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Table of Contents Table of Contents... i List of Tables... iii List of Figures... iv List of Annex... v 1. ITC Outlook 2015 Present... 1 1.1. Remarkable event at ITC (2014-2015)... 2 1.1.1. Three Young Leaders AUN/SEED-Net à l ITC... 2 1.1.2. ITC-Industry Consortium... 2 1.1.3. Graduation ceremony and 50 th anniversary of ITC... 3 1.1.4. Joint Coordination Committee... 3 1.1.5. Short-course training «IT Technical Assistant»... 3 2. Recruitment, Evolution of Number of Students and Others Activities... 4 2.1. Recruitment in 2014-2015... 5 2.1.1. Information Campaign... 5 2.1.2. Preparation of tests... 5 2.1.3. Enrollment and organization of exam... 5 2.1.4. Results and Admissions... 7 2.1.5. Enrollment in 1 st Year... 8 2.1.6. Remark and Conclusion... 9 2.2. Entrance exam in 3rd year engineering program... 9 2.2.1. Local exam... 9 2.2.2. Regional exam... 10 2.2.3. Entry into 3 rd year engineering program... 10 2.3. Total number of students and number of reoriented students... 11 2.4. Final Exam (End of Semester)... 13 2.5. Contiuing Education (2014-2015)... 13 2.6. Preparation of ITC students for the exam of Ecole Polytechnique ParisTech... 14 2.7. Preparation of ITC students for the exam of Japanese Government Scholarship... 15 2.8. Report of E-learning Center... 16 2.8.1. Introduction... 16 2.8.2. Objective... 16 2.8.3. Vision... 17 2.8.4. Activities of E-learning... 17 2.8.5. Conclusion... 18 2.9. Activities of library of ITC... 18 2.9.1. Current state of central library... 18 2.9.2. Conclusion... 19 3. Pedagogical Report... 20 i

3.1. Report of Pedagogy at ITC (2014-2015)... 21 3.1.1. Lecturers... 21 3.1.2. Current Number of Students... 22 3.1.3. Evolution of number of hours of TP... 23 3.1.4. Conclusion... 24 3.2. Graduated Students... 24 3.3. Post Graduate Studies at ITC (2014-2015)... 26 3.3.1. Introduction... 26 3.3.2. Master Program... 27 3.3.3. Doctoral Program... 32 3.3.4. Conclusion... 32 4. Capacity Buiding and Professor Dispatch... 33 4.1. Capacity building (2014-2015)... 34 4.1.1. Long-term overseas capacity building for lecturers and students... 34 4.1.2. Short-term overseas capacity building for lecturers and students (2014-2015)... 35 4.1.3. Local capacity building for lecturers and students (2014-2015)... 35 4.1.4. Provisional result of post-graduate scholarship (2015-2016)... 36 4.2. Professor dispatch at ITC (2014-2015)... 36 5. Research and Development... 37 5.1. Research project and researcher... 38 5.2. Promotion and research collaboration... 39 5.2.1. Stakeholder meeting and publication of «Engineering directory of ITC»... 39 5.2.2. Seminar organisation... 40 5.2.3. ITC Scientific journal: Techno-Science Research Journal, volume 2... 40 5.2.4. Scientific publication... 41 5.3. Research facility... 43 5.4. Research and innovation center... 43 6. National and International Cooperation... 44 6.1. Memorandum of understanding... 45 6.2. Internship and visit... 45 6.4. Collaboration with industries... 46 6.4.1. Seminar for lecturers and students... 46 6.4.2. Enterprise visit at ITC... 46 6.4.3. ITC lecturers visit to enterprise... 47 6.4.4. ITC-Industry Consortium... 47 6.4.5. Technician capacity building at enterprise... 48 6.4.6. ITC Alumni... 48 Annex... 49 ii

