix de Putter graduated in Political Sciences. She holds an Executive MBA in Business Management, a Master s degree in Corporate Communications from the Celsa Paris Sorbonne and a Certificate in Security & Defence from the IHEDN (Institut des Hautes Etudes de Défense Nationale). Born in Paris and raised in Cameroon, Marie-Alix is highly concerned about and actively participates in the rise of Africa. She is a strong Women s Leadership advocate

16 Communication fields in Africa are varied and each plays a significant role in the development of the continent. Three examples are given: (1) As communication is recognized as a state duty, public and political communications are essential to democracy and governance. Security issues are a good example: African countries must become the major actors of their own security and use communication as a tremendous asset to achieve this. (2) Today, in our global economy, we consider that the social and economic transformation of the continent also takes place across its borders. That s why it is Public Affairs specialists responsibilities to carry, promote and defend the interests of economic, political and institutional players towards international institutions and partners, especially regarding strategic and unavoidable topics such as agriculture, energy, education, health and transport. (3) Moreover, promoting the "Africa brand" will in fact rely on "branding" and "storytelling"; In that perspective, the role of communication professionals, true 2.0 griots, is to tell the story of this Africa, which not only is tomorrow s continent but already today s. Communication is a demanding, rigorous and strategic job. Being a communication professional in Africa needs a straight outlook on the situation of the continent, to know the populations and the public, as well as stepping back to be sustainably efficient in our job. Africa deserves the very best. Communication professionals should be liable for BEING A COMMUNICATION PROFESSIONAL IN AFRICA NEEDS A STRAIGHT OUTLOOK ON THE SITUATION OF THE CONTINENT, TO KNOW THE POPULATIONS AND THE PUBLIC, AS WELL AS STEPPING BACK TO BE SUSTAINABLY EFFICIENT IN OUR JOB

17 JESSICA ILUNGA (GABON) Consultante spécialisée dans les marchés africains Jessica started her career as a communications consultant in a pan-african strategy and communications consulting firm in London. There, she advised clients in the financial, mining, international development, education and agricultural sectors. She also worked for WPP Team Gabon in Libreville where she managed the communication of the First Lady of the Republic of Gabon and her foundation. She holds an LLM in European and International Law from the Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium) and an MSC. in Global Politics from the London School of Economics (UK)

18 Until the lion writes its own story, the story of the hunt will always glorify the hunter. African countries and the continent as a whole have been misrepresented for centuries. Nowadays, the dominant image of Africa is still the one of a dark continent plagued by chaos, war and poverty. A negative portrayal that is used excessively by the international aid and charity sectors, and reinforced by international media. This simplistic and misleading representation of African diverse and complex realities is not accidental. It finds its origins in the colonial propaganda of the 19 th century, whose sole objective was to legitimize the slave trade and the colonial business. This distortion of reality has caused African countries in-estimable economic losses. Not only does it reduce Africa s attractiveness for investors, tourists and top talents, but it can also fuel political instability by dividing the population. Today, Africa is at a crossroads. Now more than ever, it is imperative to monitor what is being said about Africa outside of its borders and correct any misrepresentation. The stakes are way too high to continue to ignore this issue. By restoring the truth of the African narrative, communications experts have the incredible opportunity to bring back peace, unity and dignity, which are the cornerstones of a sustainable and prosperous UNTIL THE LION WRITES ITS OWN STORY, THE STORY OF THE HUNT WILL ALWAYS GLORIFY THE HUNTER

19 HORTENSE DJOMEDA (SPAIN) Consultante en communication et relations publiques Over the past nine years, Hortense has been involved in strategic communication programs in support of the promotional activities of African diplomatic missions in Madrid (Spain) as well as developing communication plans for the private sector. She also speaks at public events and conferences on the socio-economic aspects of African countries with an emphasis on the role of African women in the development of the continent. Interested in promoting a positive Africa through the role of female entrepreneurs, she contributed to the blog Africanoes1pais with articles on African women who are making a difference. Since she is also passionate with the arts and design, she sees the promotion of contemporary African artists as the next step as a communicator to influence the narrative on her continent, 37

20 Communication encompasses all the activities of an organization aimed at enhancing its reputation in the eyes of any of its audiences be it stakeholders, employees, investors etc. in order to convey an accurate message and brand image. In today s global environment, this is also true for countries and especially African countries since modern politics are more and more framed by the dynamics of public communication. As members of its diaspora and as communicators, we can change the narratives of Africa and the way the image of our continent has been shaped by others. We can achieve it by influencing the narrative on us or even by framing a more accurate one of our own. Our strategic position makes us indispensable human and social agents for channeling a wealth of information, intellectual skills, capacities and innovative ideas. We can advocate in many ways for Africa by seizing any consulting, speaking or writing opportunity to speak up for our continent and show off to advantage creative business practices in all areas, including the arts and design as well as culture. We have the authority to sit confidently at the negotiation table to help promote new policies, influence decisions and cultivate a more legitimate conception of Africa while sharing ideas and knowledge to empower our people and foster the dialogue with the rest of the world. Globalization and social media are invaluable tools that we can also use to tell our own stories our own way. To project the image of our continent that we know can positively impact our continent in many ways by building confidence in ourselves and our own WE HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO SIT CONFIDENTLY AT THE NEGOTIATION TABLE TO HELP PROMOTE NEW POLICIES, INFLUENCE DECISIONS AND CULTIVATE A MORE LEGITIMATE CONCEPTION OF AFRICA WHILE SHARING IDEAS AND KNOWLEDGE TO EMPOWER OUR PEOPLE AND FOSTER THE DIALOGUE WITH THE REST OF THE WORLD. GLOBALIZATION AND SOCIAL MEDIA ARE INVALUABLE TOOLS THAT WE CAN ALSO USE TO TELL OUR OWN STORIES OUR OWN WAY

21 AZIZA ALBOU TRAORE (USA) CEO - AZ Media Agency Aziza is a seasoned communication specialist. In 2015, she founded AZ Media Agency to assist corporations and governments with their international communications. In 2008, she moved from France to the United States. She held various positions, from marketing to writing and programming for major international media including Jeune Afrique, Forbes, Africa 24, The Network Journal. In 2011, she became the first and only representative for Groupe Jeune Afrique in North America and opened their office in New York. She recognized the need for a more positive and accurate representation of emerging markets abroad, and the importance for these markets to handle media exposure more professionally. Aziza thus started providing communication advisory services between Africa and the United States. With AZ Media, she aims to extend her services to greater international level. Aziza Albou has a master s degree in communication from the French Institute of Press in Paris. When living in France, she was in charge of the financing and production for a contemporary art centre. In 2013, she completed a program of broadcast journalism at New York Film Academy


23 KHALID BADDOU (MOROCCO) President - The Moroccan Association for Marketing & Communication Khalid is a Moroccan senior Communications and Marketing Executive. He leads and acts within different professional organizations and civil society. During his 16 years career, he has held leading positions in national and multinational companies: Nestlé, Merck and Western Union. He has operated and developed strong knowledge on regional and international environments: Maghreb, Middle East and Africa. Khalid is a serial Civil Society Entrepreneur, since he believes that non-governmental organizations are key structures to make change and impact. In 2014, he has conducted a research on the perception of Morocco s image in Africa, considered as an unmatched tool to promote the country as an attractive destination for tourism, investment and talents. This work earned him an appointment as a Board Member of the Government Think Tank «Think Made In Morocco». Believing that sharing knowledge is a strong way to give back to the young and experienced communities, Khalid has been giving lectures and conferences in his fields of expertise for the last 5 years. Khalid is fluent in Arabic, French and English and is passionate about Economy, Entrepreneurship and Youth Empowerment

24 Companies are increasingly getting aware of the strategic role that communication could play in building up thought leadership and brand reputation. While this position has been considered as a support function for years, today Communication Directors are part of the decision-making process. In emerging markets, and due to the restricted budgets allocated to communications, clients are looking for more efficiency and coherence from their agencies and consultants. They are keen to be supported by communicators who have the right market outlook and understanding of business challenges, rather than handling only the execution of operational communications. This attitude from the clients perspective is game-changing, especially in African Markets. For the past 2 decades, The Communication industry was heading towards specialty (Advertizing, Digital, Events, PR...), obliging the client to speak to different partners, while losing precious time, effort and money. Today, communication agencies are asked to offer a one-stop-shop to clients, with the right understanding of business problematic and customer needs, and to address them using strategic, creative, media, digital and PR expertise. The Communications Manager position should disappear in the next 5 years, at least in its conventional definition. Communicators are asked to become more agile, innovative, forward-looking, and much more THE COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER POSITION SHOULD DISAPPEAR IN THE NEXT 5 YEARS, AT LEAST IN ITS CONVENTIONAL DEFINITION. COMMUNICATORS ARE ASKED TO BECOME MORE AGILE, INNOVATIVE, FORWARD-LOOKING, AND MUCH MORE DIGITAL

25 EVERYONE TALKS ABOUT CHANGING THE ARICA NARRATIVE WHAT EXACTLY NEEDS TO CHANGE? STORYTELLING 9.1% 18.2% 40.9% 22.7% News Coverage Key Messages Target Audience Sender Message Balance All of the above The Key Message, News, and Sender all need to change 48 49

26 HARMONY U. GASASIRA (CANADA) Creative Media & Brand Consultant Her background is in Communications & Media where she majored in Television broadcasting. She has worked for all four major Canadian news networks: CBC, CTV, Global and CityTV over the span of 10 years. While in news production, she held various positions such as production assistant, floor director, news editor and videographer. In October, 2016 she launched a digital media agency with the goal of helping individuals, companies or organizations to enhance/present their image and brand better. Her focus has been on social media platforms, where she helps her clients establish a strong visual identity that tells their story, articulates what sets them apart and establish them in their markets

27 When You Write the Story of Your Life, Don't Let Anyone Else Hold the Pen. I absolutely love this quote and it perfectly illustrates, in my opinion, what the role of a communicator should be: telling our story, our way all the while owning it. Communicators play a central role in Africa s development, there s no doubt about it. We help shape narratives, uncover perceptions and bring fresh and new perspectives about our continent etc. it s a powerful and amazing responsibility to have. For the longest time, the stories about Africa have been told by others coming to tell the truth about Africa and they get stuck on the hopeless narrative. In order for communicators to be successful in Africa s development, we not only need to be more engaged in story telling but we must become gatekeepers as well. And by that I mean, we must control access and distribution of our WHEN YOU WRITE THE STORY OF YOUR LIFE, DON T LET ANYONE ELSE HOLD THE PEN

28 CHOUNA LOMPONDA (BELGIQUE) Directrice Communication - Musée Juif de Belgique Originaire de la République Démocratique du Congo, Chouna Lomponda est responsable de la communication et des partenariats du musée juif de Belgique. Experte en relations publiques et relations de presse depuis plus de 15 ans, elle est diplômée de l École française des attachées de presse, aujourd hui ECS Bruxelles. Dynamique et entreprenante, elle est également consultante en communication

29 Avant de déterminer le rôle de la communication dans le développement d un continent, il faudrait comprendre que c est un domaine qui s inscrit dans un processus où l on travaille tout d abord sur la pertinence des projets à l égard du public cible. Ces projets de développement doivent être conçus selon deux approches en top down ou en bottom up. La logique bottom up, lorsque nous partons des besoins exprimés par le public cible et le top down, cela part des concepteurs de projets qui veulent répondre au public cible Bref, si voulez que la communication développe l Afrique, ne pensez pas pour l Afrique! Consultez- là! Dans un tel contexte : communiquer, c est questionner le projet lui-même au regard des réponses à apporter. En sachant que la force d un projet sociétal repose sur la satisfaction du bénéficiaire. Si le bénéficiaire n est pas content, on peut implémenter toutes les stratégies quelles qu elles soient, cela ne servira pas à grand-chose. Dès lors, la communication peut intervenir: dans la mise en valeur des actions du continent et dans la meilleure compréhension de ces initiatives. Elle peut servir à sensibiliser, elle peut jouer un rôle d information visant à rassurer les bénéficiaires, les bailleurs de fonds, l opinion publique, les pouvoirs publics, les partenaires et les porteurs de BREF, SI VOULEZ QUE LA COMMUNICATION DÉVELOPPE L AFRIQUE, NE PENSEZ PAS POUR L AFRIQUE! CONSULTEZ- LÀ! 56 57

30 MADIMBA KADIMA (RDC) Associé et directeur RP - Edge Communications Madimba KADIMA-NZUJI est actuellement directeur de l agence de relations publiques EDGE (filliale de NNK Groupe), consultant international et professeur à l Université Libre de Kinshasa. Passionné de littérature et juriste de formation, il exerce à Kinshasa depuis 2010 en tant que professeur de Droit Communautaire Africain. Il contribue régulièrement à plusieurs publications et journaux en Belgique et au Congo. Il a dirigé le département des relations publiques au sein de l agence de communications Optimum Corporate. Il est l auteur d un essai et de plusieurs études et recherches dont une portant sur le secteur minier financé par l Ambassade de Suisse en RDC. En 2016, il a mené la révision du traité instituant le Forum des Parlements de la Conférence Internationale pour la Région des Grands-Lacs. Madimba KADIMA-NZUJI est titulaire d un doctorat à l Université catholique de Louvain en Droit Economique International

