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NUTRITIONAL INFORMATION Ingredient Lists,, and Allergen Statements ORGANIC STINGER WAFFLES Organic Trans Fats Fiber 1. Honey Honey sandwiched between two thin waffles. 2. Vanilla Vanilla-infused natural honey sandwiched between two thin waffles. 3. Strawberry Strawberry-infused sandwiched between two thin waffles. 4. Chocolate Chocolate-infused natural honey sandwiched between two thin waffles. 5. Lemon Lemon-infused natural honey sandwiched between two thin waffles. ORGANIC ENERGY CHEWS Organic Vitamin C Protein Fiber Potassium Gluten Free 1. Fruit Smoothie - Contains cherry, orange and mixed berry flavored chews. 2. Pomegranate Passion - Contains pomegranate passion fruit flavored chews. 3. Cherry Blossom - Contains natural cherry flavored chews. 4. Orange Blossom - Contains natural orange flavored chews. 5. Pink Lemonade - Contains natural pink lemonade flavored chews. 6. Lime Ade 95% Organic. Contains natural limeade flavored chews with 32mg of caffeine from white tea. 7. Cherry Cola - 95% Organic. Caffeinated with 32mg of white tea extract and sweetened with organic honey. CLASSIC ENERGY GELS 85% Honey B Vitamins Electrolytes Gluten Free 1. Gold - The great taste of natural honey. 2. Ginsting - Siberian ginseng extract, 32mg of caffeine from kola nut. 10g PROTEIN BARS Organic Honey 22 Vitamins and Minerals Whey Protein Gluten Free Ingredients 1. Peanut Butta - Combination of peanut butter and milk chocolate. 2. Coconut Almond - Coconut, almonds and dark chocolate. 3. Cherry Almond - Cherries, almonds and dark chocolate. 4. Dark Chocolate Mint - Mint, almonds and dark chocolate. 5. Mocha Cherry - Cherries, 30mg of caffeine from coffee and dark chocolate ENERGY BARS 3 Honey 5g Soy Protein 23 Vitamins and Minerals Whole Grains 1. Peanut Butter n Honey - Peanuts and honey with a chocolate coated bottom. 2. Rocket Chocolate - Chocolate with a chocolate coated bottom. 3. Blueberry Buzz - Blueberry with a yogurt coated bottom. 4. Berry Banana Buzz - Banana, apple, cranberries and strawberry with a yogurt coated bottom. WILDFLOWER HONEY True Source Certified Organic Wildflower Honey from Brazil KIDS ORGANIC WAFFLES Organic Trans Fats Fiber 80 Calories Per Serving Individually Wrapped Snacks 1. Honey Honey sandwiched between two thin waffles. 2. Chocolate Chocolate-infused natural honey sandwiched between two thin waffles. ORGANIC ENERGY GELS Organic Honey Organic Tapioca Syrup Electrolytes Gluten Free 1. Fruit Smoothie Blend of natural fruit flavors. 2. Acai Pomegranate Blend of natural acai and pomegranate flavors. 3. Vanilla Natural vanilla and honey flavor.

CLASSIC ENERGY GELS Gold Ingredients: Honey, Water, Potassium Citrate, Salt, Vitamins & Minerals, Niacinamide (Vit B3), Calcium Pantothenate (Vit B5), Pyridoxine, Hydrochloride (Vit B6), Riboflavin (Vit B2), Thiamine Mononitrate (Vit B1), Cyanocobalamin (Vit B12). ALLERGENS: Packaged on equipment shared with milk products. CAUTION: Do not feed to infants under one year old. G-0362 Serving Size 1 packet (1.3oz) Per Serving %DV* Fat 0 g Carbohydrate 29 g 1 Ingredients: Honey, pure water, potassium citrate, salt, niacinamide (Vit B3), calcium pantothenate (Vit B5), Thiamin 2 2000 Ingredients: Honey, pure water, potassium citrate, salt, niacinamide (Vit B3), calcium pantothenate (Vit B5), Thiamin 2 2000 Carbohydrate 29 g 1 Fat 0 g Per Serving %DV* Serving Size 1 packet (1.3oz) Serving Size 1 packet (1.3oz) Per Serving %DV* Fat 0 g Carbohydrate 29 g 1 Thiamin 2 2000 Ingredients: Honey, ginseng extract, pure water, kola nut extract, potassium citrate, salt, natural flavors, niacinamide (Vit B3), calcium pantothenate (Vit B5), pyridoxine hydrochloride (Vit B6), riboflavin (Vit B2), thiamine mononitrate (Vit B1), cyanocobalamin (Vit B12). Packaged on equipment shared with milk, egg, soy and shellfish products. Ginsting Ingredients: Honey, Ginseng Extract, Water, Kola Nut Extract, Potassium Citrate, Salt, Natural Flavors, Vitamins & Minerals, Niacinamide (Vit B3), Calcium Pantothenate (Vit B5), Pyridoxine Hydrochloride (Vit B6), Riboflavin (Vit B2), Thiamine Mononitrate (Vit B1), Cyanocobalamin (Vit B12). ALLERGENS: Packaged on equipment shared with milk products. CAUTION: Do not feed to infants under one year old. Ingredients: Honey, pure water, potassium citrate, salt, niacinamide (Vit B3), calcium pantothenate (Vit B5), Sodium 50 mg Potassium 85 mg Carbohydrate 29 g Thiamin Niacin Vitamin B6 Vitamin B12 Pantothenate * Percent Daily Value (DV) ar 2000 Per Serving Fat 0 g Serving Size 1 packet (1. ORGANIC Serving Size 1 packet (1.3oz) ENERGY GELS Per Serving %DV* Fat 0 g Carbohydrate 29 g 1 Thiamin 2 2000 Ingredients: Honey, ginseng extract, pure water, kola nut extract, potassium citrate, salt, natural flavors, niacinamide (Vit B3), calcium pantothenate (Vit B5), pyridoxine hydrochloride (Vit B6), riboflavin (Vit B2), thiamine mononitrate (Vit B1), cyanocobalamin (Vit B12). Packaged on equipment shared with milk, egg, soy and shellfish products. Fruit Smoothie, Acai-Pomegranate, Vanilla Ingredients: Organic tapioca syrup, organic honey, water, potassium citrate, natural flavor, citric acid, sodium chloride. Packaged on equipment shared with milk, egg, soy and shellfish products. Contains 95% Organic Ingredients. ALLERGENS: Packaged on equipment shared with milk products. Ingrédients : Sirop de tapioca biologique, miel biologique, eau, citrate de potassium, saveur naturelle, acide citrique, chlorure de sodium. Déclaration sur les allergènes: Peut contenir du lait, des œufs, du soya et des crustacés. Contient 95% d ingrédients Certified Organic by Utah Dept. of Agriculture & Food Per 1 packet (1.1oz) / Par sachet (32 g) / %DV / %VQ* Calories / Calories 100 Fat / Lipides 0 g Saturated / saturés 0 g Trans / trans 0 g Sodium / Potassium / Potassium 50 mg 1% Total Carb. / Glucides 24 g 8% Fiber / Fibres 0 g Sugars / Sucres 13 g Vitamin A / Vitamine A Vitamin C / Vitamine C Calcium / Calcium Iron / Fer 2000 WILDFLOWER HONEY Ingredients: Organic Honey

STINGER WAFFLE Honey Waffle Vanilla Waffle Strawberry Waffle Chocolate Waffle Lemon Waffle 2000 2000 2000 Fat / Lipides 9 g 13 % Saturated / saturés 4 g 21 % Sodium / Sodium 80 mg 3 % Carbohydrate / Glucides 19 g 6 % Fibre / Fibres (less than 1 g) 3 % Sugars / Sucres 9 g Protein / Protéines 1 g 2000 2000 organic cane sugar, organic honey, organic whole wheat flour, organic soy flour, sea salt, organic soy lecithin, organic spices, baking soda. flour, organic soy flour, organic honey, sea salt, natural flavor, organic soy lecithin, organic spices, baking soda. flour, organic soy flour, organic honey, sea salt, natural flavor, organic soy lecithin, organic spices, baking soda. flour, organic cocoa, organic soy flour, organic honey, natural flavor, sea salt, organic soy lecithin, baking soda. flour, organic soy flour, organic honey, sea salt, natural flavor, organic soy lecithin, organic spices, baking soda. huile de fruit palmier biologique, sirop de riz biologique, sucre de canne biologique, miel biologique, farine de blé entier biologique, farine de soya biologique, sel de mer, lécithine de soya huile de fruit palmier biologique, sirop de riz biologique, sucre de canne biologique, farine de blé entier biologique, farine de soya biologique, miel biologique, sel de mer, saveur naturelle, lécithine de soya huile de fruit palmier biologique, sirop de riz biologique, sucre de canne biologique, farine de blé entier biologique, farine de soya biologique, miel biologique, sel de mer, saveur naturelle, lécithine de soya huile de fruit palmier biologique, sirop de riz biologique, sucre de canne biologique, farine de blé entier biologique, cacao biologique, farine de soya biologique, sel de mer, lécithine de soya biologique, épices biologiques, bicarbonate huile de fruit palmier biologique, sirop de riz biologique, sucre de canne biologique, farine de blé entier biologique, farine de soya biologique, miel biologique, sel de mer, saveur naturelle, lécithine de soya Certified Organic by Ecocert Canada ALLERGENS: Contains Wheat and soy. May contain: Egg and milk. ALLERGÉNES: Contient de blé et du soya. Peut contenir d œuf et du lait.

