SOMMAIRE MASTER II WIBS EN ALTERNANCE. Accredited MBA Program -General Overview -MBA Objectives, Academic Program and Faculty

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SOMMAIRE MASTER II WIBS EN ALTERNANCE Page 41 Présentation générale Page 42 Présentation de Wibs online Page 43 Accredited MBA Program -General Overview -MBA Objectives, Academic Program and Faculty Page Page Page 93 96 97 PROGRAMME WIBS À L INTERNATIONAL Page 109 -Londres Page 110 -New York Page 112 -Shanghai Page 116 1

MASTER II WIBS en ALTERNANCE Titre certifié par l État Niveau I Conformément à l arrêté du J.O. du 21 juillet 2009 8 Passeports pour l entreprise Les programmes se déroulent d Octobre à Avril en alternance ou de Février à Juillet, selon un rythme hebdomadaire de 2 jours de séminaires et 3 jours en entreprise. A l issue de son programme France, chaque étudiant réalise un stage à plein temps ou opte pour un cursus de 6 mois à l étranger dans le cadre de nos partenariats internationaux. 2 possibilités: 1/ New York - M.I.M. (Manhattan Institute of Management) ou - NYLC (New York Language Center) ou - LIM (LIM COLLEGE) 2/ Shanghai - S.I.F.T. (Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade) Shanghai Le programme se déroulant en alternance, Weller International Business School met tout en œuvre pour aider les étudiants dans leurs démarches personnelles de recherche d entreprise (Coaching et suivi individualisé, ateliers CV, téléphone, entretien). Dans ce contexte, chaque étudiant doit valider au minimum 6 mois d expériences professionnelles en France ou à l Etranger durant l année universitaire. 41

PRÉSENTATION GÉNÉRALE DE WIBS Les entreprises changent, elles recherchent des professionnels autonomes, adaptables, mobiles et immédiatement opérationnels. Former ces femmes et ces hommes aptes à relever les défis de la compétition mondiale, tel est l'objectif de l'ensemble des programmes développés par WIBS Choisir WIBS, c'est se préparer à manager et à diriger: Développer son charisme et son leadership. Acquérir des compétences en stratégie, marketing, communication, gestion/finance. Participer au développement d'entreprises en France et à l'etranger. LES PROGRAMMES WIBS Un Bachelor en 3 ans après Bac Un Master 1 WIBS (Titre Certifié par l Etat Niveau II Renouvellement pour 5 ans par arrêté au J.O. du 12/05/2011) 8 Masters 2 WIBS de spécialisation (Titre Certifié par l Etat Niveau I arrêté du J.O. du 21/07/2009) Master Management et Développement Commercial Master Communication et Marketing Master Ingénierie Financière et Développement d'entreprise Master Management et Marketing Durable Master Management des Etudes Marketing Master Entrepreneuriat et Innovation Master Marketing Digital Accredited MBA Program Ces programmes de formation sont structurés autour de 3 principes pédagogiques majeurs L'apprentissage par l'action La maîtrise de l'environnement international Le développement de la personnalité Depuis plus de 30 ans, près de 3 500 Anciens Elèves ont suivi avec succès les formations dispensées par WIBS 42

LA PÉDAGOGIE À TAILLE HUMAINE DE WIBS PRÉSENTATION DE WIBS ONLINE LE SITE DE FORMATION ONLINE DE WIBS Privilégie les échanges entre des intervenants professionnels et des étudiants acteurs de leur formation. Pour mieux préparer encore ces derniers aux attentes des entreprises, l'école enrichit sa pédagogie avec un site de formation en ligne WIBS ONLINE. La méthode pédagogique de type anglo-saxon permet à chaque étudiant d'être plus autonome, plus responsable pendant sa formation. Préparant les 2 journées de cours par semaine, la méthodologie WIBS ONLINE des Master 2ème année repose sur le processus suivant : Déroulement du cours présentiel ; Admission en cours présentiel des étudiants ayant répondu aux exigences des tests de contrôle ; Test et vérification sur l interface WIBS ONLINE de l assimilation des pré-requis par les étudiants. CETTE MÉTHODOLOGIE APPORTE UNE VALEUR AJOUTÉE à chaque étudiant. Les cours présentiels privilégient le témoignage, le transfert d'expériences et le dialogue entre les participants. Les étudiants sont ensuite évalués en cours sur des études de cas individuelles ou en équipes. WIBS ONLINE permet ainsi de renforcer l'acquisition de connaissances et de compétences à un rythme individualisé et à des moments facilitant l'harmonisation de la vie personnelle et professionnelle. 43

