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1 VOYAGE PEDAGOGIQUE À NEW- YORK Janvier 2015 Grâce à un ancien 203 et à la Fondation Dauphine, les étudiants du Master 203 ont passés, pour la deuxième année consécutive, une semaine à New- York du 11 au 18 janvier 2015, pour visiter des grandes banques et sociétés d'investissement et rencontrer les anciens Dauphinois.

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3 VOYAGE PEDAGOGIQUE À NEW- YORK, JANVIER 2015 Gaëlle Le Fol Pour la deuxième année consécutive, grâce au don d un ancien 203 à la Fondation Dauphine, qui a demandé à ce qu une partie soit consacrée aux projets du Master 203, les étudiants du Master 203 ont passés une semaine à New- York du 11 au 18 janvier 2015, pour visiter des grandes banques et sociétés d'investissement ainsi que le NYSE. Ils ont ainsi été invités par : Ils ont également eu l opportunité de rencontrer les anciens Dauphinois lors d un cocktail de retrouvailles organisé à la Fraunces Tavern, la plus ancienne taverne de New- York qui se situe à Wall Street. Voici les retours d expérience des étudiants du Master 203 Financial Markets qui ont participé à ce voyage. «Je tenais à remercier la fondation dauphine pour l'aide tout d'abord financière mais aussi matérielle (communication, contacts) qu'elle nous a apporté pour organiser le voyage du Master 203 à New York. Étant l'une des organisatrices du voyage, je suis d'autant plus consciente de la nécessité de ce soutien. Nous avons en effet pu vivre au plus près des marchés financiers pendant une semaine entière, faire la visite de 5 banques, découvrir leur culture unique, marcher sur leur trading floors, rencontrer nos alumnis dans chacune d'entre elles mais aussi visiter le New York Stock Exchange. Cette dernière visite a particulièrement retenu mon attention car le NYSE est l'incarnation même de tous les changements permanents que connaissent les marchés financiers. Nous avons eu la chance de parler avec des traders qui travaillent dans ce bâtiment ancestral depuis des années et ont vu de très près les évènements majeurs que nous avons l habitude d étudier en classe à Paris. Le cocktail a été par ailleurs l'occasion de rencontrer un bon nombre d'alumnis et de renforcer la communauté dauphinoise à NY dans un cadre plus informel. Nous sommes tous rentrés ravis de notre séjour et avons hâte d'y retourner!» Julia Berthou, Etudiante de M1 203 et responsable du projet New- York 3

4 «I would like to thank the Fondation Dauphine for their precious help to organize this banking trip to New York. It was a great experience to meet with professionals from one of the most prestigious city to work in finance. I personally could understand how important it is to develop a strong network that can overpass the non- american diploma we will have. What's more, I do think this banking trip is essential to the image of the Master 203 and Dauphine by extension. As more and more HRs and professionals are familiar with Dauphine in London, it is not always the case in New York. This trip helped us pave the way to what I hope, a successful career in the US. I hope this banking trip will hold for the upcoming years, and I hope students will still be keen on developing relationships with former students and convey a good image to employers. Once more, I would like to thank Fondation Dauphine without whom such an opportunity would not have been possible.» Benjamin Méhouas, Etudiant de M1 203 «As a Student in Master 203, I had the chance to participate at the annual American Banking Trip organized by Stratefi, with the help of Fondation Dauphine. Actually, this journey was my first trip ever to the United States. Beyond the joy of discovering a new city and a new country, the Master 203 s Banking trip in New York was the opportunity to take a glance at the most famous Financial Place in the world: Wall Street. As a student in a Financial Markets program, it was an absolute privilege to enter the NYSE (New York Stock Exchange) and get an inside feeling of the market from a Stockbroker. Networking with executives from the most prestigious banks was also a privilege: entering the Investment Banking world in the United States is really hard for a Non- American resident, and all of them gave us advises to manage to make the dream come true: working in a Financial institution in the US.» Pierre- Alexis Ngo, Etudiant de M1 203 «The New York trip was amazing. We had the opportunity to go to some prestigious banks (Goldman Sachs, BNP, Crédit Agricole..) and the New York Stock Exchange. But moreover, it was such a blessing because we had the chance to link more and visit the beautiful city enjoying our time all together after one semester of hard work. And last but not least, the Cocktail Alumni was really a pleasure and enabled us to network with former 203. Consequently, I want to thank the association for financing our great hotel. Indeed, it was located on the 7th avenue, so we were near Wall Street and Central Park. And also thank those in charge of organization because they definitely succeeded. I hope the New York Banking Trip lasts for many more years from now so that the next generations could have the chance to live such a rich experience.» Ghada Rammeh, Etudiante de M1 203 «I believe that this trip has been helpful for many reasons. I really enjoyed the fact that everyone was staying at the same hotel; this created an amazing opportunity for M1 and M2 students to get to know each other better in a non- working. This was also a great opportunity to discover the city and learn about a different way of doing things, different from what we are used to in Europe. On the more professional level, this has been a great opportunity to network and understand what people in the financial world do on a daily basis. For the students who had already started their internships, this was a great time to compare and contrast the activities they were doing back in Paris to what the professionals we had the chance to meet were doing. I 4

