Le programme H2020/TIC. et les TIC dans H2020. Présentation générale TIC dans H Date - N 1

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1 Le programme H2020/TIC et les TIC dans H2020 Présentation générale TIC dans H Date - N 1

2 Sommaire Contexte H2020 Rappel du contexte national de la participation au 7 ème PCRDT Cas des TIC Contexte politique européen H2020 Structure Budget La Règles de participation Le programme LEIT/TIC Les TIC dans les autres parties de H2020 Le panorama européen des programmes liés aux TIC Comment participer aux appels: Les réseaux de soutien La stratégie que peuvent/doivent mettre en place les participants Présentation générale TIC dans H Date - N 2

3 CONTEXTE Présentation générale TIC dans H Date - N 3

4 PCRDT: la problématique française (1) FR: 16,4% 42% ~5% Taux de retour FR: 17,5% 36% 6% Taux de retour FR: ~0% FIXES Taux de retour FR: 11,4% Taux de retour FR: 4,1% Présentation générale TIC dans H Date - N 4 Variable et fonction du succès

5 PCRDT: la problématique française (2) La France est le 3 ème bénéficiaire du 7 ème PCRDT et ses résultats se dégradent (13% sur le 6 ème PCRDT, 11,5% à présent) Pour chaque abondé par la France au budget du PCRDT (via le budget de l UE), seul 0,7 bénéficie aux équipes françaises! En comparaison, pour chaque abondé par la Suisse au budget du PCRDT, 3 bénéficient aux équipes suisses En consolidé sur le PCRDT, la France perd ~ 600 M /an de crédits RDI au bénéfice de ses partenaires (mais aussi compétiteurs) européens! à comparer aux ressources annuelles de l ANR, du FUI Nécessité de remobiliser les équipes nationales! Présentation générale TIC dans H Date - N 5

6 PCRDT: la problématique française (3) Le constat général est cependant très contrasté en fonction des domaines (est-ce étonnant?) : Domaines où FR en excellente position: Espace: 26%, Aéronautique: 25%, Fission: 23%, Fusion: 21% Domaines où FR en bonne position: IR et ERC: 13%, Sécurité: 12%, TIC (périmètre H2020): 11% Domaines où FR en mauvaise ou très mauvaise position: KBBE: 9%, NMP: 8%, environnement: 7%, SHS: 6%... Des acteurs participent, d autres moins/pas Universités/CNRS à un niveau suffisant sur Coopération? Ecoles souvent absentes (e.g. X) Thalès, Morpho, ST vs. Dassault systèmes, ATOS FR, CS PME Une cause générale: une participation insuffisante aux appels Présentation générale TIC dans H Date - N 6

7 Europe et TIC: la problématique française (1) Une performance très contrastée FET: 10,9% Technos cœur TIC: 11,2% TIC pour les défis: 6,3% avec participation faible FET: 8,8% Technos cœur: 9,2% TIC pour les défis: 5,3% mais qui se dégrade globalement WP : 10,6% WP : 9,3% WP : 9,6% WP 2013: 8,8% et en forte baisse! 8,9% 8,2% 8% 6,2% Sur la base d un budget TIC 2013 de 1,5 G, cela correspond à un déficit supérieur à 100 M /an Présentation générale TIC dans H Date - N 7

8 Europe et TIC: la problématique française (2) GAP Retour FR de 10,4% vs. 20,4% pour DE Présentation générale TIC dans H Date - N 8

9 Europe et TIC: la problématique française (3) M Présentation générale TIC dans H Date - N 9

10 Europe et TIC: la problématique française (4) Présentation générale TIC dans H Date - N 10

11 et pourtant les conditions UE sont avantageuses! 7 ème PCRDT R&D: 75% des coûts (directs + indirect) (public+pme) 50% des coûts (directs + indirects) (privé) Démonstration: 50% H2020 Projets R&I: 100% (+ 25%) des coûts directs éligibles Projets I: 100% (+25%) pour les acteurs publics (et non profit) 70% (+25%) des couts directs éligibles pour les autres à comparer aux financements ANR, FUI ET cela permet: de trouver des partenaires/clients, de gagner en visibilité Présentation générale TIC dans H Date - N 11