ORGANIC ENERGY CHEWS Cherry Blossom Evaporated Cane Juice, Organic Grape Juice Concentrate, Organic Honey, Pectin, Citric Acid, Ascorbic Acid, Color (Black Carrot Juice Concentrate (red)), Natural Flavors, Potassium Citrate, Organic Sunflower Oil, Carnauba Wax. Contains 95 % Organic ingredients. biologique évaporé, concentré de jus de raisin biologique, miel biologique, pectine, acide citrique, acide ascorbique, colorant (concentré de jus de carotte noire (rouge)), saveurs naturelles, citrate de potassium, huile de tournesol biologique, cire de carnauba. Contient 95 % d ingredients Pomegranate Passion Evaporated Cane Juice, Organic Grape Juice Concentrate, Organic Honey, Pectin, Citric Acid, Color (Black Carrot Juice Concentrate (red)), Natural Flavor, Ascorbic Acid, Potassium Citrate, Organic Sunflower Oil, Carnauba Wax. Contains 95 % Organic ingredients. biologique évaporé, concentré de jus de raisin biologique, miel biologique, pectine, acide citrique, colorant (concentré de jus de carotte noire (rouge)), saveur naturelle, acide ascorbique, citrate de potassium, huile de tournesol biologique, cire de carnauba. Contient 95 % d ingredients Orange Blossom Grape Juice Concentrate, Pectin, Citric Acid, Ascorbic Acid, Potassium Citrate, Color (Annatto), Natural Flavor, Organic Sunflower Oil, Carnauba Wax. Contains 95% Organic Ingredients. biologique évaporé, miel biologique, concentré citrique, acide ascorbique, citrate de potassium, colorant (annato), saveur naturelle, huile de tournesol biologique, cire de carnauba. Contient 95 % d ingredients Pink Lemonade Grape Juice Concentrate, Pectin, Citric Acid, Ascorbic Acid, Natural Flavor, Potassium Citrate, Color (Organic Black Carrot Juice Concentrate), Organic Sunflower Oil, Carnauba Wax. Contains 95 % Organic ingredients. biologique évaporé, miel biologique, concentré citrique, acide ascorbique, saveur naturelle, citrate de potassium, colorant (concentré de jus de carotte noire), huile de tournesol biologique, cire de carnauba. Contient 95 % d ingredients Fruit Smoothie Grape Juice Concentrate, Pectin, Citric Acid, Color (Black Carrot Juice Concentrate (red), Annatto (orange)), Ascorbic Acid, Natural Flavor, Potassium Citrate, Organic Sunflower Oil, Carnauba Wax. Contains 95% Organic Ingredients. biologique évaporé, miel biologique, concentré citrique, colorant (concentré de jus de carotte noire (rouge), annato (orange)), acide ascorbique, saveur naturelle, citrate de potassium, huile de tournesol biologique, cire de carnauba. Contient 95 % d ingredients Lime Ade Grape Juice Concentrate, Pectin, Citric Acid, Color (Organic Turmeric), Natural Flavor, Ascorbic Acid, Potassium Citrate, White Tea Extract, Organic Sunflower Oil, Carnauba Wax. Contains 95 % Organic ingredients. évaporé biologique, miel biologique, concentré citrique, colorant(curcuma biologique), arôme naturel, acude ascorbique, citrate de potassium, extrait de thé blanc, huile de tournesol biologique, cire de carnauba. Contient 95 % d ingredients Cherry Cola Sugar, Organic Honey, (Organic Grape Juice Concentrate, Ascorbic Acid), Pectin, Citric Acid, Colors (Organic Black Carrot Juice Concentrate, Organic Turmeric), Natural Flavor, Potassium Citrate, White Tea Extract, Organic Sunflower Oil, Carnauba Wax. Contains 95% Organic ingredients. Ingrédients : Sirop de tapioca biologique, sucre biologique, miel biologique, (concentré de jus de raison biologique, acide ascorbique), pectine, acide citrique, colorants (concentré de jus de carotte noire biologique, curcuma biologique), arôme naturel, citrate de potassium, extrait de thé blanc, huile de tournesol biologique, cire de carnauba. Contient 95 % d ingredients

