Why should I join? ILO OIT OIT. Services généraux dans la tourmente. One UN, one FEDE? Des nouvelles du monde du travail.

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1 360 Mars 2008union OIT ILO OIT Boletin Staff Union Bulletin del Sindicato Bulletin du Syndicat Why should I join? Services généraux dans la tourmente One UN, one FEDE? Des nouvelles du monde du travail

2 Why should I join the Union? What do my Union dues pay for? As has been mentioned previously in the Coin du Comité, discussed in the AGM and in other instances, the Union is working to improve both the frequency and the quality of contacts it has with the staff, members and non-members alike. One such forum for communication has been recently launched, consisting of meetings between the Chairperson and Bureau members of the Union and the staff in individual departments. One question that has reproduced itself in many of these meetings, and in various other contacts with staff, relates to the Union s performance. For non-members, the question tends to be Why would I want to join the Union? Members tend to ask, What purpose do my Union dues serve? Basically, both groups want to know how the Union is looking out for their interests. This is a very valid question. Indeed, it should be an ongoing element of a Union s internal reflections. It should be clear: at the most basic level, this question is not about looking at union dues as a fee for services rendered. This limited view does not recognize the importance of a union as a membership organization, established by ILO staff, for ILO staff, and relying on the principle of solidarity and sustained (financial, and personal) support of its members to grow and to provide the kind of representation that can effectively defend, and increase the rights and entitlements which you and your co-workers enjoy. However, as a democratic institution, it is expected that you hold the Union accountable for producing results. The Union holds two Annual General Meetings per year: one in the beginning of the year, where you are called upon to help develop its programme, and the other at the end of the year, where you are expected to evaluate the Union s performance in fulfilling this programme. While the year has only just started, we thought it would be useful to explain to our members where their dues go, and to show non-members how their participation can help us build a stronger union, in everyone s interest. A Competent and Committed Secretariat First, the ILO Staff Union, based both on the facilities which were negotiated with the administration and the dues collected from our members, is able to employ a secretariat. It is among the only staff unions or associations in the common system to have a professional secretariat in place. These three women are central to all that the Union does. They support the Committee, the union stewards, Union members, and all staff. They manage almost ninety years worth of files and archives, organize and support meetings, prepare correspondence and communications, and oversee our membership lists. Beyond these tasks, the secretariat represents a measure of consistency and reliability. With Bureaus changing yearly, and as much as half the committee being re-invented every year, their combined 55 years of experience in the Staff Union provides an invaluable institutional memory for the Committee. They have been the face of the Union for all staff who walk through our doors. Negotiating, Implementing and Defending Collective Agreements One of the major functions of the Union is to represent the staff in negotiating agreements and policies. This is most often done in the framework of the Joint Negotiating Committee, and its Working Groups. While we do not negotiate with the ILO administration over every possible issue, with such subjects as common system salaries and entitlements being established at the international level, the ILO remains the first and only agency in the UN Common System which has enjoyed a measure of collective bargaining. While there are efforts throughout the international civil service to achieve collective bargaining which the ILO Staff Union fully supports we remain the only Union with collective agreements in place. It must be said that collective negotiations existed for years prior to the existence of the JNC, with joint bodies such as the Administrative Committee and the Selection Board often coming to agreements in a number of areas. Additionally, gaining formal recognition for collective bargaining and negotiating agreements in the very unique context of the international civil service is far from the end of the story. There is a constant need for the Union to be vigilant in ensuring the proper implementation of those agreements that have been signed. As there is no court system where we can go to enforce collective agreements, the Union must be much more creative in how it defends those agreements that are currently in force. A perfect example of this is reflected in the negotiations on Recruitment and Selection. A framework collective agreement was signed in October 2007, and both sides are in the process of negotiating the detailed annexes outlining the procedures for recruitment and selection for regular budget staff, as well as for technical cooperation staff 1. However, on 1 st April (it turns out it was hardly an April Fools Day prank) a RAPS Briefing Note was sent out to over 130 ILO staff, introducing substantive changes to the recruitment and selection procedures, most notably with respect to the assessment centre. The Union was not informed of these changes prior to the note being circulated. The research that has been carried out to date, including in-depth exchanges with those who were involved in the original negotiations, has clearly indicated that the items that were changed had been negotiated in a Working Group of the JNC. It even seemed that the Administration held the same opinion back in 2004, when it noted to the Governing Body that: An external review is being undertaken to examine how effective assessment centres have been a tool for development and selection; the findings will feed into the review of the Collective Agreement. The Union is continuing to gather information on this, and will be taking the necessary measures to defend the right to bargain over issues which had been previously negotiated by the JNC in Support to Grievances Which Help Us All One of the main means to protect the rights and entitlements enjoyed by ILO Staff is through grievances. The Union, through its Legal Support Unit, provides support to both informal and formal grievances. The first step taken by the Union is most often to seek informal resolution to a conflict. However, should the problem require that the staff member utilize the formal mechanisms at her or his disposal, the Union is always there to support. It will advise the staff member whether s/he has a case. In the event that the staff member chooses to move forward with a formal grievance, the Union will help the staff member draft the complaint, and will provide ongoing advice throughout the process. This work is supported by the Staff Union Legal Adviser. The Legal Adviser is paid entirely by membership dues, and has worked for the ILO Staff Union since Many people mention that the Union defends cases which don t deserve to be defended. While it can be argued that, as with any democracy the accused has the right to a strong defence, it is also important to note that many cases which the Union supports (including those in which some believed it should not get involved), have led to concrete improvements for all ILO staff. This includes the establishment of important jurisprudence in the ILO Administrative Tribunal, or through recommendations or judgements by the JAAB or Tribunal requiring improvements in the administrative systems and mechanisms used throughout the Office. It would be inappropriate to mention details of individual grievances, but some important improvements include: Improvements in due process The reports of the Reports Board must be provided to the staff member. Full and independent investigations must be undertaken in cases of harassment / mobbing. Protection against inappropriate use of contracts Validation of Circular 630, and requalification of inappropriate short-term contract. 3 Union 360 Avril 2008