31 Le communicant qui exerce en République Démocratique du Congo se doit deux vérités et une pratique. La première vérité est que peu importe le service à offrir, le produit à vendre ou l institution à promouvoir, la société est un vécu sans cesse renouvelé avec sa logique et ses propres truismes, pas un axiome ni une donnée. De ce fait, la deuxième vérité est que la communication doit s inscrire dans une réalité loin des préjugés et des clichés : Johannesburg n est pas Kinshasa et encore moins Rabat. L homme du métier doit analyser sa population pour comprendre son maintenant et son demain afin de les transformer en campagnes audiovisuelles, en actions terrain, en stratégies media et en plaidoyers. Ensuite, la pratique du communicant doit cheminer sur le difficile sentier de l excellence. En effet, la situation est complexe, parfois difficile et souvent injuste. L homme de métier fait souvent face à des appels d offre biaisés par des arrangements entre amis ou un manque de compétences. Il échappe difficilement au diktat des multinationales dont les directions régionales basées à Nairobi ou à Casablanca proposent souvent d adapter des campagnes panafricaines. Son marché est en général restreint, peu structuré avec la demande qui est bipolarisée entre les industries brassicoles et les télécoms (cf. Marie-Soleil Frère). Au-delà de ces contraintes, vérités et pratiques se sont rencontrées en République Démocratique du Congo. Pygma, la principale agence de communication en RDC, produit de la téléréalité avec les traditions locales. Edge communication, une nouvelle agence à Kinshasa, promeut une marque de textile sur les médias sociaux avec des proverbes africains. Exceller dans son métier et l imprégner de ses valeurs et traditions est la contribution du communicant au développement de la République Démocratique du Congo voire de l Afrique parce qu en définitive... EXCELLER DANS SON MÉTIER ET L IMPRÉGNER DE SES VALEURS ET TRADITIONS EST LA CONTRIBUTION DU COMMUNICANT AU DÉVELOPPEMENT DE LA RÉPUBLIQUE DÉMOCRATIQUE DU CONGO, VOIRE DE Le rêve n est pas plus grand que l L AFRIQUE

32 MAMBULU EKUTSU (ITALIE) Entrepreneur social et project developer - SIGNIS Services Rome Originaire de la RDCongo, Mambulu Ekutsu est un entrepreneur social, éducateur et communicateur. Il est project developer à SIGNIS Services Rome - centre technique de l Association Catholique mondiale pour la communication. De 2008 à 2012, il a été rédacteur économique et speaker à Afriradio. De 2009 à 2011, il a coordonné les événements collatéraux du Festival du Cinéma africain de Vérone. Depuis 2013, il dirige African Summer School, une training school internationale basée en Italie et spécialisée dans la formation des jeunes sur les thèmes de la conscience historique et civique africaine, du développement personnel et de l entrepreneuriat. Dans le cadre de l African Summer School, il a coordonné les travaux de l édition italienne du livre «Histoire du continent africain, une lecture rationnelle et synthétique» (Storia del continente africano, una lettura razionale e sintetica, 1 edizione, Verona, Qui Edit, 2015) de José Do Nascimento. Il est membre de REDANI, réseau de la diaspora africaine noire d Italie, dont il assure le développement des projets. Il est détenteur d un Master universitaire de second niveau en droit et économie d entreprise (Université de Vérone ), et d un Master de second niveau en politiques migratoires (Université de Bergame 2014). Il intervient comme conférencier et éducateur autour des thèmes liés à l entrepreneuriat social, au dialogue interculturel et à la renaissance africaine

33 En novembre 2015, la REDANI, Réseau de la Diaspora Africaine Noire de l Italie, lançait la campagne de communication «Anche le immagini uccidono» («Même les images tuent»). L objectif de cette action était d exiger, auprès des ONG italiennes, une communication éthique des images des enfants et des femmes africaines durant leurs campagnes de récolte de fonds. En effet, il paraissait anormal que les mêmes organisations qui prétendent œuvrer pour la défense de la vie des «pauvres» africains puissent tuer cette même vie par des procédés de marketing qui renforcent dans l imaginaire collectif une vision piteuse et tragique de l Afrique qui, certes, n est pas l unique continent du monde frappé par la misère. «Pour changer la réalité, il faut changer le rêve». Or, le rêve se nourrit de nos convictions qui, elles, dépendent de ce que nous lisons et voyons tous les jours. La communication piteuse et tragique sur le continent africain tue la possibilité pour nombreux d africains, entre autres ceux ayant grandis en dehors du continent, de rêver d une autre Afrique. Elle tue la possibilité pour de nombreux potentiels investisseurs étrangers de considérer l Afrique comme lieu d investissement.. La campagne «Anche le immagini uccidono» a duré six mois et a eu comme support un site internet, une pétition online, une brochure et un spot vidéo où l on voit un groupe d Africains se lever, d un air très sérieux, pour dire STOP à cette communication odieuse. Aujourd hui, certaines ONG italiennes touchées par ce message n hésitent pas à interpeller la REDANI par rapport au support visuel de leurs campagnes de récolte de fonds. La REDANI n entend pas s arrêter là: l Association italienne compte lancer un observatoire permanent dont le rôle sera de définir des standards éthiques de communication sur l Afrique dans le secteur de la solidarité internationale, de publier annuellement un rapport sur l état de la communication des ONG italiennes sur les femmes et enfants africains, et, si nécessaire, de mener des actions en justice se basant sur toutes les lois nationales et internationales sur la protection des enfants. Etant membre de REDANI et responsable de la communication de cette campagne, je puis dire qu au sein de la diaspora, la défense de l image de l Afrique devient une priorité car tout développement dépend tout d abord de comment l homme se perçoit et est perçu par les POUR CHANGER LA RÉALITÉ, IL FAUT CHANGER LE RÊVE. OR, LE RÊVE SE NOURRIT DE NOS CONVICTIONS QUI, ELLES, DÉPENDENT DE CE QUE NOUS LISONS ET VOYONS TOUS LES JOURS

34 CHUDE JIDEONWO (NIGERIA) Co-founder and Managing Partner - RED Jideonwo is the editor-in-chief of He is also co-founder and managing partner of parent group, RED whose governance communication firm, StateCraft Inc, ran the successful anti-establishment campaigns for the current presidents of Nigeria and Ghana. His work focuses on social movements, shaking up and transforming nations through governance and faith, with the media as a tool. He teaches media and communication at the Pan-Atlantic University. In 2017, he was selected as a World Fellow at Yale University

35 Africa possesses arguably the world s most important resource of the future - a young population. According to UN Population Fund, 41 per cent of Africa s estimated 1.2 billion people are under the age of 14, with projections placing the population at 2.4 billion by The continent s greatest advantage is its people and there is a chance for it to become the service engine of the world because we have the youth population to execute such tasks. However, the current negative perception of Africans and the bad state of governance will determine how influential Africa will be in the coming decades. The role of communicators in the development of Africa is huge, for one, the communication of the continent with the world has been deeply flawed. We have for too long allowed others to tell our stories in a way that fits their strategic socio-economic imperatives, and not ours. Communicators have to understand that we have a pivotal role to play in shaping perceptions about the continent, as this directly translates to opportunities that will be available for the teeming youth population. We must be passionate about good governance, holding our leaders accountable, and building sustainable, best-in-class development platforms. Ultimately, our duty is to keep bringing to the consciousness of Africans the importance of controlling our narrative and leading the charge for a greater WE HAVE FOR TOO LONG ALLOWED OTHERS TO TELL OUR STORIES IN A WAY THAT FITS THEIR STRATEGIC SOCIO- ECONOMIC IMPERATIVES, AND NOT OURS. THE CONTINENT S GREATEST ADVANTAGE IS ITS PEOPLE AND THERE IS A CHANCE FOR IT TO BECOME THE SERVICE ENGINE OF THE WORLD BECAUSE WE HAVE THE YOUTH POPULATION TO EXECUTE SUCH TASKS

36 JENNIFER LENTFER (USA) Director of Communications and blogger - Jennifer Lentfer is a rural farm girl, turned international aid worker. She is the Director of Communications at Thousand Currents and is the creator of the blog, how-matters. org. She was named as one of Foreign Policy Magazine s 100 women to follow on Twitter. Jennifer is constantly looking for ways to portray the realities of people s lives, their struggles, their strengths as well as outsiders roles and mistakes in an impatient, silver bullet solutions world. With her students at Georgetown University, she published The Development Element: Guidelines for the future of communicating about the end of global poverty in A book which she co-edited, Smart Risks: How small grants are helping to solve some of the world s biggest problems, came out in 2017 and features the growing community of grant makers that find and fund visionary grassroots leaders around the world

37 For too long, non-profit communications victimized and exotified Africans and portrayed people as nameless and powerless - their role only to be saved by the generous benefactors living in rich countries. Not only is this antithetical to the mission of so-called do-gooder organizations, it is racist, classist, exploitative, and immoral. Non-profit communicators today must not only reject poverty porn, but also shape and reframe the narrative of progress so that every person can see themselves as part of the solution. Perhaps more importantly, communicators can invite more people to have a seat at the table to tell their own stories, to portray the centrality of their role in determining their own futures. It is easy for non-profit communicators to fall into the pulling oneself up by their bootstraps neoliberal narrative. What is required now is a more engaging and nuanced approach to portraying how the circumstances that place and keep people in poverty are changed. Communicating about development in Africa means telling stories about how communities band together in mutual support and cooperation. It s about how movements are formed to demand change from those in power. It s about capable and skilled citizens making new choices. In the day-to-day work of social transformation, there are challenges, setbacks, and sweet, sweet triumphs. There s no gimmicks or easy answers just real people banding together and building a future for their families and communities. In this age of constant distraction, people are longing for what is authentic, connected, and COMMUNICATING ABOUT DEVELOPMENT IN AFRICA MEANS TELLING STORIES ABOUT HOW COMMUNITIES BAND TOGETHER IN MUTUAL SUPPORT AND COOPERATION. IT S ABOUT HOW MOVEMENTS ARE FORMED TO DEMAND CHANGE FROM THOSE IN POWER. IT S ABOUT CAPABLE AND SKILLED CITIZENS MAKING NEW CHOICES

38 PATRICK NDUNGIDI (RDC) Journaliste freelance Originaire de la République Démocratique du Congo, Patrick Ndungidi est journaliste freelance notamment pour le compte de Forbes Afrique et de l agence d information d Afrique centrale qui publie le journal Les Dépêches de Brazzaville. Patrick Ndungidi est blogueur sur le Huffington Post France, Québec et Maghreb. Détenteur d un Master en Gestion des industries culturelles de l université Senghor d Alexandrie en Egypte, il a également un diplôme en communication sociale des facultés catholiques de Kinshasa. Patrick Ndungidi a aussi suivi une formation en Web journalisme à l école supérieure de journalisme de Lille en France ainsi qu une autre formation en réalisation des documentaires et des magazines télévisés à l institut congolais de l audiovisuel (ICA) en RDC

39 La communication devrait constituer un levier essentiel dans la dynamique de transformation du continent africain. Même si le digital a bouleversé ses codes, les fondamentaux de la communication restent les mêmes : un public, un message et un canal. Dans un monde dominé aujourd hui par le storytelling, une injustice médiatique tend souvent à confiner l Afrique dans un rôle de continent devenu le cimetière des espoirs d une population aux horizons bouchés. Paradoxalement, cette même Afrique est régulièrement présentée comme «Le continent de l avenir», formule répétée tel un mantra dans tous les grands événements internationaux focalisés sur ce continent. Le rôle des communicants aujourd hui est de se réapproprier le discours positif sur l Afrique. Il s agit de construire un «Continent branding» à l instar de la «Nation Branding», de forger une nouvelle identité positive en faveur d un continent souvent condamné d avance à cause d une image négative ancrée dans l imaginaire collectif et dont l actualité heureuse est régulièrement noyée sous un torrent d articles, un flot de photos et un océan de posts sur les réseaux sociaux menottés par des vieux clichés. Il ne s agit pas pour les communicants de nier l existence d une actualité douloureuse en Afrique. Il s agit avant tout de présenter le positif sans occulter le négatif ; le beau, sans oublier le laid; le meilleur, sans négliger le pire Repetition makes reputation. Les communicants doivent construire l image de marque d un continent dans lequel Africains et étrangers se sentiront fiers de vivre, de travailler et d investir afin de susciter une véritable transformation LE RÔLE DES COMMUNICANTS AUJOURD HUI EST DE SE RÉAPPROPRIER LE DISCOURS POSITIF SUR L AFRIQUE. IL S AGIT DE CONSTRUIRE UN «CONTINENT BRANDING» À L INSTAR DE LA «NATION BRANDING», DE FORGER UNE NOUVELLE IDENTITÉ POSITIVE EN FAVEUR D UN CONTINENT SOUVENT CONDAMNÉ D AVANCE À CAUSE D UNE IMAGE NÉGATIVE ANCRÉE DANS L IMAGINAIRE COLLECTIF ET DONT L ACTUALITÉ HEUREUSE EST RÉGULIÈREMENT NOYÉE SOUS UN TORRENT D ARTICLES, UN FLOT DE PHOTOS ET UN OCÉAN DE POSTS SUR LES RÉSEAUX SOCIAUX MENOTTÉS PAR DES VIEUX CLICHÉS

40 RAÏSSA GIRONDIN (CHINE/FRANCE) PR & Communication consultant Raïssa Girondin est une professionnelle des médias et de la communication. Elle a connu une popularité médiatique en présentant le journal télévisé pour la chaîne de télévision chinoise francophone CCTV-Français (désormais CGTN-Français) basée à Pékin. Elle fera ses débuts dans la presse française en 2006 où elle écrit des articles pour AMINA, le magazine de la femme africaine et antillaise en parallèle de ses études. L obtention d un Master en marketing et d un MBA en Management du Sport (ESG Paris) lui permet d intégrer le groupe de média français Lagardère en 2009 où elle travaillera au sein de sa Fondation puis ensuite à la création de la structure Lagardère Unlimited, sa branche sportive, ayant pour objet la gestion des droits et l exploitation commerciale de l image de sportifs, en France comme à l étranger. Suite à une expérience réussie en tant que professeur de français à l université de Tianjin en Chine, elle sera propulsée en 2013 comme présentatrice du journal télévisé pour la chaîne de télévision chinoise francophone CCTV-Français (désormais CGTN-Français), le média d Etat chinois. En septembre 2016, elle décide de se retirer de la télévision et est temporairement en charge des Relations Publiques du groupe privé chinois d audiovisuel StarTimes en s occupant de leur lancement au Congo Brazzaville et en Côte d Ivoire. En 2017, elle se consacre à l écriture de son premier livre

