Les Nouvelles du Rosey

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1 Les Nouvelles du Rosey Novembre 2013 n 33 L exception roséenne Chaque grande école cherche tout naturellement à demeurer unique pour se distinguer de ses concurrentes et affirmer ses caractéristiques propres. Avec un orgueil qu il faut bien confesser, Le Rosey ne cultive pas particulièrement cette bataille de marque, car il se juge à l écart du monde traditionnel des écoles internationales ; non pas en s estimant au-dessus des autres par chacune de ses qualités mais par la grâce d un ensemble de qualités qui lui donnent une personnalité particulière. Restons objectifs! Quelles sont ces caractéristiques? La qualité des études et les résultats des élèves aux examens officiels? Les admissions dans les universités? Le ratio profs/ élèves? L esprit qui règne au sein de l école? La beauté des campus? La diversité des infrastructures? L éducation holistique au service des tous les talents? La discipline? Le tri des élèves grâce aux 350 candidats pour les 90 places disponibles chaque année? Les voyages Honneur? La qualité du logement et de la nourriture? Le campus d hiver à Gstaad? Tous ces points, et pas mal d autres, sont importants mais aucun d entre eux ne constitue une réelle exception. D autres grandes écoles de par le monde peuvent se prévaloir de l une ou l autre, à part Gstaad sans doute! Non, pour entrer dans le club des écoles exceptionnelles, il faut cumuler ces caractéristiques et y ajouter deux ou trois ingrédients. Suite en page 2 Rosey Exceptionalism All great schools naturally strive to remain unique so as to set themselves apart from their rivals and to maintain their own distinct character. Le Rosey is unashamedly proud of the fact that it does not really need to participate in this particular struggle since it feels inherently different from other international schools not because it considers itself superior in every respect, but rather because of a combination of qualities which together confer upon it a unique identity. Objectively speaking, what creates this distinct character? Academic standards and external examination results? University admissions? The student-teacher ratio? The school spirit? The range of facilities? A commitment to holistic education and to the development of all its students talents? Discipline? Selective admissions thanks to 350 candidates for 90 places available each year? The quality of the food and accommodation? The Honour Trips? The Gstaad winter campus? All of these qualities, and a good number of others, are important but none really constitutes an exception. Other great schools across the world could boast one or several of them with the exception of Gstaad, of course! But this is not enough, and to be deemed an exceptional school, to these characteristics must be added two or three other ingredients. Turn to page 2

2 L exception roséenne (Suite) La culture internationale Le Rosey est une école suisse, qui unit des équipes de direction et d enseignement d essences très diverses (latine, anglo-américaine, germanique, asiatique...) ; l esprit, les règles et la manière de vivre y sont très différents de l habituelle organisation typique anglo-américaine qui inspire la quasi totalité des écoles internationales. Les Roséens ne sont que 400, sont issus de 61 pays (dont aucun n atteint le quota maximum de 10%) ; exclusivement internes, ils ne sont pas des expatriés vivant en Suisse avec leur famille: ils viennent de tous les pays dont ils sont les ressortissants et y retournent à chaque congé. Il en résulte une fusion de langues et de cultures, une curiosité de la différence et une ouverture d esprit exceptionnelles. Il en résulte aussi, de manière logique mais très sophistiquée, le bilinguisme à la carte et l enseignement de 18 langues différentes auxquels ont accès les Roséens. Le réseau Les Anciens Roséens demeurent unis par un lien que les intéressés cultivent jalousement, et qui étonne toujours les témoins extérieurs, tant le sentiment d appartenance à la communauté roséenne semble intense et durable. Sur toute la planète, dans tous les domaines d activité, les Anciens appartiennent à des cercles et des familles qui ont de l influence et du pouvoir. La discrétion interdit de divulguer ces noms et qualités, mais au sein des Anciens, cette information circule librement et son exploitation toute naturelle donne à ce réseau une puissance exceptionnelle. La vision Le Rosey est une entreprise familiale qui réinvestit depuis 1880 tous ses profits, caractéristique importante au moment où tant d écoles passent sous le contrôle de fonds ou de grosses machines à éduquer qui doivent solidement rémunérer leurs actionnaires. Le Rosey entend demeurer une communauté à taille humaine, au sein de laquelle il est possible de connaître tout le monde. Le Rosey a toujours privilégié une vision à long terme où l imagination et l anticipation des besoins des nos sociétés jouent un rôle essentiel. Le Paul & Henri Carnal Hall, bâtiment futuriste dédié à une nouvelle vision de l éducation des futurs responsables de nos sociétés, en est le plus récent exemple ; il va constituer une référence exceptionnelle dans le monde de l éducation internationale. Rosey Exceptionalism (Suite) An International Culture Le Rosey is a Swiss school that brings together teaching and management teams of extraordinarily varied origins (Northern and Southern European, Anglo-American, Asian and others); this means that the character, rules and way of life of the school are completely different to the typical Anglo-American model which lies behind almost all international schools. Roséens, although numbering only 400, come from 61 different countries (with none reaching the 10% quota); they are all boarders, and are not expatriates living in Switzerland with their family: they all arrive from their home countries and return there during the vacations. This brings about a fusion of language and culture, a curiosity about differences and an exceptional openness of spirit. It also at the root of a logical if extremely sophisticated system of à la carte bilingualism and the teaching of 18 different languages. The Network Les Anciens Roséens (the alumni) remained united by a jealously guarded link, and the intensity and longevity of the sense of belonging to the Rosey community always surprise outsiders. Around the world, and in every sphere of activity, Anciens belong to groups and families of influence and power. Although these names and positions are not divulged to the public, Anciens have free access to them and they are quite naturally used to provide a particularly powerful network. The Vision Since 1880 Le Rosey has been a family concern which has reinvested its profits, a particularly important characteristic at a time when so many schools are passing into the hands of huge educational companies who are obliged to provide returns for their shareholders. Le Rosey wishes to remain a community on a human scale where it is possible to know everybody. Le Rosey has always favoured a long-term vision in which imagination and anticipating the needs of society play an essential role. The Paul and Henri Carnal hall, a futuristic building dedicated to a new vision of the education needed by future leaders of the world, is just the latest example of this; it is set to become a reference point in the world of international education. Examination Results, University Destinations It was Groucho Marx who resigned from a club saying I don t want to belong to any club that will accept me as a member. In a similar vein, and odd though it may sound, we would never want Roséens to sit examinations where there was an absolute guarantee of success and where all candidates pass as a matter of course. Without the chance of failure, success means nothing, and we rejoice in the fact that both the IB and the French bac are challenging examinations. Yet we have become used to reporting excellent results over the past few years was no exception. The average grade at the IB was 34.5 (against a world average of 29), and the French bac average reached an astounding 15/20, with all 8 candidates obtaining a mention. There were three mentions Assez bien, two Bien, three Très bien, two of which received the highest accolade of Félicitations du jury. (In the absence of detailed national data, the general average of the French bac is harder to gauge but it hovers around 12/20.) The joint average of the two diplomas, (converting baccalauréat grades to their IB equivalents) was over 35 an extremely impressive mark, marginally higher than in 2012 and keeping Le Rosey well up in any comparison with international schools and national boarding schools in the UK or elsewhere. For the first time since 2010, however, there were students who did not obtain an IB diploma. Two of the 57 candidates fell agonisingly short both failing by one point. Yet this did not come as a surprise: we knew that both were always going to struggle. But it is our policy to insist on putting all students in for the full diploma, and we do not impose easy subject choices on them. Although obviously disappointing, these setbacks underline two key characteristics of the Rosey philosophy. The first is that the value of endeavour depends on challenge. Both of the failing students this year opted for a programme that we advised against but they were keen to take the risk. The second is that success cannot be measured only by examination results even if these are outstanding. We often derive the greatest satisfaction from the student who attains an honourable grade against the odds and even a failure at the IB leaves a student with recognized IB certificates and a valuable experience. Where did these results take students? The quality of the list was well up to recent standards, with the USA the most popular choice. Students have taken up places at Princeton, Brown, Dartmouth, Berkeley, Chicago, Duke, Georgetown, Northwestern, Vanderbilt and Georgia Tech indicating a slight move away from the traditional Rosey choices perhaps although New York topped the list with no fewer than eight students set to study at NYU, two of them in the Stern School. But even New York was outdone by London with 16 of the 19 UK-bound Roséens set to study in a range of London colleges and universities including King s College, UCL, Queen Mary, Royal Holloway, the CASS Business School and the University of the Arts. Other UK destinations were Glasgow, Sussex and Heriot Watt in Edinburgh. Canada was the next most popular destination with three of five students heading to McGill in Montreal. Other destinations included Bocconi in Milan, the Lausanne Hotel School, as well as universities in Spain and Mexico City. 2 LES NOUVELLES DU ROSEY 2013

