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MBA DAUPHINE SORBONNE FONDATION RENAULT EN MANAGEMENT INTERNATIONAL La mondialisation pose aux entreprises et organisations de multiples défis dont celui majeur de la performance de leur mode de management dans un cadre international. Depuis 2001 l Université de Dauphine, l Institut d Administration des Entreprises de Paris 1 Sorbonne et la Fondation Renault sont associés pour développer un MBA ayant pour vocation de former de futurs managers d entreprises ou responsables de projets transversaux dans un contexte international et multiculturel. Ce MBA habilité EQUIS depuis 2009 est reconnu pour son originalité interculturelle et a déjà contribué à former plus de 200 managers ou experts évoluant aujourd hui dans le monde entier. OBJECTIFS Former, dans un esprit d excellence et de respect multiculturel, de futurs Managers ou Responsables de projets transversaux et internationaux en s appuyant sur trois orientations originales majeures : Un cursus de référence délivré par deux grandes Universités à Paris et en Français pour des étudiants de nationalités diverses, assumant ainsi une vocation «universaliste» de l Enseignement supérieur Français. Une orientation éthique interculturelle forte permettant d appréhender collectivement et individuellement les thématiques du management dans un cadre multiculturel réel. Une mission professionnelle en entreprise de 6 mois, majoritairement au sein de Renault sur des projets à forte composante internationale. DÉROULÉ & CONTENU Le MBA en «Management International» commence en septembre et se termine en octobre de l année suivante soit 14 mois. 1 Septembre : période de découverte La Fondation Renault, Renault et son environnement Voyage de découverte économique et culturelle avec les étudiants boursiers des autres programmes de la Fondation Renault Cours de français Séminaire Universitaire de rentrée 2 Septembre - avril : Enseignements dans les 2 universités Module 1 : Le Cadre mondial de l Economie, ses institutions, sa régulation Module 2 : Management Comptable comparé et analyse financière Module 3 : Contrôle de gestion Module 4 : Finance et Finance Internationale. Module 5 : Management des ressources humaines dans un contexte globalisé Module 6 : Marketing et marketing international Module 7 : Système d Information et management de la connaissance Module 8 : Management des processus productifs Module 9 : Organisation et stratégie internationale Module 10 : Groupe, leadership, projet et relations interculturelles Module 11 : Management transversal simulation de management stratégique Module 12 : Conférence de praticiens issus de l entreprise ou d institutions internationales 3 Mai - octobre : Mission professionnelle dans une entreprise ou un organisme Cette mission constitue un module, partie intégrante du cursus qui fait l objet d un rapport de mission, puis d une soutenance devant le Jury du MBA. Compétences acquises et débouches profesionnels Le MBA en «Management International» amène les futurs diplômés à : Acquérir ou consolider les différents domaines d expertise et composantes du Management International Savoir les maîtriser et les adapter avec une vision éthique interculturelle Avoir une culture de fonctionnement en mode projet, transversal et intensif Avoir via la mission professionnelle de 6 mois une expérience de référence complémentaire dans une grande entreprise Française de dimension internationale Maîtriser outre leur langue maternelle et l anglais, le français, atouts linguistiques importants pour une carrière internationale. Intégrer les réseaux d anciens diplômés des Universités Dauphine et IAE Paris 1 Sorbonne ainsi que l Association des anciens diplômés des programmes de la Fondation Renault (AFRA) Ce programme ouvre à des carrières très diversifiées à l International, en France ou dans le pays d origine du diplômé et ce dans des entreprises à l image de l Alliance Renault- Nissan c'est-à-dire s appuyant sur des référents culturels forts et développant leurs activités dans un cadre mondial. Il permet de postuler à des fonctions de management général ou de projets dans des entreprises, institutions ou organisations internationales.

