FLASH ECONOMICS. The situation of countries where a depreciation of the exchange rate does not boost exports or industrial production is worrying

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1 ECONOMICS ECONOMIC RESEARCH April, 1 - No. 3 The situation of countries where a depreciation of the exchange rate does not boost exports or industrial production is worrying The exchange rates of the euro zone, Japan and many major emerging countries (Brazil, India, Turkey, South Africa, Indonesia and ) have depreciated markedly in the recent period. One would expect this depreciation to boost exports and industrial production. If that is not the case, the situation of the country in question is worrying: A lack of improvement in exports points to supply-side problems (lack of available profitable production capacity, products low level of sophistication, shortfall in transport infrastructure and electricity production) that prevent exports from growing even when cost competitiveness is strong. This is the case in Brazil, India, South Africa, Indonesia and ; A lack of improvement in industrial production, if exports improve, shows that the exchange rate depreciation and the deterioration in the terms of trade weakens domestic demand markedly, and therefore that overall activity is not bolstered by the depreciation. This seems to be the case in the euro zone. Author: Patrick Artus

2 Significant exchange-rate depreciations in many countries We have seen significant exchange-rate depreciations in the recent period in: The euro zone (Chart 1A); Japan (Chart 1B); Many major emerging countries: Brazil, India, Turkey, South Africa, Indonesia and (Charts 1C, D and E). Chart 1A Dollar/euro exchange rate (EUR 1 = USD...) Chart 1B Yen/dollar exchange rate (USD 1 = JPY...) 1, 1, , 1, 1 1 1, 1, , 1, 9 9,, 7 7 Chart 1C Exchange rate against the dollar (USD 1 = local currencies...) Chart 1D Exchange rate against the dollar (USD 1 = local currencies...), Real/dollar exchange rate (USD 1 = BRL..., LH scale) Indian rupee/dollar exchange rate (USD 1 = INR..., RH scale) Turkish lira/dollar exchange rate (USD 1 = TRY...) Rand/dollar exchange rate (USD 1 = ZAR...) 1 1 3, 3,,, 1, Chart 1E Exchange rate against the dollar (USD 1 = local currencies...) Indonesian rupee/dollar exchange rate (USD 1 = IDR..., LH scale) Rouble/dollar exchange rate (USD 1 = RUB..., RH scale) Flash 1 3 -

3 We first seek to determine whether these exchange-rate depreciations have boosted these countries exports and manufacturing production. Reactions of exports and manufacturing production to exchange-rate depreciations We seek to determine whether there are countries where exports or industrial production are not stimulated by exchange-rate depreciation. We have seen no positive impact of the depreciation of the exchange rate since 13 on export market shares (Charts A to H) in Brazil, India, South Africa, Indonesia or. Chart A Euro zone: Global trade and exports Chart B Japan: Global trade and exports 3 (1) Euro zone: exports excl. intra-zone trade () Global tradeal 3 (1) Japan: exports () Global trade Sources: Datastream, ECB, Natixis Sources: Datastream, Cabinet Office, Natixis Chart C Brazil: Global trade and exports (1) Brazil: exports () Global trade 3 3 Chart D India: Global trade and exports (1) India: exports () Global trade Chart E Turkey: Global trade and exports Chart F South Africa: Global trade and exports 3 (1) Turkey: exports () Global trade 3 (1) South Africa: exports () Global trade Flash 1 3-3

4 Chart G Indonesia: Global trade and exports Chart H : Global trade and exports 3 (1) Indonesia: exports () Global trade 3 (1) : exports () Global trade Charts 3A, B, C and D show that since 13, the exchange-rate depreciation has not led to an acceleration in manufacturing production in the euro zone, Brazil, India, South Africa or Chart 3A Manufacturing production (:1 = 1) Euro zone Japan 13 1 Chart 3B Manufacturing production (:1 = 1) Brazil India Chart 3C Manufacturing production (:1 = 1) Turkey South Africa Chart 3D Manufacturing production (:1 = 1) Indonesia Flash 1 3 -

