Les Nouvelles du Rosey

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1 Les Nouvelles du Rosey Décembre 2012 n 32 Le Paul & Henry Carnal Hall sort de terre... L investissement est important, déraisonnable penseront certains? Le projet de ce grand centre des arts, de la culture et des rencontres vient de loin ; depuis plus de vingt ans, j ai la conviction que cet aspect de l éducation est, d une manière de plus en plus difficile à admettre, le parent pauvre de notre système. Or les arts sont à la fois une nécessité culturelle pour les leaders de nos sociétés où règne le numérique, un atout économique croissant au service de très nombreuses futures carrières, et un puissant outil de développement personnel. Le Carnal Hall abritera les écoles de musique, de dessin, sculpture & peinture, de design, de théâtre, de danse, de cuisine. J ai aussi la conviction que les salles de classe ne suffisent plus, à elles seules, à nos enseignements. Des lieux ouverts, conviviaux, adaptés au travail en commun, aux échanges, aux discussions, au déplacement d un espace de réflexion à l autre, sont devenus essentiels à l acquisition des connaissances, à la confrontation des idées, au développement de l imagination. Ainsi le projet du «Learning Centre» est-il venu progressivement se greffer sur celui des écoles d art. Enfin, la salle de spectacles de 900 places permettra de présenter dans un environnement professionnel nos productions roséennes ; mais nous programmons aussi des événements culturels exceptionnels : en septembre 2014, le concert inaugural sera donné par le Royal Philharmonic Orchestra de Londres, dirigé par le grand chef suisse Charles Dutoit. D autres magnifiques formations, dont l Orchestre de la Suisse Romande, des conférenciers de talent et des troupes théâtrales seront les hôtes du Carnal Hall, tous appelés à offrir aux Roséens une belle formation culturelle. Réunir toutes ces activités sous un même toit exigeait une solide réflexion. La coupole dessinée par l architecte suisse et américain Bernard Tschumi répond avec intelligence et finesse à toutes nos exigences. Cette architecture puissante et originale fait entrer l infrastructure roséenne de plein pied dans le XXI ème siècle. «Actis Virtus», proclame la devise du Rosey, ce qui signifie : seuls les actes montrent ce que l on veut ; nos rêves en matière de développement de toutes les intelligences se réalisent petit à petit. Bien sûr, tout cela a un coût et comporte des risques. Mais Le Rosey doit demeurer visionnaire et imaginatif : que deviendrait-il s il refusait les risques et ronronnait tranquillement au milieu d un monde en mouvement accéléré? En 1880, Paul Carnal aurait pu se contenter d acquérir les quelques milliers de mètres carrés nécessaires à l exploitation de la petite école qu il rêvait de créer ; cet audacieux s endette pour bien des années en choisissant d acheter les 20 hectares d une immense propriété! Que serions-nous aujourd hui sans cet excès? The Paul and Henry Carnal Hall A very considerable investment perhaps an unreasonable one, some might say. The project for an Arts, Culture and Meeting Centre goes back a long way: for more than 20 years I have been convinced that the arts are for reasons that have become increasingly difficult to accept the poor relations of our educational systems. Yet, the arts are a cultural and human need for the leaders of increasingly digital societies. At the same time, they are a growing economic asset for the professions of tomorrow, an important source of employment and a powerful tool in our own personal development. The Carnal Hall will house facilities for classes in music, painting, sculpture, design, theatre, dance and cuisine. I am also convinced that classrooms, on their own, are not enough for our teaching. Open, pleasant, collaborative spaces, suited to cooperation, to discussion, to movement from one line of thought to another have become essential for the acquisition of knowledge and skills, for questioning our ideas and developing our imagination. For this reason, the Learning Centre has been grafted onto the arts facilities and the performance spaces. Finally, the 900-seat auditorium will allow us to present school productions in professional spaces; and we are also planning a programme of outstanding cultural events. In September 2014, the inaugural concert will be given by the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by the great Swiss maestro Charles Dutoit. Other magnificent ensembles, including the Orchestre de la Suisse Romande, talented speakers and theatre groups will also be our guests and will provide Roséens with a wonderful cultural education. Bringing together all these activities under one roof demands very considerable planning. The dome, designed by the Swiss-American architect Bernard Tschumi, responds to all our needs with intelligence and finesse. His powerful and original architectural design will bring the Rosey campus into the 21 st century with some panache. The Le Rosey motto is Actis Virtus: our ambitions can only be shown in our actions; and our dream of developing all the child s intelligences is gradually becoming a reality. Of course, this comes at a cost and is not without its risks. But Le Rosey must remain visionary and imaginative: what would become of it if we avoided risks and purred contentedly whilst surrounded by a world of ever more rapid change? In 1880, Paul Carnal could have been happy to acquire the few thousand square metres of land that would have allowed him to set up the small school he dreamed of; instead, this man dared to take on a lifetime s debt by choosing to purchase the 20 hectares of an immense property! Where would we be today without this audacity? Philippe Gudin, directeur général Bernard Tschumi Architects Quelques chiffres: 12 bureaux d ingénieurs sont engagés dans le projet avec 2 bureaux d architectes. Au total 65 entreprises travailleront sur le chantier qui représente une surface de m 2 et un volume de m 3. On pourra admirer les jardins du Rosey grâce à m 2 de vitrages. Les 92 mètres de diamètre de la coupole de toiture couvriront une surface de m 2, soutenue par 550 tonnes de charpente métallique. On posera 25 kilomètres de câbles électriques pour distribuer 600 ampères. Some Facts and Figures: 12 engineering companies and two architectural partnerships will be involved in the project. A total of 65 companies will work on a building site with and area of 8,650m 2 where 55,000m 3 of earth will be moved. 2,250m 2 of glazing will allow us to admire the Rosey grounds. The dome with its 92m diameter will cover a space of 4,900m 2, and be supported by 500 tons of metal framing. There will be 25 kilometres of electric cables for 600 amps.

