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1 UNIVERSITE DES UNIVERSITE DE MASCAREIGNES LIMOGES ( Mauritius ) ( France ) Faculty of Information and Communication Technology Faculté de Technologie de l Information et de la Communication Department of Software Engineering Département Génie Logiciel BSC in Software Ingineering DULT : Génie Logiciel

2 1.0 DESCRIPTION DU PROGRAMME L objectif de ce programme est de procurer aux étudiants une connaissance étendue de l informatique. Il donnera aux étudiants de solides éléments de base dans les secteurs fondamentaux de l informatique, les préparant ainsi à des carrières dans les secteurs traditionnels de l industrie, du commerce, de l éducation et de la finance aussi bien que dans les secteurs nouveaux de l industrie spatiale, de l édition électronique, de la santé et de tous les aspects de L industrie de la communication par internet en expansion rapide. Les étudiants pourront aussi acquérir les éléments de base nécessaires pour entreprendre des études supplémentaires de niveau Master et par la suite effectuer de la Recherche. Ce diplôme a pour objectif de se focaliser sur le développement des logiciels et des matériels sur des domaines d application variés, tout en préparant le diplômé aux inévitables changements dans le domaine de l informatique. L introduction d un stage industriel prépare les candidats aux carrières de l informatique et situe leurs études dans le contexte des applications variées de l informatique. Le programme a les objectifs suivants : présenter l étude systématique de la théorie et des principes de programmation, du génie logiciel, du matériel informatique et des logiciels, ainsi que le rôle du système d information dans les entreprises, développer la capacité d analyser les problèmes informatiques et formuler des solutions pratiques pour les résoudre, associée à la capacité à formuler une évaluation critique de l approche et des techniques utilisées, développer des compétences clés et des compétences entreprenariales pour soutenir la progression de l étudiant au cours de sa carrière dans l industrie du logiciel ou dans la poursuite de ses études futures, développer des compétences personnelles et de communication et développer la prise de conscience du monde des affaires. To adopt a more student-centred approach, a flexible form of teaching will be conducted in both English and French where appropriate. Le programme se déroulera à la fois en formation initiale (FI) et en formation continue(fc) selon la demande. Page 2 of 58

3 2.0 ORGANISATION DU PROGRAMME Le DULT/BSC Génie Logiciel est un diplôme en 3 ans divisés en 6 semestres. Chaque semestre équivaut à 30 crédits (ce qui fait un total de 180 crédits pour tout le programme). Les 3 premiers semestres sont communs avec le DUST/Diploma Génie Logiciel. Au semestre 6, les étudiants entreprendront un important projet sous la direction d un enseignant responsable. The project report (rapport de stage) can be written in either French or English. Upon completion of the course project, the student is required to perform a formal presentation in either English or French language in front of a panel composed of academic staff of the department and/or industrialists. Le semestre 6 comprend aussi un stage industriel obligatoire de 10 semaines. Ce stage permettra à l étudiant de découvrir comment les technologies et les compétences apprises sont utilisées dans les entreprises. Cela aidera aussi l étudiant à appréhender des compétences techniques et des connaissances professionnelles et à découvrir les différentes carrières possibles. A chaque étudiant sera attribué un enseignant référent qui l aidera à fixer ses objectifs et contrôlera ses progrès - et lui fournira une aide supplémentaire si nécessaire. Les industriels locaux pourront être contactés pour se joindre au jury d enseignants du département pour évaluer le travail de l étudiant. The presentation of the work can be conducted in either English or French. 3.0 CONDITIONS D ADMISSION Les candidats doivent satisfaire aux conditions d entrée décrites pour le DUST/Diploma en Génie Logiciel dont ils suivront les 3 premiers semestres. 4.0 PERSPECTIVES DE CARRIERES Les diplômés ont un large choix de métiers possibles. Ils pourront trouver un emploi comme concepteur de logiciels, spécialiste des réseaux, développeur web, analyste/programmeur, administrateur et concepteur de base de données. Des parcours de poursuites d études sont aussi possibles pour ceux qui veulent entrer en Master et aussi pour ceux qui veulent faire de la recherche dans les domaines spécifiques de l informatique. 5.0 METHODES D ENSEIGNEMENT Dans le département Génie Logiciel, les méthodes d enseignement reposent sur des Cours, des TD, des TP, du travail en Laboratoire, des séminaires, du travail en groupe ou individuel, des projets en groupe et un stage en entreprise. Les étudiants ont besoin de passer une grande partie de leur temps sur des Page 3 of 58

