Schools on the Move Les écoles en action LIGHTHOUSE PROGRAM PROGRAMME PHARE

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3 Schools on the Move Les écoles en action LIGHTHOUSE PROGRAM PROGRAMME PHARE 2007

4 Table of Contents Table des matières Message, Dr Avis E. Glaze Introduction Phase 1 Schools on the Move: Moving into the Future Les écoles en action Phase 1 Dans la voie du succès Phase 2 Schools on the Move: School Profiles Les écoles en action Phase 2 Profils Adrienne Clarkson Elementary School Ottawa-Carleton District School Board Arthur Ford Public School Thames Valley District School Board Beverly Central School Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board Blessed Margherita of Citta Castello Toronto Catholic District School Board Centennial Middle School Halton District School Board Copper Cliff Public School Rainbow District School Board Dorset Drive Public School Peel District School Board École élémentaire catholique Georges-Étienne-Cartier Conseil scolaire de district catholique Centre-Sud École élémentaire catholique Sainte-Félicité Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l Est ontarien École élémentaire Pierre-Elliott-Trudeau Conseil scolaire de district du Centre-Sud-Ouest École élémentaire publique Madeleine-de-Roybon Conseil des écoles publiques de l Est de l Ontario École élémentaire Ste-Anne Conseil scolaire catholique Franco-Nord École publique Jean-Éthier-Blais Conseil scolaire public du Grand Nord de l Ontario F. H. Huffman Public School Rainy River District School Board Fitch Street Primary School District School Board of Niagara Greenwood Public School Algoma District School Board Highland Public School Waterloo Region District School Board Holy Cross Catholic Elementary School Thunder Bay Catholic District School Board Janet Lee Public School Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board Schools on the Move: Lighthouse Program Les écoles en action : programme phare

5 Levi Creek Public School Peel District School Board Maryborough Public School Upper Grand District School Board Oak Ridges Public School York Region District School Board Oakwood Public School Halton District School Board Our Lady of Victory Catholic Elementary School Niagara Catholic District School Board Pierre Laporte Middle School Toronto District School Board Pope John Paul II Catholic Elementary School Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board Randall Public School York Region District School Board Sacred Heart Separate School Huron-Superior Catholic District School Board St. Andrew Catholic School Halton Catholic District School Board St. Helen Catholic School Toronto Catholic District School Board St. Joachim Catholic School Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board St. John s Catholic Elementary School Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario St. Mark School Halton Catholic District School Board St. Matthew Catholic School Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board St. Michael Catholic School St. Clair District School Board St. Nicholas Catholic Elementary School Waterloo Catholic District School Board St. Paul s Catholic Elementary School Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Catholic District School Board St. Theresa School Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board St. Thomas More Catholic School Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board St. Vincent Euphrasia Elementary School Bluewater District School Board Sunderland Public School Durham District School Board Victoria Park Elementary School Toronto District School Board What Can We Learn from Schools on the Move? Quelles leçons pouvons-nous tirer des écoles en action? Staying the Course Maintenir le cap Schools on the Move: Lighthouse Program Les écoles en action : programme phare

