Traduction en Français Infinitif Prétérit Participe Passé demeurer, abide abode abode. (se) réveiller, awake awoke awoken. être, be was / were been

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1 En anglais, il est important de connaitre les verbes irréguliers pour éviter les pièges de la co njugaison anglaise et avoir un vocabulaire plus riche. Traduction en Français Infinitif Prétérit Participe Passé demeurer, abide abode abode (se) réveiller, awake awoke awoken être, be was / were been Porter, supporter, bear bore borne battre, beat beat beaten devenir, become became become engendrer, beget begat begotten commencer, begin began begun se courber, bend bent bent déposséder, priver, bereave bereft bereft supplier, beseech besought besought parier, bet bet bet ordonner, bid bad bidden lier, bind bound bound mordre, bite bit biten saigner, bleed bled bled souffler, blow blew blown casser, break broke broken élever, breed bred bred 1 / 8

2 apporter, bring brought brought construire, build built built brûler, burn burnt burnt éclater, burst burst burst acheter, buy bought bought jeter, cast cast cast attraper, catch caught caught gronder, réprimander, chide chid chidden choisir, choose chose chosen fendre, coller, cleave cleft cleft se cramponner, cling clung clung venir, come came come coûter, cost cost cost ramper, se glisser, creep crept crept chanter, jubiler crow crew crowed couper, cut cut cut distribuer, traiter, deal dealt dealt bêcher, dig dug dug faire, do did done tirer, dessiner, draw drewn drawn rêver, dream dreamt dreamt boire, drink drank drunk conduire, drive drove driven 2 / 8

3 habiter, rester, dwelld dwelt dwelt manger, eat ate eaten tomber, fall fell fallen nourrir, feed fed fed (se) sentir, feel felt felt combattre, fight fought fought trouver, find found found fuir, flee fled fled jeter, fling flung flung voler, fly flew flown interdire, forbid forbad forbidden oublier, forget forgot forgotten pardonner, forgive forgave forgiven abandonner, forsake forsook forsaken geler, freeze froze frozen obtenir, get got got ceindre, gird girt girt donner, give gave given aller, go went gone broyer, moudre, grind ground ground cultiver, pousser, grow grew grown pendre, hang hung hung avoir, have had had 3 / 8

4 entendre, hear heard heard lever, heave hove hove couper, tailler, hew hewed hewn (se) cacher, hide hid hidden frapper, hit hit hit tenir, hold held held nuire, hurt hurt hurt garder, keep kept kept s'agenouiller, kneel knelt knelt tricoter, knit knit knit savoir, connaître, know knew known étendre, coucher, lay laid laid mener, lead led led pencher, lean leant leant sauter, bondir, leap leapt leapt apprendre, learn learnt learnt quitter, laisser, leave left left prêter, lend lent lent laisser, louer, let let let reposer, lie lay lain allumer, light lit lit perdre, lose lost lost faire, make made made 4 / 8

5 vouloir dire, signifier, mean meant meant rencontrer, meet met met faucher, tondre, mow mowed mown payer, pay paid paid prouver, prove proved preoven mettre, put put put quitter, abandonner, quit quit quit lire, read read read déchirer, rend rent rent se débarrasser, rid rid ridden monter, ride rode ridden sonner, résonner, ring rang rung se lever, rise rose risen courir, run ran run scier, saw sawed sawn dire, say said said voir, see saw seen chercher, seek sought sought vendre, sell sold sold envoyer, send sent sent mettre, set set set coudre, sew sewed sewn secouer, shake shook shaken 5 / 8

6 tondre, shear sheared shorn perdre, shed shed shed briller, shine shone shone chausser, shoe shod shod tirer, shoot shot shot montrer, show showed shown (se) contracter, (se) rétrécir, shrink shrank shrunk absoudre, shrive shrove shriven fermer, shut shut shut chanter, sing sang sung enfoncer, couler, sink sank sunk s'asseoir, sit sat sat tuer, slay slew slain dormir, sleep slept slept glisser, slide slid slid lancer, sling slung slung aller furtivement, slink slunk slunk (se) fendre, slit slit slit sentir, flairer, smell smelt smelt frapper, vaincre, smite smote smitten semer, sow sowed sown parler, speak spoke spoken se presser, speed sped sped 6 / 8

7 épeler, orthographier, spell spelt spelt dépenser, spend spent spent (se) renverser, (se) répandre, spill spilt spilt faire tourner, filer, spin span spun cracher, spit spat spat (se) fendre, split split split abîmer, gâter, spoil spoilt spoilt étendre, spread spread spread bondir, spring sprang sprung être debout, stand stood stood défoncer, crever, stave stove stove voler, steal stole stolen coller, stick stuck stuck piquer, brûler, sting stung stung puer, stink stank stunk semer, joncher, strew strew strewn marcher à grands pas, stride strode stridden frapper, se mettre en grève, strike struck struck ficeler, string strung strung s'efforcer, strive strove striven jurer, swear swore swom balayer, sweep swept swept gonfler, swell swelled swollen 7 / 8

8 nager, swim swam swum balancer, swing swung swung prendre, take took taken enseigner, teach taught taught déchirer, tear tore torn raconter, tell told told penser, think thought thought prospérer, thrive throven thriven jeter, throw threw thrown pousser, thrust thrust thrust piétiner, fouler, marcher, tread trod trodden comprendre understand understood understood (se) réveiller, wake woke woken porter, user, wear wore worn tisser, tresser, tituber, weave wove woven épouser, marier, wed wed wed pleurer, weep wept wept mouiller, wet wet wet gagner, win won won remonter, wind wound wound tordre, wring wrung wrung écrire, write wrote written 8 / 8

Littérature étrangère en Anglais

Littérature étrangère en Anglais Littérature étrangère en Anglais Première Annexes Rédaction : Chantelle de Lisle Coordination : Claude Quiniou Ce cours est la propriété du Cned. Les images et textes intégrés à ce cours sont la propriété

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PRESENT SIMPLE PRESENT PROGRESSIF PRESENT SIMPLE PRESENT PROGRESSIF 1 Exercice 1 : Conjuguez les verbes suivants au présent simple et au Verbe Pronom Présent simple Présent Progressif Exemple : To fall They fall They are falling To think

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part de mon expérience.

part de mon expérience. Viviane JEAN, professeur d anglais TZR (2009) Niveau: A2/A2+ Programme: 4 ème Activité langagière: Production Orale en Interaction Scénario: Je discute avec un camarade de ses projets de vacances et lui

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Step 1 = Let s take an audio tour of New-York City (open your book p. 40-41) n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

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