5 truly believe that this is helpful, in the sense that it gives us a better understanding of the finance world on a more global scale. The best part about the trip is that we are able to learn new things about our classmates as well as the professionals we meet and expand our contact list. We can meet classmate s friends and family who work/live in NYC, we are introduced to new people and this I believe is invaluable.» Sylvestre Coulibaly, Etudiant de M2 203 «The trip to New York has been an exciting, eye- opening, and enriching experience to me. As a student in MSc. Financial Markets, I have long been eager to go to New York, one of the world's most vigorous financial hubs, to discover, to observe, and to feel the real world of finance. Thanks to the Dauphine alumni working in New York, we had the opportunity to visit some of the best investment banks worldwide. Having seen the actual working environment inside those banks, felt the dynamic atmosphere on their trading floors, and listened to various people passionately talking about their careers, I knew I became more determined than ever to pursue a career that is close to the financial markets... For me, the highlight of the whole trip was the visit to NYSE. We had an introduction to the history and organization of the Exchange, followed by a guided overview of the entire trading floor, and then an intimate interaction with the actual traders, who were very nice to us and patiently answered all our questions. Furthermore, we were lucky enough to witness the renowned Bell Ringing Ceremony (for Shell Midstream Partners, L.P.), plus the Live forecasting of CNBC... What a dream come true! All in all, I greatly appreciate Fondation Dauphine, Stratefi, and basically everyone who has contributed in the organization of this amazing trip. As a M203 student, I feel really blessed and proud.» Lisha Tao, Etudiante de M1 203 «For me the NY trip was a very valuable and rewarding experience. First, we had the chance to visit Financial Institutions in NY the central hub of the world of finance. NY has a special environment and culture quiet diffrent from financial centers in Europe. Furthermore, every bank visit was unique and I was able to learn from each visit something else. Not only we could ask personal questions to bankers in NY but they also provided us with their personal experience and how we could make the transition over the ocean and work in NY. Additionally, the highlight of this trip was the almuni cocktail where all students were able to network with our alumni which all work in different firms and sectors. I had some really interessting conversations and I believe such events are necessary to improve the important connection and the relationship between students and their alumni. I would like to thank everybody who made this exceptional trip possible, especially because such a trip is unique for european business schools.» Friedrich Bueckle, Etudiant de M1 203 «I would like to express my gratitude to the Fondation Dauphine for their financial help in the New York banking trip of January This banking trip was definitely amazing, not so many people have the opportunity to visit so many bulge- bracket banks in one week and to connect with so many inspiring people. I really do believe that this trip gave us the chance to increase the recognition of the Master 203 within huge financial institutions such as Goldman Sachs or Morgan Stanley. Little by little, I am sure we will develop a solid and helpful connection with more and more alumni and other professionals from the City. 5

