11-13 October 2004 Cairo (Egypt) octobre 2004 Le Caire (Égypte)

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1 PROCEEDIINGS OF THE SEMIINAR IIMPLEMENTATIION OF ANIIMAL HEALTH STANDARDS:: THE QUEST FOR SOLUTIIONS ACTES DU SÉMIINAIIRE «APPLIICATIION DES NORMES ZOOSANIITAIIRES IINTERNATIIONALES :: QUELLES SOLUTIIONS?» October 2004 Cairo (Egypt) octobre 2004 Le Caire (Égypte) Organised by the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) the OIE Regional Commissions for Africa and the Middle East the African Union - Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources (AU-IBAR) in collaboration with the FAO Organisé par l Organisation mondiale de la santé animale (OIE) les Représentations régionales de l OIE pour l Afrique et le Moyen Orient l Union Africaine - Bureau inter-africain des ressources animales (UA-IBAR) avec la collaboration de la FAO

2 Office international des épizooties, rue de Prony, Paris, France All OIE (World Organisation for Animal Health) publications are protected by international copyright law. Extracts may be copied, reproduced, translated, adapted or published in journals, documents, books, electronic media and any other medium destined for the public, for information, educational or commercial purposes, provided prior written permission has been granted by the OIE. The designations and denominations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the OIE concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers and boundaries. The views expressed in signed articles are solely the responsibility of the authors. The mention of specific companies or products of manufacturers, whether or not these have been patented, does not imply that these have been endorsed or recommended by the OIE in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned. Toutes les publications de l OIE (Organisation mondiale de la santé animale) sont protégées par un copyright international. La copie, la reproduction, la traduction, l adaptation ou la publication d extraits, dans des journaux, des documents, des ouvrages ou des supports électroniques et tous autres supports destinés au public, à des fins d information, didactiques ou commerciales, requièrent l obtention préalable d une autorisation écrite de l OIE. Les désignations et dénominations utilisées et la présentation des données figurant dans cette publication ne reflètent aucune prise de position de l OIE quant au statut légal de quelque pays, territoire, ville ou zone que ce soit, à leurs autorités, aux délimitations de leur territoire ou au tracé de leurs frontières. Les auteurs sont seuls responsables des opinions exprimées dans les articles signés. La mention de sociétés spécifiques ou de produits enregistrés par un fabriquant, qu'ils soient ou non protégés par une marque, ne signifie pas que ceux-ci sont recommandés ou soutenus par l OIE par rapport à d autres similaires qui ne seraient pas mentionnés.

3 SEMINAR ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ANIMAL HEALTH STANDARDS: THE QUEST FOR SOLUTIONS Cairo (Egypt), 11 and 13 October 2004 CONTENTS Introduction 1 Programme 5 Session 1: Control of priority animal diseases OIE standards on the quality and evaluation of Veterinary Services and transboundary disease controls (Dr Herbert Schneider) 13 The role of para-professionals in supplying animal health services, in particular for surveillance and early warning (Dr Berhanu Admassu) 23 Controlling livestock movements in order to prevent the spread of transboundary animal diseases: a regional experience (Dr Hassan Aidaros) 37 Implementation of the GF-TADs concept between the FAO and the Regional Representations of the OIE in Africa and the Middle East (Dr Juan Lubroth) 47 Implementation of the GF-TADs concept between the FAO and the Regional Representations of the OIE in Africa (Dr Samba Sidibe) 61 Implementation of the GF-TADs concept between the FAO and the Regional Representations of the OIE in the Middle East (Dr Ghazi Yehia) 71 Session 2: OIE standards, certification and trade Strengthening regional co-ordination for accreditation of freedom from rinderpest and foot and mouth disease (Dr Peter Roeder) 73 International standards for trade in animals and animal products and their impact on inter-regional trade (Dr Gideon Brückner) 81 New concept of export zones for livestock trade (Dr Stuart Hargreaves) 89 Quality of inter-regional trade certification (Dr Mustapha Mestom) 95 Session 3: Support by international and regional organisations and private/public sector cooperation Successful experience of privatisation and training of breeders in animal health in Africa (Dr Fatoumata Samake) 101 The private sector and trade in livestock and animal products (Dr Chip Stem) 111 Involvement of the European Union in the field of animal health in ACP countries (Dr Philippe Vialatte) 123 Involvement of the European Union in the field of animal health Part 2 (Dr Howard Batho) 141 Page i

4 The involvement of AOAD in the field of animal health in the Middle East (Dr Omar M. Kafawin) 151 Implementation of the Doha Declaration (Dr Bernard Vallat) 157 What type of investment could be considered as a priority by developing countries in the field of epidemiology for priority disease prevention and control, and regional and international market access (Dr Gavin Thomson) 161 Model for the prevention of Rift Valley fever (Dr Paul Rwambo) 169 Convincing policy-makers to strengthen investment in disease control programmes: example of the ALive programme (Dr François Le Gall) 185 Objectives of the Regional Commission and Regional Representation for Africa (Dr Samba Sidibe) 191 Objectives of the Regional Commission and Regional Representation for the Middle East (Dr Ghazi Yehia) 201 Page Declaration and Recommendations 213 List of participants 229 ii