41 Depuis le jour où j ai posé le pied en Chine en 2012, j ai pu gagner ma vie dans ce pays qui m était jusque-là inconnu. En entamant des conversations, en posant des questions, en écoutant la population civile, les étudiants et professeurs, des sportifs, des entrepreneurs et leaders politiques chinois et africains. Et voici la leçon surprenante que j ai apprise de ce voyage : une bonne communication pour l Afrique, celle qui la fera rayonner dans le monde, doit reposer sur l établissement de bonnes «passerelles». Une passerelle est un communicant doté d une forte connexion et un lien invitant à une évolution des mentalités qui accompagne et permet des projets tout en modifiant chacun des univers reliés. Un communicant qui connaît différents niveaux de communication en Afrique, et qui saisit les réalités interculturelles présentes sera indispensable à la transformation du continent africain. Comment concevoir la communication en Afrique pour en faire un outil de développement? En prenant en compte la dimension humaine, le rôle des communicants consiste à accompagner de manière visible et volontaire l évolution économique et sociale des nations africaines. Cela doit bien entendu s appuyer sur les valeurs traditionnelles d une société et doit servir à la population pour les aider également à comprendre les nouveaux enjeux géopolitiques sur leurs territoires, à avoir les connaissances nécessaires pour y faire face. Avec le développement des canaux d informations en Afrique, presse, radio, TV, Internet, tout change. Le rôle d une communication équilibrée est donc primordial. En tant que communicant, on doit apporter de nouvelles perspectives, de nouvelles visions, de nouvelles coopérations pour faire bouger les lignes. C est l ère de la «rupture» avec le passé sur le plan de la communication, il faut sortir des sentiers battus, avec créativité et surtout avec beaucoup de passion pour le continent. L «émergence», un terme beaucoup scandé dans de nombreux slogans africains, n est, selon moi, pas essentiellement économique. Je pense qu'elle correspond à la manière dont les africains et la diaspora s organiseront pour améliorer de manière accélérée le mieux-être des populations selon les valeurs africaines. Mais aussi comment les gouvernements des pays africains établiront, s appuieront, et intègreront dans leurs stratégies ces dites passerelles, nous autres, les communicants. Et le résultat tangible que l on devrait espérer c est que ça se traduise par plus d intelligence du UNE BONNE COMMUNICATION POUR L AFRIQUE, CELLE QUI LA FERA RAYONNER DANS LE MONDE, DOIT REPOSER SUR L ÉTABLISSEMENT DE BONNES «PASSERELLES». UNE PASSERELLE EST UN COMMUNICANT DOTÉ D UNE FORTE CONNEXION ET UN LIEN INVITANT À UNE ÉVOLUTION DES MENTALITÉS QUI ACCOMPAGNE ET PERMET DES PROJETS TOUT EN MODIFIANT CHACUN DES UNIVERS RELIÉS

42 GLYNIS LOIZEAU (SOUTH AFRICA) Communication specialist Glynis Loizeau has lived and worked as a journalist and copywriter in Cape Town, Johannesburg and Paris. Following eight years as the Media Relations and communication manager at The Africa Report in Paris, responsible for the development and promotion of the magazine, she now specialises in communication for African and international business and institutional clients. Using her strong writing and strategic skills, Glynis develops PR and communication campaigns and implements them across a solid international media, business and institutional network. In 2015, she ran the English communication campaign for presidential candidate Roch Marc Christian Kaboré, now president of Burkina Faso. She also researches and writes investment guides to promote private investment in Africa

43 Lack of understanding is one of the biggest barriers to investor interest and stems from a paucity of information. Africa suffers enormously from skewed perception as a result of almost constant crisis-focused media coverage. Our role, as communicators, is to contextualise crises and expose the flip side of the coin to reveal Africa s resilience, talent, inventiveness and innovation and its vibrant new economic landscape, as well as the deep government reforms underway. Some of the innovation coming out of Africa can be put to work anywhere in the world and is deserving of partners that offer financial, operational and technical investment. Lack of investor and public awareness can mean the death knell to any such fledgling business. Effective communication that targets not only dedicated pan African media but also mainstream international and specialist media is the bridge between enterprising ventures and potential investors while boosting entrepreneurial OUR ROLE, AS COMMUNICATORS, IS TO CONTEXTUALISE CRISES AND EXPOSE THE FLIP SIDE OF THE COIN TO REVEAL AFRICA S RESILIENCE, TALENT, INVENTIVENESS AND INNOVATION AND ITS VIBRANT NEW ECONOMIC LANDSCAPE, AS WELL AS THE DEEP GOVERNMENT REFORMS UNDERWAY

44 AYANFE OLONADE (NIGERIA) Founder - Resonae Solutions Ayanfe Olonade is the Founder of Resonae Solutions, a strategic communications company specializing in creating high quality content for individuals and businesses seeking to capture and broaden consumer interest while telling their story. Ayanfe has brought her expertise in content development, strategic communications, and relationship management to a variety of industries with experience cutting across academic, financial, international development, and advertising sectors. With years of documented success working with businesses, organizations, and non-profits internationally and locally, her impact as a communications professional is a testimony to her passion and drive. Ayanfe is a graduate of Communications and Management from Hope College in Holland, Michigan. She also has a Masters in International Development from American University in Washington DC. Ayanfe is very passionate about education and currently lives and works in Abuja, Nigeria

45 Stories are like seeds. They have the ability to grow and bear fruit. That s one of the many reasons why they are powerful. Sometimes, our stories fall on fertile ground - an individual sees, hears, or reads a story and acts on it. Sadly, some other stories do not. In such cases, it is our role as communicators to ensure those stories are not wasted. Achieving this would require us being more intentional about who sees, hears or reads the stories we share. Development is ultimately about people s lives getting better. We can t afford to be satisfied when a story gets shared or retweeted multiple times, while a secondary school student who has no access to social media never gets to read that same story. Our stories need to go beyond the digital space so they can impact more people on the ground. In addition, we need to follow up on the stories we share. As we share stories that showcase our strengths, highlighting our areas for growth is equally important. Such stories call us to higher standards. But, we must remember to also share the follow-up stories on the progress taking place in those growth areas. By taking these steps, we ensure our message gets to the right audience and produces meaningful impact. Since we are involved directly or indirectly in the development of content that is shared with the world about Africa through our stories, social media posts and even campaigns, let s strive to share stories that inspire meaningful STORIES ARE LIKE SEEDS. THEY HAVE THE ABILITY TO GROW AND BEAR FRUIT. THAT S ONE OF THE MANY REASONS WHY THEY ARE POWERFUL

46 EMMANUEL DABO (IVORY COAST) PhD student in Communication PhD student in Communication studies and communication officer of a Pan African research consortium, Emmanuel studied and worked in Ivory Coast - a country that emerged from a 10-year war abnd civil unrest. During the Ivorian crisis, he noticed the media s power to influence and decided to get involved in Africa s development as an African communicator

47 In my opinion, the role of communicators in Africa's development is to communicate hope in a continent affected by several difficulties (wars, poverty, illiteracy, epidemics, etc.). This situation leads African population to stop believing in Africa s capacity and power. I think it s the reason of this big migration flow from Africa to Europe. Additionally, the framing of dominant and international media in Africa presents a continent without hope and where it s urgent for developed countries to bring help. This was criticized more than 20 years ago by the Mac Bride report on the New World Order of Information and Communication. The stereotypes are well known: dance lovers, musical people, poverty, social and political crisis, corruption and so on. The only drama, according to me, with this kind of media is to hide the effort made by African people to develop their continent. In my opinion it is an important role of African communicators to reveal the signals of an Africa empowerment made by African people and not only by the African government. Sometimes we fall in the trap of the heads of state by publishing their actions which helps them to get a good image even though they destroy the life of their populations. Today, African communicators must be closer to African populations in order to describe their daily extraordinary life, the problems they meet but also to present some perspectives of development which take into account the real needs of African populations and the African context. The role of hopeful communication by African communicators is linked to the African science and leadership promotion. This can be effective only if African communicators are first in line in changing Africa. AN IMPORTANT ROLE FOR AFRICAN COMMUNICATORS IS TO REVEAL THE SIGNALS OF AN AFRICA EMPOWERMENT MADE BY AFRICAN PEOPLE AND NOT ONLY BY AFRICAN 92 93

48 ADISA AMANOR-WILKS (UK) Journalist and Founder - Abjel Communications Adisa is an international journalist and communications professional with over 17 years experience. She aspires to a narrative in international communications which reflects the hope, beauty and ingenuity of African people. She is founder of Abjel Communications, a media and public relations agency keen on positioning Africa on the global stage

49 Storytelling is part of the fabric of our culture. Africa is full of communicators, yet on the global stage we struggle to project our story, why? We all understand the world we live in through narratives - joined up sequences of stories that shape perceptions, expectations and to a large extent our actions. Africa is a complex continent but this complexity is often understated or missed entirely because our stories are told by writers who fly in and out with little opportunity to grasp the context of a particular story. Africa s inability to control or even influence who tells its story makes it difficult to challenge and change the negativity that perpetuates in the mainstream script. Africa needs its home-grown communicators to stand up and own their stories; to counter dominant narratives in order to clear a path for self-respect and sustainable development. This includes positioning African experts to participate in discussions about global issues. Positive communication is a vehicle for investor confidence, tourism and a general global feel good about our continent. We are at a point where the African continent needs these elements to leapfrog a whole generation to prosperity - what an opportunity for our communicators! With careful planning, thought and strategy, we can begin to influence the role of communications and the material outcome of those AFRICA IS A COMPLEX CONTINENT BUT THIS COMPLEXITY IS OFTEN UNDERSTATED OR MISSED ENTIRELY BECAUSE OUR STORIES ARE TOLD BY WRITERS WHO FLY IN AND OUT WITH LITTLE OPPORTUNITY TO GRASP THE CONTEXT OF A PARTICULAR STORY

50 MIMI KALINDA (SOUTH AFRICA) co-founder and Managing Director of Africommunications Group Born in the DRC of Rwandan heritage and raised in South Africa, Mimi Kalinda is Co-Founder and Managing Director of the Africommunications Group (ACG), a pan-african public relations and communications agency based in Johannesburg, South Africa. Previously, as FleishmanHillard s Africa Lead, Mimi was part of the team that won PRISM Awards for the Barclays Africa Prosper campaign as well as the African Union s campaign against Ebola. She also worked for Weber Shandwick, where she managed the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation account. From 2003 to 2006, Mimi worked in New York City, where she was a Production Assistant for 40 Acres and a Mule Filmworks, specifically on the film Inside Man, directed by Spike Lee. Mimi was the first African woman to host a show on MTV Europe and the recipient of the One World Media Award for Rien Que La Verite, a television program advocating the prevention of HIV/AIDS and an end to violence against women in the DRC. Mimi sits on the Africa Brand Counsel, and is the Rebranding Africa Champion for Africa 2.0. Mimi s first book, Talking to Africa: Considering Culture in Communications for a Complex Continent, was released in January

51 Communicators, specifically African communicators, have a major role to play in Africa's development processes: 1. Communicators shape narrative. Narrative informs the perceptions that stakeholders, inside and outside of the continent, have of Africa. These perceptions in turn shape behavior, including decisions on investment and tourism. Without communicators positioning Africa as a destination not to be ignored, and addressing the currently unbalanced narrative of the continent, governments and private sector alike will struggle to convince the world that Africa is, indeed, "rising; 2. Communicators also have a role to play as advisors to government and private sector leaders, particularly in terms of how strategic and well-thought-out communication can meet country and business objectives. Once the link between GDP/turnover is highlighted, communicators can develop strategies that ensure success and incentivize audiences to action, to the benefit of country and private sector COMMUNICATORS, SPECIFICALLY AFRICAN COMMUNICATORS, HAVE A MAJOR ROLE TO PLAY IN AFRICA S DEVELOPMENT PROCESSES

52 WHAT SHOULD BE A COMMUNICATION PRIORITY IN YOUR COUNTRY THIS YEAR? DEVELOPMENT CHALLENGES Education Responsible Communications Transparency Balanced Crisis Co-ordinated Pan-African Knowledge Local Political Economy Politics Sharing Service Strategic Branding Reputation Governance Diversity Perspectives Awareness Visionary

53 CHERIF ADOUDOU (TCHAD) Strategic planner - Fortius Chérif ADOUDOU ARTINE est Planner stratégique à FORTIUS Communication depuis octobre Il est né le 14 septembre 1974 à N Djaména au Tchad et est le quatrième d une fratrie de 7 enfants. En 1980, aux lendemains de la guerre civile qui sévit au Tchad, il émigre avec sa famille à Bruxelles en Belgique. En 1989, Djamia Chérif, sa mère, décide de rentrer vivre au Tchad. Il se retrouve alors au Lycée du Sacré-Cœur de N Djaména. Le début des années 1990 au Tchad étant marqué par des grèves des agents de l Education nationale, ses parents décident, afin d assurer une «scolarité régulière» à ses enfants, de les inscrire en internat à Wavre (Belgique). En 1994 Chérif obtient l équivalent belge du Bac. Il tâtonne avant de trouver sa voie dans des études de Journalisme et communication entamées à l ULB et conclues à l EFAP-ECS de Bruxelles. Il obtient en juin 2000 le grade de Spécialiste de la Communication (Bac+4) avec la position de «Major de promotion». De 2000 à 2013, Chérif est tour à tour journaliste freelance (Bruxelles), directeur d hôtel et cadre commercial dans une entreprise de BTP (N Djaména). En 2012, il crée son agence, FORTIUS Communication, et prépare son retour vers ces métiers qui le passionnent. En Octobre 2013 il se consacre entièrement à FORTIUS. Son leitmotiv est de créer une identité de marque forte pour son agence afin de sortir du carcan des campagnes régionales et impersonnelles concoctées par les grands groupes de communication qui travaillent en Afrique