6 From a more personal point of view, I would say that the most exciting part of this trip was the visit of the New York Stock Exchange, it felt like a real privilege to discover the inside of Wall Street, we knew we were meant to be there. Last but not least, this trip was a real chance to create a true «203 spirit» by gathering us around our passion for Finance in this incredible City. We bonded with each other and created great memories that we will never forget. I hope that the next generation of students will have the same opportunity. Once again, I am thankful to the Fondation Dauphine for having supported this great project.» Victoria Carrara, Etudiante de M1 203 «Le voyage a New York offre la possibilité aux étudiants du Master 203 de découvrir, après le premier voyage à Londres se déroulant en octobre, le second poumon de la finance mondiale. Être reçus par des institutions financières de renommée internationale, telles que Goldman Sachs ou Morgan Stanley, au sein de leur siège, est un réel privilège et une opportunité incroyable pour des étudiants. En plus de donner une visibilité accrue au Master 203 et à Dauphine plus généralement sur le marché du travail américain, le séjour à New York permet aux étudiants de comprendre les subtilités de celui- ci. Il est ainsi possible de mettre en perspective les informations et conseils reçus à Londres avec ceux offerts par les multiples professionnelles de la place New Yorkaise qui ont bien voulu nous rencontrer. Ainsi, une possibilité pour entrer sur le marché du travail américain est d effectuer une année d étude supplémentaire sur le sol américain afin d obtenir plus simplement un visa de travail. Un des moments forts de la semaine a été sans nul doute le cocktail des anciens dauphinois à New York, qui n aurait pu être organisé sans l aide de la Fondation Dauphine. Ce fut une excellente occasion de rencontrer des alumni vivant à New York et les écouter nous raconteur leur expérience américaine dans un contexte très conviviale. Par ailleurs, la visite du New York Stock Exchange nous a permis de nous rendre sur le trading floor même et discuter avec des traders y travaillant depuis plus de 20 ans, qui ont bien voulu partager leur expérience des crises qu ils ont pu traverser. Enfin, il est important de signaler qu au delà des visites des banques, le voyage à New York, dans la continuation de celui à Londres, participe pleinement à la fédération d un véritable esprit de promotion qui rend les deux années d études très plaisantes, and in fine, renforce le réseau et ainsi l attractivité de la formation.» Adel Taleb, Etudiant de M1 203 «Étant actuellement en M2 203, j ai eu la chance de participer à deux reprises au voyage universitaire à New- York. Cette deuxième édition m a permis de rencontrer de nouvelles personnes au sein des prestigieuses banques que nous avons visité mais également de renforcer les liens avec les alumni que j avais déjà eu la chance de rencontrer l année dernière. Le fait de retourner à New- York m a aussi permis de jauger les évolutions qui ont eu lieu dans l industrie en un an. Ceci autant en termes de situation économique ou de régulation. Par exemple, nous avons pu voir les différences entre NYSE- Euronext qui est cette année devenue ICE NYSE. Outre le networking et la découverte des institutions financières, ce voyage permet de créer une vraie cohésion au sein des étudiants du master et principalement entre M1 et M2 qui ne passent que six mois ensemble. Cela permet de former un solide réseau 203 qui fera la force du master dans les années à venir.» Mathias Niang, Etudiant de M