ENERGY BARS Calories 170 Fat Calories 30 /Serving %DV* /Serving %DV* /Serving %DV Total Fat 5g 8% Sodium 160mg 7% Sugars 20g Sat Fat 2g 8% Potassium 130mg 4% Other Carbs 7g Trans Fat 0g Total Carb 30g 9% Protein 5g 1 Monosat Fat.5g Fiber 2g 8% Cholesterol 0mg Insol Fiber 1g Vitamin A 2 Vitamin D 15% Vitamin E 15% Vitamin C 25% Thiamine 35% Riboflavin 3 Niacin 45% Vitamin B6 25% Folacin 25% Vitamin B12 5% Pantothenate 2 Biotin 15% Calcium 3 Phosphorus 3 Magnesium 15% Iron 15% Zinc 25% Iodide 4 Copper 25% Manganese 7 Selenium 2 Chromium 1 Molybdenum 3 Blueberry Buzz Ingredients: Honey Stinger (Honey, Sea Salt, Water), Almonds, Crisped Rice (Sugar, Salt, Malt), Blueberries (Blueberries, Apple juice, Sunflower oil), Yogurt Coating [Sugar, Palm Kernel Oil, Yogurt Powder (Cultured Whey Protein Concentrate, Cultured Skim Milk, Yogurt Culture), Non-Fat Dry Milk Solids, Soya Lecithin (an emulsifier)], Soy Protein Isolate, Vitamins & Minerals [Dicalcium Phosphate, Magnesium Oxide, Ascorbic Acid (Vit C), Alpha-tocopherol Acetate (Vit E), Biotin, Zinc Oxide, Niacin, Ferrous Fumarate (Iron), Molybdenum Glycinate, Calcium Pantothenate, Copper, Manganese, Beta Carotene (Vit A), Selenium, Pyridoxine (B6), Riboflavin (B2), Thiamine (B1), Chromium, Cyanocobolamin (B12), Folic Acid, Potassium Iodine], Rolled Oats, Natural Flavor. ALLERGENS: Contains Soy, Milk and Tree Nuts. May Contain Peanut, Wheat and Egg Calories 180 Fat Calories 30 /Serving %DV* /Serving %DV* /Serving %DV Total Fat 4g 5% Sodium 160mg 7% Sugars 22g Sat Fat 2g 8% Potassium 150mg 4% Other Carbs 7g Trans Fat 0g Total Carb 28g 9% Protein 5g 1 Monosat Fat 1g Fiber 2g 8% Cholesterol 0mg Insol Fiber 1g Vitamin A 2 Vitamin D 15% Vitamin E 15% Vitamin C 25% Thiamine 35% Riboflavin 3 Niacin 45% Vitamin B6 25% Folacin 25% Vitamin B12 5% Pantothenate 2 Biotin 15% Calcium 3 Phosphorus 3 Magnesium 15% Iron 15% Zinc 25% Iodide 4 Copper 25% Manganese 7 Selenium 2 Chromium 1 Molybdenum 3 Berry Banana Buzz Ingredients: Honey Stinger (Honey, Sea Salt, Water); Honey Stinger Fruit Smoothie Blend (Apple, Banana, Cranberry, Strawberry Bits, Honey); Almonds; Crisped Rice (Sugar, Salt, Malt); Coating [Sugar, Palm Kernel Oil, Yogurt Powder (Cultured Whey Protein Concentrate, Cultured Skim Milk, Yogurt Culture), Non-Fat Dry Milk Solids, Soya Lecithin (an emulsifier), Natural Flavor]; Soy Protein Isolate; Vitamins & Minerals [Dicalcium Phosphate, Magnesium Oxide, Ascorbic Acid (Vit C), Alpha-tocopherol Acetate (Vit E), Biotin, Zinc Oxide, Niacin, Ferrous Fumarate (Iron), Molybdenum Glycinate, Calcium Pantothenate, Copper, Manganese, Beta Carotene (Vit A), Selenium, Pyridoxine (B6), Riboflavin (B2), Thiamine (B1), Chromium, Cyanocobolamin (B12), Folic Acid, Potassium Iodine]. ALLERGENS: Contains Soy, Milk and Tree Nuts. May Contain Peanut, Wheat and Egg Fat Calories 50 /Serving %DV* /Serving %DV* /Serving %DV Total Fat 5g 8% Sodium 170mg 7% Sugars 18g Sat Fat 2g 1 Potassium 160mg 5% Other Carbs 7g Trans Fat 0g Total Carb 28g 9% Protein 5g 1 Monosat Fat 2g Fiber 2g 8% Cholesterol 0mg Insol Fiber 1g Vitamin A 2 Vitamin D 15% Vitamin E 15% Vitamin C 25% Thiamine 35% Riboflavin 3 Niacin 45% Vitamin B6 25% Folacin 25% Vitamin B12 5% Pantothenate 2 Biotin 15% Calcium 3 Phosphorus 3 Magnesium 15% Iron 15% Zinc 25% Iodide 4 Copper 25% Manganese 7 Selenium 2 Chromium 1 Molybdenum 3 Rocket Chocolate Ingredients: Honey Stinger (Honey, Sea Salt, Water); Crisped Rice (Sugar, Salt, Malt); Almonds; Coating [Sugar, Vegetable Oil (Fractionated Palm Kernel Oil), Cocoa Powder, Whole Milk, Natural Flavor, Soya Lecithin (an emulsifier), Salt]; Semi Sweet Chocolate Chips [Sugar, Chocolate, Cocoa Butter, Milk Fat, Soya Lecithin (an emulsifier)]; Rolled Oats; Soy Protein Isolate; Vitamins & Minerals [Dicalcium Phosphate, Magnesium Oxide, Ascorbic Acid (Vit C), Alpha-tocopherol Acetate (Vit E), Biotin, Zinc Oxide, Niacin, Ferrous Fumarate (Iron), Molybdenum Glycinate, Calcium Pantothenate, Copper, Manganese, Beta Carotene (Vit A), Selenium, Pyridoxine (B6), Riboflavin (B2), Thiamine (B1), Chromium, Cyanocobolamin (B12), Folic Acid, Potassium Iodine] Cocoa Powder. ALLERGENS: Contains Soy, Milk and Tree Nuts. May Contain Peanut, Wheat and Egg Fat Calories 