LANGUE DU PROGRAMME Français CONDITIONS D ACCES A LA SELECTION Avoir validé une première année de Master ou être titulaire d un diplôme ou titre jugé équivalent Disposer d une expérience professionnelle d une durée de 3 ans, cette expérience pouvant intégrer des missions professionnelles réalisées en cours d étude et une première expérience professionnelle en entreprise ou institution public ou privée Attester d une maîtrise suffisante de la langue française équivalente ou supérieure à TFI 550 et justifier d un niveau d anglais jugé suffisant par le jury de sélection (750 TOEIC) Présenter un projet professionnel abouti en phase avec les critères de sélection et le niveau d Excellence visé Être âgé de moins de 35 ans au 1er septembre de l année d arrivée en France Le programme est ouvert à tous types de profils concrétisés par des diplômes et expériences, par exemple, d ingénieurs, d économistes, de juristes, d experts dans des organisations internationales DEPÔT DES CANDIDATURES ET SELECTION Les candidats sont proposés via les universités étrangères partenaires de la Fondation Renault. Ces universités informent les postulants de l ouverture du processus de sélection et présélectionnent les candidatures qui sont ensuite déposées sur le site internet de la Fondation Renault. SELECTION Pour déposer son dossier, le (ou la) candidat(e) devra : Formuler une lettre de motivation complétée par une présentation synthétique de son projet professionnel post MBA ainsi qu une description concise d une réalisation professionnelle ou personnelle valorisant ses compétences Produire les pièces ou attestations telles que copie du passeport, certificat médical, relevé de notes, diplômes, attestation de français, niveau d anglais, lettres de recommandations de professionnels ou d anciens professeurs La sélection se fait en 2 étapes : Un examen conjoint des dossiers de candidature par les Universités de Dauphine et IAE Paris 1 Sorbonne et par la Fondation Renault Un entretien avec un Jury composé des Directeurs de programme de Dauphine et IAE Paris 1 Sorbonne et du responsable MBA de la Fondation Renault ; L entretien est réalisé en langue française pour évaluer la qualité du projet, la personnalité et la motivation des candidat(e)s L entretien sera précédé d un test d aptitude MBA réalisé par écrit en français dans le pays d origine et ayant pour vocation d évaluer le niveau de raisonnement et de logique des candidat(e)s. Le MBA est également accessible à des candidats non boursiers de la Fondation Renault qui peuvent formuler leur candidature directement auprès des Universités de Dauphine ou IAE-Paris 1 Sorbonne. CONTACTS Fondation d entreprise Renault Fondation d entreprise Renault Responsable : Thierry Currivand Contact : Tel : 33 1 76 84 96 82 Fax : 33 1 76 88 95 28 13-15 quai Alphonse Le Gallo 92513 Boulogne Billancourt Cedex France Directeur de Programme : Professeur Pierre Romelaer Contact : Tel : 33 (0) 1 44 05 41 81 Fax: 33 (0) 1 44 05 41 25 Département d Education Permanente Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny 75775 Paris Cedex 16-France Institut d Administration des Entreprises (IAE), Université Paris 1 Sorbonne Directeur de Programme : Professeur Pierre-Yves Lagroue Contact : Tel : 33 (0) 1 53 55 27 46 Fax: 33 (0) 1 53 55 27 01 21 rue Broca 75240 Paris Cedex 05-France BOURSE DE LA FONDATION RENAULT Les étudiants sont accueillis fin août par la Fondation qui leur versera dès début septembre une bourse de vie mensuelle. Par ailleurs, la Fondation Renault prend en charge le voyage entre le pays d origine et la France, la totalité des frais d'inscription et de scolarité, les frais de couverture sociale et de rapatriement, la recherche de logement pour une personne seule, le voyage d intégration culturelle et économique, les cours de français. (


