Germany: Is the housing market in bubble trouble?

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July No. 9 Johannes Gareis : Is the housing market in bubble trouble? Residential property prices in have been rising steadily since, with the increase in prices being quite marked in some urban areas, which has led some to conclude that a bubble is forming in the German housing market. However, based on the analysis in this report, we find that property bubble fears are overstated. First off, despite the recent strong increase in residential property prices, is by far at the lower end of the scale of price increases compared with the property price bubbles in the US,, the, or. Second, simple indicators, such as the price-to-income ratio and the price-to-rent ratio, do not indicate any significant overheating in the German housing market in general. Finally, given the relatively conservative characteristics of mortgage financing and a low homeownership rate, the threat to financial stability stemming from the housing market appears to be limited. Recent price movements in the German housing market Since, residential property prices in have been rising significantly. Overall, prices for houses and apartments increased by about 9% over the last three years, or.% per year. The rise in prices eased slightly at the beginning of this year. From January to May, data provided by Europace AG shows residential property prices were up by an average of around.7% YoY per month. The relatively strong rise in property prices is in particular evident from prices of owner-occupied apartments in s largest cities, which have risen in total by approximately % since (chart ). Chart Housing prices in (=) Houses and apartments in 5 cities Apartments in 7 large cities (Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Cologne, Frankfurt Main, Stuttgart, Dusseldorf) Sources : BulwienGesa 9 9 95 9 97 9 99 5 7 9 These price developments have been attracted a lot of attention in the recent past and gave rise to concerns about a damaging housing bubble. Early this year, the Bundesbank warned of overheating house prices, suggesting that residential property prices were overvalued between % and % compared to the trend that is explained by fundamental factors. Most recently, taking a general perspective, the IMF warned about a renewed boom-bust period in global house prices. Factors that bolster the upturn in the German housing market The recent upswing in the German housing market can be attributed to a multitude of intertwined factors. First off, the developments in the German housing market are linked to the repercussions of the global financial crisis and the sovereign debt crises in the euro area. In this way, the bursting of the housing bubbles in the US and in several euro area countries (,, the ) led to an increase in the demand for safe assets. As a consequence, the German residential property market, which had been standing out due to stability since mid-995, gained center stage for international investors as well as households, who were looking for ways to protect the value of their assets in an environment of heightened uncertainty and low returns on financial assets. Certainly, the exceptionally favourable financing conditions have bolstered households decision to See Min Zhu, June,, Era of Benign Neglect of House Price Booms is Over, imfdirect

invest in real estate. On the one hand, has benefited from an extremely low short-term interest environment, given that the European Central Bank sets interest rates in accordance with the economic development in the euro area as whole (chart ). On the other hand, s extraordinarily low long-term interest rates were doubtlessly influenced by a safe haven status. As a consequence, interest rates for mortgage loans declined considerably from around 5% at the end of to just below % at the end of (chart ). Chart : Determinants of household income Unemplyoment rate (%, lhs) Gross wages and salaries per head (YoY as %) Employment (YoY as %) Chart ECB key interest rate and Taylor rule recommendations (%) ECB main refinancing rate Taylor rule Euro area Taylor rule 9 7 - Sources : Bundesbank, Natixis - 5 7 9 Sources : ECB, Natixis - - 5 7 9 Finally, the demand for German residential property should have been influenced by demographic factors. While the number of one-person households has been rising significantly in the recent years, increasing the demand for residential property with the population remaining at the same level, continued immigration from Eastern and Southern EU countries led to a trend reversal in the size of s population. While s population dropped from to by about 7. people, it rose in and by around. people (chart 5). Chart German mortgage interest rates and government bond yields Effective interest rates for new mortgages -year Government Benchmark bond yield Chart 5 : Total population and net migration (thousands) Total population Net migration (rhs) 5 5 5 Sources : ECB, Datastream 5 7 9 Sources : Detsatis, Natixis - 5 7 9 In addition, a large part of the recent increase in residential property prices is likely to have been driven by an improvement in housing demand on the back of a sound economic growth and a robust development in the labour market that supported the income of households. While, for instance, gross wages and salaries per employee rose, on average, by just.% per year from to 7, they grew at an average yearly rate of.% from 7 to. Meanwhile, the unemployment rate has declined steadily (chart ). Factors caution against assuming a destabilising housing bubble Beyond doubt, s residential property market underwent a significant change in the recent years and property prices have been increasing considerably in some urban areas. However, a number of factors caution against assuming a housing bubble, i.e. a destabilising interaction between housing developments and the broader economy: i) Despite the recent strong increase in residential property prices, is by far at the lower end of the scale of price increases compared with the property price bubbles in the US,, the, or (chart ). The property price bubble show house prices, in real terms, rising by a cumulated 7% in (995-7), 5% in (99-7), % in the (995-) and 5% in the US (995-). No. 9 I

