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1 GRADE 4 Alphabet in french Pronouns/Subjects: je, j, tu, il/elle, vous; Adjectives: addition of (e) to form féminin of regular adjectives Our play - Les trois petits cochons: play based vocabulary; teacher read using big book; DVD presentation of play in skit format ***Please be advised that students will receive a copy of the play. Also, you may access the play online. REVIEW: Introducing yourself, "Je m'appelle " REVIEW: Meeting someone and asking for their name, "Comment t'appelles-tu?" REVIEW: Greetings, asking and answering, Comment ca va? Ca va ) REVIEW: Alphabet (pronounced in French ***SEE CAHIER PAGE 8-9) REVIEW: Numbers 1-10 (SEE CAHIER PAGE 12) REVIEW: COLORS (SEE CAHIER PAGE 11) Practice French classroom expressions (duo tang) Classroom vocabulary in preparation for play: lève-toi/assieds-toi; saute/marche/cours; arrête; Est-ce que je peux?; quand; Ou est?; J ai oublié/je me rappelle; ici/là-bas; Mets/Enlève; manteau/ chapeau/soulier; cherche/trouve; il/elle; garçon/fille; masculin/feminin ouvre/ferme; bouche/yeux; va/viens; Je sais/je ne sais pas; regarde; comprend; alors/mais/aussi; sur/sous/dans; mon-ma-mes/ton-ta-tes; son-sa-ses; Est-ce que?; un chat/ un chien/ un cochon/un loup *** Quiz: alphabet/school supplies (tentatively January 19) Je Vous Salue Marie - oral read (January) ***NEW cram.com

2 GRADE 5 Alphabet in French Pronouns/Subjects: je, j, tu, il/elle, nous, vous, elles/ils Adjectives : agreement in gender/number of regular adjectives with nouns Our play - Arbre Ungali: large group reading of play x2; oral questions based on play ***Please be advised that students have received a copy of the play. Also, you may access the play online. Written activities related to the play: choose the right word, unscramble the words to form a sentence, create your own bizarre sentences REVIEW: Introducing yourself "Je m'appelle " REVIEW: Meeting someone and asking for their name. "Comment t'appelles-tu?" REVIEW: Greetings, asking and answering "How are you?" REVIEW: Age (J ai ans.); I live (J habite a ) REVIEW: Je suis un garçon/une fille. Il est un garçon. /Elle est une fille. REVIEW: Numbers 1-31 (cahier page 11) REVIEW: COLORS (cahier page 8,10) Practice French classroom expressions (duotang) Classroom vocabulary in preparation for play: ça va mieux; se cache; il(s)/elle(s); fait; va/vient/reste; mets/enlève; veut/peut; commence/finit; masculin/féminin; singulier/pluriel; monte/descend; content/triste; un peu/ beaucoup; mouille/ sec; vite/lentement; la gorge/la jambe/le bras/ le ventre *** Quiz: alphabet/school supplies (tentatively January 19) ***New cram.com

3 GRADE 6 Adjectives : mon/ma/mes; ton/ta/tes; son/sa/ses Nouns/Pronouns Adjective Agreement Les infinitifs : Rap rule (Après a, comment, pour, ou de, dois(t), aime(s), veux/t, et aussi peux(t), sais(t), vont, va(s), ou je vais, c est l infinitif qu on doit utiliser!) Our play Le bistro des animaux: large group reading of play x2; oral questions based on play ***Please be advised that students have received a copy of the play. Also, you may access the play online. Written activities related to the play: choose the right word, unscramble the words to form a sentence, create your own bizarre sentences REVIEW: Introducing yourself "Je m'appelle " REVIEW: Meeting someone and asking for their name. "Comment t'appelles-tu?" REVIEW: Greetings, asking and answering "How are you?" REVIEW: Age (J ai ans.); I live (J habite a ) REVIEW: Je suis un garçon/une fille. Il est un garçon. /Elle est une fille. REVIEW: Numbers 1-69 (cahier page 10) REVIEW: Colors (cahier pages 7, 9) REVIEW: Alphabet pronunciation in French (cahier page 8) Practice French classroom expressions (duotang) *** Quiz: school supplies (tentatively January 19) Reading assessment: Choisi le bon mot 2A (January) ***NEW: cram.com

4 GRADE 7 Verbs: vouloir/pouvoir Adjectives : demonstrative, preceding the noun, plural possessive, singular/plural of irregular adjectives; agreement with noun, Quel in different forms Talk about yourself, musical preferences and introduce a friend Continuation of Unit - Le rythme de la vie which include listening/speaking/reading/writing activities REVIEW: Numbers REVIEW: ordinal numbers to 10 REVIEW: day/month/year/season/weather REVIEW: speaking about self (see prompters in cahier PRESENTE TOI ) REVIEW: colors with noun agreement; school supplies REVIEW: vocabulary related to unit Le rythme de la vie *** Reading test: STOMP (tentatively January 12) *** Writing assessment: questions related to unit (tentatively January 13) *** Writing snapshot Tout sur moi (tentatively January 20) *** Test: adjectives (tentatively January 31) ***NEW - cram.com (date) (weather) bonjourdefrance.com Aprende Francés: Tu t'appelles comment? French Lesson 11 - Learn French - Introduce Yourself