3 Non-renewal of contracts while there is no new jurisprudence, the efforts of the Staff Union have led to management being much more careful in the rationale for nonrenewal, as well as respecting the requirement to provide the official with two-months notice. Successful support to staff holding WLT contracts which the Office had sought to lay off. Transparency and objectivity in reclassification exercise strengthened the IRG members are no longer anonymous, and the review is based solely on the matrix. Detachment from Regular Budget to Technical Cooperation obligation of the Office to find positions for staff at the end of the detachment. This is obviously not an exhaustive list, and is one to which the Union will continue to add as time passes. Fighting Precarious Employment Supporting Precarious Staff The Union has played a dual role in this regard. On the one hand, we have for some years now been involved in discussions with the management to avoid the expansion of precarious contracts in the Office. This includes the establishment of Circular 630, which clearly defines the appropriate uses for contracts. Our recent efforts have resulted in increased transparency in staff movements through the production of the full staff movements list. In addition, the Administration has, in part due to the pressure brought by the Union, discontinued the use of Special Service Agreements, which were unlawful contracts resulting in a loss of pension and other important rights and entitlements for ILO staff. We will continue discussions with the Administration, which may be seeking more flexibility in the use of contracts, and to move the ILO s contracts policy in the direction of the proposed harmonized contracts proposed by the ICSC. We are open to discussing all possibilities, while at the same time remaining cautious, and protecting the security of international civil servants. A meeting of the JNC will take place in the near future to discuss contracts policy, and the Union is currently preparing itself for this important discussion. The Union also supports grievances brought by precarious staff, and as outlined in the bullet list above, and in more detail in the last issue of UNION magazine, has won an important judgement by the ILOAT. Supporting Staff In Headquarters and in the Field This article is being drafted in Dar-es-Salaam, where the Union is preparing for its Third Regional Union Meeting in Africa. While all staff in Headquarters have the opportunity to influence the work of the Staff Union Committee by participating in General Assemblies, information sessions, working groups and other meetings in Geneva, the Regional Meetings represent an important opportunity for staff representatives from the more than 50 duty stations of the Office to come together, exchange knowledge and information, and learn from one another. As the biennial meetings involve the Chairperson and other representatives from the Staff Union Committee, they enable the free flow of information between the Committee and its representatives in the regions. Representatives of HRD also participate in certain sessions, which allows for issues to be tabled for discussion and debate, and for clarifications to be sought. In many cases, several days are set aside for training of staff representatives. Ultimately, as more and more of the ILO s work is delivered directly through its field structure, the Union will need to continue strengthening its focus on field-based issues. Many of the problems that are faced by ILO Staff whether related to limited career mobility, UN reform, the Field Structure Review, or problems with the Local Salary Survey Methodology are often more severe in the Field. The work accomplished in the Regional Meetings is a critical aspect to ensuring that field issues remain on top of the agenda of the Staff Union. Defending Your Rights and Interests at the International Level Since its inception, the International Civil Service Commission has come under heavy criticism by staff representatives with good reason. Constituted of representatives directly appointed by Member States, and with little understanding of Human Resource Management and industrial relations, they often seem more interested in saving their governments money than in ensuring that the UN and common system agencies are equipped to face the challenges of the 21 st century in a competent and effective manner. More now than ever before, acquired rights and entitlements indeed the very independence and nature of the international civil service is under threat. This is why the Union, following the adoption of the Resolution on the Impact of UN Reform on the International Civil Service, is working to strengthen its role at the international level. We have been active in supporting the work of our international federation, CCISUA, providing technical advice and representation at the ICSC. As recently as the last ICSC meeting in early April 2008, the ILO Staff Union was actively involved in providing counter arguments to a flawed position reflected in an ICSC document regarding acquired rights. There is considerable scope for the Union s role to be expanded, both within CCISUA, and in promoting collaboration between CCISUA and FICSA. Our efforts in this area must be long-term, and cannot be expected to produce results overnight. It requires that the ILO Staff Union participate in a variety of meetings, both among the international federations of civil servants unions, as well as with the inter-organizational consultative bodies such as the HR Network, HLCM, ICSC and others. If you are a Staff Union member this is a short list of those things that your Union dues are contributing to. We would ask that you consider getting more involved, volunteering your time as a union steward, local representative, or first simply by participating in Union meetings. There are clearly a wide variety of subjects in which your involvement would be welcome. If you are a non-member, we hope that you will consider supporting our work by joining the Union. 1 The Union is interested in harmonizing the procedures for recruitment and selection for RB and TC staff, with a view to enabling longserving TC staff to apply to RB vacancies as internal candidates. union Editorial Board/Comité de rédaction: Catherine Comte-Tiberghien (Editor-in-Chief/Rédactriceen-chef), X (Rédactrice adjointe/deputy Editor); Wisler Frédéric, Yannick Humeau, Marcos Hurtado, Patricia Isimat- Mirin, Renate Meyer, John Myers, Sergio Pilowsky; Simar Proust, Azéddine Sefrioui-Benzerrou (Staff Union Committee/Comité du Syndicat); Robert Falaize (Former Officials Section/Section des anciens fonctionnaires); Constantin Pinto de Magalhaes (honorary member/membre honoraire). Mail/Courrier: Union, bureau 6 28; unionmag@ilo.org Imprimeur: Imprimerie Genevoise SA, 12 rue des Mouettes, 1227 Carouge Régie Publicitaire: Publi Annonces SA, 25 rue Jacques Grosselin, 1227 Carouge 5 Union 360 Avril 2008