12 Contexte politique Une approche centrée sur la réponse aux grands défis et une plus grande liberté laissée pour proposer des solutions innovantes Une liste simplifiée d actions possible (ex. recherche et innovation financé à - 100%; innovation à - 70%, ) Moins de prescription, des thématiques plus larges, mais plus d accent sur l impact attendu (leitmotiv du premier WP: la crise économique et le chemin d une croissance durable) Les perspectives clés des premiers programmes de travail : Au sein du cycle de recherche et d innovation concentrer les ressources sur des domaines à forte croissance et fort potentiel d innovation pour en maximiser l impact Introduire un nouvel ensemble de mesures aidant à surmonter le fossé de l innovation européen en renforçant les investissements des fonds structurels Présentation générale TIC dans H Date - N 12

13 HORIZON 2020 Présentation générale TIC dans H Date - N 13

14 Horizon 2020: architecture RDI Défis sociétaux - Santé, bien-être, vieillissement - Sécurité aliment., bioéconomie - Energies sures, propres, efficaces - Transports intell., verts, intégrés -Climat, environnement, mat. 1 ères - Sociétés inclusives et novatrices - Sociétés sûres Primauté industrielle TIC Technologies clés génériques: microélectronique, photonique, nanotechnologies, matériaux avancés, systèmes de production, biotechnologies Espace Innovation dans les PME Accès au financement à risque Euratom Fission Fusion Recherche fondamentale Excellence scientifique Recherche exploratoire (ERC) Technologies futures et émergentes (FET) Infrastructures de recherche Marie Curie +Elargissement, Science et Société +Elargissement, Science et Société Institut EU Innovation & Technologie EIT / KIC Présentation générale TIC dans H Date - N 14

15 H2020: Budget global (3) (en Md courant ) 79,4 Md courant pour à comparer à ~58 Md courant sur Présentation générale TIC dans H Date - N 15

16 H2020: Budget global (3) Présentation générale TIC dans H Date - N 16

17 H2020: Budget global (3) Présentation générale TIC dans H Date - N 17

18 H2020: Le pilier Excellence ERC (13,1 Md ) Actions Marie-Curie (6,2 Md ) FET (2,7 Md ) Infrastructures (2,5 Md ) 24,4 Md Présentation générale TIC dans H Date - N 18

19 H2020: le pilier Primauté industrielle TIC (7,6 Md ) NMP + B (4,3 Md ) Espace cv (1,7 Md ) KET: Photonique Micro/nanoélectronique Nanotechnologies Matériaux avancées Procédés de fabrication avancés Biotechnologies Accès aux financements à risque (2,8 Md ) Innocation PME (0,6 Md ) Présentation générale TIC dans H Date - N Md

20 H2020: le pilier Défis sociétaux Santé, bien être et vieillissement (7,5 Md ) Sécurité alim., bioéconomie (3,9 Md ) Energies sûres, propres, efficaces (5,9 Md ) Transport intel., verts, intégrés (6,3 Md ) Climat, env. matières premières (3,1 Md ) Sociétés inclusives et novatrices (1,3 Md ) Sociétés sûres (1,7 Md ) Présentation générale TIC dans H Date - N 20 29,7Md

21 LES REGLES DE PARTICIPATION Présentation générale TIC dans H Date - N 21

22 Règles de participation Toute entité légale peut participer 3 entités légales de 3 Etats-membres ou Etats associés différents Exception notamment pour les mono-bénéficiaires (ERC et PME) Entités légales financées établies dans les Etats-membres ou Etats associés (pour les Etats tiers : participation essentielle pour la mise en œuvre du projet ou prévue au titre d un accord de coopération scientifique et technologique ou expressément prévu dans le programme de travail) 3 Critères d évaluation des propositions: Excellence S&T Impact Mise en œuvre Pour ERC, un seul le critère: Excellence Présentation générale TIC dans H Date - N 22

23 Taux de co-financement (projets collaboratifs) Deux types de projets collaboratifs principaux Projets «Recherche & Innovation»: 100% des coûts éligibles Projets «Innovation»: 70% des coûts éligibles Taux de financement des coûts directs éligibles Autres actions: PCP PPI CSA Prizes Thème fléché «Non-profit» organisations Entreprises Recherche & Innovation 100% 100% Innovation 100% 70% Forfait de 25% des coûts directs éligibles pour l assiette des coûts indirects Présentation générale TIC dans H Date - N 23

