TABLEAU RECAPITULATIF : Consultations de marché 2013

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1 Dates de lancement Titre de l'action / Type of action Texte d'information N dossier Type de marché / Type of market Montant initial Initial amount Nbs de soumiss. Noms des soumissionnaires Offres reçus Offre selectionné Montant approuvé / Amount approved /11/2012 Technical assistance CDE-Ex-Change Partnership Agreement for support to the Development of Private Sector in ACP countries ACP/1301/01/GO Cost Sharing contract ,00 1 Ex-Change vzw, Belgium Ex-Change vzw, Belgium ,00 12/09/2013 Audit financier Etablissement du rapport de vérification des dépenses du budget 2013: Contrat FED/21013/ EXA/2013/01 Contrat de gré à gré ,00 1 RSM InterAudit-Réviseurs d'entreprise sc scrl, Belgique RSM InterAudit-Réviseurs d'entreprise sc scrl, Belgique 9.640,00 18/03/2013 Contrat de services Demande d'offres pour une équipe de 3 interprètes pour les réunions du CA DIR-EMB/0001/13 Consultation de marché ,00 10 Adintra, Dominique Herzet, Challenge Partners, Conference Interpreters International, Dixit Interpreters & Translators, Gene Electra, Microson, Tradas, ETC Europe et Colingua Translation and Conference Interpreting Adintra, Dominique Herzet, ETC Europe et Dominique Herzet (Prix par Colingua Translation journée de travail). et Tradas ,00 18/04/2013 Relations publiques Support au Département Communication & Relations Publiques PPR/1304/01 Contrat de gré à gré 9.950,00 1 M. Mamadou Diallo M. Mamadou Diallo 9.950,00 19/11/2013 Contrat de services Assistance à la préparation des réunions du Conseil d'administration du CDE et procès-verbaux de celles-ci. EBM/0005/R13 Contrat de gré à gré ,00 1 M. Eckhard Hinzen M. Eckhard Hinzen ,00 30/09/2013 Support technique Support IT externe CSP/1401/01 Contrat de services ,00 4 SYSTEMAT, Belgique ; UPFRONT, WASLET IT, Belgique; Belgique ; KEYTECH, KEYTECH ,00 UPFRONT, Belgique ; Belgique KEYTECH, Belgique 23/10/2013 Support tecnique archiving solution CSP/1303/01 Contrat de services ,00 3 MIMECAST, UK ; SOLUTIONS EXCHANGE, France; IT 101, Belgique MIMECAST, UK ; SOLUTIONS IT 101, Belgique ,00 EXCHANGE, France; IT 101, Belgique 31/12/2012 Assistance technique Accompagnement des acteurs de la plateforme de Douala, membres d'ecam, en vue d'une certification qualité aux normes ISO 9001 V2008 CAM/1202/R01/IP Contrat à frais partagés, avec des souscontrats de services ,00 8 BEST/Best Engineering System; QUALITEC Sarl; CABINET SASI; BEST/Best Engineering CABINET ACONOR; CABINET System; QUALITEC Sarl; QUALIACTIONS; CABINET CABINET ACONOR; ACTION MANAGEMENT; Cabinet Best Engineering System ,00 CABINET QUALIACTIONS Nord Sud Expertise & et Cabinet Bureau Norme Réalisations et Cabinet Bureau Audit Norme Audit 17/09/2013 Location Location des bureaux pour le programme PADSP Cameroun PADSP CAMEROUN/CDE 2013 Contrat de location 1.068,70 /mois 3 COMPAGNIE S.C.I. Song Mback (Warda, Mme AFRICAINE DE Bayiha Jeanne Honorée) Prix par DIFFUSION et S.CI mois SONG MBACK 1.068,70 27/09/2013 Travaux Travaux d'aménagement des bureaux de l'ugp (Unité de Gestion du Programme) du PADSP du Cameroun CAF/1203/01 Contrat de travaux ,00 4 TCHUINCOM EQUIPEMENTS, ETS KKP, ETS KOUOGUENG et SIKABAT TCHUINCOM EQUIPEMENTS, ETS KKP TCHUINCOM EQUIPEMENT ,00 4/10/2013 Furniture Acquisition du mobilier et matériel de bureau de l'ugp (Unité de Gestion du Programme) du PADSP du Cameroun CAF/1203/01 Contrat de fourniture ,00 4 PROMEB, CEB LA MEUBLERIE, ORCA et VISION CONFORT PROMEB, CEB LA PROMEB ,00 MEUBLERIE \\\davwwwroot\directorate\compr\shared Documents\Procurement\Historique procurement 2013_update : 18/11/2014-1/6