WIBS ONLINE : UN ATOUT PÉDAGOGIQUE INNOVANT POUR OPTIMISER SA FORMATION Phase 1 : L intervenant définit les objectifs, contenus et déroulement de son cours présentiel. Phase 2 : L intervenant élabore les pré-requis indispensables à chaque étudiant avant le cours présentiel. Phase 3 : L intervenant conçoit des tests préalables à son cours présentiel. Phase 4 : Mise en ligne sur l interface WIBS ONLINE des supports permettant aux étudiants d acquérir les pré-requis exigés : Cours ; Exercices d application ; Etudes de cas ; Vidéos de présentation ; Références bibliographiques et sites spécialisés à consulter ; Forums de discussions. 44

ACCREDITED MBA PROGRAM The World is yours 93


3 000 Alumnae and Alumni Trained Successfully Over the Last 30 Years Weller International Business School is recognized and certified level 1 by the French Board of Education MBA Programs are ACBSP and ECBE Accredited GENERAL OVERVIEW Businesses are changing; they are looking for strong, self sufficient, versatile, mobile individuals immediately operational. Training men and women to tackle the challenges of global competition is the goal of WIBS programs. Selecting Weller International Business School is to make the choice to master your Management skills: Developing personality and leadership. Acquiring skills in marketing, communication, administration, export, accounting, finance, and other business related topics. Participating in the development of companies worldwide. WIBS PROGRAMS Bachelor Degree Master Level 1 in Major International Management Master Level 2 in: o Marketing & Sales Development o Communication & Marketing o Financial Engineering o Sustainable Management and Marketing o Research Marketing Management o Entrepreneurship & Innovation Master o Digital Marketing o Accredited MBA These training programs are structured around four major educational principles: Learning through doing Understanding the International Environment Developing Individual Character Awareness of the international dimension 95

3 000 Alumnae and Alumni Trained Successfully Over the Last 30 Years Weller International Business School is recognized and certified level 1 by the French Board of Education MBA Programs are ACBSP and ECBE Accredited WIBS Accredited MBA OBJECTIVES 1 -The Mission The mission of the WIBS Accredited MBA Program is to prepare young international professionals who will be leaders in their organizations and their entrepreneurial endeavors through highly interactive seminars and multicultural cases, for an optimum practice in professional issues. It aims to build managers who will have a broad comprehension of the business context, a solid understanding of business fundamentals and an international outlook. Interactive seminars, Business Sites Visits and multicultural case studies facilitate future professional opportunities. 2 - A Global Perspective The program runs in Paris, France, at the Weller International Business School. All seminars as well as the rest of the academic process from mandatory readings to the dissertation are in English. Candidates work through case studies in attempt to link theory to the functioning of modern day businesses with a special emphasis on ethical subjects. 3 - The Faculty The WIBS Accredited MBA Program is using its full expertise and worldwide network of professionals in designing a very high quality program. All our programs are taught by multicultural professionals with a doctorate degree who are recognized experts in their respective fields. They are rigorously selected from among the best consultants and professors in their specialties worldwide. When not conducting seminars for WIBS Accredited MBA they teach in the most prestigious international universities or manage their own consultancies. This encourages a cross-fertilization of ideas, international teamwork, creative and independent thinking. 96