4 Trop de chefs pas assez d indiens? Depuis ces dernières années, les méthodes de travail au sein de l Organisation ont considérablement évolué et nous ne pouvons que nous en réjouir au nom des sacro-saintes efficacité et rapidité: mais tout progrès à parfois un revers de médaille moins rutilant. Il est souvent dommageable de catégoriser le personnel mais c est une évidence, nous sommes sous le joug de la catégorisation depuis la création de notre vénérable Institution. Les hommes, les femmes, les handicapés, ceux du siège, ceux du terrain, ceux qui ont un contrat et ceux qui n en n ont pas; et finalement les «D» «P» et les «G». Les «G», c est à cette dernière population qu Union souhaiterait s intéresser d un peu plus près pendant les prochains numéros. En effet, la réduction budgétaire récurrente va souvent de pair avec l idée que certains postes subalternes ou «généraux» peuvent aisément être supprimés et que les tâches s y rapportant jusqu alors peuvent être facilement réparties sur les postes restants. Aux dires de nombreux collègues, ceux ci se retrouvent ainsi les «fano tutto» de l organisation, par manque de remplacement de postes G. Puisque «Maintenant tout le monde a un ordinateur et tout le monde sait taper, classer, communiquer, faire des recherches documentaires, organiser des conférences, changer un câble etc.», il semblerait qu une offensive générale et de regroupement de postes et de déqualification de services généraux ait allègrement commencer. Or, nos collègues sont qualifiés, ont appris un métier et ont passé des sas de recrutement souvent plus difficiles que leurs homologues de la catégorie professionnelle; les exigences linguistiques pour un poste G5 sont souvent dignes d un chef interprète. («Martine, tu pourrais vite me traduire la lettre de Cluchet en français?»; la lettre fait 3 pages, et l auteur est bien souvent incapable de s exprimer en deux langues correctement; la Martine en question - c est d ailleurs souvent une femme - devra naturellement, en plus de ses tâches habituelles, rendre un travail impeccable pour avant-hier). Le comble de ces situations bien connues, c est que lorsque nos collègues voudront : 1) faire reconnaître ces tâches supplémentaires dans leurs évaluations de travail, leurs supérieurs hiérarchiques, montés sur leurs ergots, leur démontreront par A + B que toutes ces tâches ad hoc effectuées en plus de leur travail quotidien ne relèvent pas de leur catégorie et ne justifieraient en aucun cas une amélioration de leur sort. 2) faire remarquer aux managers sensés gérer leur service de manière clairvoyante que plusieurs postes n ont pas été pourvus et qu ils ne voient pas pourquoi ils devraient exécuter 3 postes à la fois dans 8h de travail. Leurs interlocuteurs vont alors sortir le premier argument qui vous met à terre : «mais enfin Bernard, je ne comprends pas pourquoi tu fais une tèèèèlle résistance au changement»; suivi en rafale par le deuxième qui vous achève: «nous formons une équipe». Cette dernière assertion étant d ailleurs inversement proportionnelle aux attributions annuelles des échelons méritoires ou des promotions dans les services Nous exagérons? Si peu Services généraux, vos témoignages nous intéressent! Alors si aujourd hui votre vie professionnelle ressemble un tant soit peu à ce que nous avons évoqué partagez-le avec nous. Vous avez des histoires merveilleuses de développement de carrière à nous raconter pour contrer notre cynisme? Alors tant mieux et faites-le nous aussi savoir. Loin de nous l idée de vous barber avec des statistiques ou des analyse froides que vous pouvez aisément trouver dans les documents du Conseil d administration. Non, Ce que nous aimerions, c est obtenir de vous des témoignages, des parcours de vie professionnelle, des anecdotes qui font de vous des collègues à part entière dans notre organisation. Anonymat garanti, élémentaire mon cher Watson! La Rédaction 7 Union 360 Avril 2008

5 The Staff Union Committee meets with the Director General On 12 February 2008, the Staff Union Committee met with the Director-General, in order to present the new members of the Committee and its Bureau, and to discuss issues of common importance. The Director-General welcomed the Committee, speaking of the importance he placed on constructive dialogue between the Union and the administration, which he found to be still quite positive. He spoke of three major new initiatives that he was launching, and in which he was eager to have staff inputs. First, the Office would soon begin consultations on the Strategic Policy Framework from He sought to create a document which would take the Office forward, and as such was relying strongly on staff participation, via an open forum, in the process. The Century Project was a project which he recently launched, and which was intended to record the history of the ILO, which had not been done to this point. Finally, the ILO s 90 th anniversary would take place in 2009 and the Director-General was in the process of planning events to commemorate this important milestone. The Chairperson of the Staff Union Committee thanked the Director-General for meeting with the Committee, noting that while the Union and the administration may not agree on all issues, the Union s efforts were motivated out of a desire to uphold the principles of the Organization. Indeed, the work of the Union, by representing the interests of ILO staff, is in the interest of the Organization. legal advice to assist with both informal and formal disputes, as well as to filter frivolous cases. The Chairperson sincerely hoped that a resolution of this situation could be found in the near future. UN Reform was a subject that had been raised on several previous occasions by the Staff Union, and represented one of the major concerns of staff in the field. There were serious questions being raised as to the implications of UN Reform in the various duty stations, particularly as the programme seems to have been rolled out differently in the various pilot countries. Staff in the field have already reported important consequences of UN Reform, such as serving two masters (the ILO and now the UNDP Resident Coordinator) who may place competing demands on staff. In some countries which are not participating as One UN pilots, UN and common system organizations are seeking to harmonize working hours, under the umbrella of UN reform and ignoring the staff regulations of the individual agencies. Five Issues of critical importance The Chairperson highlighted five issues of critical importance for the Union. In the aftermath of the Algiers tragedy, the Union thanked the administration for the immediate response to the attack, and for the ongoing support that was being provided to staff and their families. He noted the importance of the complementary efforts that were undertaken between the Union and the Director-General during the visit of Mr. Abderrahim Hanniche s family. The role of the Staff Union, and its representatives in both headquarters and in the field, to promote staff security was of critical importance to the Union. The Union would be working through its international federation, CCISUA, to influence security policy in the common system, but would also like to play a role within the Office. On the subject of Recruitment and Selection, and the RAPS, the Chairperson appreciated the efforts that were underway to renegotiate the collective agreement on recruitment and selection. While it was clear that the Recruitment, Assignment and Placement System held some very clear potential benefits for the Office, its staff, and the Union, it was essential that any changes to the recruitment and selection process proposed under the RAPS be negotiated between the Union and HRD. Based on the limited information that had already been shared in advance of its implementation, the Union had already raised some strong concerns regarding certain procedures related to the RAPS, and looked forward to finding lasting solutions. The reduction in individual cases was seen by the Union as directly related to a willingness of both sides to engage in social dialogue. The Chairperson recognized the commitment of the mediator, the facilitators, HRD and the Staff Union to seek informal resolution to conflicts, before staff resorted to the formal mechanisms. Good faith negotiations, and the respect for and full implementation of collective agreements, were key elements to addressing problems and avoiding future conflicts. The Union took this role very seriously, and as a result, it was in the process of establishing a Legal Support Unit within the Committee, to manage grievances, provide legal advice on policy and in support of collective bargaining, and to support efforts to promote staff interests at the international level. Central to this strategy was the position of the Staff Union Legal Adviser. The right of the Union to engage such an advisor was important, as it provided institutional memory, helped the committee provide professional Linked to UN Reform was the review of the field structure. While the GB report had not yet been issued, it was understood that the consultants had submitted their report to the Director-General. The Union had taken the opportunity to meet with the consultants in Geneva, and encouraged them to meet with staff representatives as they travelled throughout the ILO field offices. The Union had already submitted a series of reflections to CABINET, which it had developed with the inputs from its representative structure in the field. It was hoped that the Union would have the opportunity to provide its comments on the report before the Governing Body, as it could help identify some potential problem areas. Following the Chairperson s remarks, the Executive Director for Management and Administration Services stressed the importance the administration placed on the JNC, which it recognized as the mechanism for developing and implementing agreements. The Administration remained engaged and dedicated to the process of dialogue with the Union. She highlighted three priority items which had been agreed for the 2008 work programme of the JNC, including contracts policy, work-life balance and negotiating the annexes to the new collective agreement on recruitment and selection. The Director of the Human Resources Development Department reflected on the work that had been done to support those affected by the Algiers bombing, and the ongoing programme of support that would be provided. She recognized the importance of informal conflict resolution, and pointed to the guide on Resolving Problems at Work which had been produced in the context of the JNC as an example of this commitment. She noted that over 70 facilitators had been trained in headquarters and the field, and the ILO was called upon to provide assistance to other UN agencies in certain cases. Overall, the exchange provided an important opportunity for the Union to raise a number of its priority issues with the Director-General. It is hoped that, following the meeting that took place in late 2007, this represents an important next step in an ongoing, mutually beneficial, relationship between the Union and the DG. CLK 9 Union 360 Avril 2008