List of Tables Table 1. Candidates enrolled comparing to total number of high school graduates in 2014... 6 Table 2. Number of technician graduates admitted to I3 by department... 10 Table 3. Number of Vietnamese students at ITC... 10 Table 4. Number of seats in 3rd year engineering program (Planned)... 11 Table 5. Recruited number in 3rd year engineering program (Done)... 11 Table 6. Number of winners for Japanese Government Scholarship (MEXT Scholarship)... 16 Table 7. Number of lecturers in different departments (2014-2015)... 21 Table 8. Current number of ITC students in March 2015... 23 Table 9. Survey on salary of graduated students... 26 Table 10. Evolution of engineers graduated in 2012 and 2013... 26 Table 11. Evolution of DUTs graduated in 2012 and 2013... 26 Table 12. ITC lecturer in overseas post-graduate program (2014-2015)... 34 Table 13. Provisional result of post-graduate scholarship (2015-2016)... 36 iii

List of Figures Figure 1. Number of candidates enrolled in the entrance exam and successful candidates... 6 Figure 2. Percentage of candidates enrolled in the entrance exam compared to total number of high school graduates.... 7 Figure 3. Number of candidates enrolled in the test, successful candidates and waiting list (engineering program).... 7 Figure 4. Enrollment of 1st year Engineering Program related to Grade of Baccalaureate since 2005.... 8 Figure 5. Percentage of enrollment of 1st year engineering program related to grade of baccalaureate since 2005... 9 Figure 6. Total number of engineer students 2008-2015... 12 Figure 7. Percentage of reoriented engineer students 2008-2015... 12 Figure 8. Percentage of reoriented students in different years for engineering program... 12 Figure 9. Total number of technician students 2008-2015... 13 Figure 10. Percentage of reoriented technician students 2008-2015... 13 Figure 11. Percentage of reoriented students in different years for technician program... 13 Figure 12. Number of enrolled and graduated students for continuing education (GCI).... 14 Figure 13. Number of enrolled and graduated students for continuing education (GEE).... 14 Figure 14. Number of students integrated in an engineering school ParisTech (2007-2013).... 15 Figure 15. Evolution of number of PhD and Master... 21 Figure 16. Percentage of lecturers trained in different countries... 22 Figure 17. Evolution of number of hours of TP for engineering program... 23 Figure 18. Evolution of number of hours of TP for technician program... 24 Figure 19. Engineers graduated in 2014... 25 Figure 20. DUTs and technician graduated in 2014... 25 Figure 21. Evolution of the number of students enrolled to the master program (2010-2015).... 27 Figure 22. Master students enrolled in 2013 and studying in the academic year 2014-2015... 28 Figure 23. Different scholarships of post-graduate program for lecturers and students (2014-2015)... 35 Figure 24. Number of lecturer-researcher in the academic year of 2010-2011... 38 Figure 25. Research projects in each department (2014-2015)... 39 iv

List of Annex Annex 1. Minutes of meeting of International Consortium meeting at ITC, 26 and 27 March 2014 at Phnom Penh... 50 Annex 2. Minutes of Meeting of 22nd meeting of the Board of Trustees of ITC, 24 June 2014 at Phnom Penh... 94 Annex 3. Minutes of meeting of ITC-Industry Consortium meeting, 25 February 2015... 103 Annex 4. Evolution of number of TP (technical courses) in different departments... 105 Annex 5. Master Program at ITC... 106 Annex 6. ITC students in overseas post graduate program (2014-2015)... 110 Annex 7. Short-term overseas capacity building for lecturers (2014-2015)... 113 Annex 8. Short-term overseas capacity building for lecturers to be realized (2014-2015)... 120 Annex 9. Short-term overseas capacity building for students (2014-2015)... 121 Annex 10. Local capacity building for lectuers (2014-2015)... 124 Annex 11. Local capacity building for students (2014-2015)... 127 Annex 12. Foreign Professor Dispatch at ITC... 130 Annex 13. Research topics in 2014-2015... 132 Annex 14. Articles submitted to ITC Scientific Journal... 135 Annex 15. Number of Memorandum of Understanding... 136 Annex 16. List of internship and visit of foreign professors and students at ITC... 139 Annex 17. List of ITC-Industry Consortium members... 141 v

