PÓRTICO. Semanal. Arqueología 131. Nº junio 2013 PÓRTICO LIBRERÍAS

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1 PÓRTICO Semanal Arqueología 131 Nº junio 2013 PÓRTICO LIBRERÍAS METODOLOGÍA: PREHISTORIA. Obras generales: Paleolítico Neolítico: Edad de los metales: Península Ibérica: ARQUEOLOGÍA. Obras generales: Oriente: Grecia: Materia Roma: Península Ibérica: Medieval: EPIGRAFÍA NUMISMÁTICA:

2 PÓRTICO SEMANAL Año XXVI, Nº junio 2013 ARQUEOLOGÍA 131 Dirige: José Miguel Alcrudo Responsable de la Sección: Carmen Alcrudo PÓRTICO LIBRERÍAS, S.A. Muñoz Seca, Zaragoza España Fundada en 1945 HORARIO / OPEN HOURS: Lunes a jueves / Monday to Thursday Viernes / Friday Tel. (+34) Fax (+34) METODOLOGÍA 001 Archeologia e calcolatori, pp., fig., lám.col. 33,30 ÍNDICE: E. Zanini / F. Ripanti: Pubblicare uno scavo all epoca di YouTube: comunicazione archeologica, narratività e video M. Serlorenzi & al.: Il Sistema Informativo Territoriale Archeologico di Roma: SITAR C.F. Mangiaracina: Costruzione di un sistema GIS a base regionale per lo studio della ceramica medievale in Sicilia M. Biscione / M. Danese: Un sistema informativo geografico per l architettura vernacolare dei centri storici: dal modello dei dati alla diagnostica. Il caso di Cancellara (PZ) M. Frassine / G. Naponiello: RAPTOR: archeologia e tutela. Verso la pubblica amministrazione digitale; M.S. Vinci, La documentazione dell edilizia storica in ambito urbano: applicazioni del raddrizzamento fotografico al caso del Foro provinciale di Tarragona A. Arrighetti / M. Cavalieri: Il rilievo fotogrammetrico per nuvole di punti RGB della sala triabsidata del sito archeologico di Aiano-Torraccia di Chiusi (SI) F.J. Garcia-Lázaro & al.: Morphometric analysis of engravings from photogrammetric point cloud data K. Kovacs & al.: Utilization of airborne LiDAR datasets in GIS environment for prospection of archaeological sites in high Alpine regions A. Brysbaert & al.: Relating archaeological chaîne opératoire and process mining in computer science A. Caravale / A. Piergrossi: Archeologia in rete. Le riviste open access: risorse e prospettive A. Curci / A. Fiorini: Documentare l archeologia 2.0, Atti del Workshop (Bologna, Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna, 19 aprile 2012): A. Fiorini, Tablet PC, fotogrammetria e PDF 3D: strumenti per documentare l archeologia A. D Andrea / M. Barbarino: Modellare lo scavo archeologico: esperienze e tecniche a confronto A. Curci / A. Urcia: Verso un sistema integrato di documentazione dell arte rupestre. L esperienza AKAP (Egitto) E. Giorgi & al.: Documentare l archeologia da Burnum (Sebenico, Croazia) a Suasa (Ancona): una tradizione rinnovata A. Arrighetti: Tecnologie fotogrammetriche e registrazione 3D della struttura materiale: dal rilievo alla gestione dei dati P. Gilento: Fotogrammetria, nuvole di punti e rischio sismico. Applicazioni e riflessioni su una metodologia di rilievo; A. Urcia / M. Montanari: Scansione laser e ricostruzione digitale: il sito di San Severo a Classe (RA) Recensioni.

3 3 002 Avilia, F.: Manuale pratico di archeologia subacquea pp., fig. 20, Bardot-Cambot, A.: Les coquillages marins en Gaule romaine: approche socio-économique et socio-culturelle pp. 53, Barreiro Martínez, D.: Arqueológicas. Hacia una arqueología aplicada pp. 18,00 ÍNDICE: Introducción La arqueología, hoy: apuntes para un diagnóstico La arqueología aplicada como tecnociencia El contexto de la arqueología aplicada La producción de conocimiento en la arqueología aplicada A modo de conclusión. 005 Chapman, R.: Arqueologías de la complejidad pp., fig. 19, Complutum, 23/2 Julio-diciembre Monografía: Teoría arqueológica. Editado por V. M. Fernández, A. González-Ruibal y A. Hernando pp., fig. 21,00 ÍNDICE: Teoría arqueológica. Artículos: Presentación P. Alonso González: Flaqueando el procesualismo y posprocesualismo: Arqueología, teoría de la complejidad y la filosofía del Gilles Deleuze D. Barreiro: Arqueología aplicada y patrimonio: memoria y utopía V. M. Fernández Martínez: Teoría del discurso y paradigmas arqueológicos D. García Rivero: Arqueología evolutiva y filogenética cultural C. Gnecco: Arqueología multicultural. Notas intempestivas A. González-Ruibal: Hacia otra arqueología: diez propuestas A. F. Haber: Tiempo de carnaval. Colonialidad de la arqueología y semiopraxis de la serpiente A. Hernando: Teoría arqueológica y crisis social B. Marín Aguilera: Del colonialismo y otros demonios: fenicios en el sur peninsular entre los siglos IX y VII/VI a.c. S. Montón Subías / S. Lozano Rubio: La arqueología feminista en la normatividad académica O. Moro Abadía: La nueva historia de la arqueología: un balance crítico V. M. Salerno: Pensar la arqueología desde el sur. 007 Connan, J.: Le bitume dans l antiquité pp., lám.col. 35,00 ÍNDICE: 1. Le bitume, substance fossile pétrolière et élément du paysage au Proche-Orient: Un exemple pédagogique: le gisement de Hit Les indices d huiles et de bitume au Proche- Orient: preuves archéologiques et citations dans les textes cunéiformes Les indices et les huiles au Moyen-Orient à la lumière des analyses géochimiques 2. Le bitume, matériau archéologique: Les utilisations du bitume d après les témoignages archéologiques Le bitume dans les textes: la terminologie antique Le prix du bitume d après les textes de marchands

