Recherche Research Forschung Investigación Ricerca

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1 ))) Recherche Research Forschung Investigación Ricerca N 1 - May 2009 Faculty Members Publications from January to April 2009 Publications des Professeurs de janvier à avril 2009 (classification by discipline) Sustainable Development & Corporate Social Responsibility Monde des affaires et Développement durable Book / Ouvrage DELBARD O., (2009), Pour une entreprise responsable - Comment concilier profit et développement durable?, le Cavalier bleu Editions, coll. Mobilisations, Paris, 136 p. Si l'on s'en réfère à Milton Friedman et à l'approche néolibérale dominante : "La responsabilité de l'entreprise, c'est de faire du profit." Quid alors des enjeux sociétaux et environnementaux d'aujourd'hui? L'entreprise doit-elle et peut-elle se tenir à l'écart des grandes questions de sociétés? Comment peut-elle concilier ses exigences de rentabilité, d'efficacité avec de nouvelles formes d'engagement responsable pour l'environnement et la société? De quelle manière pourra-t-elle les intégrer? A l'heure de bouleversements économiques et sociaux majeurs, l'auteur analyse ici, au travers d'exemples concrets, les mutations profondes qui, de gré ou... de force, s'engagent dans le monde de l'entreprise. Olivier Delbard Article ACQUIER A., (2009), "Développement durable : Sept idées reçues à réviser", L'Expansion Management Review, mars, pp , 8 p. Ces dernières années ont été marquées par la prolifération d offres de consulting, d articles de presse, d ouvrages en management ou de formations professionnelles visant à expliquer pourquoi et comment les entreprises peuvent s engager dans une démarche de développement durable. Un consensus s est progressivement formé autour de quelques grandes idées reçues en matière de management du développement durable. Pourtant un examen plus critique et minutieux permet de nuancer ces affirmations, voire de douter de leur bien-fondé. Soulignant le risque qui consisterait à adopter ces idées sans retenue, nous battons en brèche sept idées reçues en matière de management du développement durable. Aurélien Acquier 1

2 Social and Political Science / Sciences sociales et politiques Book / Ouvrage BOUILLOUD J.-P., (2009), Devenir sociologue : Histoire de vie et choix théoriques, Collection Sociologie clinique, Erès, 424 p. Quels sont les liens entre vie privée et vie professionnelle, vie personnelle et vie intellectuelle? Comment, et pourquoi, devient-on sociologue? Comment s inscrivent la production intellectuelle, les choix théoriques et l œuvre du chercheur dans le parcours de sa vie personnelle? Telles sont les questions auxquelles ce livre essaie d apporter des éléments de réponse, à partir des récits autobiographiques de 27 sociologues (voire psychosociologues ou anthropologues) français, connus et moins connus. Jean-Philippe Bouilloud Strategy & Management / Management stratégique Books / Ouvrages COLLIN B., ROUACH D., (2009), Le Modèle L'Oréal : Les stratégies clés d'une multinationale française, Collection Management en action, Pearson Education France, Paris, 147 p. Allant au-delà des spéculations qui surgissent régulièrement autour du cercle des «L Oréaliens» et de sa fameuse propriétaire, Liliane Bettencourt, les auteurs de ce livre sont entrés en contact avec nombre de ses dirigeants pour percer le mystère de cette entreprise. Importance de la recherche et développement, de la veille concurrentielle, conquête de nouveaux marchés, maîtrise de la communication, concurrence externe et interne, intégration de «l autre» au cœur du système cet ouvrage explique comment L Oréal, qui fête en 2009 son centenaire, a su s adapter sans cesse de manière stratégique, managériale et organisationnelle pour devenir et rester une figure emblématique de réussite française. Béatrice Collin Daniel Rouach ABATE R., DUCREUX J.-M., KACHANER N., (2009), Le Grand livre de la stratégie, Organisation, Paris, 377 p. Une bonne stratégie : gage du succès concurrentiel sur le long terme. Dans le monde tumultueux qui est le nôtre, il est essentiel d'identifier et de maîtriser les fondamentaux de la stratégie qui assurent pérennité, croissance et rentabilité. Ce livre formalise et met à la disposition de tous, le savoir-faire du Boston Consulting Group avec notamment : les principaux concepts nécessaires à la définition d'une stratégie d'entreprise pertinente que ce soient des notions traditionnelles comme la célèbre matrice BCG de Bruce Henderson, les systèmes concurrentiels... ou de concepts plus récents comme le dialogue stratégique, la bipolarisation ou la déconstruction ; une démarche systématique d'élaboration et d'exécution de la stratégie afin qu'une bonne stratégie ne soit pas détruite par une mauvaise exécution ; de nombreux exemples d'entreprises françaises, européennes, américaines ou asiatiques. Ancré dans la réalité, l'ouvrage tient compte de la concurrence toujours plus intense, de l'accélération du rythme d'innovation, de la mondialisation et de la visibilité réduite alors que les investissements sont souvent de plus en plus lourds. Dans ce monde de libre concurrence, ce livre apporte une aide précieuse au dirigeant pour allouer ses ressources mieux que ses adversaires et tendre vers une croissance durable. Jean-Marie Ducreux 2

