Curriculum Vitae Short version February, Bernard ESPINASSE

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1 Curriculum Vitae Short version February, 2015 Bernard Espinasse Bernard ESPINASSE Married, 3 children. Citizenship: French. Languages: French (native), English, Spanish (notions). Current position: Full Professor in Computer Sciences at the Aix-Marseille University, Marseille, France. Teaching: Ecole Polytechnique Universitaire de Marseille (EPUM) - School of Engineers. Research: LSIS UMR CNRS 6168 (Information Sciences and System Laboratory), National Centre of the Scientific Research, Marseille. Professional address: LSIS UMR CNRS 7296, Ecole Polytechnique Universitaire de Marseille, Département Génie Industriel et Informatique, Domaine Universitaire de Saint-Jérôme, F Marseille, Cedex 20, France. Tel. : +33 (0) Fax : +33 (0) - Web Page : 1. PROFESSIONAL PREPARATION l APPOINTMENTS Accreditation to Supervise Researches in Computer Sciences (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches en Sciences - HDR), Aix-Marseille University. Dissertation (in French) : «Contribution to Intelligent, Distributed and Cooperatives Information System Engineering», May Committee: J-C. Bertrand, E. Chouraqui, J. Kouloumdjian (reporter), D. Pascot, J-Ch. Pomerol (reporter), M. Singh. PhD in Information System. Supervisors: J-L. Le Moigne and B. Munier, GRASCE URA CNRS N 935 Aix- Marseille University. Dissertation (in French) : «Autonomy and Organizationnal Intelligence : Theoretical Elements and Application to Information System Design». July Committee: J-L. Le Moigne, C. Jameux, J-L. Maloin, B. Munier, H. Tardieu, R. Tremolières. Research Master (DEA) in System Analysis and Economic Calculus, Aix-Marseille University. MBA (D.E.S.S. CAAE), I.A.E., Aix-Marseille University. Diploma of Engineer, Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'arts et Métiers de Paris (ENSAM). 96 present: Full Professor in Computer Sciences, Aix-Marseille University, Ecole Polytechnique Universitaire de Marseille (EPUM). Research at the LSIS UMR CNRS N 6168 laboratory, leader of INCOD (Distributed Information and Knowledge) from 1999 to 2008, since June 2009 leader of the OASIS (Ontologies, Agents and Services based Information Systems) project : Associate Professor in the Management Information System (MIS) department (MIAGE) of the Applied Economics Faculty, Aix-Marseille University. Research at the GRASCE URA CNRS N 935 (System Analysis and Economic Calculus) : Scientific Director of the Systémia Institute (research and development and professional training), Aix-en- Provence : Scientific Responsable in research and training departement of IIRIAM (International Institut of Robotique et Artificielle Intelligence of Marseille) : Associate Professor in the MIS department of the Administration Sciences Faculty, Laval University (Québec Canada) : Project manager in the computer department, COMEX Compagny (Marseille). 3. DIVERS - Associate Professor in the Computer Sciences department of the Sciences Faculty, Laval University, Québec Canada (01-04). - Expert for FCAR (Fonds pour la Formation de Chercheurs et l'aide à la Recherche) for Canada pour request subsidies evaluation for Canadian researchers. - Invited by the CENTOR (CENtre de recherche sur la Technologie et l'organisation Réseau) of the Laval University, Québec, Canada (one week in 2000 and 2004)

2 Bernard Espinasse - Invited by the Federal Universuty of Pernambuco, CIn-UFPE, Centro de Informática, Recife (one week in summer 2007 and in spring 2008) - Expert for CEMAGREF for project evaluation in decision support systems field. - Member of the INFORSID executive committee (until 2009). - Member of the Mac Load Institute (Simulation), theme «Agent Based Simulation for Decision-Making Support». - Member of several local and national committees (including CNU, the National Council of French Universities), as expert of the French national research agency (ANR) for the COSINUS and ARPEGE research programs. 4. TEACHING I mainly teach at the Ecole Polytechnique Universitaire de Marseille (EPUM-Polytech Marseille). My teaching concerns Database Technology, Information and Decision Support Systems, Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Multiagents Systems, Ontologies and Web semantic. In this school, I assume various responsibilities and I am member of different executive councils. Courses at EPUM, school of Engineers - C551- Data Base (20 h, bachelor level), - C772 - Information Systems Engineering (20 h, master level), - C774 - Formal Language Theory (20 h, bachelor level / ), - C775 - Software Engineering (20 h, master level ), - C862 - Advanced Data Bases (20 h, master level), - C952 - Concepts and Tools of Artificial Intelligence (20 h, master level / ), - C953 - Models and Tools for Decision Support (with E. Tranvouez, 20 h, master level), - C954 - Information Retrieval and Semantic Web (with J. Le Maitre, 20 h, master level), - C956 - Data Warehouse and Data Mining (20 h, master level), Courses in Research Master of Computer Sciences of Aix-Marseille University - SIS-D1.1 - Ontologies for Information Systems and Web Semantic (with E. Murisaco, 20 h, master level ), - SIS-D1.2 - Multiagents Systems and Information Agents (with E. Tranvouez, A. Ferrarini, 20 h, master level ), Syllabus and slides (in French) : 5. RESEARCH 1. OVERVIEW I actively participated to the creation in 2000 of the LSIS UMR CNRS 6168 (Laboratoire des Sciences de l'information et des Systèmes) research laboratory, where I have lead during ten years a team (INCOD), an where I am currently driving a research project on Ontologies, Agents and Services oriented Information Systems (OASIS Project). My current research topics mainly concern agent based modelling and simulation, decision support system, agent and ontology based information retrieval and extraction on the Web, ontology-based personalization. Main responsabilities - Member of the Laboratory Council (since 2000), - Member of the Scientific Orientations Council (since 2000), - Leader of the INCOD (Distributed Information and Knowledge) team (arround twenty researchers, until 2008), - Leader of the OASIS (Agents and Services oriented Information Systems) project (arround fifteen researchers, from 2009 to 2013), - Responsible for an option program of the Master in Computer Sciences ( ). 2. RESEARCH SUPERVISING (AIX-MARSEILLE UNIVERSITY) Summary - 15 PhD Thesis directions/co-directions defended whose one in cotutelle with Laval University (Canada), - 27 Master Thesis directions/co-directions. PhD Thesis defended - R. Lima, «OntoILPER: An Ontology and Inductive Logic Programming-based Method to Extract Instances of Entities and relations from Texts", Université Fédérale du Pernambuco. Soutenue le 20 octobre Jury:, B. Tenorio Avila,B. Espinasse, F. Freitas, R. Dueire Lins, S. Oliveira Rezende, V. Lucia Strube de Lima. Direction F. Freitas, co-direction B. Espinasse. - L. El Sarraj, «Aide à la décision autour d un entrepôt de données de santé». Thèse en informatique d'aix-marseille Université. Soutenue le 12 juillet Jury: Gilles Zurfluh, O. Boussaid, C. Verdier, L. Bellatrèche, S. Rodier, B. Espinasse, B. Guisano, T. Libourel. Direction : B. Espinasse, co-direction T. Libourel (LIRM UMR CNRS Montpellier). - A. Oulahaci, «Modélisation et Simulation Orienté Agent de Comportements Humains dans un Jeu Sérieux (Serious Game) : application à l'apprentissage de procédures en Gestion de Crises». Thèse en informatique d'aix-marseille Université. Soutenue le 20 juin Jury : D. Lourdeaux, C. Hanachi, J. Digdale, G. Gesquière, B. Espinasse, E. Tranvouez, S. Fournier