6 10 Union 360 Avril 2008 Labour and workers: Tripartism in action Established by the Treaty of Versailles in 1919, with the aim of contributing towards universal peace based on social justice, the ILO survived the disappearance of the League of Nations. Its founders were convinced that peace depends upon the social well-being of all peoples, and that it was necessary to have an organization responsible for improving labour conditions and ensuring respect for fundamental human rights. The ILO is based on the principle, set forth in its Constitution, that there can be no universal and lasting peace without social justice. It seeks to promote internationally recognized human and labour rights. It became the first United Nations specialized agency in 1946 and was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize on its fiftieth anniversary in 1969, presented to David A. Morse, Director-General. Tripartism in action On 11 December 1969, David Morse stated: The ILO in short offered the world an alternative to social strife: it provided it with the procedures and techniques of bargaining and negotiation to replace violent conflict as a means of securing more human and dignified conditions of work its tripartite structure has also enabled it to broaden the scope of cooperation between countries. The ILO is still the only worldwide organization where international cooperation is the business not only of diplomats and government representatives, but also of the representatives of employers and workers. The ILO tripartite structure makes it unique in the UN system: representatives of employers and workers take part on an equal footing with governments in the work of its governing body. The ILO draws up international Conventions and Recommendations setting minimum labour standards. It strives to increase the possibilities of decent employment for men and women and to expand social protection for all workers. Architect of peace French historian, journalist, politician and Socialist minister, Albert Thomas ( ) was above all a remarkable man of action. As first Director of the ILO, he is remembered as an architect of peace. The role of the Organization rapidly grew in importance thanks to his creative enthusiasm. The ILO became the place where governments, employers and trade union representatives adopted international Conventions: in 1919, on hours of work in industry, maternity protection and minimum age in industry; in 1927, on sickness insurance in industry and agriculture; in 1930, on forced labour. With his boundless energy and a deep faith in the urgency of his mission, Albert Thomas was constantly in the front line of the struggle for workers rights. Until his death in 1932, he strove with passion to make the ILO an efficient instrument for durable universal peace based on social justice. Labour and workers The Declaration of Philadelphia adopted by the International Labour Conference at its 26th Session on 10 May 1944 declares Labour is not a commodity. Freedom of expression and of association are essential to sustained progress. Poverty anywhere constitutes a danger for prosperity everywhere. Now approaching its ninetieth year, the ILO remains in the vanguard of protecting and improving labour conditions and ensuring respect for fundamental human rights for all workers around the world. Its assistance takes the form of labour rights and industrial relations, counselling, employment promotion, training in small business development, project management, advice on social security, workplace safety and working conditions, the compiling and dissemination of labour statistics, and workers education. Labour Day is traditionally celebrated on 1 May and in many countries has become an officially recognized paid holiday. In a show of solidarity, workers and their representatives gather in parades and demonstrations to call for improving labour conditions and ensuring respect for fundamental human rights for workers throughout the world. Ita Marguet 1 May 2008 Note: Acknowledgement is given to all sources used in preparation of this text. It follows published articles about the history of the ILO and origins of Labour Day (Ita Marguet, ), including Union 336, May-June 2004, for the 85th anniversary of the International Labour Organization. UN UNRWA employees in Jordan on strike for salary increments Amman DPA FINANCE Jordan Labour UN UNRWA employees in Jordan on strike for salary increments Amman About 7,000 employees of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian refugees in Jordan went on strike Monday to press for salary increases, UNRWA officials said. The striking personnel, who include about 4,000 teachers, are urging UNRWA Commissioner, General Karen AbuZayd, to intervene with donor countries to ensure the availability of finances that permit raising salaries of employees to enable them cope with the soaring inflation rate. UNRWA spokesman in Jordan Saqr Matar said the agency granted three increments to its Jordanian employees since June 2007 in a bid to match those decided by the government for the country s civil servants. The agency s policies and financial standing do not allow further salary increases for the time being. Furthermore, the demand for increases cannot be justified at this juncture, he told Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa. We hope that all such things will be resolved through dialogue rather than strikes, Matar said. Striking employees said that they planned to resume work on Tuesday in order to enable about 1.8 million refugees in Jordan to receive the necessary services. However, they said that they planned an open strike on April 14 if their demands were not met. A steep hike of fuel prices and other commodities earlier this year threatened to raise Jordan s inflation rate to a double-digit figure in 2008, economists said.