2 22/10/2013 Furniture Acquisition du matériel informatique pour l'ugp (Unité de Gestion du Programme) du PADSP du Cameroun PADSP Cameroun / Materiel informatique Contrat de fourniture ,00 4 ACE SARL, BELL COMPUTERS, ACE SARL, BELL INTEK SARL, IT CENTER et Bell Computers ,56 COMPUTERS ALADJI INFORMATIQUE 4/06/2013 Assistance technique Recrutement d'un Expert-Gestionnaire de l'ugp pour la mise en œuvre du PADSP du Cameroun PSDP CAMEROUN/CDE 2013 Contrat de services ,00 7 Premier avis de marché (26,02,2013) nous avonzs reçu 7 France Clusters, ECF propositions que nous avons SRL, ArialConsult, consideré insuffisantes. Nous Consortium avons lancé un deuxieme avis de Boutchang et ACE marché (4,06,2013) et avons reçu 18 propositions. La liste courte a International été composée de 7 candidats France CLUSTERS ,00 2/10/2013 Services 7/12/2012 Diagnostic et formulation Couverture maladie, retraite complémentaire et assurances des locaux et véhicule du Bureau Régional du CDE pour l'afrique Centrale Mission diagnostic et de formulation d un plan d action cacao pour AID/1208/01/GO 2013/2014 RFO/CAF Contrat de services ,00 7 Contrat de services. Lot 1: 11,850,- et lot 2: 16,450, ,00 8 Lot 1 : Mor Fall (Sénégal); Alioune Badara Ba (Sénégal); CHEIKH AHMADOU DIOP (Sénégal) ) et Tamsir Fall (Sénégal). Lot 2 : J.P Rousseau (Belgique) ; Gerard Fourny (France) ; Patric Ndimanya (Burundi) et Ballachandra Ravi (France) ; et Bo Van Elzakker (Pays Bas) Instutut Louis Bolk. Tamsir Fall (Sénégal) Assistance technique Appui aux coopératives cacaoyères en République Démocratique du Congo dans le cadre du projet AIDCOM PSDP RDC Cacao Contrat sans appel d'offre ,00 1 Trias NGO, Belgique / RDC , Assistance technique Appui aux coopératives caféières en République Démocratique du Congo dans le cadre du projet AIDCOM PSDP RDC Café Contrat sans appel d'offre ,00 1 Café Africa, RDC ,00 14/01/2013 Assistance technique Recrutement de l'équipe de l'unité de gestion pour la mise en œuvre du PRCCE du Congo Brazzaville PRCCE-CB/CDE 2013 Appel international restreint. Contrat de services ,00 6 Nous avons reçu 6 offres administrativement conformes: Essouma, Limpico Sarl, SOPEX Consulting, AriaConsult, M. Thaddée Yossa et ACE International. ACE INTERNATIONAL ,00 26/02/2013 Training assitance Organic soap making worshops and market linkage to hotel buyers for women artisans of the CenTral Region of Haiti. HAI.1301.R01.CH ,67 1 Request for derogation, article 3,2,5,/2. (for economic and technical reasons). Marie Roberte Laurent ,05 4/03/2013 Technical assistance Intensive Support to Exporters within the Framework of EPA Opportunities. 3 lots; lot 2,1 Market acces, lot 2,2 Packaging labelling and food laboratory for nutritional analysis, lot 3 Food safety systems and international auditor. CAR/1202/R01/GO Market consultation.. Lot 2,1 et lot 2,2 Clemens Hackl; Market Market Scoping ,00 Scoping International; Adge International and Dr. Gittins; Sandrinedole; Jane Beverley Morgan 8 Milton; Philippe Juglar; Dr. (The Cancelled Beverley Morgan and Competitiveness Dennis Richards; Company) 4/03/2013 Technical assiatnce Intensive Support to Exporters within the Framework of EPA Opportunities. 