5 Why is it that exports or industrial production cannot react to an exchange-rate depreciation? 1. Exports We have seen that exchange-rate depreciation has not led to an increase in export market shares since 13 for Brazil, India, South Africa, Indonesia or. This may at first sight be due to: Insufficient profitability, which discourages producing more for exports. Charts A to H show that profitability has deteriorated in the recent period in Brazil, Turkey, South Africa, Indonesia and ; Chart A Euro zone: Per capita real wage and productivity (:1 = 1) Chart B Japan: Per capita real wage and productivity (:1 = 1) Sources: Datastream, ECB, Natixis Sources: Datastream, Cabinet Office, Natixis Chart C Brazil: Per capita real wage and productivity (:1 = 1) Chart D India: Per capita real wage and productivity (:1 = 1) Sources: Datastream, IBGE, Natixis 1 Sources: Datastream, CSO India, Natixis Chart E Turkey: Per capita real wage and productivity (:1 = 1) Chart F South Africa: Per capita real wage and productivity (:1 = 1) Sources: Datastream, TurkStat, OECD, Natixis Sources: Datastream, Statistics South Africa, Natixis Flash 1 3 -

6 Chart G Indonesia: Per capita real wage and productivity (:1 = 1) Chart H : Per capita real wage and productivity (:1 = 1) Sources: Datastream, Statistics Indonesia, Natixis Sources: Datastream, Federal State Statistics Service, Natixis The fact that the level of product sophistication does not match demand. This should also be noticeable from the fact that, on average, the country s exports do not keep up with global demand. Charts A and B show that this is the case in the euro zone (very little), South Africa and ; Chart A Global trade and exports (in volume terms, :1 = 1) Chart B Global trade and exports (in volume terms, :1 = 1) Global trade Euro zone Japan Brazil India Global trade Turkey South Africa Indonesia Sources: Datastream, national sources, Natixis 1 Sources: Datastream, national sources, Natixis 1 A shortfall in transport infrastructure needed to export. Table 1 shows that this is probably the case in Brazil, India, Turkey and Indonesia; A shortfall in electricity production. Chart shows that this may be the case in India, Brazil, Turkey and South Africa. Flash 1 3 -

7 Chart Production of electricity (in MWh per inhabitant) Euro zone Japan Brazil India 1 Turkey South Africa Sources: Datastream, EIA, WDI, Natixis Roads (km per 1, inhabitants) Railway lines (km per 1, inhabitants) Container traffic in ports (in TEU* per 1, inhabitants) Number of airports (number per 1, inhabitants) * Twenty-foot equivalent unit Sources: World Bank, CIA, Natixis Table 1 Transport infrastructure Euro zone Japan Brazil India Turkey South Africa Indonesia 1, Manufacturing production It does not seem that manufacturing production has been stimulated since 13 by exchange-rate depreciation in the euro zone, Brazil, India, South Africa or. In certain cases, this may be due to the fact that exports are not stimulated by an exchange-rate depreciation, for one of the reasons seen above: Brazil, India, South Africa and. We seek to identify the countries where exchange-rate depreciation has stimulated exports but not industrial production since 13: it is not the case with the euro zone. The explanation can then only be a major decline in domestic demand caused by the deterioration in the terms of trade when the exchange rate depreciates. This normally points to the presence of imports without any large-scale domestic substitute. In what countries has the exchange-rate depreciation driven down domestic demand sharply since 13? Charts 7A, B, C and D show that this is seen in the euro zone, Japan, Brazil, South Africa and. Flash 1 3-7

8 Chart 7A Domestic demand Euro zone Japan Chart 7B Domestic demand Brazil India Sources: Datastream, Eurostat, Statistics Chart 7C Domestic demand Chart 7D Domestic demand 1 1 Turkey South Africa Indonesia Conclusion: A worrying signal when the exchange-rate depreciation does not stimulate exports or industrial production Among the countries that we have analysed, the steep exchange-rate depreciation since 13 has not stimulated exports in Brazil, India, South Africa, Indonesia or. This means that there are supply-side problems in these countries (profitability, level of product sophistication, energy resources, transport infrastructures) that prevent companies from reacting to an improvement in cost competitiveness. There are also countries where industrial production is not picking up despite the support that the exchange-rate depreciation is providing for exports. That is the case with the euro zone. These are countries where a deterioration in the terms of trade has a very negative impact on domestic demand (high weight of indispensable imports), and where, accordingly, an exchange-rate depreciation does not stimulate activity on the whole. Flash 1 3 -

