Factories of the Future FoF Preparation de l appel 2015

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Factories of the Future FoF Preparation de l appel 2015 Pierre Fiasse 3/06/2014 1

NCP-Wallonie NCP = National Contact Point Augmenter la participation des acteurs wallons aux programmes internationaux de recherche, développement et innovation 11 années d expérience Équipe : 7 personnes 2

Appel FoF 2015 Objectifs du workshop 145 M 7 Topics ouverts, publiés deadline : le 9 décembre 2014 Consortium : avant le break de l été! Actions aujourd hui pour participer à cet appel! 3

Objectifs : Méthodologie analyse des Topics de l appel identification des projets précédents et key players focus particulier sur l Allemagne / recherches de partenaires qui circulent networking inter-wallon et stratégies de dépôts (isolée ou en duo/ groupes) Plan d action prise de contact avec des acteurs identifiables à l étranger méthodologie/ outils évènement de networking à venir 4

H2020 : orientation innovation FP6- FP7 : Transfert résultats > industries? H2020 : Innovation Démonstrateurs Pilotes Up Scaling dans les projets Impact dans la composition du consortium Recherche de base Phase labo/ proto Validation / Transfert TRL 1-3 TRL 4-5 TRL 6-7 Universités Centre Recherche Entrepr. high-tech Universités Centre Recherche Entrepr. high-tech Entrepr. sectorielles Entreprises sectorielles End-users Utilisateurs Consortium / Projet 5

H2020 : orientation innovation FP6- FP7 : Transfert résultats > industries? H2020 : Innovation Démonstrateurs Pilotes Up Scaling dans les projets Impact dans la composition du consortium Stratégie de transfert : nouveautés A B C Projet Financements alternatifs Smart specialization : synergies/ coordination portefeuille régionaux de projets Etudes de marché Décrire la période après projet & financement Inversément : projets régionaux > compétitivité > intertionalisation! 6

H2020 : orientation innovation FP6- FP7 : Transfert résultats > industries? H2020 : Innovation Démonstrateurs Pilotes Up Scaling dans les projets Impact dans la composition du consortium Stratégie de transfert : nouveautés A B C Projet Financements alternatifs Smart specialization : synergies/ coordination portefeuille régionaux de projets Etudes de marché Décrire la période après projet & financement Inversément : projets régionaux > compétitivité > intertionalisation! 7

H2020 : financement Type de projets Min 3 pays EU Projets 5-8 M, 5-15 partenaires Financement : Commission RIA - Research & Innovation Action : 100% IA - Innovation Action : 70% (100% Non Profit) Autres Overheads : 25% CSA Coordination & Support action Fast Track to Innovation Pilots SME 8

Horizon 2020 Horizon 2020 77 028 M Excellent Science 24 441 M Industrial leadership 17 016 M Societal challenges 29 679 M Calls NMP Calls PPP EeB SPIRE FoF (NMP + ICT) KETS NMP ICT Space Biotech 1,15 milliards EC Funding

Factories of the Future : PPP entre la Commission et l Industrie 2008 Recovery plan : Sortir de la crise - redynamiser la compétitivité et l emploi Développer une industrie manufacturière compétitive, innovante, répondant aux enjeux sociétaux climatiques Stratégie - 4 axes 1. Sustainable manufacturing 2. ICT-enabled intelligent manufacturing 3. High performance manufacturing 4. Exploiting new materials through manufacturing 10

Factories of the Future EFFRA European Factories of the Future Research Association http://www.effra.eu 11

Factories of the Future EFFRA European Factories of the Future Research Association http://www.effra.eu FP7 2010-2013 : 4 premiers appels à projets 1,2 milliards, ~ 50% EC 150 projets Participants : Ind ~ 50% PME ~ 30% 78% = non membre EFFRA H2020 2014 : premier appel à projet 116 millions 12

FoF appel 2015 8. ICT-enabled modeling, simulation, analytics and forecasting technos RIA 9. ICT Innovation for Manufacturing SMEs (I4MS) IA/ CSA 10. Manufacturing of custom made parts for personalized products RIA 11. Flexible production systems based on integrated tools for rapid reconfiguration of machinery and robots IA 12. Industrial technologies for advanced joining and assembly processes of multi-materials IA 13. Re-use and re-manufacturing technologies and equipment for sustainable product life cycle management RIA 14. Integrated design and management of production machinery and processes RIA 13