54 Le communicateur africain doit être un éducateur. Le développement de l Afrique est comme une étude de cas qui dure depuis Des programmes, on en a eu une pléthore, de toutes les obédiences politiques, des plus mercantilistes aux plus philanthropiques. Hélas sans résultat! En 2017, le développement de nos pays doit être pensé différemment. Nous devons développer des modèles sociopolitiques singuliers sur le long terme et oublier les «copier/coller» des décennies passées. Cette réflexion doit être menée par des élites intellectuelles connaissant le continent et ses diversités. Parallèlement, le communicateur jouera pleinement son rôle d éducateur auprès des masses. Le défi principal consiste une fois de plus à sortir des paradigmes passés qui construisaient un message unique pour des communautés disparates. Nous devons nous adresser à tous les Africains. Mais en focalisant l essentiel de nos capacités sur les habitants du monde rural. Ils représentent 62% en Afrique sub-saharienne selon les données 2015 de la Banque mondiale. Notre mission fondamentale sera d Informer, former et éduquer. Car une population éduquée est plus encline à devenir une classe moyenne dotée d un pouvoir d achat plus important, propice donc à la consommation. Base de fonctionnement de l économie capitaliste keynésienne. Au-delà de cette approche formatrice, nous avons l obligation, dans un continent qui souffre d une corruption endémique, de placer l éthique au centre de la construction de nos LE DÉFI PRINCIPAL CONSISTE UNE FOIS DE PLUS À SORTIR DES PARADIGMES PASSÉS QUI CONSTRUISAIENT UN MESSAGE UNIQUE POUR DES COMMUNAUTÉS DISPARATES

55 ALAIN DJATE (RDC) Journaliste et consultant - Banque Mondiale Alain-Claude Christian DJATE Yodi est un journaliste-communicologue, détenteur d une licence en Communication, option politique internationale. Il travaille comme reporter sportif sur les chaînes locales, avant de gravir les échelons du métier. En 2013 il décide de parfaire ses connaissances à travers un CISAP (Cycles internationaux spécialisés d administration publique) à l Ecole Nationale d Administration (ENA) à Paris. En mars 2015, il rejoint la Primature comme Conseiller en Communication & Relations extérieures du Premier ministre Augustin Matata Ponyo. Depuis décembre 2016, il exerce comme consultant, notamment pour la Banque Mondiale

56 Quel est l apport du communicant dans le développement de l Afrique? En tant que spécialiste de la communication politique, la question du rôle du communicant recèle un double intérêt pour moi : d une part, les politiques publiques sont au cœur du développement ; d autre part, la politique doit faire face à l incrédulité des populations. Pendant deux ans en tant que Conseiller Politique d un Premier Ministre, j ai décidé de communiquer sur des résultats et non des perspectives en m appuyant sur les réseaux sociaux et principalement Twitter. En quelques mois, le compte de l ancien Premier Ministre Matata est passé d un certain intérêt (2.500 followers) à un intérêt certains ( followers). De cette expérience, j ai compris combien les gens étaient en attente d information réelle sur les actions politiques qui gouvernent leurs vies. Dans une Afrique où le débat public est dans la rue, où la rumeur prévaut sur les médias, où Facebook et Twitter font et défont les gouvernements, le rôle du communicant en politique est d éclairer les populations en produisant des faits vérifiables, en apportant une information crédible et en positivant l action politique. En effet, il n y a de développement que par la volonté DANS UNE AFRIQUE OÙ LE DÉBAT PUBLIC EST DANS LA RUE, OÙ LA RUMEUR PRÉVAUT SUR LES MÉDIAS, OÙ FACEBOOK ET TWITTER FONT ET DÉFONT LES GOUVERNEMENTS, LE RÔLE DU COMMUNICANT EN POLITIQUE EST D ÉCLAIRER LES POPULATIONS EN PRODUISANT DES FAITS VÉRIFIABLES, EN APPORTANT UNE INFORMATION CRÉDIBLE ET EN POSITIVANT L ACTION POLITIQUE

57 HILDE HANEUSE HEYE (MONACO) CEMA Communications Hilde Haneuse Heye, présidente à l international des Femmes Leaders Mondiales. Membre fondatrice et secrétaire générale de Cloud Community Europe-Monaco Présidente déléguée de Bluewave Software

58 L 'Afrique, en général et malgré ses faibles moyens, a très vite assimilé, s'est accommodée et s'est adaptée - à "sa façon"- aux nouvelles technologies de l'information et de la communication. Le fait, par exemple, qu'elle a sauté l étape du guichet de la Banque ou de la Poste pour les transferts d'argent même dans les régions enclavées- a été spectaculaire. L utilisation de l énergie solaire, la multiplication des téléphones portables, l'attrait des jeunes pour tout ce qui est nouvelle technique de communication y sont pour quelque chose. Mais le manque d'éducation et d'instruction en tant que telles a plus ou moins limité l exploitation de ces technologies à des fins plus intéressants, ou n a pas permis de développer ces nouveaux comportement. La jeunesse qui devrait constituer une force vive souffre d un manque d'éducation et se transforme ainsi même en poids pour le pays. De l éducation, et toujours l éducation avant toute chose! D' ailleurs, l éducation fait partie des objectifs principaux des Nations Unies pour le développement durable en Afrique. Education. Scolarisation. Lutte contre l analphabétisme. Formation. Apprentissage. Tout doit être mis en œuvre pour le développement et la participation de l Afrique au progrès mondial. Je pense qu aujourd hui, en Afrique, le communicant doit être un "lanceur d'alerte" en plus de ses rôles conventionnels. Et ceci, là où il se trouve, et dans tous les domaines: milieu rural ou urbain, domaine politique, économique, lutte contre la corruption, contre la pauvreté, la construction de la paix, etc. Ce sera la participation responsable du communicant à l'éducation et à la marche vers la véritable démocratie, par exemple. Comme outil pour combler le fossé qui sépare pays développés et pays émergents, je favoriserai la Radio. Un outil à améliorer avec l avènement de la nouvelle technologie. Un outil pluraliste, accessible à tous, de couverture territoriale, facilement intégrable (Radio rurale. Radio culturelle. Radio éducative...). Elle doit être libre et indépendante pour assurer pleinement son rôle pour le développement du pays. Internet est également présent : multiplication et comparaison des informations. Contacts rapides et directs avec le monde, sans intermédiaire avec des intervenants ou confrères d'autres Nations. Échanges multiples, instantanés. La Presse écrite plus développée en milieu urbain a réussi plus ou moins son "immigration" vers Internet. A signaler aussi, l explosion des bandes dessinées créées, éditées sur place (une autre façon d'atteindre les jeunes avec des messages " bullés"). La Télévision est "visible" presque partout grâce aux Paraboles et Relais disséminés à travers le pays. (Certains villages ont même un poste commun de télé qui a remplacé les réunions et palabres d'antan sous le tamarinier!). L accès à des programmes multiples, locaux et étrangers, est plus ou moins bien accueilli selon les milieux concernés. Mais pour tout ceci, pour tous ces relais d ouverture et de communication ou d'éducation: le défi technique, technologique, reste cher et EDUCATION. SCOLARISATION. LUTTE CONTRE L ANALPHABÉTISME. FORMATION. APPRENTISSAGE. TOUT DOIT ÊTRE MIS EN ŒUVRE POUR LE DÉVELOPPEMENT ET LA PARTICIPATION DE L AFRIQUE AU PROGRÈS MONDIAL

59 MAHA GANEM (TUNISIE) Journaliste Maha GANEM est une journaliste politique, créatrice de contenus et productrice indépendante. Elle est spécialisée en affaires publiques et politiques européennes et africaines. Elle décortique et analyse les relations entre les deux continents sous l angle de leurs relations politiques, leurs intérêts géostratégiques et économiques. Elle porte un intérêt particulier à la transformation de la vie publique et économique par la jeunesse, les femmes, l entreprenariat et le digital. Elle anime l émission, la plus longue de l histoire radiophonique belge, de décryptage et d analyse de l actualité politique et sociale sur le continent africain, les derniers dimanche du mois sur Radio Campus

60 Le changement d image du continent africain dans les esprits et dans les médias n est pas la seule affaire des communicants. Si nous voulons véritablement créer une autre histoire médiatique autour des changements, opportunités et défis que vit le continent, les journalistes politiques ont eux aussi un rôle à jouer. Il ne s agit pas ici de tomber dans une sorte d angélisme car, en Afrique comme ailleurs dans le monde, les journalistes d une publication qui traite des affaires politiques de leur cité font face à ces casse-têtes que représentent l objectivité et l indépendance intellectuelle. Mais il nous faut bien sortir des pratiques d un autre temps, celui où le discours journalistique sert les intérêts des groupes ou d individus particuliers lorsque l enjeu est national. D autant plus qu aujourd hui les médias qui traitent de la politique africaine étendent leur influence bien au-delà des frontières de leur pays et du continent. S il nous fallait encore une preuve de l effet papillon, nous n avons qu à regarder la réaction en chaîne qu a provoqué l immolation d un jeune vendeur de légumes à la sauvette d une petite ville du centre de la Tunisie. Cet acte a eu des conséquences transfiguratrices sur le paysage politique africain de Tunis à Dakar, d Ouagadougou à Bujumbura, de Tripoli à Banjul. Les grands changements des modes de participation à la vie politique des citoyens, et en particulier des plus jeunes, ont changé la donne. Aujourd hui les dictatures ou règnes au long cours tombent et les opposants ne sont plus seulement les membres des partis politiques adverses ou les intellectuels en exil, mais bien des vendeurs à la sauvette, des étudiants, des artistes, des jeunes de tous horizons engagés et responsables. Une nouvelle génération de citoyennes et citoyens africains est en construction sous nos yeux, il est de notre responsabilité de traiter de leurs actions, pensées, objectifs et volontés avec le sérieux et le respect que ces engagements à vouloir bâtir de nouveaux modes de vivre ensemble méritent. Il ne s agit pas ici de dire que le journalisme politique ne doit pas être engagé, il doit être ce que chaque journaliste en son âme et conscience veut en faire, mais il se doit d être au service d une cité et non de ses puissants. La communication seule ne pourra être la réponse au changement de paradigme de la réputation SI NOUS VOULONS VÉRITABLEMENT CRÉER UNE AUTRE HISTOIRE MÉDIATIQUE AUTOUR DES CHANGEMENTS, OPPORTUNITÉS ET DÉFIS QUE VIT LE CONTINENT AFRICAIN, LES JOURNALISTES POLITIQUES ONT, EUX AUSSI, UN RÔLE À JOUER

61 MOKY MAKURA (SOUTH AFRICA) Deputy Director Communications - Gates Africa Moky Makura is a Nigerian-born South African TV presenter/producer, publisher, writer, actress and entrepreneur. She holds an Honours degree in Politics, Economics and Law from the University of Buckingham in the UK. After selling the PR business she founded to the advertising group FCB in 2001, she decided to follow her media passions. From 2001 to 2006, she was the Africa anchor, presenter and field reporter for Carte Blanche. Makura also appeared in MNet s pan-african drama series, Jacob s Cross. In November 2008, Moky completed her book Africa s Greatest Entrepreneurs with a foreword written by Richard Branson which tells the success stories of the top entrepreneurs on the continent. Moky Makura is passionate about ensuring that Africans tell their own stories and highlight their own heroes and achievements

62 Africa s development success will be determined by its leaders and their ability to carry their citizens with them. Key to this is a clear vision and an implementable plan, the communication of it is next. The art and science of communications underpins the interventions we see countries making to lift themselves out of poverty. It is a critical enabler that seems more urgent given the technological advances and ensuing democratization of communication channels. Over the next 13 years, we will need smarter, faster, better trained communication strategists that have a long term and intentional goal of influencing policy makers, increasing accountability, educating citizens and sharing progress for the betterment of their countries. We are not there yet. As we count down to 2030, when Africa and the world will be reviewing their progress against the tough SDG targets set in 2015, communications practitioners should today start acting to take on strategic positions that support African leaders commitments to develop the continent. It starts with a continental vision which we can see in the AUs Agenda Then what we need is a clear country vision and an implementable AS WE COUNT DOWN TO 2030, WHEN AFRICA AND THE WORLD WILL BE REVIEWING THEIR PROGRESS AGAINST THE TOUGH SDG TARGETS SET IN 2015, COMMUNICATIONS PRACTITIONERS SHOULD TODAY START ACTING TO TAKE ON STRATEGIC POSITIONS THAT SUPPORT AFRICAN LEADERS COMMITMENTS TO DEVELOP THE CONTINENT

63 GLADYS OKATAKYIE (FRANCE) Communications and Programme Management Diplômée en relations internationales, Gladys Okatakyie rejoint le Bureau régional pour l Afrique de l ambassade des Etats-Unis à Paris afin de prendre en charge la communication du programme Nouveaux Horizons en Dès lors, elle travaille en étroite collaboration avec les sections des affaires publiques au sein des ambassades américaines basées en Afrique francophone et en Haïti. Le but étant de les soutenir dans la conception et la réalisation d activités culturelles à destination de la jeunesse africaine et de les aider à développer des partenariats public-privé avec d autres institutions. Passionnée d art contemporain d Afrique, Gladys est désormais consultante sur des projets culturels impliquant le continent et le reste du monde