3 A Gstaad Une excellente nouvelle est tombée cet automne : les autorités bernoises ont accepté le plan d ensemble qui permettra de construire le futur Campus d Hiver du Rosey sur le flanc du Rellerli, au lieu dit Erli. Cette parcelle située sur les hauteurs de Schönried, exposée plein sud, bénéficie d une vue exceptionnelle sur Gstaad et sur les vallées environnantes. Cette autorisation est le résultat des excellents travaux d architecture des bureaux Matti et Hauswirth et de la bataille rangée que les Autorités gstaadoises et Le Rosey mènent depuis plusieurs années pour l octroi d une autorisation de construire sur une parcelle actuellement essentiellement agricole. L étape suivante consiste à préparer les plans de mise à l enquête du campus lui-même et à organiser la vente de la colline du Ried qui permettra le financement de ces travaux. Tout cela devrait, avec les oppositions inévitables qui vont se manifester, prendre encore quelques années mais à la fin de cette décennie, Le Rosey devrait posséder un campus d hiver exceptionnel! Constructions à La Combe A Rolle, comme promis aux jeunes filles, le campus de La Combe va connaître à son tour quelques unes des améliorations apportées récemment à celui du Rosey. Dès ce printemps, les jeunes filles inaugureront de nouveaux locaux. La cuisine de La Combe est complètement refaite, agrandie modernisée et prête à offrir une plus grande variété de plats ; au traditionnel plat du jour s ajouteront une spécialité préparée à la plancha, souvent un poisson, et un plat végétarien qui seront servis directement depuis la cuisine grâce aux ouverture vitrées sur la salle à manger. Le Chef de la Combe pourra ainsi donner la pleine mesure de ses talents et de son imagination pour satisfaire la gourmandise de ses Roséennes! La salle à manger de La Combe est également agrandie par l adjonction d une vaste véranda à la structure légère, bien intégrée à la façade de la Grande Combe, lumineuse et ouverte sur le parc, à l instar de celle des garçons au Château. Traditions Croisière sur le lac et passage sous le jet d eau de Genève. Les Actuels infligent une leçon de football mémorable aux Anciens... Distribution de l argent de poche, 40.-/50. aux Cadets, 60.-/80.- aux Jeunes Seniors et 100.-/120.- aux Seniors. Le Bal d Halloween avec la prestation remarquée du School-Band. Le soufflé au chocolat du mercredi, une tradition vieille de 40 ans. Le Bal d automne, rendez-vous incontournable des Seniors au Palace de Lausanne. 06:30 Debout pour une mise en forme autour du terrain de rugby. Tous les Roséens participent au Cross du Château sur un tracé qui parcourt les limites de la propriété du Rosey. Saint Nicolas rend visite aux enfants sages chaque 6 décembre. Le benjamin de chaque table écrase la marmite en chocolat de l Escalade, vieille tradition genevoise qui commémore la victoire de Genève sur les Savoyards en Cette véranda améliore le confort pendant les repas et permet d ajouter des options de plats en libre service. Enfin l agrandissement de la Maison Mottiez va loger des familles de professeurs supplémentaires, une douzaine de jeunes filles seniors et agrandir les espaces de sports, fitness et danse. Dîner de Noël aux chandelles et petits cadeaux à La Combe. 07:37 Départ du MOB de Schönried, premier transport de l année pour les Roséennes en direction de Gstaad. Remise des prix de ski au Rellerli et descente aux flambeaux. On brûle avant de quitter Gstaad le bonhomme Hiver qui marque la fin de l hiver. Le Défi de l Ile de La Harpe rassemble les nageurs pour la première compétition de natation dans le Léman à 10 degrés! Le Comité fraîchement élu débute son mandat avec l organisation de la fête sportive (ex-journée de l Ascension). LES NOUVELLES DU ROSEY