24 Les règles de PI Continuité forte avec les règles du 7ème PCRD Principales nouveautés : Généralisation de l Open Access : accès libre et ouvert (gratuit et en ligne) aux publications scientifiques issues des résultats des projets Horizon 2020, en respect des intérêts légitimes des participants Open Data, en particulier pour Pilier I - Excellence de la Science : ERC et FET. Accès libre et ouvert (gratuit et en ligne) aux données de la recherche issues du projet Horizon 2020, en respect des intérêts légitimes des participants Importance des programmes de travail : précisions quant aux obligations de diffusion et d exploitation des résultats du projet, notamment pour les projets Innovation Droit d accès gratuit à des fins non commerciales et non concurrentielles des organes de l UE et des Etats membres aux résultats des projets pour le Défi de Société Sociétés sûres Conditions P.I particulières pour PCP et PPIS (propriété, droits d accès, conditions de concession de licences etc.) Présentation générale TIC dans H Date - N 24

25 LE PROGRAMME LEIT/TIC Présentation générale TIC dans H Date - N 25

26 Evolutions majeure par rapport au 7 ème PCRDT: un recentrage sur les technologies + nouveaux instruments Basic ICT technologies & infrastructures 1. Pervasive and Trusted Network and Service Infrastructure 2. Cognitive Systems and Robotics 3. Alternative Paths to Components and Systems 4. Technologies for Digital Content and Languages 5. ICT for Health, Ageing well, Inclusion & Gov. ICT for socio-economic challenges 6. ICT for a Low- Carbon Economy 7. ICT for Enterprise& Manufact. 8. ICT for Creativity and Learning International cooperation, Cooperation in an enlarged Europe, Pre-commercial Procurement Future & Emerging Technologies (FET) STREP IP vs. R&I I Echelle TRL Instrument PME Présentation générale TIC dans H Date - N 26

27 Un budget en croissance (forte) sur la période Présentation générale TIC dans H Date - N 27

28 Industrial Leadership - ICT 1. A new generation of components and systems: engineering of advanced embedded and resource efficient components and systems 2. Next generation computing: advanced and secure computing systems and technologies, including cloud computing 3. Future Internet: software, hardware, infrastructures, technologies and services 4. Content technologies and information management: ICT for digital content, cultural and creative industries 5. Advanced interfaces and robots: robotics and smart spaces 6. Micro- and nanoelectronics and photonics: key enabling technologies 28

29 ICT in Industrial Leadership 1. Components and systems 2. Advanced Computing 3. Future Internet 4. Content technologies and information management 5. Robotics 6. Key Enabling Technologies: Micronano-electronics and photonics + Factory of the Future cppp + International Cooperation actions (EU-Brazil, EU-Japan) ICT Cross cutting activities: Internet of Things Human-centric Digital Age Cybersecurity Support to NCPs ICT Innovation actions Access to finance Innovation policy support Open disruptive innovation scheme (SME instrument)

30 A balanced approach For growth and jobs and for adressing societal challenges Europe needs: 1. to maintain expertise in key technology value chains 2. to move quicker from research excellence to the market This requires 1. Strong industrial roadmaps: long term commitment continuity and stability new actorsto exploit and leverage new technologies 2. Disruptive innovation: flexibility and openess dynamic eco-systems new actors to initiate and drive change

31 ICT Roadmap-based research: Continuity and consolidation FP7 ARTEMIS JTI ENIAC JTI Smart Systems R&D (EPoSS) H2020 ElectronicComponents & Systems JTI Factory of the Future PPP Future Internet PPP & SME Accelerator Networking R&D Photonics R&D Robotics R&D Expansion of use cases 5G PPP Photonics PPP Robotics PPP Advanced Computing Content Technologies and Information Management

32 Photonics 21 > 2000 membres (dont 284 FR) Académiques + Industrie 7 WG WG1: Information & Communication WG2: Industrial Manufacturing & Quality WG3: Life Science & Health WG4: Emerging Lighting, Electronics & Displays WG5: Security, Metrology and Sensors WG6: Design & Manufacturing of Components & Systems WG7: Photonics Research, Education & Training Présentation générale TIC dans H Date - N 32

33 Processus PPP Photonics WG1 WG2 WG3 WG4 WG5 WG6 WG7 proposent décide (priorisation des sujets) Board of stakeholders(bos) Members elected by WG members Executive Board(EB) = Photonics PPP Ass. Members elected by BoS members Draft WP Présentation générale TIC dans H Date - N 33