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All major U.S. institutional investors receiving this document shall not distribute the original nor a copy thereof to any other person in the United States. Natixis Securities Americas LLC, a U.S. registered broker-dealer and member of FINRA, is a subsidiary of Natixis. Natixis Securities Americas LLC did not participate in the preparation of this research report and as such assumes no responsibility for its content. This research report has been prepared and reviewed by research analysts employed by Natixis, who are not associated persons of Natixis Securities Americas LLC and are not registered or qualified as research analysts with FINRA, and are not subject to the rules of the FINRA. In order to receive any additional information about or to effect a transaction in any security or financial instrument mentioned herein, please contact your usual registered representative at Natixis Securities Americas LLC, by or by mail at 11 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 1 Flash 1 3-9

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Application Form/ Formulaire de demande

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AMENDMENT TO BILL 32 AMENDEMENT AU PROJET DE LOI 32 THAT the proposed clause 6(1), as set out in Clause 6(1) of the Bill, be replaced with the following: Trustee to respond promptly 6(1) A trustee shall respond to a request as promptly as required in the

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PRÉSENTATION DE LA SOCIÉTÉ PRÉSENTATION DE LA SOCIÉTÉ Juillet 2015 Swiss Finance & Property AG Swiss Finance & Property AG est une société spécialisée en matière d investissements immobiliers et de conseil mettant l accent sur la

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Cheque Holding Policy Disclosure (Banks) Regulations. Règlement sur la communication de la politique de retenue de chèques (banques) CONSOLIDATION

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Multiple issuers. La cotation des actions ROBECO ci-dessous est suspendue sur EURONEXT PARIS dans les conditions suivantes :

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APPENDIX 2. Provisions to be included in the contract between the Provider and the. Holder

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Bill 204 Projet de loi 204

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Règlement sur l usage en commun de poteaux. Joint Use of Poles Regulations CODIFICATION CONSOLIDATION. C.R.C., c. 1185 C.R.C., ch. CANADA CONSOLIDATION CODIFICATION Joint Use of Poles Regulations Règlement sur l usage en commun de poteaux C.R.C., c. 1185 C.R.C., ch. 1185 Current to June 9, 2015 À jour au 9 juin 2015 Published by the

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MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE FOR STEEL CONSTRUCTION Ficep Group Company MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE FOR STEEL CONSTRUCTION KEEP ADVANCING " Reach your expectations " ABOUT US For 25 years, Steel Projects has developed software for the steel fabrication industry.

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Paxton. ins-20605. Net2 desktop reader USB

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has brought a motion to change the order of Justice, dated. the agreement between you and (name of party bringing this motion), dated.

has brought a motion to change the order of Justice, dated. the agreement between you and (name of party bringing this motion), dated. ONTARIO Court File Number SEAL at (Name of court) Court office address Form 15: Motion to Change the order of Justice dated the agreement for support between the parties dated filed with the court on Applicant(s)

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AVIS DE COURSE. Nom de la compétition : CHALLENGE FINN OUEST TOUR 3 Dates complètes : 14, 15 et 16 mai 2015 Lieu : Saint Pierre Quiberon

AVIS DE COURSE. Nom de la compétition : CHALLENGE FINN OUEST TOUR 3 Dates complètes : 14, 15 et 16 mai 2015 Lieu : Saint Pierre Quiberon AVIS DE COURSE Nom de la compétition : CHALLENGE FINN OUEST TOUR 3 Dates complètes : 14, 15 et 16 mai 2015 Lieu : Saint Pierre Quiberon Autorité Organisatrice : Société des Régates Saint Pierre Quiberon

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