50 /Serving %DV* /Serving %DV* /Serving %DV Total Fat 5g 8% Sodium 140mg 6% Sugars 17g Sat Fat 2g 1 Potassium 170mg 5% Other Carbs 10g Trans Fat 0g Total Carb 27g 9% Protein 5g 1 Monosat Fat 2g Fiber 2g 8% Cholesterol 0mg Insol Fiber 1g Vitamin A 2 Vitamin D 15% Vitamin E 15% Vitamin C 25% Thiamine 35% Riboflavin 3 Niacin 45% Vitamin B6 25% Folacin 25% Vitamin B12 5% Pantothenate 2 Biotin 15% Calcium 3 Phosphorus 3 Magnesium 15% Iron 15% Zinc 25% Iodide 4 Copper 25% Manganese 7 Selenium 2 Chromium 1 Molybdenum 3 Peanut Butter n Honey Ingredients: Honey Stinger (Honey, Sea Salt, Water); Peanuts; Crisped Rice (Sugar, Salt, Malt); Coating [Sugar, Vegetable Oil (Fractionated Palm Kernel Oil), Cocoa Powder, Whole Milk, Natural Flavor, Soya Lecithin (an emulsifier), Salt]; Rolled Whole Oats; Vitamins & Minerals [Dicalcium Phosphate, Magnesium Oxide, Ascorbic Acid (Vit C), Alpha-tocopherol Acetate (Vit E), Biotin, Zinc Oxide, Niacin, Ferrous Fumarate (Iron), Molybdenum Glycinate, Calcium Pantothenate, Copper, Manganese, Beta Carotene (Vit A), Selenium, Pyridoxine (B6), Riboflavin (B2), Thiamine (B1), Chromium, Cyanocobolamin (B12), Folic Acid, Potassium Iodine] Natural Flavors. ALLERGENS: Contains Peanuts, Soy, and Milk. May Contain Tree Nuts, Wheat, and Egg

10g PROTEIN BARS Fat Calories 70 /Serving %DV /Serving %DV /Serving %DV Total Fat 8g 13% Cholesterol 5mg 2% Fiber 1g 6% Sat Fat 3g 15% Sodium 83mg 4% Sugars 17g Trans Fat 0g Potassium 119mg 4% Other Carb 1g Monosat Fat 4g Total Carb 19g 6% Protein 10g 2 Vitamin A 2 Vitamin D 15% Vitamin E 15% Vitamin C 25% Thiamine 35% Riboflavin 3 Niacin 45% Vitamin B6 25% Folacin 25% Vitamin B12 5% Pantothenate 2 Biotin 15% Calcium 3 Phosphorus 3 Magnesium 15% Iron 15% Zinc 25% Iodide 4 Copper 25% Manganese 7 Selenium 2 Chromium 1 Molybdenum 3 Peanut Butter Pro Ingredients: Organic Honey, Milk Chocolate [Evaporated Cane Juice, Cocoa Butter, Whole Milk, Chocolate Liquor, Soya Lecithin (an emulsifier), Salt and Vanilla]; Peanut Butter (Dry Roasted Peanuts,Palm Oil and Salt); Whey Protein Isolate; Vitamins & Minerals [Dicalcium Phosphate, Magnesium Oxide, Ascorbic Acid (Vit C), Alpha-tocopherol Acetate (Vit E), Biotin, Zinc Oxide, Niacin, Ferrous Fumarate (Iron), Molybdenum Glycinate, Calcium Pantothenate, Copper, Manganese, Beta Carotene (Vit A), Selenium, Pyridoxine (B6), Riboflavin (B2), Thiamin (B1), Chromium, Cyanocobolamin (B12), Folic Acid, Potassium Iodide]; Salt. Made with 25% Organic Ingredients. Made with Gluten Free Ingredients. ALLERGENS: Contains: Milk, Soy, Peanuts and Other Tree Nuts. May Contain: Egg and Wheat. Ingrédients : Miel biologique, chocolat au lait [vesou évaporé, beurre de cacao, lait entier, liqueur de chocolat, lécithine de soya (émulsifiant), sel et vanille], beurre d arachides (arachides rôties à sec, huile de palme et sel), isolat de protéine de lactosérum, vitamines et minéraux [phosphate dicalcique, oxyde de magnésium, acide ascorbique (vit. C), cholécalciférol (vit. D), acétate de tocophérol (vit. E), biotine, oxyde de zinc, niacine, fumarate ferreux (fer), glycinate de molybdène, pantothénate de clacium, cuivre, manganèse, bétacarotène (vit. A), sélénium, pyridioxine (B6), riboflavine (B2), thiamine (B1), chromium, cyanocobolamine (B12), acide folique, iodure de potassium], sel. Déclaration sur les allergènes : Contient des arachides, du lait, du soya et d autre noix. Peut contenir des œufs et du blé. Fat Calories 90 /Serving %DV /Serving %DV /Serving %DV Total Fat 10g 16% Cholesterol 4mg 1% Fiber 2g 6% Sat Fat 4g 2 Sodium 27mg 1% Sugars 15g Trans Fat 0g Potassium 98mg 3% Other Carb 1g Monosat Fat 4g Total Carb 18g 6% Protein 10g 2 Vitamin A 2 Vitamin D 15% Vitamin E 15% Vitamin C 25% Thiamine 35% Riboflavin 3 Niacin 45% Vitamin B6 25% Folacin 25% Vitamin B12 5% Pantothenate 2 Biotin 15% Calcium 3 Phosphorus 3 Magnesium 15% Iron 15% Zinc 25% Iodide 4 Copper 25% Manganese 7 Selenium 2 Chromium 1 Molybdenum 3 Coconut