4 Christophe Gudin Faire connaissance du futur «Patron» qui entame cette année son parcours roséen. Tu as gardé un si bon souvenir de tes 11 années en qualité de Roséen que tu as décidé de revenir? Bien évidemment! N est-ce pas là le rêve de tout Roséen? Plus sérieusement, si j ai vécu des moments plus et moins heureux pendant mes années roséennes, les liens qui existent au sein de cette communauté, l impression que tout est possible, les relations entre enfants et adultes ou les slaloms du mardi à Gstaad m ont beaucoup manqué! C était écrit ou c est un choix parfaitement libre? Je me pose encore la question. A 8 ans je devisais avec mes amis de ce qu il faudrait que j inflige comme punition aux profs coupables d une injustice ; à 15 ans je visitais d autres écoles pour changer d air et je réalisais à quel point il était difficile (impossible?) de trouver mieux qu au Rosey ; à 23 ans, toutes les carrières étaient possibles et le Rosey ne représentait plus qu une alternative ; à 26 ans, après m être aventuré dans le monde corporate, je rejetais les décisions et le management basé quasi-exclusivement sur la finance et comprenais que je ne pourrais travailler à long terme que dans un domaine qui me passionne. Alors écrit ou pas? Quelle importance? L essentiel est d avoir envie d être au Rosey et de faire en sorte d être le plus utile possible. Quels sont tes projets immédiats? Approfondir ma redécouverte du Rosey sous l angle nouveau d un directeur ; apprendre à toujours mieux connaître les élèves ; réfléchir à l utilisation la plus pertinente du Paul & Henri Carnal Hall ; dénicher les vieilles habitudes roséennes potentiellement contre-productives ; inciter l ensemble des adultes à régulièrement remettre en question l éducation et l enseignement que nous prodiguons aux élèves; graduellement, prendre la responsabilité du fonctionnement de l école. L exception roséenne, c est un slogan ou un engagement pour le présent et l avenir? C est une valeur tacite du Rosey, profondément ancrée dans notre ADN et religieusement transmise aux nouveaux arrivants. C est l état d esprit indépendant d une école qui se remet en question quotidiennement sans vouloir imiter rien d autre que son histoire. C est la capacité de pouvoir rapidement prendre des décisions, petites et grandes, qui s inscrivent dans une vision à long terme. C est le courage de monter à Gstaad au début du siècle, d accueillir des jeunes filles dans un internat avant les autres, d imposer à l ensemble de ses élèves un choix entre deux diplômes particulièrement exigeants, de rêver un outil grandiose pour mettre en pratique une éducation humaniste et complète. C est enfin la promesse de ne pas pouvoir déroger à cette valeur si profondément ancrée dans notre identité. As-tu des projets à long terme? Il est peut-être un peu tôt pour parler de projets, mais j ai plein d idées, dont une qui me tient particulièrement à coeur : Etablir un lien plus fort entre le Rosey, école éminemment Suisse, et d autres continents. Par exemple, en poussant plus à fond le concept des voyages culturels avec un ou deux autres minicampus répartis sur le globe où les élèves pourraient passer quelques semaines d immersion intensives tout en suivant leurs cours. Que vas-tu répondre à tes innombrables amis roséens qui vont te demander des rabais? Un non ferme. Pour trois raisons. D abord parce que cela serait profondément injuste pour tout le sang neuf, sans lien préalable avec le Rosey, qui apporte tant à notre école. Ensuite parce que si ma qualité d ancien est un atout indéniable, cela veut aussi dire que j ai bien trop d amis Roséens et qu un rabais qui s appliquerait à la moitié de l école n aurait plus de sens. Enfin parce qu il faut bien que j éponge la construction de l avenir artistique du Rosey! Comment faire évoluer une école traditionnelle? La question plus juste serait plutôt comment faire évoluer une école dont la tradition a toujours été de garder les deux pieds fermement ancrés sur notre belle terre helvétique et de projeter le reste dans le futur? La réponse devient plus facile. Je crois qu une des clés est de rêver le futur en permanence, d inciter toute la communauté à le faire et de toujours employer deux garde-fous. Le premier est la cohérence avec une vision à long terme du Rosey, qui repose sur ses valeurs essentielles : une éducation la plus complète possible, une communauté forte et responsable, la valeur de l action et l ouverture au monde et à ses cultures. Le second sera la multitude d Anciens et de parents, impliqués dans la vie roséenne et garants d une part de la tradition. Getting to know the future Boss as he begins his Rosey career. Is it because you have such good memories of your eleven years at Rosey that you have decided to return? Of course! Isn t it every Roséen s dream? Seriously though, even if there were great and less than great moments during my time at Rosey, I ve always missed the links that that lie at the heart of this community, the relationships between adults and children and the Tuesday slaloms in Gstaad. Was it always your destiny or was it a perfectly free choice? I ask myself the same question. When I was only eight, with my friends I devised the sorts of punishments that I might inflict upon teachers guilty of injustice; and at the age of 15 I visited other schools looking for a change only to discover how difficult (or impossible) it was to find anything better than Rosey; at the age of 23 all careers were open to me and Rosey was no more than one option; at the age of 26, after having ventured into the corporate world, I rejected decision-making and management based almost exclusively on finance and came to understand that in the long term I could only work in a field that I was passionate about. So was it my destiny or not? What does it matter? The key thing is to want to be at Rosey and to do the best you can for it. What are your immediate projects? To deepen my understanding of Rosey from the different angle of a director; to learn how to know the students better; to think of the most appropriate use of the Paul and Henri Carnal Hall; to dislodge the old Rosey habits that can be counter-productive; to push all adults to reflect upon our teaching and the education we give our students; gradually to take over the running of the school. Rosey Exceptionalism: is it a slogan or a commitment for the present and future? It s one of Rosey s implicit values, hardwired into our DNA and religiously passed on to newcomers. It s the mindset of a school which calls itself into question on a daily basis and wants to imitate nothing but its own history. It s the ability to make quick decisions, small or large, which are part of a long-term vision. It s the courage to move up to Gstaad at the beginning of the last century, to admit girls before other boarding schools, to require all students to sit one of two demanding diplomas, to dream of creating a grandiose facility that will provide a complete, humanist education. Ultimately, it s the promise never to renege on the most profound of our values. Have you any long-term projects? It s probably a little soon to talk of projects, but I ve plenty of ideas, one of which is particularly dear to me: that of establishing a link between Le Rosey, a profoundly Swiss school, with other continents. We could, for example, develop the concept of cultural trips with one or two other mini-campuses dotted around the globe where students could spend intensive immersion weeks while continuing to follow their programme. How will you reply to your countless Rosey friends who will ask for a discount? By a clear no. For three reasons. First, because it would be entirely unfair to the new blood with no previous link to Le Rosey and yet who bring so much to our school. Second, because, although being an ancien is undoubtedly and advantage, it also means that I have far too many friends and that it would make no sense for half the school to benefit from a discount. Finally, because I also need to prepare for Le Rosey s artistic future! How can a traditional school be made to evolve? The more precise question would be: how can we develop a school whose tradition has always been to keep its feet firmly anchored in our beloved Swiss homeland and yet to move the rest into the future? The answer then becomes easier. I think that the key is permanently to dream of a future, to encourage the whole community to do the same and always to keep two safety nets. The first is a long-term vision for Le Rosey based on its essential values: the most rounded education possible, a strong and responsible community, the value of action and openness to the world and its cultures. The second is the multitude of Anciens and parents, engaged in Rosey life and guarantors of a set of traditions. 4 LES NOUVELLES DU ROSEY 2013