7 «Avoir eu la chance de profiter de cette splendide opportunité une première fois l an dernier fût extraordinaire et je suis extrêmement reconnaissant à la Fondation de m avoir permis d effectuer ce voyage à nouveau. En effet, tous les points positifs de l an dernier étaient à nouveau présents (visites des plus grandes institutions financières, rencontres et conseils avec les Alumni de Dauphine, ). En plus, cette année, nous avons pu bénéficier de descriptions et explications sur les derniers évènements de l actualité financière du moment concernant le Franc Suisse ainsi que les stratégies mises en place dans les banques en réaction à son appréciation soudaine. De plus, très certainement grâce à l enseignement du Master 203 et à mes expériences supplémentaires en stages, j ai pu comprendre davantage encore tout ce qui était expliqué durant les visites et avoir des discussions plus poussées avec les Alumni travaillant à New- York. Merci à la fondation Dauphine d avoir rendu ce voyage possible et j espère que de tels projets continueront de se développer entre le Master 203 et la Fondation Dauphine.» Julien Balanqueux, Etudiant de M2 203 «This year was my second trip in New York with the master 203. This trip is a great opportunity to get an insight at the most prestigious and successful financial institutions on Wall Street. It is also a way to increase the reputation of both Dauphine and the Master 203 there as we met we several alumni working there. Finally, this trip is a chance to connect better we our fellow students and build strong friendships. A great memory of our studies in Dauphine is the key to our involvement in alumni events in the future.» Adrien Khatchadourian, Etudiant de M2 203 «I am writing this letter to express my gratitude to the Fondation Dauphine for funding the New York banking trip organized in January 2015 by the Master 203. Even though we have seen fewer banks than last year, this trip has been a fantastic opportunity to meet representatives from major American financial institutions such as Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley as well as French banks settled in New York like BNP and Société Générale. In particular, I have been glad to chat with Goldman Sachs reps since it allowed me to prepare my phone interview for the London office. The alumni cocktail was also very nice. I do think we have all enjoyed our time in New York, by networking in banks, but also sightseeing and clubbing for most of us. I hope this banking trip will keep being financed in the future, as it is from my point of view a great way to combine networking in Wall Street and teambuilding among M203 students.» Valentin Hurtaud, Etudiant de M2 203 «Je tiens à rédiger ces quelques mots afin de renouveler mes remerciements à la Fondation Dauphine sans laquelle je n aurais pas pu effectuer de nouveau ce voyage universitaire à New York. En effet, étant membre du groupe des anciens M1 de l an dernier, j ai participé pour la deuxième fois à ce voyage mais cette fois- ci en tant que M2. Tout comme l année dernière, le soutien financier apporté par la Fondation Dauphine a été pour moi essentiel dans la participation à ce voyage. Je n aurais pas eu les moyens financiers suffisants de réaliser celui- ci sans leur apport. Ayant donc participé au même voyage l an dernier, je souhaitais comparer les deux expériences et apporter mon ressenti. De façon similaire à la fois précédente, ces visites et ce voyage ont été bénéfiques pour moi d un point de vue professionnel. En effet, cette année encore plus que l an dernier car en tant que M2 je serais prochainement à la recherche d une future expérience professionnelle et ce voyage était pour moi une nouvelle opportunité d étoffer mes relations au sein d une grande 7

8 place financière comme New- York. Ensuite, contrairement à l année dernière, nous avons effectué moins de visites professionnelles ce qui à mon sens a permis de solidifier la cohésion de groupe au sein du Master car nous avons pu utiliser ce temps libre pour effectuer des activités communes mais de façon informelle. Enfin, le nombre restreint de visite m a également permis d avoir plus de temps pour visiter la ville de New- York ce qui à mon sens est très important dans ce type de voyage où l aspect culturel est primordial. En conclusion, je souhaitais indiquer que ma deuxième expérience à New- York m a été très utile d un point de vue professionnel et personnel. Ayant effectué ce voyage deux fois, je considère qu il peut être bénéfique aux futurs étudiants du Master 203 dans la mise en place de leur carrière.» Sidi Mohamed Saaf, Etudiant de M2 203 «The New York banking trip is a great opportunity for the master 203 and Dauphine to establish a solid reputation on an international level. The 2015 trip was a great success; students got an up- close insight into the US banking sector through various visits to French and Global banks established in the heart of New York. Also, the NYSE visit gave students an exclusive opportunity to discuss with traders working on the world s largest stock exchange by market cap. Finally, the annual New York cocktail organized by stratefi 203 helped bring together Dauphine alumnus pursuing their careers in the big apple which created strong ties with the Dauphine network across the Atlantic. Another amazing visit to New York, for the second year in a row, thanks to the master 203 and Dauphine foundation. Hoping that this trip would become a great tradition for the following 203 generations and Dauphine.» Mouine Darwich, Etudiant du M2 203 «For me the New York banking trip, like the trip to London, was a great moment of my second year in the Master 203. It was extremely interesting to visit these international investment banks and meet alumni there and learn about their experience abroad. This trip made me realize again that financial markets in USA, in Europe are fundamentally very different. And of course the highlight of New York trip was the visit to the trading floor of NYSE Euronext. It s one thing to study finance in theory and another thing to actually come to the stock exchange on Wall Street, and meet the true market maker there to understand their day- to- day activities. This trip to New York was also an opportunity for those of us who had organized interviews with other financial institutions than those that we visited. I personally had the chance to meet and do an interview with a managing director in Fortress and interview for a VIE at Société Générale. Finally, I would like to thank Dauphine University and Fondation Dauphine who made this trip possible. It made me more excited about my possible career paths and provided me with opportunities and international exposure.» Paul Louis Dray, Etudiant de M2 203 «As a student in Financial Markets, going to New York was as far as I am concerned a kind of pilgrimage to the historical heart of Finance, and I think it was the same for all the 203 students. For most of us, we finally had been able to witness how important Finance is in the United States, and especially in NY. We had the luck to be received by very interesting and patient employees from ones of the most impressive banks in the world, and I sincerely hope that this will continue for the next 203 students. This trip has been crowned by an impressive visit of 8