DAUPHINE-SORBONNE-RENAULT MBA PRESENTATION OF professional projects MADE BY THE STUDENTS OF THE 2011-2012 GRADUATION CLASS The DAUPHINE-SORBONNE-RENAULT MBA in International Management is a unique study programme leading to a degree jointly awarded by the IAE of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne and Paris-Dauphine Universities. Each year it welcomes students who have already graduated in their own country, some of whom have already acquired preliminary work experience. The students predominantly come from University of Wollongong (Australia), Sophia University Hokkaido University (Japan), Galatasaray University Bogazici University (Turkey), École Mohammadia d Ingénieur (EMI) (Morocco), Russian Customs Academy University, People s Friendship University, Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Russia), Parana University, Sao Paulo University: Escola Politecnica, Rio University: Escola Politecnica (Brazil). The course, taught in French, takes place in Paris and lasts for 14 months. It compromises a 8 month study period at the Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne and Paris- Dauphine universities including 6 months of in-company training, a one month specialised French course and a one month Economic and Cultural Discovery Tour of Europe. By the end of the course, the students must be able to understand and master corporate management techniques in a multicultural and international context and have acquired the management skills needed to move on to a higher level of corporate responsibility. Teaching of the MBA focuses on courses given by the university professors and by outside speakers from the world of business, on the wide-scale use of new information technology and on in-company training, mainly at Renault. The courses are divided into 13 modules: 1 The global economic setting, its institutions and regulation 2 Comparative Account Management Methods and Financial Analysis 3 Management control 4 Finance and International Finance 5 Human Resources Management in a Globalised World 6 Marketing and International Marketing 7 Information Systems and Knowledge Management 8 Management of Manufacturing Processes 9 Organization and International Strategy 10 Group, Leadership, Project and Intercultural Relations 11 Cross-Cutting Management Strategic Management Simulation 12 Conference by Practitioners from the Corporate World or International Institutions 13 Professional project Within the framework of the professional project (module 13), students undertake their in-company training for six months (from 1 th may to 31 october). This training is a good opportunity to make a professional project in order to apply the skills achieved during the courses. During the training course, each student is assisted by a corporate tutor. The tutor receives the student in his specific sector and is responsible for him throughout his in-company professional project. In parallel, an educational tutor is appointed among the MBA Dauphine- Sorbonne-Renault tutors, according to the student s training course subject. Such tutor provides educational support for the candidate with respect to the professional project module. At the end of the in-company training course, the students produce a Master s thesis which they present during examination at the Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne or Paris- Dauphine University. The corporate assignments of the students from the 2011-2012 Dauphine-Sorbonne- Renault MBA graduation class are presented here in the form of a synopsis. 2 3

PRESENTATIONS SCHEDULE ACADEMIC YEAR 2011 / 2012 FRIDAY OCTOBER 12, 2012 10:45 am victoria Nuyaksheva Assistance to the project leader in the tender travel 11:30 am MERIEM touhtouh Analysis of international project rolling out Challenges and Development of an implementation strategy wednesday october 17, 2012 5:00 pm fadili moa Optimization of the Logistic Customer Department: focus on organization and missions monday OCTOBER 15, 2012 2:15 pm ANNA KOMUSHEVA Analysis of electronic components supply chains for electric vehicles 3:15 pm MOHAMED ould elfodhail Determine a mesh monitoring and switching which consider the constraints economic, organizational and technical 4:00 pm ANDRÉ isidio de melo Performance optimization and global assessment using the ISO 26000 standard in the context of the transformation of the Renault s real and General Services Department 5:00 pm mohamed soufiane TOUNSI Implementation of project management method of housing construction with international environmental requirements in Casablanca, Morocco Project clos d ANFA Casablanca 6:00 pm alexander BOGDANOV New market development and prioritization of segments thursday october 18, 2012 10:45 am ECE hepsen Development of the wholesale function parts and accessories 11:30 am ELIF GONCU Purchasing Strategy Preparation for Alliance Commodity Meeting (ACM) Study and synthesis of purchasing business opportunities 2011-2016 2:15 pm SIHAM el ouraoui Lead and support the implementation of the QMS of the Purchasing Department 3:15 pm FERNANDA BORGES DE PAULA Business development within the LCV Business Unit 4:00 pm GUSTAVO WYPYCH Analysis of the effects of the digital revolution: impact on consumer behavior and organizational practives in Renault 5:00 pm PAVEL kolesnikov Support of deployment of electric vehicles in the fleets of enterprise tuesday october 16, 2012 11:30 am ASUKA AKASHI Business développement de nouveaux services énergétiques VE charging eco 2 et Smart charging 12:30 pm pod estelle ndour Successful transversal missions: tools and methods, case of general product liability manager 1:30 pm GABRIEL BASSETTI MARTINHO Analysis of working capital management in the international subdiaries of a french group retailer 2:15 pm SAYAKO SAKAI Diffusion of a collaborative website BePro on the sales network 3:15 pm CHIAKI maruyama Marketing promotion of the connected services 4 5