4 4 3. Les méthodes d étude des bitumes archéologiques: Les finalités Les techniques d étude 4. Les mélanges bitumineux: Les grands classiques Les mélanges inhabituels 5. Le commerce du bitume: Commerce de proximité Commerce sur de longues distances 6. Quelques exemples au Proche-Orient: Le bitume à Suse: le «mastic de bitume», une originalité susienne Le bitume de la mer Morte: un commerce florissant vers l Egypte notamment pour la momification 7. Quelques autres civilisations utilisatrices du bitume hors du Proche- et du Moyen-Orient: Les olmèques du Mexique Le bitume à la période Jômon au Japon Les indiens chumashs et yokuts de Californie 8: Le bitume aujourd hui: pérennité de son utilisation pour la construction routière et l industrie de l étanchéité. 008 Davis, S. J. M.: La arqueología de los animales. Con unas apostillas del prof. J. Estévez pp., fig. 25, De Felice, G.: Una macchina del tempo per l archeologia. Metodologie e tecnologie per la ricerca e la fruizione virtuale del sito di Faragola pp., fig. 43, Giligny, F. & al., eds.: Actes des 2 èmes journèes d informatique et archéologie de Paris JIAP 2010 (Paris, juin 2010) pp., fig., lám.col. 33,30 ÍNDICE: F. Djindjian, Avant-propos I. Les systèmes d information archéologiques: état de l art et applications: A.-V. Szabados: Du système documentaire du LIMC au portail CLAROS. Interopérabilité et optimisation de l information archéologique grâce a l usage de normes S. Poignant: Systèmes d information archéologique: l exemple de ARCH IS A. Bourrouilh: Odyssée : représenter l information au sein d un système d information archéologique pour la recherche sur l habitat rural du Moyen Âge V. Fromageot-Lanièpce: Construction et diffusion de bases de données partagées: l expérience de la base des sépultures d enfants dans l antiquité B. Desachy: Systèmes d information archéologique de terrain et fondamentaux de l enregistrement archéologique: quelques remarques à propos de l application Stratibase L. Aubry / S. Ferjani: Le système d information du programme Archéologie du Bassin parisien. Entre SIG et SGBD, vers un applicatif Open Source adapté E. Ployon & al.: Le SIG comme outil fédérateur de recherche interdisciplinaire: application à la grotte Chauvet-Pont-d Arc (Vallon-Pont-d Arc, Ardèche, France) V. Buccio & al.: Construction d un SIG pour l étude d un cimetière: l exemple de Mortefontaine (Aisne) G. Gattiglia: GIS applications for the archaeological analysis of a medieval town: Pisa, Italy E. Hofmann / C. Mani: De la découverte au SIG: l exemple de la base terrain du service archéologique de la Ville de Lyon L. Bernard: ArkeoGIS, développement d un websig transfrontalier: contraintes et premiers résultats F. Prodeo: Utilisation d un SIG pour l archivage et l exploitation des relevés géomorphologiques destinés à l archéologie A.-B. Pimpaud: Une carte archéologique de Thèbes-Ouest: élaboration d un SIG pour la connaissance du patrimoine

5 5 thébain C. Pichard / E. Desjardin: De l estimation des erreurs de levée du cadastre à la compréhension de la construction de l espace urbain de Reims II. Quels systèmes d information pour l archéologie?: Q. Borderie & al.: L enregistrement des données géoarchéologiques en contextes urbains: quel(s) système(s)? P. Ciezar: Acquisition et enregistrement de données à grande échelle en archéologie préventive. Observations autour des systèmes d enregistrement à l Inrap A. Koehler / C. Tufféry: Harmonisation des méthodes et outils pour l information archéologique à l Inrap: constats, enjeux et perspectives pour un établissement national D. Pargny: SIG: utilisations d outils grand public et interaction avec les applications professionnelles A. Chaillou: L échange numérique de données d inventaire entre acteurs de l archéologie: une réflexion en cours L. Costa: La mise en place d un observatoire des pratiques géomatiques dans les organisations de l archéologie F. Djindjian: L approche par les processus en archéologie III. Du plan au volume: applications de la 3D à l archéologie: F. Fouriaux: Relevés topographiques et modélisations 3D des parties hautes de la cathédrale Notre-Dame de Chartres C. B. Kaddour: L utilisation de la restitution en trois dimensions au service archéologique de la Ville de Chartres A. Lefebvre: T. Galmiche, Application de la restitution 3D à l archéologie préventive. Une tuilerie du XVII e et XVIII e à Grisolle (Aisne) E. Robert & al.: L apport de la 3D dans l art préhistorique: analyse et restitution des images et de leurs supports, exemples croisés des sites de Blanchard (La Garenne) et la Marche J.-P. Bouyssi & al.: Fressignes, campement solutréen sur ordinateur E. Pruno & al.: Un système d information 3D pour l archéologie du bâti: Showback. Le cas de Montréal (Shawbak, Jordanie) E. Desjardin & al.: Prise en compte de l imperfection des connaissances depuis la saisie des données jusqu à la restitution 3D J.-Cl. Margueron / J.-O. Gransard-Desmond: From plan to volume: the need for archaeological analysis in 3D modeling J.J. Delannoy & al.: La réalité virtuelle: un outil pour la connaissance et la médiation scientifique. Application à la grotte Chauvet-Pont d Arc (Ardèche, France) P. Drap: Archéologie sous-marine: relevé et réalité virtuelle pour l étude de sites inaccessibles. 011 Janssens, K., ed.: Modern Methods for Analysing Archaeological and Historical Glass, 2 vols l pp., fig., gráf. 242, Knappett, C., ed.: Network Analysis in Archaeology. New Approaches to Regional Interaction pp., 72 fig. 97,50 ÍNDICE: Part I. Background: C. Knappett: Introduction: why networks? J. E. Terrell: Social network analysis and the practice of history L. Isaksen: O what a tangled web we weave - towards a practice that does not deceive Part II. Sites and Settlements: S. Sindbæk: Broken links and black boxes: material affiliations and contextual network synthesis in the Viking world J. B. Scholnick & al.: Positioning power in a multi-relational framework: a social network analysis of Classic Maya political rhetoric What makes a site important? Centrality, gateways and gravity K. Mizoguchi: Evolution of prestige good systems: an application of network analysis to the transformation of communication systems and their media Part III. Material Culture: B. J. Mills & al.: The dynamics of social networks in the

6 6 Late Prehispanic U.S. Southwest E. Blake: Social networks, path dependence, and the rise of ethnic groups in pre-roman Italy A. Collar: Re-thinking Jewish ethnicity through social network analysis F. Coward: Grounding the net: social networks, material culture and geography in the Epipalaeolithic and early Neolithic of the Near East (~21-6,000 cal BCE) S. C. Phillips / E. Gjesfjeld: Evaluating adaptive network strategies with geochemical sourcing data: a case study from the Kuril Islands A. Mol / J. Mans: Old boy networks in the indigenous Caribbean Part IV.: S. van der Leeuw: Archaeology, networks, information processing, and beyond. 013 Litwin, J., ed.: Down the River to the Sea. Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology, Gdansk ix pp., fig., fot. 78, Opitz, R. S. / D. C. Cowley, eds.: Interpreting Archaeological Topography. Lasers, 3D Data, Observation, Visualisation and Applications pp., 185 lám.col. 52,00 ÍNDICE: Interpreting archaeological topography: lasers, 3D data, observation, visualisation and applications: R. S. Opitz / D. C. Cowley An overview of airborne and terrestrial laser scanning in archaeology: R. S. Opitz Section 1: Towards Understanding Landscapes Lidar in Context: Airborne laser scanning and archaeological interpretation bringing back the people: M. Doneus / T. Kühteiber Cultivating the wilderness how lidar can improve archaeological landscape understanding: O. Risbøl I Walked, I Saw, I Surveyed, but what did I see?...and what did I survey?: S. Halliday Interpreting aerial images: R. Palmer Messy landscapes: lidar and the practices of landscaping: D. Mleku ) Section 2: Working with lidar and 3D data: Visualizations of lidar derived relief models:. Kokalj & al. Worth a thousand words Photogrammetry for archaeological 3D surveying: F. Remondino From lidar to LSCM: micro-topographies of archaeological finds: A. A. Evans & al. Using lidar data drawing on 10 year s experience at English Heritage: S. Crutchley Lidar and World Heritage Sites in Ireland: Why was such a rich data source gathered, how is it being utilised, and what lessons have been learned?: A. Corns / R. Shaw The role of lidar intensity data in interpreting environmental and cultural archaeological landscapes: K. Challis / A. J. Howard) Section 3: Making Meaningful Landscapes with Lidar And Being Part of Something Bigger: The changing picture of archaeological landscapes: lidar prospection over very large areas as part of a cultural heritage strategy: R. Hesse Lidar in Mediterranean agricultural landscapes: reassessing land use in the Mauguio: N. Poirier & al. Using lidar as part of a multi-sensor approach to archaeological survey and interpretation: R. Bennett & al. Remotely acquired, not remotely sensed: using lidar as a field survey tool: S. Ainsworth & al. Lidar survey in the Brú na Bóinne World Heritage Site: S. Davis & al. Immersive visualisation of survey and laser scanning: the case for using computer game engines: K. Challis / M. Kincey The practice of collaboration: A. Beck Appendix: Key technical terms: R. Opitz. 015 PCA. European Journal of Postclassical Archaeologies, 3 May