3 000 Alumnae and Alumni Trained Successfully Over the Last 30 Years Weller International Business School is recognized and certified level 1 by the French Board of Education MBA Programs are ACBSP and ECBE Accredited WIBS Accredited MBA OBJECTIVES 4 - The Curriculum The WIBS Accredited MBA program's cores Curriculum covers every basic skill needed by today s international management: Management, Marketing, Finance, Information Technology, Entrepreneurship, etc. MBA candidates do not require professional experience or specific prior practice in all areas covered. Subjects are introduced progressively in order to be accessible to students from varying academic backgrounds and to provide them with the tools they will use throughout the remainder of the program. A special Career Management seminar offers a unique opportunity for students to be prepared for the job market in order to adapt and meet the increasingly expectations of employers. At last, Business Sites Visits allow students to witness through conferences and visits the functioning of international institutions, firms and organizations. 5 The Program The MBA is a one-year program of 450 Contact Hours in total plus a Master Thesis: 450 hours of interactive seminars and Business Sites Visits 1200 hours of Student Learning House A Master level MBA Thesis Research, Strategy & Standards module An MBA Thesis Business Plan or Research Thesis due at the end of the Program Student s performance evaluated and graded after each module 6 - The Full Process The Academic Program A detailed academic program with course description and teachers bios are attached at the end of this document. English Courses In order to allow students of all nationalities to follow the program under the best conditions, a module of Intensive Business English is given during the first weeks, in addition to the standard courses of the MBA program. French Courses Everyday French courses will also be given in order to help foreign students for their first steps in Paris. 97

3 000 Alumnae and Alumni Trained Successfully Over the Last 30 Years Weller International Business School is recognized and certified level 1 by the French Board of Education MBA Programs are ACBSP and ECBE Accredited WIBS Accredited MBA OBJECTIVES Business Sites Visits Field activities such as Business Sites Visits in leading international organizations enrich the learning process of the MBA students. The Thesis subject At the end of the WIBS Accredited MBA program, candidates must present a MBA level Thesis. A Business Plan or a professional project will be recommended as a Thesis subject. The Thesis must be no less than 80 pages plus annexes. A special module MBA Thesis: Research Strategy & Standards is held at the beginning of the program and a document with guidelines is provided to each student during the seminar. 7 - Qualifications for Graduation Credits are awarded in the following way: Program Location Contact Hours Learning House Credits ECTS France Paris 450 1200 35.5 42.5 Thesis 20 17.5 Total 450 1200 55,5 60 To be eligible for a Master of Business Administration degree a candidate shall successfully complete not less than 450 Contact Hours with a minimum Grade Point Average (GPA)* of 2.7 points for a total of 55.5 U.S. Credits or 60ECTS. In addition to the 450 Contact Hours, all students are required to complete a master s level thesis under the supervision of a WIBS appointed thesis advisor for a total of 17.5 U.S. Credits or 30 ECTS. Grades are calculated according to attendance, class participation and out-of-class assignments or exams. Students whose grade is below a 2.7 GPA in a given course have the possibility to take special written examinations. * The GPA is a simple numerical index which summaries a student s academic performance in a program. The GPA is recorded on a Transcript. 98

3 000 Alumnae and Alumni Trained Successfully Over the Last 30 Years Weller International Business School is recognized and certified level 1 by the French Board of Education MBA Programs are ACBSP and ECBE Accredited ACADEMIC PROGRAM COURSE DESCRIPTION All classes are conducted entirely in English Financial Accounting and Statement Analysis (AFIN 106) The aim of the present course is to introduce students to the principles and practice of financial statement analysis. The course will therefore assume minimal working knowledge by most students of financial accounting and finance. To ensure that all students start from the same basis the concepts of financial accounting will be explained first, before proceeding to the practice and techniques of financial statement analysis. Principles of Corporate Finance (CFIN 103) This course describes the theory and practice of finance. Managers learn from experience on how to cope with routine problems, but the best managers are also able to respond rapidly to change. This requires a sound knowledge of current financial theory. Throughout the course we use sound financial theory to solve practical everyday business problems which we face as managers; not just as financial managers but also managers from other corporate functions. It is centered around looking at ways to deal with the financial decisions facing today s corporations. Good financial theory helps us understand how businesses function. International Finance (IFIN 120) The objective of this course is to introduce the students to theory, problems and practices involving international financial management. Special topics such as international portfolios and diversification; multinational tax considerations are developed, using both case studies and theoretical approaches. U.S. Management (MAMT 105) US Management has definitely a strong influence over European Management practices nowadays. But which kind of approach do Americans use to manage? This seminar will give you a wide and complete approach of US Management practices, techniques and views through Managers dilemmas, operations examples, Self-assessment exercises, simulations ( ). Students will finally speak about some global Management practices. Cross-Cultural Management (CCMT 104) Culture is often perceived as a powerful and all-encompassing determinant of behavior. However, current mainstream anthropological literature has recently moved away from a perception of culture as a distinct analytical category to adopt a less bounded approach to cultural and social issues. Talk about globalization has brought into question old paradigms linking identity to place and political units. Global business, mass media and the internet revolution, including the mass migration of people across and between continents, are perceived as powerful modifiers of contemporary society and culture. Consequently, new ways to link the global and the local need to be identified. 99