4 travaux personnels de façon à retirer des bénéfices maximum de l enseignement. 6.0 EVALUATION Les critères d évaluation sont propres à chaque module. Les méthodes d évaluation utilisées décrites dans le Règlement Intérieur peuvent inclure du contrôle continu, des travaux en cours, des examens, des projets en groupe, des projets individuels. Le nombre de crédits attribués à chaque module dépend de son importance et du temps passé par l étudiant à la fois en Cours, TD, TP et en travail personnel. 7.0 VOLUME HORAIRE GLOBAL Semestre L C T TD P TP Total Heures Crédits Sem Sem * 30 Année Sem ** 30 Sem Année Sem Sem *** 30 Année TOTAL * Avec un PPP de 15h ** Avec un PPP de 30h *** Hors stage de 12 semaines, mais avec un PPP de 30h et un Projet de 150h Page 4 of 58

5 8.0 STRUCTURE DU PROGRAMME Year 1 Semester 1 [S1] Modules Total Hours Credits UE 11 : ENSEIGNEMENT TECHNOLOGIQUE Programming Concepts Introduction to Multimedia Introduction to Information Systems Web Technologies Total UE 12 : ENSEIGNEMENT GENERAL Discrete Mathematics Business English Renforcement de la Langue Française Introduction to Accounting Total TOTAL SEMESTER Page 5 of 58

6 Year 1 Semester 2 [S2] Modules Total Hours Credits UE 21 : ENSEIGNEMENT TECHNOLOGIQUE Object Oriented Programming Digital Logic Web Programming Database Design Total UE 22 : ENSEIGNEMENT GENERAL Linear Algebra Effective Presentation Skills Techniques d'expression Orales Cyber Law Projet Personnel Professionnel- PPP Total TOTAL SEMESTER PPP 1 : connaissance du monde du travail, les métiers de l informatique Page 6 of 58

7 Year 2 Semester 1 [S3] Modules Total Hours Credits UE 31 : ENSEIGNEMENT TECHNOLOGIQUE Data Structures and Algorithms Human Computer Interaction Database Manipulation Software Engineering Total UE 32 : ENSEIGNEMENT GENERAL Probability and Statistics Report Writing Aspects de la Communication Projet Personnel Professionnel - PPP Total TOTAL SEMESTER PPP 2 : orientation selon le métier choisi, les capacités académiques et le savoir être de l étudiant Page 7 of 58

8 Year 2 Semester 2 [S4] Modules Total Hours Credits UE 41 : ENSEIGNEMENT TECHNOLOGIQUE Visual Programming Data Communication and Networking Operating Systems Computer Organisation and Assembly Language Total UE 42 : ENSEIGNEMENT GENERAL Real Analysis E-Commerce Communication Skills at Work Techniques d'expression Professionnelle Total TOTAL SEMESTER Page 8 of 58

9 Year 3 Semester 1 [S5] Modules Total Hours Credits UE 51 : ENSEIGNEMENT TECHNOLOGIQUE Distributed Systems Software Quality Assurance Database Administration Mobile Technologies Total UE 52 : ENSEIGNEMENT GENERAL Auditing IT Systems Software Project Management Effective Interpersonal Communication Français des Affaires Total TOTAL SEMESTER Page 9 of 58

