Canadian Radiation Protection Association Association canadienne de radioprotection

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1 Vol 32 No 1 Spring / Printemps 2011 Canadian Radiation Protection Association Association canadienne de radioprotection Canadian Publications Mail Agreement


3 Contents/Contenu The CRPA Bulletin is published quarterly and is distributed to all members of the association. Le Bulletin ACRP est publié trimestriellement et distribué à tous les membres de l association. Chief editor / Rédacteur en chef Stéphane Jean-François Deputy editor / vice-rédactrice en chef Leona Page CRPA-ACRP Secretariat Liz Krivonosov Design and Production / Montage et production Michelle Communications Production team / Équipe de production Production manager English copy editors French copy editor Translators Proofreader Michelle Boulton Ursula Acton Michelle Boulton Carolyne Roy Caro Gareau de Recio Carolyne Roy CRPA Translation Committee Felicitas Egunyu Advertising / Annonces Michelle Communications ph: Copyright 2011 CRPA / ACRP All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, or stored in a retrieval system in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without prior written consent of the publisher. For reproduction information, contact Michelle Communications The views expressed in the CRPA Bulletin ACRP are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the editors or of the association. Canadian Publications Mail Agreement No Send change of address notices and return undeliverable Canadian addresses to CRPA-ACRP Secretariat PO Box 83 Carleton Place, Ontario K7C 3P3 tel: fax: Regular Columns / Contributions permanentes 5 Since you asked / Puisque vous l avez demandé. 7 President s Message / Message du Président 9 Editor s Note / Message du rédacteur en chef 13 ICRP News First announcement for the ICRP Symposium on the International System of Radiological Protection 15 Book Review / Revue de livre The Radiance of France 25 Student Corner / Coin des étudiants Hobbies Make Us Fun and Interesting People Outside of Work 26 Health Physics Corner Oh no! A vial of moderator water breaks in a technician s pocket! What should you do? 27 Coin des spécialiste en radioprotection Oh non! Un flacon de l eau de modérateur se brise dans la poche d un technicien. Que faire? 31 Contributors Features / Articles 10 CIRSA A common voice to positively influence the industrial radiography industry 18 Summary of the 2010 FPTRPC Annual Meeting Wayne Tiefenbach, FPTRPC outgoing co-chair, shares the highlights of last October s meeting in Ottawa, ON Canberra Co , 32 Danatec...25 F & J Specialty Products, Inc...12 Gamble Technologies, Inc...2 Lou Champagne Systems Inc...8 Mirion Technologies...24 Radiation Measurement Systems...14 Stuart Hunt & Associates...6 Technical Management Services...5 Index to Advertisers For more information about advertising in the CRPA Bulletin ACRP, please contact Michelle Communications: Michelle Boulton Michelle Communications ph: CRPA / ACRP Bulletin Vol 32 No 1 / 3