Programme of International Consortium Meeting at ITC 25-26 March 2015 Wednesday 25 March 2015: Plenary Session in CA Room 8h00 8h30 : Arrival of all participants 8h30 10h00 : - Welcome speech by H.E. PHOEURNG Sackona, President of the Board of Trustees of ITC - Report of Activities in 2014-2015 by H.E. OM Romny, Director General of ITC - Methodology of work and objective of Consortium Meeting 2015 10h00 10h30 : Coffee Break Workshops by Department 10h30 12h00 : Work by Department 12h00-13h30 : Lunch organized by each department 13h30-15h30 : Continuing work by department 15h30-16h00 : Coffee Break 16h00-17h00 : Synthesis of work for all departments Dinner at Tonle Bassac II Restaurant Thursday 26 March 2015: Plenary Session in CA Room 8h00-12h00 : Plenary Meeting of Consortium (Presentation of synthesis by department, Questions, Discussions and Conclusions) 12h00-14h00 : Lunch organized by each department vi

MEMBERS OF CONSORTIUM 2015 I. Foreign Institutions 1. Prof. Michel THERA, Université de Limoges (TC) 2. Prof. Yves WACHE, Agro Sup Dijon (GCA) 3. Prof. Juan MARTINEZ, INSA de Rennes (GCI) 4. Prof. Rémy MULLOT, Université de la Rochelle (GIC) 5. Prof. Guy WARZEE, Université Libre de Bruxelles (GIM) 6. Prof. Michel DEQUATREMARE, Directeur de l IUT de Toulon-Var (GEE et GIM) 7. Prof. Eric CASTELLI, Institut Polytechnique de Hanoï (GIC) 8. Prof. Charles DEBOUCHE, Université de Liège - Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech (GRU) 9. Prof. Bruno DAGUES, INP de Toulouse (GEE) 10. Prof. SIREE Chaiseri, Kasetsart University (GCA) 11. Prof. Sylvie AVALLONE, Montpellier SupAgro (GCA) 12. Prof. Ossarath KOL, Polytech Lille (GCA) 13. Prof. TAKADA Junichi, Tokyo Institute of Technology (GEE) 14. Prof. KOICHIRO Watanabe, Kyushu University (GGG) 15. Prof. Nadia KABACHI, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (GIC) 16. Prof. Jacques MERCADIER, Université de Pau et des Pays de l Adour (GRU) 17. Prof. Jean-Pierre CHABRIAT, Université de la Réunion (GEE) II. Private and Public sectors 18. Coca Cola : Mr. Paul POPELIER, General Manager 19. CCFC : Dr. Eric MOUSSET 20. H.E. SOK Khavan, Secretary of State, Ministry of Mines and Energy III. Institutional Partners 21. H.E. M. YUOK Ngoy, Secretary of State, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports 22. Mr. Romain LOUVET, Advisor for Cooperation and Cultural Action, French Embassy in Phnom Penh 23. Mr. Alex BRAYLE, Director of AUF in Phnom Penh 24. Mr. IZAKI Hiroshi, Chief Representative of JICA to Cambodia IV. Invited Members 25. Mr. SAWADA Koji, Coordinator of JICA Project at ITC 26. Mr. INOUE Kazuma, Chief Coordinator of JICA Project for AUN/SEDD-Net 27. Mr. KOJIMA Takeharu, Senior Representative, JICA Cambodia Office 28. Mr. INOKUCHI Kunihiro, Representative, JICA Cambodia Office 29. Ms. PICH Thyda, Program Officer, JICA Cambodia Office 30. Prof. Yves PERRAUDEAU, Advisor to Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports 31. H.E. SAPHON Vathanak, Rector of University of Health Science 32. Prof. Roger FRUTOS, Université Montpellier 2 (GIC) 33. Prof. Hervé REMIGNON, Vice-President, INP de Toulouse (GCA) 34. Prof. Roger MICHEL, IUT de Toulon-Var (GIM) 35. Prof. Stéphane JANOT, Director of Department of Software Engineering and Statistics, Polytech Lille (GIC) 36. Mrs. Christine DASNOY, Université de Liège - Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech (GRU) 37. Mr. NGORN Saing, CEO of RMA Cambodia 38. Mr. Frank TOUCH, Director of KhmerDev (GIC) vii