3 Article MOATTI V., (2009), "Learning to expand or expanding to learn? The role of imitation and experience in the choice among several expansion modes", European Management Journal, Février, Vol.27. Issue 1, pp , 11 p. This paper examines how firms choose among alternative modes of development in the context of horizontal growth. We suggest that mergers & acquisitions and alliances formation are influenced by both internal and external factors. More precisely, we investigate the role of imitation and experience as distinct learning mechanisms, both separately and simultaneously. Using isomorphism theoretical background, we show that the choice of expansion mode is highly influenced by competitor moves. We confirmed most of our hypotheses empirically with a sample of 83 firms from the retail industry from 1984 through Our results also show that imitation mechanism differ whether we consider M&As or alliances. Management Control / Contrôle de gestion Books/Ouvrages Valérie Moatti Collectif CPO, (2009), L'art du contrôle de gestion : enjeux et pratiques, Editions Gualino, coll. Business, Paris, 472 p. En complément de Contrôle de gestion et Pilotage de la performance (2008), qui présente les fondamentaux du contrôle de gestion, L'Art du contrôle de gestion : enjeux et pratiques reprend ce domaine de façon approfondie. Il apporte des grilles d'analyse des outils et démarches de pilotage de la performance, afin de permettre aux directions générales et opérationnelles comme aux contrôleurs de gestion de trouver des solutions adaptées aux enjeux complexes auxquels ils ont à faire face en la matière. Le livre veut ainsi se démarquer d'une posture, fréquente mais simpliste, proposant des "solutions clés en main" ou des "best practices" sans toujours les mettre en perspective et cherche au contraire à construire un dialogue équilibré entre théories et pratiques. Il repose sur une équipe d'enseignants-chercheurs-praticiens partageant cette ambition et sur un mode d'élaboration original car collectif, tous les chapitres ayant été écrits à plusieurs mains et fait l'objet de discussions avec l'ensemble des auteurs. Faisant une large part aux principes qui guident l'élaboration des outils de pilotage, cet ouvrage met en lumière l'art subtil de l'équilibre entre des perspectives managériales multiples, conflictuelles et complémentaires. Authors / Auteurs : F. Giraud O. Saulpic C Bonnier F de Geuser L. Laulusa C. Mendoza G. Naulleau R Zrihen MENDOZA C., CAUVIN E., DELMOND M.-H., DOBLER P., MALLERET V., ZILBERBERG E. (2009), Coûts et Décisions, Business, Editions Gualino, Paris, 3ème édition, 410 pages. Ce livre examine comment les coûts orientent un très grand nombre de décisions prises dans les entreprises. Il montre également comment la maîtrise et le pilotage des coûts peuvent aider une entreprise à se construire un avantage concurrentiel durable. Cet ouvrage, pédagogique sans être simplificateur, s adresse aussi bien aux étudiants d écoles de commerce et d universités qu aux managers. Il comporte de nombreuses illustrations pratiques ainsi que des exercices et des cas corrigés. C. Mendoza P. Dobler E. Zilberberg 3

4 Article DE GEUSER, F., STELLA M., OYON D., (2009), "Does the Balanced Scorecard Add Value? Empirical Evidence on its Effect on Performance", European Accounting Review, Vol. 18 Issue 1, p , 30 p. Since its emergence at the beginning of the 1990s, numerous companies have adopted the Balanced Scorecard (BSC). This paper tackles two research questions: (1) whether the BSC adds value to companies and (2) if so, how does it contribute to organisational performance. In contrast to previous literature that does not separate these two questions, we rely on an established methodology (Foster and Swenson, 1997) to separate and quantify both the BSC contribution to performance and the way that the contribution is achieved, by applying a unique cause-and-effect scheme to the BSC. Our empirical results are based on survey data collected from 76 business units. They indicate first that the Balanced Scorecard has a positive impact on organisational performance. More specifically, the BSC improves the integration of the management processes and empowers people. Using the Strategy-Focused-Organisation (SFO) model (Kaplan and Norton, 2001), we