6 Message Over the last three years, the Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat has implemented a number of initiatives to raise student achievement in Ontario schools. The work continues to be energized by its moral purpose that of providing the best possible education for students and enhancing their life chances. When we established The Secretariat, we hired a skilled and dedicated team of curriculum and instructional leaders to work with teachers, principals, and supervisory officers to improve our publicly funded education system. As a team, we focused on creating a work culture that pays attention to the human side of the enterprise. We stressed high expectations in a learning culture characterized by innovation and creativity. We reached out to our many stakeholders and focused on results through capacity building and strategy implementation. The initial task was to establish credibility in the field and work collaboratively with school districts to set ambitious targets, support board-identified projects, build capacity, and engender a sense of urgency to improve student achievement. In our first year, we affirmed successes in Ontario schools, built good will, and eschewed a one size fits all philosophy in our efforts to validate and affirm local needs and conditions. We acknowledged strengths while identifying areas for growth and professional development. We said that business as usual would not bring about the results we wanted to achieve collaboratively. In the next year, we streamlined our approach. We supported initiatives within a narrower band of strategies and reinforced our commitment to research, evidence-based inquiry, and data-informed decision making. Our primary focus was on capacity building and equity of outcome, highlighting the need to raise the bar for student achievement and focusing on strategies to close the achievement gap. We are now moving forward, with greater precision to sharpen our focus. In this phase of our work, student achievement data are being used extensively to focus effort on underachieving schools and boards. Using such initiatives as Schools on the Move, The Secretariat has shared successful practices across and within districts. We have ensured that regional, board, and school implementation teams are in place. Monitoring progress and capacity building continues to be a priority. Au cours des trois dernières années, le Secrétariat de la littératie et de la numératie a mis en œuvre plusieurs initiatives clés dans le but d améliorer le rendement des élèves dans les écoles de l Ontario. Le dynamisme constant de notre travail est principalement attribuable à l objectif éminemment moral que nous nous sommes fixé fournir aux élèves le meilleur enseignement qui soit et ainsi améliorer leurs perspectives d avenir. Lors de la formation du Secrétariat, une équipe de leaders émérites et dévoués du domaine du curriculum et de la pédagogie ont été rassemblés afin de travailler avec les personnels enseignants, les directions d école et les surintendances dans le but d améliorer notre système scolaire financé par les fonds publics. En tant qu équipe, nous avons ciblé nos efforts pour créer une culture de travail positive ayant des attentes élevées et sensible à la dimension humaine de l entreprise. Nous avons insisté sur des attentes élevées dans le cadre d une culture d apprentissage qui se démarque par l innovation et la créativité. Nous avons rejoint nos nombreux intervenants et cultivé une orientation fortement axée sur les résultats, une attention concentrée sur l accroissement des capacités et de la mise en œuvre de stratégies. La tâche initiale des agentes et agents du rendement des élèves du Secrétariat était d établir un climat de crédibilité dans le domaine et de collaborer avec les conseils scolaires pour établir des objectifs ambitieux, appuyer les projets développés par les conseils, encourager l accroissement des capacités et mettre en évidence le caractère d urgence entourant l amélioration du rendement des élèves. Au cours de notre première année, nous avons affirmé les réussites des écoles de l Ontario, renforcé l esprit de bonne volonté et avons évité la mise en pratique d une philosophie unique dans le cadre des efforts que nous avons investis afin de valider et d affirmer les besoins et les conditions spécifiques de chaque région. Nous avons identifié les points forts et cerné les domaines de croissance et de développement professionnel. Nous avons affirmé que le maintien de l approche habituelle n entraînerait pas les résultats que nous souhaitions atteindre collectivement. Au cours de l année suivante, nous avons simplifié notre approche. Nous avons appuyé des initiatives couvrant un spectre plus étroit de stratégies et avons renforcé notre engagement envers la recherche, l analyse basée sur des preuves et la prise de décisions fondées sur des données probantes. Au cours de cette deuxième phase, nous avons décidé d accorder la priorité à l accroissement des capacités et à l équité des résultats; nous avons également souligné l importance de hausser la barre du rendement des élèves et de cibler nos efforts sur des stratégies visant à réduire l écart de rendement. Nous poursuivons maintenant notre travail avec plus de précision et d intentionnalité afin de mieux cibler nos efforts. Au cours de cette phase de notre travail, les données relatives au rendement des élèves ont été largement utilisées afin de mieux cibler nos efforts envers les écoles et les conseils sous-performants. C est au moyen d initiatives telles que Les écoles en action que le Secrétariat a réussi à partager 4 Schools on the Move: Lighthouse Program Les écoles en action : programme phare

7 Schools on the Move are a catalyst in demonstrating that high levels of achievement are possible. With your assistance, we will redouble our efforts to create an even more supportive climate to increase capacity for goal achievement. We are confident that together we will achieve our goal with a focus on innovation, capacity building, greater precision, and high-yield, research-informed strategies. We thank everyone who works in our schools, and salute those in our Schools on the Move program. You are making a difference. Let s stay the course. Dr. Avis E. Glaze is the Chief Student Achievement Officer of Ontario and CEO, The Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat. les pratiques réussies au sein des conseils scolaires et entre ceux-ci. Nous avons veillé à mettre en place des équipes de mise en œuvre dans les régions, les conseils et les écoles. La surveillance des progrès réalisés et l accroissement des capacités demeurent une priorité. Les écoles en action agissent en tant qu élément catalyseur et démontrent qu il est possible d atteindre des niveaux de rendement élevés. Avec votre appui, nous redoublerons nos efforts afin de créer un climat propice pour accroître les capacités qui nous aideront à atteindre notre objectif. Nous sommes confiants qu ensemble nous réussirons à atteindre notre objectif en ciblant notre attention sur l innovation, l accroissement des capacités, plus de précision ainsi que sur les stratégies à rendement élevé fondées sur la recherche. Nous remercions toutes les intervenantes et tous les intervenants qui travaillent dans nos écoles et saluons particulièrement tous les participants du programme Les écoles en action. Vous faites une différence. Maintenons le cap. Dr Avis E. Glaze Directrice générale du rendement des élèves de l Ontario et Directrice générale du Secrétariat de la littératie et de la numératie Schools on the Move: Lighthouse Program Les écoles en action : programme phare 5