V. Teams of Direction Board of ITC V.1. Direction Board 39. H.E. PHOEURNG Sackona, President of the Board of Trustees, Minister of Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts 40. H.E. OM Romny, Director General of ITC 41. Prof. Ludovic PROTIN, Honorary Director of ITC 42. Mr. Antoine PERRIER-CORNET, Advisor to the Direction Board of ITC 43. Dr CHUNHIENG Thavarith, Deputy Director for International Relation 44. Mr. NUTH Sothan, Deputy Director for Academic Affairs 45. Mr. PHOL Norith, Deputy Director for Planning and Development 46. Dr HUL Sienghéng, Director of Research 47. Dr SEANG Chansopheak, Head of Post Graduate Program 48. Mr. SOY Ty, Head of Undergraduate Program 49. Mr. KIM Vannada, Head of Quality Assurance Office 50. Dr PO Kimtho, Head of Planning Office 51. Dr IN Sokneang, Head of University-Industry Linkage Office V.2. Departments and Sections 52. Mrs. SREY Malis, Head of Department of Foundation Year 53. Dr KOUK Fidero, Head of GCA Department 54. Mr. CHHOUK Chhayhorng, Head of GCI Department 55. Dr BUN Long, Head of GEE Department 56. Mr. LAY Héng, Head of GIC Department 57. Mr. PAN Sovanna, Head of GIM Department 58. Dr LY Sarann, Head of GRU Department 59. Dr KRY Nallis, Head of GGG Department 60. Mr. SIEANG Phén, Head of French Section 61. Mr. CHUM Tival, Head of English Section viii

1. ITC Outlook 2015 Present 1

From 2013 to 2014, a number of remarkable events have been organized in close cooperation with national and international stakeholders. Moreover, many meetings of different ITC councils have been taken place as follows: International consortium meeting at ITC, 26-27 March 2014 (Annex 1). 22 nd meeting of the board of trustees, 24 June 2014 (Annex 2). Academic and University Life Council meeting, 26 November 2014. 1.1. Remarkable event at ITC (2014-2015) 1.1.1. Three Young Leaders AUN/SEED-Net à l ITC An article published in AUN/SEED-Net/JICA brochure presents 3 Young Leaders in Cambodia (Dr. HUL Siengheng Director of Research and Development at ITC, Dr. TAN Reasmey Researcher at GCA Department, Dr. KUOK Fidero Head of GCA Department). These three leaders were the former scholar of AUN/SEED-Net program during which they have obtained their Master and Doctoral Degree in ASEAN and Japan. The three leaders also shared their research collaboration and academic experiences under AUN/SEED-Net scholarship program; moreover, these leaders presented their vision and engagement toward the research development. The selection of these three young human resources at ITC could promote not only the visibility of ITC but also the collaborative research among member universities of ASEAN and Japan. 1.1.2. ITC-Industry Consortium The initiative to create ITC Industry Consortium (ITC-IC) has been proposed by ITC to the partner enterprises to strengthen the relations between organisations. The first ITC-IC meeting has been organized on 25 February 2015 with the following objectives: Formally introduce the members; Exchange view on ITC-IC; Discuss on the status of this consortium. 20 company representatives (Coca-Cola, Wing, Total, Chipmong, Minebea, etc.) among 27 companies invited, participated in this meeting together with the ITC Board of Directors. Prior to the discussion on the status of this consortium, the current state of ITC has been presented followed by the question and answer session. ITC has then proposed the following agenda for the discussion on the status of this consortium: Mandate, a collective agreement for 3 years. President of consortium and his/her role; at the present, Director of ITC is the Director of ITC-IC. This will be further discussed in the next meeting as it has been agreed from all members. Responsilibility of consortium member: o Offer students internship and visit; o Share professional experiences to student, give feedback/comment on the ITC curriculum, participate/organize seminars, build capacity of company personnel, and develop the projects. All of these points will be further discussed in the next meeting. The discussion has been very active with a number of comments and suggestions from the participant. The draft of status will be again discussed in the next ITC-IC meeting which will be organized at the end of May 2015. The meeting has been finished in a fruitfully and friend environment. The minutes of meeting is shown in Annex 3. 2