5 Le Rosey s first TEDx was a great success. Organized with care and creativity by a dozen Roséens, Saturday 9 th November will stay in our memories as a wonderful day of thoughts and feelings shared with some remarkable speakers who honoured us with their presence. The strict rules that govern TEDx, notably that of limiting the number of spectators to 100, were not easy to respect, but Caroline, the President of the Organizing Committee, was able to bring her team together and set a tremendous standard for the future. In a few days time, a Youtube link will make it possible to see or see again the best of our TEDx, which looks set to become a a great annual Rosey tradition. Bravo to the speakers, many from far away, to the organizers who worked so hard for over eight months and to all who helped and attended. Mark Kingwell is a Canadian professor of philosophy and associate chair at the University of Toronto department of philosophy. He specialises in theories of politics and culture. Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish OOnt, MD, MPH, is a Palestinian physician and an internationally recognized human rights and inspirational peace activist devoted to advancing health and education opportunities for women and girls in the Middle East. John Ceriale is the president of Prospect Advisors, the exclusive hotel advisor to Blackstone Real Estate Advisors. Carlos Del Rio is the Chair of the Hubert Department of Global Health and co-director of the Emory Centre for AIDS Research. Sir Norman Foster is the founder of Foster + Partners, a prominent British architectural firm having designed landmarks such as Wembley Stadium and 30 St Mary Axe. Luca Belpietro founded the Maasai Wilderness Conservation Trust (MWCT), a community rooted non-profit organization which now employs 250 Kenyans, providing the community with conservation, health and education services. He holds a degree in economics from the University of Kenya and wrote his thesis on Sustainable Development and Environment Conservation: Wildlife as a Natural Resource in Kenya. Felipe Sabogal is a Colombian Rosey ancien who is currently studying to complete his Master of Science in Management at HEC UNIL, Lausanne. Safiya Al Bahlani is an Omani artist, graphic designer, and inspirational speaker. Her physical disability made her path to becoming an artist extremely challenging. Judge Ken Starr is a distinguished academician, lawyer, public servant and sixthgeneration Texan, who is currently Baylor University s 14 th president. Questions-Réponses Ton principal trait de caractère? Aller au bout de mes choix et de mes devoirs, parfois avec un brin d obstination. What is your most important character trait? To follow my choices and duties through to the end, sometimes with a touch of obstinacy. La qualité que tu préfères chez autrui? La passion. The quality you most prize in others? Passionate commitment. Ton principal défaut? Avoir toujours été en groupe honneur. Your major failing? Having always been in the Honour Group. La personne la plus importante de ta vie? Maryam, ma femme. The most important person in your life? Maryam, my wife. Ce qui te permets de t évader? La lecture, des classiques aux bandes dessinés. What do you usually do to turn off? Reading, ranging from the classics to bandes dessinés Ton idée du bonheur? Ne plus avoir à s en soucier. Your idea of happiness? No longer having to worry about being happy. La plus grande misère? Perdre espoir. The worst thing that could happen? To lose hope. Ce que tu détestes? La peur de l inconnu. What do you hate? Fear of the unknown. LES NOUVELLES DU ROSEY Les fautes qui t inspirent le plus d indulgence? Celles qui n affectent pas son entourage négativement et celles qui sont commises pour la première fois. The mistakes that you find easiest to forgive? Those which do not adversely affect those around us and those which are made for the first time.