3 lots; lot 1 Market acces, lot 2 Packaging labelling and food laboratory for nutritional analysis, lot 3 Food safety systems and international auditor. CAR/1202/R01/GO Market consultation. Lot ,00 10 Casse Engineering; C&G International, Inc.; Karen Jo BENNETT; André GORDON, Ph.D.; Kenneth MULLIN; James Simon Spencer Ransome; Desmond Ali; Premier Quality Services Limited (PQSL); Mrs. Sharonemae Shirley and Food Hygiene Consultancy; C&G International, Inc.; Karen Jo BENNETT (FSSCL); André GORDON, Ph.D.(TSL) and Food Hygiene Consultancy; Cancelled,. The budget for 2013 was limited to some specific actions. \\\davwwwroot\directorate\compr\shared Documents\Procurement\Historique procurement 2013_update : 18/11/2014-2/6

3 14/12/2013 Technical asistance MARKET ASSESSMENT AND DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF A MARKETING INITIATIVE FOR LIMESTONE AND ITS DERIVATIVES JAMAICA PROMOTIONS CORPORATION MARCO COSI; Conrad Douglas & Associates Ltd.; IMC Group JAM/1102/R01/EB Market consultation ,00 Consulting Limited Michael John 7 Crowson; Laurence N. Neufville; PowerGen Limited and Graham J Smith. MARCO COSI; Conrad Douglas & Associates Ltd. and PowerGen Limited Conrad Douglas & Associates Ltd ,00 24/01/2013 Technical assistance Soutien financier au programme d'appui aux agro-exportations de la Camera de Comercio Dominico-Francesa (SSDF) DOR/1301/01/GO Contrat à frais partagés ,58 3 Camera de Comercio Dominico- Francesa (SSDF) ,00 18/04/2013 Technical assistance Mango Farmers Capacity Building Programme - Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 TAN/1106/01/GE Market consultation, service contract. Lot 1 : Lot 2 : ; Lot 3: 20,955,- lot 4: 13,970,- lot 5: 16,955,- Onesmo Kenneth, Merius E. Nzalawahe, Hebron A. Mwakalinga, Kain Bernard Mvanda, Charles ,00 8 Ogutu, Dr. Zuberi Seguni, John Mwangakala, Mwatawala, M.W (Phd) Associate Professor For the lot 1, 2 & 3 we received only two offers; For the lot 4 0 offer; For the lot 5 1 offer Lot 1 Dr Zuberi Singano Seguni (20,895,-); Lot 2, Mr Mwatawala Maulid Walad (50,562,-), Lot 3: Onesmo Kenneth (20,940,-) ,00 18/06/2013 Technical assistance Mango Farmers Capacity Building Programme - Lots 4 & 5 TAN/1106/01/GE Market consultation, service contract. lot 4 : Lot 5 : They have presented offers for the lot 4: Onesmo Kenneth, Ralpha Kanaga, Onesmo Kenneth, Ralpha Kanaga, ,00 4 Hebron A. Mwakalinga and Novatus Stephen Hebron A. Mwakalinga and Novatus Stephen and for the lot 5: Ralpha Kanaga, Hebron A. Mwakalinga and Novatus Stephe Lot 4: Mr Novatus Stephen - 12,100,- Lot 5 Mr Ralph Kananga (14,040,-) ,00 14/05/2013 Projet pilote Groupement des aquaculteurs et Pêcheurs de crevettes de Madagascar. Appui à la mise en œuvre d'un système de congélation des crevettes par aspersion de saumure froide à bord de chalutiers crevettiers. Société France Agro Industrie MAD/1203/R01/FI Contrat de services ,00 1 (FAI) Accord du Directeur Société France Agro Industrie du CDE, le (FAI) ,00 6/02/2013 Technical assistance Single window entry. Private sector Foundation Uganda (PSFU) UGA/1202/R01/SO Cost-sharing contract ,00 Afroeducare Limited; Leverage Africa Ltd; Marks & Payne Associates; BMR 6 Associates; Premium Consulting Africa and Whitelines Consult Ltd Leverage Africa Ltd; Marks & Payne Associates; BMR Whitelines Consulting Limites Associates; Premium Uganda. Consulting Africa and Whitelines Consult Ltd ,00 24/04/2013 Technical assistance The South Pacific Tourism Organisation. The objective of the project is to get SME accommodation providers using online tools for their sales and processing of bookings. PAC/1107/R01/VO Cost-sharing contract ,00 1 WHLGroup, Australia WHLGroup, Australia ,00 4/10/2012 Technical assistance The Association of Development Financing Institutions in the Pacific (ADFIP), wish to extend the concept of energy efficiency loan to Private Sector Business. Dr. Herbert Allen Wade and Mr. PAL/1201/R01/NO Cost-sharing contract ,00 2 Clifford B. Terry Dr. Herbert Allen Wade and Mr. Clifford B. Terry ,00 \\\davwwwroot\directorate\compr\shared Documents\Procurement\Historique procurement 2013_update : 18/11/2014-3/6