1.1.3. Graduation ceremony and 50 th anniversary of ITC The December 1 st, 2014 was a remarkable day in the history of Institute of Technology of Cambodia. The day was commenced with the offical graduation ceremony, chaired by Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo HUN Sen. Samdech Hun Sen, Prime Minister of Kingdom of Cambodia has honored the graduated student at ITC with his presence. High ranking government officers from Ministry of Education Youth and Sport and Representatives from francophone and anglophone partners were also present. The second part of this event focused on the celebration of 50 th anniversary of ITC. In this occasion, students, lecturers and ITC staffs gathered for a convivial buffet which was organized in the hall under Samdech Hun Sen Conference Hall. Students had an unforgettably delightful evening by singing a number of both Khmer and French songs and performing a choir of 50 students. The event was also entertained by the magic show and traditional khmer boxing presentation which is an exceptional martial art in Cambodia. This event was finally finished with the speech from the former students of ITC who are currently successful in profession and society, i.e., a witness of ITC quality of education. Former students from abroad also came to pay tribute to their 50 year olds Institute where thousands of ingineers have been produced to support the innovation and development of Cambodia. 1.1.4. Joint Coordination Committee The third «Joint Coordination Committee» meeting (JCC) on «JICA Project for Educational Capacity Development of Institute of Technology of Cambodia» was conducted on December 19 th, 2014. This project is supported by JICA for physical facility enhancement and capacity building for lecturers in three Departments i.e., GEE, GIM and GGG. This event was opened by H.E. LAY Chiv Eav, Under Secretary of State of MoEYS, Mr. KOJIMA Takeharu, Representative of JICA Cambodia and H.E. OM Romny, Director of ITC. The objective of this meeting is to update the project progress and discuss the action plan for the project improvement. 1.1.5. Short-course training «IT Technical Assistant» The 24 hours training on IT Technical Support has been organized by ITC for high school students who could not pass the high school exam in 2014. The objective of this training is to give them the basic competence to look for any IT related jobs. This training includes 3 competences: 1. Installation and assembly (components) of computer; 2. Installation of software and operating system; 3. Installation of simple network. The training was conducted from 09-22 February 2015 in Room F-404 of GIC Department. 22 students registered to this training for free of charge. 3