6 The Paul & Henri Carnal Hall We are all in agreement: leaders need to possess every possible personal and professional skill. But, as we see it, and more than ever before, they also need to be creative and imaginative, to be able to find solutions by thinking out-of-the-box and beyond the limits suffered or chosen by so many of those laden with diplomas. The mission of the Paul and Henri Carnal Hall is to respond to this challenge. Its unique structure brings together three creative tools under a vast steel dome: culture, the arts, and communication. Culture is the great 1000-seater hall designed for conferences, theatre, musicals, concerts and anything else which can nourish students cultural appetite. The classical music season is already planned and Le Rosey is enormously proud to announce that that it will host some of the world s most prestigious orchestras: in October 2014, the inaugural concert will be provided by the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Charles Dutoit. This will be followed by five classical concerts including one with the St Petersburg Philharmonic as well as a recital by Hélène Grimaud and a number of other treats. The arts are brought together in the centre s facilties. Roséens will be able to develop all their talents: there will be music in the large choir and orchestra room, and 16 practice rooms, with four set aside for percussion, rock and jazz; the visual arts will have the run of five workshop areas for sculpture, photography, glass-making, pottery and fabrics, 3-D printers; drama will have its large Black Box, and gastronomy its cookery school and teaching restaurant; and dance will also have its own special space. At the centre of the Paul and Henri Carnal Hall will be the Learning Centre which will provide students with a workspace outside the walls of their traditional classroom, and where they will be able to undertake personal research, work in groups and meet teachers from varying curriculum areas all in the same place. A new educational model is emerging: it uses all the power of technology for research and all the wisdom of human beings for its effective use. The meetings that will take place in the Learning Centre will bring subjects to life, and enable them to combine fruitfully with other subjects as part of a whole and wholly fascinating intellectual system. The Paul and Henri Carnal Hall is not just a building at the heart of Rosey but a campus within a campus; its spaces have been ingeniously designed to open the mind, to stimulate the imagination and to provide the keys to the universal language that allows us to better understand people and societies. Rosey exceptionalism is here aimed clearly at educational innovation. Inauguration officielle du Paul & Henri Carnal Hall le 27 juin LES NOUVELLES DU ROSEY 2013

7 Is music the key to success? Paul Allen of Microsoft says music reinforces your confidence in the ability to create. Music was the emotional analog to his day job, with each channeling a different type of creative impulse. In both, he says, something is pushing you to look beyond what currently exists and express yourself in a new way. When he ran the World Bank, James Wolfensohn traveled to more than 100 countries, often taking in local performances: for many of the high achievers he spoke with, music functioned as a hidden language, as he put it it, one that enhances the ability to connect disparate or even contradictory ideas. Les Anciens offrent au Rosey le Walk of Fame! Walk of Fame! Chères Anciennes, chers Anciens, L AIAR entend marquer l inauguration du Paul & Henri Carnal Hall, étape décisive dans l évolution de notre école, en offrant au Rosey le Walk of Fame qui reliera le campus au Paul & Henri Carnal Hall. The Anciens offer the Walk of Fame to Le Rosey! Dear Anciennes, dear Anciens, The AIAR intends to mark the inauguration of the Paul & Henri Carnal Hall, a decisive step in the evolution of our school, by offering to Le Rosey the Walk of Fame that will link the campus to the Paul & Henri Carnal Hall. Saison musicale Programme provisoire 2 octobre 2014 Concert inaugural Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Dirigé par Charles Dutoit. Avec Francesco Piemontesi, piano Laissez votre marque sur l un des deux cents pavés lumineux qui constelleront le chemin conduisant du Rosey au Paul & Henri Carnal Hall. Votre don financera cet aménagement extérieur (chemin de pavés, fontaine et arbres). Il consiste à acheter un pavé lumineux pour la somme de CHF, pavé sur lequel vous pouvez graver jusqu à 4 lignes de 10 lettres. CONFIRMEZ VOTRE DON ET ÉCRIVEZ VOTRE MESSAGE À : WalkOfFame@aiar.ch Leave your mark on one of the two hundred luminous cobblestones that will mark the path from Le Rosey to the Paul & Henri Carnal Hall. Your donation will fund this external construction (path of cobblestones, fountain and trees) and it consists of buying a luminous cobblestone at the price of 5,000 CHF on which you can have up to 4 lines of 10 letters engraved. CONFIRM YOUR DONATION AND WRITE YOUR MESSAGE TO: WalkOfFame@aiar.ch 18 novembre 2014 Orchestre Philharmonique de Saint-Petersbourg Dirigé par Yuri Termirkanov 2 décembre 2014 Ciné-Concert Orchestre de Chambre de Genève Dirigé par Philippe Béran Avril 2015 Quatuor à cordes des Berliner Philharmoniker avec Emmanuel Pahud & Paul Meyer. Time capsule Au cours d une petite cérémonie, la première à prendre place au Carnal, le président de la société d Histoire, Cristoforo (classe 2) scella dans l un des murs du bâtiment en construction une «Time Capsule». Bourrée de témoignages sur la vie des Roséens en 2013 (film, récits, témoignages, yearbook, uniforme, etc.), cette boîte ne pourra être ouverte qu en 2063, 50 ans après l érection du Paul & Henri Carnal Hall! En consultant le yearbook de 1963, on découvre que les Roséens d il y a 50 ans créaient le comité des élèves ; on y lit que les joutes sportives constituent une part essentielle de la vie extra-scolaire, que la vie artistique ou culturelle était très réduite et les bals, visites, conférences, voyages, expéditions constituaient des exceptions dans le paysage de la vie quotidienne du Rosey. Une vie qui semble aujourd hui bien désuète! 12 mai 2015 Récital d Hélène Grimaud Mi-juin 2015 Eklekto Ensemble de claviers / percussions LES NOUVELLES DU ROSEY