Asuka AKASHI University of Wollongong, NSW, Australia University of São Paulo Escola Politécnica Gabriel BASSETTI MARTINHO RESEARCH, ADVANCED STUDIES MATERIALS DIVISION International Controlling Department Casino S group S Nadine DOFONOU Alain Piperno Patrice GEOFFRON Marine CHARLES Damien MOUREY JAPAN Business Development of New Energy Services EV Charging ECO 2 and Smart Charging Analysis of working capital management in the international subsidiaries of a French group retailer BRAZIL Building services Charging ECO 2 and EV smart charging for users of electric vehicles. Contribute to technical and economic studies (in Euro-Zone: technologies, European electricity markets in emission gco 2 /kwh by the hour, day, season and country). Necessity of two innovations for VE following: Service charging ECO 2 : Databases, groups of countries Europe, Focus, Communication Kit. Service Smart charging: construction provides client / response technique with ENEL and Acciona, recovery simulation techno-economic demonstrator. TARGETS : Reports modeling and calculation of various European countries of Simulation result. Knowledge reports and proposals for new business (EUR CO 2 ). The objectif of this mission was to develop a monitoring tool to analyze the evolution of the working capital various components in five countries: Colombia, Argentina, Thaïland, Vietnam and Indian Ocean. For this, it was necessary to: Understand the components of working capital of each entity as well as the local specificities and constraints. Make a review of the action plans implemented in each country to achieve the group goals, and of the local opportunities and risks. Understand the monitoring tools implemented in each country. Build a tool (one working capital file per country) enabling to monitor the targets of each country, taking into account local specificities. RESULTS : Service charging ECO 2 : Calculation reports revenue of 12 European Countries. Contribution to the construction of databases 12 European Countries. Proposal for a new excel tool for building data 32 hours. Service smart charging : Knowledge of the system and offer advice. 6 7

Alexander BOGDANOV Bauman Moscow State Technical University UNIVERSITY OF SAO PAULO Escola Politécnica Fernanda Borges de Paula savoye logistics INTERNATIONAL DEPLOYMENT AND PARTNERSHIPS DIVISION elena NOSSYREVA pierre-yves lagroue Irina JUSTER Denis DARPY RUSSIA New market development and prioritization of segments Business development within the LCV Business Unit BRAZIL One of the most frequent and important questions which arises during implementation of a business strategy is the question of allocation of resources and prioritization of development. In this project an attempt was made to answer this question applied to international development of a French company on the Russian market of automated logistics solutions. This market can be divided into multiple segments and then the question to be answered is: Which segments have to be hit first to achieve best results with minimum resources? To answer this question a three-step approach was proposed: Within the Partnerships and International Deployment Department, the mission was : Business Intelligence: Identification of new business in the light commercial vehicle field as well as professional services worldwide. International development: participate in the studies of new country opportunities or products in order to search potential local partners. Knowledge management capitalization: formalize guidelines for a research methodology of new opportunities. Analysis of internal resources of the company to determine strategic capacity. Analysis of external environment (macroeconomic, market segments and competitors). Cross analysis to link company resources and environmental characteristics in order to determine the most perspective market segments for development. 8 9

SIHAM EL OURAOUI École Mohammadia d Ingénieurs (EMI) university of Galatasaray Elif GONCU purchasing division Renault-Nissan Purchasing Organization Hubert D ETE Pierre-Yves LAGROUE s Huu Trung Nguyen Marjorie Vézine Delphine Dion MOROCCO Lead and support the implementation of the QMS of the Purchasing Department Nowadays, Quality Management System (QMS) is not only a determinant of competitiveness, but also occupies a central role in the development of the strategic position of the company. The professional project that I have carried out at the Quality and Supplier Development Department in Renault, fits within this framework and aims to implement a QMS in the Purchasing Department. My mission in this project was to: Purchasing Strategy Preparation for Alliance Commodity Meeting (ACM) Study and synthesis of Purchasing Business Opportunities 2011-2016 At Renault Nissan Purchasing Organization, my goal was to contribute to the development of the procurement strategy of commodities. TURKEY Lead an initial assessment of the situation in relation to the requirements of the QMS. Make Benchmarking with Departments that have deployed the QMS such as DSCM and DIM. Identify interests and value the QMS for purchasing department. Define an implementation approach of the QMS and its deployment in Quality and Supplier Development Department. My responsibilities during this internship were to: Study suppliers footprint. Study the current and futur market shares of suppliers for both Renault and Nissan. Participate to preparatory meetings for the ACM. Study on capitalization of the volumes and turnovers for alternators, batteries and starters. Contribute to the performance study 2012-2013 for the commodities. Prepare fact sheets for panel suppliers and their SWOT analysis. 10 11