10 Year 3 Semester 2 [S6] Modules Total Hours Credits UE 61 : ENSEIGNEMENT TECHNOLOGIQUE Enterprise Resource Planning Cryptography and Security Total UE 62 : ENSEIGNEMENT GENERAL Numerical Methods Management Information Systems Projet Personnel Professionnel - PPP Total UE 63 : ENVIRONNEMENT PROFESSIONNEL Stage (12 weeks) 10 Course Project Total TOTAL SEMESTER PPP 3: orientation, poursuite d études en master Page 10 of 58

11 Programming Concepts Semester 1 UE 11 Contact Hours: Contents: Total 75 h Credits: 5 Introduces the concepts and principles of problem solving and the construction of appropriate algorithms for the solution of problems, demonstrates the principles behind high level programming languages, and gives students experience and confidence in the use of high level programming language to implement algorithms. None Developing algorithms/pseudocode Variables and data types Operators and expressions Sequence, selection and iteration Arrays Modular programming Parameter passing mechanisms Page 11 of 58

12 Introduction to Multimedia Semester 1 UE 11 Contact Hours: Contents: 45 h Total 60 h Credits: 5 The aim of this module is to explore various aspects of multimedia applications such as photo editing, basic animation techniques, including basic video and sound editing. Students should use research, critical thinking, creativity, and a range of problem-solving principles to solve complex visual communication problems. Areas of study include publications design, and environmental design, corporate identity, and information design. Students will also explore the development of interactive and dynamic media components for web. None Exploring multimedia development environment Typography Digital painting and Collage making Restoration and Retouching techniques Colour and contrast correction Logo and brochure designing Principles of animation Designing 2D symbols and instances Introduction to scene animation Integrating audio and video elements Introduction to basic scripting Page 12 of 58

13 Semester 1 UE 11 Contact Hours: Contents: Introduction to Information Systems Total 45 h Credits: 3 None This module aims at developing a basic awareness of Information Systems and its impact in organisations. Students will learn key concepts such as hardware and software components in Information Systems, telecommunications and networks, specialised types of Information Systems, basics of systems development and impact of Information Systems on society. Overview of Information Systems Hardware and Software Database Systems and Business Intelligence Telecommunications, Internet, Intranets and Extranets Business Information Systems Systems Development Information Systems in Business and Society Page 13 of 58

14 Semester 1 UE 11 Contact Hours: Content: Web Technologies 45 h Total 75 h Credits: 5 None The aim of the module is to give students a basic knowledge of HTML tags and client side scripting language. Students will implement these concepts in designing simple web pages and eventually web sites. Introduction to The Internet HTML and XHTML Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets Introduction to Javascript Introduction to Jquery Basics of Content Management Systems (CMS) Page 14 of 58

15 Semester 1 UE 12 Contact Hours: Content: Discrete Mathematics Total 45 h Credits: 3 None This module provides an introduction to some of the concepts and computational techniques of discrete mathematics. The main aim is to provide a strong background in a number of areas which are of particular relevance to computing. The module also aims to develop logical reasoning ability of students. Set Theory Definition and Notation; Venn Diagrams; Set Operations; Algebraic Laws; Inclusion-Exclusion Principle; Generalised Union and Intersection. Relations Cartesian Product; Ordered n-tuples; Binary Relations; Properties of Relations; Composite Relations; Closures; Order Relations; Posets; Hasse Diagrams; Lattices. Functions Definition and Graphical Representation; Function Terminology; Injective, Surjective and Bijective Functions. Composition of Functions; Cardinality; Recursive Functions. Number Theory Division Algorithm; Greatest Common Divisor; Euclid s Algorithm; Bezout s identity; Prime Numbers; Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic; Congruences. Sequences and Series Arithmetic and Geometric Sequences and Series; The Sigma Notation and its Properties; Mathematical Induction; Binomial Theorem; Recurrence Relations. Graphs and Trees Basic Terminology; Types of Graphs; Isomorphism; Paths, Cycles and Connectivity; Eulerian and Hamiltonian graphs; Shortest Path Algorithms. Graph Colouring. Minimal Spanning Trees. Prim s and Kruskal s Algorithm. Page 15 of 58