8 Le S/Y (sailing yacht) Ipharra joue un rôle important dans la collection des voyages du Rosey : deux Voyages Honneur et deux voyages «SAT at Sea» sont organisés chaque année à son bord pour les Roséens. En outre, le camp d été «Excellence Camp» s y déroule en partie. A la fin septembre a lieu le 1 er Voyage Honneur de l année sur le thème : «À la rencontre des civilisations de la Méditerranée». Une semaine de navigation entre Turquie et Grèce truffée de cours d histoire, de philosophie et de géopolitique, d excursions à terre, de sports nautiques. Le 2 ème voyage se déroule dans les British Virgin Islands à la fin janvier. Une semaine de réflexion sur la physique, les écosystèmes des océans et l obtention d un brevet de plongée sous-marine PADI. Les deux voyages SAT at Sea (Corse en fin juin, Caraïbes à la mi-mars) sont dirigés par nos spécialistes en training SAT et allient une solide préparation à ces tests en 24 heures de cours avec la pratique des sports nautiques et la voile. Enfin, l Excellence Camp (juillet) allie une semaine de vie en montagne, expéditions et nuits en refuge suivie d une semaine en mer avec toute une gamme de sports nautiques et d expéditions à terre. Ipharra a été dessiné pour ces voyages roséens et toutes les activités d enseignement, de culture et de sports qui y sont liés. Ses 102 pieds (34 mètres) permettent de recevoir 11 élèves, 2 professeurs et 5 membres d équipage. Conçu pour naviguer en toute sécurité sur tous les océans, à la fois beau, pratique, confortable, doté d un équipage professionnel de grande qualité, Ipharra séduit tous ses hôtes. Un autre aspect de l exception roséenne! Le site donne tous les détails sur le bateau. The Sailing Yacht Ipharra plays a key role in Rosey trips: two Honour Trips and two SAT at Sea sessions every year take place on board, as does part of the summer Excellence Camp. At the end of September comes the first Honour Trip of the year, focusing on Mediterranean Civilization. This comprises a week sailing between Greece and Turkey on a voyage filled with History, Philosophy and Geopolitics, punctuated by onshore visits and nautical sports. The second trip takes place in the British Virgin Islands at the end of January. This provides a week to reflect on the geography and ecosystems of the ocean as well as providing students the chance to obtain the PADI scubadiving qualification. The two SAT at Sea trips (Corsica at the end of June and the Caribbean in mid-march) are run by our SAT specialists and combine 24 hours of solid preparation for these tests as well as sailing and nautical sports. Finally, the Excellence Camp offers a week of alpine life, mountain huts and expeditions followed by a week at sea with a wide range of water sports and expeditions on land. The Ipharra was designed for these Rosey trips and all the teaching, sports and cultural activities linked to them. Its size (102 feet) means that it can accommodate eleven students, two teachers and five crew-members. Planned for safe ocean navigation, elegant, practical and comfortable, with a topquality professional crew, Ipharra is loved by all who sail in her, and is yet another example of Rosey exceptionalism. Go to for more details. 8 LES NOUVELLES DU ROSEY 2013

9 Expeditions An exceptional year of expeditioning with a winter that lasted until summer and incredible amounts of snow falling at convenient intervals that kept the skiing interesting throughout the season. Ice climbing, Igloo making, snow shoeing, sledging and ski touring were among the activities in the mountains, while developing the awareness of safety with particular regard to avoiding avalanches. The ski tour team grew in numbers and improved their ability around Gstaad, with the highlight being a ski tour to the St Grand Bernard Monastery along the most ancient of passes between Switzerland and Italy. The long expeditions for the Cadets to the Ardèche and the Jungfrau have been an excellent success. Class 2 completed a Grand Raid over the Jura with a cumulative distance of around 1000km an equivalent distance of crossing from the start of the Alps near the Mediterranean all the way over to where they end in Italy. The rock climbing team had their first competition against Aiglon College, winning the speed climbing competition. Some of the team got to experience ice climbing during the winter months in Gstaad climbing a frozen waterfall. The International Award has grown a lot in the school over this year with over 60 students participating at either Bronze Silver or Gold. The IA is a program of personal development which aims to reward the students who commit their time to carrying out a service for the community, develop a skill, play a sport and go on additional expeditions. Training expeditions have taken place at various places around the Jura, teaching the students the necessary skills to be able to complete fully independent expeditions. Bronze and Silver groups completed their qualifying expeditions hiking around the beautiful Lake Luzern. The Gold group chose the famous Tour du Mont Blanc for their qualifying expedition. The group completed the tour over 8 days covering 126km and over 6000m of ascent, a really great achievement. The groups are now planning Cycling expeditions over the Alps, traversing Switzerland by kayak, Ski touring over mountains around the Bernese Oberland, and hiking the Haute Route from Chamonix to Zermatt. LES NOUVELLES DU ROSEY