3 000 Alumnae and Alumni Trained Successfully Over the Last 30 Years Weller International Business School is recognized and certified level 1 by the French Board of Education MBA Programs are ACBSP and ECBE Accredited ACADEMIC PROGRAM COURSE DESCRIPTION Human Resources Management (HRTM 102) The purpose of this module is to examine and understand the fundamental building blocks of human resources management. The module will cover issues spanning from the legal and ethical context of HRM, staffing, training, performance review, employee motivation, group behavior, and organizational culture. This module focuses on HRM theories and skills which may be utilized to improve business relations within the organization. The module objectives are to increase understanding of the importance of Human Resources Management in the organization, to develop skills to effectively manage HR in the organization, and to develop business analysis skills focusing on issues in HRM through the use of selected case studies. Strategic Marketing Management (IMKT 125) This module intends to explore the theory and practice of Strategic Marketing Management in the context of International Marketing. The module shows how Strategic Marketing has evolved over the past decades from an isolated business function to the core activity of international professional endeavour a strategy that guides the entire organization. We will examine Strategic Marketing as an array of techniques, tools and foremost importantly strategies creating customer value and building profitable customer relationships. Sales & Marketing (SMKT 138) The rapidly changing market conditions and heightened customer s expectations require the sales person to create and communicate a consistent and convincing concept of value at every step of the selling process. The module focuses on the creation and delivery of value. The module explains careers, opportunities, and benefits of personal selling, summarizes the effect of selling in a marketing economy, applies theories of buyer motivation, create a prospecting plan, discusses how to determine one s competition, explains and demonstrates one s product and/or service, explains the various communication styles, discusses the importance of a positive self-image, applies time management techniques to the art of selling. Marketing Communication and Advertising Strategies (CCAD 124) The aim of this module is to explore the theory and practice of Advertising Principles & Practice in its newest form, such as Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC). The course shows how Advertising has evolved from commercial art to business science that includes Art. During the module, we will examine Marketing Communication and Media as an array of techniques. Students will learn how to create profitable brand strategies by building, measuring, and managing brand equity. Interactive approaches will be used on current events, recent tools and processes to be applied to small or large international ventures. 100

