IBM et les MSP : pourquoi?

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Agenda Le marché du cloud Marché Tendances Les attentes clients Les MSP, le socle technologique du cloud Les programmes MSP Marketing Famille Pure PAYG 2013 International Business Machines Corporation 2

Faits de consommation d Internet 38,000 Google searches per second 100 milliards Total Facebook connections 72 Hours of video posted to YouTube every minute 175 million Tweets per day 88% of B2B decisions that involve a search engine 3 milliards YouTube video views per day 40% of smart phone users who have comparison shopped in-store 20% of Facebook users over age 55 18% of Facebook users under age 24 Marché du cloud computing Défis, enjeux et nouveaux marchés 2013 International Business Machines Corporation 3

Cloud computing Un sujet encore inconnu Évolution des recherches cloud Ce que pensent les internautes Des recherches exploratoires visant à comprendre le phénomène Des recherches plus pointues visant à comprendre le champ d application 2013 International Business Machines Corporation 4

Cloud computing Chiffres et marché Utilisation du cloud selon la taille Utilisations du cloud Principales utilisation du cloud : RH Applications métier Bureautique CRM Gains recherchés Flexibilité Baisse des coûts 2013 International Business Machines Corporation 5

Cloud computing Chiffres et marché Évolution du cloud Évolution du SaaS 2013 International Business Machines Corporation 6

Cloud computing Tendance : le marché «attend» des offres d externalisation Dynamique réseau Canaux de commercialisation 60% 40% 29% 31% 20% 0% MSP VAR All Other Source: Forrester Channel partner survey 2011 Source: AMI Channel partner survey Dec. 2011 2013 International Business Machines Corporation 7

Cloud computing Vision utilisateur final External forces that will impact the organization 2008 2010 2012 Market factors Technology factors Les préoccupations des DG restent : le marché la technologie les compétences de leurs équipes People skills Macro-economic factors Regulatory concerns Globalization Source: Q1 What are the most important external forces that will impact your organization over the next 3 to 5 years? (Midmarket n=226) 8 2013 International Business Machines Corporation 8

Cloud computing Vision utilisateur final Business Réduire les coûts / améliorer la compétitivité Améliorer le service client Améliorer la productivité IT Sécurité ERP/CRM Business analytics/ Data analytics Information management Solutions Intégrées Critères d achat Facilité / rapidité de déploiement Partenaire de confiance et de proximité Nouveau mode de consommation (cloud) Source: IBM Midmarket IT Trends 2012 Se concentrer sur les besoins de leurs marchés avec des ressources compétences contraintes 9 2013 International Business Machines Corporation 9

IBM CEO Study: Midmarket CEOs want to understand individual customers better and respond faster Change required to meet customer expectations (3 to 5 years) Improve understanding of individual customer needs Improve response time to market needs Harmonize customer experiences across channels Increase transparency and corporate accountability Include customers / citizens across product / service life cycle Increase social and environmental responsibility 33% 41% 48% 48% Big Data isn t just for Big Firms: All firms need to understand individual customers better and respond faster 71% 71% Midmarket CEOs: Let big data reveal the customer you never knew Look outside to complete the view Connect pieces into profiles Empower staff with predictive analysis Listen lavishly, respond with focus Listen at an individual level Capture what employees see and hear Respond with relevance and speed Be where your customers expect you to be Leverage the fact that mobile changes everything Blend the physical and digital worlds Offer value that stands out 2013 International Business Machines Corporation 10

IBM CEO Study: To connect individually, Midmarket CEOs plan a step-change from traditional to social media, while continuing face-to-face engagement 83% Mechanisms to engage customers Today In 3 to 5 years 69% 59% 50% 53% 42% 45% Social Media is the fastest growing customer engagement mechanism for midsize firms Face-to-face* 15% Social media Websites Channel partners 35% 28% Call centers 25% 23% Advisory groups 32% 14% Traditional media 11 Source: Q8 What are the three most important mechanisms your organization will use with customers over the next 3 to 5 years? (Midmarket n=226) *Face-to-face / sales force / institutional representatives 2013 International Business Machines Corporation 11

Clients are looking for external service providers to deliver their IT solutions, accelerated by cloud computing Growing acceptance of standardized IT solutions in place of in-house developed Shift of IT responsibilities from within to outside of the enterprise Increased spending on external service providers while internal budgets remain flat or declining creating an opportunity to complement your solutions with services delivered by IBM 2013 International Business Machines Corporation 12

Les MSP Une activité échelonnée / évolutive People Applica ons Applications Applications Applications Applications Data Data Data Data Data Run me Runtime Runtime Runtime Runtime Middleware Middleware Middleware Middleware Middleware O/S O/S O/S O/S O/S Virtualiza on Virtualiza on Virtualiza on Virtualiza on Virtualiza on Servers Servers Servers Servers Servers Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Networking Networking Networking Networking Networking Managed IT IaaS PaaS SaaS Similar IBM Value Proposition, Coverage BPaaS CLIENT MSP Patch management and Provisioning Managed storage & BC/DR Hosted applications Security services Mobile app development Dev/test environment Analytics/data-base services Broad range of SaaS Partner with ISV Finance/Account Travel/ Expense Marketing Human Resources Document Mgt. Evolving solution portfolio 2013 International Business Machines Corporation 13