8 Introduction Schools on the Move: Lighthouse Program, an initiative of Ontario s Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat, was launched in 2006 to celebrate and connect schools that are making significant and sustained progress in student achievement. The central idea of the program is schools learning from other schools. In the first year, 23 Schools on the Move were identified; this year, another 42 have joined the group to engage in lateral capacity building. Reflecting the rich diversity of Ontario, schools are from all parts of the province, from public and Catholic districts, in French- and Englishlanguage systems, and set in all types of communities. This booklet presents brief profiles of each newly recognized school, along with contact details. It also revisits the schools profiled last year, focusing on their goals for moving forward. The profiles will interest all those in Ontario who share a commitment to providing the best possible learning environment for all students support staff, teachers, principals, parents, trustees, supervisory officers, and directors of education as well as the broader community. What is a School on the Move? Schools on the Move are exciting places for children and teachers, not just because everyone is learning but also because staff members understand and can describe the practices and strategies that make a difference to their learning as well as to their students learning. Criteria Demonstrated improvement in EQAO scores in reading, writing, and mathematics in both Grades 3 and 6 Ability of staff to articulate the strategies used to improve student achievement Ability of staff to provide classroom evidence of student achievement growth Strategies supported by research evidence Schools on the Move are schools where improvement in student learning is substantial and sustained, and where principals and teachers are using sound, evidence-based strategies for making sure that all students learn. Schools on the Move demonstrate improvement in EQAO scores in reading, writing, and mathematics in both Grades 3 and 6, with some schools achieving impressively large gains. Student Achievement Officers from The Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat visited every school to meet with administrators and teachers who described the strategies they used to achieve improvements in learning. These strategies Le lancement de l initiative Les écoles en action : programme phare du Secrétariat de la littératie et de la numératie de l Ontario a été effectué en 2006 dans le but d honorer et de relier les écoles qui ont réalisé des progrès significatifs et soutenus au chapitre du rendement des élèves. L idée centrale du programme est «des écoles apprenant d autres écoles». Au cours de la première année, 23 écoles en action ont été choisies; cette année 42 écoles se sont jointes au groupe afin de contribuer à l accroissement latéral des capacités. Ces écoles sont situées aux quatre coins de la province et reflètent la riche diversité de l Ontario; elles font partie de conseils scolaires publics et de conseils scolaires catholiques de langue française et de langue anglaise et sont établies dans des communautés diverses. La présente brochure dresse un bref profil de chacune des écoles nouvellement identifiées et fournit leurs coordonnées. Elle inclut également les objectifs devant encourager la progression des écoles dont le profil a été établi l année dernière. Ces profils sauront intéresser toutes les intervenantes et les intervenants de l Ontario qui partagent le même engagement à fournir le meilleur environnement d apprentissage qui soit à tous les élèves le personnel enseignant, les directions d écoles, les parents, les conseillères et les conseillers scolaires, les agentes et les agents de supervision, les directions de l éducation ainsi que l ensemble de la communauté. Critères Améliorations manifestes des résultats aux évaluations de l OQRE de 3 e et 6 e années en lecture, en écriture et en mathématiques Habileté éprouvée du personnel à articuler les stratégies qui ont été utilisées pour améliorer le rendement des élèves Habileté éprouvée du personnel de démontrer une amélioration du rendement des élèves dans le contexte de la salle de classe Stratégies basées sur la recherche Qu est-ce qu une école en action? Les écoles en action offrent des milieux stimulants aux enfants et au personnel enseignant non seulement parce que tout le monde y apprend mais aussi parce que les membres du personnel comprennent et savent décrire les pratiques et les stratégies qui font une différence dans leur apprentissage ainsi que dans l apprentissage de leurs élèves. Les écoles en action sont des milieux où sont réalisées des améliorations importantes et continues dans le domaine de l apprentissage des élèves, et où les directions d école et les membres du personnel enseignant utilisent des stratégies éclairées et basées sur la recherche dans le but d assurer l apprentissage de tous les élèves. Les écoles en action ont amélioré leurs résultats aux évaluations de l OQRE de 3 e et 6 e années en lecture, en écriture et en mathématiques et certaines d entre elles ont même réussi à obtenir de remarquables résultats. Les agentes et les agents du rendement des élèves ont rencontré les administrations et le personnel enseignant de chaque école afin de connaître les stratégies qu ils ont utilisé pour améliorer l apprentissage. 6 Schools on the Move: Lighthouse Program Les écoles en action : programme phare