10 Admissions et diversité des nations représentées au Rosey. Parmi les critères d admission au Rosey, il en est un qui semble parfois étrange aux parents, voire injuste. Le fameux «quota de nationalité» qui limite le nombre d élèves ressortissants d un pays ou groupe de pays à un maximum de 10% de l effectif. Premier internat international suisse à avoir introduit ce critère il y a près de 30 ans, Le Rosey a beaucoup été imité dans les intentions, très peu dans les actes ; cela n a d ailleurs aucune importance : ce critère est partie intégrante de la politique de recrutement du Rosey sur un plan philosophique et n a pas vraiment de raison d être copié! Pour nous, la diversité d origine des Roséens est garante de la culture internationale de l école et de son esprit. L éducation roséenne repose sur un principe qui guide ses choix de vie et ses codes disciplinaires : les différences entre les Roséens, de langues, de cultures ou de religions aussi diverses que possible, constituent un enrichissement et non pas un problème contraignant. Mais pour vivre cette différence, il n est pas acceptable d avoir un groupe national dominant qui impose son mode de vie à tous les autres, et quelques marginaux qui survivent plus ou moins bien. Il n est pas non plus souhaitable de fondre ce grand groupe de jeunes en un «melting pot» plus ou moins défini. Chacun doit demeurer fier de ses racines, prêt à les faire connaître. On peut résumer cette proposition comme l écrivait Monsieur Johannot il y plus de 60 ans : mieux connaître pour mieux comprendre et mieux comprendre pour mieux aimer. Voilà pourquoi l équipe des admissions est particulièrement active pour faire connaître Le Rosey sur tous les continents et attentive au respect de la plus grande diversité d origine des élèves, comme en témoignent les statistiques ci-contre. Amériques Asie Afrique & Moyen-Orient 14% 19% 9% Océanie 2% Europe 56% Au total, 421 élèves représentant 61 nationalités. A few months or years after their departure, some Roséens give us feedback. As far as their strongest memory was concerned, Anciens found it hard to point out just one. For some the most memorable times were on a special occasion, Ascension Day or Graduation; for others, it was the feeling of having a family in Rosey: The atmosphere and spirit that Le Rosey had, it s very hard to describe, but I could only feel one thing - family. No matter what class you were in, you still knew the whole school and you could talk and interact with anyone, that s how close Le Rosey made me feel. I loved that place and even when you finish the school and move on into university, that feeling of family always stays with you and I am honoured that I had an opportunity to experience it. (Artem, 2010); Without my Swiss family I would not have been able to get through times as tough as these, and it was also with them that I shared my joy and excitement about the good times we all had. (Olga, 2010). Some also recall their teachers and the special relationship they had with them, and of course, they never forget Gstaad! Then there is Gstaad... going to Gstaad for our winter term was simply magical and exceptional. (Riccardo). For many, Le Rosey had an important impact on their lives in university and college and even beyond, giving them a sense of confidence, the desire to persevere and the discipline to do so. That is perhaps the most unprecedented gift that a school can give you a strong sense of confidence and independence to succeed in wherever life may take you next. It is with that knowledge and outlook that led me to be in the position that I am in today. (Amira, 2010, founder of AroundWire - a combination of a social network and an online marketplace with a built-in payment system); The discipline and approach to work in Le Rosey created an ability in me to be able to organise my time and work correctly and that s something that other students from other high schools didn t perfect. (Artem, 2010). What Rosey taught me is to persevere, follow my objectives, realise my dream, be sure of taking the right decisions and until now, life has smiled on me!) (Laëtitia, 2011). On a social level too, Rosey had an impact: By living in Rosey, we can only be open-minded, we open to others, to the unknown, to different religions and cultures and this allows me today not to believe in prejudice but on the contrary, gives me an advantage in life. (Mathilda, 2010). To sum it up, The seven years I spent at Le Rosey from the Juniors to the baccalauréat, were the best of my life! They were years that brought me self-confidence and made me stronger, and were the time when I found friends for life. Les courses du Rosey Les courses du Rosey rassemblent chaque année trois générations de Roséens, une belle communion, un échange tellement représentatif de l idée de l école pour la vie. Lorsque John se trouve dans le portillon de départ du traditionnel slalom de l AIAR pour la 55 ème fois, plus de 400 jeunes ont déjà dévalé les pentes du Wasserngrat... Une minute 23 secondes, 30 secondes derrière le vainqueur âgé de 17 ans! Qu importe, la détermination, l envie de se surpasser, l adrénaline, l anxiété du départ sont au rendez-vous! Et les moments de partage à l arrivée avec ses enfants, ses Anciens camarades et amis, le cocktail prend toutes ses couleurs, La magie opère chaque année! 10 LES NOUVELLES DU ROSEY 2013

11 Fêtes Noël The choir entering from their places in the audience flashmob style, while singing Stand Together the junior piano trio the flute quartet the cello quartet vocal solos in Italian and in Spanish - piano solos violin solos an animated guitar solo - an hilarious vocal duo The song that goes like this the incredible a capella group the orchestra s spooky Danse Macabre one hundred and thirty Roséens onstage for Carmina Burana making more sound than perhaps we have ever made... And Rosey s amazing School of Rock, taking the music all the way to midnight... Gala de Gstaad The brass ensemble opening the concert from the gallery on high the junior choir Si j étais la fin du monde the enchanting music of Ludovico Einaudi on piano and string ensemble the woodwind ensemble - Bohemian Rhapsody sung by the choir the extraordinary silent bars of Haydn s Minuet from his final symphony - and a suite for the orchestra from Molière s Bourgeois Gentilhomme introduced by M. Jourdain (the Bourgeois Gentilhomme himself) and his long-suffering wife. Fin d année Six hours of non-stop entertainment beginning in the junior section with a series of musical stories told by each class followed by dancing in the amphitheatre then the solos and ensembles in the circus tent, among them the fantastic hot club guitar quartet playing Django Reinhardt s Tears Back in the amphitheatre Pirates of the Carribbean from the orchestra and the choir s pop medley and more vocal soloists and the School of Rock playing on until curtain up at the outdoor theatre (which included musical numbers all of its own, of course)... The Roaring Girl and an exceptional theatre tradition. Tavern wenches flirt with swaggering noblemen. A pickpocket works the crowd. A young woman, clad in breeches and doublet, strides into the courtyard, sword in hand. Ladies fans flutter. Insults fly. Suddenly, light glints off steel. Draw or I ll serve an execution on thee! With three spectacular duels and a climactic brawl, the athleticism on show in last June s production of Middleton s The Roaring Girl was exceptional. All spring, students worked to create the playful physicality of broadly-drawn character types, to master the cup song, fight and dance choreography, and to weave music throughout from pub songs to Boccherini. The cast became an ensemble. The 17th century text was brought to life by 25 actors from 20 countries; only four were mother-tongue English speakers. The play s language is not easy, nor is it all polite drawing room fare; but our actors tackled both wit and banter with gusto. They were outstanding. It is surely exceptional that for almost twenty years, Le Rosey s summer term play has been presented outside. With the Paul and Henri Carnal Hall rising from the field where once Fiddler on the Roof, Antigone and Tall Horse were performed, however, performances will soon move indoors. A new theatre tradition will be born. LES NOUVELLES DU ROSEY