5 GRADE 8 En classe: Comparative/superlative ex: plus que ; le plus Negation Adjectifs Possessifs Adverbs: formation with adjective Continuation of Unit Casse croute which include listening/speaking/reading/writing activities Quel in different forms REVIEW: numbers ; ordinal numbers to 10 REVIEW: day/month/year/season/weather REVIEW: speaking about self (see prompters in cahier page 12) REVIEW: colors with noun agreement; school supplies REVIEW: vocabulary related to unit Casse croute *** Listening Quiz: Le Client Difficile (tentatively January 12) *** Writing Assessment: questions related to unit (tentatively January 13) *** Writing snapshot Tout sur moi (tentatively January 20) *** Test: adjectives (tentatively January 31) ***NEW cram.com (date) (weather) bonjourdefrance.com Aprende Francés: Tu t'appelles comment? French Lesson 11 - Learn French - Introduce Yourself

6 GRADE 5/6 Pronouns/Subjects: je, j, tu, il/elle, nous, vous, elles/ils Nouns and Pronouns Agreement: du, de la, de l, des Adjectives : mon/ma/mes; ton/ta/tes; son/sa/ses Les infinitifs : Rap rule (Après a, comment, pour, ou de, dois(t), aime(s), veux/t, et aussi peux(t), sais(t), vont, va(s), ou je vais, c est l infinitif qu on doit utiliser!) Classroom vocabulary in preparation for play: ça va mieux; se cache; il(s)/elle(s); fait; va/vient/reste; mets/enlève; veut/peut; commence/finit; masculin/féminin; singulier/pluriel; monte/descend; content/triste; un peu/ beaucoup; mouille/ sec; vite/lentement; la gorge/la jambe/le bras/ le ventre Our play Les animaux de bayou: large group reading of play x2; oral questions based on play ***Please be advised that students have received a copy of the play. Also, you may access the play online. Written activities related to the play: choose the right word, unscramble the words to form a sentence, create your own bizarre sentences REVIEW: Introducing yourself "Je m'appelle " REVIEW: Meeting someone and asking for their name. "Comment t'appelles-tu?" REVIEW: Greetings, asking and answering "How are you?" REVIEW: Age (J ai ans.); I live (J habite a ) REVIEW: Je suis un garçon/une fille. Il est un garçon. /Elle est une fille. REVIEW: Numbers 1-31 GRADE 5 (SEE CAHIER); Numbers 1-69 GRADE 6 (SEE CAHIER) REVIEW: Colors (SEE CAHIER) REVIEW: Alphabet pronunciation in French (SEE CAHIER) Practice French classroom expressions (duotang) *** Quiz: school supplies (tentatively January 19)

7 GRADE 4/5 Alphabet in french Pronouns/Subjects: je, j, tu, il/elle, vous; Adjectives : addition of (e) to form féminin of regular adjectives Our play Le chat et la lune: play based vocabulary; teacher read using big book; DVD presentation of play in skit format ***Please be advised that students will receive a copy of the play. Also, you may access the play online. REVIEW: Introducing yourself, "Je m'appelle " REVIEW: Meeting someone and asking for their name, "Comment t'appelles-tu?" REVIEW: Greetings, asking and answering, Comment ca va? Ca va ) REVIEW: Alphabet (pronounced in French) ***SEE CAHIER REVIEW: Numbers 1-10 Grade 4 (SEE CAHIER); Numbers 1-31 Grade 5 (SEE CAHIER) REVIEW: COLORS (SEE CAHIER) Practice French classroom expressions (duo tang) Classroom vocabulary in preparation for play: lève-toi/assieds-toi; saute/marche/cours; arrête; Est-ce que je peux?; quand; Ou est?; J ai oublié/je me rappelle; ici/là-bas; Mets/Enlève; manteau/ chapeau/soulier; cherche/trouve; il/elle; garçon/fille; ouvre/ferme; bouche/yeux; va/viens; Je sais/je ne sais pas; regarde; comprend *** Quiz: alphabet/school supplies (tentatively January 26) Je Vous Salue Marie - oral read (January) ***NEW cram.com

Cette Leçon va remplir ces attentes spécifiques du curriculum :

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Demande d inscription

Demande d inscription Demande d inscription Section Viti-Vini "Films Techniques & d'entreprise" du Festival international de films sur la vigne et le vin Oenovidéo Madame, Monsieur, Vous envisagez de participer à la Section

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ŒNOVIDEO. Demande d inscription. Festival International des Films documentaires sur la vigne et le vin. Madame, Monsieur,

ŒNOVIDEO. Demande d inscription. Festival International des Films documentaires sur la vigne et le vin. Madame, Monsieur, Demande d inscription Madame, Monsieur, Vous envisagez de participer au 22 e Festival International des films documentaires sur la Vigne et le vin en présentant vos œuvres et nous nous en réjouissons.

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...et les Tableaux Blancs Interactifs

...et les Tableaux Blancs Interactifs Institution éditoriale dans le domaine de l Enseignement de l Anglais Langue Etrangère (ou ELT, English Language Teaching), Oxford n a jamais été à l avant-garde en terme de nouvelles technologies, mais

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22/09/2014 sur la base de 55,03 euros par action

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Institut Supérieur Africain d Enseignement Managérial et Technologique

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À TÉLÉCOPIER AU 1-877-913-5920


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