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1 The Canadian Veterinary Journal La Revue v6t6rinaire canadienne 339 rue Booth Street Ottawa, Ontario KIR 7K1 Telephone: (613) Fax: (613) Web site/site web: ) Canadian Veterinary Medical Association 2001 L'Association canadienne des medecins v6t6rinaires 2001 The Canadian Veterinary Journal is indexed or abstracted in: La Revue veterinaire canadienne est indexee ou ses articles sont r6sumes dans: AGRICOL, Biological Abstracts, Capsule Report, Current Contents - Agriculture, Derwent Veterinary Drug File, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, Index Veterinarius, Index Medicus, Quarterly Index, Science Citation Index, Small Animal Practice, Veterinary Bulletin, Veterinary Reference Service, Veterinary Update. Cover photo:/photo de la couverture: Oink! Photo by:/photo de: Jim Van Dusen, Guelph, Ontario Typesetting! Typographie Aubut & Nadeau Services Inc. Printed by/lmprime par Dollco Printing, Ottawa, Ontario ISSN Canadian Publications Mail Product Sales Agreement Registration no Subscriptions (2001). Annual: Canada $130 + $9.10 GST; foreign $140 US. Single issue/back issue: $15 each + $1.05 GST if applicable (postpaid if payment accompanies order). (All prices subject to change.) Missing issues will be replaced if the Subscriptions Office is notified within 6 months (for requests within Canada) and 1 year (for requests from abroad) of the issue date. The publisher expects to supply missing issues only when losses have been sustained in transit and when the reserve stock will permit. Telephone ( ) and fax ( ) orders accepted with a valid Visa or MasterCard number. Please advise the CVMA of address changes promptly. Abonnements (2001). Annuel Canada 130 $ + 9,10 $ TPS; pays etranger 140 $ E-U. A la copie ou vieux numeros (chaque): 15 $ $ TPS (le cas 6cheant) - inclut la poste si le paiement est envoye avec la commande. Les prix sont sujets a changement sans preavis. Les numeros qui ne sont pas re,us seront remplac6s si 1'ACMV en est inform6e dans les 6 mois (pour les demandes venant du Canada) et 1 an (pour les demandes venant de l'6tranger) suivant la date de parution. L'editeur s'engage a remplacer les num6ros manquants seulement lorsque les pertes on ete subies en transit et lorsque ses reserves le permettent. On peut payer son abonnement, par t6lephone ( ), par tel6- copieur ( ) a l'aide d'une carte de credit (Visa ou MasterCard). Veuillez aviser le bureau de I'ACMV de tout changement d'adresse. Editorial policy: All published articles including editorials and letters reflect the opinions of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association. Publication of an advertisement does not necessarily imply that the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association agrees with or supports the claims therein. Politique de la Redaction Tous les articles publies, y compris les 6ditoriaux et les lettres, representent l'opinion de l'auteur et non pas necessairement la position de l'association canadienne des medecins veterinaires. La publication d'une annonce ne signifie pas necessairement que l'association canadienne des m6decins vet6rinaires est d'accord avec son contenu ou qu'elle I'appuie. Editor-in-Chief/Redacteur-en-chef W.C.D. (Doug) Hare, Ottawa, Ontario Associate Editor/Redacteur adjoint Andre Blouin, Saint-Hyacinthe (Quebec) Feature Editor/Redacteur des chroniques Craig Stephen, Nanoose Bay, British Columbia Assistant Editors/Redacteurs associes Danny Butler, Guelph, Ontario Avery C. Gillick, Scarborough, Ontario Art Ortenburger, Charlottetown, P.E.I. Alice Bouffard, Ottawa, Ontario Bruce Grahn, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Managing Editor/Directrice de la redaction Kimberley Allen-McGill, Ottawa, Ontario Assistant Managing Editor/Directrice adjointe de la redaction Deborah Thiel, Ottawa, Ontario Circulation/Tirage Beverley Prieur, Ottawa, Ontario Advertising Manager/Gerante de la publicite Laima Laffitte, Wendover, Ontario Published monthly by/ Publication mensuelle de Canadian Veterinary Medical Association/ L'Association canadienne des m6decins veterinaires President/President Michael Baar, Antigonish, Nova Scotia President-elect/President elu Jeanne Lofstedt, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island Vice-president/Vice-president Duane Landals, Edmonton, Alberta Treasurer/Tresorier Conrad L'Ecuyer, Hull, Qu6bec Executive Director/Directeur general Claude Paul Boivin, Ottawa, Ontario Chairman, CVMA Editorial Committee/ President du Comite de redaction de l'acmv W.D.G. (Bill) Yates, Lethbridge, Alberta The editors and staff of The A Les redacteurs et le personnel de La Canadian Veterinary Journal Revue veterinaire canadienne sont are pleased to have as read- heureux de compter les e'tudiants en ers student veterinarians at medecine veterinaire des colleges Canadian veterinary colleges! ve'te'rinaires au Canada au nombre de The production and distribu- leurs lecteurs. La production et la tion of student subscriptions A distribution des souscriptions d'e'tuis made possible through the diant ont ete6 rendues possible generous sponsorship of grace au genereux soutien d'aliments Hill's Pet Nutrition Canada pour animaux domestiques Hill's Inc. Canada Inc. 672 Can Vet J Volume 42, September Can Vot J Volume 42, September 2001

2 TRAINING SEMINAR ON LOBBYING AND PUBLIC POLICY ADVOCACY ATELIER DE FORMATION SUR LE LOBBYING ET LES AFFAIRES PUBLIQUES A course for veterinary associations IL sean moore Cours a' l'intention des associations de medecins veterinaires Dr/DrMOurIceFt rtq.l m Because a number of provincial veterinary associations indicated their support for it, the CVMA is organizing a training seminar on "lobbying" and public policy advocacy. The 2-day seminar, which will be held in Ottawa next month, will address approaches in public policy advocacy at both the provincial and federal levels. The course will be conducted by experienced government policy-makers and professional lobbyists. P uisqu'un bon nombre d'associations provinciales y ont donne leur appui, l'acmv organise un atelier deformation sur le lobbying et les affaires publiques. L'atelier de deux jours, qui aura lieu a Ottawa le mois prochain, portera sur lesfarons d 'intervenir dans les affaires publiques aux echelonsfedeiral et provincial. L'atelier sera anime par des decideurs gouvernementaux d'experience et des lobbyistes chevronnes. "Ultimately, the purpose of the training seminar is to strengthen the influence of the veterinary profession with respect to government regulations and policies at different levels of government" said CVMA President, Dr. Michael Baar. "Specifically, the goal of the seminar will be to train a number of veterinarians involved in veterinary association work to make effective representation to government decision-makers and public opinion leaders." The course leader is one of the most senior government relations experts in Ottawa. Experienced course leaders The course will be conducted by experienced government policy-makers and professional lobbyists. The seminar will involve a former assistant deputy minister who served both provincially and federally, a member of Parliament and senior advisor to the Prime Minister, and leading professional lobbyists with broad experience in dealing with government. The course will be led by one of the most senior government relations experts in Ottawa, Mr. Sean Moore of the firm Gowling Lafleur Henderson. Mr. Moore was also the founding course coordinator of the Government Relations Program, which is offered in conjunction with the School of Public Administration at Carleton University and the Faculty Can Vet J Volume 42, September Le but ultime de l'atelier est de renforcer l'influence de la profession vit&rinaire en ce qui a trait aux reglements et orientations des divers paliers de gouvernement, a declare le Dr Michael Baar, president de I'ACMV. L'atelier vise plus precisiment a enseigner d des vetb-inaires qui participent aux activites de leurs associations comment intervenir efficacement aupres des decideurs gouvernementaux et des tenors de l'opinion publique.>> L'atelier sera dirige par l'un des grands experts des affaires gouvernementales 'a Ottawa. Formateurs chevronnes L'atelier sera anime' par des decideurs gouvernementaux d'experience et des lobbyistes chevronne's, notamment un ancien sous-ministre adjoint, qui a travaille aux echelons federal et provincial, un diput fideral et conseiller principal du premier ministre, et des lobbyistes professionnels possedant une vaste experience des interventions aupres de l'etat. L'atelier sera dirige par l'un des grands experts des affaires gouvernementales a Ottawa, M. Sean Moore, du cabinet Gowlings Lafleur Henderson. Monsieur Moore a aussi ete' le coordonnateur fondateur du Programme sur les affaires gouvernementales, offert conjointement par la School of Public Administration de la Carleton University et par la Faculte des etudes 683