9 were supported by research evidence from Ontario and beyond, although the details of implementation were always shaped by the context of each school. What s involved for the Schools on the Move? The Schools on the Move profiled in this booklet join their counterparts in a powerful network across the province launched at the first annual Schools on the Move Forum in In this year s forum, 450 educators, including superintendents, principals, and teachers, from both Phase 1 and Phase 2 schools, met on June 4 and 5, Phase 1 schools shared lessons learned. All Schools on the Move teams began identifying and communicating effective strategies for outreach and networking. The intention is that schools in the network will connect with each other and with other schools, sharing successful practices and continuing the learning journey. Schools on the Move reach out in a variety of ways both to nurture existing relationships (within families of schools) and to cultivate new ones. Along with presenting at conferences and gatherings of educators, they welcome school teams, anticipating that both hosts and visitors will learn from the experience. School Profiles The purpose of the Schools on the Move booklet is to provide information that might help school teams see a meaningful connection to their focus and work. All the profiles follow the same format, with student art bringing alive the two pages devoted to each school. An introduction to the school and its community context is followed by the approach and philosophy of the school, as articulated by staff, parents, and students. A report on EQAO scores gives an indication of the improvement achieved by the school from to The section on raising the bar and closing the gap gives more detail on the strategies used to raise achievement, particularly for groups who are not learning as well as their peers. Each school indicates what they can share with other schools, what they hope to learn from others, and finally, their ideas for moving into the future. An invitation Schools on the Move represent the many schools in Ontario with the qualities described in this booklet. Ideally, the stories recounted here will inspire readers to reflect on their own school communities and to join the momentum in Ontario schools to improve student learning. Ces stratégies étaient basées sur des données probantes recueillies en Ontario ainsi qu à l extérieur de la province; les détails de la mise en œuvre étaient toutefois adaptés au contexte individuel de chaque école. Quelles sont les implications pour les écoles en action? Les écoles en action dont les profils figurent dans cette brochure viennent se joindre à leurs homologues d un puissant réseau à l échelle de la province qui a été lancé lors du premier colloque annuel des écoles en action en Quatre cent cinquante pédagogues incluant des surintendances, des directions d école ainsi que des membres du personnel enseignant des écoles de la Phase 1 et 2, se sont rencontrés dans le cadre du colloque de cette année qui s est déroulé les 4 et 5 juin. Les écoles de la Phase 1 ont partagé les leçons qu elles ont apprises. Toutes les équipes des écoles en action ont commencé à identifier et à communiquer les stratégies efficaces pour la sensibilisation et le réseautage. Les écoles du réseau cherchent à établir des liens entre elles et avec les autres écoles, à partager leurs pratiques réussies et à poursuivre leur cheminement d apprentissage. Les écoles en action s emploient par diverses façons à soutenir les relations déjà existantes (au sein des familles d écoles) et à en créer de nouvelles. En plus de donner des présentations lors de colloques et de rencontres entre les pédagogues, elles accueillent les équipes des autres écoles et offrent ainsi l opportunité aux intervenantes et aux intervenants des deux écoles de tirer profit de leur expérience. Profils des écoles L objectif de la brochure Les écoles en action 2007 est de fournir de l information en mesure d aider les équipes d écoles à déceler des liens significatifs entre leurs objectifs et leurs efforts. Les dessins des élèves égayent les deux pages dédiées à chaque école et tous les profils suivent le même modèle. La présentation de l école ainsi que celle de son contexte communautaire est suivie de l approche et de la philosophie de l école, tel qu énoncées par le personnel, les parents et les élèves. Un rapport détaillant les résultats que l école a obtenu aux évaluations de l OQRE présente les améliorations qu elle a réalisées de à La section relatives aux méthodes visant à hausser la barre et à réduire l écart de rendement fournit des détails supplémentaires relatifs aux stratégies que les administrations d école et les enseignants ont utilisées pour améliorer le rendement et, tout particulièrement, pour accroître l apprentissage des groupes d enfants qui ne sont pas en mesure d apprendre aussi bien que leurs pairs. Chacune des écoles présente ce qu elle a appris, ce qu elle s attend à apprendre des autres et ses idées en ce qui a trait à l avenir. Une invitation Les écoles en action représentent les nombreuses écoles de l Ontario qui possèdent les caractéristiques décrites dans cette brochure. Il est à espérer que les anecdotes relatées dans cette brochure réussiront à encourager les lecteurs à réfléchir au sujet de leurs propres communautés d écoles et qu elles les inciteront à contribuer à l élan que connaissent les écoles de l Ontario afin d améliorer le rendement des élèves. Schools on the Move: Lighthouse Program Les écoles en action : programme phare 7