3 Bernard Espinasse Direction : B. Espinasse, codirection E. Tranvouez, S. Fournier - Soutenance prévue en fin Devenir : Post-doctorat puis ingénieur R&D dans une entreprise d informatique. - S. Albitar, «On the Use of Semantics in Supervised Text Classification: Application in the Medical Domain». Aix- Marseille Université. Soutenue le 12 décembre Jury : S. Calabretto, L. Tamine, N. Cullot, J-P. Chevallet, P. Bellot, B. Espinasse, S. Fournier. Mention très honorable. Direction : B. Espinasse, S. Fournier. Devenir : Post doctorat. - K. Mustapha, «Une architecture logicielle pour la simulation à base d agents de chaînes logistiques/ A Software Architecture for Supply Chains Simulation». Defended the October 20, Supervisors : B. Espinasse and E. Tranvouez. - E. Maille, «Intégration conceptuelle et opérationnelle de modèles spatio-dynamiques. Application à la dynamique du risque lié à l incendie de forêt/ Conceptual and Operational Integration of Spatio-Dynamic Models». Defended the July 4, Committee: C. Claramunt, G. Deffuant, J. Le Maître, P. Roche, S. Fournier, B. Espinasse. Supervisor : B. Espinasse Position: Research engineer at CEMAGREF research institute. - J. Serment, «Une infrastructure d intégration multi-agents pour le développement de systèmes d aide à la décision environnementale : application à la gestion hydraulique de la Camargue/An Agents-based Integration Infrastructure for Environmental DSS: application to the Hydraulic Management of the Camargue». Defended the February 13, Committee: D. Hill, A. Drogoul, J.F. Santucci, E. Tranvouez, J.P. Muller, B. Espinasse. Supervisors : B. Espinasse and E. Tranvouez. Position: Conputer Engineer in a French compagny.. - O. Labarthe, «Modélisation et simulation orientées agents de chaînes logistiques dans un contexte de personnalisation de masse : Modèles et cadre méthodologique/ Agent based Modelling and Simulation of Supply Chains in a Mass Customised Context: Models and Methodological Framework». Cotutelle Thesis between Univ. d Aix-Marseille and Laval University (Québec - Canada). Defended the October 30, 2006 at Marseilles. Committee: G. Bel, O. Boissier, A. Ferrarini, B. Montreuil, A. Ruiz-Bartolome, B. Espinasse. Supervisor: B. Espinasse and B. Montreuil (Professeur à l Université Laval), Tutor A. Ferrarini. Defended the November 20, Position: Associate Professor in the Operations and Decision Department of the Administrative Sciences of The Laval University, Québec, Canada. - T. Moyaux, «Design, simulation and analysis of collaborative strategies in multi-agent systems: The case of supply chain management». Thèse en informatique de l'université Laval (Québec - Canada). Defended the November 5, 2004 à Québec. Committee: B. Chaib-Draa, S. D Amours, B. Espinasse, J.P. Barthès, J.M. Frayret, P. Kropf. Supervisor (20%) with B. Chaib-Draa et S. d Amours (Professeurs à l Université Laval) Position : Associate Professor at the Lyon University (INSA), France. - N. Franchesquin, «Modélisation et simulation multi-agents d écosystèmes anthropisés : une application à la gestion hydraulique en Grande Camargue/ Multiagent Modelling and Simulation of the Hydraulic management of the Camargue». Defended the December, 12, 2001 à Marseille. Committee: J-C. Bertrand, F. Bousquet, B. Espinasse, D. Hill, B. Picon, P. Preux. Supervisor : B. Espinasse. Position: Research Enginner at the Panthéon-Assas University Paris 2. - E. Tranvouez, «Intelligence artificielle distribuée et ordonnancement : une approche coopérative du réordonnacement d'atelier par systèmes multi-agents/distributed Artificial Intelligence and Scheduling: an cooperative approach», Defended the May 23, Committee: J.P. Barthès, G. Bel, J.C. Bertrand, B. Espinasse, A. Ferrarini, P. Ladet, J.P. Muller. Supervisors : B. Espinasse and A. Ferrarini. Position: Associate Professor, Aix-Marseille University, EPUM, Marseille, France. - L. Cloutier, «Contribution à coordination de l entreprise manufacturière distribuée par une approche multi-agents inspirée de la théorie des contrats / Contribution to the Manufacturing Enterprise Coordination with a Multiagents Approach based on Contract Theory». Defended the June 11, Committee: J-C. Bertrand, S. D'Amours, J. Erceau, B. Espinasse, P. Lefrançois, F. Vernadat. Supervisor at 80% with P. Lefrançois (Laval University) Position: Research Development Director of the SYNTELL company, Québec, Canada. - L-M. Spinosa, «Contribution à la modélisation d'entreprises manufacturières distribuées fondée sur une approche multi-agents / Contribution to the Enterprise Modelling based on a Multiagents Approach», Defended the October 7, Committee: J-C. Bertrand, J. Erceau, E. Chouraqui, B. Espinasse, F. Vernadat, L.Villeneuve. Supervisors : B. Espinasse and E. Chouraqui Devenir : Associate Professor at the Univ Catholique Pontificale du Parana, Curitiba, Brésil. - I. Grégoire, «Contribution à la conception et à la réalisation d'un Système à tableaux noirs distribué essentiel SYNODE/ Contribution to the design and the reuse of a Distributed Black Board, SYNODE», Defended the January 6, Committee: J-C. Bertrand, M.F. Bruandet, E. Chouraqui, B. Espinasse, M. Oussalah. Supervisors : B. Espinasse and E. Chouraqui Position : Computer Enginneer in a French compagny