34 1. Components and systems / Covers systemic integration from smart integrated components to cyber-physical systems Complementary to the JTI Electronic Components and Systems (ECSEL) Organised in three related topics: Smart cyber-physical systems Next generation embedded and connected systems Smart system integration Integration of heterogeneous micro- and nanotechnologies into smart systems Advanced Thin, Organic and Large Area Electronics R&I in this area will also contribute to the implementation of the Strategic Research Agenda on Energy Efficient Buildings [Additional budget for ECSEL JTI (embedded systems): 71M]

35 Components and systems (142 M ) ICT : Smart Cyber-Physical Systems (56 M ) Actions : R & I (37 M ), Innov(17 M ), CSA (2 M ) ICT : Smart System Integration (48 M ) Actions : R & I (35 M ), Innov(9 M ), CSA (1 M ), PCP (3 M ) ICT : Advanced Thin, Organic and Large Area Electronics (38 M ) Actions : R & I (17 M ), Innov(15.5 M ), CSA (2.5 M ), PCP(3 M )

36 2. Advanced Computing / Reinforce and expand Europe's industrial and technology strengths in lowpower ICT Focus is on integration of advanced components on all levels in computing systems Complementary to and coordinated with work in the Future Internet area (on Cloud Computing) and in Excellence Science pillar under Research Infrastructures and FET (on High Performance Computing) Organised in one topic: Customised and low power computing 36

37 Advanced Computing (57 M ) ICT : Customised and low power computing (57 M ) Actions : R & I (37 M ), Innov(17 M ), CSA (3 M )

38 3. Future Internet / Focused on network and computing infrastructures to accelerate innovation and address the most critical technical and use aspects of the Internet Organised in ten topics: Smart networks and novel Internet architectures Smart optical and wireless network technologies Advanced 5G Network Infrastructure for the Future Internet (5G PPP) Advanced cloud infrastructures and services Boosting public sector productivity and innovation through cloud computing services Tools and methods for Software Development FIRE+ (Future Internet Research & Experimentation) More Experimentation for the Future Internet Collective Awareness Platforms for sustainability and social innovation Web Entrepreneurship 38

39 Future Internet (395.5 M ) -1 ICT : Smart Networks and novel Internet Architectures (24 M ) Actions : R & I (24 M ) ICT : Smart optical and wireless network technologies (30 M ) Actions : R & I (29 M ), CSA (1 M ) ICT : Advanced cloud Infrastructures and Services (73 M ) Actions : R & I (66 M ), Innov(5 M ), CSA (2 M ) ICT : Boosting public sector productivity and innovation through cloud computing services (22 M ) Actions : PCP (9 M ), PPI(13 M ) ICT : Tools and methods for Software Development (25 M ) Actions : R & I (25 M )

40 Future Internet (395.5 M ) -2 ICT : Collective Awareness Platforms for Sustainability and Social Innovation (37 M ) Actions : R & I (36 M ), CSA (1 M ) ICT : FIRE+ (Future Internet Research & Experimentation) (31.5 M ) Actions : R & I (25 M ), Innov(5 M ), CSA (1.5 M ) ICT : More Experimentation for the Future Internet (18 M ) Actions : R & I (13 M ), Innov(5 M ) ICT : Web Entrepreneurship (10 M ) Actions : Innov(6 M ), CSA (4 M ) ICT : Advanced 5G Network Infrastructure for the Future Internet (125 M ) Actions : R & I (98 M ), Innov(25 M ), CSA (2 M )

41 4. Content technologies and information management / Addresses: - Big Data with focus on both innovative data products and services and solving research problems - Machine translation to overcome barriers to multilingual online communication - Tools for creative, media and learning industries to mobilise the innovation potential of SMEs active in the area - Multimodal and natural computer interaction Organised in eight topics: Big data innovation and take-up Big data research Cracking the language barrier Support to the growth of ICT innovative creative industries SMEs Technologies for creative industries, social media and convergence Technologies for better human learning and teaching Advanced digital gaming/gamification technologies Multimodal and natural computer interaction 41

42 Content technologies and information management (260 M ) -1 ICT : Big data Innovation and take-up (50 M ) Actions : Innov(39 M ), CSA (11 M ) ICT : Big data research (39 M ) Actions : R & I (38 M ), CSA (1 M ) ICT : Cracking the language barrier (15 M ) Actions : R & I (4 M ), Innov(10 M ), CSA (1 M ) ICT : Support the growth of ICT innovative Creative Industries SMEs (15 M ) Actions : Innov(14 M ), CSA (1 M )