Ece Hepsen Istanbul Bogazici University UNIVERSITY OF SAo Paulo Escola Politécnica André ISIDIO DE MELO Parts & Accessories Marketing Direction Sales Coordination & Performance Division Real Estate and General Services Department Sergio POLATIAN Christine POCHET Nativité NAVARO LACOMBE Pierre-Yves LAGROUE TURKEY Development of the Wholesale Function Parts and Accessories The wholesale function is pieces and accessories sale by the primary network to independent repairmen and it is one of the main activities of After Sales Department. My mission at Renault aims to propose a mathematical model to determine the business potential of the wholesale function at countries targeted by Commercial Action Plan P&A. Performance optimization and global assessment using the ISO 26000 standard in the context of the transformation of the Renault s Real State and General Services Department BRAZIL Thus my mission can be resumed as the following: Construct a model to analyze and compare the wholesale function performance of 9 European countries at product family level: Determine the variables that affect the wholesale function performance. Assist the Renault s Real State and General Services Department in developing or in adapting tools, methods and processes to optimize its managerial and operational performance. Use of the guidance standard ISO 26000 to integrate social responsibility into the values and practices of the Department Calculate the business potential of regions based on the results and conclusions obtained by the model. Contribute to define commercial goals for the wholesale function. Achievements For the Renault s Brazilian plants and the Renault s Moroccan plant in Tanger: Performance assessment of the social responsibility activities. Draw up of action plans for improvement, execution and follow-up. Preparation for third part evaluation to ensure credibility of the social responsibility performances and of the communication. 12 13

Pavel KOLESNIKOV Russian Customs Academy PEOPLE S FRIENDSHIP UNIVERSITY Anna KOMUSHEVA REAL ESTATE & FACILITIES MANAGEMENT DIVISION CORPORATE GENERAL AFFAIRS DIRECTION Purchasing department Elisabeth Bougis Pierre-Yves LAGROUE s Yves PICHON Jessica ROCHER Christine TRIOMPHE RUSSIA SUPPORT OF DEPLOYMENT OF ELECTRIC VEHICLES IN THE FLEETS OF ENTERPRISE Analysis of electronic components supply chains for electric vehicles RUSSIA Renault is the first automotive manufacturer to release a wide range of electric vehicles with prices of petroleum vehicles and autonomies compatible with everyday use. With objective to allow its employees to support change so that they become ambassadors for the electric vehicles, Renault has decided to install the charging stations for electric vehicles on the parking lots of its French industrial and commercial sites and to deploy electric vehicles in their fleets. The mission of the integration of electric vehicles into fleets of Renault engage the support of change management by developing of services for employees and visitors to sites Renault SAS so they can use electric vehicles (Provision of charging stations and electric vehicles, information on the location of infrastructure, descriptions of vehicles & terminals usage, training to use vehicles & charging stations). Renault and its suppliers of power electronic components have been heavily impacted by two major crises in 2011: the crisis of Tsunami in Japan and floods in Thailand. Serious supply problems have occurred. My mission is to analyze the supply chain and adapt procurement strategy to robustify Renault production. The objectives of the project: Enhance the knowledge of power electronic components supply chain. Identify possibles risks (eg geographical, financial, etc). Adapt the strategy of sourcing and procurement. Achievements: Analysis of internal transfers of employees made by means of company fleets in order to measure the level of application of electric vehicles & change the settings of distance calculation to optimize vehicle use in relation to the available autonomy. Model determining the number of electric vehicles in fleets and the dimensions of charging infrastructure for years to come. 14 15