5 SEMINAIRE SUR L APPLICATION DES NORMES ZOOSANITAIRE INTERNATIONALES : QUELLES SOLUTIONS? Le Caire (Egypte), octobre 2004 TABLE DES MATIERES Introduction 3 Programme 9 Session 1 : Contrôle des maladies prioritaires Normes OIE sur la qualité et l évaluation des Services vétérinaires (Dr Herbert Schneider) 13 Rôle des para-vétérinaires dans les offres de services de santé animale, notamment pour la surveillance et l alerte précoce (Dr Berhanu Admassu) 23 Contrôle des déplacements du bétail pour éviter la propagation des maladies transfrontalières : une expérience régionale (Dr Hassan Aidaros) 37 Application du concept GF-TADs (Cadre global sur les maladies animales transfrontalières) par la FAO et les Représentations régionales de l OIE en Afrique et au Moyen-Orient (Dr Juan Lubroth) 47 Application du concept GF-TADs (Cadre global sur les maladies animales transfrontalières) par la FAO et la Représentation régionale de l OIE en Afrique (Dr Samba Sidibe) 61 Application du concept GF-TADs (Cadre global sur les maladies animales transfrontalières) par la FAO et la Représentation régionale de l OIE au Moyen-Orient (Dr Ghazi Yehia) 71 Session 2 : Normes de l OIE, certification et commerce international Renforcement de la coordination régionale pour la certification de l absence de peste bovine et de fièvre aphteuse (Dr Peter Roeder) 73 Normes internationales pour le commerce des animaux et de leurs produits et impact sur le commerce inter-régional (Dr Gideon Brückner) 81 Nouveau concept de «zones d exportation» pour le commerce du bétail (Dr Stuart Hargreaves) 89 Qualité de la certification du commerce inter-régional (Dr Mustapha Mestom) 95 Session 3: Appui des organisations internationales et régionales ; coopération entre le secteur public et le secteur privé Expériences réussies de privatisation et de formation des éleveurs en Afrique (Dr Fatoumata Samake) 101 Secteur privé et commerce du bétail et des produits dérivés (Dr Chip Stem) 111 Implication de l Union européenne dans le domaine de la santé animale dans les pays ACP (Dr Philippe Vialatte) 123 Implication de l Union européenne dans le domaine de la santé animale 2 e partie (Dr Howard Batho) 141 Page iii

6 Participation de l AOAD dans le domaine de la santé animale au Moyen-Orient (Dr Omar M. Kafawin) 151 Mise en oeuvre de la Déclaration de Doha (Dr Bernard Vallat) 157 Investissements prioritaires pour les pays en développement dans le domaine de l épidémiologie pour la prévention et le contrôle des maladies prioritaires, ainsi que pour l accès aux marchés régionaux et internationaux (Dr Gavin Thomson) 161 Modèle de prévention de la fièvre de la Vallée du Rift (Dr Paul Rwambo) 169 Convaincre les décideurs de renforcer les investissements dans les programmes de lutte contre les maladies : exemple du Programme ALive (Dr François Le Gall) 185 Activités de la Commission régionale et de la Représentation régionale pour l Afrique (Dr Samba Sidibe) 191 Activités de la Commission régionale et de la Représentation régionale pour le Moyen-Orient (Dr Ghazi Yehia) 201 Page Déclaration et Recommandations 221 Liste des participants 229 iv

7 Implementation of animal health standards: the quest for solutions The World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) and the Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources of the African Union (AU-IBAR) decided to hold a seminar on the problems of implementation of the international animal health standards, particularly in developing countries and those in transition. This Conference was organised under the terms of the OIE/AU-IBAR cooperation agreement and regulations relating to the Regional Representations and Regional Commissions of the OIE in Africa and in the Middle East, mainly in order to boost the capacities of the Veterinary Services in Africa and the Middle East, so that animals and animal products from their countries can more easily access regional and international markets. This seminar followed on from the one held in Addis Ababa in January 2002 on animal health surveillance and emerging diseases and in Tunis in September 2002 on the organisation of Veterinary Services and food safety. The recommendations of these seminars, confirmed by the OIE Regional Commissions for Africa and the Middle East and the OIE International Committee, have been monitored by both Organisations. In Africa, the impact of animal diseases, especially those known as cross-border diseases, remain one of the main causes of the poor performance of the livestock production sector and the growing gap between supply and demand for meat and milk. Moreover, for countries that still have access to the international market, it should be noted that the production of ruminants (which constitute the largest animal population) is 75% carried out by small farmers using traditional methods. In the case of foot and mouth disease, for example, the economic impact on the countries in the region can be significant. Several SADC member countries that have not seen outbreaks of foot and mouth disease for twenty years have seen their hopes of participating in the international meat trade held back by outbreaks of the disease. One of the consequences was an increase in poverty amongst small farmers and livestock producers in this sub-region. The OIE has been mandated by the WTO (World Trade Organization) to draw up standards, guidelines and recommendations concerning the safety of trade in cattle and related products. The application of these standards, which figure in the International Animal Health Code for Terrestrial Animals produced by the OIE, represents a major challenge for many developing countries in Africa and the Middle East. In these countries, OIE listed diseases are often endemic and the local Veterinary Services have limited resources and capacities to implement effective animal health programmes. In this field, the OIE is supporting efforts, in particular those of the AU-IBAR and of the OIE Regional Commissions for the Middle East and for Africa, to help developing countries and those in transition to access the international market whilst exercising its duty of solidarity towards them. Therefore, in order to support the trade in livestock and their products between the countries in the Horn of Africa and the Middle East, the OIE, the IBAR and the FAO are collaborating to combat rinderpest and Rift Valley fever (major zoonotic disease), the resurgence of which in recent years has seriously harmed trade in this sub-region. 1