64 Le pouvoir des données est inestimable, notamment lorsqu il s agit d étudier un public réparti sur 54 pays aux problématiques parfois bien distinctes. La récente étude d Ispos sur le poids économique des femmes africaines ou encore l enquête du journaliste Cédric Kalonji parue en 2016 sur la citoyenneté numérique en Afrique représentent de véritables sources d information pour tout professionnel de la communication à la recherche de chiffres-clés sur le monde africain. L'intérêt grandissant pour le data mining («exploration de données») confirme l installation durable des données à grande échelle dans le paysage de la communication. A ce titre, notre mission en tant que communicants est de s'emparer de nouveaux outils et concepts pour faire évoluer nos pratiques. A l ère du numérique, le data mining, le big data et l intelligence artificielle sont à portée de main. Il est essentiel de valoriser les données en Afrique afin de mieux évaluer le comportement de nos audiences pour pouvoir répondre plus efficacement à leurs attentes. Nous devons nous positionner au plus près de nos cibles pour avoir une meilleure idée de leurs aspirations et de leurs doutes par le biais de la statistique. Cette meilleure connaissance des challenges auxquels le public africain fait face doit s exprimer à travers une production plus soutenue d'études, de livres blancs et autres enquêtes faisant appel aux données. NOUS DEVONS NOUS POSITIONNER AU PLUS PRÈS DE NOS CIBLES POUR AVOIR UNE MEILLEURE IDÉE DE LEURS ASPIRATIONS ET DE LEURS DOUTES Avec ou sans le soutien de nos gouvernements, donnons-nous les moyens d'investir dans la récolte de données pour relever les défis socio-économiques de l PAR LE BIAIS DE LA STATISTIQUE

65 MIKIAS SISSAY (ETHIOPIA) International communication consultant Born in Addis Ababa in 1976, Mr. Mikias SISSAY is an Ethiopian Communication Specialist with 16+ years of experience. He has worked as a Lead Communication, Advocacy, Media, Spokesperson, and External Relation personnel under the United Nations (DPKO, FAO, WHO, UN Women), the African Union, the African Capacity Building Foundation, the World Bank, and the European Commission Development Policy Management among others. He has published a book Effectiveness of a Communication Strategy, not to mention many academic papers on communication. With an M.A in Journalism and Communication, Mikias has spearheaded the development and implementation of Africa wide communication strategies, such as the AU African Shared Values Campaign, the UN Women Ending Violence Against Women and Girls in Africa, the AU Democracy and Election Assistance Unit, the AU Department of Political Affairs, and the 16th International Conference on AIDS and STIs in Africa. Currently, he works as independent communication consultant for EU Delegation to AU, World Bank, and WHO; and is engaged in researching the role of communication in post conflict peacebuilding in Africa

66 Good governance, participation, and people-centred reform are the core of development. Realizing these values on the ground depends on the socio-political culture of the African continent at large, and countries in particular. Communication is nothing but a tool that has the power to prompt peace and development in diverse societies that exist in Africa, if used appropriately. But my 16+ years experience in communications taught me decision makers are rather interested in communication so long as it is one-way information dissemination, awareness raising, and public relations. In-depth knowledge of how to build communication in such a way that the people to whom it is directed to, however, is sorely missing. Nothing can be achieved without participatory communication in place. The true test of the role of communication in African development, therefore, rests in giving voice to the voiceless to hold leaders accountable for promised results. If communication is to play this important role, then academia should make it a topic of research, teaching, and community service. How seriously are development leaders both donors and their government partners concerned in two-way communication? Does the current dialogue on sustainable development goals as well as agenda 2063 practically recognize participation? This will naturally give birth to harnessing communication as one of the strategic pillars of development (good governance, participation, and people-centred reform) in Africa. Hence, communication s role in the development of Africa must, among others, emphasize on bridging socio-political gabs to embracing participatory communication to ensure effective development process and THE TRUE TEST OF THE ROLE OF COMMUNICATION IN AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT, THEREFORE, RESTS IN GIVING VOICE TO THE VOICELESS TO HOLD LEADERS ACCOUNTABLE FOR PROMISED RESULTS

67 AKIN ROTIMI (NIGERIA) Strategic Communications Akin Rotimi is a multi-disciplinary professional whose competences cut across Strategic Communications, Policy Development, Investment Promotions, Knowledge Management and Change Management. He is currently engaged as the Senior Special Assistant to the Nigerian Minister of Mines and Steel Development, and served as a member of the committee that produced a Roadmap for the Development of the Solid Minerals Sector. He served the Kayode Fayemi administration in Ekiti State, Nigeria ( ), first in the pioneering role of Senior Special Assistant to the Governor (Corporate Communications), and subsequently as Principal Private Secretary to the Governor. A consummate public speaker, development advocate and avid humanitarian, he co-founded the African Youth Unite for Change (AFYUCh) in 2007, with a focus on building capacity of young Africans to take the lead in peace-building, enterprise development and values based leadership, towards actualising the vision of establishing Africa as the next global economic frontier for peace and prosperity. In this capacity, he has led volunteer missions to several countries, including Liberia, Sierra Leone, Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi. He is a published author of If Indeed this is the Will of the People an insider s account of the June 21, 2014 Governorship election in Ekiti state, Nigeria. He is married to Tina, a lawyer, and they have two daughters, Adetamilore and Adetimileyin, and a son Adetomisona

68 Communications is at the very core of all human about where they spend the little money they every citizen to have access to, and also under- ture of about N5.5trillion on fuel within the year interactions. Commerce, culture, politics, devel- have. Spending habits change dramatically peo- stand public budgets. Now operating in Nigeria, under review. Of this figure, the offices of the opment, and even religion, all depend on commu- ple take inventory of their costs and the relat- Ghana and Sierra Leone, BudgIt uses info-graphics President and Vice President account for a total nications to thrive. Media as the vehicle of com- ed benefits. If the value is not readily apparent, and other communications tools to simplify com- of N32.9 million spent fuelling their generators. 5 munications is thus an important tool in advanc- they could move on to a safer and cheaper plex budgetary materials, with a view to improv- ing peace, progress and social cohesion in Africa. option. Consequently, Branding/Strategic com- ing transparency and accountability in the man- It is however incontrovertible that Africa cannot More so, with the advent of New Media, access to munications cannot be reserved as an exercise in agement of public funds. Also in Nigeria, www. reach her full potential with the Public Sector contemporary vehicles for sending and receiving times of growth. For effectiveness, there is need was founded with the goal of lagging behind. Africa s future rests on the tripod mass communications has been largely democra- for constant maintenance, perhaps even more so amplifying underreported news and issues affect- of the Public, Private and Civic sectors, and only tized, with anyone possessing a smart phone able in times of crisis. (Adenekan, 2016) 1 ing rural communities. In Tanzania, the Institute when these three are working optimally and in to disseminate materials accessible by millions for Orkonerei Pastoralists Advancement concert can we truly develop. The Public sector of people, far beyond previous spatiotemporal Perhaps the segment of society that has record- (IOPA) 4 facilitates transformation and diversi- in Africa, like the Private and Civic sectors, has limitations. In this age that has been termed the ed the most productive use of Media and Com- fication of the economic system of the Maasai to latch on to the opportunities that Media and post-truth era, such is the power of Media and munications to advance its agendas is the Civic through social business, social entrepreneurship, Communications offer to own the narratives Communications, that large corporations and Sector. Non-Profit Organisations and movements and innovation. Using radio programmes, round- about Africa in the global media space in order to governments are increasingly worried that fake abound across Africa with different thematic ar- table discussions, and festivals, the institute pre- increase our competitiveness. Long before fake- news, propaganda and covert de-marketing, now eas of focus. Having neither the huge commu- pares a fertile ground for self-examination and news became popular, Africa has for long suffered more than ever before determine political and nications budgets of the Private Sector nor the collective action. Countless other social enter- from negative stereotypes about the continent, commercial outcomes. Therefore, the challenge instruments of state of the public sector, these prises have become very influential operating at and what appears to be a deliberate conspiracy before Media and Communications practitioners change agents are trained to sweat small budgets the nexus of Communications and Social Activ- by Western media to present the worst of Africa in Africa today is to position the profession as a to scale up their reach and impact, while often ism, and they all have one thing in common, the as the norm. powerful force for good, and contain its negative coping with repressive governments who consid- adept use of Information Technology, Media and tendencies. er them enemies of the state with diametrically Communications tools to be more efficient in Africa is beautiful. We are blessed with every nat- opposite agendas. scaling up their impact, while getting more people ural resource you can think of. Our people are Most successful African entrepreneurs understand the place of media and communications in growing their businesses. In the Private Sector, gone are the days when the Communications budget was the first to be cut drastically during times of economic contractions; or when Communications departments barely had representation on Management Boards, nor in crucial meetings where the strategic direction of companies were decided. African companies have paid dearly for such indiscretions in the past, and now realize the importance of Media and Communications, particularly in a recession. In tough times, people spend less overall and become far more selective It can be argued that the more antagonistic a government is, or the greater the development challenges in a jurisdiction, the more virile Civil Society gets and the more creative Development Communications becomes. In , the horrendous Post-Election pogroms in Kenya led to the creation of Ushahidi Inc. 2, a non-profit company that uses advanced communications tools to crowd-source crisis information for social activism and accountability. In Nigeria, endemic corruption which has undermined the growth potentials of the world's largest Black Country has birthed BudgIt 3, who believe it is the right of to learn about and support their work. Invariably, Africa s Private and Civic sectors have learnt to circumvent the everyday challenges brought on by governance failure and are taking advantage of Media and Communications in meeting their objectives. That is the order of the day in Africa. In Nigeria, with 80 per cent of private homes lacking access to regular power supply in 2016, and with power generation less than 10% of the 40,000 megawatt estimated energy needs, the Manufacturers Association of Nigeria disclosed that about 100 million Nigerians owned generators in 2016, with a cumulative expendi- hospitable and industrious, and hold the promise of a brighter future. Africa is not one country. Like every other part of the world, we have our bad eggs, but we are not all fraudsters searching the internet for someone to scam. We have had our share of conflicts, but we are generally peace loving people. African governments must take the lead in promoting positive narratives about Africa. This is not necessarily by carrying out country-level so-called rebranding campaigns, but by truly fixing Brand Africa. Governance must work in Africa, so that every touch point internal and external publics have with the continent leaves a lasting positive impression. There is no single sil

69 ver bullet to achieving this, but Media and Communications certainly has a very significant role to play. Governments in Africa need to give greater roles to Media and Communications professionals. Again, this is not about the appointment of hordes of vituperative individuals to blindly defend every action or inaction of government on social media. No! African governments need to first understand that Communications is a conversation and Social Change must be participatory. It is about deploying strategies to periodically give accounts of stewardship to the people, while creating avenues for the citizenry to provide constructive feedback, which must feed back into policy and programme planning. People whose lives are affected by a decision must be part of the process of arriving at that decision. (Naisbitt, 1984) One of the challenges of post-authoritarian African states is the legacy of a lack of consultation in the policy development and implementation process. In the past, military governments ruled by decrees based on what they felt were best for the people. Today, civilian governments in Africa still carry on with such vestiges. They fail to realise that democracy itself is a continuous conversation by the citizenry about their values and priorities. The task of political elites is to take the pulse of the public and turn the instincts and aspirations of the electorate into political and public policy agendas. Despite the tons of well-intentioned and even altruistic policy efforts to fight poverty and other societal challenges, these initiatives fail because they are largely imposed by government on the people. They emerge from a process in which the government dictates solutions to the people rather than discussing with them. Consequently, these policies have little or no ownership or buy-in at the grassroots level and are often dead on arrival. The current model of policy-making in many African countries is a heavily centralized top-bottom approach to development planning that conceives policy as the projection or imposition of developmental objectives on hapless recipients by remote well-meaning bureaucracies. More often than not, this approach leads to a misappropriation of energies and a misdirection of resources. (Fayemi, 2013) 6 Another point to be made is that African governments must build capacity within their bureaucracies to drive strategic communications. Government communications in the hands of political appointees most times leaves a lot to be desired. Some of them carry on with the combative rhetoric from electioneering days, while others simply lack the requisite competence and experience. The civil service as the bastion of institutional memory must be empowered with the skills and tools to promote the delivery of social goods, and the ease of doing business in an atmosphere of transparency, accountability and the primacy of the Rule of Law. It must be mandatory for government entities to have channels through which the public can access information about their activities. Critical touch points with government offices, particularly by foreign publics, must always align with sovereign brand AFRICA S FUTURE RESTS ON THE TRIPOD OF THE PUBLIC, PRIVATE AND CIVIC SECTORS, AND ONLY WHEN THESE THREE ARE WORKING OPTIMALLY AND IN CONCERT CAN WE TRULY DEVELOP

70 SAMBA YONGA (ZAMBIA) Media specialist and founder - Ku-Atenga Media Samba Yonga is a media specialist and founder of Zambian based Ku-Atenga Media a company that specialises in developing bespoke communication platforms and tools with a focus for Africa. She has consulted for many firms in Africa and in other parts of the world but her heart is set on producing content for Africa that affects the collective narrative of Africa in a positive way. She is also co-founder of the Zambian Women s History Museum whose mandate is to research and restore African indigenous narratives, knowledge and living histories focused on women. She is a proud graduate of Evelyn Hone College School of Journalism and holds an MA in Transnational Communications and Global Media from Goldsmiths College, University of London