5 5 Chart Real house prices (995=) US (rhs) 5 Sources : Datastream, Natixis 5 95 9 97 9 99 5 7 9 ii) The price-to-income ratio, which measures how housing prices are developing relative to the current situation of households, does not indicate any significant overheating in the German housing market in general. As is apparent from chart 7, the price-to-income ratio does not indicate any substantial deviation from its long-term average. Thus, despite the recent increase in prices, home financing appears to stay affordable in. This conclusion seems to hold true all the more when we look at the developments of the price-to-income ratio in in comparison to, the and, where house prices appeared to be massively overvalued during the past real estate boom phases. 5 5 Chart 7 Price-to-income ratio (99=) Sources : OECD 5 5 9 97 9 99 5 7 9 95 9 5 7 5 5 Another sign of an overvaluation in the housing market could occur if housing prices decouple significantly from rents. Basic theory suggests that housing prices and rents should follow the same trend over the longer-term. To put it differently, upwardly shooting property prices could suggest that housing is used as an investment good rather than for the purpose of housing. 5 Chart Price-to-rent ratio (99=) Sources : OECD 5 5 9 97 9 99 5 7 9 5 iii) Given the relatively conservative characteristics of mortgage financing in, the threat to financial stability stemming from the housing market appears to be limited (table ). While in many euro area countries a large part of housing loans is granted at a variable interest rates, in a longer-term fixation of interest rates is the usual procedure (with a fixation period of about ten years). Moreover, the typical loan-to-value ratio for new mortgages is around 7%, while in the, for instance, a loan-tovalue ratio of % is typically applied. Table : Characteristics of loans for house purchase Loan-to-value ratio (%) Percentage of variable rate loans in total new loans Mortgage equity w ithdraw al Typical maturity (years) 7 5 No 5- France 5 No 9 7 7 Limited -5 Italy 5 7 No Yes 7 9 Limited UK 5 - Yes 5 US 7 Yes Sources: ECB, EMF All in all, it is very unlikely that any substantial threat to financial stability is already emerging from the current upswing in the German housing market. In, the volume of mortgage loans granted to households has hardly risen since (chart 9). In this respect, a large part of property investment appears to be equity financed. Looking at the relationship between housing prices and rents in we can see that housing prices indeed rose somewhat faster than rents since, yet, the current level of the price-to-rent ratio is still far below its long-term average. In comparison to other euro area countries, is, by far, displaying the lowest price-to-rent ratio (chart ). No. 9 I

5 Chart 9 Loans to households for house purchase (January =) (rhs) (rhs) (rhs) 5 demand overhang for housing, price pressure is unlikely to ease significantly in the foreseeable future. Based on our analysis, we expect house prices growth to level off at.% YoY in. Likewise, given the buoyant growth trend in residential building permits, investment in residential construction should grow substantially this year. Yet, on the account of the heightened level of residential investment due to a weather related boost in Q, the expansion in residential investment is likely to slow down in the second quarter. For as a whole, we forecast residential investment to grow by around.7%. 5 Sources : ECB 5 7 9 iv) In, the homeownership rate is very low compared to other euro area countries or the US (chart ). A high ownership rate, however, is crucial for a prolonged housing boom to emerge as the global financial crisis has shown. If the homeownership rate is high, households have a strong incentive to sell their homes and reinvest in the housing market in anticipation of future price increases, leading to an upward spiral of self-fulfilling believes about the housing market. Chart Homeownership rate (%) Chart Business climate in the construction sector (-month moving average) Business climate Business expectations Assessment of business situation Sources : Ifo 9 95 9 97 9 99 5 7 9 9 9 7 5. 7.5 7. 7.5 5. Chart Demand overhang in the housing sector Capacity utilisation rate (%, lhs) Housing completion (volume in thousands) Housing permits (volume in thousands) 5 5.5 What lies ahead? Sources : EMF. Sources : Destatis, Natixis 57.5 5 9 99 5 7 9 The upswing in the German residential property market should continue this year, as the main drivers of the upswing are still in place. As for the macroeconomic side, the outlook remains favorable, in line with robust business sentiment. In particular, on the back of solid economic growth, employment and wage growth is expected to accelerate, boding well for household income. Moreover, the low interest rate environment and a strong influx of immigrants should provide further stimulus for the German housing cycle. In fact, leading indicators show that demand for housing is high (chart ). Moreover, the capacity utilization in the construction sector is currently way above its long-term average of %, reflecting the relative shortage of housing supply (chart ). Overall, the strong rise in new building permits in the recent past points to a favorable development in residential investment this year (chart ). Nevertheless, as a consequence of high capacity utilization and the Chart Housing investment and housing construction permits New building permits (YoY as %) GFCF - Residential construction (YoY as %, real terms) Sources : Destatis, Natixis - 9 - No. 9 I

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