2 Le Rosey Staff in Figures. To look after 400 boarding students and around 15 day students (some Juniors and teachers children) we have: Life In teaching and administration: 175 personnel. 10 directors (general, academic, hotel services, IT, admissions, finance) and 3 boarding house couples directing the boarding campuses (Le Rosey, La Combe, Juniors). Le jury du 24 e Concours de Poésie 24 e Concours de Poésie Christophe Galfard, docteur en physique théorique Echanger & agir 4 academic deans (in charge of study for 4 different age groups) who teach part time. 57 full-time interne teachers (teachers who, in addition to their teaching, live on campus and provide pastoral care for our students). 27 full-tiame externe teachers (teachers living off campus). Among these 84 teachers (who, between them, teach 68,400 lessons per year), 15 are heads of department (Maths, Science, Humanities, Languages, etc), 20 are tutors who provide support and guidance to groups of students and 12 are heads of a boarding house. 37 part-time teachers: 18 teachers for modern languages in addition to those teaching English, French, Spanish, German and Italian; 19 teachers giving individual music lessons along with 3 music teachers who, together, give 8,600 private lessons for 12 different types of musical instrument. 11 members of the administration team (secretariat, graphics, travel, accounting, admissions, exams, laboratories). 5 members of the IT department. 4 nurses. 2 university counsellors. 1 librarian. 1 chaplain. For campus services: 78 personnel. 3 assistants to the director hôtelier. 25 housekeeping staff. 2 chefs, 1 manager of the cafeteria, 12 sous chefs. 1 head of maintenance and 3 maintenance staff. 1 head gardener and 5 gardeners. 2 maîtres d hôtel and 8 staff managing the dining rooms. 1 head of laundry and 9 laundry staff. 3 security guards. 2 professional drivers. L Académie littéraire compte une quinzaine de membres et se réunit pour débattre des qualités de six romans d auteurs francophones. Au cours de la dernière séance, au terme d une discussion fort animée, elle a couronné «Rien ne s oppose à la nuit» (Editions Lattès) de Delphine de Vigan, qui sera invitée à venir rencontrer ses lecteurs au Rosey. Le cycle de conférences du mercredi attire un public curieux et attentif. Selon le sujet, une douzaine à une centaine de Roséens investissent l auditoire. Les intervenants sont souvent impressionnés par la qualité de leur jeune public ; l un d eux nous écrivait tout récemment : «J ai eu un immense plaisir à partager un moment avec les Roséens, que j ai trouvés extraordinairement éveillés, ouverts, curieux, et armés d une magnifique mobilité d esprit, qui est la plus belle forme d intelligence. Je suis sûr que la nature de l enseignement qu ils reçoivent, dynamique et stimulante en permanence, y est pour beaucoup.» Quelques exemples pour illustrer la diversité des thèmes : M. Höfert, chef économiste UBS : comment réagissent les économistes sur les marchés financiers pendant une crise? M. Egger, président de McDonald s Suisse : Behind the Golden Arches ; le professeur Duboule de l EPFL : cloner l homme? M. Winram, champion du monde de plongée en apnée : Breath-Hold Diving with Sharks. Professeur Denis Duboule William Winram D autres activités culturelles : le traditionnel Concours de poésie, auquel participent de très nombreux élèves de toutes les classes ; les Débats (par exemple, à l occasion de la journée de la femme et de l élection présitentielle aux USA : «This House would Elect a Woman for President») ; une conférence sur le camp de Terezin (Theresienstadt) donnée par quelques élèves de retour d un voyage sur place. Deux groupes de Roséens ont participé à un concours interscolaire d histoire et remporté haut la main la Swiss Mathematics Competition for International Schools. Roséens à la Swiss Mathematics Competition for International Schools Dialogue sur le vif entre le professeur et deux Roséennes au Café-philo du mercredi : M. Le Quintrec : Nos désirs peuvent-ils nous tromper? Gloria : En quelque sorte oui, parce qu à chaque fois, on croit qu on aura ce qu on voulait mais il y a toujours un nouveau désir qui va apparaître, et finalement on ne sera jamais satisfait... M. Le Quintrec : Pour être heureux il faudrait donc se libérer du cycle infini des désirs, comme le préconisent les philosophes grecs de l antiquité? Gloria : Oui, il faudrait se contenter de ce qu on a et arrêter de toujours désirer ce qu on n a pas. Maria : Je ne suis pas entièrement d accord, car si on ne désire plus rien, on n a plus de but dans la vie, on n avance plus! M. Le Quintrec : Quel est le plus grand bonheur? Désirer ou bien satisfaire son désir? Maria : C est désirer! On peut imaginer plein de choses, on se sent joyeux et plein de vie, alors que quand on satisfait le désir on peut être déçu... LES NOUVELLES DU ROSEY