7 pp., fig., lám.col. 43,70 ÍNDICE: Research: M. Vohberger: Past, present, and future pespectives in stable isotope analysis: capabilities and constraints G. Grupe: Stable isotope sourcing in physical anthropology: application of mixing models K.Killgrove: Biohistory of the roman republic: the potential of isotope analysis of human skeletal remains S. Inskip: Islam in Iberia or iberian Islam: bioarchaeology and the analysis of emerging islamic identity in early medieval Iberia S. Hakenbeck: Potentials and limitations of isotopes analysis in early medieval archaeology M. Marinato: Gli studi di bioarcheologia dei cimiteri medievali in Italia Beyond the Theme: E. Castiglioni / M. Rottoli: Broomcorn millet, foxtail millet and sorghum in north italian early medieval sites C. Nicosia & al.: The contribution of geosciences to the study of european dark earths: a review S. Bertoldi: Spatial calculations and archaeology. Roads and settlements in the cases of Valdorcia and Valdarbia (Siena, Italy) G. De Venuto:C arni, lane e pellama nell Italia del medio e basso versante adriatico, tra X e XV secolo A. Rotolo / J. M. Martín Civantos: Rural settlement patterns in the territory of Baida (Trapani mountains) during the islamic period M. Migliavacca & al.: Nelle viscere della montagna. Paesaggi pre-industriali sulla dorsale Agno-Leogra Dossier - Emergenza,t utela e concessioni si scavo in Italia: G. P. Brogiolo: Università e gestione del patrimonio archeologico in un paese a tutela regolamentata L. Mainati: Libertà di ricerca e tutela del patrimonio archeologico: una breve nota A. M. Ardovino: Qualche considerazione sulle concessioni di scavo G. Volpe: A proposito delle concessioni di scavo e dei rapporti tra università e soprintendenze R. Zucca: Il rapporto tra università e soprintendenze per i beni archeologici nella ricerca archeologica ex art. 88 D. Lgs. 42/2004 Retrospect: B. Scholkmann: The discovery of the hiddel middle ages: the research history of medieval archaeology in Germany Project: L. ten Harkel: Landscapes and identities: the case of the english landscape c BC-AD 1086 Reviews. 016 Renfrew, C. / P. Bahn: Arqueología. Teoría, métodos y práctica pp., fig., fot. 39, Rice, P. M.: Pottery Analysis. A Sourcebook xxiv pp., fig. 37, Rippon, S.: Historic Landscape Analysis. Deciphering the Countryside. With a Contribution by J. Clark 2012, Rev. 173 pp., map., plan., lám.col. 15, Scarre, G. / R. Coningham, eds.: Appropriating the Past. Philosophical Perspectives on the Practice of Archaeology pp., 5 fig. 26,45 ÍNDICE: 1. Introduction G. Scarre / R. Coningham Part I. Claiming the Past: 2. The values of the past J. O. Young 3. Whose past? Archaeological knowledge, community knowledge,

8 8 and the embracing of conflict P. Bienkowski 4. The past people want: heritage for the majority? C. Holtorf 5. The ethics of repatriation: rights of possession and duties of respect J. Thompson 6. On archaeological ethics and letting go L. J. Zimmerman 7. Hintang and the dilemma of benevolence: archaeology and ecotourism in Laos A. Källén Part II. Problems of Meaning and Method: 8. What is a crisis of intelligibility? J. Lear 9. Contesting religious claims over archaeological sites E. B. Coleman 10. Multivocality and wikiality : the epistemology and ethics of a pragmatic archaeology A. A. Bauer 11. Do not do unto others : cultural misrecognition and the harms of appropriation in an opensource world G. P. Nicholas / A. Wylie 12. Should ruins be preserved? D. E. Cooper Part III. Problems of Ownership and Control: 13. Legal principles, political processes, and cultural property T. Allen 14. Monuments versus movables: state restrictions on cultural property rights D. Garrard 15. Looting or rededication? Buddhism and the expropriation of relics R. Coningham / P. Gunawardhana 16. Partitioning the past: India s archaeological heritage after independence N. Lahiri. 020 Tipper, J.: Experimental Archaeology and Fire. The Investigation of a Burnt Reconstruction at West Stow Anglo-Saxon Village pp., fig. 26, Valádez Azúa, R.: El perro mexicano pp., fig., lám.col. 22, Vlad Borrelli, L.: Etica della conservazione e tutela del passato. A cura di G. Basile, G. Lauro e A. Mignosi Tantillo pp. 27,50 ÍNDICE: Nota dei curatori Giuseppe Basile, Spirito di servizio. Conversazione con Licia Vlad Borrelli Almamaria Mignosi Tantillo, Dietro le pagine 1. Un esordio privilegiato 2. Attualità della Teoria del restauro di Cesare Brandi 3. L archeologia italiana prima e dopo la Teoria del restauro di Cesare Brandi 4. Destino dei teatri antichi 5. Gli Elgin Marbles e la cleaning controversy. Sessant anni dopo 6. La patina 7. Il caso dei Cavalli di San Marco 8. Il contributo di Cesare Brandi alla moderna storia della conservazione 9. Una nuova lettura dell archeologia attraverso il paesaggio 10. Archeologia e qualità della vita, dopo il declino dell assalto edilizio e l insorgenza dei nuovi rischi 11. Il tempo accelerato del degrado dei manufatti archeologici. Strategie di difesa 12. Pallottino di fronte alle nuove strade dell archeologia Bibliografia di Licia Vlad Borrelli. 023 Watts, C., ed.: Relational Archaeologies. Humans, Animals, Things pp., fig. 32,50 ÍNDICE: Relational archaeologies: roots and routes C. Watts Inhuman eyes: looking at Chavín de Huantar M. Weismantel Theater of predation: beneath the skin of Göbekli Tepe images D. Boric The bear-able likeness of being: ursine remains at the Shamanka II cemetery, L. Baikal & al. Between the living and the dead: relational ontologies and the ritual dimensions