10 Phase 1 Schools on the Move Moving into the Future Les écoles en action Phase 1 Dans la voie du succès The Schools on the Move initiative was launched in 2006, with 20 plus Phase 1 schools. These schools were profiled in a booklet published last year ( Below is a thumbnail sketch of their goals for continuing improvement and updated contact information. Arthur Public School Arthur, Ontario Upper Grand District School Board Principal: Rhonda Gingrich Phone: Postal Code: N0G 1A0 Moving into the Future Further the understanding and use of common assessments within divisions throughout the school to inform instruction for student success Continue to foster a climate of parental and community engagement focusing on literacy and numeracy improvement Extend the PLC approach with a focus on differentiated instruction Continue to refine and expand the use of data walls Cardinal Newman Catholic Elementary School Brampton, Ontario Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board Principal: Fred Albi Phone: Postal Code: L6T 1X1 Don Mills Middle School North York, Ontario Toronto District School Board Principal: Doug Loosemore Phone: Moving into the Future Partner with new Schools on the Move in Dufferin-Peel Catholic to develop a framework for sharing promising instructional practices Continue to focus on using data to drive instruction Provide time for teachers to plan together Continue to partner with the neighbouring schools that have visited our school Partner teachers from the same grade levels to study and work together Postal Code: M3C 1X6 Moving into the Future Continue to strive for excellence for all of our students and demonstrate our firm belief that we have a shared responsibility for student learning Continue school focus on data tracking and interpretation of results to guide teaching Continue to explore and develop ways to use available data to make a difference for at-risk students Continue to expand and strengthen the library program Further the collaborative partnerships with the teacher-librarians and classroom teachers in order to improve instruction on developing students research skills Work as grade teams to outline strategies that target at-risk students 8 Schools on the Move: Lighthouse Program Les écoles en action : programme phare

11 École élémentaire catholique St-Denis Sudbury Ontario Conseil scolaire catholique du Nouvel-Ontario PERSONNE CONTACT Directeur : Paul E. Henry Téléphone : Courriel : Code postal : P3E 1S3 Georges Vanier Catholic School Kanata, Ontario Ottawa-Carleton Catholic District School Board Principal: Marcia Lynch Phone: Moving into the Future Alimenter le site web de l école sous la rubrique «école en action» en y rajoutant des pratiques réussies des enseignants en matière de littératie et numératie Poursuite de notre recherche en action (année 2) en ce qui comporte le projet «la technologie et les cercles de lecture» (étude comparative entre les garçons et les filles en matière de lecture) Nouvelle initiative et partenariat entre une agence locale, l école et le département de EED en matière de conceptualiser des ressources en littératie (banque de ressources, textes écrits, etc...) en lien avec le langage d amitié pour des élèves ayant des besoins particuliers ou des élèves à risque Poursuivre l initiative d implanter la trousse GB+ dans la majorité de nos salles de classe Postal Code: K2K 1G5 Moving into the Future Develop a mathematical literacy plan focusing on teaching and learning through problem solving Continue to support teacher learning by providing opportunities for teachers to meet, share, discuss, and refine successful teaching practices Develop an early literacy intervention plan for at-risk students involving community and staff Grey Owl Junior Public School Scarborough, Ontario Toronto District School Board Principal: Liz Holder Phone: Postal Code: M1B 1M4 Moving into the Future Continue to strive for excellence for all staff and students Expand our professional learning community and refine our use of data to focus on appropriate interventions for all students Demonstrate our firm belief that we have a shared responsibility for student learning Schools on the Move: Lighthouse Program Les écoles en action : programme phare 9

12 Phase 1 Schools on the Move Moving into the Future Les écoles en action Phase 1 Dans la voie du succès H.J. Alexander Community School York, Ontario Toronto District School Board Principal: Tony Ricchetti Phone: Postal Code: M9N 1K9 Moving into the Future Continue to provide students with diverse opportunities to become independent lifelong learners and global citizens Utilize common assessment tools to track student growth, plan focused instruction, and provide interventions Use information technology to enhance and differentiate student learning Holy Cross Catholic School Kemptville, Ontario Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario Principal: David Guertin Phone: Postal Code: K0G 1J0 Moving into the Future Provide the best learning environment for our special needs students through the use of assistive technology Utilize a variety of student achievement data represented on data walls and engage in professional discussion and study to raise student achievement Continue to learn research-based strategies, practise them, and evaluate them through our PLCs Prioritize the strategic development of relationships with our Early Years parents to better ensure a successful transition for their children from home to school 10 Schools on the Move: Lighthouse Program Les écoles en action : programme phare