7 A Strong, Professional Union for A Strengthened International Civil Service Every day, staff from around the common system live in an environment defined by a slow erosion of their rights, their terms and conditions of work, and the independence and role of the international civil service. Proposed reforms within the UN raise fears of privatisation, outsourcing and increasing the precarious nature of employment. We have also noted a concerning increase in incidents whereby UN staff are targets of physical violence, simply due to the fact that they serve under the banner of the United Nations and its specialised agencies. Even here in the ILO, which remains the only UN agency to enjoy collective bargaining, we find ourselves faced with decisions that are taken at the level of the ICSC, the Fifth Committee or the General Assembly, and which we are told the ILO is obliged to implement. One of the major decisions taken at the 22 nd CCISUA General Assembly in New York was to form a working group between CCISUA and FICSA, to explore options for increased cooperation and collaboration. It was broadly agreed that the current situation faced by the international civil service required that staff representatives promote unity in action, and to the extent possible, speak with one voice. The working group was given a broad mandate to engage in dialogue with FICSA to find the best possible model for the future. A FICSA-CCISUA Working Group The FICSA/CCISUA joint working group met for the first time during the Trades Union Congress, 2007, providing an opportunity for union representatives from within the UN system to experience how a policy-making Congress operated within the United Kingdom. In addition, the delegation was able to engage with representatives of UNISON and Amicus/Unite two UK unions that had recently undergone mergers to share experiences, ask questions and clarify key considerations in building future partnerships. The atmosphere between both Federations was positive and open, with both sides expressing their willingness to consider a wide range of reform measures to build common strength and unity. Many of the major obstacles facing staff unions within the UN system were discussed, and it became increasingly apparent that, while real dangers existed, there was a great deal of scope to professionalize staff representation within the international civil service. A good deal of time was spent exchanging information about the operations, structures, strengths and weaknesses of each federation. During this time, both ICTY and the ILO spoke in favour of the establishment of one union to represent the entirety of staff within the common system. The two unions outlined a possible vision for a centralized union structure, covering the entirety of the common system, and to which individual unions could affiliate. While these unions would necessarily maintain a high degree of autonomy in their local dealings, we argued that the economies of scale that could be realized in organizing, research, grievance handling, negotiating with higher level bodies such as the ICSC, lobbying with the Fifth and Sixth Committees, and servicing members could possibly be better attained through a strong, centralized union. It was further noted that the actual work being undertaken by CCISUA and FICSA (representing staff in consultative bodies, engaging in dialogue with management, training staff representatives, etc) was tantamount to a union s work, and less so that of a federation. Both sides showed a great deal of political will to act in the interests of the staff, and there is considerable scope for reform. Whatever the form any new collaboration may take, the opportunity should be exploited to help push for more professional, transparent and effective staff representation. CCISUA Extraordinary General Assembly, Santiago The initial results of the working group were used to generate intensive internal deliberations within each federation, and within individual unions. For CCISUA, the Extraordinary General Assembly which took place in November 2007 in Santiago, Chile represented an important step in this process. Participants discussed the need for a more strong and centralized union body which would operate as an umbrella union, providing a resource for members, policy and legal support, organizing, training and many of the other services offered by a traditional union. It was expected that negotiating on behalf of 70,000 staff and speaking with one voice, would significantly increase the bargaining power of the union. FICSA Council, Turin, Italy A CCISUA delegation was invited to participate in the 61 st Session of the FICSA Council, which took place in Turin, Italy from 4-8 February The Presidents of the ICTY Staff Union and the ILO Staff Union joined the President of FICSA in presenting on the deliberations of the working group. Again, ICTY and ILO outlined a vision, including the practical, political and legal considerations. The presentation was the subject of a lively debate, and while most FICSA members recognized the urgent need to work toward improved representation and increased collaboration with CCISUA, many raised questions as to the vision of one union for the entire international civil service. The discussions indicated a desire by FICSA members to adopt a more measured approach, but seemed to favour a closer collaboration or strategic partnership, although the idea of a more radical reform was not entirely dismissed. While CCISUA is awaiting word regarding the outcome of internal discussions as part of the FICSA council, we understand that a resolution was under preparation which we hope will further support and guide the joint working group as it moves forward. Informal discussions with the new President and with the General Secretary of FICSA indicated a willingness to continue with this positive collaboration. What Now? At this point, and recognizing the urgency with which this work should continue, the ILO Staff Union will propose to colleagues in both CCISUA and FICSA the following concrete steps: 1 Propose a second working group meeting, coinciding with the CCISUA General Assembly which is scheduled to be held in the ILO in May This could be accompanied by a formal invitation to a FICSA delegation to participate in the CCISUA General Assembly. 2 Seek potential linkages and partnerships with national and international trade union bodies with a view to benefiting from their experience and expertise. 3 Identify specific topics for common CCISUA-FICSA action, including, inter alia the review of the GS Salary Survey Methodology, development and implementation of union representative training, a strategic review of staff representation within the international civil service. 4 Implement a survey of all staff within the international civil service, in an effort to identify the current views on staff representation and identifying needs and demands of staff in this area. Above all, one thing is certain, none of these efforts can begin too quickly. In this current environment, it is essential that staff representatives (whether they call themselves associations, councils, or unions) act now to ensure that the threats to the integrity of the international civil service are effectively and immediately addressed. 1 An estimate based on the approximate number of staff throughout the international civil service. 2 The vision document will be drafted between the ILO, ICTY and representatives of FICSA 11 Union 360 Avril 2008