4 Canadian Radiation Protection Association / Association canadienne de radioprotection CRPA is an affiliate of the International Radiation Protection Association / L ACRP est membre de l Association internationale de radioprotection. President / Président Sandu Sonoc ph: President Elect / Président désigné Lois Sowden-Plunkett Past President / Président sortant Dave Tucker Secretary / Secrétaire Petra Dupuis Treasurer / Trésorier Christine Dehm Directors / Directeurs et directrices Brian Gaulke, Raymond Ilson, Leona Page, Jeff Sandeman CRPA Committees / Comités de ACRP Archives Sunil Choubal, Christine Dehm (BoD Liaison), Wayne Tiefenbach Conseil éditorial du Bulletin Editorial Board Stéphane Jean-François (chief editor / rédacteur en chef), Leona Page (deputy editor / vice-rédactrice en chef); scientific advisors / conseillers scientifiques: Douglas Boreham, Kevin Bundy, Lou Champagne, Kirk Lamont, Jag Mohindra, Daniel Picard, Sandu Sonoc, Frank Tourneur, Mary Weedmark Communication Ralph Bose (chair / présidente),lamri Cheriet, Michèle Légaré-Vézina, Hoa Ly, Chester Neduzak, Leona Page, Jodi Ploquin, Jeff Sandeman (BoD liaison), Greg Zaporozan, Bulletin Editor / Rédacteur en chef, CRPA/ACRP webmaster Conference / Conférence Pauline Jones (chair / présidente), Lois Sowden-Plunkett (BoD liaison), Ralph Bose, Pam Ellis,Mike Grey, Liz Krivonosov, Gary Wilson CRPA Position Statements / Déclarations publiques de l ACRP Dave Tucker (chair / président) International Liason / Liaison internationale Chris Clement (chair / président), Brian Gaulke (BoD liaison), Kevin Bundy, Michèle Légaré-Vézina, Gary Kramer Membership / Recrutement Emmy Duran (chair / présidente), Brian Gaulke (BoD liaison), Gary Kramer, Steve Webster Nominations Debbie Frattinger (chair / président), Petra Dupuis (BoD liaison), Geoff Byford, Stéphane Jean-François Registration Certification / Enregistrement Certification Jeff Dovyak (chair / président), Trevor Beniston, Lamri Cheriet, Ray Ilson (BoD liaison), Pauline Jones, Sandu Sonoc, Steve Webster Rules / Règlements Frank Tourneur (chair / président), Ray Ilson (BoD liaison), Lysanne Normandeau, Student Affairs / Liaison avec les étudiants Leah Shuparski (chair / présidente), Jeff Sandeman (BoD liaison), Donata DrabikChaulk, Sonia Lala, Michèle Légaré-Vézina, Dave Niven, Chuong Pham Translation / Traduction Roger Hugron (chair / président), Aimee Lauzon, Leona Page (BoD liaison), Valerie Phelan, Nathalie Ritchot, Carole Savoie, Colette Tremblay Prospectus The Canadian Radiation Protection Association (CRPA) was incorporated in The objectives of the association are to develop scientific knowledge and practical means for protecting all life and the environment from the harmful effects of radiation consistent with the optimum use of radiation for the benefit of all, to further the exchange of scientific and technical information relating to the science and practice of radiation protection, to encourage research and scientific publications dedicated to the science and practice of radiation protection, to promote educational opportunities in those disciplines that support the science and practice of radiation protection, to assist in the development of professional standards in the discipline of radiation protection; and to support relevant activities of other societies, associations, or organizations, both national and international. The association publishes the Bulletin four times a year and distributes it to all members. Subscription rates for non-members, such as libraries, may be obtained from the secretariat. Members of the association are drawn from all areas of radiation protection, including hospitals, universities, the nuclear power industry, and all levels of government. Membership is divided into five categories: full members (includes retired members), with all privileges; associate and student members, with all privileges except voting rights; honorary members, with all privileges; and corporate members. Corporate membership is open to organizations with interests in radiation protection. Corporate members are entitled to have their name and address listed in each Bulletin, a complimentary copy of each Bulletin, a copy of the Membership Handbook containing the names and addresses of all CRPA members, reduced booth rental rates at the annual meeting, and reduced advertising rates in the Bulletin. Application forms are available on the CRPA website or from the secretariat. CRPA-ACRP Secretariat PO Box 83 Carleton Place, Ontario K7C 3P3 tel: fax: website: Les objectifs de l Association canadienne de radioprotection, dont les statuts ont été déposés en 1982, sont les suivants: Développer les connaissances scientifiques et les moyens pratiques pour protéger toute forme de vie et l environnement des effets dangereux des radiations, et ce, d une manière compatible avec leur utilisation optimale pour le bénéfice de tous; encourager les échanges d informations scientifiques et techniques relevant de la science et de la pratique de la radioprotection; encourager la recherche et les publications scientifiques dédiées à la science et à la pratique de la radioprotection; promouvoir les programmes éducationnels dans les disciplines qui soutiennent la science et la pratique de la radioprotection; aider à la définition des normes professionnelles concernant la radioprotection, et soutenir les activités pertinentes des autres sociétés, associations, organisations nationales ou internationales. Les membres de l association proviennent de tous les horizons de la radioprotection, y compris les hôpitaux, les universités, l industrie nucléaire génératrice d électricité et tous les niveaux du gouvernement. L association publie le Bulletin quatre fois par an et le fait parvenir à tous les membres. Le prix d un abonnement pour les non-membres, par exemple une bibliothèque, peut être obtenu auprès du secrétariat. Les membres sont classés selon cinq catégories: membres à part entière (y compris les membres retraités), avec tous les privilèges; membres associés et étudiants, avec tous les privilèges sauf le droit de vote; membres honoraires, avec tous les privilèges; et membres corporatifs. Les membres corporatifs ont droit d avoir leur nom et leur adresse indiqués dans chaque Bulletin, de recevoir un exemplaire du Bulletin, de recevoir un exemplaire de l annuaire de l association contenant les noms et adresses de tous les membres de l association, d avoir un kiosque à tarif réduit lors des conférences annuelles, d avoir un espace publicitaire à tarif réduit dans le Bulletin. Les formulaires de demande d adhésion peuvent être obtenus sur le site Web ou auprès du secrétariat.

5 Q I am a member of the radiation safety committee at a university in another country. Some of our employees would like to complete their studies in Canada to obtain a master s degree in radiation protection. Could you tell us which universities offer such degrees in Canada? A McMaster University in Hamilton, ON, offers a master s degree in health and radiation physics. It is a one-year program that is relatively course intensive and is designed to provide the education, training and professional development required for a career in Health Physics. You will find more information on the department s website at As far we know that is the only careergeared health physics masters in Canada. Q Je doute qu il y ait du radon dans notre maison, mais comment pourrais je le faire vérifier par une agence fédérale sans frais de ma part? A Vous pouvez consulter notre annuaire des entreprises sur le site web de notre association : biz_directory. Q I work for a company that does steel stud and drywall construction. Some time ago, we installed some lead shielding for X-ray rooms (which passed inspection), and we have just been asked to do it again for another clinic. Since it has been a while, we are wondering if specific certification is required to do the installation, or if there are any new rules and regulations regarding the installation of lead shielding? The design is being done by our engineers, but we are looking for guidelines for properly installing the lead shielding. A Every Province has its own requirements for the installation of lead shielding for diagnostic X-ray machines. Contacts for the various provincial regulatory bodies can be found on the Federal Provincial Territorial Radiation Protection Committee (FPTRPC) website, which is hosted by Health Canada at Since you asked... Puisque vous l avez demandé... Answers from the Communications committee to some of the most frequently asked questions Le comité de communication répond aux questions les plus souvent posées Health Canada also publishes safety codes that include extensive guidance in this regard, and many provinces have adopted these requirements. All of these can be found in Health Canada s main directory of radiation-related safety codes at The business directory section of the CRPA website ( biz_directory) contains a list of consultants who may be able to provide technical assistance should you require it. CRPA / ACRP Bulletin Vol 32 No 1 / 5