71 Having worked in the communications business for over a decade there are a few things you need to know to be able to work in Africa with relative success. Communication is right at the heart of it. Below is an illustration of how communicators in Africa can impact the way we communicate in business and personal development. First of all we have to accept that nothing in Africa works right. A lot of businesses and individuals experience a negative impact on productivity in Africa when engaging in inconsistent and unpredictable infrastructural and systematic models that characterise African business and economic landscapes. Knowing how to navigate this phenomena can determine the success of a business and individual career development. Second conquer the beast. Develop a territorial expertise skill set that will equip individuals and human resources to adapt to the African territories. In that way it will encourage efficiency and high-impact productivity. Then, apply adaptive territorial execution. This is a communication skill developed and applied by Ku-Atenga Media for their clients. It gives the ability to maximise skill set and adapt the content to a work ethic in order to address systematic bottlenecks in the ever-changing environment and unpredictable set up that exists in Africa. By analysing the economic inconsistencies in the African environment and predicting all possible outcomes it provides African human resources with a sixth sense ability to employ. Finally, avoid winging it. This is a communication service that is being provided with a targeted territorial methodology and could be a game-changer in how business is conducted in Africa. Usually businesses, institutions and individuals respond organically, as and when they find themselves facing a particular obstacle, instead of operating like in a chess game and predicting 10 moves ahead allowing to plan for a solution, instead of only working step by step. In Africa, this method, will improve efficiency and ease the level of doing business. THE BIGGEST OBSTACLE FOR AFRICA TO ACHIEVE HIGH-PRODUCTIVITY IS THE LACK OF ABILITY TO NAVIGATE AROUND INCONSISTENT AND The biggest obstacle for Africa to achieve high-productivity is the lack of ability to navigate around inconsistent and unpredictable organisational, governmental and corporate systems. Applying these simple communication principles will impact Africa socially, economically and UNPREDICTABLE ORGANISATIONAL, GOVERNMENTAL AND CORPORATE SYSTEMS

72 WHICH AREA DESERVES THE MOST COMMUNICATIONS EFFORT ON THE AFRICAN CONTINENT? ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 18.2% 50% 13.6% 13.6% Economics Politics Governance Culture Health History Environment

73 UZO MADU (BELGIUM) Founder and Editor - What s in it for Africa Uzo Madu is the founder of an online communications platform dedicated to EU-Africa current affairs - What s in it for Africa. She co-produces and presents the online programme and writes about pressing political issues shaping the relationship between these two continents, from trade to agriculture, investment, and beyond. She is also a regular contributor to African Business Magazine, and International Politics & Society. She has been featured as an EU-Africa policy expert on BBC World News, CNBC Africa and ARISE NEWS, as well as in Forbes Africa, POLITICO Europe, Deutsche Welle, RFI Internationale and Internazionale. Uzo holds a degree in Law, and is currently following an MA in EU External Relations at KU Leuven University, Belgium

74 Communicators have a role in contextualising African narratives. Filling in those fifty shades of grey which exist between the optimism of Africa Rising and the pessimism of the Dark Continent accentuated by droves of poverty porn. Context is everything and it has never been truer than when it comes to communicating about Africa, because to misinform and mislead through the two extremes only is to risk the continual marginalisation of Africa in the global economic order, an order which sees Africa being heavily dependent on global actors over and above itself. Re-centring Africa is a distinct role for Communicators working towards the development of the continent, this means providing a more prominent platform and stronger voice for Africans, opening the academic and political space for African perspectives to not only be listened to but to shape political and economic decisions, which affect them and are often made outside of her borders. Both those inside and outside Africa have this duty, to start with and end with Africa in constructing narratives, so that the African development journey is owned, narrated, implemented and accounted for by Africans as opposed to external players, whether it be an NGO, donor country or a financial CONTEXT IS EVERYTHING AND IT HAS NEVER BEEN TRUER THAN WHEN IT COMES TO COMMUNICATING ABOUT AFRICA, BECAUSE TO MISINFORM AND MISLEAD THROUGH THE TWO EXTREMES ONLY IS TO RISK THE CONTINUAL MARGINALISATION OF AFRICA IN THE GLOBAL ECONOMIC ORDER, AN ORDER WHICH SEES AFRICA BEING HEAVILY DEPENDENT ON GLOBAL ACTORS OVER AND ABOVE ITSELF

75 GHISLAIN SOMBO (RÉPUBLIQUE DE CENTRAFRIQUE) Réalisateur et Directeur de Production - Banguiwood Media Réalisateur audiovisuel confirmé avec plus de 10 ans d expérience et Directeur de Production de la Société Banguiwood Media depuis Titulaire d une maîtrise en Sciences Economiques de l université de Cocody à Abidjan en 2001, il a ensuite intégré l école internationale de création audiovisuelle et de réalisation de Paris pour une formation en réalisation. Aujourd hui en plus de Banguiwood Media, il travaille en tant que technicien (de prise de vue/ Lumière) à KABO Production à Paris sur l une des séries françaises les plus connues diffusée par la grande chaine M6 «Scènes de Ménages» et «En famille». De multiples expériences africaines se sont enchainées sur cinq années : réalisateur principal de la société FS Production à Abidjan, où il a réalisé les débuts de la production AV de Miss Côte d Ivoire, TELECEL NIGHT, Les Grands Concerts d Abidjan avec des régies de communication telles que OCEAN OGILVY, VOODOO Communication, TITAN CO et CY- CLONE. Plusieurs réalisations institutionnelles, telles la Présidence ivoirienne, Ecole Nationale d Administration ivoirienne, etc

76 Les Africains, notre public cible, sont déjà éduqués aux éléments de communication: image, son, infographie, gestuel et langage. Ils en connaissent les codes, le pouvoir d attraction, etc. Ils ont accès à la diversité et aux innovations sans cesse renouvelées. Nous nous devons de les respecter en leur fournissant des produits de qualité. Sinon ils ne consommeront la communication étiquetée «africaine - bas de gamme» que par nostalgie ou identification. Ils ont déjà accès à la diversité et aux innovations sans cesse renouvelées. «Si nous travaillons à identifier les modèles, les sujets, les artifices susceptibles de les intéresser, nous aurons là, notre force de conviction. Celle qui créera la bonne synergie.» Qualité et renouvellement impliquent compétence et moyen. Nous sommes au creux du maillon faible de la communication africaine : sa pauvre capacité de production. Qu il s agisse des informations, de la fiction, de la passion ou des chefs d œuvre, peu importe le support de communication, la production africaine ne fait pas le poids face aux mastodontes des autres continents. Je parle d abord de la quantité. Si en plus nous bradons la qualité en ne respectant pas les normes auxquels notre public à accès par ailleurs. C est pourquoi nous devons convaincre notre production de miser sur la qualité, d augmenter notre degré d exigence en terme de création et d exécution. Si la production offre des éléments de communication de peu de qualité, les espaces de diffusions s en trouveront forcement contaminés. N oublions pas que la capacité de production est déjà faible. Peu d espace de diffusion (télévisions, radios, journaux, panneaux publicitaires, sites internet) ou les espaces événementiels (salle de spectacle, de sport, de cinéma ou d exposition) ont un taux peu élevé de remplissage de leur programme en produits africains. Cela explique l invasion culturelle que le continent subit. Alors, essayons de convaincre à la nécessité de faire progresser nos grilles de programme dans le sens que nous définirions en fonctions de nos besoins. Tout ceci à un coût. Mais seule la communication dite «Corporate» paye en Afrique. Très peu de pays ont un système de financement institutionnel qui fonctionne. Notre public n a peut-être pas encore le pouvoir d achat suffisant pour payer de tels services. Nos mécènes n ont peut-être pas la surface financière nécessaire leur permettant de pérenniser leurs apports. Pourtant c est ce nœud que notre force de persuasion doit défaire. Il faut plus de moyens pour que vive ce système économique. Financement, production, diffusion et consommation. Le continent européen s est retrouvé face à ce problème au lendemain de la guerre 39/44. Il l a résolu en instaurant la taxe audiovisuelle plus d autres mesures incitant à la création. L époque s y prête avec la divulgation de la formation via internet, la baisse des moyens de productions, l enrichissement des Etats Africains Oui nous devons convaincre de la nécessité que l Afrique finance sa communication pour que notre culture vive, pour que notre éducation avance plus vite, pour que notre identité se fortifie. «OUI, NOUS DEVONS CONVAINCRE DE LA NÉCESSITÉ QUE L AFRIQUE FINANCE SA COMMUNICATION POUR QUE NOTRE CULTURE VIVE, POUR QUE NOTRE ÉDUCATION AVANCE PLUS VITE, POUR QUE NOTRE IDENTITÉ SE FORTIFIE.»

77 MARTIN NAMASAKA (KENYA) Communication specialist Martin is a seasoned communication professional passionate about African Development, with considerable years of experience from diverse countries in Africa like Kenya, Zambia, Ethiopia, Malawi, Uganda and Rwanda. He holds a Master s degree from the London School of Economics (LSE) where he was a Programme for African Leadership (PfAL) scholar. During his studies at the LSE, he participated in the 2015 BBC Africa Debate on, Has Africa Outgrown Development Aid? His communications background has been strengthened by an undergraduate degree in Development Communication from the University of Nairobi. In his career path, he had the chance to be part of a team that formulated the regional Ebola Communications and Prevention road map, to prevent the spread of Ebola, for the entire African continent, in Dakar Senegal. This experience contributed to his research paper There is no Ebola Here: Lessons from Uganda and Liberia on the Political Economy of Epidemics published by the Public Sphere Journal-a journal of international policy studies which aims to address some of today s most important policy dilemmas via evidence-based research in economics and political science)

78 Africa s economic pulse has undoubtedly been the new consensus in the 21st century, infusing the continent with a new commercial vibrancy. This has been illustrated in a growing strand of literature demonstrating newfound optimism about Africa s development trajectory. For instance, The Economist s Mea Culpa (correcting its previous assessment of a hopeless continent ) and TIME magazine s, Africa rising. The African Economic Outlook indicates that the continent is performing well in regard to economic, social and governance issues and has encouraging prospects for the near future. Yet, the persisting stereotypical image of Africa depicts divorce from sustainable economic development. To change the Africa reeling narrative, and ensure communications contributes to Africa s development, communicators have to drive the agenda of Africa s top priorities as highlighted by the Brookings Institution report dubbed, Foresight Africa. These priorities include: Mobilising financial resources, increasing employment opportunities, boosting transformational technology, bolstering urbanisation efforts, confronting climate change and upholding good governance. In particular, communicators should advocate for structural economic transformation and the Golden Thread of stable and good governance: lack of corruption, human rights, rule of law, transparency, inclusive political processes, accountability and transformational leadership. Advocating for transformational leadership with the shared vision of fighting the vices that are dragging the continent downwards such as corruption, retrogressive politics and tribalism is our responsibility as communicators who want to transform Africa. Communicators, if not now, when? If not us, TO CHANGE THE AFRICA REELING NARRATIVE, AND ENSURE COMMUNICATIONS CONTRIBUTES TO AFRICA S DEVELOPMENT, COMMUNICATORS HAVE TO DRIVE THE AGENDA OF AFRICA S TOP PRIORITIES AS HIGHLIGHTED BY THE BROOKINGS INSTITUTION REPORT DUBBED, FORESIGHT AFRICA

79 NDEYE DIARRA DIOBAYE (FRANCE) Co-fondatrice - Bleuette Française. Sénégalaise. Malienne. C est ainsi que Ndeye Diarra DIO- BAYE décline son identité. Ayant grandi dans un environnement multiculturel et évolué dans quatre continents, elle croit en l importance d une représentation juste des cultures. Passionnée par l univers des médias, elle s est engagée d abord dans le journalisme avant de se tourner vers le domaine de la communication et du marketing, avec un intérêt fort pour le secteur évènementiel. Diplomée de Sciences Politiques à Paris et de la London School of Economics, Ndeye Diarra conjugue aujourd hui son expérience à celle de Demba Gueye, consultant digital sénégalais et initiateur du avec Bleuette, une start-up qui accompagne les acteurs économiques africains dans leur relation avec leur cœur de cible en leur proposant des solutions de gestion d évènements et de communication digitale

80 Les communicants africains aujourd hui ont un double rôle à jouer : d abord, celui de garants de l image du continent et de ses populations. Il faut s interroger sur ce qui incite les acteurs politiques et économiques africains à se tourner aujourd hui encore vers des entreprises étrangères pour leur confier la tâche importante, et qui plus est fort bien rémunérée, de gestion de leur image et de leur marque. Devenir garant de l image du continent, c est aussi s assurer une meilleure adéquation des discours portant sur l Afrique, ses pays et ses populations avec la réalité locale et dans une perspective locale. Nous nous sommes trop longtemps satisfaits dans la consommation et l adhésion à un contenu exogène reflétant les aspirations optimistes ou opinions péjoratives que d autres pouvaient porter sur les pays et économies africaines. Le second rôle que les communicants africains peuvent endosser, est celui d interlocuteur et d intermédiaire avec les populations. La dynamique de rebranding de l Afrique ne doit pas ignorer l existence des populations pouvant devenir les ambassadeurs des marques et de messages made in Africa. Les communicants, par leur expertise, doivent créer des identités de marque et raconter des histoires que les Africains seront fiers de s approprier sans que d autres aient besoin de le faire avant eux. La communication n est pas une industrie qui est ignorée par les acteurs du développement. Il est temps que les communicants africains se responsabilisent et saisissent ensemble les opportunités que présente cette industrie pour eux comme pour leur LA DYNAMIQUE DE REBRANDING DE L AFRIQUE NE DOIT PAS IGNORER L EXISTENCE DES POPULATIONS POUVANT DEVENIR LES AMBASSADEURS DES MARQUES ET DE MESSAGES MADE IN AFRICA