CHIAKI MARUYAMA UNIVERSITY of SOFIA ÉCOLE MOHAMMADIA D INGÉNIEUR (EMI) Fadili MOA SERVICES SALES & MARKETING DEPARTEMENT LOGISTIC CUSTOMER DEPARTMENT DENIS DARMOUNIS GERALDINE MICHEL AMAURY GAILLIEZ LIONEL GARREAU JAPAN Marketing promotion of the Connected Services The idea of having connected services in the car is becoming more and more common nowadays. Perhaps it is the fruit of the marketing promotion that has been implemented by the automakers? Today, connected services have become one of the important key factors in deciding the purchase of a car for the consumers. Major luxury automakers such as Mercedes-Benz and BMW have been developing and providing such connected services for years now by implementing strategic partnerships with IT giants such as Microsoft. These automakers have also been the pioneer of this industry and led the connected car market to an innovative and futuristic place. Those so called mid-range automakers such as Renault and PSA are realizing the importance of this relatively new market and are starting to put together their forces to this inherently complex and still building baseline market by re-evaluating their strategies. However, the question relies on the mid-range automakers comprehension on how to attract and fully capture the customer s constantly evolving true demands. The question also seems to rely on their way of promoting their connected services as well. OPTIMIZATION OF THE LOGISTIC CUSTOMER DEPARTMENT: FOCUS ON ORGANIZATION AND MISSIONS The logistics customer department has been created in february 2012. Its main role consist in managing the parts and accessories distribution chain from the customer order to shipping. In order to optimize the quality of service provided to customers and to manage the countries performance, my mission consist in: Making an inventory of the existing organizations and processes. Defining the role of the corporate. Defining missions Countries / Regions. Proposing a typology of organization by country / customer. Defining the KPI and their animation. MOROCCO Mission objectives: Contributing in strengthening the management and the performance of the connected services which includes: 1 To draft and to develop the new marketing platform services. 2 To collect and analyze competitors connected services past achievements and on going marketing strategies regarding thermal and electric vehicles. 3 To assist and to give insights on connected services projects. 16 17

POD ESTELLE NDOUR ÉCOLE MOHAMMADIA D INGÉNIEUR (emi) State university of Land Use Planning (GUZ, Moscow) Victoria Nuyaksheva RENAULT CONSULTING FRANCE TRADE & 3P POLE Direction of Real Estate and General Services NATHALIE BAGLIN-SCHUHLER ANTHONY HUSSENOT Jean-Claude LESEIGNEUR Christophe ELIE-DIT-COSAQUE SENEGAL Successful transversal missions: Tools and Methods, Case of General Product liability manager Inspired by a consulting mission carried in Efficiency and Quality of Network Division, the project presents a method allowing a transversal manager to be efficient in his work. Based on the observation of the daily work of a transversal manager cross with readings and discussions with experienced managers, we have analyzed the sources of success and causes of failure of a tranversal mission. From this analysis we have learned lessons and recommendations which we expressed in our report. Assistance to the project leader in the tender Travel The Direction of Real Estate and General Services ensure the compliance of the real estate strategy and the total of services to the employees of the Renault Group. The project includes: The launch of tender for professionals travels solutions. The implementation of a new tool for travel management in 24 countries. The implementation of the new travel agency. The management of the passage from the old to the new agency. RUSSIA Professional mission was to: Understand the needs of the company that were analyzed beforehand. Monitor the tender for a new travel agency associated with an online booking tool. Follow the deployment of the solution in 24 countries. Manage the transition between the two agencies. Recommendation for the future expansion to other subsidiaries of the group. 18 19