4 3. THESIS COMMITTEE MEMBER (SINCE 96) - 15 PhD Thesis committees as supervisor/co-supervisor PhD Thesis committees as reporter PhD Thesis committees as examinator. - 6 HDR committees (Accreditation to Supervise Researches in Computer Sciences) as reporter. - 5 HDR committees de HDR as examinator Bernard Espinasse 4. JOURNALS EDITORIAL BOARDS MEMBER (2004- ) - JDS - Journal of Decision Systems, Lavoisier Ed., Paris. - RIA Revue d Intelligence Artificielle, Lavoisier Ed., Paris. - IJIDS - International Journal of Information and Decision Sciences, Inderscience Publishers. Journal articles reviewer for - EIS - Enterprise Information Systems, Taylor & Francis Publishers. - IJSMP - International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling, InderScience Publishers. - ISI - Ingénierie des Systèmes d'information, Hermés Ed., Paris (membre du comité de lecture d un numéro spécial). - JAMAS, Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, Springer Netherlands. - JESA - Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés, Hermés Ed., Paris. - SIMPRA - Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory International Journal, Elsevier Publishers. - SIMULATION, Transactions of The Society for Modeling and Simulation International. 5. CONFERENCE PROGRAM COMMITTEE MEMBER (2008- ) International conferences: - WI 2015, IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence, Osnabrück, Germany, March 4-9, INTELLI 2015, The Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Applications, St. Julians, Malta, October 11-16, WI 2014, IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence, Warsaw, Poland, August 11-14, SysCo 2014, Seconde Conférence Francophone sur les Systèmes Collaboratifs, Hammamet-Tunisie, septembre WI 2013, IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence, Atlanta, GA, USA, November 17-20, CoDIT 2013, IEEE International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies, Hammamet, Tunisia, May 6-8, WI 2012, IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence, Macau, China, December 4-7, IEEE-RCIS 2012, 6th IEEE International Conference on Research Chalenges in Information Sciences, May 19-21, 2010, May , Valencia, Spain. - WI 2011, IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence, August 22-27, 2011, Campus Scientifique de la Doua, Lyon, France - ADS 2011, Agent-Directed Simulation Symposium, April 4-9, 2011, Boston Marriott Long Wharf Hotel, Boston, MA, USA. - JFO 2011, 4 ième Journées Francophones sur les Ontologies, 22 au 24 Juin 2011, Montréal, Canada. - IEEE-RCIS 2011, Five IEEE International Conference on Research Chalenges in Information Sciences, May 19-21, 2010, Gouadeloupe. - AISSAI 2010 (Workshop de l ECAI 2010) Artificial Intelligence for Simulation Simulation for Artificial Intelligence, August 2010, Lisbon, Portugal. - IEEE-RCIS 2010, Four IEEE International Conference on Research Chalenges in Information Sciences, May 19-21, 2010, Nice, France. - ADS 2010, Agent-directed Simulation, March 22-27, 2009, San Diego, California. - SIMUTools 2009, International Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques, Rome, March NOTERE 2009, 9e Conférence Internationale sur les NOuvelles TEchnologies de la REpartition, Montréal, 29 juin au 3 juillet AAMAS 2009, 8th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagents Systems, May 10-15, 2009, Budapest, Hungary. - ADS 2009, Agent-directed Simulation, March 22-27, 2009, San Diego, California. - JFO2008, 2 ième Journées Francophones sur les Ontologies, 1-3 décembre 2008, Lyon. - IEEE-RCIS 2009, Third IEEE International Conference on Research Chalenges in Information Sciences, April 22-24, 2009, Fes, Morocco. - SIMUTools 2009, Second International Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques for Communications, Networks and Systems, March 2-6, 2009, Rome, Italy. - SIMUTools 2008, International Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques, Marseille, France March 3-7, ECMS 2008, 22nd European Conference on Modelling and Simulation (formerly referred to as 'SCS-ESM'), June 3rd - 6th, 2008, Nicosia, Cyprus.