16 Business English Semester 1 UE 12 Contact Hours: Total 45 h Credits: 3 Sound knowledge of the English language. Content: English and command of words in the following specialized fields of Accounting, Finance, Human Resource and Marketing through specialized texts. Presentation on business articles to demonstrate their command of the English language. Advanced Language Lab tutorials Summary of business texts. Skills Listening, reading, speaking skills Page 16 of 58

17 Semester 1 UE 12 Contact Hours: Pre-requis: Objectifs: Contenu: Renforcement de la langue française 45 h Total 45 h Credits: 3 Français du niveau secondaire Ce module a pour objectif la consolidation de la langue française. L accent sera mis sur l orthographe, la grammaire et la prononciation. Prononciation Grammaire et expression Orthographe Evaluation Les étudiant(e)s seront noté(e)s sur les travaux écrits et / ou oraux. Pour le bon déroulement des cours de français, qui demandent une participation active des étudiant(e)s (discussions, travaux dirigés, présentations, jeux de rôle entre autres), la présence est obligatoire. Page 17 of 58

18 Introduction to Accounting Semester 1 UE 12 Contact hours Total 45 h Credits: 3 Prerequisites None To provide student with a foundation in the basic principles of Accounting. Content: Record Double Entry Accounts Prepare the final Accounts of a sole trader Account for Depreciation and Disposal Prepare Bank Reconciliation Statements Analyse a set of Accounts Page 18 of 58

19 Object Oriented Programming Semester 2 UE 21 Contact Hours: Contents: Total 75 h Credits: 5 This module will both deepen and broaden the students' existing programming and software development skills. The main aim is to make students understand the fundamental concepts upon which objectorientation is based and to be able to implement those concepts in any OO programming language. Programming Concepts Introduction OOP concepts. Classes and Objects. Inheritance. Polymorphism. Abstract Classes. Interfaces. Exception Handling. Graphical User Interfaces. Page 19 of 58

20 Semester 2 UE 21 Contact Hours: Contents: Digital Logic Total 45 h Credits: 3 None The main goal of this module is to give students an insight into how modern digital systems are designed and what their main building components are. Introduction Difference between digital and analogue systems. The importance of digital systems in modern electronics. Digital systems as the building blocks of computers. Definition of SSI, MSI, LSI, VLSI. Number Systems and Codes Binary, Octal, Decimal, Hexadecimal number systems. Conversion between number system representations. 1 s and 2 s complement method. BCD, Gray codes and Hamming codes. Error detection and correcting codes. Logic Gates Truth Tables, OR, AND, NOT, EXOR, NOR and NAND gates. Boolean Algebra Elementary Boolean algebra, using Boolean algebra for simplification, De Morgan s Theorems. Combinational Logic Analysis and Design Standard Representation of Logic Functions (SOP and POS). Karnaugh Maps. Adders (Half and Full) and their use as subtractor. Parity Checkers. Multiplexers and Demultiplexers. Encoders and Decoders. Code Converters (Binary to BCD and Vice Versa) Sequential Logic Design Latch, Flip-Flops (SR, JK, T, D), Clocked Flip-Flops, Registers, Counters (ripple, synchronous and asynchronous, ring, modulus). State Table. State Diagrams. Sequential Machines. Page 20 of 58

21 Semester 2 UE 21 Contact Hours: Content: Web Programming 45 h Total 75 h Credits: 5 Web Technologies The aim of the module is to introduce PHP language and dynamic web pages with database connection. Students should be able to create dynamic web sites. PHP programming: classical and OOP Basic syntax of PHP. DBMS with MySQL: Creating databases, creating tables and queries Creating Dynamic web pages with database connection. Page 21 of 58