3 000 Alumnae and Alumni Trained Successfully Over the Last 30 Years Weller International Business School is recognized and certified level 1 by the French Board of Education MBA Programs are ACBSP and ECBE Accredited ACADEMIC PROGRAM COURSE DESCRIPTION International Business Law (INBL 107) This course is designed to inform the student about various international legal concepts and principles impacting global business transactions. It introduces the student to a wide range of information regarding the regulatory, organizational, contractual, trade, marketing, management and financial aspects of international business by utilizing theory with real life business case examples of practical application and significance. The course comprises an overview of transnational legal principles that impact international commercial transactions. Topics include an overview of international law, common forms of business organizations; dispute resolution mechanisms; international contracts and sales; intellectual property law; the regulation of international trade; international antitrust rules and marketing law. Sourcing & Supply Chain Management (SSCM 113) This course will introduce the principles and practice of supply chain management and sourcing. Areas covered include: Supply Chain Management, the Concept, Supply Chain, collaboration and optimization concept, Supply Chain Management strategies, Supply Chain organizations & measurements, Supply Chain organization maturity, Supply Chain Human Resources challenges: from procurement & logistic professional to Chief Supply Chain Officer, Total Cost Ownership Vs. Price, Contracts, Sourcing, the fundamentals, Sourcing Tools & Methods, Sourcing Negotiation techniques, Market condition & Sourcing Intelligence, Supply Chain in the heart of globalization & intercultural evolutions, Logistic, the fundamentals or the fulfilment paradigm, Logistic, Tools & Methods, Ethic in business, E- market, the new Era. Strategic Management (SSCM 113) Strategic Management course integrates many of business modules (Management, Marketing, Accounting, Finance, HRM, Operation, Logistics and ISM) and enable the students to develop the proper strategy that fit between the surrounding environments and the corporation s resources to meet its Mission and Objectives. The course contains a Strategic Decision Making Process that runs through the all chapters and is made operational through the Strategic Audit, a complete case analysis methodology. The Strategic Audit provides a professional framework for case analysis in terms of external and internal factors and takes the students through the generation of strategic alternatives and implementation programs. Entrepreneurship & Small Business Management/CAPSTONE MODULE (ENTP 115) Students will be exposed to various real world entrepreneurial ventures in this course by use of case studies. Students will learn to identify aspects of success for new ventures as well as aspects that may impeded success. By the end of the course, students should be able to analyze new entrepreneurial ventures and determine important factors that will help contribute to its success or failure. Students will learn about business plans and how a business plan can contribute to the success of a new entrepreneurial venture 101

3 000 Alumnae and Alumni Trained Successfully Over the Last 30 Years Weller International Business School is recognized and certified level 1 by the French Board of Education MBA Programs are ACBSP and ECBE Accredited ACADEMIC PROGRAM COURSE DESCRIPTION Business Ethics (BUET 137) The course will be underpinned by a number of the major ethical theories that relate to ethical decision-making and will consider using a number of different pedagogical approaches why decisions are made and the implications and ramifications of the ethical decisions that individuals have taken in the past. Negotiation & Conflicts Resolution (NGCR 118) The negotiation seminar is a program dedicated to improving the process of reaching agreement among individuals, organizations, and nations. It is grounded in the concern that conflicts, handled poorly, are wasteful of resources and relationships. In an era of deadly weapons, they are also threatening to life itself. Conflicts handled well can provide the impetus for growth, constructive change, and mutual benefit. Information Technology for Managers (INTC 114) The module s goal is to gain an initial understanding of the requirements of systems development. This module explains how to better manage communication with system designers, how to define your own business requirements towards systems, how to understand why system development tends to be slower than business itself, how to understand the relationship between business strategy and IT strategy, how to understand the process of transforming your business requirements into systems. Career Management (CMNT 112) The module goals are to prepare students for the job market and help them overcome early career angst, to introduce the concept and understand the importance - of career management in the contemporary work environment, to provide a practical approach to self-assessment, job search and career development (including international careers) and transitions, to help create pragmatic marketing tools that fit individual profiles, needs and aspirations, to clarify and demystify certain HR practices and methods used by executive search and outplacement firms, to show how to anticipate and cope with career challenges and transitions, and continue to develop career paths while working. 102