81 KWINJA MUHAYA (CHINA) Communications consultant Kwinja N. Muhaya is a Political Scientist with expertise in European Union-African, Sino-African, and United States-African relations. As an American and a Belgian with a Congolese heritage, she has developed an open-mindedness about the world and cross-cultural skills. Her strong attraction for Chinese culture has led her to China. Within the framework of Sino-Belgian Cooperation, she is currently learning Mandarin at Shanghai International Studies University in China. Previously, she worked in the European public affairs area in Brussels as advocacy adviser on natural resources in armed conflict zones, with a main focus on Africa and its relations with the world. She holds a Master of International Relations degree in the major of Diplomacy and Conflict Resolutions from Catholic University of Louvain (UCL) in Belgium and she wrote a thesis on the impact of Syrian Spring on the Iranian foreign policy. Since the start of her graduate studies, she has been immersed in international affairs. She worked as an intern for the Belgian French and German National Commission for UNESCO and for Global Multilateral Department of the Public Administration in charge of International Relations of Brussels and Walloon. Besides her passion for international affairs, she is a painter and amateur fine artist

82 Despite the ongoing efforts to maintain a sustainable social-economic development model in the African continent, African countries have been facing patterns of uneven political development and socio-economic disparities. Reports from African Union and the United Nations have reported the violence and atrocity widespread in the continent. At least 25 armed conflicts and wars are perpetuating in Africa, preventing its development. In many African countries, the most fundamental impediments for development are socio-political. The absence of peace and security, and the political instability and weakness of institutions are not a fertile ground for a sustainable socio-economic development for concerned African societies. Today, more than ever, communication through a digital revolution and bottom-up dialogue and discursive methods have made it possible for the integration of the local population. They can act as a key player now in the decision-making process that supports good governance and African local ownership in peace-building process. In this context, communication remains a major stake of economic and social development. It is an inclusive tool enabling to tackle socio-political issues and helps combat the insufficiencies and inadequacy of the current economic development issues in Africa. The role of communication in stimulating the economic growth and democratic development in Africa has been recognized in several international policy statements, programs and initiatives, however it remains an under-prioritized area of the good governance and peace building process - factors essential to sustainable socio-economic development. THE ROLE OF COMMUNICATION IN STIMULATING THE ECONOMIC GROWTH AND DEMOCRATIC DEVELOPMENT IN AFRICA HAS BEEN RECOGNIZED IN SEVERAL INTERNATIONAL POLICY STATEMENTS, PROGRAMS AND INITIATIVES. HOWEVER IT REMAINS AN UNDER-PRIORITIZED AREA OF THE GOOD GOVERNANCE AND PEACE BUILDING PROCESS - FACTORS ESSENTIAL TO SUSTAINABLE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT

83 YOMI BADEJO- OKUSANYA (NIGERIA) Secretary General of the African Public Relations Yomi Badejo-Okusanya is a consummate public relations practitioner and the Managing Director of one of Nigeria s foremost communication consulting groups, CMC Connect (Perception Managers). The Group consists of CMC Connect Burson Marsteller (flagship business), Tangelo Africa (Agric Media Communication), I Octane (Interactive Media), Reignite Public Affairs (Abuja). He has over two decades of work experience in Integrated Marketing Communications coupled with the edge of pioneering perception management business in the Nigerian communication market. He is the current President of the African Public Relations Association (APRA), the umbrella body for the practice of public relations in Africa, which saddles him with the responsibility of working closely with the African Union (AU) in the areas of strategic thinking on how to improve the image and perception of Africa. He became a recipient of the prestigious PR Golden Eagle Award as the Most Outstanding Public Relations Person for the Year 2010 and recipient of the Community Service Award, Ijebu - Imodi Community Development Association amongst others. He is a renowned facilitator, which has had him deliver several papers at both local and international training programs, seminars, workshops and conferences

84 For decades, Africa has been described as the Dark Continent arising from its late industrial development in comparison to the more advanced societies. For us to examine the role of communication in the continent s development, we must first establish the challenges. It s practically impossible for any continent to achieve its goals with little or no economic interaction between its states. Though there are many economic blocks in various regions of Africa, they have failed to maximize their economic potentials. Interestingly, infrastructure challenges have often been cited the major block for economic integration which can be linked directly to corruption and poor governance at many levels of African leadership. This in turn accounts for the lack of basic amenities and welfare in many African states. Little wonder we are yet to attain full heights in the marketing of our continent and its vast opportunities. In dealing with the subject matter, communication sits at the heart. This to some may feel like an over-generalization or over-simplification of the solution. While one is fully aware of the multi-faceted and disciplinary approach required to solve the problem, one key thing stands out: the stakeholders of Africa! Across board there must be a strategic engagement of all stakeholders both internal and external. Let s first address the internal. Africa is on a journey and there must be a common purpose and goal for the internal audience to buy in to. To date there is no collective battle cry that will serve as galvanizer of sorts. Each internal stakeholder must be clear in his or her mind as to how their activities clearly contribute or take away from the overall mission and destination of Africa. Secondly, communicating a common vision, will enable internal stakeholders take pride in the cause, and pursue it vigorously. As for external stakeholders, there is an overriding need to change the narrative. Africa consciously or sub-consciously is been seen as a continent of strife, disease and pestilence. This no doubt has affected its development and ability to attract the much needed foreign direct investment. As long as Africa is being under-sold, it will be hard for it to attain lofty goals. There must be a major strategic initiative at re-telling the story of Africa. Surprisingly nothing has been said about finance. That s deliberate as a good idea and vision rightly presented, can and will raise finance any day. Were it all about finance, then Dubai should not be one of the most sought after destinations in the world. The poorest of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), engaged strategic communication to attract capacity and resources to become the primus inter pare. In conclusion, Africa must wake up from its deep slumber. We need strong communication including media activation, content development/messaging, stakeholder engagement, strong digital presence, measurement & evaluation to re-chart our course. The Africa Union has a major role to play working with organisations such as the African Public Relations Association (APRA) and initiatives like the Africa Communication Week WE NEED STRONG COMMUNICATION INCLUDING MEDIA ACTIVATION, CONTENT DEVELOPMENT/ MESSAGING, STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT, STRONG DIGITAL PRESENCE, MEASUREMENT & EVALUATION TO RE- CHART OUR COURSE

85 VÉNICIA STELLE GUINOT (SOUTH AFRICA) Media Entrepreneur & a Pan-African Young Leader. Born on January 7th, Vénicia Guinot is one of those young inspiring media personalities from Africa who started their companies with next to nothing. Starting from scratch at the age of 23 with a single wish, keeping her late father (Marcel Bavouéza-Guinot) legacy alive was her only desire. And she has, since 2009, worked hard to be recognized as a Multimedia Journalist holding the titles of Publisher, Media Entrepreneur, Executive Producer, Radio Host and Influencer. Guinot began her career in publishing in 2009 as a South Africa based Correspondent for various publications such as AMINA MAGAZINE in France, VENTURES AFRICA in Nigeria, FOLK MAGAZINE in Norway, CUISINE NOIR in the U.S etc., and at the same time, working towards launching her own magazine. Guinot is looking forward to changing the way Africa handles its own image and her ultimate goal is to use each media platform to its advantage. She founded the TRO- PICS MEDIA GROUP, a sought after media group based in Johannesburg, South Africa, that manages a portfolio of international brands, magazines and digital products. As one of the 2015 Tony Elumelu Foundation (TEF2015) alumni, Guinot has grown tremendously both as a Media Entrepreneur and a Mentor, impacting the world, one project at a time

86 The vital importance and positive contribution of media entrepreneurship and an entrepreneurial culture in economic and social development cannot be overstated. Media entrepreneurs create and bring to life new trends, technologies, medium and services and create new markets and jobs along the way. Media entrepreneurs, especially females, are smart risk takers, implementers, rule-breakers. And like any emerging economy aiming to move ahead, on the African continent we need lots of them. Finally, I think that transforming ideas into economic opportunities is the crux of entrepreneurship. For many developing countries, private sector development has been a powerful engine of economic growth and wealth creation, and crucial for improving the quality, number and variety of employment. Economically, entrepreneurship continues to invigorate markets. Socially, media entrepreneurship empowers citizens, generates innovation and changes mind-sets. All these changes have the potential to successfully integrate developing countries. What the pan-african media industry truly lacks is to develop an ecosystem of journalistic enterprises that meets the needs of our audiences, and can be monetized. To accomplish that, media, technology, and business have to collaborate and this is the core of my work up to now. Twitter WHAT THE PAN- AFRICAN MEDIA INDUSTRY TRULY LACKS IS TO DEVELOP AN ECOSYSTEM OF JOURNALISTIC ENTERPRISES THAT MEETS THE NEEDS OF OUR AUDIENCES, AND CAN BE MONETIZED

87 KHADIJAH AJA TAMBAJANG (GAMBIA) Founder and Lead Consultant of MakalliMatta Consulting Khadijah aspires to be a dynamic young leader; a communication/entrepreneurial role model; women/girls activist; and social writer effectively contributing to shaping the world gender agenda for social equity. French born, Gambia and US raised; the abrupt change of environment at the age of 14 due to political threat became the shift in her life that propelled her into the strong self-belief and drastic shift that became the catalyst for the deep love of her country, The Gambia and Africa as a whole. She is focused on highlighting the great potentials The Gambia holds and created her firm, MakalliMatta Consulting, in order to be a key ambassador for her country.. Khadijah has a Public Relations/Africana Studies first degree from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, and a Masters in Global Communications from L ISCOM, Institut Supérieur de Communication et Publicité in Paris. She is also a former member of Gambia Investment Brand counsel, a re-brand Gambia initiative spearheaded by the Gambia Investment and Export Promotion Agency (GEIPA). Khadijah is also the Gambian Ambassador for Women in Africa club. She has worked in the U.S, France and Nigeria and understands the impact of communication in building investor confidence in Africa

88 Africa is forecasted to be a 29 trillion USD economy by 2050, which will be the GDP of the US and Europe combined. How many people know this? It is for us, Africans, to educate our youths of this importance and their integral intellectual and economical participation in this boom. We must position ourselves in order for the rest of the world to realize that we comprehend what this economical sprout will mean -- that we understand and will participate in such a viable forecast of our destiny. Being center stage in this pie sharing is a must for each African. We thus must take charge of our narrative and be the drivers of our promising development agenda. In 2010, I set up my company MakalliMatta Consultancy (MMC), a communication and business consulting firm in the Gambia, with the objective of up scaling the Gambian communication industry and promoting Brand Gambia via business promotion. From a young age, I was fortunate to understand the impact of communication in development and the importance of us Africans communicating our issues and successes objectively. This great understanding came from having a mother who was a development professional at UNDP. Passing conversations and inevitable issues she sometimes brought home helped me recognize the importance of communicating to positively frame our stories; even in the face of brutal practices such as child marriage, gender-based violence etc. Using communication as a tool for development should be every African professional s concern. The power of communication and the great instrument it is for Africa's development cannot be underestimated. We are in the best position to position ourselves strategically in the development sphere. We must not continue to be at the mercy of external commentators, or Africa experts. As communication experts, we have a fundamental responsibility to show the beauty, wealth and investment opportunities in the continent. Our role as communicators in Africa's development must always guide us to show the great strides across the continent. THE POWER OF COMMUNICATION AND THE GREAT INSTRUMENT IT IS FOR AFRICA S DEVELOPMENT CANNOT BE Communication is the key for a developed Africa. It allows for much needed knowledge linkage for enhanced South-South and global convergence. It also allows us as communicators to leverage our work and upscale African economies for sustainable development. MakalliMatta

89 ELOINE BARRY (USA NEW- YORK) Founder and CEO African Media Agency Eloïne Barry is a multiskilled, multilingual communications and business professional with proven track record in building and managing PR businesses. Eloïne founded African Media Agency (AMA) as an answer to the rising need for multinational private sector companies, NGOs and International Organizations to reach a much broader audience in every African country, directly impacting their business strategies and stated goals. Prior to that, Eloïne was Executive Director of the African Press Organization where she was responsible for building the insight and strategic capabilities globally along with managing operational activities and establishing APO as a preferred media partner in Africa. Eloïne has keen understanding of the global PR industry and key trends affecting the communications practice gained from establishing the APO and leading the EMEA media relations team of the largest global commercial wire: PR Newswire

90 What makes Africa home to the fastest growing economies in the world, and the poorest? What makes a country fall into the former or the latter group? What instills trust and confidence in a country s journey to prosperity, both within its own constituents, and with the rest of the world? The answer to these questions is the lens through which Africa s socio-economic development should be viewed. Mother nature aside, governance has been a key determining factor in the success or failure of African economies. While we cannot control natural disasters, there s a lot we can do to improve governance. At the core of it, Governance is about how people, companies, public institutions and the civil society interact with one another and in the process, drive change. Without communication structures and processes that enable a two-way dialogue between these parties, it is impossible to create a conducive environment for people to thrive, companies to grow and governments to advance their national agendas and attract investments. According to the former President of the African Development Bank Group (AfDB), Donald Kaberuka, the dissemination of economic information related to Africa participates in the development of the African continent. Communications professional are at the heart of this change. Their job, whether for an Institutional Organization, an SME, or a Government is crucial to making the continent more open, transparent and resilient. A strong country needs a strong media industry. We have also witnessed a shift in the relationships between the continent and the rest of the world. Following the footsteps of China, the Western countries are moving from an Aid-based relationship with Africa, to a trade-linked one, unlocking investments and business opportunities that cater for the African populations. Successful business models aim to provide tools, goods, and services to people to all levels of the pyramid, and not just the affluent. From financial inclusion to access to water, sanitation, basic healthcare, and economic empowerment, there is a wealth of entrepreneurial opportunities matched with interest from the global community, in Africa. As President Obama mentioned in Ethiopia in 2015, Africa s progress will depend on unleashing economic growth, not just for the few at the top, but for the many, because an essential element of dignity is being able to live a decent life. That begins with a job. And that requires trade and investment. As a leader in press release distribution, African Media Agency (AMA) works on bridging the information gap. We live in a communication age, and the full impact of communication on development is finally being recognized. The communication industry can play a critical role in promoting human development in today's climate of social change. As Africa moves towards greater democracy, one of the amazing examples is Kenya. Conditions are becoming more favourable for people to start steering their own course of change through communication, enabled by WE LIVE IN A COMMUNICATION AGE, AND THE FULL IMPACT OF COMMUNICATION ON DEVELOPMENT IS FINALLY BEING RECOGNIZED