3 of Graduate Studies at the University of Ottawa. The speakers are: Mr. Sean Moore - Course Leader Partner/Public Policy Advisor Gowling Lafleur Henderson LLP Dr. Maurice Foster Member of Parliament for 25 years Assistant to the Prime Minister, Caucus Liaison Mr. Bruce Rawson Rawson Group Initiatives Former Alberta Deputy Minister Former Federal Deputy Minister Mr. Al Hatton Executive Director The Coalition of National Voluntary Organizations Ms. Chantal Courchesne Program Manager Canadian Medical Association Manages the MD-MP Contact Program Dr. Gordon Dittberner CVMA Senior Advisor, Veterinary Affairs Former Assistant Deputy Minister Agriculture Canada (by Claude Paul Boivin, Execufive Director, CVMA) superieures de l'universite d'ottawa. Les conferenciers seront: M. Sean Moore Directeur de I'atelier Partenaire et conseiller Affaires publiques Gowling Lafleur Henderson, LLP. M. Maurice Foster Deputefederal depuis 25 ans Adjoint du premier ministre, Liaison avec le caucus M. Bruce Rawson Rawson Group Initiatives Ancien sous-ministre en Alberta Ancien sous-ministrefederal M. Al Hatton Directeur general Coalition des organisations nationales volontaires M^e Chantal Courchesne Directrice de programme Association medicale canadienne Dirige le programme des relations medecins-deiputes Dr Gordon Dittberner Conseiller principal de l'acmv, Affaires vet&inaires Ancien sous-ministre adjoint a Agriculture Canada (par Claude Paul Boivin, directeur general de I'ACMV) ab I lull I Awarm welcome back to the 1300 stu- Adent veterinarians resuming their studies this month! Thanks to the generous sponsorship of Hill's Pet Nutrition Canada Inc., each student veterinarian receives a complimentary subscription to The Canadian Veterinaty Journal during the school year. Dr.ID' Clayton MacKay "Hill's student representatives at the 4 colleges agreed unanimously to supply the journal to all veterinary students to help them reach their educational goals, while informing them about issues faced by their future profession," said Dr. Clayton MacKay, Director, Veterinary Affairs at Hill's Canada. "The complimentary Journal is only one part of Hill's Canada major support program for both the student and the practising veterinarian," he continued. "We hope that the students find thejournal enjoyable, readerfriendly, and educational. We welcome their contributions to it either as students or, in the future, as veterinarians," said Dr. Doug Hare, Editor-in-chief, CJ. TheJournal is distributed in bulk during the months of the academic year (from September to April, inclusive) with the assistance of the Hill's student representatives at the Canadian veterinary colleges. Students wishing more information should contact the following students at their respective schools: Melanie Kerr Armstrong Western College of Veterinary Medicine Mary Bargh Ontario Veterinary College Serge Chalhoub Faculte de medecine veterinaire Jennifer Goetz - Atlantic Veterinary College Bienvenue aux 1300 etudiants en medecine vetifinaire qui sejoignent ce mois-ci aux lecteurs de La Revue vetrinaire canadienne (RVC), grdce au soutien genireux des Aliments pour animaux domestiques Hill's Canada Inc.,,Les reprisentants etudiants de Hill's dans les quatre colleges ont unanime- Dr.ID Doug Hare ment accepti de distribuer cette publication aux etudiants en medecine vete'rinaire, afin de les aider a atteindre leurs objectifs deformation tout en les renseignant sur les enjeux de leurfuture profession, a declare le Dr Clayton MacKay, directeur des Affaires vet&rinaires d Hill's. La distribution gratuite de la RVC ne represente qu'une partie du vaste programme de soutien de Hill's a l'intention des itudiants et des viterinaires,, a-t-il precise...nous esperons que les e'tudiants trouveront la RVC agriable d lire, conviviale et instructive. Nous souhaitons egalement recevoir leurs contributions d titre d'etudiants ou, plus tard, a titre de veterinaires,,, a declare le DI Doug Hare, re'dacteur en chefde la RVC. La RVC sera distribue'e aux etudiants durant l'ann&e universitaire, soit de septembre d avril inclusivement, par l'entremise des representants etudiants de Hill's dans les colleges. Les etudiants qui souhaitent obtenir plus de renseignements n'ont qu'a communiquer avec le representant de leur college: Melanie KerrArmstrong Western College of Veterinary Medicine Mary Bargh Ontario Veterinary College Serge Chalhoub -Faculte de medecine veterinaire Jennifer Goetz Atlantic Veterinary College Mal (by KimberleyAllen-McGill, Manager, Joumals, CVMA) (par Kimberley Allen-McGill, directrice de la redaction, ACMV) Vet 684 Can Vot J Volume 42, September 2001

4 DR. MICHAEL BAAR ELECTED AS CVMA'S 55TH PRESIDENT Gavel changed hands at CVMA ceremony in Vancouver Last month, at the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association's meetings in Vancouver, Dr. Michael Baar, president-elect of the CVMA accepted the presidential gavel from Dr. Darcy Shaw. "I'd like to see veterinarians become more active in public policy advocacy, so as to strengthen the influence of the veterinary profession on government regulations and programs. I've always believed that veterinarians should shape their own future and not let others do it for them," said the CVMA's new president. In his first President's Message on page 679 of this issue, Dr. Baar states that he is looking forward to meeting veterinarians across Canada over the next year and sees the CVMA presidency as an opportunity to continue to build partnerships within the profession. The fluently bilingual Dr. Baar was born and brought up in Montreal but moved to Atlantic Canada to establish his professional veterinary career there following his graduation from the Faculte de medecine veterinaire in He is currently one of 4 partners in a DrUD'MichaelBaar 6-veterinarian, 2-hospital multispecies practice. In addition to working in his practice, Dr. Baar works as a consultant to Saint Francis Xavier University in the Animal Care Facility. His professional interests include laboratory animal medicine and dermatology. He maintains memberships in the Canadian Academy of Veterinary Dermatology, the American Academy of Veterinary Dermatology, and the Canadian Association of Laboratory Animal Medicine. He has also enjoyed being part of the Canadian Council on Animal Care assessment teams in the Maritime provinces. In addition to his professional and academic accomplishments, Dr. Baar brings to the position of president of the CVMA his experience of serving as president of the Nova Scotia Veterinary Medical Association for 2 years and as a member of the CVMA Council for 4 years. Dr. Baar is enthusiastically cheered on in his new role by his wife, Anita, and his 4 children, Sara, Eric, Nicholas, and Mitchell. Pip, the family dog, and cats, Calico and Cricket, will likely wonder at the temporary rationing of attention from their personal veterinarian during a busy upcoming year! (by Kimberley Allen-McGill, Manager, Journals, CVMA) LE Dr MICHAEL BAAR DEVIENT LE 55e PRESIDENT DE L'ACMV Les renes changent de main lors d'une ceremonie a" Vancouver e mois dernier, lors d'une reunion de l'association canadienne des midecins vit&rinaires tenue a Vancouver, le Dr Michael Baar a accepte les renes de la pre'sidence de l'acmvdes mains du Dr Darcy Shaw. J'aimerais que les veterinaires deviennent plus actifs dans le domaine des affaires publiques, de maniere a donner plus de poids aux interventions de la profession vete'nnaire en ce qui a trait a la Lreglementation et aux programmes de I'Etat. Je pense depuis toujours que les vett'rinaires doivent orienter leur avenir plut6t que de se laisser porter par la vague>> a de'clare le nouveau president de l'acmv. Dans son premier mot du pr'isident (p. 679 de ce numiro), le Dr Baar declare qu 'il envisage avec plaisir de rencontrer des veterinaires de tout le pays et qu'il considere que son r6le de pre'sident lui donnera l'occasion de continuer d'e'tablir des partenariats au sein de la profession. Bilingue, le Dr Baar est ne et a grandi a Montr'al, et il a entrepris sa carriere veterinaire au Canada atlantique apres avoir termini ses e'tudes a la Faculte' de medecine vete'rinaire, en ni est l'un de quatre partenaires propitaires de deux hbpitaux vete'rinaires qui traitent de nombreuses especes et ou travaillent six veterinaires en tout. Outre le travail a l'h6pital, le Dr Baar agit comme conseiller en installations de soins animaliers a la Saint Francis Xavier University. Sur le plan professionnel, il s'inte'resse a la medecine des animaux de laboratoire et a la dermatologie. II est membre de lacademie canadienne de dennatologie veterinaire, de l'american Academy of Veterina?y Dermatology et de l'association canadienne de la midecine des animaux de laboratoire. Il a aussi fait partie des iquipes d'e'valuation du Conseil canadien de protection des animaux dans les provinces maritimes. Outre ses rialisations professionnelles, le Dr Baar met au service de la prisidence de l'acmv ses deux ans d 'expirience comme prisident de la Nova Scotia Veterinary Medical Association et quatre ans d 'expirience comme membre du conseil de 'A CMV. Dans son nouveau r6le, le Dr Baar bineficie du soutien enthousiaste de son ipouse, Anita, et de ses quatre enfants, Sara, Eric, Nicholas et Mitchell. Pip, le chien de lafamille, ainsi que Calico et Cricket, les chats, s'interrogeront surement sur les absences occasionnelles de leur vitirinaire personnel au cours de la prochaine annie! (par Kimberley Allen-McGill, directrice de la r6daction, ACMV) Can Vet J Volume 42, September

5 On June 19th, 2001, a CVMA delegation led by nary drugs should contact Dr. Ian Alexander, Acting On June 19th, 2001, a CVMA delegation led by nary drugs should contact Dr. Ian Alexander, Acting VDr. Diane McKelvey met with officials of the Chief, Pharmaceutical ( Assessment Division Veterinary Drugs Progran (VDP) of Health Canada to pro- Ian_ Alexanderhc-sc.gc.ca). The BVD is looking for vet- of pose a specific solution to reduce the backlog drug products waiting to be approved in its veterinary Bureau of erinarians who are graduates from a recognized school veterinary medicine. Ideal candidates would have relevant Veterinary Drugs (see Can VetJ2001;42: ). The VDP has responded to the CVMA with the letter repro- or more areas of veterinary medicine, such as pharma- cology, toxicology, pathology, microbiology, epidemiology, duced below. Veterinarians who are interested in seroffering vices to assist the BVD in their review process of veteri- degrees at the Master's or PhD level or certification in one veterinary internal medicine, dermatology, anesthesia, and neurology. dentistry, Health Sante l Canada Canada I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -votrer6f6rencev file ~~Your ~ Ourfile - Notrer6f6rence Mr. Claude Paul Boivin Executive Director Medical Association Canadian daveterinarymeiaasc 339 Booth Ottawa, Ontario KII 71 roaches to address This isurtherto your letter of May 14, 201and our meeting on June cncernlng app delays the approval PrOcess fo ete inaryre t thduinggs h ren staf Asou re war, hae tkenimportant eto steps an srngte thed am ngternrdrgo PorahVD ey an re gs tmare w te a e i i stieon of new resources w hich a r e b e n used e app rogat o t rt h n s t o a ug l en ts r ta n respaongsibl hemfo reiestof veterinairy submissions- cocete effor itoindqaiidprosi t wel new ayh er drug aepnd ibylte endof thev ye ar 2001, we anticipate a substantial increase a insce tiicteval ctiors. -s andpbyth endgemef th yeam als ietf dsubmissions' backlog as a priority and iniatd cio s- om ofw ch alimprovements taking place and the progress mathodt omsngwedeithe u siive results In the inte ntins to improve m the drug review Process wi ie acquisticrfete ffr t vlutors ntiotunity atpouvjunee9thmm einngsoobe fully briefed per vs on anadian Inr this rgr,w appreciated the oppotnt ato rj n t me tn tob Tep itd p rv lofp sc pin Ineterinreary M, edial Association (CVMA) proposal for a two-year pilot project epdtdapoa fpecito for drugs for dogs and cats.lml.th ucm hi tme w ae pepre rueaninitial project which would delineate ad r aainaduie t Atthispro me t wo l provi rde n po rta 'e rt ri l c b e t dr fr cons a tion proposal. States (US) requirm rtsannt data baseline information to facilitate ftuinther cosdepartmet We pul Prsuing iprece ences in other regulatory programs withi y th de. meha ism nha wrece hoetral exe to the VDP.- Can the CVMA identit Wewill also be the use of reviewers grves Of companion animal mechansm brefly dscus could assist us in conducting reiwewlbeitrsdn ns purscussd was Anthesr Another ~~~anion animal ing drug submission,w ite sedn review in comp veterinarians specializing veeiarians interested in e iwrsfo drug? peningon oruganiin adtranding the numrber en worshopiprogram for external reviewers.itd eve o adrg wedc care pre paed Finally, mentioned June me'enti as example, in cases where there 5sadcmU otne olbrto nisefmta I look forward to hearing back from YOU on these matters and to ou0otne olbrto nise fmta interest. Sincerely, Diane Kirkpatrick visiting Executive Tunnfey's Pasture I~1A 0913A 0913A 2 PLK91A KOttawa, Canada Ottawa, Canada KiA 0L2 Pr6 Tunfley Ki A OL Can Vet J Volume 42, September Can Vet J Volume 42, September 2001