Mohamed OULD ELFODHAIL ÉCOLE MOHAMMADIA D INGÉNIEUR (emi) University OF Hokkaido Sayako SAKAI Financial Controlling Head Departement of Euromed-Africa Region Renault, Light Commercial Vehicles and Fleets Marketing Arnaud HEBERT Elisabeth ALBERTINI Jean-Louis WIEDEMANN Sophie RIEUNIER MOROCCO The Departement coordinates financial controlling of Euromed-Africa perimeter, deploy processes and tools of controlling management, information consolidation, actors professionalization support and advice to trades operationals Diffusion of a collaborative website BePro on the sales network JAPAN As a part of a Region reconfiguration, it seeks to determine a mesh monitoring and switching which consider the constraints economic, organizational and technical and ensures the commercial controlling efficiency. This project, initiated by Light Commercial Vehicles and Fleets Marketing Department, has a purpose of diffusing a website BePro to simplify the information channels of the Light Commercial Vehicles and Fleets network. The achievement of the mission are: Identifying the organizational, operational and technical constraints related to the choice of the mesh of monitoring and switching. Diagnosis and analysis the mesh practices in basing on current switching. Studing possible solutions considering constraints identified. Evaluation of the solutions relevance then help to decision making. The project took place in 4 steps: Understand the network for Light Commercial Vehicles and Fleets through the first interview research, and determine the principal actors of the website. Optimize the website and the implementation plan. Open the website for French professional community and stimulate their utilization. Provide quantitative and qualitative analysis of the results gleaned from the second interview research. This project brings real changes and benefits to the Renault professional communication network. 20 21

MERIEM TOUHTOUH ÉCOLE MOHAMMADIA D INGÉNIEUR (EMI) École Mohammadia d ingénieur (EMI) Mohamed Soufiane Tounsi RENAULT CONSULTING Construction Direction SNC LAVALIN INTERNATIONALE S VINCENT MOINE GREGOIRE MARTIN FABIEN BLANCHOT Pascal Verrecchia Pierre-Yves Lagroue MOROCCO Analysis of international project rolling out challenges and development of an implementation strategy RENAULT is brought to design, develop deployment methods and implement monitoring tools for its international projects. Corporate teams must then build relationships with stakeholders located in other countries, this process of integration is not always a straightforward exercise, given the cultural and contextual differences. Implementation of project management method of housing construction with international environmental requirements in Casablanca, Morocco Project Clos d Anfa Casablanca The objective of the mission: MOROCCO Objectives of this mission are to: Analyze the challenges to successfully complete the deployment process through capitalizing on the ongoing projects. Identify action levers to be taken into account for the development of a successful international deployment strategy. Propose and implement a deployment strategy for the project CONTACT. 1 Technical and financial feasibility study of the construction of a residential building in Casablanca with BREEAM Label. 2 Establishment of process management construction project with environmental requirements. BREEAM Label. Management Procedures. Timeliness (Planning). Quality Control. Control of budget. Compliance with environmental requirements. The financial schedule of the project. The payment schedule SNC Lavalin. The resource planning SNC Lavalin. 22 23

Gustavo Wypych Universidade Federal do Parana UFPR Renault Consulting Christophe Koenig Denis Darpy BRAZIL Analysis of the effects of the digital revolution: impact on consumer behavior and organizational practices in Renault The purpose of my professional project comes from the analysis of four projects currently being conducted by the sales and marketing division of Renault Consulting. Firstly, we discuss the consequences of the arrival of digital towards Renault customers and secondly towards the organizational practices. Finally, we expose our considerations to better understand the changes in the consumer behavior and to develop a strategic approach to the introduction of new technologies. 24

list OF professors ACADEMIC YEAR 2011 / 2012 Fabienne ALBERTINI Compared Accountancy Management and Financial Analysis Pierre-Yves LAGROUE Cross-cutting management Strategic management simulation Professional project-in-company mission José ALLOUCHE Human Resources management in a global context Damien MOUREY Management control Fabien BLANCHOT Group, Leadership, Project and cross-cultural relations Élisabeth MELLA Global economy, its institutions, its regulation Jean-François CASTA Business and international finance Géraldine MICHEL Université du Mans / Marketing and International marketing Jean-François CHANLAT Group, Leadership, Project and cross-cultural relations Damien MOUREY Compared Accountancy Management and Financial Analysis Sylvie CHEVRIER Group, Leadership, Project and cross-cultural relations Christine POCHET Management control Denis DARPY Professional project-in-company mission Practitioners Conference Sophie REUNIER Marketing and International marketing Delphine DION Marketing and International marketing Christine TRIOMPHE Productive Processes Management Christophe ELIE dit cosaque Information System and knowledge management Lionel GARREAU Organization and international strategy Patrice GEOFFRON Global economy, its institutions, its regulation Anthony HUSSENOT Information System and knowledge management 26 27