8 The same cooperation has been set up in West Africa to combat Rift Valley fever, contagious bovine pleuropneumonia (CBPP) and other cross-border diseases, the persistence of which is linked to uncontrolled cattle movements between the producing countries in the north of this sub-region and the importing neighbouring countries. The identification and management of these cattle movements play a key role in the control of animal diseases and access to trade in animals and animal products. The AU-IBAR recently conducted two surveys. The first study dealt with international standards for trade in animals and animal products and their impact on inter-regional trade. The second study consisted of a feasibility study of setting up zones dedicated to livestock and their products to be exported from certain African countries (mainly from the Horn of Africa). In addition, the PACE programme operated by the IBAR with the support of the OIE has decided to follow up the recommendations of the last Conference of the OIE Regional Commission for Africa, held in Maputo in February 2003, concerning mainly: The importance of cattle identification and managing animal movements for the control of animal diseases and facilitating trade. Controlling animal diseases and reinforcing the public and private veterinary components of the veterinary services as part of poverty reduction, market access and food safety strategies in Africa. Support to livestock production in the context of the NEPAD (New Partnership for Africa s Development). The countries of the OIE Regional Commission for the Middle East during their conference held in Istanbul (Turkey) in September 2003, also showed interest in all of these issues and favoured a joint meeting of the two Regional Commissions (Africa and the Middle East) in order to find joint solutions for boosting trade between the two regions and exchanges on quality of interregional trade certification of animals and animal products. Bernard Vallat Director General of the OIE 2

9 Application des normes zoosanitaires internationales : quelles solutions? L Organisation mondiale de la santé animale (OIE) et le Bureau interafricain des ressources animales de l Union africaine (UA-IBAR) ont décidé d organiser un séminaire sur les problèmes posés par la mise en œuvre des normes zoosanitaires internationales, notamment dans les pays en développement ou en transition. Cette Conférence a été organisée en application de l Accord de coopération OIE/UA-IBAR et des règlements relatifs aux Représentations régionales et aux Commissions régionales de l OIE en Afrique et au Moyen-Orient. L objectif principal est le renforcement des capacités des Services vétérinaires de ces régions, afin que les animaux et les produits d origine animale qui en proviennent accèdent plus facilement aux marchés régionaux et internationaux. Ce séminaire fait suite à ceux organisés à Addis Abéba en janvier 2002 sur «la surveillance zoosanitaire et les maladies émergentes», et à Tunis en septembre 2002 sur «l organisation des Services vétérinaires et la sécurité sanitaire des aliments». Les recommandations de ces séminaires, confirmées par les Commissions régionales de l OIE de l Afrique et du Moyen-Orient et par le Comité international de l OIE, ont été examinées par les deux Organisations. En Afrique, l impact des maladies animales, notamment de celles dites transfrontalières, demeure une des causes principales des mauvaises performances du secteur de l'élevage et de l'écart grandissant entre l'offre et la demande pour la viande et le lait. Par ailleurs, pour les pays ayant encore accès au marché international, il faut souligner que l élevage des ruminants (qui constituent la population animale la plus importante) est à 75% pratiqué par de petits éleveurs appliquant des méthodes traditionnelles. En cas de fièvre aphteuse par exemple, l impact sur l économie des pays de la région peut être significatif. Ainsi, plusieurs pays membres de la SADC (Communauté de développement de l Afrique australe) qui n'ont pas connu de foyers de fièvre aphteuse depuis une vingtaine d'années ont vu leur ambition de participer au commerce international de la viande freinée par l'apparition récente de foyers de cette maladie. L une des conséquences a été l'augmentation de la pauvreté des petits agriculteurs et éleveurs de cette sous-région. L OIE est mandatée par l OMC (Organisation mondiale du commerce) pour établir des normes, lignes directrices et recommandations relatives à la sécurité du commerce du bétail et des produits d origine animale. L application de ces normes qui figurent dans le Code sanitaire pour les animaux terrestres de l OIE représente un défi majeur pour beaucoup de pays en développement en Afrique et au Moyen- Orient. Dans ces pays, les maladies répertoriées par l OIE sont souvent présentes de façon endémique et les Services vétérinaires disposent de ressources et de capacités limitées pour mettre en œuvre des programmes de santé animale efficaces. Dans ce domaine, l OIE s associe aux efforts déployés en particulier par l UA-IBAR et les Commissions régionales de l OIE pour le Moyen-Orient et pour l Afrique, afin d aider les pays en développement ou en transition à accéder au marché international en exerçant un devoir de solidarité à leur égard. Ainsi, l OIE, l IBAR et la FAO, afin de soutenir le commerce du bétail et des produits d origine animale entre les pays de la corne de l Afrique et ceux du Moyen-Orient, contribuent à la lutte contre la peste bovine et la fièvre de la Vallée du Rift (zoonose majeure) dont la résurgence récente a gravement entravé le commerce dans cette sous-région. 3

10 La même coopération est instituée en Afrique de l Ouest pour combattre la fièvre de la Vallée du Rift, la péripneumonie contagieuse bovine et d autres maladies transfrontalières dont la persistance est liée aux déplacements incontrôlés du bétail entre les pays producteurs du Nord de cette sous-région et les pays importateurs voisins. L identification et la gestion des déplacements du bétail jouent en effet un rôle clé dans la prophylaxie des maladies animales et l accès aux échanges commerciaux des animaux et des produits d origine animale. L UA-IBAR a mené récemment deux études dont la première portait sur les normes internationales applicables au commerce des animaux et des produits d origine animale et à l impact de ces textes sur le commerce inter-régional. La seconde était une étude de faisabilité sur la création de zones dédiées au bétail et aux produits d origine animale devant être exportés depuis certains pays africains (corne de l Afrique principalement). Par ailleurs, dans le cadre du Programme PACE (Programme panafricain de lutte contre les épizooties), l IBAR avec le soutien de l OIE s est engagé à donner suite aux recommandations émises à la dernière Conférence de la Commission régionale de l OIE pour l Afrique, organisée à Maputo en février 2003, concernant notamment : L importance de l identification du bétail et de la gestion des déplacements d animaux pour la prophylaxie des maladies animales et la facilitation des échanges. Le contrôle des maladies animales et le renforcement des composantes publiques et privées des services vétérinaires dans les stratégies de réduction de la pauvreté, d accès au marché et de sécurité sanitaire des aliments en Afrique. L appui à la production animale dans le cadre des objectifs du NEPAD (Nouveau partenariat pour le développement de l Afrique). Lors de leur conférence tenue à Istanbul (Turquie) en septembre 2003, les pays de la Commission régionale de l OIE pour le Moyen-Orient se sont également déclarés intéressés par toutes ces questions et favorables à une réunion conjointe des deux commissions régionales (Afrique, Moyen-Orient) afin de trouver des solutions communes au renforcement du commerce entre les deux régions et à la facilitation des échanges sur la qualité de la certification des opérations commerciales inter-régionales des animaux et des produits d origine animale. Bernard Vallat Directeur général de l OIE 4