6 L e 1 9juin 2001, une diligation de Dre l'acmv dirigie par la Diane luation des McKelvey produits pharmaceutiques (coumiel: <Ian-Alexander@ a rencontre des reprisentants du Bureau hc-sc.gc. ca>). BM vitrnaires Le de est la recherche dipl6m_s des midicaments vit&finaires (BMV) Sante Canada, afin d'une &cole mtidecine vitirinaire reconnue. Les de proposer candidats un de reduire les delais d 'homologation des idiaux possedent un midicaments vft&inaires diplme de maitrise Par le BMV (voir Can ou de doctorat, ou Vet J, 2001, une p. accrtiditation dans 7-609). une ou plusieurs disciplines de vol. 42, la Ce dernier a ripondu &i la CMV en lui mtidecine vittirinaire, notamment Ia pharmacologie, la toxifaisant parvenir la lettre reproduite ci-dessous Etraduction]. cologie, la pathologie, Ia microbiologie, l'ipidimiologie, Ia Les vt&rinaires int$ressis i participer processus d_examen midecine interne, la dermatologie, la des medicaments veterinaires du BMVdevraient communiquer avec le D Ian Alexander, chef inte7imaire, Division de leva- et la neurologie. dentisterie, Ianesthesie ICanada Canada X Monsieur Claude Paul Directeur Boivin general 339, Association rue Boothcanadienne des Ottawa m6decins v6t6rinaires (Ontario) KiR 7K1 Monsieur, Notre rforence, Your file La d pr6sente acce16rer tait -suite A votre lettre du l'homologation des 14mai 2001 m6dicaments et A v66rinaires notre rencontre du 19 juin 2001 concemant nenndsmyn des Comme vous le saves nous avons pris dimportantes mesues P ou reouveler et renorcer le 1'effectit responrsalen e Programmed 1 'e x amedes dematnumeuespoogatonur n recrutement ent deme mondqis reconsacrons lemen noefforts acceleredi abl deolexammenods asgnas o sc teinunounv smesatosuesement d ent s nous ons avoir augments elaprslemeures qui Malgr6 s'imposaient, dont les am6liorations certaines apport6es donnent d6ja de bon et les progr6s r6alis6s 6"tt.ne A effectit d'6valuateurst scientifiqus et, d'ici lu fsntd e 2001 t ment'ades nose L'6quipe de gestio du PMV a aussi 6tabli que le retard dans le traitement des demande t6subtnilemncor davantage Pour acc6l6rer processsdeandsdmndeshmogainastueosencopometr le jour, nous reonisn nwgrit6r n le besoin onstituait une et prori ress~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r de nouvelles dtinterven A cet 6gard, nous sommes heureux davi proposition 'Association canadien a p,lrdenterencontre du ps 19 m sant juin, v receviplsdnfraonura Nousomme disps~5~applquer un PrOgraMme initial quiseirt Aed'examnidet dfnret cmpadernlesexgns cmarlsexgce xmneros etlscriutates d'eaee ce p aments g destinasae au amm Pil t d d canadiennes et am6ricamnes en mair d sn~se es vrait l6tde e Iaproositon e e lacmv N aux m6dicaments dstmnes onu d sdnes en ce qui a trait Cadresuell aperisesreonvie aux animaux de de compagnie. Le lmettindu Ministbre. rslasdceprogramnme permettraient de poursuivre Nous avons aussi sp6cialistes des briemntdiscut6 de Pourpnaele ces animaux? ermtion peisaiaxqipuraient Pures 1epideXmntusxeesLACMV Seon xaquinapourlmpodxiaeus nuaieaexminer les petel le nombre ertrde de v~t v6t6rinaires rns.ls.ue:rerueres demandes int6res6 dhmogtion orin raie de m6d niraens exte dossiers d'int6rdt comm un, je vous prie d'agr6er, Monsieur, 1'expression de sentmntsu atcpracseaen,nu Enfin,comme nous I'avons aclre d6clar6 lors de la d'homologation, notamment rencontre du 19 dans les juin, nous cas o0i some diso' plquru il existe un besoi ummestre rcsu ~uvre notre claotindans smeler des Diane Kirkpatricksetmnslseieus Cadre sup6rieure invit6e einairens PrL IA Tunney O913A Tne' PLne' atr Ottawa, Canada P P91Astr KIA 0L2 Ottawa, 93 Canada Can Vet J Volume 42, September

7 I SI A FEATURING THIS MONTH... In this issue of "Decoding Success An Inside Look At Canada's Top Performing Practices," the CVMA wraps-up its showcase of successful veterinary practices. Last spring, the CVMA commissioned 2 senior researchers to conduct on-site research of veterinary hospitals across Canada; Dr. Jim Stowe, DVM, of EffectiVet Management Consulting, and Mr. Darren Osborne of the Ontario Veterinary Medical Association. The project was overseen by the CVMA Business Management Committee, composed of Dr. Lynn Webster, Chair, Dr. Steve Noonan, Dr. Rene Weber, Dr./DrJImStc Dr. David Kirby, Dr. Mario Comtois, and Dr. Doug Mann. The CVMA acknowledges the valuable contribution of all those involved in the project. In a concluding article, Dr. Jim Stowe consolidates the key findings from the 5 case studies. Although only a few practices were sampled, this exercise produced a number of models from which valuable practice management tools can be referenced by all practitioners, not just a few practice owners. The prevailing... elements of success that are exemplified include the following: effective communica- '' tion, goal setting, attention to AU detail, flexibility, innovation and added value, lifelong learning, attitude. human-animal bond, and In conclusion, this article highlights the true potential of the profession. We hope that the information can be used to strengthen the performance of veterinary practices and ultimately improve the quality of care. Look for your copy with this month's issue of The Canadian VeterinaryJournal. owe CE MOIS-CI... ans ce numero de La cl' du succes Dans les coulisses des cliniques les plus performantes du Canada, IACMV conclut sa serie d 'articles sur les cliniques veterinaires prosperes. Le printemps dernier, I'ACMV a charge deux chercheurs, le Dr Jim Stowe, d'effectivet Management Consulting, et M. Darren Osborne, de la Ontario Veterinary Medical Association, de mener une recherche dans des cliniques veterinaires du Canada. Le programme a ete' supervise par le Comite' de l'acmvsur la gestion commerciale, compose du Dr Lynn Webster, president, du Dr Steve Noonan, du Dr Rene Weber, du Dr David Kirby, du Dr Mario Comtois, et du Dr Doug Mann. L'ACMVremercie chaleureusement tous les participants pour leur contribution inestimable. Dans sa conclusion, le DrJim Stowe resume les principales constatations des cinq etudes de cas. Le programme a porte sur quelques cliniques seulement, mais il a permis de recenserplusieurs models dont peuvent s'inspirer tous les praticiens, et pas seulement quelques proprietaires de cliniques. Les principaux r'.'. * > j~ facteurs du succescites sont, notamment, la communication efficace, 1 'etablissement 'Z d'objectifs, le souci du detail, la souplesse, l'innovation et la valeur ajoutee, le perfectionnement continu, le lien entre les humains et les animaux, et I'attitude positive. Bref, cet article illustre le potentiel de la profession. Nous esperons que l'information que contient l'article pourra servir d rehausser le rendement des cliniques veterinaires et, en fin de compte, a ameliorer la qualite des soins. Vous trouverez votre exemplaire de l'article du mois dans le present numero de La Revue veterinaire canadienne. YOUR VIEWS ARE WELCOMED ON OUR WEB SITE'S DISCUSSION BOARD We welcome your feedback on this series of articles. We invite you to post your comments in the Business Management section of the CVMA Web site's Discussion Board at Comments can also be forwarded to Ms. Suzanne Lavictoire, by at <slavictoire@cvma-acmv.org>, by facsimile at (613) , or by mail at the CVMA office. (by Suzanne Lavictoire, Coordinator, Decoding Success Project, CVMA) DIFFUSEZ VOS COMMENTAIRES DANS LE SITE WEB Vos commentaires sur cette serie d'articles sont les bienvenus. Nous vous invitons d les afficher dans la section..gestion des affaires, des Tribunes de discussion du site Web de l'acmv, a Vous pouvez aussi les transmettre a Mme Suzanne Lavictoire, par courriel d <slavictoire@cvma-acmv.org>, par telecopieur au (613) , ou par la poste au secretariat de l'a CMV. (par Suzanne Lavictoire, coordonnatrice, programme La cl6 du succes, ACMV) 688 Can Vet J Volume 42, September 2001