8 Un grand merci au Fonds 1% pour le développement! Grâce au fond 1%, nous avons pu réaliser un grand projet de voirie dans le vieux quartier de Bobo-Dioulasso au Burkina-Faso. Aujourd hui, une partie des habitants du vieux quartier peut enfin disposer de ses ordures, tout en les triant, dans des lieux prévus à cet effet. Les déchets triés sont ensuite ramassés grâce à des ânes équipés de charrette qui acheminent les déchets au tout nouveau centre de recyclage. Le compost y est valorisé, ainsi que le métal et certains plastiques. Une partie de la rivière qui servait jusque là de dépotoir, a été nettoyée par la population lors de grandes manifestations populaires organisées grâce au Fonds 1 %. Petits et grands ont tous participé et le tronçon de rivière propre ainsi obtenu montre un exemple inédit au reste de la population. Le vieux quartier, traversé en son milieu par la rivière en question est le centre historique de la ville habitants résident dans ce vieux quartier. Ils sont perçus comme pauvres et sont délaissés par les services publics, eux-mêmes en proie à de grandes difficultés financières. Pourtant certains d entre eux ne renoncent par pour autant et luttent pour trouver leur dignité. Aujourd hui, ces habitants du vieux quartier trient mieux leurs ordures que les riches d à côté. La formidable résonance de ce projet sans précédent est incalculable. Le ton est donné, le pas est déjà emboîté. Le maire de la ville nous a convoqué et adressé ses sincères félicitations, que nous transmettons humblement à tous les fonctionnaires qui permettent au Fonds 1% de travailler, ainsi qu à ses gestionnaires et ses contributeurs passés, présents et encore plus nombreux pour le futur! Nous l appelons de nos vœux les plus fervents! La mairie s est d ores et déjà engagée à prendre en charge ce système de collecte et de valorisation des déchets, que le vieux quartier et notre association acceptera de lui céder, tout en gardant un œil attentif à son bon fonctionnement. Au nom de toute la population du vieux quartier et de la ville de Bobo-Dioulasso, merci à tout ceux qui font vivre le Fonds 1%. Imaginez une chorale de voix criant hourra ça ne vous réchauffe pas le cœur, ça vous le consume! L association «Le Paradis» Ils nous ont quittés : Ibrahim Mayaki Il est parti en se battant pour sa propre vie comme il s est battu pour les travailleurs du monde entier avec vigueur et discrétion. Nous, ses collègues, garderons le souvenir d un militant syndical actif dans différents comités du syndicat du personnel en Afrique, dont la contribution dans plusieurs réunions régionales a été significative. Il avait également présidé l assemblée générale de notre syndicat ( ) de sa présence chaleureuse et efficace. Nous adressons à sa famille et à ses amis nos plus sincères condoléances. P.S. Guy Puysegur Guy, dans les années cinquante, avait appartenu au Comité du Syndicat. Guy était l un de nos plus brillants interprètes, ce qui ne l empêchait pas d apporter parfois à son travail une note de fantaisie. Il était aussi l auteur d une répartie dont quelques anciens collègues se souviennent encore. Alors que le directeur général, David A. Morse, à l occasion d une réunion, l avait fort courtoisement salué en lui rappelant qu ils étaient, tous deux entrés la même année au service du Bureau, Guy avait répondu, non moins aimablement: «N oublions pas un autre point commun, Monsieur le Directeur général: nous n avons pas changé de grade». R. F. 13 Union 360 Avril 2008

9 Soucis professionnels? Besoin de médiation? Faites appel aux facilitateurs Le BIT est la seule agence des Nations Unies dotée d un système de résolution informelle des conflits s appuyant sur une équipe de facilitateurs Il y a 69 facilitateurs parlant plus de 18 langues différentes, basés à Genève, dans les bureaux régionaux ou nationaux. La liste est disponible sur le lien suivant : facilitator.htm Ils opèrent sur les principes de stricte confidentialité, neutralité et d indépendance. Problems at work? Need for mediation? Call the facilitators ILO is the only UN Agency with an informal conflict resolution system of facilitators. There are 69 facilitators speaking 18 languages based in Geneva, the Regional, and Country Offices. The list is available on: facilitator.htm Facilitators function on the principles of strict confidentiality, neutrality and independence. 14 Union 360 Avril 2008 Not land for old ILO staff o de cómo adaptarse sin lifting Ustedes saben que soy cinéfila impenitente, y si a eso le agregan que soy un poco chauvinista, era lógico que mi nueva crónica hiciera referencia al oscarizado Barden, a la inadaptación a los cambios, y a la tendencia a hacernos películas del género negro de nuestra vida profesional, temas todos ligados con la película de los Cohen (eso sí, queda por dilucidar, si es con o sin razón) La verdad es que la palabra desmotivación ha sustituido en el acerbo de NNUU a la expresión sentirse realizado y como ustedes saben que a mí me da por hacer antropospicologia barata, me he puesto a investigar porque el personal que antes no estaba realizado, ahora sufre de desmotivación endógena. Hombre, todo hay que decirlo, la verdad es que el horno está para pocos bollos y que la cantidad de cosas en las que andamos y una escalada de la reuniniotis, que yo diagnosticaría de aguda, provoca un poco de desconcierto. Si añadimos la preocupación por la caída del dólar ( y que va a pasar con nuestras pensiones, vamos más aun si tendremos una pensión decente), o los recortes en los beneficios tradicionales que nos hace la CAPI, como el la compensación por movilidad, todo mezclado con el tema del calentamiento global que hace que nieve en Ginebra en pleno mes de abril, no es de extrañar que la gente ande un poco caidilla, preocupada, y no se realice y se desmotive. Claro que a lo mejor es debido a los cortes de luz cada fin de semana ( que forma tan sutil de mandarnos a no trabajar, grandiosa nueva gestión de recursos humanos), que impiden huir de la casa y refugiarse en la calidez ( sin calefacción) de la oficina, sin que nadie moleste, a las noticias progresivas en radio moquete de que el fumar será abolido hasta en la terraza del R-3, o a la penuria de ascensores en uso, que se agrava en los periodos de conferencias y consejos. Sea lo que sea, el personal anda alicaído, cejijunto y preocupado y no sabe muy bien si es fruto del ONE UN, de la lluvia o del agua turbia que sale de los grifos de los baños y que a una le parece medio rara ( será la de la lluvia reciclada?). Claro que también puede ser fruto de las cada día más complejas directivas internas, que parecen batiburrillos de instrucciones de significado pseudo críptico, de la comida del restaurante o del cada día menos alegre pasillo, al que salimos a airearnos tras las lluvias de correos electrónicos. En fin, al gente se ríe menos ultimamente... por qué? Trabajo, motivos, metas yo creo que no faltan, pero qué podemos hacer fuera de hacer rogativas a los santos para que deje de llover, o de pedir claridad en el mensaje para que la gente sonría más y no piense en cómo ser un serial killer como el de la película de moda? Yo creo que esto va más allá de la implicación, del compromiso, y de las ganas. Cada año aparecen a la vez nuevos sistemas, requerimientos, obligaciones que nos desbordan en el día a día, a parte de hacernos perder dos neuronas intentando recordar a qué realidad responde el acrónimo. SMM, RAPS, implementation rapport, ONE UN ; field review...todo a la vez como una sempiterna presencia que se añade a las estadísticas, el derecho, las normas, el empleo o a la protección social. Me da a mí que la información correcta, accesible y directa es la clave del éxito. Me parece que falta sex appeal en comunicar, que se da mucho fait accomplie y que la gente anda perdida y se me desmotiva. No habrá una cierta tendencia a operar y actuar, sin consultar y sin informar adecuadamente? Cuestión a debate, o mejor hagamos un quiz show para encontrar respuestas y de paso hacemos reir, No siempre el personal tiene razón, pero muchas veces si, y yo veo a la gente un poco cansada y abrumada, quizás porque se siente aparte de todo un conjunto, o quizás porque les puede el día a día. Buscamos agilizar la contratación del personal, pero no estoy convencida que la gente entienda la nueva música ( por lo de RAPs). Queremos y necesitamos programar y planificar mejor, pero no sé yo hasta que punto todos interpretamos igual el nuevo ejercicio común. Lo mismo que cuando se nos habla de ética y parece que ese tema tan filosófico y de vida, se revela como meramente financiero. En fin que la gente se nos desmotiva. Sé que hoy me han encontrado más triste y lacónica que otras veces, y que hay menos chismes y chascarillos que en ediciones anteriores, pero puede ser que yo también necesite tratamiento y me haya afectado la desmotivación. O quizás es que ya no hay tierra en este vetusto edificio para old staff como yo... eso si bien conservado.