11 Implementation of animal health standards: the quest for solutions Seminar Programme 10 October :00 Social event (Welcome reception) 11 October :30 09:00 Registration 09:00 10:00 Opening session of the seminar: welcome, interventions, introductions, seminar outline National authorities, Dr Hassan AIDAROS (GOVS), Dr Babagana AHMADU (AU), Dr Bernard VALLAT (OIE), Dr Juan LUBROTH (FAO) 10:00-10:30 Coffee break 10:30 13:00 Session 1: Control of priority animal diseases (Chair: Dr Bernard Vallat, OIE) 10:30 11:00 OIE standards on the quality and evaluation of Veterinary Services and transboundary disease controls Dr Herbert Schneider, President of the World Veterinary Association (Namibia) 11:00 11:30 The role of para-professionals in supplying animal health services, in particular for surveillance and early warning Dr Berhanu Admassu, CAPE/AU/IBAR (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia) 11:30 12:00 Controlling livestock movements in order to prevent the spread of transboundary animal diseases: a regional experience Dr Hassan Aidaros, Chairman of the General Organization of Veterinary Services (GOVS), Ministry of Agriculture (Cairo, Egypt) and President of the OIE Regional Commission for the Middle East 12:00 12:40 Implementation of the GF-TADs concept between the FAO and the Regional Representations of the OIE in Africa and the Middle East Dr Juan Lubroth, Deputy Head of the Animal Health Department, Animal Production and Health Division, FAO (Rome, Italy), Dr Samba Sidibe, Honorary President of the Office International des Epizooties, Regional Representative of the OIE for Africa (Bamako, Mali) and Dr Ghazi Yehia, Regional Representative of the OIE for the Middle East (Beirut, Lebanon) 12:40 13:10 Discussions on Session 1 13:10 14:30 Lunch 5

12 14:30 17:30 Session 2: OIE Standards, Certification and Trade (Chair: Dr Hassan Aidaros, GOVS, Egypt) 14:30 15:00 Strengthening regional co-ordination for accreditation of freedom from rinderpest and foot and mouth disease Dr Peter Roeder, GREP Secretary, Animal Production and Health Division, FAO (Rome, Italy) 15:30 16:00 International standards for trade in animals and animal products and their impact on inter-regional trade Dr Gideon Brückner, Director of Veterinary Services, Agriculture Western Cape (Stellenbosch, South Africa) 16:00 16:30 New concept of export zones for livestock trade Dr Stuart Hargreaves, Principal Director, Division of Livestock and Veterinary Services, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (Causeway Harare, Zimbabwe) 16:30 17:00 Quality of inter-regional trade certification Dr Mustapha Mestom, Consultant, OIE Regional Representation for the Middle East (Beirut, Lebanon) 17:00 17:30 Discussions on Session 2 19:00 Evening: Social event (OIE Dinner) 12 October :00 15:30 Session 3: Support by international and regional organisations and private/public sector cooperation (Chair: Dr Jotham Musiime, AU-IBAR) 09:00 09:30 Successful experience of privatisation and training of breeders in animal health in Africa Dr Fatoumata Samake, ICD (Bamako, Mali) 09:30 10:00 The private sector and trade in livestock and animal products Dr Chip Stem, Secretary General, Red Sea Livestock Trade Commission, AU-IBAR (Nairobi, Kenya) 10:00 10:30 Coffee break 10:30 11:00 Involvement of the European Union in the field of animal health in ACP countries Dr Philippe Vialatte, EU (Brussels, Belgium) 11:00 11:30 The involvement of AOAD in the field of animal health in the Middle East Dr Omar M. Kafawin, Arab Organization for Agricultural Development, AOAD (Khartoum, Soudan) 11:30 12:00 Implementation of the Doha Declaration Dr Bernard Vallat, OIE (Paris, France) 12:00 12:30 What type of investment could be considered as a priority by developing countries in the field of epidemiology for priority disease prevention and control, and regional and international market access Dr Gavin Thomson, African Union-Interafrican Bureau for Animal Resources, AU-IBAR (Nairobi, Kenya) 6

13 12:30 12:45 Model for the prevention of Rift Valley fever Dr Paul Rwambo, International Research Institute (IRI) 12:45 14:00 Lunch 14:00 14:30 Convincing policy-makers to strengthen investment in disease control programmes: example of the ALive programme Dr François Le Gall, World Bank (Washington DC, USA) 14:30 15:00 Objectives of the Regional Commissions and Regional Representations for Africa and for the Middle East Dr Samba Sidibe, Regional Representative of the OIE for Africa, and Dr Ghazi Yehia, Regional Representative of the OIE for the Middle East 15:00 15:30 Discussions on Session 3 15:30 16:00 Coffee break 16:00 18:30 Working groups on conclusions 20:00 Evening: Social event (GOVS, Ministry of Agriculture Dinner) 13 October :30 10:00 Reports from the session groups 10:00 10:30 Coffee break 10:30 11:00 Conclusions 11:00 12:00 Closing ceremony 12:00 14:00 Lunch 7