12 Humanitarian Projects Showing What We Are Worth Our students are lucky: lucky because they typically come from wealthy families and because at Rosey, they always have something new and interesting to do. Yet, however aware of their privileges they may be, it can remain a theoretical awareness until they are confronted with extreme poverty or need. There is, therefore, a broad and essential educational objective when they are teaching geography to the poorest African students or witnessing the usefulness of a few dozens dollars lent through our micro finance fund. What is more, in addition to the better understanding of the world they offer, humanitarian actions also connect all disciplines, from project management, to architecture and languages. A second reason is that our humanitarian actions are focused and directly useful. The steering committee only selects projects in which Roséens are directly involved and of which are able to measure the impact. Fundraising events don t lead merely to a cheque. They lead to a cheque delivered directly by a group of students to the place it will be spent and where they can ensure it is well spent. This strong connection with how the funds are used is then shared with the entire community, through photos, articles, a blog or simply the stories and smiles of returning students. The third reason is that the simple fact of becoming involved in humanitarian activities, and especially trips, can be life changing. We have several Anciens who have decided to abandon business lives and concentrate on humanitarian organizations. Getting exposure to what this is about as a youngster may be the first step in a long journey. Being able to share the experience with close friends is another step. And far from being for show, getting involved in a micro-finance fund management or a school launch in Africa may turn out to be the life-defining step. Solidarity in action! Rosey Microfinance CHF 45,000.- raised to further support the local Microfinance Organisation, Roshdi Pomir, which we have funded for three years. Woodward Ethiopia Based on October s trip, Women at Risk funded the launch of a Social Business to help keep young women in school by manufacturing biodegradable sanitary napkins. CHF 9,300.- Rosey Abantara Scholarships, retention bonuses for key teachers, as well as other assistance/ investment. CHF Conteurs sans Frontières contibution to a small NGO from Aubonne: CHF Cambodia CHF 11,700.- in support of an artisans group Bhutan Rosey Roots and Shoots visiting Bhutan this past Summer funded the visit of a specialist agronomist and the purchase of materiel to introduce inexpensive, simple, micro-irrigation techniques for the first time in the country. Costs so far: CHF 5,750.- Kalahari Project to fund the equipping of a computer lab, paying salary of a technician, as well as the constuction of a kitchen to allow the school to provide students with a hot lunch daily. CHF 16,000.- Ghana CHF 40,000.- has been awarded to the Mercy Women s Hospital in Menkassim for the purchase of a 20-seat bus for use as staff navette, for public health education outreach, and eventual transport of Obstetric Fistula patients from the poorer, Muslim, North. Sports equipment, uniforms, and computer equipent provided to Kakumdo school CHF In addition to financial assistance to these various causes, Roséens work at the Lions Club of La Côte, the Human Rights Watch Geneva and Le Rosey Foundation annual fund-raising dinners. Echanger & agir The Speakers Program and The Debating Society Roséens curiosity is always at the ready: they love to meet adults who share their experience, vision, the results of their research or their philosophy. The Speakers Program initiated by John Silvin attract a wide audience and pupils from the Cadets section have started to become regular attendees, however challenging the subject. Our speakers are always struck by the liveliness and intelligence of their questions and the most common comment is: I really enjoyed my visit and I found your students very engaged and on the ball. My compliments! Speakers have included: Florence Devouard, former President of the Wikimedia Foundation Karl Hopwood, a member of the UK Council for Child Internet Safety Marco Ricca, an ethical hacker. Alexander Joel, ancien Roséen, guest conductor of the Orchestre de la Suisse Romande at the Geneva Opera House in April Between rehearsals he told Roséens about his time at school and career in a talk full of humour, before inviting them to a performance of Madame Butterfly. Richard Jacobson (CERN): LHC: A Discovery Vessel at the Horizon of Knowledge But Roséens also enjoy expressing their own ideas and convictions, and this has been a year rich in debates many of which have taken their cue from current events. Motions have included: This House would spy on its allies This House would Impose a Tax on Obesity This House would take Military Action against the Syrian Government This House would allow women to drive This House would allow the Government to regulate the Internet This House believes Margaret Thatcher was a good leader for the United Kingdom This House Believes that Guns are for the Police and Armed Forces Only This House would develop genetically modified organisms This House would give Children the same Rights as Adults. SIX LE ROSEY SUMMER CAMPS, EACH WITH ITS OWN SPECIAL CHARACTER: ROLLE, GSTAAD, THE MEDITERRANEAN. LAKE GENEVA CAMPUS JULY 9 to 16 y.o. 7 th July to 1 st August 2014 Unforgettable vacations with language classes, sports, arts, outings, discos, drama and much more. The essence of Le Rosey in four amazing weeks. LAKE GENEVA CAMPUS AUGUST 9 to 16 y.o. 4 th to 23 rd August 2014 The same formula as July but condensed into three weeks with a special accent on academic revision programs in languages and math. GSTAAD MOUNTAIN CAMPUS JULY+AUGUST 8 to 13 y.o. Session 1: 5 th to 25 th July 2014 Session 2: 28 th July to 17 th August 2014 A special made-to-measure camp for youngsters in a legendary resort in the Swiss Alps. Language classes, mountain activities, sports, arts, expeditions and shows. An ideal first camp away from home. EXCELLENCE CAMP JULY 12 to 16 y.o. 5 th to 19 th July 2014 The Swiss Mountains & the Mediterranean Sea An exclusive camp for active and ambitious youngsters: a week in the Alps and another sailing the Mediterranean on board a splendid 34-meter catamaran. Adventure and excitement in the most beautiful of settings. SAT PREP. CAMP JULY 15 to 18 y.o. 7 th July to 1 st August 2014 An intensive SAT preparation program every morning given by top specialists from the USA, complemented by all the artistic and sporting activities available on the Rolle campus as well as an excursion and culture program specially designed for 15- to 18-year-olds

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Le passé composé. C'est le passé! Tout ça c'est du passé! That's the past! All that's in the past! > Le passé composé le passé composé C'est le passé! Tout ça c'est du passé! That's the past! All that's in the past! «Je suis vieux maintenant, et ma femme est vieille aussi. Nous n'avons pas eu d'enfants.

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Nouveautés printemps 2013

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1.The pronouns me, te, nous, and vous are object pronouns.

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First Nations Assessment Inspection Regulations. Règlement sur l inspection aux fins d évaluation foncière des premières nations CONSOLIDATION CANADA CONSOLIDATION CODIFICATION First Nations Assessment Inspection Regulations Règlement sur l inspection aux fins d évaluation foncière des premières nations SOR/2007-242 DORS/2007-242 Current to September

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AUDIT COMMITTEE: TERMS OF REFERENCE AUDIT COMMITTEE: TERMS OF REFERENCE PURPOSE The Audit Committee (the Committee), assists the Board of Trustees to fulfill its oversight responsibilities to the Crown, as shareholder, for the following

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