4 8/08/2013 Technical assistance The purpose of this action is to contribute in the implementation of a Business Plan as well as Management planning for developing a 5-Star Hotel/Resort in Samoa MR. Walter de Scheppe and Mr. WSA/0603/R02/VO Cost-sharing contract ,82 2 Herman Jan Meijers MR. Walter de Scheppe and Mr. Herman Jan Meijers ,00 28/02/2013 Technical assistance Access to finance for SMEs Programme BOT.1003.R02.SF Cost-sharing contract ,00 8 Barema (Benefit Resource Management; BiT Management Services; First National Bank (FNB); Kgwebo Management Consultants; Business of Systems; Next wave Investments; Mazars Botswana ( Former Kgwebo and BIT Moors Roland); Morpheus Management Services Global Consultancy & Wide scope Consulting ( Joint Bidding); Next Wave Investment and RSM Business Kgwebo Management Consultants, Botswana ,99 DSVG, BDO, DOBSON, EY, KPMG BDO, DOBSON, E&Y, and 7/09/2013 Audits Expendiduture verification of EEMP, CEP and Swaziland Sugar Association Botswana audits verification Single offert ,00 6 E & Y 7.380,00 and PWC PWC 16/04/2013 Technical assistance Ameloration of the Grading system in the Hospitaly Sector. MOZ/1101/R02/VO Complementary services ,00 1 Mundiserviços Mundiserviços ,00 14/05/2013 Capacity building Capacity building training programme for the Malawi Fair Trade Network (MFTN). Ms. Doreen Isabella Chanje, Mr. MWI/1301/R01 Cost-sharing contract ,00 3 Alinafe Kasinja & Mr. Emmanuel Banda. Ms. Doreen Isabella Chanje, Mr. Alinafe Ms. Doreen Isabella Chanje Kasinja & Mr. Emmanuel 9.723,00 Banda. 13/06/2013 Technical assistance Provision of Record Management Information Service for One Call Solution Namibia NAM/1201/01 Cost-sharing contract ,48 Severals lots under the costshering contract, in total 4 lots. Lot 1a: RIM training ( 3,645,-); lot 1b: Nashua Communications (8,020,-); lot 2 Headway firm (2,088); lot 3 Namibia Standard Institute (4,000); Lot 4 Paul Newman (4.500 Euros) ,48 21/06/2013 Technical assistance Capacity development & ISO certification NAM/1203/R01/VO Single offert.. Thee lots < 10,000,- Euros ,00 Lot 2: Businees process outsourcing, 3 bidders were invited. Lot 3: ISO certification 3 bidders were invited. Lot 4: CRM facilitation, 3 bidders were invited. Lot 2: Businees process outsourcing, C Headway. Lot 3: ISO certification Namibia Standard Institution (NSI). Lot 4: CRM facilitation, Mr. Paul Newmann ,48 International Trade Centre (ITC), 5/12/2013 Technical assistance Value Chains Analysis under the Botswana PSDP BWP/1314/R01/GO Grant contract to ITC ,00 is an implementing partners 1 under the Btoswana PSDP programme. ITC ,00 27/03/2013 Technical assistance Expert-coordinator for the implementation of a Trade and Private Sector Development Programme (PSDP) in Zimbabwe SAF-PS/ZIM/1301//R01/GO. International restricted tender. The individual service contract forecast was publishing on the 27/03/2013. The Service Procurement Notice was ,00 2 publishing on the 8/05/2013. At the closing date, we had received only two proposals: Particip GmbH and Instituto de la Calidad, S.A.U. \\\davwwwroot\directorate\compr\shared Documents\Procurement\Historique procurement 2013_update : 18/11/2014-4/6