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7 President s Message / Message du Président Comparativement à des mandats de présidence antérieurs, celui-ci est plutôt tranquille. Aucun événement extraordinaire n a encore eu lieu : Le congrès de l IRPA est encore loin, la CCSN est stable et l ACRP n a pas été poursuivie. Cependant, des activités importantes se développent en raison, surtout, du travail acharné du comité organisateur local d Ottawa, de tous les comités permanents et du conseil d administration. Je vous présente ici un bref rapport de ces activités. D ores et déjà, tous les résumés des présentations du congrès annuel devraient avoir été reçus, et le comité scientifique devrait avoir décidé qui offrira des présentations. Outre la séance internationale extraordinaire ainsi que les séances de présentations scientifiques et pratiques habituelles, le congrès offrira cette année, de nombreuses possibilités de perfectionnement professionnel, dont un atelier sur l instrumentation et la détection, une séance de formation d une demi-journée sur le TMD et trois visites techniques. L une de ces visites nous fera connaître le passé du «Diefenbunker», une autre mettra en valeur les réalisations modernes du Centre de cancérologie de l Hôpital d Ottawa, et la dernière nous fera voir les opérations reliées au cobalt et à la médecine nucléaire de Nordion et de Best Theratronics. De nouveaux membres se sont greffés au comité d accréditation et de certification, qui a adopté une nouvelle structure, un nouveau président et un nouveau nom : le comité des professionnels de la radioprotection. Avec ces changements viennent de nouvelles initiatives et de nouvelles activités. Parmi ces tâches, le comité s efforce de préparer un code d éthique pour les professionnels de la radioprotection de l ACRP. Comme d habitude à cette époque de l année, le comité de traduction est extrêmement occupé avec les traductions des documents nécessaires pour le congrès et l AGA. Le comité des candidatures a effectué du bon travail cette année : nous avons des candidats très compétents pour chaque nouveau poste du conseil d administration. Le comité des déclarations publiques de l ACRP, formé des anciens présidents de l association, a la mission difficile de mettre à jour les objectifs de celle-ci. Ces objectifs datent maintenant de 30 ans. Nous espérons que cette mise à jour des objectifs assurera une présence accrue dans les activités de notre association au sujet des nouvelles préoccupations du public sur les autres domaines de la radioprotection, soit les lasers, les champs électromagnétiques, les rayons UV, les diodes électroluminescentes, etc. Tous les autres comités poursuivent leurs suite à la page Compared with other presidency terms, my term seems to be pretty quiet. Nothing extraordinary is happening. The International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA) congress is far away, the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) is stable, and CRPA has not been sued. Important things are unfolding, however, due in large part to the hard work of the Ottawa local organizing committee, to all standing committees and to the board of directors. My goal is to present to you a succinct report of these activities. At the time of writing, all the abstracts for our annual conference should have been received, and the scientific committee will have decided who the presenters are. Besides the extraordinary international session, and the usual scientific and practical presentations sessions, this year s conference is very rich about professional development opportunities. Among other events, we will have an instrumentation and detection workshop, a half-day transportation of dangerous goods (TDG) training session, and three technical tours. One tour will revisit the past at the Diefenbunker, while the other two tours will showcase the more up-to-date accomplishments of the Ottawa Regional Cancer Centre and Nordion and Best Theratronics Cobalt and Nuclear Medicine Operations. The registration-certification committee has new members, a new structure, a new chair, and a new name: the Radiation Safety Professionals Committee. With these changes came new initiatives and new activities. Among other tasks, the committee is working to prepare a code of ethics for CRPA radiation safety professionals. As usual at this time of the year, the translation committee is extremely busy preparing documents for the conference and the AGM. The nominations committee did good work this year; we have very strong candidates for each new position on the CRPA board of directors. And I would like to make special mention of the student liaison committee, which works hard to organize the student paper contest for the annual CRPA Anthony McKay Award. The CRPA position statements committee, comprised of former CRPA presidents, has the difficult mission of updating the CRPA objectives. The current objectives are now 30 years old. We hope our updated objectives will bring public concerns about newer types of radiation continued on page CRPA / ACRP Bulletin Vol 32 No 1 / 7