10 Une jurisprudence fondamentale pour plus de transparence dans la procédure d evaluation! Jugement no 2700 du Tribunal administratif de l OIT. CONSIDÈRE : 1. Le requérant, entré au service de l Organisation au bénéfice de contrats de collaborateur extérieur, s est vu offrir le 1 er mars 2003 un contrat de durée déterminée d un an au grade P.3, qui fut prolongé d une année, jusqu au 28 février Même si le travail du requérant avait été jugé insatisfaisant dans ses rapports d évaluation et qu une recommandation de non renouvellement du contrat avait été formulée, son contrat fut prolongé de deux mois, jusqu au 30 avril 2005, en attendant qu une décision définitive soit prise. [ ] 2. Le requérant soutient que la décision de ne pas renouveler son contrat a été prise dans des conditions irrégulières, qu elle est entachée de parti pris et que le principe du contradictoire a été violé devant le Comité des rapports. Dans ses dernières écritures, le requérant demande à la défenderesse de produire la recommandation du Comité des rapports, dont il n a jamais reçu communication. 3. La défenderesse oppose tout d abord une fin de non-recevoir à certaines questions soulevées par le requérant. Elle avance que l allégation visant la violation, au niveau du Comité des rapports, du principe du débat contradictoire est irrecevable faute d épuisement des moyens de recours interne. Le Tribunal écarte cette fin de non-recevoir dès lors qu il ressort des observations adressées à la Commission consultative paritaire de recours que le requérant avait clairement soulevé la question de la violation des règles de la procédure contradictoire, même si la défenderesse estime que cela n avait été fait que de manière très générale, ne permettant pas à ladite commission de comprendre quelle était la critique du requérant. 4. [ ] Pour justifier son refus de produire la recommandation du Comité des rapports, la défenderesse invoque les dispositions de l article 10.3 du Statut du personnel qui prévoient que «[l]es travaux du Comité sont considérés comme secrets». L Organisation déclare admettre que l exigence d un procès équitable, qui s applique à toute action administrative dont le résultat peut porter préjudice à quelqu un, est un élément fondamental qui doit, dans tous les cas, accompagner l action des organisations internationales, comme la jurisprudence du Tribunal de céans ne cesse de le rappeler, et que «les mécanismes d évaluation des performances des fonctionnaires internationaux sont soumis à une obligation de transparence et à une procédure contradictoire»; mais elle soutient, invoquant toujours la jurisprudence, que l on ne peut pas traiter toutes les procédures administratives de la même manière. En effet, selon elle, toutes les procédures n ont pas les mêmes exigences, ce qui veut dire que l exigence d une procédure régulière peut connaître des niveaux différents d intensité, en fonction des intérêts à protéger dans chacune d entre elles. Elle souligne que, dans le domaine extrêmement délicat de l évaluation de la prestation des fonctionnaires, la valeur de la confidentialité, nécessaire pour servir de la meilleure manière possible l intérêt public qui veut que seuls les meilleurs soient au service de la fonction publique internationale, joue un rôle fondamental. Elle cite le jugement 2513 pour suggérer que, dans certaines circonstances spéciales, il puisse y avoir nécessité absolue de préserver la confidentialité. [ ] La défenderesse conclut son argumentation en «espérant» que «le Tribunal ne viendra pas remettre en cause cet équilibre délicat que sa jurisprudence a su jusqu à présent préserver entre, d une part, les exigences [d une procédure équitable] et, d autre part, celles de la confidentialité visant à préserver l intérêt public à une évaluation fiable de la prestation du travail des fonctionnaires internationaux». A la lumière de ce qui précède, elle soutient qu «aucune violation du contradictoire, dans le sens précisé, n est visible en l espèce». 5. Le Tribunal rappelle tout d abord que, quelles que soient les circonstances, le fonctionnaire a toujours droit à ce que sa cause soit jugée dans le cadre d une procédure correcte, transparente et équitable qui respecte les principes généraux du droit. Il relève que la jurisprudence résultant du jugement 557 invoquée par la défenderesse ne s applique pas en l espèce. En effet, dans cette affaire, la demande du requérant portait sur «la production de toutes les notes du Comité des rapports en ce qui concerne les discussions sur les rapports d appréciation» et c est à juste titre que le Tribunal a rejeté cette demande en considérant que le requérant devait se contenter de prendre connaissance des conclusions du Comité des rapports. Rien n autorise à en déduire que le Tribunal ait entendu se prononcer sur la valeur de la confidentialité de la procédure du Comité des rapports dans son ensemble et à en tirer la conclusion que cette confidentialité pourrait faire obstacle à l application des règles de procédure généralement admises. 6. En l espèce, le requérant se contente de demander la production de la recommandation du Comité des rapports le concernant, que le Directeur général a approuvée et sur laquelle celui-ci s est fondé pour prendre la décision transmise à l intéressé le 29 avril Cette dernière se réfère à ladite recommandation, qu elle cite abondamment pour justifier le non-renouvellement du contrat du requérant. Selon la jurisprudence constante du Tribunal, le fonctionnaire doit, en règle générale, avoir connaissance de toutes les pièces sur lesquelles l autorité fonde (ou s apprête à fonder) sa décision à son encontre. Celle-ci ne saurait normalement lui opposer le caractère confidentiel de tels documents (voir notamment le jugement 2229, au considérant 3 b)). Il peut certes, comme le rappelle la défenderesse, exister des cas spéciaux dans lesquels un intérêt supérieur s oppose à la divulgation de certains documents. Mais cette divulgation ne saurait être refusée dans le seul but d améliorer la position de l Organisation ou de l un de ses agents (voir notamment le jugement 1756, au considérant 10). 7. Le Tribunal estime qu en l espèce le requérant a le droit de prendre connaissance de la recommandation du Comité des rapports, pièce essentielle sur laquelle l autorité a fondé sa décision de ne pas renouveler son contrat. En refusant la production de ce document, la défenderesse a privé le requérant d une pièce essentielle à la préparation de sa défense et le Tribunal d un document lui permettant d exercer son contrôle. Il y a lieu en conséquence d ordonner un supplément d instruction afin que le dossier soit complété par la production de la recommandation du Comité des rapports, ainsi que le demande le requérant; la défenderesse dispose pour ce faire d un délai de quinze jours à compter de la notification du présent jugement. Le requérant se verra accorder un délai de trente jours à compter de la réception de la recommandation, et des commentaires éventuels de l Organisation, pour présenter ses observations. La défenderesse aura un délai de trente jours pour fournir un ultime mémoire au besoin. 8. [ ] Par ces motifs, DÉCIDE : 1. Le Tribunal ordonne un supplément d instruction auquel il sera procédé dans les conditions prévues au considérant 7 ci-dessus. 2. L Organisation versera au requérant la somme de dollars des Etats-Unis en réparation du préjudice subi. 3. Elle lui versera également dollars à titre de dépens. Ainsi jugé, le 15 novembre 2007, par M. Seydou Ba, Président du Tribunal, M. Claude Rouiller, Juge, et M. Patrick Frydman, Juge, lesquels ont apposé leur signature au bas des présentes, ainsi que nous, Catherine Comtet, Greffière. Prononcé à Genève, en audience publique, le 6 février Seydou Ba Claude Rouiller Patrick Frydman 15 Union 360 Avril 2008