43 Content technologies and information management (260 M ) -2 ICT : Technologies for creative industries, social media and convergence (41 M ) Actions : R & I (18 M ), Innov(21 M ), CSA (2 M ) ICT : Technologies for better human learning and teaching (52M ) Actions : R & I (14 M ), Innov(28 M ), PPI (10 M ) ICT : Advanced digital gaming/gamification technologies (17 M ) Actions : R & I (9 M ), Innov(8 M ) ICT : Multimodal and Natural computer interaction (31 M ) Actions : R & I (23.5 M ), Innov(7.5 M )

44 5. Robotics / Roadmap-based research driven by application needs Robotics PPP Effort to close the innovation gap to allow large scale deployment of robots and foster market take-up: use-cases, pre-commercial procurement, industry-academia collaboration Includes two pre-commercial procurement actions (health-care sector, public safety and environmental monitoring) Additional activities: shared resources, performance evaluation & benchmarking, community building and robotic competitions 44

45 Robotics (157M ) ICT : Robotics (74 M ) Actions : R & I (57 M ), Innov(12 M ), PCP (5 M ) ICT : Robotics (83 M ) Actions : R & I (50 M ), Innov(24 M ), CSA (4 M ), PCP (5 M )

46 6. Micro- and nano-electronics and photonics Key Enabling Technologies / Covers generic technology developments on micro- and nanoelectronics focused on advanced research and lower Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs) Complementary to the JTI Electronic Components and Systems Addresses the full innovation and value chain in markets sectors where the European photonics industry is particularly strong (optical communications, lighting, medical photonics, laser technologies, etc.) Photonics PPP Includes calls for ERANETs as well as public procurement actions (rollout and deployment of optical networking technologies) [Additional budget for ECSEL JTI (embedded systems): 179M ] 46

47 Micro-and nano-electronics and photonics (215 M ) ICT : Generic micro- and nano-electronic technologies (50 M ) Actions : R & I (40 M ), Innov(7 M ), CSA (3 M ) ICT : Photonics KET (47M ) Actions : R & I (28 M ), Innov(8 M ), CSA (5 M ), ERA-NET( 6 M ) ICT : Photonics KET (44 M ) Actions : R & I (30 M ), PPI (5 M ), CSA (3 M ), ERA-NET (6 M ) ICT : Cross-cutting ICT KETs (56 ME) Actions : Innov(55 M ), CSA (1 M ) ICT : Development of novel materials and systems for OLED lighting (18 M ) Actions : R & I (18 M )

48 Les grands acteurs «photonique» Présentation générale TIC dans H Date - N 48

49 ICT Cross-Cutting Activities / Internet of Things and platforms for Connected Smart Objects Cutting across several LEIT-ICT areas (smart systems integration, smart networks, big data) Bringing together different generic ICT technologies and their stakeholder constituencies Human-centric Digital Age Understanding technologies, networks and new digital and social media and how these are changing the way people behave, think, interact and socialise as persons, citizens, workers and consumers Cyber-security, Trustworthy ICT Focuses on security-by-design for end to end security and a specific activity on cryptography Complementary to Cyber-security in Societal Challenge 7 Trans-national co-operation among National Contact Points Mechanisms for effective cross border partnership searches, identifying, understanding and sharing good practices among ICT NCPs 49

50 ICT Cross-Cutting Activities (100 M ) ICT : Internet of Things and platforms for Connected Smart Objects (51 M ) Actions : R & I (50 M ), CSA (1 M ) ICT : Human-centric Digital Age (7M ) Actions : R & I (6 M ), CSA (1 M ) ICT : Cyber-security, Trustworthy ICT (38M ) Actions : R & I (37 M ), CSA (1 M ) ICT : Trans-national co-operation among National Contact Points (4M ) Actions : CSA (4 M )

51 ICT innovation actions / Support for access to finance Pilot action for business angels to co-invest in ICT innovative companies Implemented by EIF and closely coordinated with "Access to risk finance" part of H2020 Innovation and Entrepreneurship Support ICT business idea contests in universities and high schools ICT entrepreneurship summer academy ICT entrepreneurship labs Campaign on entrepreneurship culture in innovative ICT sectors Support for definition and implementation of inducement prizes European networks of procurers Pre-commercial procurement Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme Support to a large set of early stage high risk innovative SMEs in ICT Implementation through the SME instrument -> Continuously open calls with several (3) cut-off dates/year -> 5% of LEIT budget 51