2. Recruitment, Evolution of Number of Students and Others Activities 4

2.1. Recruitment in 2014-2015 The entry exam concerns only the engineering program with 3 subjects for test of selection: mathematics, physics/chemistry and logic. The entry in the technician program is based on document such as transcript, high school certificate. 2.1.1. Information Campaign ITC distributed to high school students in the country the brochures concerning study program and selection criteria for studying at ITC. These brochures were distributed by ITC students during the holidays of first semester (February 2014). 2.1.2. Preparation of tests The preparation of tests began in May 2014 with a model similar to that of previous years. Lecturers of ITC were requested to propose tests based on curriculum in high school. The Board of Direction of ITC was responsible for final selection of the best tests with confidentiality. 2.1.3. Enrollment and organization of exam Enrollment for entry exam of the engineering program took place from 1 to 14 September 2014 and result was announced on 19 September 2014. Candidates applied for technicien program were enrolled from 1st September to 10 October 2014 and results published on 11 October 2014. Two ways of registration were used for the entry exam of the engineering program, one (482 candidates) was made through the Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and the other (1809 candidates) was enrolled directly at ITC. Finally, 2291 candidates (513 girls) enrolled for this examination. For the technician program, 483 candidates (134 girls) applied directly at ITC. The tests of selection were held at ITC on 16 September 2014 under control of ITC. No fraud has been reported and the tests were conducted in a satisfactory and transparent manner. It is noted that the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports has made a major reform of education system in Cambodia starting with national examination (Baccalaureate). Approximately 44% (26% in 1 st session and 18% in 2nd session) have succeeded this national exam. This success rate is much lower than in previous years (87% in 2013, 86% in 2012, 83% in 2011). Usually, ITC accepted only high school graduates with grade A to D to register for the entrance examination. But this academic year 2014-2015, ITC also allows grade E students to compete because about 90% of high school graduates are grade E. It is only students from the 1 st session examination that participated in ITC entrance exam. According to Table 1 below, we see that number of candidates for the entrance exam to 1st year engineering program in 2014 represent 6.7% of total number of students passing baccalaureate in Cambodia. This percentage is twice that of the previous year (3%). There are four Grade-A students who registered to the entry exam which is about 36% of the total Grade A (11 students). This is slightly higher than the previous year (34% in 2013). The percentage of Grade B students is very high (52%). The percentages for Grades C, D and E were 39%, 25% and 4% respectively. More than half of candidates for the entrance examination (2291 students) are Grade E (58.4%) because most of high school graduates were Grade E (90%). 5

Table 1. Candidates enrolled comparing to total number of high school graduates in 2014 Grade of Baccalaureate Nb. of high school graduates in 2014 Engineering Program Nb. and % of candidates compared to nb. of high school graduates % of candidates compared to nb. enrolled at ITC Technician Program Nb. and % of candidates compared to nb. of high school graduates % of candidates compared to nb. enrolled at ITC A 11 4 36% 0,2% 0 0% 0% B 219 114 52% 5% 11 5% 2,3% C 908 354 39% 15,4% 42 4,6% 8,7% D 1887 481 25% 21% 61 3,2% 12,6% E 30972 1338 4% 58,4% 369 1,2% 76,4% Total 33997 2291 6.7% 100% 483 1,4% 100% Figure 1 below shows number of candidates enrolled in the entrance examination of the engineering program during the past decade. Since 2005, there has been a slight increase in number of applicants (1347 in 2005 to 1416 in 2008) with strong growth from 2009 to 2012. This year 2014, this number is greatly reduced in proportion to the decrease of high school graduates in the country. Meanwhile, successful candidates are also on the rise since 2005. But it is stable for the past two years. Candidats Admis 2948 3103 2779 2332 2291 1347 1366 1184 1416 1708 242 351 402 452 536 601 701 774 802 806 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Figure 1. Number of candidates enrolled in the entrance exam and successful candidates In Figure 2 below, we see that percentage of candidates applied for the entrance exam compared to total number of high school graduates has declined each year from 2005 to 2009 before rising again from 2010 to reach 3% in 2013. There was a sharp increase this year. 6

Candidats/Bac 6.7% 3.9% 3.2% 3.2% 3.2% 3.0% 2.8% 2.6% 2.7% 2.5% 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 Figure 2. Percentage of candidates enrolled in the entrance exam compared to total number of high school graduates. Regarding the recruitment of technician students, since 2006, candidates can indicate their preferable departments. In total, there are 483 candidates including 134 girls. 2.1.4. Results and Admissions The selection committee of the entrance exam had a meeting on 18 September 2014 to determine the number of successful candidates and those on the waiting list: 806 successful candidates including 156 females, 305 waiting list including 68 females. Figure 3 shows that candidates with Grade C, D and E are the most important in the list of successful candidates (88%). Baccalaureate Grade of candidates enrolled in the test in 2014 1400 1338 1200 Number of candidates 1000 800 600 400 200 0 4 2 354 258 114 91 0 5 32 481 239 216 191 77 A B C D E Baccalaureate Grade Enrolled Succ. candi Waiting list Figure 3. Number of candidates enrolled in the test, successful candidates and waiting list (engineering program). 7