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15 Application des normes zoosanitaires internationales : quelles solutions? Programme du Séminaire 10 octobre :00 Réception d accueil 11 octobre :30 09:00 Inscription 09:00 10:00 Session d ouverture : bienvenue, interventions, introductions, ordre du jour Autorités nationales, Dr Hassan AIDAROS (GOVS), Dr Babagana AHMADU (UA), Dr Bernard VALLAT (OIE), Dr Juan LUBROTH (FAO) 10:00-10:30 Pause café 10:30 13:00 Session 1 : Contrôle des maladies prioritaires (Président : Dr Bernard Vallat, OIE) 10:30 11:00 Normes OIE sur la qualité et l évaluation des Services vétérinaires Dr Herbert Schneider, Président de l Association vétérinaire mondiale (Namibie) 11:00 11:30 Rôle des para-vétérinaires dans les offres de services de santé animale, notamment pour la surveillance et l alerte précoce Dr Berhanu Admassu, CAPE/UA/IBAR (Addis Ababa, Ethiopie) 11:30 12:00 Contrôle des déplacements du bétail pour éviter la propagation des maladies transfrontalières : une expérience régionale Dr Hassan Aidaros, Président du General Organization of Veterinary Services (GOVS), Ministère de l Agriculture (Le Caire, Egypte) et Président de la Commission régionale de l OIE pour le Moyen-Orient 12:00 12:40 Application du concept GF-TADs (Cadre global sur les maladies animales transfrontalières) par la FAO et les Représentations régionales de l OIE en Afrique et au Moyen-Orient Dr Juan Lubroth, Chef adjoint du service de la santé animale, Division de la production et de la santé animales, FAO (Rome, Italie), Dr Samba Sidibe, Président Honoraire de l Office International des Epizooties, Représentant régional de l OIE pour l Afrique (Bamako, Mali) et Dr Ghazi Yehia, Représentant régional de l OIE pour le Moyen-Orient (Beyrouth, Liban) 12:40 13:10 Discussions sur la Session 1 9

16 13:10 14:30 Déjeuner 14:30 17:30 Session 2 : Normes de l OIE, certification et commerce international (Président : Dr Hassan Aidaros, GOVS, Egypte) 14:30 15:00 Renforcement de la coordination régionale pour la certification de l absence de peste bovine et de fièvre aphteuse Dr Peter Roeder, Secrétaire du GREP, Division de la production et de la santé animales, FAO (Rome, Italie) 15:30 16:00 Normes internationales pour le commerce des animaux et de leurs produits et impact sur le commerce inter-régional Dr Gideon Brückner, Directeur des Services vétérinaires, Agriculture Western Cape (Stellenbosch, Afrique du Sud) 16:00 16:30 Nouveau concept de «zones d exportation» pour le commerce du bétail Dr Stuart Hargreaves, Directeur, Division de l élevage et des Services vétérinaires, Ministère de l Agriculture et du développement rural (Causeway Harare, Zimbabwe) 16:30 17:00 Qualité de la certification du commerce inter-régional Dr Mustapha Mestom, Conseiller, Représentation régionale de l OIE pour le Moyen-Orient (Beyrouth, Liban) 17:00 17:30 Discussions sur la Session 2 Soir : Réception OIE 12 octobre :00 12:30 Session 3: Appui des organisations internationales et régionales ; coopération entre le secteur public et le secteur privé (Président : Dr Jotham Musiime, UA-IBAR) 09:00 09:30 Expériences réussies de privatisation et de formation des éleveurs en Afrique Dr Fatoumata Samake, ICD (Bamako, Mali) 09:30 10:00 Secteur privé et commerce du bétail et des produits dérivés Dr Chip Stem, Secrétaire général, Red Sea Livestock Trade Commission, UA-IBAR (Nairobi, Kenya) 10:00 10:30 Pause café 10:30 11:00 Implication de l Union européenne dans le domaine de la santé animale dans les pays ACP Dr Philippe Vialatte, UE (Bruxelles, Belgique) 11:00 11:30 Participation de l AOAD dans le domaine de la santé animale au Moyen-Orient Dr Omar M. Kafawin, Arab Organization for Agricultural Development, AOAD (Khartoum, Soudan) 11:30 12:00 Mise en oeuvre de la Déclaration de Doha Dr Bernard Vallat, OIE (Paris, France) 10

17 12:00 12:30 Investissements prioritaires pour les pays en développement dans le domaine de l épidémiologie pour la prévention et le contrôle des maladies prioritaires, ainsi que pour l accès aux marchés régionaux et internationaux Dr Gavin Thomson, UA-IBAR (Nairobi, Kenya) 12:30 12:45 Modèle de prévention de la fièvre de la Vallée du Rift Dr Paul Rwambo, International Research Institute (IRI) 12:45 14:00 Déjeuner 14:00 14:30 Convaincre les décideurs de renforcer les investissements dans les programmes de lutte contre les maladies : exemple du Programme ALive Dr François Le Gall, Banque mondiale (Washington DC, Etats-Unis d Amérique), ou représentant désigné 14:30 15:00 Activités des Commissions régionales et des Représentations régionales pour l Afrique et le Moyen-Orient Dr Samba Sidibe, Représentant régional de l OIE pour l Afrique et Dr Ghazi Yehia, Représentant régional de l OIE pour le Moyen-Orient 15:00 15:30 Discussions sur la Session 3 15:30 16:00 Pause café 16:00 18:30 Groupes de travail sur les conclusions Soir : Réception GOVS, Ministère de l Agriculture 13 octobre :30 10:00 Rapports des groupes 10:00 10:30 Pause café 10:30 11:00 Conclusions 11:00 12:00 Session de cloture 12:00 14:00 Déjeuner 11