3 Interviews des présidents du Comité Paul Dembinski de l Observatoire de la Finance suisse Excellence Challenge At Le Rosey, we believe that a world-class education should extend beyond the classroom, and the Excellence Challenge aims to broaden students intellectual horizons by fostering an informed curiosity about the wider world. We offer talks, visits and practical sessions, both in English and French, on a diverse range of subjects across the arts, sciences and humanities that aim to challenge and stimulate debate. Recent activities have included visits to The Graduate Institute in Geneva to hear Ban Ki-moon (Secretary General of the UN), Vitor Gaspar (Portuguese Finance Minister) and Oran Young (Professor of Environmental Science). We have had trips to the opera, ballet, and art galleries, and even a chance for students to work alongside researchers in experiments at CERN. Two students who took part achieved a remarkable coup by persuading the renowned CERN scientist, Richard Jacobsson, to come and give a talk to students at Le Rosey next April! Credit Suisse also regularly contributes to Excellence Challenge. In cooperation with the University of St. Gallen, Credit Suisse provides a full day of Investment and Leadership Training for our students at the Grand Park Hotel in Gstaad every winter term. Also in Gstaad, students were invited by Mmes Getty and Habsburg to attend a showing of their awardwinning films: Axis of Light about art in the Middle East; and the performance artist, Marina Abramovic in The Artist is Present. In September, the American International Club invited students to attend an entertaining and informative workshop discussing the US presidential candidates and their policies. In October Human Rights Watch came to Rosey to explain their work, and of particular interest to many was their use of satellite imagery to painstakingly research and document human rights abuses. Staff have given talks on topics of academic interest in their specialist fields, whether offering workshops on leadership skills, persuading us that fractals are fun, discussing the significance of different degrees of infinity, or explaining the intricacies of game theory. These sessions have proved invaluable. In parallel with the Excellence Challenge, Henri-François Vellut arranges talks by prestigious visiting speakers, offering an informed debate in a variety of fields. Examples include a lecture by Phillippe Barraud on how to communicate with extra-terrestrials, and a talk by Florence Devouard, former President of Wikipedia. Anciens are encouraged to pass on their expertise by coming to give talks about their profession to current students. Philippe Barraud Florence Devouard The Excellence Challenge aims to stretch the most able students, but everyone is welcome to participate, since our underlying philosophy is to make learning fun. It is never too early or too late to awaken an appetite for learning, and everyone has the potential to excel. For our students, the world is their oyster, and the Excellence Challenge aims to provide the intellectual tools to prise open a few shells, and glimpse a few pearls. C. F. Anne & Zein Pourquoi avoir postulé pour exercer la responsabilité de président du Comité? Anne : J ai vu tout ce qu ont fait les Comités qui se sont succédé depuis 9 ans, j ai compris ce qui peut être difficile dans les rapports humains et j ai vu évoluer Le Rosey et l atmosphère parmi les élèves ; j ai voulu à mon tour donner du temps et de l énergie pour que leur aventure roséenne soit précieuse. Zein : I admired the work of my predecessors; caring about the students, representing them and making life in our Rosey community the very best it can be seemed to me to be worthwhile goals. The expectations of teachers and parents are ever increasing as the world becomes a more challenging place; we therefore need to take care of each other and nurture a positive spirit around us. As-tu le sentiment d être utile à la communauté roséenne? Anne : J ai beaucoup investi en faveur des Cadettes, qui ont beaucoup de choses à dire et qui ne sont pas toujours écoutées. Je suis une grande sœur qui les aide à grandir et à s intégrer dans notre communauté. J ai aussi modifié certains événements, malgré le poids toujours très fort de la tradition au Rosey, pour mieux réunir des gens qui ont des intérêts différents, artistes et sportifs par exemple, mieux intégrer les nouveaux avec des compétitions entre les maisons, créer des activités transversales. J ai aussi appris aux filles très émotives à être plus fortes en essayant de leur montrer un exemple de modération et en étant très présente et attentive à leur écoute. Zein : I have tried to set an example to others as a leader who embraces the values of Rosey tradition: avoid being arrogant, be patient, accept criticism, manage a committee which has both diverse views and yet at the same time shows solidarity. Being at Rosey, I have retraced the steps of some my own family, and in doing so, I have hopefully perpetuated what I believe to be the right way to develop human relationships. I try to make everyone happy in the knowledge that the committee will listen to their views and will organize lots for them to do at the weekend. As-tu changé depuis que tu es président? Quels sacrifices cette charge t impose-t-elle? Anne : J ai beaucoup appris : parler devant l école est difficile : il faut être précis et vite compris. J ai appris à diriger, à déléguer, à organiser le travail du groupe, à déterminer qui peut faire quoi, selon les qualités de chacun. Le plus gros sacrifice est le temps : depuis 6 mois, je n ai pas eu un samedi libre. Il faut maintenir en permanence l équilibre entre les études et le Comité : c est dur, exigeant, stressant parfois. J ai accepté les critiques, en apprenant que les difficultés peuvent fortifier le groupe et les échecs favoriser la solidarité. C est un gros poids, une grande fatigue parfois, mais je n ai aucun regret : je suis assez fière que cette fatigue soit mise au service d une cause à laquelle je crois. Zein : In particular, I learned that you can t please all the people all the time and that being a leader has changed others opinions, both teachers and students, of me. I feel privileged to have this position, but at the same time, it can sometimes be hard to find oneself permanently under the scrutiny of the whole community. I have learned to to be respected and to be respectful. En conclusion? Anne : Je voudrais transmettre à celle qui me succédera en avril prochain que la présidence du Comité est une aventure exigeante et fantastique qui exige maturité, confiance envers les autres, leadership naturellement. Mais rendre les autres heureux est un bonheur formidable! Zein : In a few months time, I will be leaving and I understand what the Anciens mean when they talk about a School for Life my links with this community are strong in my heart and what I feel I have achieved as president has made this attachment run even deeper. 3 LES NOUVELLES DU ROSEY 2012

4 Universities Yale (United States) University College - UCL (United Kingdom) University of Basel (Switzerland) Waseda (Japan) The Class of 2012: Is the Race only for the Swift? As the class of 2013 begins to face the challenges of university and college applications, and can now see the IB and French baccalauréat examinations rising above the horizon, perhaps they are wondering, with a twinge of apprehension, whether they can measure up to the successes of last year although we might also pause to ask just how success should be measured. The 2012 results and university acceptances maintained recent standards and, in some cases, may even have improved on them. The average score at the IB was just over 34 and at the French bac it was over 15/20. The combined average in IB terms was, in fact, above 35. The pass rate in both diplomas was 100% and, as we never tire of emphasising, this was with all students without exception sitting the full diploma of the IB or the bac. There have always been outstanding students at Rosey, as the exploits and achievements of generations of Roséens clearly demonstrate; but there can be no doubt that academic competition for places at universities over the last ten years has intensified beyond recognition. Roséens are now measured against the brightest and best from all over the world, many with the international school background that leads them to apply to the UK and USA. As a result, competition for Ivy League places, for example, is now ferocious. As admissions officers across the world point out, up to 90% of applicants to their institutions would be capable of successfully following their courses: yet only about 10% of candidates and often fewer are actually admitted. What s more, colleges and universities themselves are keen to appear in the top places in the plethora of ranking systems and no doubt rather enjoy dealing with the thousands of worthy applicants. Despite this scramble for places, 2012 Rosey students did extremely well. Of the 61 Roséens from the class of 2012 who started university this year, no fewer than 20 (i.e. over 30%) of them will be at schools ranked in the world s top 20 or Ivy League (according to the QS ranking system) Cornell, Yale, Penn, Princeton, Chicago, Northwestern, Georgetown, UCL, Imperial, McGill and Toronto. Another five went to schools ranked in the top 30 and another two to the most highly ranked art schools. And these rankings (which tend to favour English-speaking universities with large graduate schools, and medical and engineering faculties) might make us forget the Roséens who went to the Lausanne Hotel School (EHL) or the Federal Polytechnic (EPFL) and top universities in Paris. All in all, a remarkably good year. As we know, the race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong. What is more, our memory our own private ranking of a class includes far more than academic success or sporting cups for that matter. We also know that winning a place at an Ivy League college is no guarantee of anything. Yet examination results and college entrances are still one measure of a school s success and quality. Imperfect perhaps, but it is only legitimate and natural to feel pride and satisfaction that 2012 students achieved so many of their goals and to hope that the class of 2013 outdoes them. Rob Gray, Headmaster University and College Destinations 2012 United States & Canada Cornell Yale Princeton Penn Chicago McGill University University of Toronto Northwestern Babson College Georgetown United Kingdom University College (UCL) Imperial College King s College Edinburgh Bath City EBS Goldsmiths Queen Mary SOAS Stirling Surrey Continental Europe Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne (EHL) Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) European University (Spain) University of Basel CEU San Paulo (Spain) Paris VI, Pierre & Marie Curie Université de Genève Webster University, Geneva Elsewhere Waseda (Japan) Raphael Recanati (Israel) ITAM (Mexico) Art Schools Parsons (New York) University of the Arts (London) LES NOUVELLES DU ROSEY