2.1.5. Enrollment in 1 st Year In the academic year 2014-2015, 890 students were enrolled in 1st year engineering program including 58 students repeating year. The percentage of females enrolled in the first year increased from12.8% (2005-2009) to 16.4% in 2010, 17.2% in 2011, 18.2% in 2012 and 24.6% in 2013. It decreases to 19% in 2014. For the technician program, in 2014-2015, 229 students (20 students repeating year) were enrolled in the first year of which 69 females, representing 30%. This percentage is less than 2012-2013 (36.5%) and 2011 to 2012 (42.7%) but it remains similar to those of 2009 to 2010 (29%). Figure 4 and 5 show number and percentage of each grade (A to E) of students enrolled in 1st year engineering program from 2005-2006. In 2014-2015: - 2 of Grade A, about 0.2% compared to total number (832) - 71 of Grade B, about 8.5% - 217 of Grade C, about 26.1% - 238 of Grade D, about 28.6% - 304 of Grade E, about 36.5% The total number of students enrolled in 1st year engineering program has increased dramatically, from 242 in 2005-2006 to 832 in 2014-2015. A B C D E Total 947 829 822 832 689 616 108 93 1 504 63 432 107 304 376 393 457 130 162 242 248 238 183 333 487 10 36 138 118 277 209 350 344 365 217 92 2 94 0 40 0 64 150 1 3 95 0 9 22 17 71 2 Figure 4. Enrollment of 1st year Engineering Program related to Grade of Baccalaureate since 2005. According to Figure 5, students with grade B and C enrolled the most from 2011-2012. But this year 2014-2015, there is a homogeneous distribution in three grades C, D and E. 8

A B C D E 4.1% 14.5% 42.4% 32.1% 21.1% 15.5% 10.6% 0.1% 7.7% 11.4% 36.5% 57.0% 47.6% 45.6% 47.8% 48.3% 48.4% 55.0% 54.1% 70.7% 28.6% 38.0% 37.9% 42.5% 41.8% 38.5% 26.1% 9.3% 0.8% 12.7% 24.4% 13.8% 8.5% 0.0% 0.0% 0.2% 0.5% 0.0% 1.1% 2.7% 1.8% 0.2% Figure 5. Percentage of enrollment of 1st year engineering program related to grade of baccalaureate since 2005 2.1.6. Remark and Conclusion According to the decision of the Board of Trustees in June 2014, the number of 1 st year student for the engineering and technician program is 800 and 300 respectively. We noted that the number of new engineering students (832) is comparable to that planned (800). But the technicians (209) is less than expected number (300) because number of high school graduates is strongly lower than previous years. In any case, maintaining the entrance exam is very important in order to keep a positive impression and a very strong brand in the mind and appreciation of teachers, students and Cambodian population. Noted also that the expense of this examination (paper, monitoring and correction) was fully covered by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, and ITC. The board of director of ITC should continue to strengthen the recruitment strategy of 1st year student of engineering and technician program by sending lecturers to high schools in some provinces for advertissement and distributing brochures to show the importance of studying at ITC. 2.2. Entrance exam in 3rd year engineering program 2.2.1. Local exam The examination is for graduated students with DUT, technician degree or equivalent diploma. This year, 59 candidates applied for this exam. Candidates have to pass the following tests: - Writing test on mathematic and physic, - Motivation interview Based on result of writing test and interview, the selection committee decided to accept 36 candidates, about 61%. The others were not accepted because their knowledge are not sufficient. Table 2 shows the number of candidates and successful candidates to I3 by department over the last 5 years. 9