9 9 of dugong hunting across Torres Strait I. J. McNiven Methodological and analytical challenges in relational archaeologies: a view from the hunting ground M. N. Zedeño Identity communities and material practices: relational logics in the U.S. Southwest W. F. Murray / B. J. Mills Intimate connection: bodies and substances in flux in the early Neolithic of central Europe D. Hofmann Relational communities in prehistoric Britain O. J. T. Harris Shifting horizons and emerging ontologies in the Bronze Age Aegean A. Shapland Classicism and knowing the world in early modern Sweden V.-P. Herva / J. M. Nordin The imbrication of human and animal paths: an Arctic case study P. Whitridge The maze and the labyrinth: reflections of a fellow-traveller T. Ingold. OBRAS GENERALES PREHISTORIA 024 Akira Ono, A. / M. Izuho, eds.: Environmental Changes and Human Occupation in East Asia During OIS3 and OIS iv pp. 37, Begun, D. R., ed.: A Companion to Paleoanthropology 2013 xxviii pp., fig. 155,00 ÍNDICE: 1. Introduction; D. R. Begun History; M. R. Goodrum PART I. BACKGROUND TO PALEOANTHROPOLOGY: 1. Method and Theory: Human Systematics; D. S. Strait Experimental Approaches to Musculoskeletal Function; M. J. Ravosa & al. Multivariate Quantitative Methods in Paleoanthropology M. A. Schillaci / P. Gunz Growth, Development and Life History in Hominin Evolution; J. Kelley / D. Bolter 2. Anatomical Regions: Cranial Evolution in the Apes; B. T. Shea Hominid Brain Evolution; T. Schoenemann Hominin diets; P. S. Ungar / M. Sponheimer Origin and Evolution of Human Postcranial Anatomy; B. G. Richmond / K. G. Hatala 3. Environment and Behavior: Multiproxy Paleoecology. Reconstructing evolutionary context in paleoanthropology; K. E. Reed Reconstructing Social Behavior from Fossil Evidence; J. M. Plavcan Geochronology; A. L. Deino The Origins and Evolution of Technology; K. Schick / N. Toth 4. Genetics and Race: Genetic perspectives on ape and human evolution; T. R. Disotell The Genetics of Morphology; R. J. Sherwood / D. L. Duren Paleoanthropology and Race; M. H. Wolpoff / R. Caspari PART II. THE FOSSIL RECORD: 5. Paleogene primates: Primate Origins; M. T. Silcox Anthropoid Origins; K. C Beard Catarrhine origins; T. Harrison 6. Neogene/ Quaternary Hominoids: The Miocene Hominoid Radiations; D. R. Begun Before Australopithecus. The Earliest Hominins; S. W. Simpson Australopithecus and Kenyanthropus; C. V. Ward / A. S. Hammond Paranthropus; B. Wood / K. Schroer 7. The Age of Homo: Earliest Homo; F. Schrenk Homo erectus and related taxa; S. C. Antón The Middle Pleistocene Record. On the Ancestry of Neandertals, Modern Humans and

10 10 Others; J.-J. Hublin Neanderthals; K. Harvati Modern human origins; M. Collard / M. Dembo Homo floresiensis; W. L. Jungers. 026 Fry, D. P., ed.: War, Peace, and Human Nature. The Convergence of Evolutionary and Cultural Views pp., 27 fig. 78,00 ÍNDICE: Foreword: F. B. M. de Waal War, Peace, and Human Nature: The Challenge of Scientific Objectivity: D. P. Fry Section I. Ecological and Evolutionary Models: Evolution and Peace: A Janus Connection: D. P. Barash Conflict and Restraint in Animal Species: Implications for War and Peace: H. Kokko An Ethological Perspective on War and Peace: P. Verbeek Cooperation, Conflict, and Niche Construction in the genus Homo: A. Fuentes Section II. Lessons from Prehistory: War and Peace in the Past: Why the Legend of the Killer Ape Never Dies: The Enduring Power of Cultural Beliefs to Distort Our View of Human Nature: R. W. Sussman Pinker s List: Exaggerating Prehistoric War Mortality: R. B. Ferguson Trends in Cooperation and Conflict in Native Eastern North America: D. H. Dye From the Peaceful to the Warlike: Ethnographic and Archaeological Insights into Hunter-Gatherer Warfare and Homicide: R. Kelly The Prehistory of Warfare: Misled by Ethnography: J. Haas & M. Piscitelli The Prehistory of War and Peace in Europe and the Near East: R. B. Ferguson Section III. Nomadic Foragers: Insights about Human Nature: Peaceful Foragers: The Significance of the Batek and Moriori for the Question of Innate Human Violence: K. Endicott Social Control and Conflict Management among Australian Aboriginal Desert People Before and After the Advent of Alcohol: R. Tonkinson Aggression and Conflict Resolution among the Nomadic Hadza of Tanzania as Compared with their Pastoralist Neighbors: M. L. Butovskaya South Indian Foragers Conflict Management in Comparative Perspective: P. M. Gardner The Biocultural Evolution of Conflict Resolution between Groups: C. Boehm The 99%-Development and Socialization within an Evolutionary Context: Growing Up to Become a «Good and Useful Human Being»: D. Narvaez Section IV. The Primatological Context of Human Nature: Chimpanzees, Warfare and the Invention of Peace: M. L. Wilson Evolution of Primate Peace: F. J. White & al. Conflicts in Cooperative Social Interactions in Non-Human Primates: S. F. Brosnan Rousseau with a Tail: Maintaining a Tradition of Peace among Baboons: R. M. Sapolsky Conflict Resolution in Non-Human Primates and Human Children: M. Kempes & al. Section V. Taking Restraint against Killing Seriously: The Evolution of Agonism: The Triumph of Restraint in Nonhuman and Human Primates: D. P. Fry / A. Szala Social Signaling, Conflict Management, and the Construction of Peace: P. («Jim») Roscoe The Challenge of Getting Men to Kill: A View from Military Science: R. J. Hughbank / D. Grossman Man the Singer: Song Duels as an Aggression Restraint Mechanism for Nonkilling Conflict Management: J. E. Pim Section VI. Conclusions: Cooperation for Survival: Creating a Global Peace System: D. P. Fry. 027 Hayden, B.: Naissance de l inégalité. L invention de la hiérarchie durant la préhistoire pp., fig. 8,00

11 Knapp, A. B.: The Archaeology of Cyprus. From Earliest Prehistory through the Bronze Age pp., 134 fig., 5 map., 3 tabl. 26, Knight, V. J., Jr.: Iconographic Method in New World Prehistory pp., 45 fig. 79,45 ÍNDICE: Preliminaries: an iconography of prehistoric images Style Form and referent Configurational analysis Ethnographic analogy The logic of iconographic method in prehistory. 030 Misra, K. K. & al.: Rock Art of India. A Selective Bibliography, with an Introduction by R. G. Bednarik 2011 xx pp. 38, Otte, M.: À l aube spirituelle de l humanité. Une nouvelle approche de la préhistoire pp., 20 lám. 22, Pathak, M. D.: Rock Art of Pachmarhi Biosphere: Mesolithic to Historic Times pp., lám.col., 4 map. 88, Pickering, T. R.: Rough and Tumble. Aggression, Hunting, and Human Evolution pp., 12 fot., 1 tabl. 25, Price, T. D.: Europe before Rome. A Site-by-Site Tour of the Stone, Bronze, and Iron Ages pp., 200 fig. 39, Seetah, K. / B. Gravina, eds.: Bones for Tools Tools for Bones. The Interplay between Objects and Objectives 2012 xi pp., fig., tabl. 58,50 ÍNDICE: Combining Stones and Bones, Defining Form and Function, Inferring Lives and Roles: B. Gravina & al. Part 1. Taphonomy and Technology: When Bones are Not Enough: Lithic Refits and Occupation Dynamics in the Middle Palaeolithic Level 10 of Roca dels Bous (Catalonia, Spain): I. de la Torre & al. Testing the Spatial Association of Lithic and Faunal