5 Future Paul Carnal Marguerite et Henri Carnal Helen Schaub et Louis Johannot Anne et Philippe Gudin Futur directeur général, nouvel élan pour Le Rosey. Après 33 ans passés à la tête du Rosey, Anne et Philippe Gudin vont progressivement passer les rênes à leur fils Christophe. Comment va se passer cette succession? Pendant cette année , aucun changement à la direction générale : Philippe Gudin, directeur général, définit la stratégie à long terme, s occupe des grands travaux et préside trois départements (finances, admissions, représentation). Rob Gray, headmaster, dirige les opérations du Rosey, gère les budgets et exécute les instructions des conseils d administration et de la direction générale. Anne Gudin dirige les études juniors, conseille les doyens et la direction générale, préside le conseil d administration et assure la coordination entre le conseil et l école. Henri-François Vellut, directeur académique, veille sur l équilibre de la structure scolaire, supervise la gestion de tout le personnel enseignant (salaires, horaires, formation, évaluation, cours privés, etc.). Henry Higgins, outre son rôle de conseiller aux universités, prodigue également à la direction générale des avis éclairés par ses 44 ans d expérience à différents postes du Rosey (professeur interne, externe, directeur des études, responsable du recrutement, university counsellor...) Dès septembre 2013, Christophe Gudin rejoindra cette équipe ; il reprendra progressivement les activités du headmaster et du directeur général actuels au cours d une période de transition qui s étendra jusqu en juin A cette date, Christophe deviendra directeur général et Rob Gray reprendra le rôle de conseiller de la direction générale dont il restera membre actif. Christophe est particulièrement bien formé à son futur rôle de patron du Rosey : onze ans d éducation roséenne, un diplôme d ingénieur en systèmes de communication de l École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, une année d expérience entrepreneuriale à la tête d une start-up, une direction de camp d été à Gstaad, deux ans d expérience au sein du premier groupe mondial de consulting, McKinsey, et un MBA à l INSEAD à Singapour. Il aura 28 ans en 2013 et sera 2 ans plus âgé que ses 4 prédécesseurs qui en avaient chacun 26 à leur prise de fonction. Il adhère totalement aux valeurs roséennes et a pu discuter avec ses parents bien des éléments de ce métier, pendant des années ; entre eux existent des différences de génération, de projets et d idées mais ils ont la même aspiration à servir, le même attachement au Rosey et à ses racines. Pour la 4 ème fois en 135 ans, Le Rosey va changer de directeur général, ce qui donne une moyenne de 33,5 ans par génération. Contrairement à bien des grandes écoles, Le Rosey entend demeurer totalement suisse et continuer à être dirigé par ses propriétaires, gage de qualité de l engagement et de continuité dans la volonté de réinvestir dans l école la quasi totalité (plus de 95%) de ses profits. Christophe Gudin The next directeur général for a New Lease of Life for Le Rosey. After 33 years in charge of Le Rosey, Anne and Philippe Gudin are ready to hand over the reins to their son Christophe. How will this succession be managed? During the school year, there will be no change to the General Direction: Philippe Gudin will define Le Rosey s long-term strategy, will be in charge of the major works and responsible for three departments (finance, admissions and outside communication). Anne Gudin will remain Head of the Juniors, advising the Doyens and the general Direction, chairing the Conseil d Administration and ensuring the coordination between the latter and the school. Rob Gray will be in charge of the daily running of Le Rosey, managing the budgets and carrying out the instructions of the Conseil d Administration and the General Direction. Henri-François Vellut will oversee the balance and smooth running of the academic side of the school, and the management of teaching personnel (salaries, timetables, professional development, appraisal, private lessons, etc.). Henry Higgins will continue in his role of counsellor, providing the enlightened advice made possible by 44 years in different roles at Rosey (intern teacher, extern, Director of Studies, member of the admissions team and university counsellor). Christophe Gudin will join this team in September He will progressively assume the role of the current Headmaster and General Director during a transitional period that will last until At that point, Christophe will become the directeur général and Rob Gray will become counsellor of the general direction (of which he will remain a member). Christophe is undoubtedly better prepared for this post than his predecessors: eleven years as a student at Rosey, a communications engineering degree from Lausanne Federal Polytechnic, a year s experience leading a start-up company, the charge of a Gstaad summer camp, two years with McKinsey, the world s leading management consultancy firm, and an MBA at INSEAD s Singapore campus. He will be 28 years old in 2013 and thus two years older than his four predecessors (over the past 135 years) who were each 26 years old when they took over. He is deeply attached to Rosey and its values and, over the years, has been able to develop many aspects of his future profession with his parents; generational differences and different projects and ideas there are, but he and his parents share the same desire to serve, the same fidelity to Rosey and its roots. For the fourth time in 135 years Le Rosey will have a new directeur général, making an average of 33½ years per generation. Unlike many other great schools, Le Rosey intends to remain totally Swiss and to continue under the direction of its owners, a guarantee of their commitment and of their continuing wish to re-invest nearly all (over 95%) of the school s profits. 5 LES NOUVELLES DU ROSEY 2012