Les MSP Le client partenaire IBM accompagne et complète les offres des MSPs Technical Support SaaS Branding Offerings MSP PaaS Demand Gen Optimize Financials Portfolio Partnership IaaS Business Models Business Development 2013 International Business Machines Corporation 14

Les MSP Ouverture à de nouveaux interlocuteurs? Ouverture à la négociation de nouveaux clients Passer de la DSI aux différentes directions Négocier directement avec les métiers : mkg, RH 2013 International Business Machines Corporation 15

Les MSP Partenaire idéal des éditeurs 2013 International Business Machines Corporation 16

Les MSP Création d un environnement Schéma MSP + IBM + Environnement? ISV ISV IBM Software Conseils Financement Infrastructures Software Marketing Conseils Financement ISV MSP s SSII SSII SSII Services à valeur ajoutée PME Gds comp tes ETI 2013 International Business Machines Corporation 17

IBM pour les MSP 2013 International Business Machines Corporation 18

IBM pour les MSP Les solutions dédiés aux MSP Software Group : modèle marque blanche & ASL Global Technology Services : modèle marque blanche System & Technology Group : ioem et ISI/ISR program 12 mois de financement 0%pour les nouveaux MSPs (après validation IGF) «Pay as you Grow» programme STG 19 2013 International Business Machines Corporation 19

IBM pour les MSP Le programme marketing Points forts Dédié à la croissance du business MSP Plan Marketing complet : stratégie et campagnes opérationnelles Accès via partnerworld Support local (France) 2013 International Business Machines Corporation 20

Communication : logo MSP IBM Logo dédié aux MSPs 21 2013 International Business Machines Corporation 21

Compute IBM pour les MSP Accompagnement dans la création de solutions à valeur ajoutée Industry Applications Mobile ERP, HR Help Desk Patch Management Remote Monitoring Hosted Email Backup Storage Clouds Big Data Archive Information 2013 International Business Machines Corporation 22

IaaS PaaS/Saas/BPaaS/Big Data/Analytics New Analytics Model Financial Terms for MSPs Pay-As-You-Grow (PAYG) Infrastructure Delivering Cloud Infrastructure Services Mini POWER Application Platform Delivering Cloud Application Platform Services Data Platform Delivering Big Data Platform Services 2013 International Business Machines Corporation 23

Pourquoi Capgemini a intégré le PureFlex? Speed System up and running in a few days, not our usual weeks Accelerated deployment of new customers Quickly adapt to client workload changes without over buying Simple No hardware assembly & rack cabling Easy to manage using Flex System Manager Easy to maintain, especially firmware patching Optimized infrastructure Higher density less space & energy Reduce planned and unplanned outages Single management interface efficient & flexible Operational control Automation of system management tasks Flexibility to add capacity in compute, storage & networking Cloud made easy! 2013 International Business Machines Corporation 24

Our experience with over 9,000 Cloud engagements tells us that client are adopting Cloud computing in four basic ways IaaS: Cut IT expense, reduce risk and complexity through a cloud enabled data center PaaS: Accelerate time to market with cloud platform services SaaS: Gain immediate access with business solutions on cloud Innovate business models by becoming a cloud service provider Cloud Enabled Datacenter Cloud Platform Services Business Solutions on Cloud Cloud Service Provider Database licensing cost by 68% New software rollout from weeks to 14 minutes driving more consistent quality Boost online rev 2,500 % and conversion to sale by 1,700 %. 6x increase in Rev while holding operational costs flat. Tax revenue increase by USD$1.4m in 3 months Time to provision 200 VMs reduced 90% 2013 International Business Machines Corporation 25

Business problems for a Service Provider Less cost New services, faster Fast scaling, better performance Improved Faster deployment to new customers service levels Manage with less effort & lower skill requirements 2013 International Business Machines Corporation 26

En résumé.. MSP : un nouveau canal majeur pour IBM vers le marché : PureSystems, SmartCloud Management Suite, Analytics Ressources dédiées, programmes spécifiques Business Development Representatives et Architectes techniques Marketing et Business Development Rayonnement de votre marque, Demand Generation et co-marketing funding Profitez du logo IBM sur votre marché Avec le logo IBM Managed Service Provider, qui est un label de qualité certifié par IBM Faites correspondre votre business à vos investissements IBM Global Financing, Pay as you Grow 27 2013 International Business Machines Corporation 27

ISVs et MSPs sont très importants aux yeux d IBM Pour y arriver, nous devons Set the pace Have a more targeted approach Develop expertise and new models How do we work together on a common goal? 2013 International Business Machines Corporation 28

Dominique Guibert Nord Normandie Est Patrick Bouillaud Florence Marcel Joëlle Goupil Idf Patrick Bouillaud Sud-ouest Cécile Arnaud Sud-est 2013 International Business Machines Corporation 29

Nous contacter Province Nord Normandie Est Dominique Guibert Sud-Est Cécile Arnaud Sud-Ouest Patrick Bouillaud Ile de France Florence Marcel Joëlle Goupil Patrick Bouillaud 2013 International Business Machines Corporation 30

Stéphane VANCOLEN MSP ISV Sales Manager GB Midmarket Mobile +33 6 08 75 44 99 2013 International Business Machines Corporation 31