12 12 Remains: a Case Study from the Lower Palaeolithic Site of Holon (Israel): H. Monchot & al. The Palaeolithic Poor Relation? Taphonomic Approaches to Archaeofaunas and their Implication for the Study of European Lower Palaeolithic Subsistence: G. M. Smith Reconstructing Animal-butchering Technology: Slicing Cut Marks from the Submerged Pottery Neolithic Site of Neve Yam, Israel: H. J. Greenfield / L.Reenfield / L. K. Horwitz Cause and Effect: the Impact of Animal Variables on Experimentally Produced Bone Lesions: S. Badenhorst Part 2. Raw Materials, Operational Sequences and Decision-Making: Guanaco Butchering by Hunter-gatherers from Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego, Southern Patagonia: A. Sebastián Muñoz Diversity and Applications: Some Bone Tools from the Past to the Present in Southern Africa: I. Plug Mammoth Bone Technology at Tocuila in the Basin of Mexico: E. Johnson Part 3: Subsistence and Cultural Practice: Don t Smash Those Bones! Anatomical Representation and Bone Tool Manufacture in the Pampean Region (Argentina, South America): D. Loponte / N. Buc Eating Your Tools: Early Butchery and Craft Modification of Primate Bones in Tropical Southeast Asia: R. J. Rabett and P. J. Piper Prehistoric Hunter-gatherers in Transition: Environmental Adaptation or Social Transformation?: F. Sternke / L.-J. Costa. 036 Shipton, C. B. K.: A Million Years of Hominin Sociality and Cognition: Acheulean Bifaces in the Hunsgi-Baichbal Valley, India pp., fig. 33, Wells, P. S.: How Ancient Europeans Saw the World. Vision, Patterns, and the Shaping of the Mind in Prehistoric Times 2012 xviii pp., 47 fig. 29,15 ÍNDICE: 1. Theory and Method: Of monsters and flowers Seeing and shaping objects The visual worlds of early Europe Frame, focus, visualization 2. Material: Objects and Arrangements: Pottery: the visual ecology of the everday Attraction and enchantment: fibulae Status and violence: swords and scabbards Arranging spaces: objects in graves Performances: objects and bodies in motion New media in the late iron age: coins and writing 3. Interpreting the Patterns: Changing patterns in objects and in perception Contacts, commerce, and the dynamics of new visual patterns Conclusion: The visuality of objects, past and present. 038 Wiedermann, E.: The Prehistoric Multicultural Settlement of Hajna Nova Ves (Slovakia) Cultural-Historical, Settlement-Archaeological and Archaeo-environmental Contexts in Western Carpathia at the End of the Early Prehistoric and in the Late Prehistoric Periods pp., fig. 39,00

13 13 PALEOLÍTICO NEOLÍTICO 039 Bradley, R.: The Idea of Order. The Circular Archetype in Prehistoric Europe pp., 74 fig. 78,00 ÍNDICE: Preface 1. Times and Spaces: The Circular Ruins Conceptions and Perceptions Life and Art 2. Circular Structures in a Circular World: Houses into Tombs Turning to Stone The Enormous Room 3. Circular Structures in a Rectilinear World: Significant Forms The Atrraction of Opposites The New Order Summing Up From Centre to Circumference. 040 Cauvin, J.: Naissance des divinités, naissance de l agriculture. La révolution des symboles au néolithique pp., fig., 8 lám. 10, Cochrane, A. / A. M. Jones, eds.: Visualising the Neolithic. Abstraction, Figuration, Performance, Representation 2012 x pp., fig. 45,50 ÍNDICE: Visualising the Neolithic: an introduction: A. Cochrane / A. M. Jones Strange Swans and Odd Ducks: Interpreting the Ambiguous Waterfowl Imagery of Lake Onega: A. Lahelma Noble death : images of violence in the rock art of the White Sea: L. Janik Reading between the grooves: Regional variations in the style and deployment of cup and ring marked stones across Britain and Ireland: K. Sharpe Ben Lawers: Carved rocks on a Loud Mountain: R. Bradley / A. Watson Living rocks: animacy, performance and the rock art of the Kilmartin region, Argyll, Scotland: A. M. Jones The halberd pillar at Ri Cruin cairn, Kilmartin, Argyll: S. Needham / T. Cowie Painting a picture of Neolithic Orkney: decorated stonework from the Ness of Brodgar: N. Card / A. Thomas Inside and Outside: Visual culture at Loughcrew, Co Meath: E. S. Twohig The Figurative part of an abstract Neolithic Iconography: hypotheses and directions of research in Irish and British Passage tomb art: G. Robin Assuming the Jigsaw had only one piece: abstraction, figuration and the interpretation of Irish Passage tomb art: R. Hensey Composing the Neolithic at Knockroe: A. Cochrane / L. B. Alves The Grimes Graves Goddess: an inscrutable smile: G. Varndell The life and death of Linearbandkeramik figurines: D. Hofmann The no s to the left have it! : sidedness and materiality of prehistoric artefacts: B. Gaydarska The shell, the pin and the earring: Balkan Copper age Mortuary Costumes in Context: J. Chapman Trapped in Postures: S. Nanoglou Discussion: Personality and Neolithic Visual Media: D. Robinson. 042 Dini, M., ed.: Comprendre la taille de pierre au paléolithique. Outils

14 14 et cultures pp., 63 fig. 26,00 ÍNDICE: Introduction Débiter les roches: tailleurs et techniques Choisir la roche: gîtes et caractéristiques Tailler la pierre: produits et accidents Façonner l outil: la retouche et ses fonctions Produire et utiliser l outil: une prérogative humaine La plus ancienne technologie: pré-oldowayen et oldowayen Des bifaces aux industries à éclats du paléolithique inférieur Conceps et méthodes de production au paléolithique moyen Derniers néandertaliens et premiers hommes modernes Entre néandertaliens et hommes modernes: les industries de transition Fabriquer lames et lamelles au paléolithique supérieur Identifier les outils du paléolithique supérieur Organiser les outils du paléolithique supérieur européen Positionner les outils dans les temps du paléolithique supérieur européen Pour ne pas conclure. 043 Georgiadis, M.: Kos in the Neolithic and Early Bronze Age. The Halasama Finds and the Aegean Settlement Pattern pp., 25 fig., 18 lám., 9 map. 59, Gibson, A., ed.: Enclosing the Neolithic. Recent Studies in Britain and Europe 2012 viii pp., fig. 45,50 ÍNDICE: Introduction: A. Gibson Earthen Enclosures in Britain & Ireland: An Introduction to the study of henges: time for a change?: A. Gibson Henging, mounding and blocking: the Forteviot henge group: K. Brophy / G. Noble Henges in Ireland: new discoveries and emerging issues: M. O Sullivan & al. Journeys and Juxtapositions. Marden Henge and the View from the Vale: Jim Leary & David Field Conformity, Routeways and Religious Experience the Henges of Central Yorkshire: J. Harding Ringlemere: A Pit/Post Horseshoe and Henge Monument in East Kent: K. Parfitt & S. Needham Living with Sacred Spaces: The Henge Monuments of Wessex: J. Pollard Neolithic enclosures: European case studies: Mid Neolithic Enclosures in Southern Scandinavia: L. Larsson Mid- Late Neolithic Enclosures in the South of France: F. Convertini Kreisgrabenanlagen Middle Neolithic Ritual Enclosures in Austria BC: W. Neubauer Mind the gap: Neolithic and Chalcolithic enclosures of south Portugal: A. C. Valera The Neolithic enclosures in transition. Tradition and change in the cosmology of early farmers in central Europe: J. Turek Journey to the Centre of the Earth: R. Bradley. 045 Honegger, M. / C. Mordant, eds.: L homme au bord de l eau: archéologie des zones littorales du néolithique à la protohistoire. Actes du 135 e congrès national des Sociétés historiques et scientifiques du CTHS Paysages, Neuchâtel, 6-11 avril Session de pré- et protohistoire pp., fig. 50,00 ÍNDICE: Avant-propos: B. Arnold & al.: Paysages lacustres et préhistoire M. Honegger / C. Mordant: Introduction Au bord des fleuves et des rivières: des grandes vallées alluviales aux installations et dépôts fluviatiles: A. Dumont & al.: Nouvelles données sur les occupations