Almond Pro Ingredients: Semisweet Dark Chocolate [Evaporated Cane Juice, Chocolate Liquor (Processed with Alkali), Cocoa Butter, Milk Fat, Soya Lecithin (an emulsifier), and Vanilla]; Organic Honey; Whey Protein Isolate; Almond Butter; Coconut; Almonds; Vitamins & Minerals [Dicalcium Phosphate, Magnesium Oxide, Ascorbic Acid (Vit C), Alpha-tocopherol Acetate (Vit E), Biotin, Zinc Oxide, Niacin, Ferrous Fumarate (Iron), Molybdenum Glycinate, Calcium Pantothenate, Copper, Manganese, Beta Carotene (Vit A), Selenium, Pyridoxine (B6), Riboflavin (B2), Thiamin (B1), Chromium, Cyanocobolamin (B12), Folic Acid, Potassium Iodide]; Natural Coconut Flavor. Made with 25% Organic Ingredients. Made with Gluten Free Ingredients. ALLERGENS: Contains: Milk, Soy, and Other Tree Nuts. May Contain: Peanuts, Egg and Wheat. Ingrédients : Chocolat noir semi-sucré [vesou évaporé, liqueur de chocolat (traitée à l alkali), beurre de cacao, matière grasse du lait, lécithine de soya (émusifiant) et vanille], miel biologique, isolat de protéine de lactosérum, beurre d amandes, noix de coco, amandes, vitamines et minéraux [phosphate dicalcique, oxyde de magnésium, acide ascorbique (vit. C), cholécalciférol (vit. D), acétate de tocophérol (vit. E), biotine, oxyde de zinc, niacine, fumarate ferreux (fer), glycinate de molybdène, pantothénate de calcium, cuivre, manganèse, bétacarotène (vit. A), sélénium, pyridioxine (B6), riboflavine (B2), thiamine (B1), chromium, cyanocobolamine (B12), acide folique, iodure de potassium], arôme naturel de noix de coco. Déclaration sur les allergènes : Contient du lait, du soya, et des noix. Peut contenir des arachides, des œufs et du blé. Calories 180 Fat Calories 70 /Serving %DV /Serving %DV /Serving %DV Total Fat 8g 13% Cholesterol 4mg 1% Fiber 2g 6% Sat Fat 3g 15% Sodium 26mg 1% Sugars 16g Trans Fat 0g Potassium 82mg 3% Other Carb 1g Monosat Fat 4g Total Carb 19g 6% Protein 10g 2 Vitamin A 2 Vitamin D 15% Vitamin E 15% Vitamin C 25% Thiamine 35% Riboflavin 3 Niacin 45% Vitamin B6 25% Folacin 25% Vitamin B12 5% Pantothenate 2 Biotin 15% Calcium 3 Phosphorus 3 Magnesium 15% Iron 15% Zinc 25% Iodide 4 Copper 25% Manganese 7 Selenium 2 Chromium 1 Molybdenum 3 Cherry Almond Pro Ingredients: Semisweet Dark Chocolate [Evaporated Cane Juice, Chocolate Liquor (Processed with Alkali), Cocoa Butter, Milk Fat, Soya Lecithin (an emulsifier), and Vanilla]; Organic Honey; Whey Protein Isolate; Almond Butter; Dried Sour Cherries (Cherries, Apple Juice, Sunflower Oil); Almonds; Vitamins & Minerals [Dicalcium Phosphate, Magnesium Oxide, Ascorbic Acid (Vit C), Alpha-tocopherol Acetate (Vit E), Biotin, Zinc Oxide, Niacin, Ferrous Fumarate (Iron), Molybdenum Glycinate, Calcium Pantothenate, Copper, Manganese, Beta Carotene (Vit A), Selenium, Pyridoxine (B6), Riboflavin (B2), Thiamin (B1), Chromium, Cyanocobolamin (B12), Folic Acid, Potassium Iodide]; Natural Flavor. Made with 25% Organic Ingredients. Made with Gluten Free Ingredients. ALLERGENS: Contains: Milk, Soy, and Other Tree Nuts. May Contain: Peanuts, Egg, Wheat and Cherry Pits. Ingrédients : Chocolat noir semi-sucré [vesou évaporé, liqueur de chocolat (traitée à l alcali), beurre de cacao, matière grasse du lait, lécithine de soya (émulsifiant) et vanille], miel biologique, isolat de protéine de lactosérum, beurre d amandes, cerises acides séchées (cerises, jus de pommes, huile de tournesol), amandes, vitamines et minéraux [phosphate bi-calcique, oxyde de magnésium, acide ascorbique (vit. C), cholécalciférol (vit. D), acétate de tocophérol (vit. E), biotine, oxyde de zinc, niacine, fumarate ferreux (fer), glycinate de molybdène, pantothénate de clacium, cuivre, manganèse, bétacarotène (vit. A), sélénium, pyridioxine (B6), riboflavine (B2), thiamine (B1), chromium, cyanocobolamine (B12), acide folique, iodure de potassium], arôme naturel. Déclaration sur les allergènes : Contient du lait, du soya et des noix. Peut contenir des arachides, des