5 Bernard Espinasse - SIMUTools 2008, First International Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques for Communications, Networks and Systems, March 4-6, 2008, Marseille, France. - IEEE-RCIS 2008, Second IEEE International Conference on Research Chalenges in Information Sciences, June 3-6, 2008, Marrakech, Morocco. - NOTERE 2008, 8ème Conférence Internationale sur les NOuvelles TEchnologies de la REpartition, Lyon, France, Juin, ADS 2008, Agent-directed Simulation, Ottawa, Canada, April 14-17, JFO 2007, 1ères Journées Francophones sur les Ontologies, Octobre 2007, Sousse, Tunisie. - SCSC 2007, Summer Computer Simulation Conference (SCSC'07), Moving Towards the Unified Simulation Approach, July 15-18, 2007, San Diego Marriot Mission Valley, San Diego, CA, USA. - ECMS 2007, 21 St European Conference on Modelling and Simulation (formerly referred to as 'SCS-ESM'), Prague, Czech Republic, June 4th - 6th, IMSM07-CMS, International Modeling and Simulation Multiconference 2007 (IMSM07) Conceptual Modelling and Simulation, Buenos Aires, Argentine, 8-10 février ADS 2007, Agent-Directed Simulation, Sponsored by the Society for Modeling and Simulation International (SCS) and ACM, Spring Simulation Multiconference 2007 (SpringSim'07), March 25-29, 2007, Norfolk, VA, USA. 6. CONFERENCES ORGANIZATION COMMITTEE MEMBER ( ) - INFORSID 2010, Marseille. - Session «Agents based Modelling and Simulation in Industry and Environment» avec L. Yilmaz (Auburn University) in IMSM07-CMS, International Modeling and Simulation Multiconference 2007 (IMSM07) Conceptual Modelling and Simulation, Buenos Aires, Argentine, 8-10 février RESEACH CONTRACTS - CLIC&GO project ( ): Study for the development of a Web site for business with geographical functionalities as spatial reasoning. Study performed by the OASIS team of LSIS and financed by CARNOT-STAR Institut (26 K ). Responsability : monting and coordination of the project. Publications: one national conference. - SIMFONHYC project ( ) : «Simulation du fonctionnement hydraulique de la Camargue/Simulation of the Camargue Hydraulic Functionning», Study in order to represent interactions between hydraulic management and ecosystem behavior. Partners: DESMID-CNRS and LSIS laboratories. Subventioned by the Regional Council of the Provence Alpes et Côte d'azur region (100 K ). Responsabilty: monting and coordination of the project. Publications: one international journal, 3 international conferences and one national conference. - POSEIDON project ( ), CNRS Program "PROSPER". Concerned the design by reuse of the product information system supporting management of technical data on products. Subventioned by the CNRS on 3 years with a global budget of 130 K ( 50K for LSIS). Partners: GILCO-INPG, CRISTO-CNRS, LSR-INPG, LSIS, SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC, PCO. Responsabilty: participation to monting and coordination of the project. Publications: 2 national conferences and one journal. - MERISE+ project ( ) subventioned by French Industry Minister (Informatique 92 program). Study of 18 month concerning a coupling between methods Merise and Hood. The global budjet was 200 K. Partners: Aix- Marseille University, Systémia Institute (coordinateur), Ingénia and Cecima. Responsabilty: participation to monting and coordination of the project. Publications: 2 national conferences and one journal. Publications: one national conference and one journal. - BRITE/EURAM N 4390 european project ( ), concern the development of an integrated system of flexible prefabrication for personalized architectonic façade. Partners: Armines (Ecole des Mines d'alès), Systémia Institute, GTM Group (leader partner), Robotesca (Bilbao-Espagne), ITIN Group (Milan-Italie) and Aix-Marseille University. Global budget: 2,5 M financed at 50% by European Union (EU). Responsabilty: participation to monting and coordination of the project. Publications: several condential report for EU. 6. PUBLICATIONS Summary (since 1981) Publication Type Referenced journals with selection committee (ACL) 22 Proceedings edition (DO) 1 Text Books (OV) 2 Chapters in books (OS) 10 International conferences with selection committee and proceedings (ACTI) 70 National conferences with selection committee and proceedings (ACTN) 13 Total 1. REFERENCED JOURNALS WITH SELECTION COMMITTEE (ACL) : SINCE 2007 [ACL 14.1] L. El Sarraj, B. Espinasse, T. Libourel (2014), «An Ontology-Driven Personalization Approach for Data Warehouse Exploitation», in: International Journal on Advances in Software, vol 7 no 1 & 2, year 2014,