52 ICT Innovation actions (116 M ) ICT : Support for access to finance (15 M ) Actions : Financial Instr. (15 M ) ICT : Innovation and Entrepreneurship Support (7 M ) Actions : Innov(4 M ), CSA (3 M ) ICT : Pre-Commercial Procurement open to all areas of public interest requiring new ICT solutions (4 M ) Actions : PCP (4 M ) ICT : Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (90 M ) Actions : SME Instr. (90 M )

53 International cooperation actions / International partnership building and support to dialogues with high income countries (USA, Canada, East Asia and Oceania) Subgroup 1: North America (Canada, USA) Subgroup 2: East Asia/Oceania (Australia, Japan, Korea, New Zealand, Singapore, Taiwan) International partnership building in low and middle income countries Targeted countries : Sub-Saharan Africa Coordinated calls EU-Brazil Cloud computing, including security aspects High performance computing Experimental platforms EU-Japan Technologies combining big data, internet of things in the cloud Optical communications Acces networks for densely located users Experimentation and development on federated Japan-EU testbeds 53

54 International Cooperation actions (14 M ) ICT38: International partnership building and support to dialogues with high income countries (3 M ) Actions : CSA (3 M ) ICT39: International partnership building in low and middle income countries (11 M ) Actions : R & I (11 M )

55 Coordinated Calls EU Japan (EU funding :6 M (1.5 M per topic)) EUJ : Technology combining big data, internet of things in the Cloud EUJ : Optical Communications EUJ : Access networks for densely located users EUJ : Experimentation and development on federated Japan EU testbeds Actions : R & I EU Brazil (EU funding :7 M ) EUB : Cloud Computing including security aspects (3.5 M ) EUB : High Performance Computing (HPC) (2 M ) EUB : Experimental platforms (1.5 M ) Actions : R & I ( + 1 CSA in EUB 1)

56 Targeted international openings ICT 5 (Smart Networks and Novel Internet Architectures) : South Korea, Japan ICT 6 (Smart optical and wireless network technologies) : U.S., Japan, South Korea ICT 11 (FIRE) : U.S., Brazil, Japan, South Korea ICT 14 (Advanced 5G Infrastructure for Future Internet) : South Korea, Japan, U.S., China ICT 25 (Generic micro-and nano-electronic technologies) : U.S. Asia

57 Factory of the Future / Focuses on ICT components of innovative production systems in all sectors (for more personalised, diversified and mass-produced product portfolio and for rapid adaptations to market changes) Organised in three topics: Process optimisation of manufacturing assets ICT-enabled modelling, simulation, analytics and forecasting technologies ICT Innovation for Manufacturing SMEs Part of FoF PPP 57

58 Factory of the Future (102 M ) 3 ICT topics described in LEIT -Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials, Biotechnology and Advanced Manufacturing and Processing : FoF 1: Process optimisation of manufacturing assets (34 M ) Actions : R & I (32 M ), CSA (2 M ) FoF8: ICT-enabled modelling, simulation, analytics and forecasting technologies (32 M ) Actions : R & I (32 M ) FoF 9: ICT Innovation for Manufacturing SMEs (36 M ) Actions : R &I (35 M ), CSA (1 M )

59 ECSEL: public public private partnership The tri-partite JTI allows to align strategic programmes at EU and national levels Parties are MS, private members and EU The private members will likely be AENEAS, ARTEMISIA and EPoSS

60 Extended scope and synergy of ECSEL Micro- and nanoelectronics design technologies, process and integration, equipment, materials and manufacturing for micro- and nanoelectronics Smart systems multi-disciplinary approaches for smart systems, supported by developments in holistic design and advanced manufacturing Embedded and Cyber Physical Systems processes, methods, tools and platforms, reference designs and architectures, for software and/or controlintensive embedded/cyber-physical systems,

61 Implementation in JTI Intensity of investment Industriallydriven R&D Capitalintensive R&D&I, Pilot lines, Demonstrator s / Applications Advanced R&D Pan-European Innovation: Take-up, Assessment, Infrastructure, Design services Implementation in H2020