3 000 Alumnae and Alumni Trained Successfully Over the Last 30 Years Weller International Business School is recognized and certified level 1 by the French Board of Education MBA Programs are ACBSP and ECBE Accredited Barak Ben Avinoam (Israel) WIBS Accredited MBA FACULTY Barak Ben-Avinoam holds a Doctor of Business Administration. He also holds a Master of Science in Management from the University of Boston. He was Business Development Manager for OEM and strategic partner accounts for Lannet s (currently Lucent Israel), advanced data communications products. As the President & CEO of Flash Networks, Israel, he managed the creation of its US subsidiary. He was General Management for Europe at e-sim, Ltd., Paris and managed sales, marketing and technical services for Europe. Since 2000 he has been General Manager, Europe at Business Layers, a leading provider of e-provisioning, an enterprise software solution. His fields of expertise are Information Systems Management, Merging and Acquisition and Multicultural Management. Ralf Borchardt (Germany) Ralf Borchardt holds an Doctor of Business Administration. He obtained the Dipl.-Ing.oec from the University of Hamburg in industrial engineering in 1988 and an MBA from the Graduate School of Business Administration of Zurich in 1994. He has had various leading consulting and management positions in the IT area since 1988 in Austria, Switzerland, and Germany. Major companies: James Martin Associates, Texas Instruments, self-employed since 1994 (CEO of Horst Borchardt GmbH, Consultants Unlimited GmbH, Line Consulting AG, acoreus AG, Mobile Voice Solutions AG). He coaches Information Technology for Managers and New Venture Creation modules. Pierre X. Camps (France/USA) Pierre Camps, has more than 30 years experience in the marketing and advertising business in the U.S.A. and in France. He has worked for several major advertising agencies, firms and government institutions in both countries. He was a Sales Promotion Consultant for Bullock`s, Federated, Inc. and served as the Creative Director for Galeries Lafayette in Paris. In the late 1980s he was founder-ceo of Immergence SA, in Paris, a marketing communication agency. He has served as Dean of MBA and Dean of External MBA Programs at the International School of Management, Paris-New York. He is presently Dean of MBA Programs at the Weller International Business School (WIBS) where he is in charge of Quality and Accreditation Processes. Dr. Camps conducts seminars in Marketing, Advertising, Sales and Crisis Communication Management. As well, he is an ITESM Tec de Monterrey, Mexico, Academic Consultant and Affiliated Professor and ESC Rennes School of Business Adjunct Professor. He holds a Doctorate in Business Administration and an international executive MBA from ISM Paris/New York 103

3 000 Alumnae and Alumni Trained Successfully Over the Last 30 Years Weller International Business School is recognized and certified level 1 by the French Board of Education MBA Programs are ACBSP and ECBE Accredited WIBS Accredited MBA FACULTY Jean-Pierre del Fondo (France) Jean-Pierre Del Fondo has a professional experience is in the following fields: Sales, Marketing, Sourcing, Information Technology, Program Management, Business Development and e-business. As an entrepreneur he has developed several projects for many companies. He has worked for transnational groups such as General Electric, Alstom and ICG Commerce. He holds an Associate Partner position in CSC Peat Marwick Co., in charge of the Sourcing offer and Supply Chain. He is a lecturer in Grande Ecole Ecole Centrale de Paris and Paris XI University. Elizabeth Gilbert (USA) Since 2007, Elizabeth Gilbert has served as a consultant to the United Nations Development Programme s Office of Audit and Investigations. She investigates fraud and corruption throughout the world on behalf of UNDP. Prior to working for the UNDP, Ms. Gilbert was employed by the City of New York where she supervised the Fraud Investigation Unit of the Department of Finance. Ms. Gilbert has been teaching international business law since 2004. She is an arbitrator/mediator for the American Arbitration Association, National Association of Securities Dealers and New York Stock Exchange. Since 1991, she has resolved disputes involving Fortune 500 companies in the areas of business law, securities regulation and intellectual property, awarding multi-million dollar verdicts. As an NYC administrative law judge, she presided over lower court and appellate hearings instituted by regulatory agencies including the Department of Finance, Department of Consumer Affairs, Department of Information Technology and Department of Environmental Protection. Prior to her appointment as an administrative law judge, she practiced entertainment, intellectual property and business law as a litigator and transactional attorney in California and New York. She is a graduate of University of California at Berkeley and Southwestern University School of Law and holds a Juris Doctor degree. Hamed Hassan (Egypt) Hamed Hassan is a Professor, Medical Doctor and Businessman. He graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, Egypt in 1975. He holds a Master degree in Medicine, Cairo (1985), a Master degree in Business Administration, Paris (2003), and a Doctorate degree of Business Administration, Paris (2005). He also obtained a PHD degree in BA, Paris (2007). He has been Chairman and CEO of Private Local and Regional Companies in Egypt and Middle East countries. He has been teaching the Strategic Management module at Weller International Business School since 2005. 104