22 Semester 2 UE 21 Contact Hours: Content: Database Design Total 60 h Credits: 5 None To explore a relational database management system in a client-server model, design and implement relational databases, create and manage tables, design and implement data integrity. Introduction to database concepts Explanation of Client /Server Model Rules for data integrity Create and manage E-R diagrams Understand Relational Databases Normalisation of tables Create relational tables/database Storing data in relational database Application of data integrity to the relational tables Security in database management systems Concurrency in relational databases Application of security measures in relational databases Page 22 of 58

23 Semester 2 UE 22 Contact Hours: Content: Linear Algebra Total 45 h Credits: 3 None The aim of this module is to define the axiomatic structures of linear algebra in R n and apply them in simple proofs. At the end of the module students should be able to calculate the determinants, and invert matrices, find eigenvalues and eigenvectors of square matrices, solve systems of linear equations, carry out matrix diagonalisation, know and understand the terminology associated with vector spaces and subspaces, understand and be able to apply the relationship between linear maps and matrices. Matrix Algebra Matrices; Operation on Matrices; Types of Matrices. Determinants Minors and Cofactors; Evaluating Determinant of a Matrix; Properties of Determinants; Matrix Inverse; Singular and Non-singular Matrices; Orthogonal Matrix. Linear Systems Null Space and Range of a Matrix; Solutions to Linear Systems of Equations: Gaussian Elimination, Gauss-Jordan Elimination, Cramer s Rule, Method of Inverses. Vectors Vectors in R n ; Position Vectors; Dot Product; Norm; Unit Vectors; Triangle Inequality; Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality; Orthogonal Projections; Lines; Planes. Vector Spaces Real Vector Spaces in R n ; Subspaces; Linear Combinations; Spanning Sets; Row Space and Column Space of a Matrix; Linear Dependence and Independence; Basis and Dimension; Rank and Nullity. Linear Transformations Definition; Matrix Representation of Linear Transformations; Null Space and Range; Rank and Nullity; Coordinate Change; Change of Basis and Similarity; Injectivity and Surjectivity; Composition of Linear Transformations. Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors Definitions; Finding Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors; Geometric Interpretation of Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues; Hamilton-Cayley Theorem; EigenSpaces; Diagonalization. Page 23 of 58

24 Semester 2 UE 22 Contact Hours: Content: Effective Presentation Skills Total 45 h Credits: 3 Command of the English language This module aims at helping students acquire some oral skills needed for their studies at the University and for effective functioning in business situations. Students will be taught group discussions and oral presentations. They will also learn how to conduct surveys and interviews. Interview techniques: o Use different approaches for conducting surveys. o face-to-face interviews, telephone interviews, and survey interviews o listening skills Oral presentation and demonstrations o Understand the basic principles involved in giving effective oral presentations o Identify the differences between speech and writing o Recognise the qualities of an effective oral presentation which resolves around presentation, content, structure, and delivery o Make an effective oral presentation Group discussion techniques o Participate effectively in group discussions o Recognise the positive and negative roles played by various participants in a group discussion Page 24 of 58

25 Semester 2 UE 22 Contact Hours: Content: Techniques d expression Orales 45 h Total 45 h Credits: 3 Réussite dans le module de français du semestre précédent Les étudiant(e)s vont acquérir des habiletés de compréhension et d'expression orales applicables à la communication de tous les jours. L objectif est de permettre à l étudiant(e) de développer et de maîtriser les techniques de communication verbale et non-verbale pour une meilleure interaction professionnelle à l intérieur comme à l extérieur de son établissement de travail. Techniques de communication non-verbales: la voix, la respiration, le regard, l écoute, le langage corporel entre autres Origine et maîtrise du trac ; gestion du stress ; le développement personnel Parler en public : Comment raconter et intéresser?; Comment relancer l attention? entre autres Préparer et Réussir un exposé Utilisation des aides visuelles Assessment Les étudiant(e)s seront noté(e)s sur les travaux écrits et / ou oraux. Pour le bon déroulement des cours de français, qui demandent une participation active des étudiant(e)s (discussions, travaux dirigés, présentations, jeux de rôle entre autres), la présence est obligatoire. Page 25 of 58