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How to Login to Career Page

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Annex 1: OD Initiative Update

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English Q&A #1 Braille Services Requirement PPTC 144918. Q1. Would you like our proposal to be shipped or do you prefer an electronic submission?

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Language requirement: Bilingual non-mandatory - Level 222/222. Chosen candidate will be required to undertake second language training.

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Sustainability Monitoring and Reporting: Tracking Your Community s Sustainability Performance

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Tier 1 / Tier 2 relations: Are the roles changing?

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Compléter le formulaire «Demande de participation» et l envoyer aux bureaux de SGC* à l adresse suivante :

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Bureau 17 septembre 2013 à 18h00 GSD 211. Board September 17, 2013 at 6:00 PM GSD 211 ITEM. Appel à l ordre : 18h10. 1 Call to Order: 6:10 pm

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Exemple PLS avec SAS

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INDIVIDUALS AND LEGAL ENTITIES: If the dividends have not been paid yet, you may be eligible for the simplified procedure.

INDIVIDUALS AND LEGAL ENTITIES: If the dividends have not been paid yet, you may be eligible for the simplified procedure. Recipient s name 5001-EN For use by the foreign tax authority CALCULATION OF WITHHOLDING TAX ON DIVIDENDS Attachment to Form 5000 12816*01 INDIVIDUALS AND LEGAL ENTITIES: If the dividends have not been

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Présentation par François Keller Fondateur et président de l Institut suisse de brainworking et M. Enga Luye, CEO Belair Biotech

Présentation par François Keller Fondateur et président de l Institut suisse de brainworking et M. Enga Luye, CEO Belair Biotech Présentation par François Keller Fondateur et président de l Institut suisse de brainworking et M. Enga Luye, CEO Belair Biotech Le dispositif L Institut suisse de brainworking (ISB) est une association

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Bill 12 Projet de loi 12

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GEIDE MSS /IGSS. The electronic document management system shared by the Luxembourg

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1.The pronouns me, te, nous, and vous are object pronouns.

1.The pronouns me, te, nous, and vous are object pronouns. 1.The pronouns me, te, nous, and vous are object pronouns.! Marie t invite au théâtre?!! Oui, elle m invite au théâtre.! Elle te parle au téléphone?!! Oui, elle me parle au téléphone.! Le prof vous regarde?!!!

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Import Allocation Regulations. Règlement sur les autorisations d importation CONSOLIDATION CODIFICATION

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