6 - 6 - Bernard Espinasse [ACL 12.1] B. Espinasse, R. Lima, S. Albitar, S. Fournier, Fred Freitas (2012), «Extraction adaptative d information de pages Web par règles d extraction induites par apprentissage», in: Revue d'intelligence Artificielle (RIA), à paraître (Répertoriée Scopus et DBLP). [ACL 11.2] E. Maillé, B. Espinasse (2011), «Micropolis, une simulation orientée agent de la dynamique d'urbanisation discontinue de territoires soumis au risque d'incendie de forêt», in : Revue d Intelligence Artificielle (RIA), numéro «Simulation Sociale», 2011, 25 (1), pp (Répertoriée Scopus et DBLP). [ACL 11.1] E. Maillé, B. Espinasse (2011), «Pyroxene: a Territorial Decision Support System Based on Spatial Simulators Integration for Forest Fire Risk Management», International Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Information Systems (IJAEIS), Vol. 2, Issue 2/ pages, [ACL 10] E. Maillé, B. Espinasse (2011), «Un outil de modélisation intégrée de la dynamique du risque d incendie de forêt pour l'aide à la planification territoriale», in: Journal of Decision Systems (JDS), Vol. 20/1, déc. 2010, pp (Répertoriée Scopus et DBLP). [ACL 09.3] E. Maillé, B. Espinasse, S. Fournier, «Des agents spatiaux multi-échelle pour l intégration multi-échelle de modèles de dynamiques spatiales», in: Revue Internationale de Géomatique International Journal of Geomatics and Spatial Analysis, Lavoisier Ed., Vol. 19, n 4/déc. 2009, pp (Répertoriée ProQuest). [ACL 09.2] B. Espinasse, S. Fournier, Fred Freitas (2009), «AGATHE: An Agent- and Ontology-Based System for Gathering Information about Restricted Web Domains», in: International Journal of E-Business Research (IJEBR), vol. 5, n 3, pp , Juillet- Septembre (Répertoriée Scopus). [ACL 09.1] B. Espinasse, S. Fournier, Fred Freitas (2009), «Collecte d information sur domaines restreints du Web à base d agents et d ontologie : le système AGATHE», in: Revue d'intelligence Artificielle (RIA), Numéro spécial «Intelligence artificielle et web intelligence», sous la direction de Y. Demazeau et L. Vercouter, vol. 23, n 1/2009, pp (Répertoriée Scopus et DBLP). [ACL 08.2] F. Freitas, L. Cabral, R. Lima, B. Espinasse, E. Palmeira, S. Fournier, G. Bittencourt (2008), «From MASTER-Web to AGATHE: the evolution of an architecture for manipulating information over the Web using ontologies», in: RECIIS, vol. 2, n 1, pp , (Répertoriée LatIndex). [ACL 08.1] J. Serment, B. Espinasse, E. Tranvouez (2008), «Systèmes d'aide à la Décision Environnementale», in: Journal of Decision Systems, vol. 17, n 2 / 2008, pp , April - June (Répertoriée Scopus et DBLP). [ACL 07] O. Labarthe, B. Espinasse, A. Ferrarini, B. Montreuil (2007), «Toward a methodological framework for agent-based modelling and simulation of supply chains in a mass customization context», Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory International Journal (SIMPAT), Volume 15 - issue 2 - pp (Répertoriée ISI Web Of Knowledge - Impact Factor : 0.753). 2. JOURNALS WITH SELECTION COMMITTEE (ACLN) : SINCE 2008 [ACLN 11.3] L. El Sarraj, S. Rodier, B. Espinasse (2011), «Entrepôt de données autour du PMSI pour le pilotage d établissements hospitaliers», Techniques Hospitalières, TH 729, Sept.-Oct. 2011, pp CHAPTERS IN BOOKS (OS) [OS 10] [OS 08.4] [OS 08.3] [OS 08.2] [OS 08.1] B. Espinasse, S. Fournier, F. Freitas, S. Albitar, R. Lima, «AGATHE-2: An Adaptive, Ontology-based Information Gathering Multi-agent System for Restricted Web Domains», in : Hershey, PA: IGI Global, E-Business Applications for Product Development and Competitive Growth: Emerging Technologies, Lee, I., dec T. Monteiro, D. Anciaux, S. D amours, B. Espinasse, A. Ferrarini, O. Labarthe, Benoit Montreuil, Daniel Roy, «Simulation à base d agents des systèmes de coordination et de planification des réseaux d entreprises», in: LAVOISIER - HERMES (Ed.), «La simulation pour la gestion des chaînes logistiques», Traité IC2, série systèmes automatisés, Caroline Thierry André Thomas et Gérard Bel, ch. 7, pp , août T. Monteiro, D. Anciaux, B. Espinasse, A. Ferrarini, O. Labarthe, Benoit Montreuil, Daniel Roy, «L'intérêt des agents pour la simulation de la chaîne logistique», in: LAVOISIER - HERMES (Ed.), «La simulation pour la gestion des chaînes logistiques», Traité IC2, série systèmes automatisés, C. Thierry A. Thomas G. Bel, ch. 6, pp , août T. Monteiro, D. Anciaux, B. Espinasse, A. Ferrarini, O. Labarthe, D. Roy, «Chapter 6. The Interest of Agents for Supply Chain Simulation», in: Wiley-ISTE (Ed.), «Simulation for Supply Chain Management», C. Thierry A. Thomas G. Bel, septembre ISBN: T. Monteiro, D. Anciaux, S. D amours, B. Espinasse, A. Ferrarini, O. Labarthe, D. Roy, «Agent-based Simulation of Business Network Planning and Coordination Systems», in: Wiley-ISTE (Ed.), «Supply Chain Management Simulation: An Overview», C. Thierry A. Thomas G. Bel, ch. 7, septembre ISBN: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES WITH SELECTION COMMITTEE AND PROCEEDINGS (ACTI) : SINCE 2008 [ACTI 14.3] S. Albitar, B. Espinasse, S. Fournier, (2014), «An Effective TF/IDF-based Text-to-Text Semantic Similarity Measure for Text Classification», WISE 2014, 15 th International Conference on Web Information System Engineering, Thessaloniki, Greece, October 12-14, [ACTI 14.2] R. Lima, B. Espinasse, H. Oliveira, F. Freitas «Ontology Population from the Web: an Inductive Logic Programming-Based Approach», 11th International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations, ITNG 2014, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, April 7-9, [ACTI 14.1] S. Albitar, B. Espinasse, S. Fournier, (2014), «Semantic Enrichments in Text Supervised Classification: Application to Medical Domain», FLAIRS 2014, The 27th International Conference of the Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society, Pensacola Beach, Florida, USA, May 21-23, [ACTI 13.7] R. Lima, B. Espinasse, H. Oliveira, L. Pentagrossa, F. Freitas, «Information Extraction from the Web: An Ontology Based Method using Inductive Logic Programming», IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, ICTAI 2013, Washington DC, USA, November 4-6, [ACTI 13.6] L. El Saraj, B. Espinasse, T. Libourel, S. Rodier, «Towards Ontology-Driven Approach for Data Warehouse Analysis», The