9 the NYSE, which is definitively the worldwide symbol of Finance. I had the feeling that inside this historical building, we all felt like kids discovering what we saw for many years in movies or books, and which gave us the desire to work in Financial Markets. Finally, and besides its intrinsic interest, this NY trip was a good supplement to the October London Banking Trip. It allowed us to compare the different atmospheres and ways of doing business present in those two major financial places. Last but not least, even if professionally this trip to NY does not generally bring us a lot of opportunities as the London trip may do in term of internships, going to NY after the exams is definitively a way to create a 203 spirit between the students. One regret, the absence of some M1 students because of their internships. But this week will definitively remain a good experience, full of good memories. Thank you to the Fondation Dauphine, Stratefi and all the people who made it possible.» Romain Barrot, Etudiant de M2 203 «The New York banking trip is the most amazing experience our master offers to its students. Every day of the week we spent in NYC was full of mind- broadening discoveries: new people, new places, new businesses and divisions, fresh views on current affaires and prospects in finance. The banking trip started with a great experience at Morgan Stanley, where we could discuss with our alumni and other professionals in a very friendly and informal round- table format. Later, at Societe Generale, we leaned about the ways the french bank is striving to develop and diversify its derivatives business in the US, as well as about its refinancing mechanisms. At BNP Paribas we met great managers who gave us some insights on the derivatives strategies they offer to institutional clients and shared their views on the future of structured products, as well as the outlooks on volatility in Europe and the US. Then, in Credit Agricole, we learned about the current challenges and opportunities offered by the rates business and asset management in Americas. At Goldman Sachs we met two extremely interesting Dauphine Alumni, working in commodities financing and real estate businesses, who shared with us their experience in the US and in the top worldwide financial institution. Finally, the most breathtaking experience we had was the visit of the New York Stock Exchange, where we had an opportunity to chat face- to- face with brokers and personally witness the end- of- the- day rush on the market. All in all, this trip was a great success, and it was a great honor for me to be part of it. This unique experience wouldn't be possible without the help of the Dauphine University Foundation, and I'm very grateful to this organization for helping our master in this project.» Anastasiia Baskova, Etudiante de M2 203 «The New York banking trip organized by the Master 203 in January 2015, was an incredible opportunity for me to visit financial institutions in the US. First of all, I would like to thank Fondation Dauphine for its contribution. These events were clearly profitable for us in the sense that we had the chance to visit banks and to network with insiders most of the time who also studied at Dauphine. This week in NY was a way to promote Dauphine in the United States, where banks do not receive a lot of visit from French schools. Indeed, by visiting trading floors and showing the banks our strong interest for working in financial markets, I am sure this increased the US perception of Dauphine as a real international oriented university. Finally the Alumni Event was also a way to have the proof that a career in the US is exciting with a Dauphinois network in NY really active especially in finance and to strengthen our relationship. I hope for the next students that it will become a tradition.» Bertrand Bazerque, Etudiant de M