3 000 Alumnae and Alumni Trained Successfully Over the Last 30 Years Weller International Business School is recognized and certified level 1 by the French Board of Education MBA Programs are ACBSP and ECBE Accredited Herve Ingelaere (France) WIBS Accredited MBA FACULTY He holds an American MBA from the IUA Business School in San Francisco, California. He is a Doctor of Business Administration. Part of his under-graduate studies and most of his Graduate studies have been attended in the USA (Seattle and San Francisco mainly). He is an International Entrepreneur creator of International Companies and Ventures having activities in Europe, Asia (China, India, Japan), North America (USA) and South America (Brazil). Fields of expertise are Education Business, International Insurance, Recruitment, Food and Beverages Industry. Dr. Ingelaere is a Professor- Instructor in various programs in Europe and the USA. He mainly teaches in International Business Schools. He presently serves as Academic Director as WIBS. Gyorgy Komaromi (Hungary) He has 10 year teaching experience on under- and postgraduate (MSc, MBA, PhD) programs at international universities such as University of the South Pacific (Fiji-islands), International Business School (France), IILM, Gurgaon (India), ICFAI Business School - Gurgaon Campus (India), Central European University (Hungary), Budapest University of Economic Science (Hungary), University of Paris 13 (France), Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences (Finland). He holds a PhD from University of Veszprem, Hungary. His research interest: stock market bubbles, behavioral finance, experimental economics, behavioral game theory, financial history. His publications include two books, several book-chapters and numerous papers in international peer-reviewed journals. Thomas Neil (USA) Thomas C. Neil, Ph.D. is a senior faculty at Allen University. Previously he was the chair of Management, School of Business, at Clark Atlanta University and the University of South Carolina. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Florida in the areas of Counselling, Personnel and Social Psychology. He founded and was the first president of POCA, a division of the American Personnel & Guidance Association. He has been trained in TQM principles and Systems Thinking. International experience includes facilitating seminars at ESC Dijon and initiating a Learning Systems and EI development program in Slovakia and Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). 105

3 000 Alumnae and Alumni Trained Successfully Over the Last 30 Years Weller International Business School is recognized and certified level 1 by the French Board of Education MBA Programs are ACBSP and ECBE Accredited Sarachandran Pillai (India/Emirates) WIBS Accredited MBA FACULTY He holds a Master Degree in Air Transport Management from City University in London and is a DBA in Governance Risk Management. He has extensive management experience in diverse working environments from private to public enterprises; he learned the holistic approach to corporate management (East West Airlines, India). He has gained experience to manage human resources in a large government owned public enterprise as well as the technique of maneuvering through the bureaucracy (Alliance Air, India). Currently he is mastering the technique of managing large airline operations with multiple national interests as well as one of the worst times of aviation history (Gulf Air, Bahrain, National Airline of Three Middle-East countries). He teaches Risk Management and Business Economics. Roger Thorn (United Kingdom) Sir Roger Thorn holds a Masters diploma from the University of Oxford. He has worked for Esso Petroleum Limited, a US corporation in the UK, and has served as the Mergers and Acquisitions Director of the Banque de la Société Financière Européenne in Paris. During this time, he traveled regularly between New York, Chicago, the Mid-West and California and engineered deals between US sellers and European buyers. He is a visiting lecturer in Financial Accounting at Parsons Schools of Desing, Paris, ESMOND, and Anglo-Saxon Financial Accounting at Rouen Business School. Lyndi Van Der Hout (Netherlands) After co-creating the First Int. Festival & TV Program market for Children s Television (FIMAJ), and running her own company in the early 90s, she subsequently worked as an agent for one of the leading US talent agencies (ICM). She established the ICM France subsidiary while managing the pan- European careers of over 60 Paris-based directors, writers and actors. She then moved into the field of executive search and HR development in the IT and high tech world, applying the acquired creative management skills to the corporate environment. She graduated from AUP in Paris, and has a Master degree in Occupational Psychology. She coaches Career Management and is a member of faculty at the Ecole des Psychologues Practiciens (part of the ESSEC group). 106