15 15 d époque protohistorique en milieu fluvial en France J. Vital: Du Rhône aux Alpes: identification culturelle, économies et occupation du territoire à partir de deux études de cas, le site de Fortuneau à Montélimar (Drôme) et la grotte des Balmes à Sollières-Sardières (Savoie) au bronze final V. Riquier & al.: Oscillations et évolutions de l habitat et des systèmes agraires en Champagne méridionale ( av. J.-C.): le terroir du «Parc logistique de l Aube» F. Cruz / C. Petit: Le paysage de la vallée de la Seine au pied du site «princier» de Vix (Côte-d Or) C. Huth: Réflexions méthodologiques sur l interprétation du mobilier métallique trouvé dans les cours d eau C. Schmid-Merki: Questions, méthodes et perspectives. Le Rhin supérieur en tant que paysage archéologique T. Logel: Dépôts fluviaux, pratiques funéraires et paysages dans la plaine alluviale du Rhin supérieur aux II e et I er millénaires avant notre ère S. Wirth: Le mobilier archéologique de la Saône et la nécessité d une approche comparative et diachronique des trouvailles fluviales V. Fischer: Des dépôts métalliques sur les rives des Trois-Lacs et du Léman? N. Plumettaz: Une pêcherie et un moulin d époque médiévale dans un ancien bras de la Thielle: le site de Marin/Pré de la Mottaz (commune de La Tène) Au bord des lacs et des marais: les villages littoraux et leur insertion territoriale: B. Arnold: Les lacustres sur le littoral neuchâtelois: 150 années de recherches et un bilan L. Chalumeau: Géoarchéologie de l exutoire du lac de Neuchâtel M. Honegger: Analyse spatiale du site de La Tène / Les-Piécettes (Neuchâtel, Suisse) A. Winiger & al.: Analyse spatiale et modes de fonctionnement villageois entre 3570 et av. J.-C. à Concise (Vaud, Suisse) F. Langenegger: De la forêt au village sur le littoral neuchâtelois. Dendro-archéologie des pieux de Bevaix/sud (Neuchâtel, Suise, 1009 à 952 av. J.-C.) M. Mauvilly: Entre lac et montagne: l occupation du Plateau suisse du mésolithique à l âge du bronze en regard des établissements littoraux, l exemple du canton de Fribourg (Suisse) H. Schlichtherle: Histoire des occupations palustres du bassin du Federsee (Bade-Wurtemberg, Allemagne) A. Billamboz: Les villages néolithiques de la baie de Sipplingen sur le lac de Constance: rythmes de l occupation dans le contexte de l économie forestière U. Leuzinger: Un bilan des études sur le fonctionnement du village d Arbon/Bleiche 3 (Thurgovie, Suisse) E. Néré / F. Isnard: L occupation humaine au bronze final sur les berges du Léman: deux exemples d habitats à Chens-sur-Léman, «rue de Charnage» et «Véreître» Y. Billaud: Le lac du Bourget à la fin de l âge du bronze. Premiers éléments pour une reconstitution de l occupation des zones littorales Au bord de la mer: C. Marcigny: Rythmes et natures des occupations protohistoriques en Normandie (III e millénaire-fin de l âge du fer). 046 Kalicz, N.: Mehtele: The First Excavated Site of the Mehtelek Group of the Early Neolithic Körös Culture in the Carpathian Basin pp., fig. 40, Muñiz Álvarez, J. R., ed.: Ad Orientem. Del final del paleolítico en el norte de España a las primeras civilizaciones del Oriente Próximo. Estudios en homenaje al profesor Juan Antonio Fernández-Tresguerres Velasco pp., fig., fot. 45,30 ÍNDICE: Crónica de una vida. Juan Antonio Fernández-Tresguerres Velasco Juan Antonio

16 16 Fernández-Tresguerres Velasco ( ). Obra escrita M. J. Sanz Fuentes: Juan Antonio Fernández-Tresguerres Velasco. Mieres, 1941-Oviedo, 2011 L. Gutiérrez Fernández- Tresguerres: Una aproximación bibliométrica a la obra de Juan Antonio Fernández-Tresguerres Velasco F. Díaz García / L. Martínez Faedo: Juan Antonio Fernández-Tresguerres en Los Azules. La construcción de la nueva prehistoria en la Asturias del último franquismo ( ) J. Fernández Irigoyen: Los moluscos marinos del yacimiento de la cueva de Los Azules. Recurso bromatológico y elemento ornamental y simbólico M. D. Garralda / L. Drak: El esqueleto de Los Azules I (Cangas de Onís, Asturias, España) en el contexto funerario del holoceno inicial en España M. de la Rasilla & al.: El aziliense latente, o las consecuencias de ciertos procesos tafonómicos J. A. Fernández de Córdoba Pérez: La exposición del aziliense en el Museo arqueológico de Asturias. De los matices del discurso científico al minimalismo del discurso museográfico M. Menéndez Fernández: La prehistoria en la cuenca media del Sella y la evolución del poblamiento hasta época histórica M. R. González Morales / L. G. Straus: Terminal magdalenian / azilian at El Mirón cave (Ramales de la Victoria, Cantabria) and the Río Asón valley A. Neira Campos & al.: El nivel III de la cueva de La Uña (La Uña, Acebedo, León): industria lítica y elementos artísticos de un yacimiento mesolítico en la vertiente sur de la Cordillera Cantábrica P. Utrilla & al.: El Esplugón: un abrigo mesolítico en el valle del Guarga (Huesca) P. Arias Cabal: Después de Los Azules. Las prácticas funerarias en las sociedades mesolíticas de la región cantábrica M. A. Fano / M. Cubas: Algunas reflexiones acerca del fiinal del asturiense G. A. Clark: The cantabrian mesolithic and the epipaleolithic in the Levant - a brief comparison M. A. de Blas Cortina: Beneficio y consagración de las cumbres: el caso de Los Fitos y la concurrencia neolíticobronce antiguo en el área megalítica de La Cobertoria, Asturias J. B. Humbert: Juan Antonio Fernández-Tresguerres Velasco y su relación con la Escuela bíblica de Jerusalem J. González Echegaray: Fernández-Tresguerres y su vocación orientalista O. Requejo Pagés: Juan A. Fernández-Tresguerres Velasco y la actividad arqueológica española en Jordania ( ) R. Vega Piniella & al.: Jebel-Mutawwaq. Campaña 2009 V. Álvarez Martínez & al.: Reconocimiento y censo de dólmenes en Jebel Khazua. Quneya Jordania C. Nicolle: The mid-4th millennium gathering site of Mutawwaq in northern Jordan J. L. Montero Fenollós: La expansión de la cultura de Uruk en el medio Éufrates sirio. Reflexiones sobre un modelo colonial arcaico M. Molist & al.: Nota preliminar en torno a las decoraciones incisas sobre elementos macrolíticos del yacimiento neolítico de Tell Halula (valle del Éufrates, Siria) M. Haïdar-Boustani & al.: Las necrópolis megalíticas de la región de HOms (Siria). 048 Pettitt, P. / M. White: The British Palaeolithic. Human Societies at the Edge of the Pleistocene World pp., 235 fig., 38 tabl. 35, Piel-Desruisseaux, J.-L.: Outils préhistoriques, du gallet taille au bistouri d obsidienne vi pp., fig., lám.col. 36, Ripoll López, S., ed.: Arte sin artistas. Una mirada al paleolítico.