6 Le lien entre les Roséens d hier et d aujourd hui. Conserver des amitiés liées pendant ses années de collège n a rien d exceptionnel et de nombreuses écoles ont des associations d anciens élèves plus ou moins florissantes. Le Rosey a le privilège de compter sur l AIAR (Association Internationale des Anciens Roséens), totalement autonome, efficace, avec ses rencontres et voyages, son listing, ses représentants et son site. Mais on dit qu il existe quelque chose de supplémentaire entre les anciens Roséens, comme le sentiment d appartenance à un club particulier, né du partage pendant l enfance, d expériences et de valeurs qui transcendent les frontières et les générations. On dit aussi que les anciens Roséens forment une coterie particulièrement solide, solidaire et reconnaissable. Ainsi, il y a quelques mois, un ancien américain d une trentaine d années, qui a monté un fonds d investissement spécialisé dans les pays émergents avec un de ses amis roséen, a appelé le département des admissions pour recommander un candidat. Il a ajouté un commentaire intéressant : «Je suis content des résultats des Roséens aux examens qui semblent de meilleurs en meilleurs, mais je vous recommande de ne pas accepter des élèves sur la seule base de leurs performances scolaires. N oubliez pas que la qualité et l importance de la famille dont ils sont issus est une des clés de l efficacité du réseau de l AIAR. Après mes études à Georgetown puis à Harvard, j ai constitué un carnet d adresses très efficace ; mais je peux vous assurer que celui des anciens Roséens demeure exceptionnel car il permet d atteindre directement le sommet de la pyramide, là où se prennent les décisions». Aujourd hui comme hier, la moitié environ des élèves actuels sont apparentés à l AIAR. Quotidiennement, des Anciens appellent Le Rosey ou écrivent pour recommander un candidat, pour demander un conseil au sujet de l éducation de leurs enfants (même s ils ne sont pas au Rosey), pour proposer un job ou demander une recommandation, pour prendre et donner des nouvelles, pour critiquer ou féliciter leur école. Ce sont des messages de reconnaissance, de fidélité, d attachement qui nous font parler du Rosey comme d une «école pour la vie». Une réunion du comité des admissions. Tous les lundis en début d après-midi, ce groupe se réunit pour décider du sort réservé aux candidatures à l admission au Rosey dont le dossier est complet. Cette tâche doit prendre en compte plusieurs types de critères. Le premier est l examen des qualités intellectuelles du candidat ; c est la contribution des directeurs académiques qui analysent les dossiers, recommandations et résultats des examens d admission. Beaucoup de ces jeunes filles et jeunes gens ont passé une journée au Rosey : les professeurs et directeurs qui les ont rencontrés et interviewés ont déposé leurs commentaires sur une base de données. Ces candidats ont aussi pu être interviewés un peu partout dans le monde par l un des responsables des admissions, par skype ou par un ancien Roséen. En second lieu se pose la question : que ce candidat peut-il retirer du Rosey, que peutil lui apporter? C est là qu interviennent les qualités personnelles du candidat relevées au cours des interviews, ses qualités sportives, artistiques, sociales, ses rêves, ses motivations pour devenir Roséen... Dans ce domaine, avoir participé à un camp d été du Rosey est un avantage car il permet d avoir une idée plus précise du comportement du candidat dans le cadre de la vie communautaire. En troisième lieu on prend en considération la famille du candidat, la qualité des contacts avec les parents, les familles d élèves actuels ou les anciens dont ils peuvent éventuellement se recommander ; il est clair que les enfants d anciens Roséens et les frères et sœurs de Roséens actuels ont, à qualités égales, une priorité. Enfin, on vérifie l aspect «technique» du dossier : combien de places dans la classe considérée (par exemple, pour la rentrée 2013, il n y a que trois places offertes en classe 1 (11 th grade)? Selon qu il s agit d un garçon ou d une fille, combien de places disponibles dans la maison d internat correspondant à son âge? Compte tenu du très strict quota de nationalités, qui englobe aussi des groupes de pays (par exemple l ex URSS), y a-t-il une place pour un candidat de telle ou telle nationalité? Tout cela occasionne des échanges, des débats parfois très animés, chacun des membres du groupe soulignant un aspect particulier du candidat qui lui aura plu ou déplu! Il y a aussi les «coups de cœur» de chacun, Jacques Bounin ayant même offert dans le feu de la discussion sa démission en cas de refus d une candidate, qui a fini par se désister! Il apparaît parfois important d aider un candidat qui est dans une situation familiale délicate, même si cela représente un vrai challenge. Nous sommes bien sûr déçus si après quelques mois nous devons admettre «ne pas y arriver» et nous séparer de l élève et tellement heureux lorsqu un de ces enfants fragiles repart si armé pour la vie après quelques années! Au terme de la réflexion, tombe la décision : l admission immédiate, une décision différée, l inscription en liste d attente (un candidat tout à fait admissible mais qui n a pas de place «techniquement», au sens défini ci-dessus) ou le refus du candidat. En moyenne, un candidat sur 10 est admis chez les Seniors, un sur 5 chez les Jeunes Seniors, un sur 2 chez les Cadets et les Juniors. LES NOUVELLES DU ROSEY

7 A School for Life The Link Between Roséens of Yesterday and Today. There is nothing unique in preserving the ties of friendship made at school, and many schools throughout the world have their Old Boys, Old Girls or Alumni associations, each with their own degree of success. Le Rosey is privileged to have the AIAR (the Association Internationale des Anciens Roséens) a totally autonomous and successful body that organizes meetings and trips, updates its membership list, has its own local reps and its own website. Yet many say that there is a special extra quality in being an ancien Roséen a sense of belonging to a special club, born of shared childhood memories and of values that cross frontiers and generations. Others have noted that anciens roséens form a particularly close-knit, enduring and immediately recognizable set. Just a few months ago, an American Ancien from about 30 years back, and who (with another Roséen) has set up an investment fund specializing in emerging economies, got in touch with the admissions department to recommend a particular candidate. He added an interesting comment: I am very happy to see Roséens examination results, which seem to get better every year, but I would recommend you not to accept students on the basis of their academic scores alone. Don t forget that the quality and the standing of their family is one of the keys to the AIAR network s success. Through studying at Georgetown and Harvard, I built up an impressive list of contacts; but I can assure you that the Rosey address book is exceptional since it allows access to those at the top of the pyramid where key decisions are made. Today, as before, about half of current students have links with members of the AIAR. Anciens call on a daily basis to ask for advice regarding the education of their children (even when they are not at Rosey), to offer a job or to ask for a reference, to find out and to inform us of latest news, to criticise or to praise their school. It is these signs of recognition, of loyalty and affection that allow us to speak of Le Rosey as a school for life. A Look into an Admissions Committee Meeting. Every Monday afternoon soon after lunch, a meeting takes place to decide on the fate of those applicants to Rosey whose admissions file is complete. It is a delicate task taking a number of criteria into account. The first task is to examine the candidate s intellectual qualities: here it is above all the job of the academic directors to analyse the transcripts, records, recommendations and the candidate s performance on the Rosey entrance tests. Many potential students will have spent a day at Rosey: teachers and directors will have met them, interviewed them and recorded their impressions in a database. Many candidates may also have been interviewed elsewhere in the world by an admissions director, by Skype or by an Ancien. The second is to pose the question: What will this candidate gain from being at Rosey and what will he or she bring to it? This is where we assess the candidates personal qualities, as identified through interviews, their sporting, artistic, and social skills, their dreams, their reasons for wanting to become a Roséen. Having attended a Rosey summer camp is often an advantage at this point since it allows us to have a rounded and reliable view of a candidate s behaviour and adaptation to life in a community. The third consideration is the candidate s family, and their contacts with families of current or former students, some of whom may have provided a recommendation. It goes without saying that, all other things being equal, the children of former students and the siblings of current students have priority. Finally, we examine the file from a technical point of view: how many places are available in the class or year applied for? (For example, only three places are available in class 1 for 2013.) How many places are available in the girls or boys boarding house corresponding to his or her age group? Bearing in mind our strict nationality quotas (including a quota for groups of countries, such as the former USSR), is a place available for a student of a particular nationality? It is a process that invites discussion, and occasionally animated debate, with each member of the committee holding fast to an aspect of the file that he or she has particularly liked or disliked. There are also personal coups de cœur, and in the course of one fiery argument, Jacques Bounin even threatened to resign on the spot if his candidate were refused a place. He won the argument, but only for the young lady concerned later to withdraw her successful application! There are also times when we feel it is important to help a student in a difficult family situation even if we know that it will bring challenges to do so. And of course it is enormously disappointing if some months after accepting a child we have to admit that things have not worked out: and we are naturally delighted when one of these fragile children draws strength from Rosey and graduates successfully some years later. At the end of each meeting, comes the decision: immediate acceptance, deferral, the waiting list (a student who clearly has the qualities to be admitted but to whom we cannot offer a place for the technical reasons described above), or refusal. On average, about one in ten students is admitted to the Seniors, one in five to the Jeunes Seniors, and one of every two in the Juniors or Cadets sections. 7 LES NOUVELLES DU ROSEY 2012