13 Holy Family Separate School Alliston, Ontario Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board Principal: Patricia Campbell Phone: Postal Code: L9R 1B9 Moving into the Future Through intensive study of the Traits of Writing, drive instruction in writing across all divisions Develop a common vocabulary for teaching and assessing Use established criteria to promote student self-evaluation and to validate ongoing teacher assessment Celebrate writing in our classrooms on a daily basis Continue focus on constructing well-organized and detailed paragraphs and emphasize the use of graphic organizers Use assessment results to set goals, inform our instructional practice, and evaluate the effectiveness of the changes we make Fully implement our math program materials throughout all divisions with a continued emphasis on providing uninterrupted math learning blocks John Ross Robertson Public School Toronto, Ontario Toronto District School Board Principal: Lyn Gaetz Phone: Postal Code: M4R 1P2 Moving into the Future Provide ongoing opportunities for teachers to observe, study, plan, and learn together in our school, across the family of schools, and at board and ministry events Improve our practice of using data to identify struggling learners and develop effective supports to improve their achievement Support integration of guided reading across the curriculum by purchasing leveled texts for our book rooms and non-fiction literacy materials (e.g., science, social studies, math) Engage our parent volunteers in learning about current literacy practices in order that their time and skills can be used effectively to improve student achievement Schools on the Move: Lighthouse Program Les écoles en action : programme phare 11

14 Phase 1 Schools on the Move Moving into the Future Les écoles en action Phase 1 Dans la voie du succès Lakewood Public School Kenora, Ontario Keewatin-Patricia District School Board Principal: Joan Kantola Phone: Postal Code: P9N 3Y5 Moving into the Future Address the unique needs of our Aboriginal students and honour the Aboriginal culture within our school community Ensure equitable access to curriculum outcomes to close the gap for all students Track student achievement from a variety of data sources to increase student achievement in literacy and numeracy Lancaster Public School Mississauga, Ontario Peel District School Board Principal: Marlyne King Phone: Postal Code: L4T 2N7 Moving into the Future Utilize data as a tool to identify specific needs of students and study together to plan differentiated instruction that will address their areas of weakness and strength Collaboratively establish common language and frameworks to create alignment in the writing processes we use across the grades Increase participation and awareness of the healthy lunch program with a focus on primary students Continue to develop and establish partnerships to further engage and support our community Maple Creek Public School Maple, Ontario York Region District School Board Principal: Paul Valle Phone: Postal Code: L6A 2J8 Moving into the Future Use data to address targeted at-risk student needs as identified through a variety of authentic literacy assessments Engage in professional dialogue to build a common understanding of assessment for learning with a focus on improving reading comprehension Fully implement a case management approach for a sample number of high-needs students 12 Schools on the Move: Lighthouse Program Les écoles en action : programme phare

15 Mountsfield Public School London, Ontario Thames Valley District School Board Principal: Janice Beckett Phone: or Postal Code: N6C 2S4 Moving into the Future Continue a school-wide literacy focus with a specific emphasis on writing across all divisions Create a literacy room which will contain reading and writing materials such as leveled guided reading texts, big books, shared reading posters, and professional resources about the reading/writing processes Develop a data collection and presentation system to visually display student progress and achievement in reading Access technology resources, including computer technology, Smart boards, and writing programs to engage and motivate students and enhance their achievement in literacy and numeracy Parkland Public School Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario Algoma District School Board Principal: JoAnn McKenzie Phone: Postal Code: P6A 5G1 Moving into the Future Share our practices for teaching writing by collaboratively creating a DVD and an accompanying package of resources, strategies, and ideas Continue our work with a partner school to share promising practices to improve oral language Begin a collaborative action research project focusing on comprehension strategies: connecting, questioning, and making inferences Expand our professional learning communities through book study, renewed focus on comprehension strategies, and using data to evaluate effectiveness Schools on the Move: Lighthouse Program Les écoles en action : programme phare 13

16 Phase 1 Schools on the Move Moving into the Future Les écoles en action Phase 1 Dans la voie du succès Port Elgin Saugeen Central School Port Elgin, Ontario Bluewater District School Board Principal: Liz MacPherson Phone: ext Postal Code: N0H 2C1 Moving into the Future Refocus our approach to differentiated instruction and flexible groupings within the classroom, considering gender differences Develop common vocabulary, common assessment, and shared program planning in order to align our teaching strategies for improving student achievement in writing Continue to promote rich, authentic, relevant problem-solving strategies using manipulatives and technology in mathematics Give teachers many opportunities to continue their learning Queen Elizabeth Public School Leamington, Ontario Greater Essex County District School Board Principal: Susan Moroz Phone: Postal Code: N8H 2E2 Moving into the Future Focus on explicit instruction on the question/relationship as a reading comprehension strategy, at grade levels 1 8 Work collaboratively to learn to model consistent reading comprehension strategies Explore ways to facilitate professional learning time within the school day Timetable 100 minute learning blocks for literacy in all classrooms JK 8 Collaborate on ways to ensure a balanced literacy approach for all learning Sherwood Mills Public School Mississauga, Ontario Peel District School Board Principal: Susan Stevens Phone: Postal Code: L5V 2B8 Moving into the Future Further develop our curriculum maps for deeper learning, consistency, and alignment Focus on data and analysis of formative assessment to create data walls, set grade level targets, and design instruction and lesson plans Develop in-school structures for professional development Model for all staff the learning skills, assessment techniques, and instructional strategies that have proven successful or that seem promising Provide all students with opportunities to be self-directed learners through portfolio assessment and student-led conferencing 14 Schools on the Move: Lighthouse Program Les écoles en action : programme phare