8 CONGRATULATIONS TO THE RECIPIENTS OF CVMA AWARDS 2001 FELICITATIONS AUX RECIPIENDAIRES DES PRIX DE L'ACMV 2001 THE SCHERING VETERINARY AWARD: Dr. Tim Guichon, Calgary, Alberta The Schering Veterinary Award was established by Schering-Plough Animal Health to further enhance progress in large animal medicine and surgery. As a founding member of the Feedlot Health Management Services in Okotoks, Alberta, Dr. Tim Guichon has become an outstanding leader in the field of health management in beef feedlot cattle and in beef cow-calf management and production. This "mover and shaker," as described by Dr. Otto Radostits, professor at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine (WCVM), University of Saskatchewan, graduated from the WCVM in 1980 to become one of the industry's foremost authorities in the field after restricting his veterinary activities to beef cattle in Dr. Radostits believes, "Dr. Guichon's strict adherence to an "evidence-based" approach to animal health, production, and management recommendations is a key reason for [his] success in feedlot veterinary medicine." Through research, Dr. Guichon is able to provide quality information to clients. He has participated as a clinical researcher and coauthor on 20 papers in refereed journals since 1988, has given over Dr.ID' 60 lectures since 1985, and has coauthored over 100 technical reports relevant to the academic field sincel984. Dr. Guichon is a past president of the Alberta Veterinary Medical Association and a member of 8 other veterinary organizations, including the American Association of Bovine Practitioners and the Canadian Association of Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine. Having been presented with the American Association of Bovine Practitioners Beef Award for Excellence in Veterinary Preventative Medicine in 1999, Dr. Guichon has gone on to be awarded, with his business partner Dr. Kee Jim, the Canadian Animal Health Institute's Industry Leadership Award this pastjune. The award is in recognition of their significant contributions to the art and science of veterinary medicine, particularly in the area of beef production. Studies performed by Feedlot Health Management Services and Dr. Guichon have improved efficiency in production, and quality and consistency in the beef industry. Recent research examining the contribution of animal agriculture to antibiotic resistance in human medicine is on the cutting edge in the industry, as well as in the public health domain. Tri LE PRIX VtTtRINAIRE SCHERING DI Tim Guichon, Calgary (Alberta) L e Prix vetifinaire Schering a ete etabli par Schering-Plough Animal Health pour promouvoir les progres en medecine et en chirurgie des grands animaux. En tant que membrefondateur des Feedlot Health Management Services a Okotoks, en Alberta, le Dr Tim Guichon est devenu un chef defile dans les domaines de la gestion de la santi des bovins en parc d'engraissement et du naissage. Cet homme d'action, comme le decrit le Dr Otto Radostits, professeur au Western College of Veterinary Medicine (WCVM), Universiti de la Saskatchewan, a termini ses etudes au WCVM en 1980 et est devenu l'une des sommiteis de V'industrie dans son domaine, apres avoir choisi, en 1982, de restreindre ses activitis aux bovins. Selon le Dr Radostits, dla rigueur avec laquelle le Dr Guichon s`'appuie sur les faits pourformuler ses recommandations concernant la sante animale, l'elevage et la gestion explique en grande partie son succes en meidecine des animaux en parc d 'engraissement>. Par ses recherches, Guichon le Dr Guichon peut offrir de l 'information de qualiti a ses clients. A titre de chercheur clinique et de coauteur, il a participi a la production de 20 articles publiis dans des revues ivaluies depuis 1988, il a donni plus de 60 confirences depuis 1985, et il a coridigi plus de 100 rapports techniques pour le milieu universitaire depuis Le Dr Guichon a ete prisident de l'alberta Veterinary Medical Association et membre de huit autres organismes vitirinaires, y compris l'amenican Association ofbovine Practitioners et la Canadian Association of Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine. En 1999, il a refu le prix d'excellence en midecine vit&rinaire preventive de l'american Association ofbovine Practitioners. En juin denier, lui et son partenaire d'affaires, le Dr KeeJim, ont repu le Prix Leadership de l'institut canadien de la santi animale; ce prix souligne les contributions substantielles a l'art et d la science de la midecine vitirinaire, surtout dans le domaine de l'ilevage bovin. Les itudes effectuies par les Feedlot Health Management Services et le Dr Guichon ont rehaussi l'efficaciti de l'ilevage, ainsi que la qualiti et la cohision dans l'industrie bovine. Leur recherche ricente sur la contribution de l'ilevage i l'antibiorisistance chez les humains est a la fine pointe de l'industrie et du domaine de la santipublique. Can Vet J Volume 42, September

9 CVMA HUMANE AWARD: Mr. Jerry Aschenbrenner, Calgary, Alberta This award, established by the CVMA in cooperation with Schering-Plough Animal Health, is presented to a veterinarian or nonveterinarian whose work is judged to have contributed to the welfare and well-being of animals. Since 1983, Mr. Jerry Aschenbrenner has made responsible pet ownership a priority in Calgary. As supervisor of the City of Calgary's Animal Services, Mr. Aschenbrenner has helped to develop a variety of programs aimed at diminishing the euthanasia rate of Calgary's animals while promoting animal health through identification, vaccination, and spaying or neutering. An example is the drive home program that provides the return of tagged dogs to their owners, circumventing the pound. This is done as a courtesy to the residents of Calgary while enabling the education of the pets' owner about responsible ownership and city by-laws. In 1999, 5200 dogs were picked up by City Animal Services, 42% were immediately returned to their owners. In 1996, Mr. Aschenbrenner brought together representatives of the Alberta Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Mr/M.Jerrn (SPCA) and the Calgary Humane Society, veterinarians, dog trainers, breeders, and retail pet dealers to form the Partners for Responsible Animal Care (PRAC), whose mission is to help and to educate every animal owner to be responsible. Success is demonstrated by the reduction in the number of animals euthanized. As spaying or neutering was made available to all animals within Calgary, the animal birth rate declined, the number of animals brought into the shelter went down, and, thus, the euthanasia rate was lowered. Less then 100 dogs were euthanized this past year. Mr. Aschenbrenner received the Alberta SPCA Humanitarian Award in 2000 and retired from his position with the city of Calgary in June He continues to act as the chair on the Calgary Zero-e Foundation. The foundation's goal is a zero animal euthanasia rate in Calgary. Mr. Aschenbrenner hopes to make Calgary a model to be used across the country, if not the world, by bringing the plight of animals to the forefront. yas LE PRIX HUMANITAIRE DE L'ACMV M. Jerry Aschenbrenner, Calgary (Alberta) epix, etabli par l'acmven collaboration avec Schering- Plough Animal Health, est decerne d une personne, membre de la profession ou non, dont le travail est considere comme une contribution importante au bien-etre des animaux. Depuis 1983, M. Jerry Aschenbrennerfait de la promotion d'habitudes responsables chez les proprietaires d'animaux une prioriti a Calgary. En tant que superviseur des services animaliers de la ville, M. Aschenbrenner a aid't a elaborer des programmes visant a diminuer le taux d'euthanasie des animaux tout en faisant la promotion de la sante' animale par l'identification, la vaccination et la sterilisation des animaux. Ainsi, a Calgary, les chiens qui portent une meidaille sont ramenes _i leur proprietaire et echappent ainsi a la fourriere. Ce service rendu a titre gracieux aux Calgarois permet de sensibiliser les proprietaires a leurs responsabilites et aux reglements municipaux. En 1999, 5200 chiens ont ete pris en charge par les services animaliers et 42 p. 100 d 'entre eux ont ete' directement ramenes a leurproprietaire. _RUPF"- En 1996, M. Aschenbrenner a rassemble tchenbrenner des representants de l'alberta Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) et de la Calgary Humane Society, des veterinaires, des dresseurs de chiens, des e'leveurs et des distributeurs de produits pour animaux domestiques, afin de former l'organisme appele Partners for Responsible Animal Care (PRAC), dont la mission est d'aider les proprietaires d 'animaux a acquerir des habitudes responsables. La reduction du nombre d 'animaux euthanasies temoigne du succes de l'organisme. La sterilisation etant maintenant offerte a tous les animaux de Calgary, le taux des naissances a chute, tout comme le nombre d'animaux amenes dans les refuges et celui des euthanasies. Moins d 'une centaine de chiens ont ete euthanasies l'an dernier. En 2000, M. Aschenbrenner a refu le prix humanitaire de la SPCA de l'alberta. II a pris sa retraite en juin Il continue d'occuper son poste de president de la Calgary Zero-e Foundation, dont le but est de reduire a zero le taux de'uthanasie des animaux dans cette ville. Jerry Aschenbrenner espere que Calgary deviendra un modee pour tout le pays, voire le monde, en faisant la promotion du mieux-etre des animaux. SMALL ANIMAL PRACTITIONER AWARD: Dr. Michel Gosselin, Westmount, Quebec The Small Animal Practitioner Award, sponsored by Pet Plan Insurance, was established to encourage progress in the field of small animal medicine and surgery. Dr. Michel Gosselin's vision of a referral and emergency animal hospital, run in cooperation with local veterinarians, became a reality when the Centre Vetrinaire DMV opened its doors in Montreal, Quebec, in December According to Dr. Jean Gauvin, last year's Small Animal Practitioner Award recipient, Dr. Gosselin was "the spark," the person "responsible for holding the project together." The center, operating as a referral and emergency practice, was opened in the interest of the LE PRIX DU PRA TICIEN DES PETITS ANIMAUX Dr Michel Gosselin, Westmount (Quebec) e Prix du praticien des petits animaux, commandite' par Pet Plan Insurance, a ete' cre' pour promouvoir les progres en me'decine et en chirurgie des petits animaux. La conception qu 'avait le Dr Michel Gosselin d 'un service hospitalier de consultations et de soins d 'urgence exploite en collaboration avec les veterinaires locaux est devenue realite quand le Centre DMVInc. a ouvert ses portes a Montrial, au Quibec, en decembre Selon le DrJean Gauvin, precedent laureat du Prix du praticien des petits animaux, le Dr Gosselin ete'..celui grace a qui ceprnet s'est rialis&. Le Centre de consultations et de soins d 'urgence a ete' ouvert dans l'interet de la profession, pour garantir des services de qualite superieure aux animaux et 690 Can Vet J Volume 42, September Can Vet J Volume 42, September 2001