91 YANINA DUBEYKOVSKAYA (RUSSIA) Founder WCFDavos and World Communication Forum Association Yanina boasts an extensive career of over 15 yrs in communications in Russian politics and energy industries with a background in philosophy and psychology. In 2009, Yanina initiated the World Communication Forum in Davos as a global platform for sharing expertise aimed at stronger influence of the professional communicators community on the global development of the world. From 2009 till 2013, Yanina was the co-founder and Content Director of the summit, and since 2013 she is the General Director of the event. In 2017 she launched the Women Influence Community Forum, which aims to grow the global influence of female thought-leaders, philosophers, artists, muses, investors and entrepreneurs., She is the author of the book Stop Frame dedicated to the psychoanalytical approach in HR and co-author of the book WCF The History and Story: An Existential Business Case


93 LISE MICHAUD (CANADA) Founder & CEO of IC Kollectif Lise Michaud is the founder of IC Kollectif. She has more than 25 years of experience in senior communication roles including management across the public and private sectors in Canada. Her experience covers internal, external and change communication, media relations as well as journalism and social media. She is a Strategic Partner with the Center for Strategic Communication Excellence of Cropley Communication and serves as VP Communication on the Board of IABC s Montréal chapter. She was named to the list of the 2017 Global Employee Engagement Influencers. IC Kollectif is a Canada-based nonprofit organization that connects communication professionals with knowledge and the community of expertise that are focused Internal and Organizational Communication globally. The website has an international following of professionals in more than 100 countries on the 5 continents

94 Effective internal communication empowers employees to excel at their jobs, which has a direct incidence on the brand and reputation. To achieve this, internal communication professionals need to focus on purpose and business priorities, serve as strategic partners and advisors to leaders, and be involved in all aspects of strategy and communication with employees. Effective internal communication is a business imperative for companies seeking to succeed and stand out. There is no question that from this perspective, internal communication practitioners in Africa have a crucial role to play in the continent's INTERNAL COMMUNICATION PRACTITIONERS IN AFRICA HAVE A CRUCIAL ROLE TO PLAY IN THE CONTINENT S DEVELOPMENT


96 BINTA SAGNA (BELGIQUE) PR Media and Communication specialist Binta Sagna a suivi des études supérieures en Droit en France, puis un cursus supplémentaire à l Ecole de l Institut de Recherches Documentaires à Mont Saint Aignan. Elle dispose également de diverses certifications techniques relatives au Document Management et au CRM Customer Relationship Management. Binta Sagna a travaillé quelques années dans le domaine socio-éducatif en France avant de se tourner vers le secteur privé en dehors de la France. A l étranger, elle a occupé des fonctions de gestion et d encadrement pour un groupe français et dans des sociétés américaines. Pendant ces années en entreprise, elle a développé ses connaissances en vente, en marketing et communication. «Ces expériences ont été très formatrices pour définir la femme que je suis aujourd hui, de nature communicative. Par mes fréquentations internationales et celles de ma famille, j ai pu côtoyer divers milieux allant de l art, la musique, le milieu bancaire, le milieu informatique, les institutions européennes, le monde des affaires à la politique. Ce brassage de relations et de connaissances m a propulsé sans le savoir et depuis mon plus jeune âge dans les relations publiques. C est donc spontanément que j ai fondé une agence de relations publiques, média et communication.»

97 Le rôle de la communication dans la transformation socio-économique du continent africain ne peut être abordé sans évoquer la problématique du développement en Afrique par les TIC (technologies de l information et de la communication), l'accès à l'information est primordial. Il convient de différencier information et communication : la frontière entre la communication et l'information est très mince mais complémentaire, le défi majeur pour le continent africain sera de communiquer sur des informations fiables. L information est basée sur des faits, faits avérés, vérifiés, vérifiables, tandis que la communication est un message et dans ce message il peut y avoir de l émotion, il peut y avoir des opinions, des faits. Par exemple on se retrouve au restaurant, on échange, on discute, on parle de choses formelles ou informelles, on fait des photos, des tweets On est dans la communication sans cette exigence de tout vérifier. Mais de plus en plus les agences de communication vérifient la nature et la source des informations car cela peut impacter la réputation d'une structure, d'un projet, d'une personnalité ou d'une marque. La communication par les TIC est un facteur décisif pour le développement en Afrique dans la mesure où on l'utilise au service du développement. Si ce n'est pas le cas, l'utilisation intensive des nouveaux outils de l'information ne servira qu'à enrichir les grandes entreprises leaders sur le marché. Dans la conception d'une société 3.0 en Afrique, il faut penser une communauté qui utilise les TIC aux services du développement sur des priorités urgentes liées à la nourriture, eau potable, santé publique, éducation, infrastructures, routes, etc.) Pour permettre la pérennité de ces outils il faut que nous puissions mesurer les incidences de la communication par les TIC sur divers projets, sur un planning de ans. Enfin, l'utilisation la plus optimale des nouveaux outils de l'information doit se faire avec la IL CONVIENT DE DIFFÉRENCIER INFORMATION ET COMMUNICATION : LA FRONTIÈRE ENTRE LA COMMUNICATION ET L INFORMATION EST TRÈS MINCE MAIS COMPLÉMENTAIRE, LE DÉFI MAJEUR POUR LE CONTINENT AFRICAIN SERA DE COMMUNIQUER SUR DES INFORMATIONS FIABLES

98 MUHAMMIDA EL MUHAJIR (GHANA) Brand strategist Muhammida El Muhajir is the producer and the director of the documentary Hip Hop: The New World Order, the first documentary about global Hip Hop. It is imperative that those doing the work in Africa, change the narrative for Africa and provide a more realistic and holistic viewpoint. The power of the media cannot be under-estimated. Communication professionals working in Africa have only just begun to take full advantage of the media and its power at changing public perception. We have the tools, the network, the language, and the power to make an impact on how the world sees and relates to Africa and our

99 CYNTHIA MUKENDY (BELGIUM) Blogger, speaker and founder - Gist Connect Network Cynthia Isilola Mukendy is a digital communication and marketing specialist, blogger, speaker and founder of Gist Connect, a network favoring the exchange of professional and technical skills between the diaspora and African companies. Holding an International Master s Degree in Communication Studies and New Media, she conducted a research on New Media as tool for cultural transmission within the African diaspora in Belgium, which was the starting point of her interest in the role of digital tools in development. After spending 11 years working with local actors on the questions of education, development and New Media in Africa, she is now focusing her work in using human resources and digital tools to help African startups developing their digital communication strategies

100 Digital communication has the power to unlock the development of African markets and skirt infrastructural issues. Africa s population being young and adaptive, the introduction of affordable smartphones and data plans made it possible for users to be connected despite infrastructural issues. Today, the number of internet users in Africa reach over 345 million in At the same time, African companies adapted their marketing approach to fit the realities of digitalization. Today, we can see the emergence of digital based businesses, shifting their thoughts from African solutions to African issues to Digital solutions to Africa infrastructural issues. For these businesses, digital is a key element to develop their activities and offers. I can mention the case of the banking sector, adapting its service to digital realities, or companies like Jumia and Uber totally focusing their communication and marketing campaigns to digital, allowing the expansion and visibility of their services across the continent at a lower cost. The introduction of Social Media also influenced the way companies use communication to reach their audience. Indeed, more businesses in Africa use Facebook as it offers real time and reliable data about their audience. Cheaper and accurate, Social Media platforms have become a marketing tool allowing companies to connect with their audience and get to know their thoughts about the brand. DIGITAL COMMUNICATION HAS THE POWER TO UNLOCK THE DEVELOPMENT OF AFRICAN MARKETS If it has been proved that digital communication is an interesting tool for business development today, its role remains underestimated by most of local companies. As communication specialist, our job is to stand for digital communication, inform companies about its benefits and the opportunities it offers. Digital communication and marketing tools have the power to unlock African markets as they allow skirting Africa s infrastructural issues and offer more visibility and better solutions to local AND SKIRT INFRASTRUCTURAL ISSUES

101 NOUR BOUAKLINE (TUNISIE) Marketing digital experte Nour Bouakline accompagne des entreprises africaines et multinationales dans leur transformation digitale. Elle assure la formation des professionnels et dirigeants aussi bien en Tunisie, son pays, que dans d autres pays Africains : en Algérie, au Maroc, au Sénégal, en Côte d Ivoire, au Niger, au Cameroun, en Guinée Conakry, au Bénin, Togo, Mali... Elle œuvre pour un digital «social» dans une Afrique où les disparités sont grandes. Pour elle, l innovation et les nouvelles technologies doivent contribuer au bien-être des populations et répondre en Afrique aux questions de la santé et de la scolarité. Enseignante universitaire en marketing digital, elle est productrice d une émission radio quotidienne «La minute digitale» qui passe sur la Radio publique tunisienne RTCI. Conférencière internationale, elle est aujourd hui membre du bureau exécutif de la Chambre Economique Africaine et du Conseil International des Femmes Entrepreneures



104 ENIOLA HARRISON (NIGERIA) Communications strategist, Founder Bamboo Communications and Co-Founder of Africa Communications Week Eniola Harrison is an Africa focused communications and business development consultant with over ten years of experience in the communications profession. Passionate about advancing balanced narratives about Africa, she is the founder of Bamboo Communications, a strategic communications firm and co-founder of Africa Communications Week, a global campaign that engages and connects communications professionals with an Africa interest/expertise to reflect on the role and impact of the profession on Africa s socio-economic development

105 WHY WE NEED TO CRITICALLY ASSESS THE ROLE OF COMMUNICATORS IN AFRICA S DEVELOPMENT A CALL TO ACTION FOR COMMUNICATORS WITH AN EXPERTISE/INTEREST IN AFRICA The narrative surrounding Africa has largely been shaped by people outside her borders. There are so many ways to think about the African narrative however what is always striking is the fact that a continent with 54 countries, thousands of ethnic groups with different languages, different cultures and histories, differing politics is always labelled and represented in a single story. A landmass ten times the size of Europe, with much more diversity is often viewed as one homogenous culture. This is just one of many problematic narratives about Africa. The point is, as Africa focused communicators, we need to be strategic and intentional about the types of stories we tell. How are we deliberately shaping a narrative that is so vital to the transformation of the continent? Until we clearly understand the impact of these narratives on the socio-economic development of the continent, our relevance and influence as a profession will continue to lack strategic value. Africa Communications Week is an annual global campaign whose mission is to empower and equip Africa-focused communications professionals and African policymakers with the tools and resources to change the current narrative about Africa. Africa Communications Week convenes communications leaders from various backgrounds across the world in a week-long series of events simultaneously taking place in several countries across Africa and the world. The objective of these events is to encourage and engage communication professionals across the board to critically assess the role of the communication industry in Africa s development. WHAT S OUR IMPACT? As African countries reach key crossroads in their path to growth, development and competitiveness, it is time to find sharper answers to these questions. We all find it hard to imagine a national development and competitiveness process without communication playing a fundamental part. The communications sector generally does a good job of measuring outputs, but seems to struggle when it comes to measuring outcomes and as the following example shows, they are pretty tangible: When the Ebola outbreak in West Africa was first reported in March 2014, it actually struck three countries (Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone), i.e. less than 1% of Africa s economy. According to the World Bank, the subsequent panic and marginalization led to a drop in GDP of almost $400 million in those countries, nearly 5% of their combined GDP. But the reputational and economic impact went way beyond the three nations involved. Furthermore, poor communication and misrepresentation also led to misguided and ineffective policy responses to the health crisis. Whether you are in an African country or elsewhere, working at a PR agency in Africa or at the communications department of an international institution or a multinational with operations on the African continent, your activities are impacting the so-called Africa narrative. Along with other fields such as economics, agriculture and technology, communications now has the opportunity to position itself and demonstrate its relevance as a real management discipline that contributes significantly to Africa s socio-economic rise. And this is a collective effort that our industry should AFRICA COMMUNICATIONS WEEK IS AN ANNUAL GLOBAL CAMPAIGN WHOSE MISSION IS TO EMPOWER AND EQUIP AFRICA-FOCUSED COMMUNICATIONS PROFESSIONALS AND AFRICAN POLICYMAKERS WITH THE TOOLS AND RESOURCES TO CHANGE THE CURRENT NARRATIVE ABOUT AFRICA

106 ANNIE MUTAMBA (RDC/BELGIQUE) Co-fondatrice de Meridia Partners et Africa Communications Week Spécialiste en affaires publiques et communication stratégique, Annie a débuté sa carrière à Washington, DC au sein du Africa Policy Information Center - la plus ancienne organisation américaine dédiée aux questions africaines. Elle se spécialise ensuite en affaires publiques européennes et rejoint pendant 10 ans un grand lobby industriel européen. Animée par les défis de la représentation d intérêts à l international - une matière qu elle enseigne en post-master à Bruxelles depuis elle fonde en 2013 le premier cabinet d affaires publiques spécialisé dans les relations UE-Afrique. et co-fonde AfricaCommsWeek en

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