9 Editor s Note / Message du rédacteur en chef Et si votre travail dépendait d une image? La traversée des Grands Lacs et du fleuve Saint-Laurent par les générateurs de vapeur que la société Bruce Power veut faire décontaminer en Suède afin d en recycler les composantes est loin de faire l unanimité. La page couverture du journal montréalais The Mirror (édition du 10 mars 2011) illustre assez bien le problème d image que les professionnels du nucléaire doivent surmonter. En effet, l illustration de Richard Suicide contenait tous les clichés possibles : des poissons à trois yeux, un bateau baptisé «Nuke-U 666» brillant dans le noir, des déchets radioactifs qui flottent Pourtant, l article de Patrick Lejtenyi intitulé «Swimming with plutonium: Ontario s Bruce Power nuclear plant is shipping hundreds of tonnes of radioactive waste up the St. Lawrence» était presque équilibré puisqu il donnait aussi la parole à l industrie. Mais est-ce trop peu, trop tard? En effet, pourquoi lire l article alors que l illustration en couverture dit tout? L image, qui prend la forme d une métaphore à l écrit, est un puissant outil de persuasion. PLoS ONE, une revue scientifique en ligne, a publié un article de Boroditsky et de Thibodeau de l Université de Stanford intitulé «Metaphors We Think With: The Role of Metaphor in Reasoning» 1. On y découvre que l utilisation habile de métaphores sert grandement le pouvoir de persuasion des populations que nous sommes appelés à influencer. Êtesvous surpris de ce constat? N avez-vous jamais entendu le transport routier de déchets radioactifs être qualifié de «bombe atomique roulante»? Et pourtant, on ne traite pas les camions citernes contenant de l essence de «bombes au napalm roulantes»! L utilisation de la métaphore choc est d autant plus dévastatrice que l accès à l information professionnelle et équilibrée est plus facile que jamais sur le web et que vous pouvez vous-même, en tant que professionnel, y apporter votre grain de sel ou faire le contre-poids. La CCSN effectue depuis un an un travail de communication exemplaire : il est possible de suivre son fil de presse et d accéder facilement aux comptes-rendus des réunions, ainsi qu aux études scientifiques et aux évaluations de risques pertinentes. On remarque d ailleurs que son président, Michael Binder, n hésite pas à répondre du tac au tac à toutes les allégations médiatiques, peu importe l importance du journal, ce qui ne manque pas de surprendre les médias locaux! 1 Thibodeau, Paul H. et Boroditsky, Lera (2011). «Metaphors We Think With: The Role of Metaphor in Reasoning». PloS One, vol. 6, n 2. (Site web consulté le 28 mars 2011 à l adresse suite à la page What if your work depended on an image? Crossing the Great Lakes and the Saint Lawrence Seaway with Bruce Power steam generators destined for recycling in Sweden is far from being without controversy. The recent cover of the Montreal Mirror (March 10, 2011) captures the image problem nuclear energy professionals have to overcome. In the cover illustration by Richard Suicide, all the clichés are there: three-eyed fish, the so-called Nuke-U 666 boat shining in the dark, floating radioactive waste, and so on. Nonetheless, the article, Swimming with plutonium: Ontario s Bruce Power nuclear plant is shipping hundreds of tonnes of radioactive waste up the St. Lawrence, by Patrick Lejtenyi, is almost balanced, given that it also presented the industry point of view. But is it too little too late? Why bother to read the article when the cover shot says it all! Images, which we call metaphors when written down, are powerful tools of persuasion. PLoS ONE, an online scientific journal, published an article by Boroditsky and Thibodeau of Stanford University entitled Metaphors We Think With: The Role of Metaphor in Reasoning. 1 The article shows us how the clever application of metaphor can be used to great effect to persuade the populations we are tasked with influencing. Does this observation surprise you? Haven t you ever heard radioactive waste transport trucks being described as atomic bombs on wheels? But then, why do you never hear gas transport trucks being referred to as napalm on wheels. The use of shock metaphor is even more powerful now that professional, balanced information is easier to find than ever on the Internet, and you can add your two cents or argue the point as a professional. Over the last year, the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) has done 1 PLoS ONE: «Metaphors We Think With: The Role of Metaphor in Reasoning, website viewed on March 28, continued on page CRPA / ACRP Bulletin Vol 32 No 1 / 9