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19 Session 1 Dr Herbert Schneider Implementation of animal health standards: the quest for solutions Application des normes zoosanitaires internationales : quelles solutions? Session 1: Control of priority animal diseases Contrôle des maladies prioritaires Topic of the presentation/thème de l intervention: OIE Standards on the Quality and Evaluation of Veterinary Services and Trans-Boundary Disease Controls Normes OIE sur la Qualité et l Evaluation des Services Vétérinaires Summary: The OIE has been mandated by the World Trade Organization (WTO) to draw up standards, guidelines and recommendations concerning safety in international trade in animals and animal products. Thus a country wishing to benefit from the provisions of the Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS Agreement) has to use these OIE instruments, which need to be supported, applied and monitored by a Veterinary Service fulfilling the standards of quality set by the OIE. The Terrestrial Animal Health Code recommends that Veterinary Services adopt certain fundamental principles regarding quality and sets forth guidelines for evaluating the Services. Importing countries, when making technical assessments in exporting countries, refer to the appropriate Code chapters that deal with Veterinary Services and international certification. These standards are constantly upgraded, most recently during the 72nd General Session of the International Committee of the OIE during May These standards, with due note of the relevant guidelines for evaluating Veterinary Services, are the foundation on which importing countries base their confidence in the quality of the Veterinary Services of their trading partners. They are thus of increasing importance, especially for those countries who, by controlling animal diseases and strengthening their public and private veterinary sectors, endeavour to reduce poverty, increase cross-boundary market access and address their food security requirements. These guidelines also assist OIE Member Countries to facilitate a judgement of equivalence. They are applicable whether equivalence applies at the level of specific measures or on a systems-wide basis, and whether equivalence applies to specific areas of trade or commodities, or generally. The control of transboundary diseases is an essential part of risk management within the mandate of veterinary services and the quality of such a service is directly related to it s efficacy in addressing all aspects of transboundary animal diseases. 13

20 Session 1 Dr Herbert Schneider Résumé: L OIE a été chargé par l Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC) d élaborer des normes, lignes directrices et recommandations concernant la sécurité du commerce international des animaux et des produits d origine animale. Ainsi, un pays souhaitant bénéficier des dispositions de l Accord sur l application des mesures sanitaires et phytosanitaires (Accord SPS) est tenu d utiliser ces instruments de l OIE, qui doivent être appuyés, appliqués et contrôlés par un Service vétérinaire répondant aux normes de qualité établies par l OIE. Le Code sanitaire pour les animaux terrestres recommande que les Services vétérinaires adoptent certains principes fondamentaux concernant la qualité et définit des lignes directrices pour l évaluation des Services. Les pays importateurs se reportent aux chapitres du Code qui traitent des Services vétérinaires et de la certification internationale quand ils procèdent aux évaluations techniques dans les pays exportateurs. Ces normes sont constamment améliorées, le perfectionnement le plus récent ayant été apporté lors de la 72 ème Session générale du Comité international de l'oie, en mai Ces normes, qui reprennent les lignes directrices pertinentes pour l évaluation des Services vétérinaires, constituent la base sur laquelle les pays importateurs fondent leur confiance dans la qualité des Services vétérinaires de leurs partenaires commerciaux. Elles sont donc d une importance croissante, en particulier pour les pays qui, en contrôlant les maladies animales et en renforçant leurs secteurs vétérinaires public et privé, s efforcent de réduire la pauvreté, d accroître l accès aux marchés étrangers et de répondre à leurs impératifs en matière de sécurité alimentaire. Ces lignes directrices contribuent aussi à faciliter, pour les Pays Membres de l OIE, la procédure d appréciation de l équivalence. Elles sont applicables que l équivalence s'exerce au niveau de mesures spécifiques ou de systèmes dans leur ensemble, et que l équivalence s applique à des domaines commerciaux ou à des marchandises spécifiques, ou de façon générale. Le contrôle des maladies transfrontalières est une composante essentielle de la gestion du risque dans le cadre du mandat des services vétérinaires et la qualité de ce service est directement liée à sa capacité à traiter de tous les aspects des maladies animales transfrontalières. Author/Auteur: Dr Herbert Schneider President World Veterinary Association P.O. Box 178 Windhoek NAMIBIA Tel: (264-61) Fax: (264-61) agrivet@mweb.com.na 14

21 Session 1 Dr Herbert Schneider OIE STANDARDS ON THE QUALITY AND EVALUATION OF VETERINARY SERVICES AND TRANS-BOUNDARY DISEASE CONTROLS INTRODUCTION The OIE has been mandated by the World Trade Organization (WTO) to draw up standards, guidelines and recommendations concerning safety in international trade in animals and animal products. Thus a country wishing to benefit from the provisions of the Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS Agreement) has to use these OIE instruments, which need to be supported, applied and monitored by a Veterinary Service fulfilling the standards of quality set by the OIE. The Terrestrial Animal Health Code recommends that Veterinary Services adopt certain fundamental principles regarding quality and sets forth guidelines for evaluating the Services. Importing countries, when making technical assessments in exporting countries, refer to the appropriate Code chapters that deal with Veterinary Services and international certification. These standards are constantly upgraded, most recently during the 72nd General Session of the International Committee of the OIE during May These standards, with due note of the relevant guidelines for evaluating Veterinary Services, are the foundation on which importing countries base their confidence in the quality of the Veterinary Services of their trading partners. They are thus of increasing importance, especially for those countries who, by controlling animal diseases and strengthening their public and private veterinary sectors, endeavour to reduce poverty, increase cross-boundary market access and address their food security requirements. These guidelines also assist OIE Member Countries to facilitate a judgement of equivalence. They are applicable whether equivalence applies at the level of specific measures or on a systems-wide basis, and whether equivalence applies to specific areas of trade or commodities, or generally. The control of transboundary diseases is an essential part of risk management within the mandate of veterinary services and the quality of such a service is directly related to its efficacy in addressing all aspects of transboundary animal diseases. The following is a brief presentation on the OIE Standards for the quality of Veterinary Services, the recommendations regarding evaluation of the quality and for facilitating a judgement of equivalence. DEFINITIONS For the purposes of this discussion, note needs to be taken of the following Code 1 definitions: International veterinary certificate means a certificate, issued in conformity with the provisions of Chapter , describing the animal health and/or public health requirements which are fulfilled by the exported commodities. Official Veterinarian means a veterinarian authorised by the Veterinary Administration of the country to perform certain official tasks associated with animal health and/or public health and inspections of commodities and, when appropriate, to certify in conformity with the provisions of Section 1.2. of the Terrestrial Code. 1 OIE Terrestrial Code