10 profession, guaranteeing a high quality of service for the region's pets and their owners, while providing continuing education programs for veterinarians and access to resources. It has gone on to become the pride of Montreal veterinarians by strengthening Montreal's veterinary services. Veterinary service in Montreal had been limited until the early 1990s; no place existed 7 7 that offered continuous emergency care. By providing leadership to the profession, especially in Quebec, the center has been able to attract specialists, which is good for the whole city. Dr. Gosselin expressed delight with receiving the award, "It's a big, big honor, I am so happy. It has been one of the nicer things that has happened in my career." A member of the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association (CVMA) and the Ordre des medecins veterinaires du Quebec, Dr. Gosselin graduated from the Faculte de medecine veterinaire at the Universite de Montreal in Dr. Gosselin's career has included working in private practice at a variety of veterinary clinics, working on the Communications Committee of the Ordre des medecins veterinaires du Quebec, and teaching at the Universite de Montreal. DrID' Mic aux propriitaires de la rigion, tout en offrant aux vitirinaires des programmes de perfectionnement et V'acces a des ressources. Il est devenu la fierti des vitirinaires de Montrial car il est un atout pour les services vitirinaires de la ville. Jusqu'au dibut des annies 90, les services vitirinaires itaient limitis a Montrial: aucun endroit n'offtait des soins d 'urgence continus. En endossant le r6le de chef defile, surtout au Quibec, le Centre a pu attirer des spicialistes, ce qui est binefique pour -o toute la ville. Le Dr Gosselin a iti ravi de recevoir le Prix. "C'est un immense honneur pour moi et je suis tres heureux. C'est un ivinement marquant de ma carrmere. >> Membre de l'association canadienne des midecins vitirinaires (ACMV) et de l'ordre des midecins vitirinaires du Quibec, le Dr Gosselin a termini ses :heligosselin etudes a la Faculti de midecine vitirinaire de l'universiti de Montrial en Sa carrimre l'a meni a travailler dans diverses cliniques privies, a siiger au Comiti des communications de l'ordre des midecins vitirinaires du Quibec et a enseigner a l'universiti de Montrial. HILL'S PUBLIC RELATIONS AWARD: Dr. Sylvie Lussier, Laprairie, Quebec The Hill's Public Relations Award, instituted in 1992 in cooperation with Hill's Pet Nutrition Canada Inc., recognizes an individual, or group, for his or her work towards enhancing the public image of the veterinary profession. Dr. Sylvie Lussier's 4 et demi attracted 1.8 million French-speaking television viewers each week during its 7-year run. The sitcom about a Montreal veterinarian, written by Dr. Lussier and Pierre Poirier, impacted the way in which the veterinary profession was viewed, especially in Quebec. Dr. Jean Gauvin, CVMA Small Animal Practitioner Award recipient in 2000, sees 4 et demi as one of the "best promotional tools in the history of Canadian veterinary medicine. What a windfall for Canadian veterinarians who Dr./D' Sylvie Lussler did not need to spend a single cent on the promotion." Dr. Lussier was "touched and honored" to have been nominated for the CVMA Hill's Public Relations Award, another accolade for the work she has done. A graduate of the Universite de Montreal in 1980, Dr. Lussier was a practising veterinarian until Her love for animals led to her first television show called Bites pas bites plus. This show about animals, targeted to children, ran for 10 years. Dr. Lussier and Mr. Poirier are hard at work on a new television program to run during the winter 2002 Olympics. LE PRIX HILL'S DES RELATIONS PUBLIQUES Dre Sylvie Lussier, Laprairie (Quebec) e Prix Hill's des relations publiques, crii en 1992 en collaboration avec les Aliments pour animaux domestiques Hill's Canada Inc., souligne le travail qu'a accompli une personne ou un groupe de personnes pour rehausser l'image publique de la profession vitierinaire. L'e'mission de tilivision 4 et demi de la Dre Sylvie Lussier a attiri, chaque semaine pendant 7 ans, un auditoire de 1, 8 million de francophones. Cette sirne dont le personnage principal est un viteinaire montrialais, icrite par la Dre Lussier et Pierre Poirier, a eu un effet sur l'image de la profession, surtout au Quibec. Le DrJean Gauvin, lauriat du Prix du praticien des petits animaux en 2000, considire 4 et demi comme al'un des meilleurs outils de promotion de l'histoire de la midecine vitirinaire au Canada. Quel coup de maitre pour les vitirinaires canadiens, qui n'ont pas eu a investir un cent pour cette promotion!,, La Dre Lussier s'est dite.touchie et honorie,, de recevoir le Prix Hill's des relations publiques, en ricompense de son travail. Dipl6mie de l'universiti de Montrial en 1980, la Dre Lussier a pratiqui la midecine vitirinaire jusqu'en Son amour des animaux l'a menie sa premiere imission tielvisie, Betes pas betes plus. Cette imission sur les animaux destinie aux enfants a iti diffusie pendant dix ans. La Dre Lussier et M. Poirier travaillent sans relache une nouvelle imission tilivisie qui sera diffusie pendant les Olympiques d 'hiver de Can Vet J Volume 42, September Can Vet J Volume 42, September

11 CVMA INDUSTRY AWARD: Mr. Steve Myeffe, Truro, Nova Scotia The CVMA Industry Award was established to publicly acknowledge and celebrate the role of industry in veterinary medicine. The award formally recognizes the contribution of groups or individuals, veterinarians, and nonveterinarians to the advancement of veterinary medicine. Mr. Steve Myette has proven his dedication to the advancement of veterinary medicine in his 16 years as a volunteer with the Atlantic Provinces Veterinary Conference (APVC). A graduate of the animal science program of the University of Guelph, Mr. Myette began his involvement with the APVC as an industry representative for Bimeda-MTC Animal Health Inc. This evolved into a 15-year volunteer position as assistant to Dr. Bert Stevenson, the chairman on arrangements for the APVC. Described by Dr. Stevenson as the "heart and soul of the planning committee," Mr. Myette helped to revive the APVC by working closely with other industry representatives and exhibitors, and by incorporating all members of the veterinary team. MmM. In the early 1990s, it became clear to the conference organizers that the APVC would need to change in order to grow with the times; more commercial representatives than veterinarians were attending the conference. Through discussions with conference attendees, -the committee was able to determine what veterinarians in the Atlantic provinces wanted from their conference continuing veterinary education at a reasonable price. This year's attendance at the APVC was a record 400 veterinarians, technicians, office staff, and industry supporters. Mr. Myette continues to volunteer with the APVC, lecture at the Nova Scotia and New Brunswick Animal Health Technology programs, and work as an animal health pharmaceutical representative for Novartis Animal Health Canada Inc. LE PRIX DE L'INDUSTRIE M. Steve Myette, Truro (Nouvelle-4cosse) L e Prix de l'industrie a ete cree pour souligner publiquement le r6le de l'industrie en medecine vete'rinaire. Le Prix permet de reconnaitre la contribution d'un individu ou d'un groupe d'individus, membres ou non de la profession, a 1'avancement de la medecine veterinaire. Monsieur Steve Myette s'est devoue a l'avancement de la midecine veterinaire pendant les 16 ans qu'il a consacres a titre benevole au Congres veterinaire des provinces atlantiques (CVPA). Diplome du programme des sciences animales de l'universite de Guelph, M. Myette a d'abord participe au CVPA en tant que representant de Bim -Bimeda-MTC Animal Health Inc. Ce 9 _ premier contact a debouche sur 15 ans de benevolat en tant qu'assistant du Dr Bert Stevenson, president de l'organisation du CVPA. Decrit par le Dr Stevenson _ comme Tl'dme du comite de planfizcation-, ' M. Myette a aide ai revigorer le CVPA en travaillant en etroite collaboration avec d'autres reprisentants de l'indus- P Myette trie et des exposants, et en integrant tous les membres de l'e'quipe vete'rinaire. Au debut des annees 90, les organisateurs ont constate que le CVPA devait changer pour s'adapter a son temps; plus de representants commerciaux que de veterinaires participaient au Congres. En consultant des congressistes, le comite a pu determiner que les vete'inaires de l'atlantique voulaient un Steve programme de perfectionnement a un prix raisonnable. Cette annie, le CVPA a attiri un nombre record de 400 veterinaires, techniciens, employes de soutien et intervenants de l'industrie. Monsieur Myette poursuit son travail benevole aupres du CVPA, il donne des confirences dans le cadre des programmes deformation en technologie de la sante animale en Nouvelle-Ecosse et au Nouveau-Brunswick, et il travaille comme representant de produits pharmaceutiques veterinaires chez Novartis Animal Health Canada Inc. LIFE MEMBERSHIP Life Membership is presented to a veterinarian for long and outstanding service on the CVMA Council, Executive, Boards, and Committees or for outstanding contributions to the veterinary profession. Life Members are selected by the Council upon the recommendations of a committee of senior members of the CVMA appointed by the Council. Dr. Jean Pierard, Mont-St-Hilaire, Quebec Dr. Bruce Holliday, Cambridge, Ontario CVMA PRESIDENT'S AWARD: Dr. Mark Lawrence This award is given from time to time to recognize an individual member for his or her exceptional contributions and devotions to the Association. Recipients are selected by the President and the CVMA Executive Committee. 692 MEMBRE A VIE Le titre de membre a vie est decerne a un vitirinaire pour ses longs et distingues services au conseil d'administration, au comite executifet aux comites de I'ACMV, ou pour sa contribution exceptionnelle a la profession vt&rinaire. Les membres a vie sont choisis par le conseil, sur la recommandation d 'un comite de membres imirites de 'A CMV nommes par le conseil. D' Jean Pi6rard, Mont-St-Hilaire (Quebec) D' Bruce Holliday, Cambridge (Ontario) LE PRIX DU PRtSIDENT DE L'ACMV DI Mark Lawrence Ce prix est d&cerne de temps a autre a un membre individuel I afin de reconnaitre sa contribution et son devouement exceptionnels a l'association. Les laureats sont choisis par leprrsident et le comite executif de l'acmv. Can Vet J Volume 42, September 2001