17 17 Museo arqueológico regional, Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, de diciembre de 2012 a abril de pp., lám.col. 30,00 ÍNDICE: S. Ripoll López: Arte sin artistas. Una mirada al paleolítico J. L. Arsuaga / E. Baquedano: El encuentro J. E. Aura Tortosa: El paleolítico superior: encuadre cronológicocultural S. Ripoll López: Historiografía de la invesstigación del arte rupestre J. F. Jordá Pardo: Geología del arte paleolítico J. Clottes: El arte rupestre. Un fenómeno universal S. Ripoll López: Manifestaciones artísticas en la prehistoria C. González Sainz: Una introducción al arte parietal paleolítico de la región cantábrica J. J. Alcolea González / R. de Balbín Behrmann: El arte rupestre paleolítico del interior peninsular F. J. Muñoz Ibáñez: El arte paleolítico en Murcia, Valencia y Cataluña J. Martínez García: Arte rupestre paleolítico en Andalucía. La evidencia simbólica de los cazzdores-recolectores en el sur de la Península Ibérica D. Baffier: El arte parietal paleolítico en Francia D. Seglie: Arte rupestre paleolítico en Italia A. Martinho Baptista: El arte paleolítico en Portugal F. J. Muñoz Ibáñez / S. Ripoll López: El arte rupestre en el Reino Unido M. Groenen: Magia, creencias y lo sobrenatural en las cuevas decoradas. Una historia de las interpretaciones M. Groenen: Recorridos por la cueva decorada de El Castillo H. Pecci Tenrero: El arte mobiliar europeo M. Mussi: Las representaciones femeninas del paleolítico superior N. J. Conard: La importancia evolutiva de las primeras evidencias de arte figurativo y los instrumentos musicales de las cuevas del suroeste de Alemania M. Menéndez: La cronología del arte paleolítico H. Pecci Tenrero: La cotidianidad del arte. Utensilios comunes como soporte del arte mueble S. Ripoll López: Las dataciones y los sistemas de datación del arte rupestre paleolítico J. Latova: Son como los representamos Catálogo Glosario. 051 Rovira, C. y otros, eds.: Les necròpolis d incineració entre l Ebre i el Tiber (segles IX-VI a.c.): metodologia, pràctiques funeràries i societat. Actes de la taula rodona celebrat en Barcelona, 21 i 22 de novembre de pp., fig. 30,00 ÍNDICE: GESTACIÓ I DESENVOLUPAMENT DE LA TAULA RONDA INTERNACIONAL SOBRE LES NECRÒPOLIS D INCINERACIÓ ENTRE L EBRE I EL TÍBER (SEGLES IX-VI AC): 1. De l Ebre als Pirineus: R. N. Belarte & al.: Les necròpolis d incineració a la Catalunya meridional i el Matarranya (segles IX- VI ane). Novetats de la recerca F. J. López Cachero / M. C. Rovira Hortalà: El món funerari a la depressió prelitoral catalana entre el bronze final i la primera edat del ferro: ritual i dinamisme social a partir del registre arqueològic E. Pons: Les necròpolis d incineració en el nord-est català ( ane): una nova síntesi X. Aquilué & al.: El paisatge funerari en el territori d Empúries, entre el bronze final i la primera edat del ferro B. Agustí & al.: La necròpolis de Sant Joaquim de la Menarella (Els Ports, Castelló) M. C. Belarte & al.: La necròpolis protohistòrica de Sebes (Flix, Ribera d Ebre) M. P. Vázquez & al.: La Pedrera (Vallfogona de Balaguer-Térmens). Cinquanta anys després J. Medina & al.: La necròpolis del Turó de la Capsera (El Pont de Suert, Conca de Dalt) X. Esteve & al.: L estructura 378 de Mas d en Boixos-1 (Pacs del Penedès, alt Penedès): una tomba de cremació aïllada de l ibèric antic N. Tarrats / M. Oliva: Les urnes d incineració aïllades del paratge arqueològic de Can Roqueta (Sabadell i Barberà del Vallès, Barcelona) X. Carlús / F. J. López Cachero /N. Villena:

18 18 L empedrat CPR-247 de la necròpolis d incineració de Can Piteu - Can Roqueta (Sabadell, Barcelona): un conjunt funerari del bronze final M. C. Rojo / M.Yubero: Aproximació a l estudi dels individus infantils durant la primera edat del ferro al NE peninsular: el cas de la tomba 677 de la necròpolis de Can Piteu - Can Roqueta (Sabadell, Vallès occidental) M. E. Subirà & al.: La necròpolis d incineració del Pi de la Lliura (Vidreres, Girona): una aproximació demogràfica D. Codina / C. Montalbán: Tipologia dels enterraments localitzats al sector 3 de la necròpolis de Vilanera (L Escala, Alt Empordà) A. Toledo: La necrópolis de Can Bech de Baix, Agullana (Alt Empordà, Girona) 2. Dels Pirineus als Alps: F. Mazière: Sépultures et nécropoles du bas Languedoc occidental et du Roussillon (IX e -V e s. av. J.-C.). Du geste observé aux rites supposés B. Dedet: Tombes sur bûcher et dépôts secondaires d incinération en Languedoc oriental et en Provence au premier âge du fer R. Donat & al.: La nécropole protohistorique des Omells (Bages, Pyrénées-Orientales): gestes funéraires, organisation sociale et dynamique d occupation A. Toledo: La nécropole à incinération protohistorique de Negabous (Perpignan, Pyrénées-Orientales) J. Michel & al.: La nécropole du bronze final IIIb de Christol à Carcassonne (Aude) F. Mazière & al.: Nouvelles données sur la nécropole de Bel- Air à Vendres (Hérault, France). De la sépulture au complexe funéraire B. Debet & al.: La nécropole de Saint Julien à Pézenas en Languedoc du VIII e au IV e siècles avant J.-C. 3. Dels Alps al Tíber: G. Leonardi / S. Paltineri: La necropoli di Chiavari nel quadro della prima età del ferro in Liguria: relazioni culturali e forme di organizzacione sociale F. M. Gambari / M. Venturino: Tombe monumentali a ricinti nell areale occidentale della cultura di Golasecca e nella Liguria interna piemontese: tipologia, ideologia costruttiva, rituali D. Locatelli / L. Malnati: Nuovi dati sulla fase orientalizzante nelle necropoli felsinee C. Iaia / M. Pacciarelli: La cremazione in area mediotirrenica tra bronzo finale e primo ferro A. M. Bietti / A. De Santis: Il ruolo dell incinerazione nello sviluppo politico-organizzativo del Lazio antico fra età del bronzo finale e prima età del ferro (ca. XII-VIII sec. a.c.) C. Bendi & al.: Le necropoli di Verucchio: nuovi scavi e ricerche C. Cavazzuti / L. Zamboni: Tombe ad incinerazione dell età del ferro da necropoli dell Emilia occidentale: inquadramento culturale ed analisi antropologiche 4. Aspectes metodològics i temàtics: L. Lara / S. Llobet: Procés de recuperació de les urnes cineràries. Algunes alternatives als engassats tradicionals G. De Mulder & al.: La validité de la méthode de datation par le 14 C des os incinérés à l état actuel V. Forest: La place des coquillages dans les sépultures protohistoriques en Languedoc (France) (IX e -VI e s. av. J.-C.) R. Piqué / C. Mensua: El combustible en el ritual funerari del bronze final-primera edat del ferro: les necròpolis del nord-est peninsular C. Speciale / A. Zanini: Alcune osservazioni sul tabù delle armi nelle necropoli ad incinerazione dell età del bronzo in Italia settentrionale A. Beylier: Le dépôt d armes dans les tombes du Languedoc occidental au premier âge du fer: essai de caractérisation M. Pedro & al.: Pràctiques d inhumació en contextos de primera edat del ferro (s. VII ac): noves troballes a l àrea penedesenca. 052 Ruebens, K. / I. Romanowska / R. Bynoe, eds.: Unravelling the Palaeolithic Ten Years of Research at the Centre for the Archaeology of Human Origins (Caho, University of Southampton) 2012 iii pp., fig., lám.col. 39,00 ÍNDICE: Introduction: C. Gamble Lower Palaeolithic of Central and Eastern Europe: Critical Re-evaluation of the Current State of Knowledge: I. Romanowska The Earliest