62 Governance 62

63 ICT LEIT Budget Overview

64 Call planning overview LEIT 1559 M +250 M ECSEL H2020-ICT-2014 (ICT Call 1) Publication date: 11 December 2013 Deadline: 23 April 2014 (all topics except 5G Future Internet) Deadline for 5G Future Internet: 25 November ,5 M H2020-FoF-2014/2015 (Factory of the Future) Publication date: 11 December 2013 Deadlines: 13 March 2014 and 9 December 2014 H2020-EUJ-2014 (EU-Japan Call) Publication date: 7 January 2014 Deadline: 10 April 2014 H2020-ICT-2015 (ICT Call 2) Publication date: 15 October 2014 Deadline: 14 April 2015 H2020-EUB-2015 (EU-Brazil Call) Publication date: 15 October 2014 Deadline: 21 April M 6 M 579 M 7 M 64

65 LES TIC DANS LE RESTE DE H2020 Présentation générale TIC dans H Date - N 65

66 Le programme FET FET Open : programme ouvert (vraiment!) Open, light and agile Roadmap-based research High-Performance Computing (HPC) Strategy Future and Emerging Technologies Individual research projects Open research clusters Common research agendas Early Ideas Incubation Large-Scale Initiatives FET Open FET Proactive FET Flagships Exploring Developing Addressing novel ideas topics & communities grand challenges Présentation générale TIC dans H Date - N 66

67 Un pondération forte en faveur du critère S&T (a priori) First stage Evaluation criteria S/T quality weight 80%, threshold 4/5 Clarity of targeted breakthrough and its relevance towards a long-term vision. Novelty and foundational character. Specific contribution to progress in science and technology. If successful Quality and effectiveness of the S/T methodology and workplan. Second stage Implementation weight 20%, threshold 3/5 Quality of management. Quality of the participants and of the consortium as a whole. Appropriate allocation and justification of resources (person-months, equipment, budget). Impact weight 20%, threshold 3,5/5 Appropriateness of measures envisaged towards getting a transformational impact of the results on science, technology and/or society. Appropriateness of measures envisaged for the dissemination and/or use of project results. Mais une différence faite sur les deux autres! Présentation générale TIC dans H Date - N 67

68 FET Proactives in WP Three topics are selected for funding in WP : Knowing, doing and being: cognition beyond problem solving Global Systems Science (GSS) Quantum simulation Towards exascale high-performance computing 68

69 Attention FR très mal positionnée au sein de Robocom FET Proactive in WP Knowing, doing and being: cognition beyond problem solving New foundations for future robotics and other artificial cognitive systems Deeper understanding of non-performing aspects of social robotics Development and interaction in mixed human/technological settings Improved understanding of the impacts of the technologically enhanced environments on the human behaviour, at the individual and collective levels Understanding the origins and development of synergies and divides in socio/technical contexts and ways to influence them Evidence for researcher interest: Consultation (ca. 180 comments) Previous FP7 projects and proposals (eg Robocom FET flagship pilot) 69

70 Attention FR très mal positionnée au sein de FuturICT FET Proactive in WP Global Systems Science (GSS) The challenge is to improve the way scientific knowledge can stimulate, guide, and help evaluate policy and societal responses to global challenges eg o o o o climate change financial crisis Pandemics global growth of cities. Policy challenges shall be addressed by radically novel tools for producing and delivering scientific knowledge to the policy processes. Evidence for researcher interest: Consultation (ca. 180 comments) Previous FP7 projects and proposals (eg FuturICT FET flagship pilot) 70

71 Interrelation between the three elements Access to best HPC for industry and academia (PRACE) specifications of exascale prototypes technological options for future systems FET/HPC: EU development of Exascale technologies Collaboration of HPC Centres and application CoEs provision of HPC capabilities and expertise Excellence in HPC applications (Centres of Excellence) identify applications for codesign of exascale systems Innovative methods and algorithms for extreme parallelism of traditional/emerging applications

72 H2020: les TIC touchent aussi les défis RTD F (SANCO) RTD E AGRI RTD K ENER C RTD H MOVE C RTD I CLIM/ENV ENTR F RTD B, C ENTR G SC1 Health SC2 Food SC3 Energy SC4 Transport SC5 Climate SC6 Inclusive, Innovative SC7 Security CNECT H1, H2 CNECT G3 CNECT H5 CNECT H5 CNECT H5 CNECT G2, G4 H2, H3 CNECT H4 Présentation générale TIC dans H Date - N 72

73 Health, demographic change and wellbeing/ (indicative basis) Advancing active and healthy ageing with ICT Service robotics within assisted living environments ICT solutions for independent living with cognitive impairments ICT solutions enabling early risk detection and intervention Integrated, sustainable, citizen-centred care ICT-based approaches for integrated care (beyond current state-of-art in tele-health and tele-care) Self-management of health and disease Public-procurement of innovative ehealth services Improving health information and data exploitation Digital representation of health data to improve diagnosis and treatment ehealth interoperability Warning: content subject to change WP preparation process still on-going