empirically find that the sources of performance derived from the BSC are primarily of three types: (1) a better translation of the strategy into operational terms, (2) the fact that strategising becomes a continuous process, and (3) the greater alignment of various processes, services, competencies and units of an organisation. Fabien de Geuser Economics / Economie Books / Ouvrages CREEL J., SAWYER M., (eds), (2009), Current thinking on fiscal policy, Palgrave Macmillan, New York, 182 p. This book develops current thinking on fiscal policy, emphasizing the role which fiscal policy can play in macroeconomic policy and challenging the view that macroeconomic policy should rely on monetary policy alone. This book offers theoretical insights in defence of fiscal policy as a valid macroeconomic instrument. Jérôme Creel ALIGICA P. D., EVANS A. J., (2009), The Neoliberal Revolution In Eastern Europe: Economic Ideas in the Transition from Communism. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. Combining a distinctive synthesis of the existing data about the spread of neoliberal economic ideas in Central and Eastern Europe with an analysis of the processes at work, the authors challenge a series of misunderstandings and myths about the spread of neoliberal economic ideas. The disputed topics include: the myth of an Eastern European rush to embrace the theories and ideas that may be considered the mark of market fundamentalism ; the notion that a harsh neoliberal dogmatism was somehow imposed on the region from outside; the idea that the standardization and regimentation of economic thinking was a result of the spread of the Western way of doing economics; and the belief that the Eastern Europeans passively embraced this uniformity and standardization due to pressure from the Westerners. Anthony J. Evans 4

5 Article STRAUSS-KAHN V., VIVES X., (2009), "Why and Where do Headquarters Move?" Regional Science and Urban Economics 39 (2), March, pp , 19 p. This paper analyzes decisions regarding the location of headquarters in the U.S. for the period Using a unique firm-level database of about 30,000 U.S. headquarters, we study the firm- and location-specific characteristics of headquarters that relocated over that period. Headquarters are concentrated, increasingly so in medium-sized service-oriented metropolitan areas, and the rate of relocation is significant (5% a year). Larger (in terms of sales) and younger headquarters tend to relocate more often, as well as larger (in terms of the number of headquarters) and foreign firms, and firms that are the outcome of a merger. Headquarters relocate to metropolitan areas with good airport facilities - with a dramatic impact, low corporate taxes, low average wages, high level of business services, same industry specialization, and agglomeration of headquarters in the same sector of activity - with all agglomeration variables having an important and significant impact. Vanessa Strauss-Kahn International Business / Affaires internationales Books/ Ouvrages SCHMID, S., (ed), (2009), Management der Internationalisierung. Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Michael Kutschker. Gabler, Wiesbaden, (Gabler Edition Wissenschaft), XVI, 509 p. Viele Unternehmen sind heute grenzüberschreitend tätig. Die Internationalisierung von Unternehmen erfordert dabei auch ein aktives Management. Der Sammelband setzt sich aus Anlass des 65. Geburtstags von Michael Kutschker mit dem Management der Internationalisierung auseinander. Neben Grundfragen des Internationalen Managements behandelt das Buch unter anderem Besonderheiten des Beschaffungs-, Marketing- und Personalmanagements international tätiger Unternehmen. Dabei wird deutlich, dass Unternehmen nicht nur ihre grenzüberschreitenden Strategien, Strukturen und Systeme adäquat gestalten müssen, sondern auch das Management der Funktionalbereiche im Hinblick auf die Internationalisierung nicht vernachlässigen dürfen. Das Werk enthält sowohl Beiträge von anerkannten Forschern als auch von Unternehmensvertretern und schlägt damit die Brücke zwischen Wissenschaft und Praxis. Stefan Schmid OESTERLE, M-J., SCHMID, S., (eds) (2009), Internationales Management. Forschung, Lehre, Praxis. Schäffer-Poeschel, Stuttgart, 2009, XVI p. Mit dem soeben neu erschienenen Werk, Internationales Management. Forschung, Lehre, Praxis, wollen die Herausgeber und Autoren zur Positionsbestimmung und zur weiteren Profilierung der Disziplin Internationales Management beitragen. Es wird klar artikuliert, was Internationales Management ist und welche Rolle das Internationale Management innerhalb der Betriebswirtschafts- und Managementlehre spielen kann. Einerseits wendet sich das umfassende Werk damit gegen Beliebigkeit, andererseits fordern die Autoren einen Pluralismus im Hinblick auf Themen, Methoden und Wissenschaftsstile. Ein besonderes Augenmerk legen die Herausgeber auf die Anwendungsorientierung der Disziplin. Sie fordern, dass die universitäre Forschung zum Internationalen Management am Puls der Praxis sein sollte, um ihren Ansprüchen gerecht zu werden. 5