26 Cyber Law Semester 2 UE 22 Contact Hours: Contents: Total Credits: 2 The aim of this module is to introduce students to the legal challenges that arise from the population of cyberspace. Upon completion of the course it is expected that students should be able to understand the essential the issues concerning the relationship between information technology applications and key legal principles. Students should also be able to evaluate national and international policies and initiatives concerning the regulation of the information society and understand the necessity for law to adopt new strategies and perspectives in order to approach the legal implications of developments in cyber space. None Introduction to the possibilities and challenges of the Information Society Governing the Internet - Who should govern the Internet Data Protection and State Surveillance Privacy and Freedom of Expression Legal issues in E-Commerce Domain Names and Cybersquatting E-Government Defamation: Liability of ISP Issues in Developing Countries: How do we ensure equitable access to the Internet and technology? Page 26 of 58

27 Projet Personnel et Professionnel (PPP1): connaissance du monde du travail, les métiers de l informatique Semester 2 UE 22 Contact Hours: Total Credits: 1 Permettre à l étudiant de se faire une idée précise des métiers du secteur d activité et de leurs aptitudes personnelles. Amener l'étudiant à mettre en adéquation ses souhaits professionnels et ses aspirations personnelles afin de concevoir un parcours de formation cohérent. None Contents: Connaître le marché du travail et les formations (professionnelles et universitaires) Déterminer ses motivations, qualités personnelles et ses compétences Se servir d outils pour l insertion professionnelle Choisir un parcours de formation (apprentissage, poursuite d études, étranger, etc.) Mieux déterminer un projet professionnel à moyen terme Evaluation Ecrite ou orale (dossier, exposé, carnet de bord papier ou e-port-folio) synthétisant les informations recueillies et leur intégration dans la réflexion d ensemble sur le ou les projets des étudiants. Indications de mise en œuvre Relations avec des anciens diplômés, interventions extérieures, projets tutorés Cahier de bord, compte-rendu, visites d entreprise, enquêtes, forums, prises de parole, entretiens personnalisés par un enseignant (tutorat individuel), etc. Page 27 of 58

28 Module Data Structures and Algorithms Semester 3 UE 31 Contact Hours Aim Contents: Total 75 h Credits: 5 To introduce the notation, terminology, and techniques underpinning the study of algorithms. To introduce the standard algorithmic design paradigms employed in the development of efficient algorithmic solutions. To introduce the mathematical tools needed for the analysis of algorithms in terms of the use of formal models of Time and Space. This module covers the design and implementation of data structures including strings, arrays, stacks, queues, linked lists, binary trees, heaps, balanced trees (e.g. AVL-trees), graphs and files. Algorithm topics include sorting, searching, hashing, memory allocation, garbage collection, complexity and algorithm analysis. Programming Concepts, Object Oriented Programming Linear Data Structures, Strings and Arrays Algorithm Complexity and analysis Recursion, Sorting, Searching Algorithms N-dimensional vectors and spaces. Stacks, Queues, Deques, Priority Queues Simple Linked Lists, Doubly-linked Lists Binary trees Text and binary files Page 28 of 58

29 Human Computer Interaction Semester 3 UE 31 Contact Hours: Total 60 h Credits: 5 The purpose of this module is to create an awareness and explain the importance of user interface design in information Students will have a knowledge and understanding of the differences between users and designers, the perceptual, cognitive and physical limitations of users, the consequences of poorly designed systems interfaces, the limitations of input and output devices, the use of text, forms, menus, and graphics in interactive systems and the role of interface design in the systems engineering. Software Engineering Contents: Introduction, Interaction, Conceptual models, metaphors, paradigms, Stages of action Characteristics of user interfaces, Graphical and web, Web usability Interaction design, Interfaces and their effect on users Humans, Users, Memory, Collaboration, communication mechanisms Business Function analysis, Data gathering techniques Principles of good screen design, web interfaces Menu design and navigation schemes, Windows IO devices, screen controls, Dialog design Icons, Graphics, Feedback, guidance and assistance Colours, Interface Evaluation, Ergonomics, RSI Page 29 of 58