10 Résumé La radiographie industrielle au Canada est effectuée dans des conditions parfois extrêmes, à l aide de sources à très haute activité, et exige souvent de travailler de longues heures près d appareils de radiographie pendant leur transport et leur mise en service. Par conséquent, les radiographes ont tendance à recevoir les doses les plus élevées de rayonnements en milieu de travail au Canada. La sécurité est une préoccupation courante : les incidents typiques surviennent surtout lorsque des appareils sont défectueux ou endommagés, et les incidents où l erreur humaine est en cause sont possibles en raison de multiples facteurs comme la conception d appareils, la formation du personnel et les enjeux par rapport au programme de radioprotection (ALARA). La CIRSA, Canadian Industrial Radiography Safety Association, a répondu, depuis 2005, au besoin de l industrie de parler d une voix commune afin de promouvoir de bonnes pratiques de radioprotection, d influencer l industrie et la culture de changement de protection de manière positive, et d améliorer la relation de l industrie avec la Commission canadienne de sûreté nucléaire et d autres organismes de réglementation. Elle compte poursuivre son travail en tant que groupe de représentation pour l association de radiographie industrielle en préconisant une approche d équipe avec l organisme de réglementation; en demandant des règlements clairs et concis lorsque des amendements aux règlements sont proposés; en travaillant avec les éducateurs du secteur industriel pour fournir des renseignements précis aux nouveaux travailleurs; et en améliorant la communication avec les opérateurs pour promouvoir plus efficacement la culture de sécurité. CIRSA a common voice to positively influence the industrial radiography industry by Alan Brady, President, Canadian Industrial Radiography Safety Association (CIRSA) CIRSA, the Canadian Industrial Radiography Safety Association, was born in 2005 out of the industry s need to speak with a common voice to promote good radiation safety practices, to positively influence the industry and change safety culture, and to improve the industry s relationship with the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission and other regulators. Overall, CIRSA s objectives, as found in the mission statement, are as follows: To be the leading radiation safety advocacy group and source of communication for the industrial radiography industry. This is achieved by promoting a strong radiation safety culture, member support, radiation safety awareness, providing direction and fostering cooperative working relationships with regulatory bodies, while at the same time, maintaining a common voice for the industry. CIRSA currently has three membership categories: corporate, individual, and commercial. Corporate members are those companies that currently hold a valid Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission licence to conduct industrial radiography (usetype 812). They have all the rights and privileges of full members, including the ability to vote on association issues and to represent the industry on the executive committee. Individual members are workers who are actively involved in the radiography industry. Commercial members are companies such as source distributors and providers of such services as calibrations and leak test sample measurement. These latter categories are not voting members, but otherwise enjoy all the rights and privileges of membership in the association. Until 2010, the only membership category was corporate: individual and commercial memberships were introduced in January As of May 2010, CIRSA represents 49 of the 130 radiography licensees in Canada. A formal Constitution has been developed to guide the association in its daily operations. An executive committee composed of nine members meets monthly. CIRSA hosts two meetings per year: one in the spring and one in the fall. These are timed to coincide with the industry s slow times to encourage as much participation from corporate members as possible. CIRSA sees itself as one of a number of stakeholders improving radiation safety in Canada, along with the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, licensees, workers, our clients, and the public. CIRSA has worked hard to be recognized as the main radiation safety group for industrial radiographers in Canada. CIRSA has been a steady advocate for the needs of the Canadian industrial radiography, and obtained official recognition from the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission in Going forward, CIRSA is working to further these industry goals: To ensure CNSC and industry have the same goals To improve the consultation process To include radiographers from all areas of the country 10 / Vol 32 No 1 CRPA / ACRP Bulletin

11 What is industrial radiography? To improve the website and promote it as the main method of communication with members To promote the industry s needs and improve perceptions of the industry at the CNSC/Industry Focus Group that was formed in 2008 To focus on goals that are common to CNSC, CIRSA, and the industry The formation of the CNSC / industry working group in 2008 was a major step toward cooperation between these groups. CIRSA plans to continue its work as the association and advocacy group for the industrial radiography industry by promoting a team approach with the regulatory body; advocating for clear, concise regulations when regulatory amendments are proposed; striving to improve communications with the regulator; working with industry educators to provide specific information to new workers; and improving direct communication with operators to better influence and promote good safety culture more efficiently. The purpose of radiography, and non-destructive testing generally, is to examine materials for flaws and determine their level of integrity without taking them apart. Industrial radiography differs from medical radiography in that the subject matter is not biologically based, but composed of materials such as steel, aluminum, and concrete used to manufacture or fabricate a multitude of everyday components. Industrial radiography is conducted under some very extreme conditions. Cold weather, long work hours, driving, working at heights or in confined spaces, and nighttime work are all challenges radiographers face in their daily work. Industrial radiographers have among the highest occupational radiation doses in Canada, in part because of the quantity of work performed. Canadian radiographers use very high-activity sources and work very long hours near radiography devices during transportation and operation. Over the seven-year period from 2001 to 2008, the distribution of incident types was mostly around device malfunctions and damage. Many incidents were caused by operator error due to a number of factors, including device design, training, and radiation safety program (ALARA) issues. Radiographers conduct their examination of materials according to codes that dictate the limits of flaws or discontinuities that are allowed, depending on the intended use of the materials. Radiographers use highactivity radioactive sources that emit moderately highenergy gamma rays (460 kev 1.25 MeV) to penetrate through the material being examined to expose a piece of film and create a radiograph. In certain applications, they also use electromagnetic X-rays in the range of 10 kv 15 MV with 5 10 ma to produce higher resolution radiographs. A number of different factors contribute to the type of radiography performed, including the density of the material being examined and how quickly the operator wishes to conduct the examination. Radiographers operate according to the requirements of the same regulations as other nuclear substance and radiation devices licensees. These include: General Nuclear Safety and Control Regulations Radiation Protection Regulations Nuclear Substance and Radiation Devices Regulations Packaging and Transport of Nuclear Substances Regulations Transport Canada Clear Language Regulations International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material (TS-R ) CRPA / ACRP Bulletin Vol 32 No 1 / 11