12 It is with both honor and sadniess that the CM'NIA C est le cwriurtpleiii de recoiiiaissacnce mais acussi de tristesse posthlumously awards Dr. Mark Lawrence wsith the quie laciv' decer-ne, ai tit-e posthume, le Prix du prisidenit de President's Award. Dr. Lawrence's death on Februtary 23, IACMlVau Dr Mark Lawrence. Le d'ces du D'' Lazw-ence, le 2001, was a great loss to the veterinary commntinity. 23 frv-ier- 2001, reprisente olne g-an7de pertte poi1r Iac professioni. Ce prix vis.5e ai souligneir le d'vouement dii D' Lazwurence This award is presented in recognition of Dr. Lawrence's dedication to the CVMA and his profession. UpoIn neiws of envel-s l'acmvi1'et la p-ofession. En apprenan1t le tiragique a(ccident de ski dii D" Lazwr-ence, Ie Dr Darcy Shaw, Dr. Lawrence's tragic skiing accident, Dr. Darcy Shaw, president of the CV'MA, alors prsident de VIA CAIV a crnit: -Son amour - wrote: "Mark's love of life, optimism, and de la vie, son optimisnie et.sotn d'voueiment dedication to veterinary medicine were fen verps la nm1declne vetri-naieesont des sources inspiring. It has been said that life brings _R d'inspiration.noldit quie la vie nouls procur-e wisdom and sadness. Mark has left uis wsith sagesse et bliistesse. Mark nous a lpguf une partie de sa sagesse, mais son dipart nouls laisse au some of his wisdom, but his passing has also left us with profound sadness." cae uu iiui e profo tode tristesse. An active member of the CVMA, Mlembire (Ictif de lacar',v led Lazw-renice y a Dr. Lawrence contribtuted time and energy consacli beauiicouip de teinps et d 'enet-igie comnie wvhile working on the National Isstues /nieiiibre dii Comiiii suii les enijeuix n1ationiauix, Committee, acting as the liaison with the comnmne agent de liaisoni avec liamerican Animal American Animal Hospital Association, Hospital Association, et coinme nmem bre diu and serving as a member of the advisorxn Dr.IDI Mark Lawrencce (omlcoite consultatif qui ai produit le document de panel foi the CVN'MA booklet 'Gidideliiies fio lvacm ivltitili Le slcc&s dcans vos relations de travail Directives stii l'emploi des finissants..a the Suiccessfil Emplcinmieiit ofanze Viutetitiary Gradutates. He was also No-rkiIng oin an1 oni-line business manageiiment traininig l'poque de soni decs, il tr-availlait a u n moduile de peifectioninement en? gestion comm17ert-ciale poiu le site 11Web de IACMIV modutle for the CVNIA WN'eb site at the time of his death. Dr. Lawvi-ence was a past presideint of the Newv BiriunswNick Le D' Law-rence a,tfrisident de la ANew Brunisztwick V'eterinar NVeteriniar Medical Association and, for 18 years, brotught.mledical Association et, penidan1t 18( ans, par soni devouiement dignity to the practice of veterinary medicine throuigh his enveris soi travalil, il a confi/rr de Ia dignitw a l'exer-cice de la cledication to his wvork. ndecine v7eter-inaire. (by Sarah A. Mitchell, Journals, CVMA) (par Sarah A. Mitchell, R6daction, ACMV) ia 0 v qw T1he editors of The Cantadian VTeterintary 1- La rmdaction de La Revue vktcirinaire canadienne soiihaite la bienvenulie aii Dr Greg Jouira-l welcome Dr. Greg Harasen, a.--r Regina, Saskatchewain, small animal Veterinarian, to the list of reguilai- colum- t- nists in thejjotrnal. Dr. Harasen wvill pro- v 'ide Cljreaders wvith a look at interesting oirthopedic cases in a regtular coltumn. Dr. Harasen gradtuated from the Western College of Veterinarv Medicine Dr./Dr Greg Haraser in 1983 aind, duirinig hlis approximiiately 20 years in practice, developed a passion for orthopedics. In hils Regina practice, wthich he owvns and oper- de pi-atique, il a acquis la passion de lor-thopmdie. A sa Veterinar AMedicine eii 1983 et, petndatit ses qnielqliie 20 ancnes ates wtith his partiner and wvife, Dr. Karen Harasen, he cliiiique de Regina, qu 'ii diige aavec soii Ppoilse et pai-teinai-e, is poised to log in his l(ooth orthopedic sturgery case. la D'I' Kari-eii Har-asen, i se pi-epawe a acciueillir son milliie Dr. Harasen is a meimber of the Veterinairy Orthopedics cas de chiirurgi'e oi-thopmdique. II est meinire de la Veteriiiary Society, past-president of the Saskatchewain Veterinary Medical Association, and past chair of the CVMIA's A.niiimal Health Week campaigin ( ). Dr. Harasein's inauigtiral colutmin appeared in the Auiguist isstue of the CVJ. Look for more ortlhopedics inlforimation in the October isstue' (by Kimberley Allen-McGill, Manager, Journals, CVMA) Harasen, pi-aticien des petits animaiix ai Regi,na, eni Saskkatchezwian, au seini de leqiuipe des chroniqueut-s ir'gulier-s de la RVC. Le D' Ha,rasen offr i-a' rcgiiliprnemenit aiix lectet i-s de la RVC uni aope-fii des cas iiit-ressaiits eii or-thop 'die. Le D'- Haiiaseii a obteiiii so)1 diplciumie de Mdecilne viterinaire aui Westerin College of Or-thopedics Society, pi-isident sor-tant de lia Saskatchewani Veterirnart IMedical Associatioti, et it a pi-'sids la caiiipagiie de de la Semzaiiie de la zie animlale de lacmiv La pt-eniii-e chroiiqiie dii DJr Hataseni a patr-u daiis le iinuiin -o d'aoiot de la RVC. Le itiinm1-o doctolr-e coiitieildi-a la pi-ochcilaie ch roi i- e s iie ri 'or-thopmdie. (par Kimberley Allen-McGill, directrice de la r6daction, ACMV) Can Vet J Volume 42, September

13 CVMA TO PROVIDE LABORATORY COATS TO ALL FIRST-YEAR STUDENTS Action Team on Veterinary Students to identify further initiatives As part of its effort to support students of the 4 Canadian schools of veterinary medicine, the CVMA is sponsoring a "Lab Coat Ceremony" for firstyear students at each college. The CVMA is discussing with each college the particulars of the ceremony during which a laboratory coat, embroidered with the name of the student and the Association's logo, will be presented to each student. In fact, plans have already been con-( firmed with the Atlantic Veterinary College, which will conduct its second ceremony in conjunction with the CVMA on August 28, The Western College of Veterinary Medicine will hold its first such ceremony on September 28th. As for the Faculte de medecine veterinaire and the Ontario Veterinary College, the CVMA is in the process of finalizing the details of similar events to be held at both of these colleges. The CVMA has allocated the necessary funds for this activity, which will be employed for the purchase and embroidering of the laboratory coats, as well as the provision of refreshments during the presentation ceremony and reception. Human-Animal Bond Tour of the Colleges Another activity that has been developed by the CVMA is a tour of the colleges to be conducted by Drs. Bemhard Pukay and Jean Gauvin, who will discuss a topic of current interest to the profession: the human-animal bond. The CVMA Action Team on Veterinary Students is also considering other initiatives to strengthen the Association's partnership with students of veterinary medicine; for example, the creation of a student section located in the members portion of the new CVMA web site ( which could include a chat board for students and the NationalJob File. The program for students currently supported by the CVMA includes: *publication of the booklet Guidelines for the Successful Employment ofnew Veterinary Graduates * the annual National Job File, a directory of summer employment opportunities at veterinary clinics across Canada; * the annual Graduate Survey, which collects employment data from the most recent group of Canadian veterinary graduates for publication in The Canadian Veterinary Journal; L'ACMV FOURNIRA DES SARRAUS A TOUS LES ETUDIANTS DE PREMIERE ANNEE Le Groupe de travail pour les affaires etudiantes definira d'autres activites but de manifester son appui aux itudiants des quatre colleges canadiens de midecine viterinaire, I'ACMV commandite une creimonie de remise de sarraus a l'intention des itudiants de premiire annie. L'ACMV definira avec chaque college les ditails de la creimonie pendant laquelle sera remis d chaque itudiant un sarrau sur lequel auront iti brodis le nom de l'itudiant et le logo de l'acmv. e # t Les plans sont achevis au Atlantic Veterinary College, qui a 0010 prisenti sa deuxiime cirimonie conjointement avec 1'ACM, le Dans le Le Western E X jfq 5 aou2t College of Veterinary Medicine tiendra sa premiere cerimonie le 28 septembre. Quant d la Faculti de midecine vitirinaire et au Ontario Veterinary College, I'ACMV est d mettre la dernimre main aux plans des creimonies qui auront lieu dans ces deux coluges. L'ACMV a alloui lesfonds nicessaires d cette activiti, afin d'acheter les sarraus et de les faire broder, et d'offrir des raftafchissements pendant la creimonie et la riception qui suit. Tournee des colleges sur le lien entre les humains et les animaux L'ACMVa pripari une autre activiti a l'intention des itudiants, soit une toumnie des colleges, menie par les Drs Bernhard Pukay etjean Gauvin, et qui portera sur un sujet d'actualiti au sein de la profession : le lien entre les humains et les animaux. Le Groupe de travail de 'A CMVpour les affaires itudiantes examine d'autres activitis qui permettraient de renforcer le partenariat entre l'a CMV et les itudiants en midecine viterinaire. Ainsi, la section du nouveau site Web de I'ACMV (www. veterinairesaucanada. net) riservie aux membres pourrait contenir une page pour les itudiants et un babillard lii au Fichier national des emplois. Le programme de l'acmv d l'intention des itudiants comprend les activitis suivantes: * la diffusion du document Le succes dans vos relations de travail : Directives sur l'emploi des finissants; * Ia mise d jour annuelle du Fichier national sur les emplois, un ripertoire national des offres d'emplois d'iti dans les cliniques viterinaires du pays; * le sondage annuel aupres des itudiants, qui permet de recueillir des donnies sur l'emploi des derniers finissants 694 Can Vet J Volume 42, September Can Vot J Volume 42, September 2001

14 * the Students of the CVMA (SCVMA) Symposium, which is held each year in January on a rotational basis at each veterinary college in Canada; * the yearly SCVMA newsletter VetRap; * attendance of the SCVMA president at CVMA Council meetings; * free CVMA membership for new Canadian veterinary graduates for the balance of the calendar year of graduation; * a special student discount rate to attend the scientific program at the annual CVMA Convention; and * the SCVMA Committee and its biannual meetings. The CVMA Action Team on Veterinary Students is chaired by the CVMA President-Elect, Dr. Jeanne Lofstedt; the other members are Dr. Diane Blais of the Faculte de medecine veterinaire, and Dr. John Prescott of the Ontario Veterinary College. (by Maxwell Hollins, Manager, National Examining Board and Student Affairs, CVMA) en midecine viterinaire pour les publier dans La Revue vkt6rinaire canadienne; * le colloque des Etudiants de l'a CMV (EA CMV), qui a lieu tour a tour dans l'un des colleges de midecine vitirinaire, en janvier; * Ia publication devetrap, le bulletin annuel des EACMV; * la participation du prisident des EACMV aux riunions du conseil de l'acmv; * I'adhision gratuite a l'acmvdes nouveaux dipl6mis canadiens pour le reste de l'anne'e; * un tarif d 'inscription riduit pour les itudiants qui veulent assister au programme scientifique du congres annuel de I'A CMV; * les riunions semestrielles du Comiti des EA CMV. Le Groupe de travail de lacmvsur les affaires itudiantes est dirigi par la prisidente disignie de l'acmv, la Dre Jeanne Lofstedt; les autres membres sont la Dre Diane Blais, de la Faculti de midecine vitirinaire, et le DTrJohn Prescott, du Ontario Veterinaiy College. (par Maxwell Hollins, directeur, Bureau national des examinateurs et Affaires 6tudiantes, ACMV) 4 VI I IMP---40r- A year of challenge and change at the CVO Year 2001 is proving to be a year of challenge and change for the College of Veterinarians of Ontario (CVO). Not only has its statutory committees been very busy, there are a few unique initiatives this year. Incorporation, board governance, the departure of the registrar, the signing of the Mutual Recognition Agreement, and the Professional Enhancement Program are all issues that the Council is facing. The Ontario legislature has initiated a bill to allow for the incorporation of professional practices. The College has been provided with the opportunity to edit the draft and has sought input from the OVMA and Dr.ID' K. Bryan Kennedy Une annee de d6fis et de changements au CVO 'annie 2001 est fertile en defis et en changements pour le College of Veterinarians of Ontario (CVO). Non seulement ses comitis permanents sont tres actifs, mais, cette annie, le CVO traite aussi de quelques dossiers spiciaux, notamment la constitution en sociiti, le mode de fonctionnement du conseil, le dipart du secritaire, la signature de l'accord de riciprociti et le programme de perfectionnement professionnel. L'Assemblie ligislative de l'ontario a itudii un projet de loi qui autoriserait la constitution en sociiti des entreprises professionnelles. Le CVO a eu l'occasion de riviser la version priliminaire du projet de loi et a solliciti le point de vue de l'ovma et de ses membres. La dernimre lecture du Can Vet J Volume 42, September Can Vet J Volume 42, September