7 - 7 - Bernard Espinasse Eighth International Conference on Software Engineering Advances, ICSEA 2013, Venice, Italy, October 27 - November 1, [ACTI 13.5] A. Oulhaci, E. Tranvouez, S. Fournier, B. Espinasse, «A Multi-Agent Architecture for collaborative Serious Game applied to Crisis Management training: improving adaptability of Non Played Characters», The 7th European Conference on Games Based Learning, ECGBL 2013, Porto, Portugal, October 3-4, [ACTI 13.4] R. Lima, B. Espinasse, H. Oliveira, R. Ferreira, L. Cabral, F. Freitas, R. Gadelha, «An Inductive Logic Programming-Based Approach for Ontology Population from the Web», DEXA 2013, Prague, Czech Republic, August 26-29, [ACTI 13.3] S. Khouri, L. El Saraj, L. Bellatreche, B. Espinasse, N. Berkanil, S. Rodier, T. Libourel, «CiDHouse: Contextual SemantIc Data WareHouses», DEXA 2013, Prague, Czech Republic, August 26-29, [ACTI 13.2] A. Oulhaci, E. Tranvouez, S. Fournier, B. Espinasse, «Intelligent Tutoring Systems and Serious Game for Crisis Management: a Multi-Agents Integration Architecture», 22nd WETICE 2013, IEEE conference - 3rd Track on Collaborative Technology for Coordinating Crisis Management, Hammamet, Tunisia, June 17-20, [ACTI 13.1] A. Oulhaci, E. Tranvouez, S. Fournier, B. Espinasse, «A Multi-Agent System for Learner Assessment in Serious Games: application to learning processes in Crisis Management», 7th IEEE International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science, RCIS 2013, Paris, France, May 29-31, [ACTI 12.6] H. Hamdan, S. Albitar, P. Bellot, B. Espinasse, S. Fournier, (2012), «LSIS at TREC 2012 Medical Track Experiments with Conceptualization, a DFR Model and a Semantic Measure», The Twenty-First Text REtrieval Conference, TREC 2012, Notebook, Vol. Special Publication, pp. 12 p., Gaithersburg, USA, Nov [ACTI 12.5] S. Albitar, S. Fournier, B. Espinasse, (2012), «Conceptualization Effects on MEDLINE Documents Classification Using Rocchio Method», WI 2012, IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence, Macau, December 4-7, [ACTI 12.4] S. Albitar, S. Fournier, B. Espinasse, (2012), «The Impact of Conceptualization on Text Classification», WISE 2012, 13th International Conference on Web Information System Engineering, Paphos, Cyprus, November 28-30, [ACTI 12.3] A. Oulhaci, E. Tranvouez, S. Fournier, B. Espinasse, (2012), «An Intelligent Tutoring System for SIMFOR: A Serious Game for Crises Management», CSEIT 2012, 3rd Annual International Conference on Computer Science Education: Innovation and Technology, Hotel Fort Canning, Singapore, November 19-20, [ACTI 12.2] S. Albitar, S. Fournier, B. Espinasse, (2012), «Towards a Semantic Classifier Committee based on Rocchio», Poster in proceedings of STAIRS 2012, 6th Starting Artificial Intelligence Research Symposium, Montpellier, France, August 27-28, [ACTI 12.1] S. Albitar, B. Espinasse, S. Fournier (2012), «Towards a Supervised Rocchio-based Semantic Classification of Web Pages», KES 2012, 16th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems», San Sebastian, Spain, Sept [ACTI 11.2] K. Mustapha, E. Tranvouez, B. Espinasse, A. Ferrarini (2011), «An Agent-based and Organization Oriented Software Architecture for Supply Chains Simulation», IEEE-ETFA 2011, 16th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, Toulouse, France, 5-9 sept [ACTI 11.1] T. Pire, B. Espinasse, A. Casali, C. Deco, (2011), «Automatic Extraction of Learning Objects Metadata for Recommendation: a comparative study». InfoEdu 2011, Convergent Technologies, Integration and Independence Conference, Habana, Cuba, February 7-11, [ACTI 10.5] S. Albitar, B. Espinasse, S. Fournier (2010), «Combining Agents and Wrapper Induction for Information Gathering on Restricted Web Domains», Fifth IEEE International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services, RCIS 2010, Nice, France, May 19-21, [ACTI 10.4] K. Mustapha, E. Tranvouez, B. Espinasse, A. Ferrarini (2010), «An Organization-oriented Methodological Framework for Agent-Based Supply Chain Simulation», Fifth IEEE International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services, RCIS 2010, Nice, France, May 19-21, [ACTI 10.3] K. Mustapha, E. Tranvouez, B. Espinasse, A. Ferrarini (2010), «Agent-Based Supply Chain Simulation: Towards an Organization-Oriented Methodological Framework», MOSIM 2010 Conference, ENIM - UPVM (France) - ESSTT (Tunisie), Hammamet - Tunisia, May 10-12, [ACTI 10.2] R. Lima, B. Espinasse, F. Freitas (2010), «An Adaptive Information Extraction System based on Wrapper Induction with POS Tagging complexes», ACM-SAC 2010, 25th ACM Symposium of Applied Computing, Sierre, Switzerland, March 22-26, [ACTI 10.1] E. Maillé, B. Espinasse (2010), «Modelling Forest Fire Risk Change Related to Land Cover Change: an Integrative Approach», LandMod 2010, International Conference on Integrative Landscape Modelling, Montpellier, France, February 3-5, [ACTI 09.1] R. Lima, B. Espinasse, F. Freitas (2009), «Adaptive Information Extraction from Web Pages by Supervised Wrapper Induction», WFB2009, Workshop Franco-Brésilien sur la fouille de données, Universitade Federale de Pernambuco - CNAM Paris, Recife, Brazil, May 5-7, [ACTI 08.2] J. P. Barreto Neto, M. F. Q. Vieira and B. Espinasse (2008), «A Multiagent-Based Architecture to Support Power System Recovery Decision Making», IEEE-MELECON, 14th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, Ajaccio, France, May 5-7, [ACTI 08.1] B. Espinasse, Fred Freitas, S. Fournier (2008), «Agent and Ontology based Information Gathering on Restricted Web Domains with AGATHE», ACM-SAC 2008, 23th ACM Symposium of Applied Computing, March, 2008, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil, March 16-20, [ACTI 07.4] E. Maillé, B. Espinasse (2007), «Un cadre de modélisation pour la simulation de dynamiques spatiales complexes», SAGEO 2007, Colloque international de géomatique et d analyse spatiale, Clermont-Ferrand, France, Juin [ACTI 07.3] O. Labarthe, A. Ferrarini, B. Montreuil, B. Espinasse (2007), «Coordination de chaînes logistiques centrées consommateurs : modélisations et simulations orientées agents. Démarche et résultats», CIGI 2007, 7e Congrès International de Génie Industriel, Trois-Rivières, Québec, Canada, 5-8 juin [ACTI 07.2] R. Lima, B. Espinasse, F. Freitas (2007), «Sistema multiagentes para apio à decisao na operaçao de sistema», SBIA 2007 Simposio, Salvador, Brasil, October 8-10, [ACTI 07.2] B. Espinasse, F. Freitas, S. Fournier (2007), «AGATHE: an Agent and Ontology based System for Restricted-Domain