6 COLLIN B., (ouvrage collectif), (2009), Les Etats-Unis - Clés d'accès au premier marché mondial, Rapports et études de la CCIP, Collection Développer et Entreprendre, La Documentation Française, 240 p. Les États-Unis demeurent la première puissance économique et politique mondiale. La Chambre de commerce et d'industrie de Paris souhaite souligner par cet ouvrage les évolutions nouvelles qui caractérisent ce pays-continent et la diversité qui le définit. Fidèle à sa vocation, la collection " Développer et entreprendre " fait connaître aux entreprises françaises les réalités économiques ainsi que l'environnement culturel et juridique. Cet ouvrage délivre tout particulièrement à leur intention les clés de compréhension de ce marché exigeant et expérimenté. Il intéressera aussi tout lecteur curieux de ce pays. Book Chapters / Chapitres d ouvrage in COLLIN, B., ROUACH, D. (eds.), (2009), Le modèle L'Oréal. Les stratégies clés d'une multinationale française, Pearson. SCHMID, S., (2009), L'entreprise internationale, une entreprise "en réseau" (The International Firm as a Network Firm), in OESTERLE, M.-J./SCHMID, S. (Eds.), (2009), Internationales Management. Forschung-Lehre-Praxis, Schäffer Poeschel FESTING, M. Internationales Personalmanagement und interna-tionales Management. P OESTERLE, M.-J., SCHMID, S., "Bedeutung und Notwendigkeit anwendungsorientierter Forschung im Bereich des Internationalen Managements SCHMID, S., OESTERLE, M.-J., "Internationales Management als Wissenschaft - Herausforderungen und Zukunftsperspektiven WRONA, T., "Forschungsmethoden im Internationalen Management. Eine kritische Analyse" In SCHMID, S. (ed), (2009), Management der Internationalisierung. Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Michael Kutschker. Gabler, Wiesbaden, (Gabler Edition Wissenschaft), XVI pages. FESTING, M., EIDEMS, J. Transnationale Personalmanage-mentsysteme Prozessanalyse auf Basis der Dynamic-Capabilities-Perspektive und Fallstudie, p SCHMID, S., DANIEL, A., Subsidiary Roles, Perception Gaps and Conflict A Social Psychological Approach. In NAVARRO F. M., V. G. CANTU, (Eds), (2009), Política pública en América Latina. Del análisis a la implementación, Editorial Porrúa, Mexico, (coedición EGAP/TEC de Monterrey CERALE) PINOT F., "Cooperación descentralizada Europa-América Latina: contribuciones de la política de cooperación comunitaria a la consolidación de la democracia en Latinoamérica", p SAUSSOIS J.M., " Evaluación de las políticas públicas? El caso de la Ley Lang en Francia", p

7 in G. ABBOTT, M. MORAL (eds), (2009) International Coaching, The Routledge Companion to International Business Coaching, Routledge, UK, March. LAULUSA L., LAW H., CHENG G., When Far East Meets West: Seeking Cultural Synthesis through Coaching, chap. 16, pp Human Resource Management / Gestion des Ressources Humaines Books / Ouvrages GROESCHL, S., DOWLING, P.J., FESTING, M., & ENGLE, A.D. (2009). International human resource management. A Canadian perspective, Nelson Education, Toronto, 485 p. This textbook builds on the 5th edition of Dowling, Festing & Engle textbook on International Human Resource Management (London: Thomson, 2008) and highlights the particularities of international human resource management in the Canadian market. Topics include an introduction, the organizational context and the context of cross-boarder alliances. Then staffing issues, recruitment and selection, training and development, compensation, re-entry and career issues, industrial relations and performance management in the multinational enterprise are discussed. Eventually, the analysis of trends encompasses the issues of complexity, challenges and future choices. All chapters are illustrated by company examples, excercises, discussion questions and indepth case studies. Marion Festing ALEXANDRE-BAILLY F., BOURGEOIS D., GRUERE J.P., RAULET-CROSET N., ROLAND-LEVY C., (2009), Comportements humains et Management, Pearson Education, 3ème édition, 352 p. Revue et actualisée, cette nouvelle édition met l accent sur : les questions d éthique (les différents niveaux, efficacité et éthique, éthique du travail, responsabilité des dirigeants) les questions de diversité (culturelle, générationnelle, de genre) les applications au secteur associatif (motivation et bénévolat, mécénat de compétences) Elle introduit en outre de nombreux nouveaux exemples, tels que autorité et négociation chez nos ministres, la cyberdémocratie, les conflits sociaux, les sociétés coopératives. Particulièrement