5 19/01/2012 Technical assistance Kukula Capital had launched a number of MC below 10,000,- Euros in order to provide technical assistance to the projects financed by the fund. ZAM/1001/R03/SF Cost-sharing contract ,00 For each assignment (action) three experts have been approached. Action 1: preparing HR for the company More Beef, expert selected Mr. Christian Steiwer Heln (6.006 Euros); Action 2: Due diligence on the Quick Edge Limited, expert selected Mr. Jens Waldorff ( Euros); Action 3: Preparing cofinancing strategy for Euro Plant Ltd, expert selected, Mr. Morten Koefoed ( Euro); Action 4: Preparing and implementing the investment in Ari Cohen Ltd., expert selected Mr. Niels Bojsen ,00 Fabulous Productions; Red 14/05/2013 Technical assistance. Regional Office for Southern Africa: Stakeholder Workshop SAF/1209/01 Single offert ,00 3 Pepper & Gaintec Investments Cancelled 13/03/2013 Technical assistance Swaziland Sugar Association (SSA). Enhancing productivity and market growth in sugar sector. SWA/1103/R01/CS ,00 3 PWC; KPMG & REDI PWC; KPMG & REDI KMPG 5.487,00 26/03/2013 Technical assistance Swaziland Sugar Association (SSA). Capacity building and training to sugarcane growers SWA/1103/R01/CS Cost sharing contract - Complementary services ,00 1 SAIEX SAIEX ,00 13/03/2013 Technical assistance Swaziland Sugar Association (SSA). Conducting economic analysis of the sugar industry and its linkage effect on the other economic sectors of the Kingdom of Swaziland - A social accounting Matrix. SWA/1103/R02/CS ,00 6 Conningarth Economists; RMI Services; IHS Consulting; Winnie Kalamandua; UNISWA Consultancy & Training Centre and Michael Ogg Conningarth Economists; Winnie Kalamandua; & UNISWA Consultancy Conningarth Economists ,00 22/08/2013 Technical assistance 13/05/2013 Technical assistance 9/08/2013 Technical assistance 9/08/2013 Technical assistance 29/04/2013 Technical assistance Swaziland Sugar Association (SSA). Development of environmental management guidelines Driving the private sector for tourism development, Zambia. Consultancy services for the design and development of three websites Driving the private sector for tourism development, Zambia. Appraisal and needs assessment for establishment of the tourism resource centre. Driving the private sector for tourism development, Zambia. Consultancy services to provide training needs assessment business development to members SWA/1103/R03/CS ZAM/1102/R01/VO - Activity 2 ZAM/1102/R01/VO - Activity 3 ZAM/1102/R01/VO - Activity 4 Intermediary organization Aquaculture Zimbabwe. Business ZIM/1302/R01/FI - Activity 1 management Hlobisa, MTK Sustainable ,00 3 technologies and SHERQ Professionals. Just click technologies Zambia ,00 3 Ltd; Acorn Investment Zambia and Makanga Investments Val Consulting Zambia; IMCS ,00 3 Zambia and Acumen Consulting. Acumen consulting; Wadada company and Zambia ,00 3 Chamber of Small and Business Associations ( ZCSMBA) Admire Tongowona; Mano ,00 3 Ngavi and Stanley Zira Hlobisa, MTK Sustainable technologies and SHERQ Professionals. Just click technologies Zambia Ltd; Acorn Investment Zambia and Makanga Investments Val Consulting Zambia; IMCS Zambia and Acumen Consulting. Acumen consulting; Wadada company and Zambia Chamber of Small and Business Associations ( ZCSMBA) Admire Tongowona; Mano Ngavi and Stanley Zira SHERQ Professionals ,00 