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13 ICRP News NEWS First Announcement ICRP Symposium on the International System of Radiological Protection October 24 26, 2011 Bethesda North Marriott Hotel & Conference Center North Bethesda, Maryland by Chris Clement, International Commission on Radiological Protection The International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP), an independent organisation that issues recommendations on protection against ionizing radiation, will hold its next meeting together with its standing committees in North Bethesda, Maryland, in October This meeting, held every two years, brings together the scientists and policy makers from around the world who are members of ICRP. Their recommendations form the basis of radiation safety standards, regulations, policies, guidelines, programs, and practice worldwide. In parallel with this meeting, a unique event is being organized: the first ICRP Symposium on the International System of Radiological Protection. With participants from North and South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia, this symposium will be of interest to anyone who works in the field of radiological protection. At the symposium, speakers will discuss the overall System of Radiological Protection recommended by ICRP described in ICRP Publication 103. This will be an opportunity for anyone with an interest in radiological protection to hear about the system directly from those who developed it. Participants will learn North Bethesda, Maryland not only about how the system operates, but also its ethical foundations, the logic behind it, and how it has been applied in practical situations. The opening plenary session will provide useful information on the System of Radiological Protection and insight into the ongoing work of ICRP in relation to other key radiological protection organisations. Other sessions will cover topical issues such as protection against radon in homes and workplaces, protection of medical patients, environmental protection, and radiological protection related to security screening. Presentations will be made by Main ICRP Commission and Committee members, senior members of other international organizations, and officials and industry representatives from around the world. Time for open discussions will ensure an interactive exchange of ideas. This symposium will be made possible in part through support from the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the US Environmental Protection Agency. Please contact Christopher Clement, ICRP Scientific Secretary, at if your organisation would also be interested in supporting this groundbreaking event. For more information, visit CRPA / ACRP Bulletin Vol 32 No 1 / 13

14 Always nice to see you at the CRPA Conference! 14 / Vol 32 No 1 CRPA / ACRP Bulletin

15 Book Review / Critique de livre The Radiance of France Nuclear Power and National Identity after World War II Gabrielle Hecht (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2009) Review by Michael Grey Candesco Corporation, Burlington, ON Gabrielle Hecht was born in the United States but raised in France. She is now an associate professor of history at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor where her research interests focus on the history of technology in general and nuclear technology in particular. The Radiance of France is a reprint (with a new afterward) of her 1998 social and cultural history of the postwar French nuclear industry. She is currently working on a new work entitled Uranium from Africa and the Power of Nuclear Things. The radiance of France (or, alternatively, the grandeur of France) was a commonly used term in the postwar era that referred to the country s golden age. That radiance had taken a beating through two world wars and the depression, but nuclear technology was seen as one way of restoring French radiance in the postwar years. As the author notes, the term le rayonnement de la France does have a double meaning when used to refer to the country s postwar nuclear ambitions. The Radiance of France considers the period from 1945 through 1970, which begins with the development of the French gas-graphite reactor and ends with the decision to abandon further work on a domestic reactor design and license the American pressurized light water reactor design. Some discussion of technical issues is included, but the book focuses on the Commissariat à l énergie atomique (CEA) and the Électricité de France (EDF); the relationship between those two organizations; and their relationships with the government, their host communities (particularly Marcoule and Chinon), their workforce, and the three major French labour organizations. There is some discussion of the French nuclear weapons program but no mention at all of the French breeder reactor program even though construction of the Phenix breeder reactor began at Marcoule near the end of the period the book covers. There is no discussion of radiation safety per se but a health physicist might find the description of early working conditions interesting (or maybe horrifying). This book is regarded as a groundbreaking work in social and cultural history of technology but it is written for the professional historian or serious student of this field I frequently had to turn to Wikipedia for an explanation of terms and concepts that were unfamiliar to me. It also seems to presume some knowledge of postwar French society and politics, but the seventy pages of notes included at the back of the book provide a great deal of assistance in these areas. I m a history-buff so I enjoyed The Radiance of France, but I have to admit that it was not an easy read. Dr. Hecht s study is strictly limited to France, but comparisons to Canada, AECL, Ontario Hydro, and the CANDU reactor are obvious and 1. University of Toronto historian Robert Bothwell has written two books on the history of Canada s nuclear industry during this period: Eldorado Canada s National Uranium Company (1984) and Nucleus The History of Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (1988), but I believe that both are out of print. Résumé Le rayonnement de la France de Gabrielle Hecht est une deuxième impression (avec nouvelle postface) de son livre lancé en 1998 qui raconte l histoire sociale et culturelle de l industrie nucléaire française après la Deuxième Guerre mondiale. Le livre examine la période entre 1945 et 1970, qui commence avec l invention du réacteur graphite-gaz français et se termine avec la décision d abandonner le travail sur un réacteur domestique en faveur du brevet pour la conception américaine du réacteur à eau pressurisée. L ouvrage se concentre sur le Commissariat à l énergie atomique (CEA) et Électricité de France (EDF). Il discute un peu du programme des armes nucléaires de la France, mais il n y a aucune mention du réacteur nucléaire de recherche Phénix, dont la construction a débuté à Marcoule vers la fin de la période couverte par le livre. Le rayonnement de la France ne contient aucune discussion sur la radioprotection en tant que telle, toutefois, un spécialiste de la radioprotection pourrait trouver intéressante (ou possiblement horrifiante) la description des conditions de travail de l époque. Bien que l étude de Hecht se limite à la France, des comparaisons avec le Canada, l EACL, l Ontario Hydro et le réacteur CANDU sont évidentes et inévitables. L ouvrage se termine avec une postface décrivant les développements récents au sein de l industrie nucléaire de la France, mais plus de détails auraient été souhaitable, surtout parce que les industries nucléaires de la France et du Canada ont connu une grande divergence quant à leur développement depuis inevitable. 1 The book ends with a short afterward that describes the recent development of the French nuclear industry, but I would like to have seen more, particularly since the French and Canadian nuclear industries have developed in very different ways in the years since CRPA / ACRP Bulletin Vol 32 No 1 / 15