19 19 Middle Stone Age of Northern South Africa: The Cave of Hearths and Bushman Rock Shelter: D. Underhill Quaternary Environments and Archaeology of Jersey: A New Multidisciplinary project looking at the early prehistoric occupation of the English Channel Region: M. Pope et al. Interglacial Neanderthal Ecology: evidence of absence?: R. Bynoe Neanderthal landuse and related tool-kits at the MIS 5/4 boundary in the South-East portion of the French Massif Central: J.-P. Raynal et al. Creating Country: Late Middle Palaeolithic Landscape Enculturation: R. W. Sykes Changing Scales of Obsidian Movement and Social Networking: T. Moutsiou Analyzing the Child Burials of Upper Palaeolithic Europe: J. Cooney Ancient Magdalenian of the French Massif Central revisited: a reappraisal of unit F2 of the Rond du Barry cave: Polignac, Haute-Loire, France): A. Lafarge et al. The social contexts of Palaeolithic Figural Art: Performativity, Materialisation and Fragmentation: L. Janik Differentiating French Magdalenian portable art assemblages: new analyses of low-relief technologies on antler: R. Farbstein Scatters, Patches, and Palimpsests: Solving the Contemporaneity Problem: M. Grove People, places and things: understanding Lateglacial personhood through mobility and exchange: F. Kofido CAHO 10 Closing words: J. McNabb / W. Davies. 053 Sidera, I.: Nouveau regard sur la néolithisation. L industrie osseuse de l Anatolie au bassin parisien via la Méditerranée pp., fig. 22, Tarantini, M. / A. Galiberti, eds.: Le miniere di Selce del Gargano VI- III millennio a.c. Alle origini della storia mineraria europea pp., fig., lám.col. 32, Testart, A.: Avant l histoire. L évolution des sociétés, de Lascaux à Carnac pp., 36 fig., 7 map. 25,00 ÍNDICE: Prologue Brève histoire de l idée d évolution des sociétés Comment penser l évolution sociale? Causes et mécanismes Des données archéologiques Le paléolithique ou les deux problèmes du comparatisme Ce que révèle l art des cavernes L évolution d ensemble des chasseurs-cueilleurs Cause et origine de l agriculture Le sens de l histoire L invention de la richesse Les systèmes politiques Épilogue. EDAD DE LOS METALES 056 Agrawal, D. P. / J. S. Kharakwal: Bronze and Iron Ages in South Asia 2003 xx pp., 40 fig., 60 lám., 14 lám.col. 90, Alberti, M. E. / S. Sabatini: Exchange Networks and Local Transfor-

20 20 mations. Interaction and Local Change in Europe and the Mediterranean from the Bronze Age to the Iron Age 2013 xi pp., fig. 49,00 ÍNDICE: Introduction: Transcultural interaction and local transformations in Europe and the Mediterranean from the Bronze Age to the Iron Age: M. E. Alberti / S. Sabatini Theorising exchange and interaction during the Bronze Age: K. Kristiansen Periphery versus core. The integration of secondary states into the World System of the Eastern Mediterranean and the Near East in the Late Bronze Age ( BC): N. Papadimitriou / D. Kriga Aegean trade systems: overview and observations on the Middle Bronze Age: M. E. Alberti The Minoans in the south-eastern Aegean? The evidence from the Serraglio on Kos and its main historical implications: S. Vitale / T. A. Hancock Westernizing Aegean of LH III C: F. Iacono Malta, Sicily and southern Italy during the Bronze Age: the meaning of a changing relationship: A. Cazzella / G. Recchia External role in the social transformation of nuragic society? A case study from Sarrala, Eastern Sardinia, between the Middle Bronze and the Iron Ages: L. Lai Metalwork, rituals and the making of elite identity in central western Italy at the Bronze-Iron Age transition: C. Iaia Indigenous Political Dynamics and Identity from a Comparative Perspective: Etruria and Latium vetus: F. Fulminante / S. Stoddart Local and transcultural burial practices in Northern Europe in the Late Bronze Age: face, house and face/ door urns: S. Sabatini Migration, Innovation and Meaning: sword depositions on Lolland, BC: S. Bergerbrant Long and close distance trade and exchange along the Baltic coast during Early Iron Age: J. Kneisel Ceramic technology and the materiality of Celtic pottery: A. Kreiter & al. 058 Bachhuber, C. / R. G. Roberts, eds.: Forces of Transformation. The End of the Bronze Age in the Mediterranean pp., 149 fig. 49,40 ÍNDICE: Part 1. Considerations of Climate: Holocene climate variability in the eastern Mediterranean, and the end of the Bronze Age: J. E. Rohling & al. Changes in Vernacular Architecture and Climate at the End of the Aegean Bronze Age: J. Moody Part 2. Exchange and Interregional Dynamics: Just What Collapsed? A network perspective on palatial and private trade at Ugarit: B. Routledge / K. McGeough Continuity and Change: the divergent destinies of Late Bronze Age ports in Syria and Lebanon across the LBA/Iron Age transition: C. Bell Cultural Identity and Social Interaction in Crete at the End of the Bronze Age: K. Perna Late Bronze Age Exchange Networks in the Western Mediterranean: A. Vianello Sicily at the End of the Bronze Age: catching the echo : D. Tanasi Part 3. Iconography and Perception: Identity, Choice, and the Year 8 Reliefs of Ramesses III at Medinet Habu: R. G. Roberts Warriors, Hunters and Ships in the Late Helladic IIIC Aegean: changes in the iconography of warfare?: A. Papadopoulos Part 4. Built Environment - Cemeteries, Citadels, and Landscapes: Forces of Transformation in Death: the cemetery at Tell es-sayidiyeh, Jordan: J. D. M. Green The South-Eastern Aegean in the LH IIIC Period: what do the tombs tell us?: M. Georgiadis The Last Days of a Canaanite Kingdom: a view from Hazor: S. Zuckerman The Significance of Changes in Spatial Usage at Mycenae: E. French From DA-MO to Damos survival of a Mycenaean land allocation tradition in the Classical period?: M. F. Lane Landscapes of Power and Proto-Urban Developments toward

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