8 Bernard Espinasse Information Gathering on the Web», IEEE-RCIS 2007, International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science, Ouarzazate, Moroco, April 23-26, [ACTI 07.1] B. Espinasse, J. Serment, E. Tranvouez (2007), «An Agent Integration Infrastructure for the Development of Environmental Decision Support Systems based on Simulation», IMSM07 (International Modeling and Simulation Multiconference) - CMS (Conceptual Modelling and Simulation) Conference, Buenos Aires, Argentine, February 8-10, NATIONAL CONFERENCES WITH SELECTION COMMITTEE AND PROCEEDINGS (ACTN) : SINCE 2008 [ACTN 14] L. El Sarraj, B. Espinasse, T. Libourel, «Personnalisation de l exploitation d un entrepôt de données dirigée par des ontologies: application au management hospitalier», 10 ième journées francophones sur les Entrepôts de Données et l Analyse en ligne, EDA 2014, Vichy, 05 au 06 juin [ACTN 13] A. Oulhaci, E. Tranvouez, S. Fournier, B. Espinasse, «Evaluation Multi-critères et Distribuée pour l'apprentissage Collectif de Procédures dans un Jeux Sérieux pour la Gestion de Crise», Conférence EIAH 2013, Université Paul Sabatier - Toulouse - IRIT, hal , Toulouse, France, mai [ACTN 12] A. Oulhaci, E. Tranvouez, S. Fournier, B. Espinasse, (2012), «Un Système tutoriel intelligent pour SIMFOR : Un jeu sérieux pour la gestion des risques», SYSCO 2012, 1ère conférence francophone sur les Systèmes Collaboratifs, Sousse, Tunisie, septembre [ACTN 11.2] L. El Sarraj, S. Rodier, B. Espinasse, «Entrepôt de données autour du PMSI pour le pilotage d établissements hospitaliers», 17ième Journées d études et de formation des techniques et de l Ingénierie hospitalières, HOPITEC 2011, Bordeaux, octobre [ACTN 11.1] L. El Sarraj, B. Espinasse, T. Libourel, S. Rodier, «Entrepôts de données de santé autour du PMSI», Poster à INFORSID 2011, Lille, mai [ACTN 09] E. Maillé, B. Espinasse, S. Fournier, (2009), «Pyroxène: un système d'aide à la décision territoriale par intégration de simulateurs spatiaux. Application à l évolution de la carte du risque d incendie de forêt», in. Sandro Bimonte, André Miralles, François Pinet (eds.), 2ième Atelier INFORSID-SIDE, Systèmes d'information et de Décision pour l'environnement, Toulouse, France, 29 mai [ACTN 07] B. Espinasse, S. Fournier et F. Freitas (2007) «AGATHE : une architecture générique à base d agents et d ontologies pour la collecte d information sur domaines restreints du Web», CORIA 2007, 4 Conférence francophone en recherche d'information et applications, Saint-Étienne, mars

Curriculum Vitae Version longue 9 février 2015. Bernard ESPINASSE

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Tél.: +1 (418) 656-2337 Tél. : +1 (418) 522-2318 Fax : +1 (418) 656-7412 Email: Économie mathématique.

Tél.: +1 (418) 656-2337 Tél. : +1 (418) 522-2318 Fax : +1 (418) 656-7412 Email: Économie mathématique. Michel ROLAND Adresse au bureau Québec, QC G1V 0A6, Canada Adresse à domicile 3017 De la Seine Québec, QC G1W 1H8, Canada Tél.: +1 (418) 656-2337 Tél. : +1 (418) 522-2318 Fax : +1 (418) 656-7412 Email:

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YVES DE RONGÉ. Université Catholique de Louvain Tel. : 32 (0) 10 47 84 45. Institut d Administration et de Gestion Fax : 32 (0) 10 47 83 24

YVES DE RONGÉ. Université Catholique de Louvain Tel. : 32 (0) 10 47 84 45. Institut d Administration et de Gestion Fax : 32 (0) 10 47 83 24 YVES DE RONGÉ Université Catholique de Louvain Tel. : 32 (0) 10 47 84 45 Institut d Administration et de Gestion Fax : 32 (0) 10 47 83 24 Place des Doyens, 1 B 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve,