74 Secure, clean and efficient energy / (indicative basis) Energy efficiency / buildings and consumers Public procurement of green data centres New ICT-based solutions for energy efficiency through citizens' behavioural change Competitive low-carbon energy / modernising the single European electricity grid Distribution grid and retail market Next generation ICT infrastructure for smart metering and smart grids Smart cities and communities Integration of energy, transport and ICT through lighthouse projects (large scale demonstration) Warning: content subject to change WP preparation process still on-going

75 Smart, green and integrated transport / (indicative basis) Road Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems Connecting people, vehicles, infrastructures and businesses Safe and connected automation in road transport Green vehicles Electric vehicles' enhanced performance and integration into the transport system and the electricity grid Smart cities and communities Integration of energy, transport and ICT through lighthouse projects (large scale demonstration) Warning: content subject to change WP preparation process still on-going

76 Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials / (indicative basis) Waste management ICT solutions for waste traceability, waste material flow management Water management Development and deployment of advanced ICT solutions for water resources management in agriculture and urban areas Warning: content subject to change WP preparation process still on-going

77 Europe in a changing world inclusive, innovative and reflective societies / (indicative basis) Reflective societies Cultural Heritage Innovative ecosystems of digital cultural assets Advanced 3D modelling for accessing and understanding European cultural assets New forms of innovation Innovation in the public sector by using emerging ICT technologies ICT-enabled open government Personalised public services M-government Open participation Transparency ICT for learning and inclusion Warning: content subject to change WP preparation process still on-going

78 Secure societies protecting freedom and security of Europe and its citizens / (indicative basis) Digital security: cybersecurity, privacy and trust Protecting our society by providing sustained trust in the usage of ICT and in securing the ICT underlying our digital society Preventing cyber-attacks on any component of the digital society Ensuring freedom and privacy in the digital society, protecting the fundamental values of our society and democratic rights of our citizens in cyberspace Protect the weak in our society from abuses over the internet and giving the user control over his private data Demonstrating the viability and maturity of state-of-the-art security solutions in large scale demonstrators, involving end users Warning: content subject to change WP preparation process still on-going

79 Guide to the presence of ICT in H2020 Comprehensive coverage of all three H2020 pillars Detailed list of calls and topics Detailed budget allocation and call deadlines not provided yet

80 H2020/TIC DANS LE PANORAMA EUROPEEN Présentation générale TIC dans H Date - N 80

81 Les autres programmes TIC européen (1) Question 0: Quel est mon projet? Question 1: Quel guichet approprié? PROGRAMMES INTERNATIONAUX FONDS PROPRES Présentation générale TIC dans H Date - N 81


83 COMMENT PARTICIPER? Présentation générale TIC dans H Date - N 83

84 Un dispositif national d accompagnement national renforcé Représentants aux Comités de programme (RCP) Les Groupes Thématiques Nationaux (GTN) Les Points de Contact Nationaux (PCN) Missions renforcées: informer et diffuser; aider, conseiller et former; susceptibles d orienter vers d autres sources de financement Les RCP intégrés aux consortia PCN Professionnalisés: rendre des comptes, une professionalisation des acteurs, et bénéficiant d une plus grande visibilité Un site dédié: (Amont) (Aval) Et une articulation beaucoup plus étroite avec l agenda stratégique national pour la recherche, le transfert et l innovation Présentation générale TIC dans H Date - N 84

85 Composition du PCN TIC Claire Ferté (UBIFRANCE) - coordinateur Frédéric Laurent (MESR) Patrick Schouller(MRP) Michel Loyer (ALLISTENE Inria) Anne Meyer (ALLISTENE Grenoble INP) Isabelle de Sutter(Pôles de Compétitivité Systematic) Présentation générale TIC dans H Date - N 85

Atelier préparatoire ICT Proposer s Day. H2020 Paris 09/09/14 - N 1

Atelier préparatoire ICT Proposer s Day. H2020 Paris 09/09/14 - N 1 Atelier préparatoire ICT Proposer s Day H2020 Paris 09/09/14 - N 1 UBIFRANCE & HORIZON 2020 UBIFRANCE Un réseau intégré de 80 implantations dans 70 pays 150 personnes dédiées au numérique et aux services

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