Structure des topics FoF 12 2015: Industrial technologies for advanced joining and assembly processes of multi-materials Specific challenge: Smart use of adequate joining technologies + multi-material approach = potential product performance Scope: Traditional joining leads to loss of the performance > New or hybrid joining and assembly processes are therefore needed to overcome the mentioned limitations Expected impact: 30% decrease in the consumption of high cost and critical materials. 30% improvement of the product performance, without increasing the final price. A higher level of automation and lower production times compared to current technologies Type of action: Innovation Actions (70% funding). 14

FoF-08 : ICT-enabled modeling, simulation, analytics and forecasting technologies RIA Innovative modelling, simulation, analytics and forecasting tools for manufacturing at large, building on advances in ICT. Expected impact : Increased productivity Improved cost efficiency and accuracy, reliability and speed of simulation techniques Reduced time to production and optimised supply chains Enhanced interoperability of integrated product and factory design systems 15

FoF-09 : ICT Innovation for Manufacturing SMEs (I4MS) IA & CSA Focus on SMEs & emerging innovative technologies and processes, which need to be customised, integrated, tested and validated before being released on the market. 3 research fields : Highly flexible and near-autonomous robotics systems (application experiments). HPC Cloud-based modelling, simulation and analytics services for modelling multiple interconnected phenomena Integration of Cyber-Physical-System modules in manufacturing processes Impact: Attract a significant number of new users of advanced ICT in the manufacturing sector, More innovative and competitive technology suppliers 16

FoF-09 : ICT Innovation for Manufacturing SMEs (I4MS) IA & CSA Focus on SMEs & emerging innovative technologies and processes, which need to be customised, integrated, tested and validated before being released on the market. 3 research fields : Highly flexible and near-autonomous robotics systems (application experiments). HPC Cloud-based modelling, simulation and analytics services for modelling multiple interconnected phenomena Integration of Cyber-Physical-System modules in manufacturing processes Impact: Attract a significant number of new users of advanced ICT in the manufacturing sector, More innovative and competitive technology suppliers 17

FoF-10 : Manufacturing of custom made parts for personalised products RIA Manufacturing of customised products (e.g. consumer goods and medical devices) via advanced design & manufacturing processes integrating advanced materials seamless data integration across the process and supply chains methodologies and tools for the management of effective value chains for the fast production and delivery of personalised products 18

FoF-11 : Flexible production systems based on integrated tools for rapid reconfiguration of machinery and robots IA Activities : Integrated tools for the management of agile production systems as a whole and the fast reconfigurable individual machines and robots Standardisation of the communication protocols and data structures fitting the plug and produce philosophy. Protocols for interconnecting the production system information with higher level plant management systems. Integration of automatic monitoring and optimisation of energy usage in the production system Demonstration of the integrated solution in at least one existing production environment 19

FoF-11 : Flexible production systems based on integrated tools for rapid reconfiguration of machinery and robots IA Activities : Integrated tools for the management of agile production systems as a whole and the fast reconfigurable individual machines and robots Standardisation of the communication protocols and data structures fitting the plug and produce philosophy. Protocols for interconnecting the production system information with higher level plant management systems. Integration of automatic monitoring and optimisation of energy usage in the production system Demonstration of the integrated solution in at least one existing production environment 20

FoF-12 : Industrial technologies for advanced joining and assembly processes for multi-materials IA Demonstration activities should focus on all of the following priorities: Joining and assembly processes that will lead to maximise performance of the joints and/or to facilitate recycling, based on a deep understanding of the cause-effect relationships & materials process interactions. The implementation of numerical simulation techniques, including computational multi-scale modelling The development of high efficient, cost-effective and flexible surface condition solutions to provide joints with the maximum performance. The implementation and set up of reliable, efficient and automated non-destructive inspection techniques for joint quality evaluation, together with in-situ monitoring and control systems At least one prototype at end of the project 21

FoF-12 : Industrial technologies for advanced joining and assembly processes for multi-materials IA Demonstration activities should focus on all of the following priorities: Joining and assembly processes that will lead to maximise performance of the joints and/or to facilitate recycling, based on a deep understanding of the cause-effect relationships & materials process interactions. The implementation of numerical simulation techniques, including computational multi-scale modelling The development of high efficient, cost-effective and flexible surface condition solutions to provide joints with the maximum performance. The implementation and set up of reliable, efficient and automated non-destructive inspection techniques for joint quality evaluation, together with in-situ monitoring and control systems At least one prototype at end of the project 22