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The space to start! Managed by

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CURRICULUM VITAE. Célibataire CURRICULUM VITAE MOIZEAU Fabien Adresse domicile : 25 rue Saint-Rome 31000 Toulouse Tél :05-61-21-96-45 33 ans Célibataire Adresse professionnelle : GREMAQ, Université des sciences sociales Toulouse 1

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Christian BONTEMPS né le 08 juillet 1969

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Université d'avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse. Philippe Michelon

Université d'avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse. Philippe Michelon Université d'avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse Philippe Michelon Université d'avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse Paris Avignon Université d'avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse Cultural Region (theater festival,

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CURRICULUM VITAE. Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse France Date: 1981-1983 Diplômes obtenus : Maîtrise en Chimie et en Chimie Physique

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Alice GUILHON. Strategy, Entrepreneurship & Economics Sophia-Antipolis

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Calin GURAU. Courriel : Fonction : Professeur. Biographie

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Suivi de cohortes 2011-2014

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ED STIC - Proposition de Sujets de Thèse. pour la campagne d'allocation de thèses 2013

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UNIV. LA ROCHELLE (IUT) Référence GALAXIE : 4099 UNIV. LA ROCHELLE (IUT) Référence GALAXIE : 4099 Numéro dans le SI local : 0135 Référence GESUP : Corps : Professeur des universités Article : 46-1 Chaire : Non Section 1 : 27-Informatique Section 2 :

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MAITRE DE CONFERENCES EN GEOGRAPHIE, AMENAGEMENT DE L ESPACE ET URBANISME Université Paris IV - Sorbonne. e-mail : estelle.ducom@paris-sorbonne.

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ESC Programme CORE COURSES (Master level) 2011/2012

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Informatique / Computer Science

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Yves BARLETTE. Courriel : Fonction : Professeur associé. Biographie

Yves BARLETTE. Courriel : Fonction : Professeur associé. Biographie Yves BARLETTE Courriel : Fonction : Professeur associé Biographie Yves BARLETTE, professeur associé en Systèmes d'information, a intégré Montpellier Business School en 1989.

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Must Today s Risk Be Tomorrow s Disaster? The Use of Knowledge in Disaster Risk Reduction

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Provide supervision and mentorship, on an ongoing basis, to staff and student interns.

Provide supervision and mentorship, on an ongoing basis, to staff and student interns. Manager, McGill Office of Sustainability, MR7256 Position Summary: McGill University seeks a Sustainability Manager to lead the McGill Office of Sustainability (MOOS). The Sustainability Manager will play

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Formation. Mastère Spécialisé en Sécurité des Systèmes Intégrés & Applications. Post-master s degree in Security of Integrated Systems & Applications

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Deadline(s): Assignment: in week 8 of block C Exam: in week 7 (oral exam) and in the exam week (written exam) of block D

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1997 Maîtrise d économétrie, Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille 1.

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Qualité de la conception de tests logiciels : plate-forme de conception et processus de test

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Université Lyon 3, Lyon, France 2008, Phd in Management Sciences, with honors

Université Lyon 3, Lyon, France 2008, Phd in Management Sciences, with honors Hela CHEBBI, Ph.D. Permanent Faculty Director of the Observatory and the Research Center on Entrepreneurship EDUCATION Université Lyon 3, Lyon, France 2008, Phd in Management Sciences,

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Freddy Huet. Adresse professionnelle : Adresse personnelle :

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I. COORDONNÉES PERSONNELLES / PERSONAL DATA DOSSIER DE CANDIDATUREAPPLICATION FORM 2012 Please tick the admission session of your choice FévrierFebruary SeptembreSeptember MASTER OF ART (Mention the subject) MASTER OF SCIENCE (Mention the subject)

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Curriculum Vitae 1 er février 2008

Curriculum Vitae 1 er février 2008 Curriculum Vitae 1 er février 2008 Informations générales Cédric MEUTER Nationalité belge Né à La Louvière, le 16 novembre 1979 Adresse personnelle : Adresse professionnelle : Ave Général Bernheim, 57

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46 000 Alumni. 15 Double Degrees. ESSEC Business School Global key figures. Founded in1907 AACSB, EQUIS. 4 400 Fulltime. BBA, Masters, MBA, PhD

46 000 Alumni. 15 Double Degrees. ESSEC Business School Global key figures. Founded in1907 AACSB, EQUIS. 4 400 Fulltime. BBA, Masters, MBA, PhD ESSEC s value MSc in Management vs. MBA Campus / Location & Transportation Courses Accommodation Events Places to visit in Paris Contacts Today s Agenda ESSEC Business School Global key figures Founded

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NOM ENTREPRISE. Document : Plan Qualité Spécifique du Projet / Project Specific Quality Plan

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Teaching Sustainable Development in Paris 1 Master Environment and Sustainable Development

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Une proposition d extension de GML pour un modèle générique d intégration de données spatio-temporelles hétérogènes

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Lamia Oukid, Ounas Asfari, Fadila Bentayeb, Nadjia Benblidia, Omar Boussaid. 14 Juin 2013

Lamia Oukid, Ounas Asfari, Fadila Bentayeb, Nadjia Benblidia, Omar Boussaid. 14 Juin 2013 Cube de textes et opérateur d'agrégation basé sur un modèle vectoriel adapté Text Cube Model and aggregation operator based on an adapted vector space model Lamia Oukid, Ounas Asfari, Fadila Bentayeb,

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Projet. Présentation du projet. Performance in Relationships Adapted to extended Innovation with Suppliers. Coordinateur du Projet

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Forthcoming Database

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