15 from members. Final passage of the bill is imminent and many members are expressing great interest in taking advantage of this previously unavailable opportunity. Registration of corporations will occur at the College and the computer systems and staff are ready! The CVO Council is committed to ongoing quality improvement and has turned this commitment inward as it devotes a great deal of time and energy to "Board Governance" studies. Facilitators have assisted in this initiative that began a year ago. Council is creating a "handbook" and a policy manual that describe its role in relation to the overall function of the CVO and the division of duties between staff and council members. This very deliberate and detailed exercise will span many more months to come, but Council is confident that the state of the art product will be well worth the effort. The CVO congratulates its registrar, Dr. John Henry, on his appointment to the position of registrar of the College of Dental Surgeons of British Columbia. John has served as registrar since 1990 and his leadership and steadfast dedication to self-regulation of the profession will be greatly missed. Council and staff greatly appreciatedjohn's wonderful sense of humor and his seemingly bottomless well of knowledge and history of issues. Dr. Barbara Leslie has been appointed acting registrar as the search committee seeks a permanent registrar. Dr. Alec Martin will serve as the acting deputy registrar during the same time period. At the CVMA convention in August, I signed, on behalf of Ontario, the Mutual Recognition Agreement for the veterinary profession in Canada. This agreement will help to allow mobility for licensed veterinarians from one province to another. Our unique Professional Enhancement Program continues to generate great excitement in Ontario. This free, voluntary program can involve a review of medical records by a trained group of peers. The feedback has been tremendously positive and many members have found it to be a practice-changing experience. More and more practitioners are availing themselves of this unique and proactive opportunity. The director of the program, Dr. Ed Empr ham, will be making presentations this summer to the American Association of State Boards in Boston, as he did the CVMA in Vancouver. The CVO continues to embrace change and respond to it. Council meetings involve lively and illuminating discussion of the issues with each and every member providing valuable input. I am proud to be associated with this group that has contributed to the strong organization that the College is and will continue to be. With a strong Council and a talented and dedicated staff, the College faces the future with confidence and enthusiasm as it continues its work to serve and protect the public interest in Ontario. (by Dr. K. Bryan Kennedy, President, College of Veterinarans of Ontario, Chesterville, Ontario) Around the provinces is a regular news feature in the Canadian Veterinary Journal designed to inform Canadian veterinarians about the work ofprovincial veterinary associations across Canada. We invited the provincial presidents of these associations to report on the activities and issues being addressed by their respective organizations. We thank Dr. Bryan Kennedy for his article in this issue. CVJ eds. projet de loi est imminente et beaucoup de membres sont inte'resses a profiter de la nouvelle possibilite que la loi leur offrira. Le CVO chargera des modalite's de constitution en societei; ses ordinateurs et son personnel sontfin prits! Le conseil du CVO a l'amelioration de la qualite a cweur et, puisque chariti bien ordonnie commence par soi-me^me, il a consacre beaucoup de temps et d 'energie a etudier son mode de fonctionnement. Des conseillers ont participe a ce programme entrepris il y a un an. Le conseil ilabore un guide et un manuel de directives qui dicrivent son role au sein du CVO et la repartition des tdches entre le personnel et les membres du conseil. II s'agit d'un exercice tres minutieux qui s'echelonnera surplusieurs mois, mais le conseil est confiant que le produitfini vaudra l'effort deploye. Le CVOfelicite son secritaire, le DrJohn Henry, pour sa nomination au poste de secritaire du College of Dental Surgeons ofbritish Columbia. John est devenu secretaire du CVO en 1990; son leadership et son engagement jamais dementi envers l'autoriglementation nous manqueront. Le conseil et le personnel appreciaient le merveilleux sens de I'humour de John, ainsi que ses connaissances illimitees et sa vaste exp&rience. La Dre Barbara Leslie occupera le poste de secretaire a titre interimaire pendant que le comite cherchera un titulaire. Le Dr Alec Martin agira comme secretaire adjoint interimaire pendant la meime p&riode. Au congres de l'acmvtenu en aouit, j'ai eu l'occasion de signer, au nom de l'ontario, I'accord de reciprociti qui vise la profession vet&inaire au Canada. Cet accord contribuera a rehausser la mobiliti interprovinciale des vitirinaires accridites. Notre programme de perfectionnement professionnel unique en son genre continue de susciter beaucoup d'enthousiasme en Ontario. Ce programme gratuit etfacultatifpeut comprendre un examen des dossiers midicaux par un groupe d 'experts. Les commentaires repus a cejour sont tres elogieux et beaucoup de membres ont trouvi l'experience revelatrice. De plus en plus de praticiens profitent de ce programme unique et constructif Cet eiti, le directeur du programme, le DrEd Empringham, presentera des exposes sur le sujet devant l'american Association ofstate Boards, a Boston, comme il l'afait devant IACMV a Vancouver. Le CVO continue de proner le changement et de sy adapter. Les reunions du conseil sont l'occasion de discussions animees et stimulantes, et chaque membre y contribue de maniere significative. Je suisfier defaire partie de ce groupe qui assure la vigueur du CVO. Grdce a un conseil solide et a des employes talentueux et divouis, le CVO envisage l'avenir avec confiance et enthousiasme, tout en continuant de servir et de defendre l'interit du public en Ontario. (par le Dr K. Bryan Kennedy, president, College of Veterinarians of Ontario, Chesterville, Ontario) Le tour des provinces est une chronique regulierement publiee dans La Revue v6t6rinaire canadienne afin d'informer les v6t6rinaires du Canada sur le travail des associations veterinaires provincioles. Nous invitons les pr6sidents de ces associations 6 nous faire part des activites et des enjeux de leurs organismes respectifs. Nous tenons 6 remercier le Dr Bryan Kennedy pour son article. Les r6docteurs de la RVC. Vet 696 Can Vot J Volume 42, September 2001