Dept. Table 2. Number of technician graduates admitted to I3 by department Number of candidates and successful candidates to I3 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 Successful Succe. Succe. Succe. Succe. Candidate Candi. Candi. Candi. Candi. Candidate Candi. Candi. Candi. Candi. GCA 1 0 2 1 0 0 3 0 15 8 GCI 5 4 4 5 4 2 3 3 18 9 GEE 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 4 3 GIC 2 2 0 2 2 0 0 0 4 0 GIM 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 11 7 GRU 5 3 0 5 3 0 0 0 7 6 Total 14 10 7 14 10 2 6 3 59 36 2.2.2. Regional exam Recruitment of Lao students (National University of Lao) With the support of AUF and French cooperation, Lao students study at ITC for several years. Since two years, there is no candidate applied to study at ITC. It is probably because the number of years of study in Lao is reduced to 4 years only. This academic year of 2014-2015, the Board of Director of ITC has planned to send its staffs to advertise and recruit Lao students to study at ITC. Currently there are 2 Lao students who are studying in various departments of ITC: 1 I5-GCI and 1 I5-GEE. Recruitment of Vietnamese students (Tra Vinh University) Cooperation between ITC and Tra Vinh University (Vietnam) has started since 2011-2012. Like every year, ITC has sent its staff to recruit Vietnamese students. On 02 June 2014, a selection test was done by ITC staffs at Tra Vinh University with a test of maths, physic and an interview. Two among seven candidates were selected to continue the study in the second year at ITC with support fund from ITC. In total, there are eight Vietnamese students studying at ITC (Table 3). They get AUF scholarship from the 3rd year. Table 3. Number of Vietnamese students at ITC Department 2 nd year 3 rd year 4 th year 5 th year Total GCA - - - GCI - - - GEE - - - GGG 2 - - - 8 GIC 2 2 2 GIM - - - GRU - - - 2.2.3. Entry into 3 rd year engineering program 3 rd year students may come from: engineering students who finished 2 nd year of foundation year outstanding students graduated from DUT program (Direct entry into I3) Others DUT and technician graduates if they passed the test. 10

Some seats in I3 are reserved for Lao Students successfully completing the test. Table 4 shows the number of seats in the 3rd year engineering program of ITC and Table 5 shows the recruited number. Table 4. Number of seats in 3rd year engineering program (Planned) Department Seats I2 into I3 Seats T2, T3 into I3 Seats External test Seats Regional test TOTAL GCA 75 12 2 89 GCI 100 11 2 2 115 Architecture 30 30 GEE 100 12 2 2 116 GIC 75 2 2 2 81 GIM 100 10 2 112 GRU 100 11 2 2 115 GGG 49 5 54 TOTAL 629 63 12 8 712 Dept. Table 5. Recruited number in 3rd year engineering program (Done) Done I2 into I3 Done T2, T3 into I3 Done DUT + 0 and 1 year 11 Done Regional test Student repeating year Total GCA 60 9 1 0 1 71 GCI 79 10 2 0 7 98 Arch 30 0 0 30 GEE 80 5 0 0 10 95 GIC 57 1 0 0 7 65 GIM 85 8 0 0 4 97 GRU 84 7 1 0 7 99 GGG 27 3 0 0 30 Total 502 43 4 0 36 585 2.3. Total number of students and number of reoriented students 2.3.1. For engineer students Figures 6 and 7 show the total number of students and the number of reoriented engineer students in the last 8 years. There is a gradual increase in total number of engineer students from 1222 in 2007-2008 to 3379 in 2014-2015. From 2007-2008 to 2009-2010, the rate of increase is annually between 29% and 33%. For the following two years (2010-2011 and 2011-2012), the rate of increase is more moderate, 17% and 16% respectively. In 2012-2013 and 2013-2014, the rate of increase is about 9% on average. This rate has dropped to about 3% for this academic year 2014 to 2015. The number of reoriented student increases gradually from 46 in 2007-2008 to over 200 from 2011-2012. The percentage of reoriented student decreases from 5.3% to 2.9% from 2007-2008 to 2008-2009 but it goes back to 8% in 2011-2012 and slightly falls again to 7.4% (2012-2013) and 6.5 % in 2013-2014. This percentage rises to 9.2% in 2014-2015.