pédagogique, l ouvrage prend soin pour chaque chapitre de définir clairement tous les concepts clés, de proposer des exemples, des synthèses, des lectures complémentaires et des exercices ou cas d application. Articles F. Alexandre-Bailly J-P. Gruère FESTING, M., MALETZKY, M., FRANK, F., (2009), Erfolgreich führen in Moskau. Personal, 61(4), 14-16, 3 p. This article provides recommendations for the International Human Resource Management regarding the assignment of Western expatriates to Russia. For assignments to Russia companies should select persons who are at the same time able to cope with the ambiguous expectations of being an authoritarian leader and displaying a strong person orientation. Because Russia is a very challenging destination for expatriates, an adequate intercultural preparation of the expatriates is very important and should include profound language training. However, companies should maintain the contact to the expatriates and start early with support for reintegrating the expatriate back home. Especially in a positive economic environment - as it was the case in Russia before the crisis - there seems to be a high risk that expatriates migrate to Russian companies. 7

8 KASHUBSKAYA-KIMPELAINEN, E., FESTING, M., MALETZKY, M., FRANK, F., (2009), Creating synergies for leading: Three key success factors for Western expatriates in Russia, Harvard Business Review Russia, January/February, pp , 21 p. Leadership styles are culturally endorsed. They are difficult to transfer to other cultural contexts. The purpose of the article is to explore how Western expatriates cope with the different expectations regarding their leadership styles and those prevalent in the Russian context. The results of our study display evidence that for Western expatriates a synergy of Western and Russian leadership seems to be the most effective way of leading subordinates in Russia: A combination of a paternalistic leadership style with some elements of participative leadership and strong personal relationships seems to be the key to success. Three main messages can be derived feom the study: 1. Be more authoritarian, but not as much as the Russians; 2. Find the right balance between authority and person-orientation; 3. Motivate via control and rewards. Finance Books / Ouvrages KITTEN M., FRASER E., GOLZE J., (2009), The Vault Guide to Private Equity, European Edition,, 424 p. This guide covers late stage private equity funds only, excluding venture capital. Using the Candesic database of private equity firms, we have identified around 250 companies that meet the following criteria: a minimum of million of committed private equity investments in Europe. The list includes LBO, growth capital, distressed, mezzanine funds and, to an extent, funds of funds. The guide excludes sovereign funds, which are state owned pools of money, as well as most of the real estate and infrastructure funds. Together and excluding the funds of funds, the first 200 firms in our sample manage about 400 billion in commitments and invested assets in Europe. (Including the assets outside of Europe and the funds of funds, our sample reaches 900 billion in total commitments and investments in private equity.) We selected 37 firms that we deemed representative of Europe, not necessarily the largest ones. This includes mostly direct LBO funds and a couple of examples in each of the other categories. Selecting the top firms was not necessarily clear cut considering the variety of situations occurring in an industry undergoing European convergence. All the other firms included in the analysis are listed at the end of the guide with key statistics and contact details. Marc Kitten PAPE U., (2009), Grundlagen der Finanzierung und Investition, Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag, München, Wien, 402 p. This textbook covers the key areas of corporate finance. Along with fundamental concepts of financing and investment decisions, essential financial instruments and investment appraisal techniques are explained and illustrated in a clear and concise way using a variety of examples and questions to solidify the methods presented. Well-structured and written in an easy-to-follow style, readers with no prior financial knowledge may find this book a useful reference. It is mainly directed towards Bachelor and Master students at universities and business schools, but due to its application-oriented focus, the textbook is ideal for practitioners, too. Ulrich Pape 8