œufs, du blé, et des noyaux de cerise. Calories 180 Fat Calories 70 /Serving %DV /Serving %DV /Serving %DV Total Fat 8g 12% Cholesterol 5mg 1% Fiber 2g 8% Sat Fat 3g 15% Sodium 30mg 1% Sugars 16g Trans Fat 0g Potassium 90mg 3% Other Carb 1g Monosat Fat 4g Total Carb 19g 6% Protein 10g 2 Vitamin A 2 Vitamin D 15% Vitamin E 15% Vitamin C 25% Thiamine 35% Riboflavin 3 Niacin 45% Vitamin B6 25% Folacin 25% Vitamin B12 5% Pantothenate 2 Biotin 15% Calcium 3 Phosphorus 3 Magnesium 15% Iron 15% Zinc 25% Iodide 4 Copper 25% Manganese 7 Selenium 2 Chromium 1 Molybdenum 3 Mint Almond Pro Ingredients: Organic Honey, Dark Chocolate (Evaporated Cane Juice, Chocolate Liquor (Processed with Alkali), Cocoa Butter, Milk Fat, Soya Lecithin (an emulsifier), and Vanilla), Whey Protein Isolate, Almonds, Vitamins & Minerals (Dicalcium Phosphate, Magnesium Oxide, Ascorbic Acid (Vit C), Alpha-tocopherol Acetate (Vit E), Biotin, Zinc Oxide, Niacin, Ferrous Fumarate (Iron), Molybdenum Glycinate, Calcium Pantothenate, Copper, Manganese, Beta Carotene (Vit A), Selenium, Pyridoxine (B6), Riboflavin (B2), Thiamine (B1), Chromium, Cyanocobolamin (B12), Folic Acid, Potassium Iodide) & Natural Oil of Peppermint. Made with 25% Organic Ingredients. Made with Gluten Free Ingredients. ALLERGENS: Contains: Milk, Almonds and Soy. May Contain: Peanut, Wheat, Egg and other Tree Nuts. Ingrédients : Miel biologique, chocolat noir [vesou évaporé, liqueur de chocolat (traitée à l alcali), beurre de cacao, matière grasse du lait, lécithine de soya (et émulsifiant) et vanille], isolat de protéine de lactosérum, amandes, vitamines et minéraux [phosphate dicalcique, oxyde de magnésium, acide ascorbique (vit. C), cholécalciférol (vit. D), acétate d alpha-tocophérol (vit. E), biotine, oxyde de zinc, niacine, fumarate ferreux (fer), glycinate de molybdène, pantothénate de calcium, cuivre, manganèse, bétacarotène (vit. A), sélénium, pyridoxine (B6), riboflavine (B2), thiamine (B1), chromium, cyanocobolamine (B12), acide folique, iodure de potassium], et huile naturelle de menthe poivrée. Déclaration sur les allergènes : Contient du lait, des amandes et du soya. Peut contenir des arachides, du blé, des œufs et d autres noix. Mocha Cherry Ingredients: Semisweet Dark Chocolate [Evaporated Cane Juice, Chocolate Liquor (Processed with Alkali), Cocoa Butter, Milk Fat, Soya Lecithin (an emulsifier),and Vanilla]; Organic Honey; Whey Protein Isolate; Almonds (almond butter and slivered almonds) ; Dried Sour Cherries (Cherries, Apple Juice, Sunflower Oil); Vitamins & Minerals [Dicalcium Phosphate, Magnesium Oxide, Ascorbic Acid (Vit C), Alpha-tocopherol Acetate (Vit E), Biotin, Zinc Oxide, Niacin, Ferrous Fumarate (Iron), Molybdenum Glycinate, Calcium Pantothenate, Copper, Manganese, Beta Carotene (Vit A), Selenium, Pyridoxine (B6), Riboflavin (B2), Thiamin (B1), Chromium, Cyanocobolamin (B12), Folic Acid, Potassium Iodide]; Coffee, Natural Flavor. ALLERGENS: Contains: Milk, Almonds, and Soy. May Contain: Peanuts, Wheat, Egg and other Tree Nuts. Ingrédients : Chocolat noir semi-sucré [vesou évaporé, liqueur de chocolat (traitée à l alkali), beurre de cacao, matière grasse du lait, lécithine de soya (émulsifiant) et vanille]; miel biologique; isolat de protéines de lactosérum; amandes (beurre d amandes et amandes effilées); cerises aigres séchées (cerises, jus de pomme, huile de tournesol); vitamines et minéraux [phosphate dicalcique, oxyde de magnésium, acide ascorbique (vit. C), acétate de l alpha-tocophérol (vit. E), biotine, oxyde de zinc, niacine, fumarate ferreux (fer), glycinate de molybdène, pantothénate de calcium, cuivre, manganèse, bêtacarotène (vit. A), sélénium, pyridoxine (B6), riboflavine (B2), thiamine (B1), chrome, cyanocobolamine (B12), acide folique, iodure de potassium]; café, arôme naturel. Déclaration sur les allergènes: Contient du lait, des amandes et du soya. Peut contenir des arachides, du blé, des œufs et d autres noix.