22 Session 1 Dr Herbert Schneider Official veterinary control means that the Veterinary Authority knows the location of the animals and the identity of their owner or responsible keeper and is able to apply appropriate animal health measures, as required. Quality is defined by International Standard ISO 8402 as 'the totality of characteristics of an entity that bear on its ability to satisfy stated and implied needs'. Veterinary Administration means the governmental Veterinary Service having authority in the whole country for implementing the animal health measures and international veterinary certification process which the OIE recommends, and supervising or auditing their application. Veterinary Authority means a Veterinary Service, under the authority of the Veterinary Administration, which is directly responsible for the application of animal health measures in a specified area of the country. It may also have responsibility for the issuing or the supervision of the issuing of international veterinary certificates in that area. Veterinarian means a person registered or licensed to practise veterinary medicine/science in a country by the relevant veterinary statutory body of that country. Veterinary para-professional means a person who, for the purposes of the Terrestrial Code., is authorised to carry out certain tasks (dependent upon the category of veterinary para-professional) in a country through a licence from the veterinary satutry body, and delegated to them under the responsibility and direction of a registered or licensed veterinarian. The tasks authorised for each category of veterinary par-professional should be defined by the veterinary satutory body depending on qualifications and training, and according to need. Veterinary Services means the the Veterinary Administration, all the Veterinary Authorities and all persons registered or licensed by the veterinary statutory body. Veterinary statutory body means the autonomous national authority regulating veterinarians and veterinary para-professionals. NOTE: At the May 2004 meeting of the Code Commission the belief was expressed that membership of the veterinary statutory body should be flexible to enable issues relating to veterinary para-professionals to be addressed efficiently as they arise. It recognised the need for the veterinary statutory body to be autonomous, but noted that it could be state or provincial based (rather than being a single national authority). The Code Commission also recognised that each Member Country would decide whether or not to register veterinary para-professionals QUALITY OF VETERINARY SERVICES The section of the Code dealing with the quality of veterinary services was developed over some years by various working groups with broad membership to reflect the range of circumstances prevailing in OIE Member Countries. As it has been recognized, that animal disease control, including investigation and surveillance, if to be effective needs the involvement of all stake-holders, recent Code developments address the role of the private veterinary sector and veterinary para-professionals in the provision of animal health services. The latter will be dealt with in the next presentation. The quality of the veterinary services of a country depends on a range of factors, which include fundamental principles of an ethical, organisational and technical nature, and veterinary services 16

23 Session 1 Dr Herbert Schneider should conform to these fundamental principles, regardless of the political, economic or social situation in the country. Compliance with these fundamental principles by the veterinary services of a Member Country is important to the establishment and maintenance of confidence in its international veterinary certificates. Should the responsibility for establishing or applying animal health measures, or issuing international veterinary certificates be exercised by an organization other than the veterinary services (in particular in the field of aquatic animal diseases), or by an authority or agency on behalf of the veterinary services, the same fundamental principles should apply. The quality of veterinary services can be measured through an evaluation, the general principles of which are described in the Code. FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES OF QUALITY The following is a summary of the Code recommendations for veterinary services to comply with to ensure the quality of their activities: Professional judgement The personnel of veterinary services should have the relevant qualifications, scientific expertise and experience to give them the competence to make sound professional judgements. Independence Care shall be taken to ensure that Veterinary Services' personnel are free from any commercial, financial, hierarchical, political or other pressures which might affect their judgement or decisions. Impartiality The veterinary service shall be impartial. All parties affected by their activities have a right to expect their services to be delivered under reasonable and non-discriminatory conditions. Integrity The veterinary service shall guarantee the integrity of the work of each of their personnel. Any fraud, corruption or falsification should be identified and corrected. Objectivity The veterinary services shall at all times act in an objective, transparent and non-discriminatory manner. General organisation The Veterinary Services must be able to demonstrate by means of appropriate legislation, sufficient financial resources and effective organisation that they are in a position to have control of the establishment and application of animal health measures, and of international veterinary certification activities. Legislation should be suitably flexible to allow changing situations to be addressed efficiently, including the incorporation of animal welfare and food safety measures. In particular, they shall define and document the responsibilities and structure of the organisations in charge of the animal identification system, control of animal movements, animal disease control and reporting systems, epidemiological surveillance and communication of epidemiological information. A similar demonstration should be made by Veterinary Services when they are in charge of veterinary public health activities. The Veterinary Services shall have at their disposal effective systems for animal disease surveillance and for notification of disease problems wherever they occur, in accordance with the provisions of the Terrestrial Code. Adequate coverage of animal populations should also be demonstrated. They shall at 17