8 Life L âge magique des Juniors La première chose qui frappe en entrant dans la maison Junior, ce sont les éclats de rires qui résonnent partout! Le jeu est omniprésent, entre copains dans un salon, autour du babyfoot ou sur l aire de jeux jouxtant la terrasse! Des fous rires des «deux meilleures copines» dans leur coin, deux paires d yeux rivés sur la même Wii, la connivence entre enfants est partout! C est l âge où l on aime les fêtes, on se déguise pour Halloween, on se «met sur son trente-et-un» pour la Saint Valentin, on crée des sketches rigolos avant de danser le dernier soir de Gstaad. A l âge des Juniors on aime aussi la découverte! En classe, le Junior pratique l école en deux langues quel effort au début, mais quelle fierté de bien s exprimer en français et en anglais! Il découvre les liens entre différentes disciplines en explorant le cerveau ou en découvrant les mythes et légendes. Il découvre encore qu il peut apprendre, expérimenter, se motiver pour l effort intellectuel en utilisant la technologie informatique qu il aime tant. Sur son campus, le Junior se met encore dans la peau du Renard pour jouer dans «Le Petit Prince» de St-Exupéry. Il apprend le violon et joue dans l ensemble de cordes, il confectionne des cookies en suivant la «vraie» recette, il soigne les animaux de sa ferme modèle (des ânes, poules, lapins, vaches, en vrai!), il vainc sa peur ou sa fatigue au cours des expéditions en montagne. Cet âge est aussi celui où l on acquiert de bonnes habitudes : dans ce nouveau cadre de vie du Campus Junior, clair et moderne, il est plus facile d apprendre au quotidien le respect de soi, des autres et de son environnement ; d adopter en classe un rythme de travail régulier, une bonne attention, une organisation soignée de ses devoirs. Apprendre à se passer progressivement de l aide constante d un adulte parent au téléphone ou professeur sur place pour régler soi-même toutes les petites difficultés quotidiennes et devenir ainsi, peu à peu, autonome et prêt à grandir pour le moment où l enfance cédera sa place à l adolescence, avec ses propres plaisirs et découvertes... The Magic Age of the Juniors The first thing that strikes you as you walk into the Junior building is the sound of laughter all around. Games can be found at every turn; between friends in the lounge, around the babyfoot table or on the outdoor playground by the terrace! Laughter from two best friends huddled in a corner, fixed in unison on the Wii collusion amongst friends is everywhere! It s the time in their lives when pupils love to have a great time: they dress up for Halloween, put on their best party outfits for Saint Valentine s or present funny sketches as part of our farewell to the Gstaad term. Life in the Juniors is also about learning through discovery. In class, the Juniors study in two languages which takes some effort to begin with, but how proud they are when they find out that they can express themselves both in French and English! They discover links between different disciplines as they follow themes such exploring how the brain works or discovering myths and legends of the world. The also discover that they can learn, experiment and become more motivated intellectually through the use of technology which is so dear to them these days. On campus, Juniors could well be jumping into the shoes of a character from a play such as the Fox in this year s production of Saint-Exupéry s Le Petit Prince. They might be learning the violin and playing in the string ensemble, making cookies using granny s secret recipe, taking care of the animals on our mini farm (donkeys, hens, rabbits, cows), or overcoming scary challenges on mountain expeditions. It is also a time in their lives when they learn good manners and behaviour: in their new Junior Campus setting which is so light, modern and spacious, it is easier for the Juniors to learn how to have self-esteem, respect others and their environment, and, in class, to get used to a regular rhythm of work, be more focused and to show care and attention to the work they produce. Progressively, they learn how to move away from their dependence on adults around them - whether that be a parent on the phone, or teacher in the classroom to solve the small everyday challenges of life and, little by little, to become more autonomous, ready for when the time comes to step out of childhood into adolescence, which will bring its own pleasures and new things to discover. LES NOUVELLES DU ROSEY

9 Défis et Expéditions Le Green Team du Rosey propose de préserver l environnement en adoptant des gestes quotidiens simples et responsables : éviter toute pollution, ne pas gaspiller, trier ses déchets, préférer la marche et le train au taxi... Mais cela passe aussi par la rencontre de la nature pour la connaître et l aimer. C est l ambition du programme développé par Jean-Claude Pesse, directeur de l internat des garçons et Duncan Robinson, chef des expéditions, avec l aide de nombreux professeurs qui soutiennent et participent à ces expéditions et défis. Some memorable expeditions A long expedition to the Ardèche where students canoe 35km down the gorge over two days, sleeping on the banks of a river in one of the most beautiful places in the world. Leadership and teamworking skills could be the most important we learn to develop through our lives: Roséens get the opportunity to develop these skills and gain experience in leading their team. Several dozens of Roséens have started the International Silver award this year and a dozen have started the Gold Award. The expeditions they have chosen involve Sailing on Lac Leman, Ski touring the Chilean volcanoes, and Kayaking in Mexico. Ski touring has developed this year and a new expedition to the Wildstrubel was an incredible experience for the students. Heli skiing on the Ebni fleur around the Jungfrau was a highlight of the winter season. A l instar des enfants des tribus amérindiennes, les Roséens ont leurs rites de passage. Par l eau, au lac alpin du col du Sanetsch et la cascade du Moléson. Par le feu, autour d un feu de camp dans le Jura. Par la terre, dans une grotte de la vallée de Joux. Par la glace, en construisant et passant la nuit dans un igloo et en escaladant un mur de glace à Lauenen. En équilibre, à vélo autour de la Corse, dans le vent à ski et à peau de phoque. En 3 dimensions, en escaladant les Dents du Midi. Dans la nuit, en marchant en forêt. Avec les animaux, aux Ecuries du Rosey, dans la ferme des juniors, à la Bénichon fribourgeoise. 9 LES NOUVELLES DU ROSEY 2012