17 St. James Catholic Elementary Seaforth, Ontario Huron-Perth Catholic District School Board Principal: Joanne Lombardi Phone: Postal Code: N0K 1W0 Moving into the Future Have focused and collaborative connections with other Schools on the Move Use an enquiry approach to strengthen our use of data to inform planning about instructional improvement Integrate technology into the curriculum as a tool for supporting student learning Enhance the partnership with parents in order to deepen their understanding of the St. James learning community St. Martin of Tours Catholic Elementary School Stoney Creek, Ontario Hamilton Wentworth Catholic District School Board Principal: Sandy Pizzuti Phone: Postal Code: L8G 2X5 Moving into the Future Use data to identify the needs of students and develop differentiated instructional strategies to improve literacy and numeracy success across all grades Continue the implementation of junior literacy strategies with continued focus on the reading/writing/word-study blocks Use math manipulatives daily across all grades Implement meaningful, focused literacy and numeracy centres in all primary grades William Berczy Public School Unionville, Ontario York Region District School Board Principal: Clayton LaTouche Phone: Postal Code: L3R 1Z9 Moving into the Future Use data to more sharply identify the critical literacy gaps of our students on the move or learners at-risk and intentionally respond with focused instruction and support in order to move them to raise the bar and close the gap Carefully interpret reading comprehension data from a few sources to drill beneath the surface of a balanced literacy program for the purpose of moving all students forward including moving a greater percentage of students from level 3 to level 4 Schools on the Move: Lighthouse Program Les écoles en action : programme phare 15

18 Phase 2 Schools on the Move Principal: Melanie Buchanan Phone: Postal Code: K2G 6R2 Adrienne Clarkson Elementary School Ottawa, Ontario environments in classrooms. The balanced literacy program emphasizes guided reading, literacy centres in the primary division, and literature circles in the junior division. A literacy coach and a literacy resource room also support the literacy focus. Numeracy initiatives include implementing developmental math in both English and French immersion classes, as well as using math exemplars and manipulatives to support rich investigations and problem solving. About the school Adrienne Clarkson Elementary School is a JK 6 school with approximately 680 students enrolled in either the regular English program or early French immersion. Located in the city of Ottawa, the school has access to play structures and a community rink, and is adjacent to parkland. The student population represents many countries, languages, and cultures and parents are active educational partners. The school emphasizes character education and is active in charitable fundraisers and entrepreneurial ventures such as Earthcare. The rich extracurricular arts program is celebrated at the annual Artrageous Fair. Approach and philosophy Collaboration is a strong feature of professional life at the school. Teachers share their ideas, collaborate in the selection of resources to support curriculum and differentiate teaching strategies in reading, writing, and mathematics. Teachers plan in teams and share coordinated planning time where possible. Professional development, often provided by peers, emphasizes teamwork and the sharing of ideas and expertise. High expectations for student achievement together with consistent standards across grades and divisions ensure a positive school climate where learning comes first. The focus on literacy and numeracy is reflected in the school improvement plan and in print-rich literacy and numeracy Teachers help students build a learning community in the classroom by modeling and encouraging positive interaction. The intent is to create enthusiasm for learning and to facilitate working on team-based tasks. Buddy activities and a variety of extracurricular programs provide additional social opportunities, while a focus on the arts provides creative outlet for all students. Student engagement is fostered through the use of varied instructional strategies, access to interesting resources for both teachers and students, and student-led conferences. Student teachers are used as a valuable resource for student engagement. Parental involvement is encouraged in many ways. Newsletters provide information so that parents can support their child s learning. Curriculum workshops are given to parents who want to better understand the school s expectations for their children. Parents are invited to volunteer and share their areas of expertise. The school sets schedules with both parents and students concerning homework expectations and asks parents to sign student agendas on a daily basis. EQAO scores Three years ago, none of the school s six assessment areas were at the provincial standard. Today, four of the six areas are above provincial standard, with the other two hovering slightly below. For example, in this large school, Grade 3 writing improved from 54 to 77 per cent over the past three years, and Grade 6 reading went from 60 to 77 per cent. Grade 6 writing went from 63 to 82 per cent. 16 Schools on the Move: Lighthouse Program Les écoles en action : programme phare