KIDS ORGANIC WAFFLES organic palm fruit oil, organic rice syrup, organic cane sugar, organic honey, organic whole wheat flour, organic soy flour, sea salt, organic soy lecithin, organic spices, baking soda. Contains: Wheat and soy. May contain: Egg and milk. huile de fruit palmier biologique, sirop de riz biologique, sucre de canne biologique, miel biologique, farine de blé entier biologique, farine de soya biologique, sel de mer, lécithine de soya biologique, épices biologiques, bicarbonate Contient de blé et du soya. Peut contenir d œuf et du lait. organic palm fruit oil, organic rice syrup, organic cane sugar, organic whole wheat flour, organic cocoa, organic soy flour, organic honey, natural flavor, sea salt, organic soy lecithin, baking soda. Contains: Wheat and soy. May contain: Egg and milk. huile de fruit palmier biologique, sirop de riz biologique, sucre de canne biologique, farine de blé entier biologique, cacao biologique, farine de soya biologique, miel biologique, saveur naturelle, sel de mer, lécithine de soya biologique, bicarbonate Contient de blé et du soya. Peut contenir d œuf et du lait. Per 1 waffle (15g) Par 1 gaufre (15 g) Calories / Calories 80 / %DV/%VQ* / %DV/%VQ* Fat / Lipides 3 g 5% Carbohydrate / Glucides 11 g 4% Saturated / saturés 2 g Fiber/Fibres 1 g 3% 8% Trans / trans 0 g Sugars/Sucres 7 g Cholesterol 0 mg Sodium / Sodium 27 mg 1% * / : Vit A Vit C Calcium Iron/Fer 1% Per 1 waffle (15g) Par 1 gaufre (15 g) Calories / Calories 80 / %DV/%VQ* / %DV/%VQ* Fat / Lipides 4 g 6% Carbohydrate / Glucides 10 g 3% Saturated / saturés 2 g Fiber/Fibres 1 g 2% 1 Trans / trans 0 g Sugars/Sucres 4 g Cholesterol 0 mg Protein / Protéines 1 g Sodium / Sodium 35 mg 1% * / : Vit A Vit C Calcium Iron/Fer 2% Certified Organic by Ecocert Canada ALLERGENS: Contains Wheat and soy. May contain: Egg and milk. ALLERGÉNES: Contient de blé et du soya. Peut contenir d œuf et du lait. KIDS ORGANIC CHEWS Sugar, Organic Honey, (Organic Grape Juice Concentrate, Ascorbic Acid), Pectin, Citric Acid, Potassium Citrate, Organic Color (Black Carrot Juice Concentrate, Turmeric), Natural Flavors, Organic Sunflower Oil, Carnauba Wax. Contains 95% Organic ingredients. Ingrédients : Sirop de tapioca biologique, sucre biologique, miel biologique, (concentré de jus de raisin biologique, acide ascorbique), pectine, acide citrique, citrate de potassium, colorants biologique (concentré de jus de carotte noire, curcuma), saveur naturelle, huile de tournesol biologique, cire de carnauba. Contient 95 % d ingredients Sugar, Organic Honey, (Organic Grape Juice Concentrate, Ascorbic Acid), Pectin, Citric Acid, Potassium Citrate, Organic Color (Black Carrot Juice Concentrate, Annatto), Natural Flavors, Organic Sunflower Oil, Carnauba Wax. Contains 95% Organic ingredients. Ingrédients : Sirop de tapioca biologique, sucre biologique, miel biologique, (concentré de jus de raisin biologique, acide ascorbique), pectine, acide citrique, citrate de potassium, colorants biologique (concentré de jus de carotte noire, annatto), saveur naturelle, huile de tournesol biologique, cire de carnauba. Contient 95 % d ingredients Per 1 packet (23 g) Par 1 sachet (23 g) Calories / Calories 70 / %DV/%VQ* / %DV/%VQ* Fat / Lipides 0 g Potassium / Potassium 35 mg 1% Saturated / saturés 0 g Carbohydrate / Glucides 18 g 6% Trans / trans 0 g Fiber/Fibres 0 g Cholesterol 0 mg Sugars/Sucres 13 g Sodium / Sodium 30 mg 1% * / : Vit A Vit C 10 Calcium Iron/Fer Per 1 packet (23 g) Par 1 sachet (23 g) Calories / Calories 70 / %DV/%VQ* / %DV/%VQ* Fat / Lipides 0 g Potassium / Potassium 35 mg 1% Saturated / saturés 0 g Carbohydrate / Glucides 18 g 6% Trans / trans 0 g Fiber/Fibres 0 g Cholesterol 0 mg Sugars/Sucres 13 g Sodium / Sodium 30 mg 1% * / : Vit A Vit C 10 Calcium Iron/Fer