9 Articles COSSON B., MICHAUD B., (2009), "Liquidation ou cession : faut-il casser la "coquille" pour en extraire la substance?", Droit et Patrimoine, janvier, n 177, pp , 8 p. Les auteurs démontrent dans cet article que les montages financiers consistant, pour les associés d'une société ayant cessé toute activité, à appréhender les liquidités inscrites au bilan de cette structure en procédant à la cession des titres de leur "coquille" ne présentent plus d'intérêt et peuvent même s'avérer fiscalement pénalisants. Ils décrivent l'évolution législative avec l'instauration du bouclier fiscal et l'intérêt de percevoir un boni de liquidation plutôt qu'une plus-value. Bertrand Cosson KOBRAK, C, (2009), "Family Finance: Value Creation and the Democratization of Cross-Border Governance", Enterprise and Society, March, Volume 10, Number 1, pp.38-89, 52 p. As Mira Wilkins has argued, there is a curious disconnect between business and financial history (Wilkins 2004). Whereas business history literature has rediscovered the importance of family business in many countries and in many sectors of contemporary commercial life, management-run financial institutions. This lacuna is odd for many reasons. First, family banking is one of the best-known examples of family business in history. Second, family banks once played a much greater role in international investment banking than it does today. Third, some family financial institutions are still active (dominant) in certain market segments and countries. This paper will focus on how, when and why family banking lost its position in international (multinational) banking during the first few decades of the twentieth century. Although political upheaval and a widespread movement to reduce the power of private financial institutions undermined their businesses, family banks suffered, too, from America's maturing as a financial center. I will argue that this shift is connected with the increased importance of American markets and financial regulations, which, in the 1930s, deliberately steered financial transactions away from private dealings and towar transparent impersonal exchanges and capital markets with new forms of aggregated capital and individual investors, in which private banks were ill-suited to manage or at the least for which they had no special competitive edge. Using concepts drawn from an earlier paper on family businesses and relying mostly on secondary sources, this paper will further argue that in markets or market segments, such as Leveraged Buyouts, where uncertainty forms a greater part of the transactional environment, family banking still plays a significant role. Christopher Kobrak Book Chapter / Chapitre d ouvrage in BAKER H.K., Dividends and Dividend Policy, The Robert W. Kolb Series in Finance, Wiley BANCEL F., BHATTACHARYYA N., MITTOO U.R., "Cross-Country Determinants of payout Policy: European Firms", pp , 23 p. Audit and Accounting / Audit et Comptabilité Articles MIKOL A., (2009), Chroniques "L'audit dans le monde" dans la Revue Française de Comptabilité "Limitation de la responsabilité civile des contrôleurs légaux", n 417, janvier, p. 15. "Une norme suisse sur l'appréciation du contrôle interne", n 418, février, p. 19. "Une enquête de la FEE sur la notion de réseau", n 420, avril, p. 23. Alain Mikol 9

10 Book Chapter/ Chapitre d ouvrage In COLASSE B. (Ed), (2009), Encyclopédie de comptabilité, contrôle de gestion et audit, Economica, 1471 p. MIKOL A., "Méthodologie de l'audit financier", pp MIKOL A., "Formes d'audit", pp Marketing Books/ Ouvrages JACOB, F. (2009), Marketing: Eine Einführung für das Masterstudium, Kohlhammer, 224 p. Articles Das Lehrbuch zum Marketing wurde speziell für den Einsatz in modernen Masterprogrammen entwickelt. Sein geschlossenes Konzept und die kompakte Form entsprechen den besonderen Anforderungen der Modulstruktur dieser Studienform. Das Buch gewährleistet sowohl einen Überblick als auch die Vertiefung, so dass unterschiedliche Interessenschwerpunkte bedient werden können. Die neuartige Gliederung orientiert sich konsequent am Grundkonzept des marktlichen Austauschs, das einführend vorgestellt wird. Grundfragen und Lösungswege für die Analyse- und die Gestaltungsaufgabe im Marketing werden anschließend aus der Perspektive dieses Konzeptes ausgewählt und behandelt. Durchgängiges Prinzip ist die Kombination von Illustrationen zur Verdeutlichung von Relevanz, Theorien zur Sicherstellung von Verständnis und Entscheidungsmodellen zur Vorbereitung von Handlungen. Argumentation, Gliederung und Darstellung machen das Buch deshalb anspruchsvoll, konkret und innovativ. Frank Jacob BADOT O., CARRIER C., COVA B., DESJEUX D., FILSER M., (2009), «L ethnomarketing : un élargissement de la recherche en comportement du consommateur à l ethnologie», Recherche et Applications en Marketing, Vol 24, n 1, pp Article publié en français et en anglais. Cette contribution à caractère théorique analyse l'influence de l ethnologie sur la recherche contemporaine en comportement du consommateur et en distribution. Sur cette base, elle définit la notion d ethnomarketing et en