10 «As a 2nd Year Student of the Master 203, I have been part of last year s trip, it was a fantastic opportunity for me to increase my knowledge in a concrete sense, visiting the major and most famous banks in the world, discussing with experienced people and meeting the Dauphine alumni. This trip was again a great opportunity for me to expand my network. In fact, I have attended a personal appointment with KBC securities CEO (USA), whom I have met last year and kept close links ever since (he visited me in Paris this summer at Finaltis, the company I interned for). I have also kept in touch with our Dauphine alumni working at Morgan Stanley. I have expressed upon them my objective of entering the US market in the future. I really believe the Master 203 has a great potential as far as Dauphine s recognition in the US. Which is the main reason why I am trying my best to network with Dauphine s alumni who have already settled over there in order to help build the master 203 s global recognition, hence, returning what Dauphine has given me today.» Emmanuel Cuche, Etudiant de M2 203 «First and foremost I would like to thank the master 203, Dauphine Foundation and Dauphine Administration in general for giving us the possibility to organize banking trips to major financial centers that were London and New York. Our New York trip was deeply insightful, we visited several banks such as Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, Société Général, Credit Agricole, BNP Paribas and the NYSE. We had the opportunity to exchange with great people whether the professionals from banks or the Dauphine alumni present in New York who gave us an optimistic view on the industry and the motivation to pursue a successful career in financial markets. This unique and incredible trip wouldn t be possible without the help of the Fondation Dauphine and the effort of Mrs Le Fol, so hopefully your support whether for the London Trip or the New York one will continue so that the coming students will also get the chance to enjoy this amazing ride to the heart of finance in the coming years.» Abdellah Bourhad, Etudiant de M2 203 «J ai eu l occasion de participer au «Banking Trip» organisé par le master 203 à New York du 11 au 18 Janvier 2015 grâce à l aide financière de la Fondation Dauphine. Ce fut la première fois que je me rendais dans cette ville, et cela m a permis d en apprécier la culture et les moeurs pendant une semaine. Les diverses visites que j ai pu faire au cours de mon temps libre (MoMa et autres musées) m ont permis d en apprendre plus sur cette capitale. Par ailleurs, la visite des institutions financières m a permis de faire la connaissance de professionnels du milieu de la finance New Yorkaise et d en appréhender les coutumes, le style de vie, les différences avec la France. J en ai aussi retiré des contacts qui me seront utiles.» Jérémy Cadet, Etudiant de M2 203 «Je souhaite remercier chaleureusement la Fondation Dauphine, qui nous a généreusement aidés en finançant une partie de notre voyage à New- York du 12 au 19 Janvier Grâce à cette aide, nous avons eu la chance de visiter les plus grandes banques d investissement, afin de développer notre réseau et de nous donner un aperçu du cœur de la finance mondiale. Nous avons pu être logés en plein centre de Manhattan, ce qui nous a permis de nous rendre rapidement à chaque visite de banque. De nombreuses personnes n avaient jamais été à New- York, et ce voyage leur a permis de goûter au rêve américain pendant une semaine. Le master 203 est un de seuls masters qui propose un voyage d étude aux Etats- Unis, c est une chance unique et je souhaite aux futures promotions du 203 d avoir comme nous l opportunité de participer à cette expérience inoubliable.» Henri Sinet, Etudiant de M

11 «The NY trip organized by the Master 203 is one of the highlights of this academical year. We had the incredible opportunity to visit some of the most prestigious financial institutions in the heart of the financial system. It allowed the students to bring a new perspective to our career, being more international, to strengthen our relationship and to start building our network, and it finally allowed us to discover this amazing city. I want to thank the students who organized this trip and also the association of the Master, which helped financing this great opportunity that makes the Master 203 so attractive.» Alexandre Thoniel, Etudiant de M2 203 «The New York week is an incredible experience for all the finance lovers. It is becoming a meaningful tradition in the Master 203. The NY trip is not only a valuable professional experience but also a human experience. It provides the opportunity to visit large investment banks. As students we measure the chance that is offered to us to meet with several succeeding professionals who are willing to talk to us about their work, their experience and to give us precious advices for our career and for the recruitment process. These meetings are very helpful for us and especially for our interviews. For example I had an interview right after the NY trip and I was asked about the impact of the Swiss franc cap s removal. It was easy for me to give a detailed explanation as a Bnp trader gave us a very interesting analysis of the situation with real examples used with his clients. The presentations are not only about the daily tasks of the professionals but they give us also their vision of the markets, their anticipations and expectations. The trip is also a way to make the master more visible at an international level. The master is becoming known in London and in the US thanks to these trips and the work of the students hired. But before been interviewed and hired the banks start to know us through theses visits. They are observing our behaviour and our involvement. During the trip we also organized a cocktail where we invited former master 203 and Dauphine students. It is a good opportunity for us to network with previous classes and learn as much as possible from them. Finally, the best memory is probably the NYSE visit. For most of the students it was a childhood dream. We used to see the trading platform and the bell on TV; it was amazing to be there and to witness it. Moreover, it is a lifetime opportunity to speak with the operators and to learn about the history and the evolutions of the stock exchange and better understand how it works.» Samia Zitouni, Etudiante de M2 203 «Cette semaine m a permis de continuer à développer mon réseau d une part, mais surtout de reprendre contact avec des professionnels avec lesquels j avais eu l occasion de travailler lors de mes précédentes expériences en stage. A la suite de ce voyage, plusieurs propositions d embauche m ont été faites, dont une à New York, et une à Hong- Kong, que j ai finalement acceptée. Merci pour cette expérience, qui a sans aucun doute été un tremplin pour ma carrière professionnelle, tout comme le Master 203.» Anthonin Chiberches, Etudiant de M2 203 «Je souhaite remercier chaleureusement la Fondation Dauphine qui a permis aux étudiants du Master 203 de réaliser le voyage universitaire à New York du 11 au 18 janvier Ce voyage nous a plongé au cœur de Wall Street où nous avons eu la chance de visiter les institutions financières les plus prestigieuses et de vivre au rythme de Manhattan. Ce fut une occasion 11