18 Summary of the 2010 FPTRPC Annual Meeting October 20 23, 2010 Ottawa, ON By Wayne Tiefenbach Saskatchewan Ministry of Labour Relations and Workplace Safety Regina, SK The Federal Provincial Territorial Radiation Protection Committee (FPTRPC) meets annually to discuss emerging issues in radiation protection, review the progress of its working groups, and set priorities for the coming year. The meetings are held over four days and include training sessions, reports from a number of working groups, and presentations from members and their organizations, or from external non-governmental organizations. The following article summarizes the most recent annual meeting in Ottawa in October Delegates were welcomed to the 2010 FPTRPC meeting by the three co-chairs: Wayne Tiefenbach (Saskatchewan), Kevin Bundy (acting Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission chair), and Theresa Schopf (Health Canada). Wayne Tiefenbach chaired the Wednesday meeting and the wrap up business meeting; Kevin Bundy chaired the Thursday meeting; and Theresa Schopf chaired the Friday meeting. Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) president, Michael Binder, who welcomed delegates to the Thursday meeting at the CNSC office, talked about the importance of this inter-jurisdictional collaboration. He presented the history of CNSC and their mission to protect the health, safety, and security of persons and the environment, and to implement Canada s international commitments on the peaceful use of nuclear energy. He invited the provinces and territories to celebrate the 65th anniversary of CNSC in President Binder asked representatives from the provinces if they were satisfied with their collaboration with CNSC and reminded delegates that he is open to suggestions that could improve the manner in which CNSC interacts with them. (You can find a PDF of Binder s presentation online at President/2010/October President-Binder-presentation-to-FPTRPC_e.pdf.) Beth Pieterson, director of General Healthy Environments and Consumer Safety Branch, Health Canada, welcomed delegates to the Friday meeting and reiterated the importance of these meetings from Health Canada s perspective. Due to the distances participants have to travel, most of the work of the FPTRPC is done by working groups and subcommittees. The annual meeting is an opportunity for the working groups to report back to the main committee. At this year s meeting, it was decided that working groups and subcommittees should be comprised only of government representatives, FPTRPC delegates, or their replacements. The working groups will still be able to use outside resource experts as reviewers and advisors, but these resource experts will not have voting rights on the working groups. 18 / Vol 32 No 1 CRPA / ACRP Bulletin

19 Working Group Reports and Assigned Tasks A. Provincial Radiation Dosimetry Review Subcommittee The Provincial Radiation Dosimetry Review Subcommittee reviews annual dosimetry testing compliance results and the minutes of the CNSC / National Dose Registry (NDR) Liaison Committee. They also develop policies for handling overexposures when more than one jurisdiction is involved. At the FPTRPC meeting, the subcommittee discussed their reviews of the annual National Research Council Canada (NRC) reports on the calibration of dosimeters for X-ray energies. These reviews revealed no deficiencies for the three approved service providers. There were no new service provider applications. B. Medical X-ray Utilization Working Group The Medical X-ray Utilization Working Group is monitoring the Medical Dose Registry-NRC/Agfa study and will improve liaison with the Canadian Association of Radiologists (CAR). The working group reported on a study of CT dose in colonoscopies performed in the province of Quebec. The study, which involved 16 facilities, 82 examinations (37 women and 45 men), 175 acquisitions, and 20 protocols, revealed that there is a wide variation in dose, practices are not standardized, some facilities use higher doses than CAR-recommended doses, and basic optimization measures are needed. Delegates expressed concern that, upon installation, digital radiography (DR) and computed radiography (CR) systems are not being optimized to reduce dose as much as technically possible. Studies show that more can be done to reduce patient exposure reductions of up to 60% are attainable without affecting image quality. Members of the Federal Provincial Territorial Radiation Protection Committee (FPTRPC) at the meeting in Ottawa last October. From left to right, Back Row: Evan Vandoros, Christian Lavoie, Scott MacLean, Lothar Doehler, Coleman Sinclair, Al Samms, and Invar Fife. Middle Row: Mary Hill, Cara Benoit, Joe Bradley, Colleen Rodgerson, Leo Tse, and Richard Tremblay. Front Row: Gabriel Mansour, Gary Hughes, Kevin Bundy, and Wayne Tiefenbach. Recent Health Canada (HC) research involves the development of tools to evaluate the imaging performance of digital equipment and the development of a protocol to evaluate performance, practice, and resulting dose for adults and children from CT equipment. C. Canadian Medical Dose Working Group The name of this working group was changed from Population Dose Medical Working Group to the Canadian Medical Dose Working Group. In addition to updating terms of reference, the group will be pulling together data to determine an average Canadian medical dose and a protocol for periodic updates. Ingvar Fife, a working group member, reported that a new radiological information system access for patients was almost in place and that the first data should come into the system in February Consideration is being given to the development of a patient exposure registry (PER) to track and maintain records of radiological procedures of individual patients over their lifetime. This includes assigning the radiation doses of individual procedures, with consideration for patient specific parameters where possible, and recording patient lifetime exposure history. D. Canadian Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) Working Group Due to changes made by the CNSC to the Packaging and Transport of Nuclear Substances Regulations and the revised Canadian Radon Guidelines, amendments are required in the Canadian Guidelines for the Handling of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM), Section 6, on transportation, and sections that make reference to radon levels. Draft revisions were circulated to delegates prior to the meeting. The NORM working group will finalize the amendments and circulate the final draft for delegate approval. CRPA / ACRP Bulletin Vol 32 No 1 / 19