FoF-13 : Re-use and remanufacturing technologies and equipment for sustainable product lifecycle management RIA Added value materials (fibre composites, nano-materials and biomaterials) as well as more conventional materials are today not considered for re-use due to absence of data on reprocessed performance. Research activities should cover : Eco-innovative approaches for product design which are capable to take into account re-use and re-manufacturing aspects for enhanced product recovery and spare parts/services support. New manufacturing and equipment concepts for re-use and remanufacturing, with improved resource efficiency & service lifetime. New technologies and automation solutions for the effective disassembly/separation and recovery of advanced materials. Generation and validation of new business models to improve economic viability of closed-loop life cycles 23

FoF-14 : Integrated design and management of production machinery and processes RIA Computational models capable of simulating the machine-to-part process not only can be used to predict manufacturing quality and productivity but, increasingly, to also compensate wear or partial damage through model-based control. Innovative machines and processes increasingly depend on modelbased approaches, including the monitoring and control elements, throughout the whole machine lifecycle. New integrated approaches are needed in simulation methods, tools and across hierarchical model layers requiring a crossdisciplinary collaboration between (predominantly SME) machine designers, industrial component suppliers, engineering software developers as well as making use of the process experience of manufacturers. 24

Methodologie 1. Analyse Topic 2. Quel rôle vais-je jouer? Développeur techno (R&D) End user Initiateur 3. Comment monter (dans) un consortium a) Identification key players b) Contact expression d intérêt c) Initiateur one page proposal d) Recherches de partenaires e) Brokerage events f) EFFRA - membership Votre propre réseau ALS NCP - Wallonie Mecatech Vous + Outils Sept/ Oct 14 25

Methodo (suite) 1. Analyse Topic 2. Quel rôle vais-je jouer? 3. Comment monter (dans) un consortium Convaincre? Apport de valeur ajoutée End users Démonstrateurs Expertise pointue Capacité R&D Stratégie groupée / socle régional Pôles 26

Avec le NCP ALS WBI - Mecatech NCP- Wallonie Mecatech Agent Liaison Scientifique WBI NCP-Wallonie / Mecatech : identifier acteurs Wallons rapidement réseaux internationaux propres ALS : Réseaux propre d acteurs / pays Détection recherches de parteneiares 27

Avec le NCP ALS WBI - Mecatech NCP- Wallonie NCP-Wallonie : Informer sur appel (décodage topics) Réseau de «clients» wallons et projets Choix bon appel et timing Bases données projets/ key players Réseau de networking international Support aspects administratifs (règles, ) Présence dans les events de networking Support au montage du projet : outils, relecture/ optimisation Mecatech Agent Liaison Scientifique WBI 28

Avec le NCP ALS WBI - Mecatech NCP- Wallonie ALS : Réseau de contacts internationaux privilégié Recherches de partenaires précoces Mecatech Agent Liaison Scientifique WBI 29

Avec le NCP ALS WBI - Mecatech NCP- Wallonie Mecatech : Portefeuille de projets et acteurs (masse critique axes stratégiques) Réseau de networking international Activation de stratégie de smart spécialisation Etudes de marché Mecatech Agent Liaison Scientifique WBI 30

Identifier key players : 1 Effra board 31

Key players : 2 bases données projets FP7/ H2020 NCP-Wallonie : bases de données plus spécialisées & outils 32

Outils : Expression d intérêt - Rapidité - Qualité - «marketing» - E-Mail - ou doc attach 33

Outils : One page proposal &/or Partner search Effet structurant Autres outils: - Matrice de compétence - MoU 34

Conclusions Participation à l appel 2015 : now Topics : Identifier et se positionner Identifier et contacter partenaires étranger 35

Support du NCP Informer Orienter Identifier et sélectionner Augmenter le taux de succès Contacts directs Web Newsletters Conférences Déterminer le programme le plus pertinent Recherche de partenaires / projets internationaux à fort potentiel Eligibilité Relecture stratégique Conseils 36

Autres appels Horizon 2020 Connus : Appels ICT Appels NMP 2015 (Mars 15) M-Eranet : lancement Juin 14 Eurostars : sept 14 Manunet : fin 2014 JTI Cleansky & Shift2Rail 37

Merci de votre attention 38

Orientation H2020 : Innovation Métrique : Technology Readiness Levels 1 Basic Research 2 Technology concept 3 Proof of Concept 4 Technology validation in laboratory 5 Validation in relevant environment 6 Demonstration in relevant environment 7 Demonstration in operational environment 8 System complete and qualified 9 - Deployment 39