19 Raising the bar and closing the gap Adrienne Clarkson School Elementary has improved student achievement through joint problem-solving, the use of data, and implementation of carefully chosen instructional strategies. Staff credit weekly school-based team meetings for effective problem-solving and for identifying individual student needs using a tiered approach to special education intervention. Teachers review the previous year s data to understand trends and areas of improvement as well as recognize successes. They use assessment strategies that include a variety of tools, such as PM benchmarks, CASI (Comprehension, Attitude, Strategies and Interests), CAT3 (Canadian Achievement Test, version 3), rubrics, tests, exemplars, and self/peer evaluation. Teachers use exemplars and various questioning techniques to enhance instruction. Examples of student work are displayed to provide modelling and encouragement. Teachers discuss levels of achievement and refer to examples of student work at all grade levels. Debriefing after assignments helps identify areas of progress and needs for improvement. Elements of cooperative learning include: think-pair-share activities, especially when introducing a new concept; peer-partnering seating arrangements; and heterogeneous and homogeneous groupings. Teachers accommodate and modify the program. They differentiate instruction to ensure that all students, including those with special needs, are appropriately challenged and supported. These strategies work together to prompt students to take ownership of their learning. A positive discipline system is used in all classrooms. The role of the district school board... Adrienne Clarkson Elementary School is part of the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board where monthly superintendent meetings are used to review assessment data and share promising practices. All principals and vice-principals have received walk through training, supporting them to work effectively with all staff and to engage with students and staff in classrooms. Many workshops are available for staff and inter-school visits are encouraged. As well, board leadership programs support the development of school leaders. The board provides explicit expectations to all schools with regard to literacy and numeracy. Resources include balanced literacy materials, resource rooms, math program materials, and support for focused professional dialogue using student data to inform teaching practice. What the school has to share with other educators Successful practices for professional development and positive school discipline with a focus on character education Tiered approach to special education Community engagement and involvement Strategies to deepen student thinking What we would like to learn... Promising practices from other Schools on the Move How to successfully share what we know with others Moving into the future Maintain a professional learning community Support a culture of respect and tolerance for all in a safe and healthy environment Collect and analyse a variety of assessment data in order to drive focused instruction to meet the needs of all students Support teachers in programming for individual students who require intensive support Provide professional development opportunities and joint planning time so that staff can share knowledge and skills related to effective literacy and numeracy instruction and assessment Reinforce numeracy by providing in-service workshops and opportunities to work with a math coach in the classroom Schools on the Move: Lighthouse Program Les écoles en action : programme phare 17

20 Phase 2 Schools on the Move Principal: Jane Boate Phone: Postal Code: N6J 2Y4 Arthur Ford Public School London, Ontario a shift in the school culture from a behavioural focus to academic excellence. The school has introduced proactive strategies to make classrooms more interactive and to increase student participation. The school uses incentive programs to recognize academic excellence. To this end, staff members see a shift in their work from shaping student behaviour to invoking responsibility and helping students strive for excellence. About the school Arthur Ford Public School serves approximately 270 students through a K 8 program. The school is situated in a west London community that has experienced changed demographics and increased diversity. Approach and philosophy Professional development is a key to the continuous improvement at Arthur Ford and is a major focus for staff and division meetings. Another key is the daily informal sharing of ideas and dialogue about students. Professional learning and classroom instruction are tailored to meet the needs of students. This translates into a constant questioning of results what s working, what s not, why not, what next. The school nurtures an inclusive atmosphere that respects parents, students, and staff. The administration operates on the principle of distributed leadership and grassroots planning in response to identified challenges and directions. The primary role of the principal is to break the initial inertia around change through providing pressure and support. Resources are aligned with growth plans, while team efforts in all areas emphasize: changes in instructional practice to be more inclusive and interactive and to foster critical thinking; extensive data analysis; increasing student confidence in assessment, with particular emphasis on EQAO; and The staff strongly supports ministry and board initiatives that promise to have a significant impact on teachers growth and their ability to improve literacy and numeracy instruction. As a result of implementing early math training strategies, for example, staff report that teachers and students are excited about and engaged in the mathematics program. EQAO scores... Whereas three years ago, scores in none of the school s Grade 3 assessment areas were above the provincial standard, now scores in all three areas exceed provincial standards. In Grade 6, the school has moved its assessment scores from the 30s and 40s, into the 60s and 70s. Raising the bar and closing the gap Staff members have used a number of strategies to raise the level of student achievement at Arthur Ford. Classroom teachers use visual organizers and other kinds of strategies to assist learning. They team with coaches to improve instruction and implement high-yield strategies. They take a common approach to students and share responsibility for every child in the school. Staff model behaviour for students and provide a positive environment that encourages students to take academic risks. Teachers use a wide range of assessment data to view each student s progress over time and work to engage students in self-assessment. Awards of excellence encourage each child to set and achieve goals and acknowledge improvement. Programs and activities are integrated at all levels. School 18 Schools on the Move: Lighthouse Program Les écoles en action : programme phare

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