16 20. Giesecke D, Stangassinger M. Lactic acid metabolism. In: Ruckebusch Y, Thivend P, eds. Digestive Physiology and Metabolism in Ruminants. Westport: Avi Publ, 1980: Nappert G, Zello GA, Naylor JM. Examination of metabolism of viscera drained by the portal vein in neonatal calves, using shortterm intravenous infusions of glutamine and other nutrients. Am J Vet Res 1999;60: Omole 00, Brocks DR, Nappert G, et al. High-performance liquid chromatographic assay of (±)-lactic acid and its enantiomers in calf serum. J Chromatogr Biomed Sci Appl 1999;727: Autran de Morais HS, DiBartola SP. Mixed acid-base disorders. Part II. Clinical disturbances. Compend Contin Educ Pract Vet 1994; 16: Carlson GP. Clinical chemistry tests. In: Smith BP, ed. Large Animal Internal Medicine. 2nd ed. St. Louis: Mosby-Year Book, 1996: Halperin L, Rolleston FS. Metabolic acidosis. In: Halperin L, Rolleston FS, eds. Biochemical detective stories: a problembased approach to clinical cases. Burlington: Neil Patterson Publ, 1990: Naylor JM, Kronfield DS, Freeman DE, et al. Hepatic and extrahepatic lactate metabolism in sheep: effects of lactate loading and ph. Am J Physiol 1984;247:E747-E Omole 00. Lactic acidosis in neonatal diarrheic calves [MSc thesis]. University of Saskatchewan, Baxter GM. Laminitis. In: Robinson EN, ed. Current Therapy in Equine Medicine. 4th ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1997: Garner HE, Hutcheson DP, Coffman JR, et al. Lactic acidosis: a factor associated with equine laminitis. J Anim Sci 1977;45: Herdt T. Digestion: the fermentative processes. In: Cunningham JF, ed. Textbook of Veterinary Physiology. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1997: National Dosimetry Services For information on our service or to obtain an application you can call us at: (613) (800) or fax us at: Ai (613) (800) or us at: NDS Customer - Oct 1998 NDS-SND@hc-sc.gc.ca Metro Animal Emergency Clinic Dartmouth, NS And please don't forget to visit our Website at NDS is * Licensed by the CNSC and the provindal regulators. * Canadian Since 1951, * Not-a-profit National * YoLrfirstchoice for highest qucaity % DoSeimets Services (NDS) has been providing personal lifelong i i i 11 doametry service Tous les occupational sforrveeienary WORKERS sercs monitoring for we recommend Whofe Body sontofferts ionizing radiation TLD as well as Exremity TLD deux *owanaulans I U5st dosimeters for thtx lnue to Canadians Servke such as Ring or J dansues everywhere. 'hands on' times with your officielles. patfents during x-ray procedures. *,l HnuiCaDa..-;..z.. 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17 COMING EVENTS k "I--- EVENEMENTS A VENIR OCTOBER/OCTOBRE 2001 American Animal Hospital Association - The Art of Veterinary Practice: Success for Life. October 3-6, 2001 in Denver, Colorado, USA. Contact: Derek Woodbury, AAHA, P.O. Box , Denver, Colorado , USA, tel.: (800) , fax: (303) , Web site: British Veterinary Association - Congress October 4-7, 2001 at The Guildhall in Winchester, UK. Contact: British Veterinary Association Congress Office, 7 Mansfield Street, London WIG 9NQ, tel.: , fax: , congress@bva.co.uk. Amercan Animal Hospital Association - Veterinary Management Institute Series XII - Human Resources Module. October 4-7, 2001 in West Lafayette, Indiana, USA. Contact: Derek Woodbury, AAHA, P.O. Box , Denver, Colorado USA, tel.: (800) , fax: (303) , Web site: Georgian Bay Veterinary Association - Lecture Series: Immunology/ Vaccinology. October 10, 2001 at the Orillia Highwayman Inn in Orillia, Ontario. Speaker: Dr. Paul Woods, University of Guelph. Fee is $95. Seminar runs from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm and 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm (6 hours total). Contact: Dr. Mary Decaire, tel.: (705) Tufts Animal Expo October 10-13, 2001 at the Hynes Convention Center in Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Contact: Tufts Animal Expo 2001, 676 Elm Street, Concord, Massachusetts USA, tel.: (978) , fax: (978) , Web site: Veterinary Homeopathy Course course. October 10-13,2001; November 21-24, 2001; January 16-19, 2002; February 27-March 2, 2002; and April 17-20, 2002 in Guelph, Ontario. Accredited for certification by the Academy of Veterinary Homeopathy. Five sessions over 6 months for a total of 126 hours of training. In depth training in case-taking, repertory, and materia medica, remedy selection, evaluating responses, managing acute and chronic cases, practical use of homeopathy in clinical settings, extensive workbook and case examples. Contact: Dr. David Evans, Nature Care Clinic for Pets, R.R.#3 Chester Basin, Nova Scotia BOJ IKO, tel.: (902) , fax: (902) , Web site: Ordre des medecins veterinaires du Quebec - Annual Conference October 11-13, 2001 at the Quebec Convention Centre and Hilton Hotel in Quebec City, Quebec. Contact: Dr. Sylvie Latour, Director of Professional Development, OMVQ, 800 Saint-Anne Avenue, Suite 200, Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec J2S 5G7, tel.: (450) ext. 214, fax: , sylvie.latour@omvq.qc.ca. Canadian Embryo Transfer Association/ Association canadienne de transfert d'embryons - Annual Scientific Convention. October , 2001 in Nashville, Tennessee, USA. To be held jointly with the American Embryo Transfer Association conference. Contact: American Embryo Transfer Association, tel.: (402) , fax: (402) , gmo@tcgcs.com. American College of Veterinary Surgeons - 11th Annual Veterinary Symposium. October 11-14, 2001 at the Hyatt Regency Chicago in Chicago, Illinois, USA. Canine, feline, equine and exotic animal seminars, including orthopedic and soft tissue diseases and techniques. Contact: American College of Veterinary Surgeons, 4401 East West Highway, Suite 205, Bethesda, Maryland USA, tel.: (301) , fax: (301) , acvs@aol.com, Web site: Western Canadian Association of Swine Practitioners - Annual Meeting. October 12-13, 2001 at the Travelodge Hotel in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Contact: Dr. Chuck Rhodes, tel.: (306) , fax: (306) , charles.rhodes@ usask.ca. AAAHT Annual General Meeting and Conference. October 12-14, 2001 in Edmonton, Alberta. Contact tel.: (780) American Animal Hospital Association - Veterinary Management Institute Series Xl - Marketing Module. October 12-14, 2001 in West Lafayette, Indiana, USA. Contact: Derek Woodbury, AAHA, P.O. Box , Denver, Colorado USA, tel.: (800) , fax: (303) , Web site: British Veterinary Nurses Association Congress. October 12-14, 2001 in England. Contact: bvna@bvna.co.uk. Atlantic Veterinary College Fall Conference. October 13-14, 2001 in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. Companion animal, food animal, and equine topics, job fair. Contact: Miss Susan Stensch, tel.: (902) , sstensch@ upei.ca, Web site: conted.htm. American Animal Hospital Association - Veterinary Management Development School: VMDS Level I. October 17-20, 2001 in Dallas, Texas, USA. Contact: Derek Woodbury, AAHA, P.O. Box , Denver, Colorado USA, tel.: (800) , fax: (303) , Web site: Lifelearn Inc. - Companion Animal Laser Surgery Seminar/Wet Lab. October 19-20, 2001 (Introductory class) at the Ontario Veterinary College in Guelph, Ontario. Contact: Anne Behnan at Lifeleam Inc., McNabb House, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario NIG 2W1, tel.: (800) , fax: (519) , abehnan@lifelearn.com, Web site: American Animal Hospital Association - Veterinary Management Institute Series Xl: Marketing Management Module. October 19-21, 2001 in West Lafayette, Indiana, USA. Contact: Derek Woodbury, AAHA, P.O. Box , Denver, Colorado USA, tel.: (303) ; fax: (303) American Kennel Club Canine Health Foundation and Ralston Purina - National Parent Club Canine Health Conference. October 19-21, 2001 at the St. Louis Marriott Hotel in St. Louis, Missouri, USA. Contact: American Kennel Club Canine Health Foundation, 251 Garfield Road, Suite 160, Aurora, Ohio USA, tel.: , Web site: 9th Annual Canadian Pet Expo. October 19-21, 2001 at the Queen Elizabeth Building, Exhibition Place, in Toronto, Ontario. Contact: Canadian Pet Expo, 100 Sandiford Drive, Unit 41, Stouffville, Ontario MAA 7X5, tel.: (905) , fax: (905) , Web site: Saskatchewan Association of Veterinary Technolgists - Annual General Meefing and Conference. October 20-21, 2001 in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Contact: tel.: (306) Annual Meeting - Nova Scotia Veterinary Medical Association. October 20-22, Contact: Dr. Frank Richardson, NSVMA, 15 Cobequid Road, Lower Sackville, Nova Scotia B4C 2M9, tel.: (902) , fax: (902) , nsvma@ns.sympatico.ca. Acad6mie de medecine veterinaire du Qu6bec - Behavior. October 21, 2001 at the Sheraton Laval Hotel in Laval, Quebec. Speaker: Diane Frank. Contact: Academie de medecine veterinaire du Qu6bec, 3625 Dagenais Boulevard Ouest, Suite 100, Laval, Quebec H7P 5C9, tel.: (450) , fax: (450) , secretariat@amvq.qc.ca. Can Vet J Volume 42, September

18 Association of Veterinary Acupuncturists of Canada/Association des vet6rinaires acupuncteurs du Canada - Intensive course. Four sessions to be held in Vancouver, British Columbia. October 24-28, 2001; November 28 - December 2, 2001; January 9-13, 2002; and February 13-17, Contact: tel.: (604) or 1 (800) Central Canadian Veterinary Association - Fall Conference. October 25-26, 2001 in Brockville, Ontario. Contact: Dr. Janice Scott, tel.: (613) , scott@infonet.ca. American Animal Hospital Association - Practice Success: 1st Annual Veterinary Business Conference. October 26-28, 2001 in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. Contact: Derek Woodbury, AAHA, P.O. Box , Denver, Colorado USA, tel.: (800) , fax: (303) , Web site: NOVEMBER/NOVEMBRE 2001 American Animal Hospital Associaiion/ Midwest Small Animal Association - Annual Meeting. November 8-9, 2001 in Davenport, Iowa, USA. Contact: Derek Woodbury, AAHA, P.O. Box , Denver, Colorado USA, tel.: (800) , fax: (303) , Web site: Companion Animal Endoscopy - Residential Course. November 9-1 1, 2001 at the Lifetime Learning Centre, Ontario Veterinary College in Guelph, Ontario. Speaker: Dr. Todd Tams. Contact: Anne Behnan, Lifelearn Inc., MacNabb House, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario NIG 2W1, tel.: (800) or (519) , fax: (519) , abehnan@lifelearn.com, Web site: www. lifelearn.com. Lifelearn Inc. - Companion Animal Endoscopy. November 9-11, 2001 at the Ontario Veterinary College in Guelph, Ontario. Contact: Anne Behnan, Lifelearn Inc., McNabb House, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario NIG 2W1, tel.: (800) , fax: (519) , abehnan@lifelearn.com, Web site: Professional Animal Behavior Associates - Canine Aggression Symposium. November 9-11, 2001 at the University of Guelph in Guelph, Ontario. Speakers: Dr. Richard Meen, Dr. Nicholas Dodman, Dr. Karen Overall, Dr. John Wright, Mr. Douglas Jack, Dr. Andrew Luescher, Dr. Gary Landsberg, Dr. Peter Neville, Mr. John Menzies, Dr. R.K. Anderson, Dr. Donal McKeown, Dr. Amy Marder, Dr. Ilana Reisner, Dr. Wayne Hunthausen, Dr. Jack Halip. Full seminar registration $369.00; early bird registration (by October 1) $299; daily registration $150. Contact: Professional Animal Behavior Associates, Box , London, Ontario N6C 6A8, tel.: , fax: th Annual International Rabies in the Americas Meefing. November 12-16, 2001 in Peterborough, Ontario. Contact: Georgian Bay Veterinary Association - Lecture Series: Wound Management. November 14, 2001 at the Orillia Highwayman Inn in Orillia, Ontario. Speaker: Dr. Michael Pavletic, Angell Memorial Animal Hospital. Fee is $95. Seminar runs from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm and 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm (6 hours total). Contact: Dr. Mary Decaire, tel.: (705) Academie de medecine veterinaire du Quebec - Hematology. November 18, 2001 at the Sheraton Laval Hotel in Laval, Quebec. Speakers: Anthony Abrams-Ogg and Isabelle Aubert. Contact: Acad6mie de medecine v6terinaire du Quebec, 3625 Dagenais Boulevard West, Suite 100, Laval, Quebec H7P 5C9, tel.: (450) , fax: (450) , secretariat@amvq.qc.ca. 7th Uruguayan Veterinary Conference/ 3rd Iberoamerican Equine Veterinary Congress/3rd Uruguayan Small Animal Veterinary Conference. November 19-22, 2001 at the Radisson Victoria Plaza Hotel in Montevideo, Uruguay. Contact: Sociedad de Medicina Veterinaria del Uruguay, Cerro Largo 1895, CPI 1200, Montevideo, Uruguay, tel.: , fax: , smvet@ adinet.com.uy. American Association of Equine Practitioners - Annual Conference. November 25-28, 2001 in San Diego, California, USA. Contact: Roger Cook, AAEP, 4075 Iron Works Parkway, Lexington, Kentucky USA, tel.: (859) , fax: (859) , rcook@aaep.org. DECEMBER/DiCEMBRE 2001 Lifelearn Inc. - "Companion Animal Laser Surgery" Seminar/Wet-Lab. December 7-8, 2001 (Intermediate class) at the Lifetime Learning Centre in Guelph, Ontario. Contact: Anne Behnan, Lifelearn Inc., McNabb House, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario NIG 2W1, tel.: (800) , fax: (519) , abehnan@ lifelearn.com, Web site: Scientists Center for Animal Welfare - Winter Conference: Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees and Research Animal Welfare. December 10-11, 2001 at the Menger Hotel in San Antonio, Texas, USA. Contact: Scientists Center for Animal Welfare, 7833 Walker Drive, Suite 410, Greenbelt, Maryland USA, tel.: (301) , fax: (301) , info@scaw.com, Web site: Can Vet J Volume 42, September 2001

Application Form/ Formulaire de demande

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If the corporation is or intends to become a registered charity as defined in the Income Tax Act, a copy of these documents must be sent to:

If the corporation is or intends to become a registered charity as defined in the Income Tax Act, a copy of these documents must be sent to: 2014-10-07 Corporations Canada 9th Floor, Jean Edmonds Towers South 365 Laurier Avenue West Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0C8 Corporations Canada 9e étage, Tour Jean-Edmonds sud 365 avenue Laurier ouest Ottawa (Ontario)

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