10 Humanitarian Compétition sportive Gymnastique dans la cour des petits Anciens bus du Rosey à Bamako! Que se passe-t-il à ROSEY-ABANTARA, Bamako, Mali? Le premier objectif, offrir une éducation de qualité à des jeunes Maliens motivés, et notamment retirer quelques-uns des plus doués des classes de cent élèves en moyenne de l enseignement public, est pleinement réalisé : ainsi cette rentrée 2013, la 5 e de l école, a permis de scolariser 1205 enfants, garçons et filles à quasi égalité, dont 120 boursiers complets (transports, repas, uniformes et livres fournis) ; les autres élèves payent un écolage d environ 800 francs suisses par an. Le Rosey propose en outre la formation, in situ ou via Internet, des professeurs, et offre régulièrement du matériel scolaire et informatique, des améliorations des terrains et bâtiments, des bus, etc. Le second objectif, donner aux Roséens l occasion de passer une semaine à Rosey-Abantara pour ressentir et comprendre comment vivent des enfants parmi les plus pauvres, dans une banlieue d Afrique, a bien démarré et les Roséens qui ont séjourné à Rosey-Abantara en sont revenus transformés, mûris, mieux conscients des problèmes de développement. Malheureusement, les événements tragiques qui affectent depuis plus d un an le nord du Mali ont entraîné l impossibilité de nous rendre à Bamako. Notre école tourne à plein régime et la vie s y déroule presque normalement mais nous ne pouvons plus nous y rendre! Le sort du Mali demeure incertain : y aura-t-il partition du pays? Les islamistes extrémistes du nord conserveront-il le pouvoir conquis par la force? Tenteront-ils de pousser leur pouvoir, toujours par la force, plus au sud? Les pays alliés d Afrique et d Occident interviendront-ils pour restaurer l autorité de Bamako sur la totalité du pays? De notre côté, à notre modeste place, nous poursuivons notre aide à Rosey-Abantara, à la fois sur le plan technique à distance et sur le plan matériel ; ainsi nous avons financé l achat de 10 tonnes de blé au début de l été pour aider les familles de nos professeurs et de nos boursiers. Nous demeurons plus que jamais solidaires de nos amis de Rosey- Abantara, musulmans en quasi totalité, des gens humanistes et chaleureux, à l opposé de tout extrémisme. L école Rosey-Abantara et tous ses élèves Discover Rosey in the Summer Every year during the summer, more than 700 boys and girls aged 9 to18 from over 50 countries join us at one of our Rosey summer camps. The maximum quota of 10% by nationality ensures that we respect a truly international atmosphere. Rosey Summer Camps are synonymous with a sense of camaraderie, fun, the opportunity to learn new things and to develop skills. The 25 sports along with a vast array of artistic activities on offer allow children to take on a host of challenges, whilst French, English, Spanish, Maths and American SAT prep (new for 2013!) make up the academic programme. Children thus have the chance to take up a new sport or learn a new language and will return home having grown from their experience, keen to return the following year to see friends again and have more great adventures! Rosey Summer Camps is also: 7 summer camps, 7 different experiences, 7 worlds to discover summer spent on one of our two renowned campuses or in the mountains and at sea a bilingual English-French environment a private sailing centre and equestrian centre; exceptional on-campus facilities leadership programmes excursions to discover the cultural heritage and most famous sights of Switzerland fun outings and activities balls, discos and artistic evenings Rosey Summer Camps... an unforgettable adventure! summercamp@rosey.ch The Urge to Share The Steering Committee s aim is to direct and assist studentled humanitarian projects: works of solidarity are the business of each of us, not just a specialist few. We have witnessed the start of something new and wonderful on campus. The floodgates have opened, with students setting out on various trips with a new question in mind: How can we help those we encounter who are less fortunate than ourselves? The weekly meetings of the Steering Committee see a near constant passage of newly formed student groups, from Juniors to Class Terminal, eager to fund some new aid project. They are far from ineffective. They have demonstrated great ingenuity in finding new ways to achieve their goals, with students taking the lead. More wonderful still, these young people feel the urge to share more than just their pocket money; they volunteer to help local charities such as the Lion s Club of La Côte or Human Rights Watch in Geneva, manning local events or working in the developing world building houses in Romania or teaching in South Africa. With a quarter-century of rewarding work with Roséens behind me, this change has been personally revitalizing. More importantly, I see it as a fundamental development in the spirit of our school: a change in our culture. At a time when the press is often pessimistic about youth, our students prove to us, themselves, and each other that the future looks brighter than we had feared. Pierre Bérubé LES NOUVELLES DU ROSEY

11 Habitat for Humanity Build in Romania Kalahari Project Touched by the lives of South African students on the edge of the Kalahari Desert they had come to teach, Roséens raised money to build a kitchen for the preparation of a midday meal for kids walking ten kilometres to and from school each day. Kenya Inspired by their contact with the Maasai on a Voyage Honneur, students decided to pay for the medical supplies needed by a local clinic for one year. They are planning their return during the spring break and are searching for ways to equip the clinic with a much-needed ambulance. Ghana Two foci: in two years, with our help, the Mercy Women s Health Centre has grown from a small health post staffed only by nurses to a bustling hospital where three doctors are seeing over three hundred patients daily. Nearby, we ve been working on general village development in the areas of micro-finance for women, on improvement of the school, and on fostering SMEs. Micro-finance support in Tajikistan With the assistance of the Aga Khan Agency for Microfinance, the Rosey Microfinance Fund has been supporting a small local microfinance institution for three years in the poorest area of the former Soviet Union in Tajikistan. Building on that, we ve reached upward to make our first SME loan, and downward to assist the ultra-poor (those living on less that fifty cents a day) with a winter emergency fund. Micro-irrigation in Bhutan Applying what students have learned in Nepal, Rosey s chapter of Roots and Shoots is organizing and funding the visit of a specialist agronomist to Bhutan to teach intermediate technology for micro-irrigation. Girls hygiene/ schooling project in Addis Ababa While in Ethiopia in October, students decided to use money from the Women at Risk Fund to help launch the introduction of a program to improve girls hygiene, allowing them to remain in school. Volunteer assistance to the Lions Club of La Côte Each year, Roséens volunteer to serve at table to make the annual Lions Club of La Côte fundraising evening a success. Volunteer assistance to Human Rights Watch Geneva This November saw Roséens work as volunteers to assist the Human Rights Watch man its Awards Dinner in Geneva for the first time. Cambodia artisans support project In a wonderfully collaborative project, art students designed silk bags and scarves which were produced by village craftsmen in Cambodia with market research and sales performed by our Business and Economics students. Habitat for Humanity Build in Romania This October saw the completion of the tenth Habitat for Humanity build in Romania. Each Support for two Foundations started by students build represents a week of hard work as a team, building affordable housing alongside the future owners. Support for two Foundations started by students At the Fête de Fin d Année, the Steering Committee was particularly proud to make contributions to two charitable foundations launched by Rosey students: Tereza Mac s Jihi foundation set up to support the SMD school in Kathmandu, which she discovered on a school trip to Nepal, and Jackie Marshall s Jax Foundation established to build a school in Mexico. Aid for an orphanage in Japan Throughout the last year, students raised money for an orphanage in an area of Japan particularly hard hit by the tsunami. Terre des Hommes Each year, Roséens volunteer for the Marche de l espoir, manning various posts essential to the day s success. Money raised supports Terre des Hommes programs to fight child trafficking. Petits métiers de la rue To mark Rights of the Child Day, our Juniors become street kids in Rolle for a day shining shoes, selling magazines, washing cars or bicycles, selling baked goods in order to raise money to improve working conditions and hygiene in various countries. Chinderhuus German-speaking Roséens volunteer in Gstaad s kindergarten each winter showing locals the best of what Rosey has to offer. Les continents représentés au Rosey Le Rosey demeure très attaché à sa pluralité de nations, de langues et de cultures, rendue possible par une politique de quotas de 10% par nation ou par groupe linguistique. C est l une des originalités importantes du Rosey, unique en son genre en Suisse, de respecter strictement ce critère. Les 16 premiers pays représentés au Rosey, dans l odre suivant : Etats-Unis d Amérique Suisse Grande-Bretagne France Russie Japon Espagne Corée du Sud Allemagne Bulgarie Chine Roumanie Arabie Saoudite Italie Belgique Canada Le Rosey remains attached to pluralism in its mixture of nations, languages and cultures made possible by a quota policy of no more than 10% of students from any one nation or language community. It is one key to what makes Le Rosey special, and its strict adherence to this admission criterion is unique in Switzerland. The sixteen most important nationalities at Le Rosey: USA Switzerland United Kingdom France Russia Japan Spain South Korea Germany Bulgaria China Romania Saudi Arabia Italy Belgium Canada 11 LES NOUVELLES DU ROSEY 2012