30 Semester 3 UE 31 Contact Hours: Content: Database Manipulation 45 h Total 75 h Credits: 5 Database Design This module will provide students with knowledge in principles and techniques of relational database management software. The student will also learn to use Structured Query Language (SQL) to create, access, retrieve data and maintain a database. SQL Basics: DDL, DML statements, data types Create and maintain databases Implement data integrity constraints Plan and create indexes Querying tables: Simple queries and multi-table queries : inner and outer joins. Summary Queries, aggregate functions Use advanced query techniques Implement Views SQL security Transaction Processing Use Stored Procedures and functions; Implement Triggers Page 30 of 58

31 Software Engineering Semester 3 UE 31 Contact Hours: Contents: Total 45 h Credits: 3 To introduce the methodologies involved in the development and maintenance of software (i.e.) over its entire life cycle using UML as the modelling technique. None Software, Software Engineering, Introduction, Problems, future Classical Software development Life Cycle Systems analysis, Data Gathering Methods, Prototyping, Specification of Requirements Requirements analysis, feasibility study, Use Case Modelling Systems design concepts and principles, Functional modelling, Functional specification, Class Modelling, Dynamic Modelling Architectural, and interface design Implementation, Coding, Installation, Exploitation Software Testing, Conversion, Training Software Maintenance CASE Tools, Project Management, Other life cycles Page 31 of 58

32 Semester 3 UE 32 Contact Hours: Content: Probability and Statistics Total 60 h Credits: 4 None After completing this module students should be able to understand and recall the basic definitions of probability and statistics, manipulate probabilities in practical situations, derive the mean and variance of a variety of random variables, carry out a significance test and construct a confidence interval and understand the Central Limit Theorem and apply it to problems. Students are also expected to become proficient in the use of statistical software. Basic Probability Discrete Distributions Continuous Distributions Statistics Estimation Theory Hypothesis Testing Simple Linear Correlation and Regression Introduction to statistical software. Page 32 of 58

33 Semester 3 UE 32 Contact Hours: Content: Report Writing Total 45 h Credits: 3 Basic Writing Skills This module provides students with the basic principles for writing project and schematic reports. Using the techniques of questionnaire design learnt in the Oral Communication Module, students will design the questionnaire to obtain information for writing the assigned Project Report. They will analyse and organise data, and prepare appropriate the effective visual aids. Basic Principles Of Report Writing o Describe the functions of different types of reports encountered in the business world o Identify the readership o Identify the purpose of the report Write the various sections of a report: o Prefatory part o Report Body o Supplemental Parts Conduct survey o Questionnaire design o Tally Sheet Survey Page 33 of 58

34 Semester 3 UE 32 Contact Hours: Content: Aspects de la Communication 45 h Total 45 h Credits: 3 Réussite dans le module de français du semestre précédent Permettre aux étudiant(e)s d appréhender les différents modes d expression et de communication : particulièrement dans les domaines des arts et des médias. Etude des notions suivantes entre autres : L histoire et les différents types d écriture Analyse de l image et de la peinture Analyse d un journal (radiophonique, télévisé, presse écrite) Synthèse des documents Assessment Les étudiant(e)s seront noté(e)s sur les travaux écrits et / ou oraux. Pour le bon déroulement des cours de français, qui demandent une participation active des étudiant(e)s (discussions, travaux dirigés, présentations, jeux de rôle entre autres), la présence est obligatoire. Page 34 of 58


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