12 unique de développer notre réseau outre- atlantique où de nombreux anciens étudiants du Master 203 sont établis. Il est indispensable de promouvoir le Master 203 sur toutes les places financières majeures et c'est pourquoi ce voyage à New York est le complément parfait du voyage à Londres que nous avons effectué en octobre. Pour toutes ces raisons, je souhaite de tout cœur que ce voyage soit renouvelé à l'avenir afin que les futures promotions du Master 203 puissent vivre cette expérience hors du commun.» Elie Farhi, Etudiant de M2 203 «Je tiens à remercier particulièrement la Fondation Dauphine pour son soutien financier lors de notre voyage pédagogique à New- - York au mois de janvier Tout d abord, cela a permis au groupe que nous formons d être davantage soudé. S agissant d un voyage lointain et long, nous avons pu échanger et découvrir la ville et les banques en formant un groupe uni. Cet aspect me paraît très important dans le sens où cela participe à la création d un réseau solide et pérenne. Les visites au sein de grands acteurs du monde financier, qu ils soient des banques, des intermédiaires de marché ou des asset managers, nous ont également permis de découvrir un environnement différent de celui que l on connaît en Europe. En effet, le point de vue des salariés de ces établissements et l atmosphère de travail diffèrent grandement. Dans la continuité de notre voyage pédagogique à Londres, les discussions avec les recruteurs et opérationnels nous ont apporté plus de connaissances concernant leurs tâches au quotidien au sein d un large panel d activités (structuration, money market, prime brokerage, syndication,...). De même, tout comme notre semaine londonienne, cette expérience permet de travailler notre adaptation à un environnement de travail étranger et de voir si l on peut vivre dans un autre univers que celui dans lequel on vit en ce moment. Enfin, notre visite au sein du New- - York Stock Exchange (NYSE) était une expérience exceptionnelle et nous étions très chanceux de pouvoir pénétrer dans un tel lieu.» Maxime Lefèvre, Etudiant de M2 203 «New York trip was very inspiring and rewarding. We visited prestigious banks, NYSE and got the precious chance to talk to alumni who are working in New York. I benefit from and also appreciate greatly from the trip via the following several aspects: First, this trip broadened my horizon and cultivated a global view which I believe is very important to have for working in financial markets. New York, as one of the world s financial hubs, showed its influence in financial industry. Second, it gives us a chance to know the difference between different markets. With the on- site observations and lectures given by top banks, we got to know several different features of US markets, such as US investors have different risk appetite due to a lower coverage social security, and US prohibit prop trading while in EU it is working. Third, it connects what we learn in class with real practices and thus motivating me to learn more back to school. To be able to talk with broker, traders, structure, I leant better how to generate a product idea for a market move such as last week s swiss franc crash, with the instruments we were taught in class. Last but not least, this trip strengthens the bonds between alumni. They have set role models for us new graduates. And I believe to have a global network will undoubtedly be beneficial for everyone. Above all, I sincerely appreciate this trip, the program, the school and our sponsors. It was an awesome journey.» Zhihong Zhao, Etudiante de M

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Formulaire de candidature pour les bourses de mobilité internationale niveau Master/ Application Form for International Master Scholarship Programme

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Frequently Asked Questions

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