20 The NORM working group will work with the Joint Documents working group to develop NORM transportation guidelines for industry. (See Joint Document Working Group for more information.) E. Radiation Standards Working Group The Radiation Standards working group is monitoring published International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) industrial radiography guidance documents, providing a position statement on the harmonization of pregnant worker dose limits for posting on the FPTRPC website, monitoring the status of the IAEA Basic Safety Standards (BSS), and finalizing a regulatory jurisdiction document (including both ionizing and non-ionizing radiation sources). The working group has already developed a guidance document, Dosimetry Guidance for Personnel Occupationally Exposed to Ionizing Radiation, for multibadge use in occupationally exposed settings. The document discusses service providers, the National Dose Registry (NDR), and personal monitoring for external radiation. This is a joint document that attempts to capture expectations of different jurisdictions. CNSC staff dosimetrists and Health Canada staff have already commented on the document, but CNSC has suggested the document should be peer reviewed prior to publication. F. Business Plan & Communications Working Group Due to significant overlap of responsibilities the Business Plan and Communications working groups were merged into one group. This group is responsible for tracking the mandate statements of the other working groups and subcommittees, providing an annual update of the FPTRPC business plan for posting on the website; preparing a summary of the annual meeting for circulation to other professional associations, working with the webmaster to ensure the website is current, and assigning an FPTRPC delegate to present a paper at the annual meeting of the Canadian Radiation Protection Association (CRPA). At the FPTRPC meeting, the committee reported that the business plan has been updated and a current version will soon be posted on the FPTRPC website. The business plan will include URL links in the contact list, radon contacts, and the terms of reference for each of the working groups. G. Joint Document Working Group The Joint Document working group circulated the Laser Hair Removal Devices draft guidelines to FPTRPC members last year for comments. After receiving feedback, the group made changes to the guidelines and sent them out again. The final version of the guidelines is expected to be approved this spring. The Joint Document working group also drafted the NORM Transportation Guidelines and circulated them among the NORM working group and to some NORM stakeholders (CNSC transport, Health Canada, Department of National Defence, and an oil and gas industry representative). The document still requires major rewriting. Other documents currently under review by the Joint Document working group are the IAEA Safety Standards (DS408), Radiation Safety in Industrial Radiography, and potentially Health Canada s Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users. H. Electromagnetic Field Working Group The working group reported that three documents on extremely low frequency (ELF) radiation that were recently removed from the British Columbia Centre for Disease Control website have been posted on the government of Saskatchewan website: The members of the Electromagnetic Field working group gave reports on the following electromagnetic field (EMF) issues: Industry Canada conducts market surveillance and audits for wireless devices and broadcasting antenna systems. Their audit of field measurements for cell towers found that, for the vast majority of radio communication and broadcasting installations in areas accessible to the general public, the radio frequency field levels are a very small fraction of the regulatory limits as per Health Canada s Safety Code 6 (SC-6). Health Canada provided a summary of the revisions to SC-6. Although there were no changes to the exposure limits, there were significant changes to make the code easier to understand and use. An electronic copy of SC-6 can be obtained by ing publications@ Health Canada also reported that their study of compact fluorescence lamps concluded that the contribution of dirty electricity (high-frequency EMFs induced back into the home s electrical system) is estimated to be minor or insignificant. Health Canada found no convincing scientific evidence of a health risk relating to EMFs at levels below SC-6 limits, including airport full-body scanners and Wi-Fi sources. The working group is considering the possible endorsement of a video about Wi-Fi being produced by Health Canada. The working group will also investigate the need for Wi-Fi guidelines for Canada and will continue to monitor the literature from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the World Health Organization (WHO), and the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP). I. Mammography Working Group The Mammography working group reported that the Health Canada Canadian Mammography Quality and Accreditation working group is finalizing 20 / Vol 32 No 1 CRPA / ACRP Bulletin

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INDIVIDUALS AND LEGAL ENTITIES: If the dividends have not been paid yet, you may be eligible for the simplified procedure.

INDIVIDUALS AND LEGAL ENTITIES: If the dividends have not been paid yet, you may be eligible for the simplified procedure. Recipient s name 5001-EN For use by the foreign tax authority CALCULATION OF WITHHOLDING TAX ON DIVIDENDS Attachment to Form 5000 12816*01 INDIVIDUALS AND LEGAL ENTITIES: If the dividends have not been

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