24 Session 1 Dr Herbert Schneider all times endeavour to improve their performance in terms of animal health information systems and animal disease control. The Veterinary Services shall define and document the responsibilities and structure of the organisation (in particular the chain of command) in charge of issuing international veterinary certificates. Each position within the Veterinary Services which has an impact on their quality shall be described. These job descriptions shall include the requirements for education, training, technical knowledge and experience. Quality policy The Veterinary Services shall define and document their policy and objectives for, and commitment to, quality, and shall ensure that this policy is understood, implemented and maintained at all levels in the organisation. The guidelines for the quality and evaluation of Veterinary Services propose a suitable reference system, which should be used if a Member Country chooses to adopt a quality system. Procedures and standards The veterinary services shall have appropriate procedures and standards for all their activities, including those for the registration of slaughter establishments. Information, complaints and appeals The veterinary services shall have effective internal and external systems of communication, ensuring that any requests for information, complaints or appeals are dealt with in a timely manner. Documentation The veterinary services shall have a reliable and up-to-date documentation system. Self-evaluation The veterinary services should undertake periodical self-evaluation especially by documenting achievements against goals, and demonstrating the efficiency of their organisational components and resource adequacy. The OIE can assist in the process. Communication The veterinary services should have effective internal and external systems of communication, Human and financial resources Responsible authorities should ensure that adequate resources are made available to implement effectively the above activities. EVALUATION OF VETERINARY SERVICES The OIE recommends that any evaluation of veterinary services be based on the OIE Guidelines for the evaluation of veterinary services contained in the Code. The Guidelines, which were adopted by all Member Countries in May 2002, are applicable to the evaluation of the veterinary services of another country and to the evaluation of a country s own veterinary services. In the case of evaluation for the purposes of international trade, the authorities of an importing country should attempt to acquire information according to the model questionnaire presented in the Code. The relative ranking in the evaluation of the criteria described in this Chapter may vary according to circumstances. 18

25 Session 1 Dr Herbert Schneider The purpose of evaluation may be: to assist a national authority in the decision-making process regarding resources and priorities to be given to its own veterinary services (self evaluation) or a part of a risk analysis process to determine the health measures which an importing country will use to protect human or animal life or health from disease threats posed by imports. In both situations, the evaluation should demonstrate that the veterinary services have the capability for effective control of the health status of animals and animal products, either generally or for specific commodity groups. The important issue is how such a process may assist developing countries to comply with the relevant international standards. In this regard, self-evaluation may be used by developing countries to provide arguments for additional funding from governments and international donors. For the purposes of the Code, every Member Country should recognise the right of another Member Country to undertake, or request it to undertake, an evaluation of its veterinary services where the initiating Member Country is an actual or prospective importer of commodities and where the evaluation is to be part of an import risk analysis process. Periodic evaluation reviews are also valid following the commencement of trade. Such reviews bear on the importance of maintaining mutual confidence between the veterinary services of trading partner countries. A Member Country has the right to expect that the evaluation of its Veterinary Services will be conducted in an objective manner. A Member Country which intends to conduct an evaluation of another Member Country's Veterinary Services shall give them notice in writing. This notice should define the purpose of the evaluation and details of the information required. Although quantitative data can be provided on veterinary services, the ultimate evaluation will be essentially qualitative. While it is appropriate to evaluate resources and infrastructure (organisational, administrative and legislative), emphasis should be placed on the evaluation of the quality of outputs and performance of veterinary services. While the veterinary statutory body is not a part of the Veterinary Services, an evaluation of that body should be carried out to ensure that the registration/licensing of veterinarians and veterinary paraprofessionals is included as an important element of the risk analysis process. Key elements to be covered in this evaluation are as follows. Scope In an evaluation of veterinary services, the following criteria may be considered, depending on the purpose of the evaluation: Organisational structure of the veterinary services; Human resources; Material (including financial) resources; Functional capabilities and legislative support; Animal health and veterinary public health controls; Formal quality systems, including quality policy; Performance assessment and audit programmes; Participation in OIE activities and compliance with OIE Member Countries obligations. To complement the evaluation of Veterinary Services, it is necessary to also consider the organisation structure and functioning of the veterinary statutory body. Evaluation criteria for the organisational structure of the veterinary services Inter alia, the organisational structure should clearly set out the relationships of government Ministers and departmental authorities with the Chief Veterinary Officer/Veterinary Director and the veterinary services. Formal relationships with statutory authorities and with industry organizations and associations should also be described. 19


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Mise en place d un système de cabotage maritime au sud ouest de l Ocean Indien. 10 Septembre 2012

Mise en place d un système de cabotage maritime au sud ouest de l Ocean Indien. 10 Septembre 2012 Mise en place d un système de cabotage maritime au sud ouest de l Ocean Indien 10 Septembre 2012 Les défis de la chaine de la logistique du transport maritime Danielle T.Y WONG Director Logistics Performance

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RULE 5 - SERVICE OF DOCUMENTS RÈGLE 5 SIGNIFICATION DE DOCUMENTS. Rule 5 / Règle 5 RULE 5 - SERVICE OF DOCUMENTS General Rules for Manner of Service Notices of Application and Other Documents 5.01 (1) A notice of application or other document may be served personally, or by an alternative

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INDIVIDUALS AND LEGAL ENTITIES: If the dividends have not been paid yet, you may be eligible for the simplified procedure.

INDIVIDUALS AND LEGAL ENTITIES: If the dividends have not been paid yet, you may be eligible for the simplified procedure. Recipient s name 5001-EN For use by the foreign tax authority CALCULATION OF WITHHOLDING TAX ON DIVIDENDS Attachment to Form 5000 12816*01 INDIVIDUALS AND LEGAL ENTITIES: If the dividends have not been

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Name Use (Affiliates of Banks or Bank Holding Companies) Regulations

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P R E T S P R E F E R E N T I E L S E T S U B V E N T I O N S D I N T E R Ê T S P R E T S P R E F E R E N T I E L S E T S U B V E N T I O N S D I N T E R Ê T S Il est courant pour les employeurs d octroyer à leurs employés des prêts préférentiels ou des subventions d intérêts. L économie

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Un système KYC robuste et sa valeur ajoutée commerciale


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