Just click technologies Zambia Ltd 9.000,00 IMCS Zambia 9.528,01 Zambia Chamber of Small and Business Associations ( ZCSMBA) ,00 Mr. Admire Tongowona ,80 29/04/2013 Technical assistance Intermediary organization Aquaculture Zimbabwe. Technical ZIM/1302/R01/FI - Activity 2 knowhow in aquaculture production. Lightone T Marufu, Vurayayi ,00 3 Zvarevashe and Throneville Pvt Ltd. Lightone T Marufu, Vurayayi Zvarevashe and Throneville Pvt Ltd. Mr. Vurayi Zvarevashe ,60 26/02/2013 Technical assistance Competitive enhancement- Support for the viability and sustenance of the Hotel enterprises as well as dependent industries & communities through. Improvement to the seasonality GAM/0902/R02/VO Market consultation.. \\\davwwwroot\directorate\compr\shared Documents\Procurement\Historique procurement 2013_update : 18/11/2014-5/6

6 30/04/2013 Technical assistance Re-launch of the previous market consultation published on Competitive enhancement- Support for the viability and sustenance of the Hotel enterprises as well as dependent industries & communities through. Improvement to the seasonality GAM/0902/R02/VO Market consultation ,00 SIGMA Finances; Hinzen 1/03/2013 Technical evaluation Evaluation ex-post Tanyo, Niger NIG/1201/R01 Contrat de gré à gré ,00 2 Eckhard Dr. Marina Novelli; Tejan Nyang; Rebecca Latchford; Dr. Marina Novelli Marcello Notarianni; Dr. and Dr. Peter Burns Dr. Peter Burns ,00 Peter Burns and Sergio Santos. SIGMA Finances; Hinzen Eckhard SIGMA Finances, Côte d'ivoire ,00 16/05/2013 Formation UEMOA-CDE AC03 Recherche d'un cabinet d'études pour délivrer la formation "FUNDES" Liste longue : Groupe Défis & Stratégies, 3A-Conseils-CEM, NEO-CONSULT sarl, CAGEFIC, UEMOA-CDE AC03 Appel à candidatures 11 BNETD, PMC, IBC, SICAREX, Support Entreprises, LMDE et TNS Désiré Bankolé Reception d'une seule offre: IBC Mali Marché annulé 14/05/2013 Formation UEMOA-CDE AC03 Recherche d'un cabinet d'études pour délivrer la formation "FUNDES". Nous avons reçu pour la liste UEMOA-CDE AC02 Contrats individuels de formation 81 longue 81 candidatures. Atelier de formation à l'outil de diagnostic d'entreprise du CDE. 79 experts formés. 13/11/2013 Formation / Formateurs UEMOA-CDE AC03 Recherche d'un cabinet d'études pour délivrer la formation "FUNDES". Lot 1 Mali: IBC Mali, Lot 2 Bénin: IBC Mali, TecnoServe de Côte TecnoServe de Côte d'ivoire, Lot Réception d'une seule d'ivoire, BNETD Côte d'ivoire et UEMOA-CDE AC03 Contrat de gré-à-gré des quatre lots , Burkina Faso: BNETD Côte offre: IBC Mali Groupe Défis & Stratégie de Côte d'ivoire et Lot 4 Sénégal: Groupe d'ivoire. Défis & Stratégie de Côte d'ivoire ,90 15/04/2013 Formation UEMOA-CDE AC05 Appel à candidatures pour le programme Efficacité Energétique Nous avons reçu pour la liste UEMOA-CDE AC04 Contrats individuels de formation 26 longue 26 candidatures. Formation a été delivre dans un seul pays de la région UEMOA. 22 experts formés. 3/05/2013 Formation / formateurs UEMOA-CDE AC05 Appel à candidatures pour le programme Efficacité Energétique UEMOA-CDE AC05 Appel à candidatures ,00 Liste longue : Eyowie Inter, Groupe Défis & Stratégies, SETADE, APAVE International, DEMAIN et Quartz 12 CAMCO, BNETD, AMYRIS Afrique-Enerplus. Consultance, CAGEFIC, KAPI Consult, DEMAIN, CESS Institute et Quartz Afrique-Enerplus. Quartz Afrique-Enerplus ,00 Totaux ,55 315, ,57 \\\davwwwroot\directorate\compr\shared Documents\Procurement\Historique procurement 2013_update : 18/11/2014-6/6


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