précise la posture épistémologique et les modalités opératoires. Enfin, une dernière partie détaille les apports managériaux de l ethnomarketing. This theoretical paper analyzes the influence of ethnology on contemporary research in consumer and shopper behavior and in retailing. Within this framework, it defines the concept of ethnomarketing and sketches its epistemological status and operating rules. The final part points out the managerial contributions of ethnomarketing. Olivier Badot HAMMERSCHMID, M., WILKEN R., STAAT M., (2009), Methoden zur Lösung grundlegender Probleme der Datenqualität in DEA-basierten Effizienzanalysen, Die Betriebswirtschaft, 69. Jg., Nr. 2, S , 21 S. This paper addresses fundamental data quality issues in the context of efficiency measurement with data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Any DEA requires a data matrix to be specified, with units of analysis and efficiency criteria as dimensions. The choice of both units of analysis and efficiency criteria is crucial for the analysis, as it significantly influences the meaning of the results. We review the relevant literature that deals with these aspects of data quality in DEA. Furthermore, suitable methods are illustrated by empirical examples. Thus, the reader also gets to know how to use these methods in real-world applications. Robert Wilken 10

11 HAENLEIN M., KAPLAN A. M., (2009), "Unprofitable customers and their management", Business Horizons Indiana University, Janvier, Vol. 52, Issue 1, pp , 8 p. The widespread use of customer relationship management (CRM) applications has provided companies with increasingly detailed insights into the profitability of their individual-level customer relationships. Historically, this information has primarily been used to identify the most profitable customers and to define ways for serving them in an optimal manner. Nowadays, however, companies have become more aware of unprofitable clients, and the fact that these relationships can account for a substantial share of their total customer base. Drawn from a series of research projects conducted by us over the last few years, we herein propose a six-step approach for dealing with such unprofitable customers, a framework we refer to as the ABCs of Unprofitable Customer Management: Avoid their acquisition in the first place, Bear in mind potential rescue operations, Catch the possibility of abandonment, Draw up a costbenefit analysis, Ensure familiarity with your environment, and Facilitate biting the bullet. We also provide a series of recommendations regarding how best to break up with customers, in order to ensure that firms can separate themselves from unprofitable accounts in the least painful way. Michael Haenlein Andreas Kaplan KAPLAN A. M., HAENLEIN M., (2009), "The increasing importance of public marketing: Explanations, applications and limits of marketing within public administration", European Management Journal, Vol. 27, Issue 3, pp , 11 p. Although the State and its permanent representation, Public Administration, are among the most important industry sectors in many developed countries, there is a surprising paucity of research dealing with the application of Marketing concepts to Public Administration. Since this lack of research can, at least partly, be explained by a sort of mutual misunderstanding between these two disciplines, the objective of our manuscript is to show that Marketing and Public Administration are closer than they appear to be at first glance. We do so by showing how the evolution of the Marketing discipline from a product- to a transaction- and relationshiporientation, as well as the rise of concepts such as New Public Management and Democratic Governance, have bridged the gap between Marketing and Public Administration. Subsequently we present the potential and limit of Public Marketing, i.e. the application of Marketing concepts and tools to the Public Administration sector, focusing on the four classical Marketing instruments product, price, promotion and place. Hereby, we provide ample examples showing that Public Marketing is already a reality in a wide variety of countries. Our manuscript finishes with a discussion of the theoretical implications of our work as well as potential areas of future research. KAPLAN A. M., HAENLEIN M., (2009), "Consumers, companies and virtual social worlds : A qualitative analysis of Second Life", Advances In Consumer Research, Vol.36. Issue 1. In recent months, the virtual world Second Life has received considerable interest in both the popular and the business press. However, despite its popularity, no research has until now investigated which type of behavior consumers show within this virtual hyperreality and what possibilities it offers for companies. Our manuscript intends