12 Arts The Final Countdown! If you are reading this in 2013 we can safely assume that 21 st December 2012 passed without the cataclysmic events predicted by the Mayan calendar... Given the brouhaha, we could hardly resist presenting Europe s The Final Countdown in full symphonic rock version in the open-air at the Fête de fin d année. The Rosey orchestra numbered some 60 students, and along with electric guitars and bass, drums, timpani, a quite magnificent gong, battleground sound effects and a final countdown courtesy of NASA, the voices of Presidents Bush and Obama provided an element of political drama. Rain on the previous evening had rendered a final rehearsal in situ impossible, and the tension in the orchestra was palpable before a packed and expectant amphitheatre. Our Director, M Philippe Gudin is both the staunchest supporter and fiercest critic of the music department: I am pleased to report that in his opinion the performance was excellent! Bien entendu, the U.S. Presidents were unable to be present for the occasion; however, the Mayor of Rolle, M Jean-Noël Goel did attend the Fête de Noël in order to formally embrace Le Rosey s landmark architectural project: the Carnal Hall. The Rosey concert season was dotted with musical landmarks great and small, testifying to the progress of our student musicians: A few years ago we would never have imagined being able to present such challenging works as Vivaldi s Gloria or Bach s concerto for two violins. More students sing now than ever before at Rosey: from the antique Vivaldi through Elgar s The Snow, a touching evocation of the departed Whitney Houston Saving all my Love, and a fully choreographed ABBA medley by the girls. In the piano department, more students are developing the most important of musical talents: the talent for finding time to practise and the talent for working hard. In December they were able to perform as duos on the school s two Steinway grand pianos, and as a quartet two pianos, eight hands! Wind players featured in a rousing performance of Hawaii 5-0 and filled the balcony of Saanen church in the Penguin Café Orchestra s Music for a Found Harmonium, accompanying strings and organ. Concerts of Rock and Pop music are now a regular feature of the Rosey Fêtes Stevie Wonder s Superstition, Dire Straits Sultans of Swing, AC/DC s Highway to Hell... As with the Classical Concerts there is no longer enough time to put on everything we would like to hear. When Carnal Hall is finished it will offer more opportunities to put on informal concerts, and give students more of the performing experience they need. As musicians, the learning that takes place in a performance is vital to their progress. Work on the Carnal Hall site is gathering pace: The Final Countdown has truly begun! Making magic happen From startlingly fun scenes of mistaken identity, bribery, and seduction, to a rollicking sing-along in Russian, there were many memorable magical moments in Rosey s production of Nikolai Gogol s rowdy, satirical farce The Government Inspector. Just how is such stage magic created? It begins with the choice of play, one that fits the talents of specific actors. Before Fête de fin d année, many expressed surprise that we were staging a Russian play. After all, when non-slavs think of Russian literature, what comes to mind? Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, Turgenev, Pushkin, Chekhov. Beautiful epic stories; suffering as a means of redemption. What we do not think of is slapstick comedy. Gogol s play allowed student actors to address themes of greed and corruption while having fun because of course, for the audience to enjoy a play actors must enjoy being in it. They were encouraged to play, and to chip in ideas, to create cartoonish caricatures, and to own their own comic moments. Magician David Copperfield says he practises each sequence for months, drilling himself until it is perfected. In theatre, however, stage magic is not born from rehearsal alone. Student actors must first bond with each other, becoming a close-knit ensemble; they must first trust others in their troupe. Only then could they collaborate, take risks, and find the necessary synergy between master and servant, mother and daughter, politician and his cronies. It is magic when students imaginations are allowed to pinball off each other! Last June 22 nd, with the illuminated Rosey château as backdrop, we saw the fruit of weeks of creative collaboration; scenes sparkled with energy and wonderful character types came to life. In the audience we saw magic happen. LES NOUVELLES DU ROSEY

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1.The pronouns me, te, nous, and vous are object pronouns.

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Bologne à l EPFL. Réforme de Bologne Implications pour l EPFL. Prof. Dominique Bonvin, Doyen Bachelor-Master

Bologne à l EPFL. Réforme de Bologne Implications pour l EPFL. Prof. Dominique Bonvin, Doyen Bachelor-Master Bologne à l EPFL Réforme de Bologne Implications pour l EPFL Prof. Dominique Bonvin, Doyen Bachelor-Master EPFL Quelques chiffres 6 600 Etudiants, 23% femmes, 38% étrangers, 109 nationalités 1 400 Doctorants

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Carrières de Lumières

Carrières de Lumières Route de Maillane 13520 Les Baux-de-Provence Tél. : +33 (0)4 90 54 48 68 Fax : +33 (0)4 90 54 55 00 www.carrieres-lumieres.com Un site mis en valeur et géré par Culturespaces 2014 ; Agencesurlepont ; C.

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