to address this issue. Based on a series of 29 qualitative in-depth interviews, we show that users do not consider Second Life as a mere computer game, but as an extension of their Real Life. This has implications for how marketing managers can use Second Life as an alternative contact channel that go beyond those known from computer or online games. Regarding the business potential of this new medium, we find mixed support for Second Life s ability to influence Real Life brand attitudes and purchase intent. Based on our analysis, simply setting up a flagship store within the virtual world is unlikely to be a promising advertising strategy. Instead, companies may need to supplement their virtual Second Life presence by regular events that complement their Real Life advertising activities in order to maintain its attractiveness and attract a sufficient number of Second Life users. 11

12 ANDREANI J.C., BOUQUET G., CONCHON F., MOULINS J.L. (2008), "Comunicazione dei prodotti di marche e Cittadinanza. Approccio esplorativo della Comunicazione Citoyenne ", Micro-Macro Marketing, agosto, pp , 17p. (article paru en Janvier 2009) Brands citizen communication consists in creating a social link between brands and society, that is to say in sending messages not only to their consumers, to their employees and to their stockholders, but also to the citizens in general and to their representatives (social and political). Except their commercial targets, citizenship brands have a social unselfish project, which is not directly linked to their research of benefit. They dedicate a part of their work to the improvement of social environment and collective well fair or to the social actions. Their target is to share their competences and their know-how and to put them in the service of everybody. Their means are information, assistance and education. In exchange for their services and their "philanthropic" actions citizenship brands get capital of image given to their direct or indirect customers. At the same time they benefit from a hard core of "supporters" advocating for the same ideas and representing the foundations of their brand community. Jean-Claude Andréani Organizational Behavior / Comportement organisationnel Article BOUDÈS, T., LAROCHE, H., (2009), "Taking Off the Heat : Sensemaking and Narration in Post-Crisis Inquiry Reports", Organization Studies, Vol. 30, Issue 4, pp , 20 p. Crises represent moments when sensemaking fails. Official reports of post-crisis analyses reestablish patterns of sensemaking. Whereas scholars agree on the narrative basis of postcrisis sensemaking, the means by which meaning is recreated about the confusing events have not been fully investigated. To fill this gap, empirical data are drawn from the series of investigations that took place after the sudden and deadly heat wave that occurred in France during the summer of Introducing tools from narratology, this article analyses how these reports restore meaning by addressing the following questions: What happened? Was it foreseeable? And Who is responsible? The key narrative choices implied are mapped. A typology of crisis plots is proposed. Building on this typology, the article demonstrates that successive reports progressively built a focused, simplified story about the crisis. Methodological and practical implications for scholars and practitioners using inquiry reports for research and learning are also discussed. Thierry Boudès Hervé Laroche Book Chapter / Chapitre d ouvrage in D. BOUTEILLER et L. MORIN, (Eds.), (2009), Développer les compétences au travail, Collection Gestion et Savoirs. BOUDÈS, T., CHARUE-DUBOC, F., MIDLER, C., (2009), Formation et apprentissage collectif dans les entreprises : une expérience dans le domaine du management de projet, pp

13 Law and Business Law / Droit et Droit des affaires Article FENOLL-TROUSSEAU M.-P., PREST P., (2009), «Réforme des ventes de meubles aux enchères publiques», La Semaine Juridique, 12 mars, N 11, art. 1232, pp , 4 p. La réforme des ventes de meubles aux enchères publiques s inscrit dans le cadre de la transposition de la directive Services. Une nouvelle réflexion, émanant des professionnels de ce secteur, enrichit le débat. Elle présente la particularité de mieux protéger le consommateur tout en donnant une plus grande liberté dans l exercice de l activité de ventes aux enchères publiques. L équilibre ainsi proposé est intéressant et s inscrit utilement dans un contexte international. Marie-Pierre Fenoll-Trousseau Décanat Recherche - ESCP Europe - 79 avenue de la République Paris cedex 11 Rédaction: Marion Festing, Doyenne Associée à la Recherche ESCP Europe Berlin Campus Heubnerweg 6 - D Berlin Tel : Christine Rocque ESCP Europe Paris Campus Tél : 13

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